Newspaper Page Text
Men's Unparalleled Clothin Feast Our Great MONEY-RAISING SALE IS NOW ON Men's YounMen's SSuit or Overcoat ___ __IN THE STORE j OUR CHOOSING will be from high-grade clothing---Pick the cream of Schloss $ Bros. & Co. New York and Baltimore beautiful prodcuct, also other notable lines of tailor-mades of equal quality and authoritative style, values up to .- - - -"" The greatest movement of Men'sClothing ever inaugurated in thiscity. The Money-RaisingSaleisnow .` on In magnitude of preparation this stupendous Money-Raising event will eclipse our former special sale making. Every resource of this store has been brought intb play, emphasizing the fact that this concern can and does offer clothing values at smaller prices than other stores. Unequaled opportunities for those making purchases early in the day. Men' and Young Men's 9 150 Boys' Two-Piece Suits Men's Coats and Vests Suits and Overcoats, val. Single and Douable Breasted Styles. Black Clay Worsted, all wool, ues to $17.50. Your choice - - . Values to $6.00. Choice - - - *ji Values to $20. Choice - - - N I ft'eakish I Ltiit he re-e'1vty ne a m airvelll of heli lot l i- In orde1' to completely chan r out thi entire line of J.u ne lopkin's boys' hlossi Brs. nl of aill-wol clay and diagonial wo'ted in frock 1lt I" s.tyl --lelt tallor 4'rift tlhan .ou'Ve s n htfPorli. 11 the new suits wi' alke you hiis rsh offer-tl ag t a 1at 4 years and up to style only. T''hese gar~ n t ll ar 14 ll e with the vry hst, zraldes of p .'1 you'll find th. very-daIy business Iemn's styles, of slihit- 1 ear's. .Splenli l patterns in g; ra and brown nixt. a.l; your Imaterials;.siz , fromii 1 4 42-the 41 tyle s v y dare I.y-IIhot 30 t ifit.i n erpld ;,,ey ,.n..; ,c.hoie. .. ..:.. N tInI NINI .( aN I YI D AntiT Y.i oI S I 1'nTs and lies; 0"r.1ho5 11141n 14,: 4 . ... . . TWO I'V i"l y .Men's Iii $ 1y .'hI 1,eed I( l r ,- .lien's Ohdi \l,.dts, vilsi kt s w ct r Ilys' 751e s hit.s. con .lon's Dress shirls, a 31114 it tens and l' t1 .0 and 1.50 Mon's odd pairs $1.10, M.le's $1.0 11loves. $ 50, nelsg" 39c 50 50c $2 .00 $1.00 7ings e .\l,114y1l ii 114i lng 1. h '. ,I .144144l Il ;itisilg $11l o'eah. .\ll sizesl.. ea hl. (h110 1 pattern ' l4. pair. Pr ow; odd pair. To close quick. 1pair'. .oft wool lin ed111. Mloney li iing sl. .oney l' I ising ale,. . Twenty D)ozen. and ends. 1Money liiising Kale. M.oney II atisng Sale. SEND INSTRUCTIONS TO SUPERVISORS FOREST SERVICE TO ELIMINATE LANDS IN KOOTENAI AND SWAN VALLEYS. District Forester W. B1. Greeley and his assistants are buy preparing in structions to bn, sent to tile supler visors of the national forests in Idaho anld the northwestern part of Mon tanna, regarding the attitude recently taken by Secretary Wilson In the mut ter of opening to homestead entry agricultural lands on the forests of that region. A short time ago there appeared In the. state press letters fromn the sec retary to Senator )lixon and Con gresma:n Pray and( from (hief For ester flrl'lord Pinchot to Dr. Morrow, presidenl of the Kallspell ('hamber ol Conmmerce explaining that there are largo relas of land InclrddMl within the ril'nimal forests in FiPa.llad and Lin coll counties, in the Swan river val ley and Its tributaries and In the Kootenal valley. But although these lands are splendid for agricultural purposes, they at present hold large growths of timber. The secretary has ordered that lands which hold not over 4,000 feet of timber to the afl shall be eliminated from the national forests and listed, after which they will be thrown open to homestead entry under the act of June 11, 1900 Lands which contain more than 4,00, feet of timber to the o.ere will be de nuded of their growths as quickly at plosslble by the forest pervice, after which they, too, will be eliminated from the national forests and made subject to homestead entry. iI.ast summer District Forestet Greely and Associate District Forester F. A. Silcox made careful, examlna" tion of the bench and bottom lands in the Kootenal and Swan river val leys, paying special attention to thost lands which showed conclusively thal they consisted unquestionably of goo( agricultural soil. This examinatlor and Investigation was made in con_ neetion with theo hundiary worh; which wals concluded last f111, which \aisI dione for the Intrposll of filndling out whtether or not there aore lands in ciilded within the prI'seni t ho)llnldries cf the national forests which ii1ay ,se ellmintei and set ider fir home ste(ad entry. In accordallnce with lthI letters from' Secretary Wilson, thei silupervisors ar to be instructed in ritegard to th).ir duties in the matter. lainds which conttlin not more than thte reI'til'ed amount of tlimb)er will be IIsted with the secretary of the interior. ThI1 ,other lands, which contain Iimore thian 4,000 feet of timber to the acre, will be iut as siolln as possibleh andl thl tiuiim bor will he dis)poited of hy the fI'orest ser'vie, after whilh they will ail.i he isltedl lnll thriow\in ,l t.. homestead entry. PASTOR AND PEOPLE First Methodist. lEnst llain .teet. ; t.lephlthJine N.. 30i Molirning wiiorship at l1i:3i; msiinle(.t liof morning orm ,Il. "'The lut- litch in Ilv i ir(nt . sf't'Oiii, l'' ii' ii I' ,.v.,iit i tir dividual Owes to lIm unuf' u uvening; worsihip it 7:30. Thisi will Ih, i ser'vice of iisong annriuitit to thi' time anild place. A large cihorilus cho'ir ;a1 11 it men's chorusl will lai'tluiiutc in this servicei. I.i,vet"is of goiil m ti.e will b, iodlllghted intl edift.ied. .nllll ay sc olll ait 12 'ci'i oei. I.N'ovlrth ileag 'l at ii:3 i p. n. The Sunday sciihooil at the liIi ly addition echurch meiiets ait 3 io'lock in the aftiernoon. 'There w\ill ailso Ih :IIi'\a tees In tlis icliiurchii in the evi. ling at 7'3ii. The following i it liprogram oiiir ieelr.t ings foir the week 'utl 'a cY ve 'llilig at R o'clock ti' Suiitindaiy shi l h ardi'i hI.ilis its ionthly ilifi'tlng i 11t i l ihot . i'of Mril'. andit Mrs. ('artler, fi. o$uiith Cl\eveland stroot. ',llilWednesday evniprg pr.cayer meeting It s o'clockl. 'llThlrs day alfternoon at ':30 the Lendl-ia Hand soelet", meets with Mrs1. i. i. Day, 2:1 South Third streei. P'hiny lJe cottage pray'er meetoling will e hehld it the hotlte of Mrls. Itlosiring, I715 South 'lfth strei'et west. in I'i day oveln ii swnc~lal f i te will tie ill loyed In thei Dily addiitio n chulrch. 'lThe MbcAllister Bible class will hold Its w111111 ·o1' 1 rnv'ti sri S IeS J'ou ;ill 3119')l Evening Musical Program. IFgEI II 'EF IF I th iv. " I.'.( l i . I i'IlIFi' N lE lh IE lISlE",I Anllrl Ev ll EEE "1 11. hE lIlf il 'El.. I'l.tE' El l'nls aE,. I :L 1IE Ii·r~ ElII1IY R··. t·i: I, Ihstir. HE~1) l,1 IEFEEE111. FilE 1 'El )J'C .111 1%I. I IE II'rEE.l r". ad eu. l.l'gtl l vlE (IS-,j~ All, NI.E I ).fll Il. Solo, '"I' ntnt"~, i~ 1L' 1lIn M. .JiI1()(, W . N. A , Im i ., Cs ( Ii'. I, "'Itq .. "i . I t .\E.l 'E1 iEFE lh. Ithillch'cI, iii:h .'EEdr.',EE AnEEthntIEE, 'PiiEE h 1'-'I tl."I~rl" I.1. \\' ltights I, (~titE. Ili.'inliEFitlI F First Congregational. lth-y. IEEE iglthE hE;iytIEE, IEEEsLEr; rE-E~l ElriE., Inu EE ; I hE I lift il - i4EEEEIIy Snll'\ Ir'rt loES IEEE EEiEEEI.- \'E'wF-.lIlt, 'E"iILI VilE IEIEnih, lEE;I it E. FEE. IEnd 7:3i I. Enl. 1'IEF moEEin tIIEEi ntE'EI FE Iill lE tilt, IS. Hul hi ; EIiEEEl." til "'tiE-" .'EtssEnig El' lii. I (lEE': lE-iyI-," ilEE till. IEtlEng ""'It ('slllling tIiingEIEFE." 'IlE. EEEIEI~FFIt thE-ll. E'vE Iintg SEErpEEiIn \,iii lEE 1'ES 1Itc-S Efl IIhe IE11iEEEI liF.h''. S'EEFEIEE EEIEEEE iItEtliE Eit 12 nEEEEE 'El. II t. lE'iFEiEEI l, InerIIIE Elt El:lEE; i-"nd "r'l, n.hs .'EIEIEEl JEolEiet. (IEEE!l JEEF-it, IEEII ~IEEEIE 1111 n tl glSur"ýE tIEnnEE!, ItIt..l FEIE EE'E'lSE.. IEEttl. IEoE Christian science. EEEIE'E' 1.1' 11141' :Hirt~ IEEE'-s MstE''' - 2EhjEEEIEE n'' IE n 'oln Fi~rliE '1' "SEil I " "EEEEIEu~ i- 'EIEEEE lEt 1:' 'lc kI E EEEEEEE I. tit EEEEE El tIlE ing WE-EIEE-hurihny eIl-lIirig lit h E''IESlrE 'EiI at'- FE rt l EEEIE in'tE Christian. ('EEEEEE' FEf I'elu 'EE nd m \l 'E''sitInglEor tlaCEts; \'E. II. ltiIngy, piEEEEIr'---HEIIIEIy l.E:IEEEE It 12:. EEin. lEE tIltl! EI- itrl(tItn IIEEIEIEEEEE' at I-,:;It In, I..; rE;gEEIIEE' EtIit'E-tl FEE:''i::icc Et l it . EIn. u11.1 7:30~i p. nin Illumnine siilhject, "'''' t14r33rlt33333 34 ohim"; ·'eiling, 3ish.'I:.s 'IWe' Illdtd ()ut' Nights333 I 3'1l1't'." All 3ilii ii 3331'3333,ei'3 33n3333 11333' oth.'rs liii ,'I,'33.'d~t 333 th33 st3333 3' th'' 331331" .'3r. ii3'33'd 3.1. Join3 t333 33333 t33r'3 3'3lntitt'i' cl3' i 13 3 till' 3'3333.333 School. South Side Methodist. ('111111.1'' South Sixth33 3.V33t 33nl, Il~z 311r'1.t..(3.. It. ni3.3.,', 333333' 3siot'3 1't "113'333' ill 2' lit' .3ooms33.3 churc3 ; 33 11o11 No. 33. i33.; tll' 111.1 1113t, 33 .1113)11 w3 bII 333' :t 33333Jc3: 3 3'i'wi i3- 3'i 3lls3 St 311d;3 v' 3 .a'htuol at3 33', : 1,1. pit. Baptist. ('13'01. IIi3i'3rr 113331 333.3333'3. A33'.3.33; Il.'. 11333. \'u;1 3333343333., p(astor t 3 -11) ('32333 Pc133 1)t' 33th332 333333.333'.3 : 33: 23. ;.:d r,' 3 3ll3.33333)3o3 11(14 Intl 33ih1"rs i11·.3.' .313t1 7 ::' 3l.. 33.: 333tl3333333 Y 33333ho1 i3 31:15 11. Ill:; 13. '. 1'. 1'. at ::3'3 ,. 31).; 333333j.'3't 33' 13333k! !,i3.3 33''3'333'333. "'V3'h" rt1 11(3- 1 I','3ifltl I 13 Savio'r3'; 3'3'3' 33 4 3,. , "'l3 311 33.3333 3.. ift' l.3('r'3333' : t'tN.1133 t3 pi-'3 133331,1 by 13.'. 313331' u3331e3 3313. II3a3'.3tt3.3 311r3'3:33,3 Will be,3 ;333 33313';3233v'. 3'.'..l if 3333333 333.332333.3 as3 usua33(. A 33.33333y 3333(333333' 3.3 3xt3'3 3 tIo all 33333'3'3.333. '1'3333' 3' .a fln 33 attend t333' 1':.1; 3.3' .3333 33 3333cl 3133.r'. etet~li-I German Lutheran.: 333.3' 33333fl l3'.''n34.'3ic333 '1.333 3' 33;-8 s3tr'eets, 3333313 33id13' 3~stt 3U'333. 33 r3'. 33333,' ot33': r,3sltl'3'3331'3 , 3374 3'3lit3 33(3333 -N'. 3333313133, :433333d3y; 3433333V 33c13333 ;33 II 31'c3loc(c; 33333 Y'.3333g 333.333333'.3 3333333' with1 the M33333.'3. A.33333lt 3 333333t ;3 333 '313133 flt13'3' tit 333.' 33331333 of \I3 . 3 3v'.,'3l' Sthl33, 2332 3.33ist .MQ~ii. 3333.3 tll' l.:dt~lse' Ai 333 iel 1,11.11. 33333 5 33)3.3t' ' i("'3; '3t3' I33sI)3,33. Swedish Congregational. 34w3333333 Co3ngregationa.3l:3 l'333333) Wes3t Spr33'e str'3'; 3'. 33. A. 33)..3331333.39.. 333lsto333 r3'331313'3331'e, 12o \3333st .i'3rn.3' 3trc3',t; )4u333da33y 333.3'v'in'3' 3333 f'll3),33 33 -. a3nl3. 33((33t I i. it. 3331111;se1,1.; 3.''33333.t 333 13r l3. 333 33333 1): . Y33 3, 3.t3m 333x.3 1303nt3' 333tigl .t 1:3311. 333 . ; '3 ," ch33ir 3il wsng It the eV'''3)34 s3r'.t 3333: 033; 3Vodnole3333y (y'33'3in3 333' 3'3h'3h.'3 33:311'3' fl33.c 333g 33ill b3 e 3,33 d.; LUsy 33'"' s33' r'liet' 44l I i imee 1II4 flit, t'in "+s 11-111ii o Hatiirdity, i'".'Ii'ini'y 1_ ;i _ p. it .14 ('I)t(1ILl l wI1I·1III I , ex(l.((n1111..I I1 ill tit.( Swedish Lutheran. 4114'll. .i~n i~liJ r44.lll) 41144l *43)IC 4',' ~ 1 $ttrisi Lrt eran,43 Aderst,'"t A. .'. ..4nl.'-.ii. Intslr; .'Mld In.. 72144 'Ihitdl itt in' I 741..rili?41 rt' 1 Iii;:47,; .44iitiJJ44v '4iI s ool l 111mid 1 1(?.' stud classi. it IS ,o"; 'v. iting s..r~vi.'.' Ji 7:3:4p: sj.e4IIl l itsi iinalis, ii. tItII4JI.i' n o 44l'1'It't I. u 1 .' 'V'J1144'ti n 8''411i '," First Presbyterian. oi l'184'44 444 $14 4' 1'4 sltrict It. liv. J. N. 4444in $4J' Ion'illli' 4.'4,J'44rli neei ii a Stin Ing t~i~nii. *''I'Ii. ' J'xniiii'I of4 Justu it14 ."ltrin ''I I4'iy44', "i 14.'t the~i.4 faii lii 'ttt'1'44144 "'t'i't Mi'4i4 '''i4'l 1 ":_ tutu,:¶4'n rit.. Y. 1'. S.I' 1 "i. 448 44 Inti .,.li4444',.; lii.' V1. I'. . :1i 4 I;.Klll. 4J'4J'4'i'jli'.'JiJ' xIII l t 144(4 I ill t- Iii.' 141'44Yt'J' Jii4''JIJJ. J i 41t 6:31) , 1144' i 14 1, tt \1't jnit.s guilt s · ill 1414".1 441 rho4 Iflmniit- on4 'I'i'ii"t~liy '44144441 444 14 ,441lo4k; thn' 44'''''44y Ip4'4-4' ,'4 t4nt4 hig mid teaJ4hJ'4 444.' eting wil u hf livi1414 .4n1 Vt.'4f44'1414i'yt'4'4'i Jg 444 Hi 4i'14'k; ithe .'.lli l., Aiir sot 4444 wi ll444r 4144y tat ti'ut SIII II L. y Lt·l 1 I'ett, "'il ,.,d .\I I' Il(.I( 11ll ait" Itnn tlil onoi'? I,· ~C(,, I(I Episcopal Church. (''dal 14 J4'4tim fIJI: 44. \\'. I ..i44.-iill 444.1 441444444 No 344:14---I4't4I41ar 444'etug' .0' 414. 14.'144'y 44481s W4'41J44'8414y 441' 444444t 44t44441. II. 'I. 14'il~l44Ji'44444 .s't''44'4'y. t'. I.. V l'i.' 14.441444.,~r 4'441t1.ii' ,s''''ln 4 o444 4.14' t.41111. Irndl, 'I'"rl,4'4iy, 444> I I Price. 44'4'4844'.'4:4' rg44144' , loot'4' 1144 f 441 . 141'.i444447's P44rr44J'4.i 44n44 Mission ary444 444 418 ty 14a81 I"4'1J1y 444 '4441 44444444: 414l44;. 414444414 Brl,4igg firt'4''4444'144 74i''. 1444441 Trinor44444 s444'it'4t4'', 7414s.4.. ii1 l'14'111 4 44a4 444...4; 4.4444144 44444444441 444 4.he .141144' 414444444'r first St 444444li4y' il'J.r 11' 4it, J'i4 4444 8441444' ; 4'4414 4444 J~i'.' 1414 \.'41i44'1441y tt7:10 it. Jit. 441 the. '44'ry 4444o4' d,44 i Stituti14y 4414 'J . 444.: 44 444'4'1J41.'Jntli'4 t14e arc r''4U'4utst'n1 40 440ti7y ti44' ri''ttoJ, UndtI. II' ly l4 nlf4'.in. llt IllI441 4.4. 4ii ll it4 II It. Il.l ,ll iJi) Jet If 4erll onli) , '" , lnt It4 I'm" aind| .hbus..": Iunday wh l i at 4 .. I ,4l .'"\I n y e'H'n,4I1 l4l 1 1p. I 4 dlrinl till' wvk \vSwilil h*" .s fo llowI- \'die1i, l:.y, hii .' II ' 4t 4hlay of l .en4t, tI illr WIII. b.4 ' rniag 4 , ra 4 r. 44 ltafy nl p i1'lit ,,int l l'fi', 44 till ll I II4 ; 144I4., 4 V.,I-4 i't 4 4 4' ii'1i4' f 4;4; i lt I1 ,, ' h 4 1 . It 'ur.n ' , i l. sl rvie I" . ' 7 ; 1,4 :i :l o4 k . rih a4 y, o w ning r4', li4'x '' at 4::if .,l ' l 'l,' ;4 th ", niiJil . .vns i n f t i g il t w ill' Ii i h i I'tieshi it aft.r'l'lll l it the bailul' of \ r" I' I.. I' K4I4 ll444 gg, mint r 44'4 r ' .Vrs'4ty u it I Higgi l4n l $ i4 4 14S. the1 in4111th r i il4 i4'l'll-n s 114I4 ngL 4 4r4 t4 all , .4 lr' , 1 I' 14444l4 :fll i.4r4 1 . K4 lhlng4 , tho n4 in4 lh44 4'4 r 141' tI4 . 4ull44 44'4 r4'4 ,aj' lt4(1e ti) . 44 aet at tll 4 h 444 .I r " il" r 4. i.n ll 1 4Thursday aft tr14 ',or 4 I rII INe or f 'V wing4 ,v Iit'h w 4ill h,. I4 . v.4 '. '.,4 ' tile 4 ihl44 d4i4'uing th . 4 .e fi4t4.n -..'. , , the gul44 i will ib44 t, . s 4ill4 4l44-r' I 4'Ist.l'. .4the 4'llli': 4 14 rn' "hal I ul l .lI ij,;narv Hoci'"lt tIl l 444i t 4 4 t ill4, 4444444 i M rs. 44.',rgl., I;,,' I'"' t"ridalt ,Ifthlrn on flor lth puI'i l sl-1"t 4 I.4' - mitt's4' is .4ing pU4 '' 4 4r4 r.'i I4 4. 4 I l4 , t l444 44' 444 1, ll .L n'' n '. PROBABLY GUILTY ON TWO CHARGES ' oll,4, I"'Ih 44 - 4Altholigh the il1enl h. a r h , -11 h irit rtiail of the' i:'si of' N.;vll 4ital il4$l4"r Alid are reticent.4 tlir. i., ri'i+. i Io bt.lileve that thi - h l'i'.' li'.- h.4 .ii 4'i l'il g uilty, tll t I ,4 chare14 44il4 i lt lt guilty ill 4 on4 . 14 '," .'h4.ur4, .g ' 4whit4 h 4 h is t4hought to h4.i .' )". t 144l4l4tted i4 th4$ t of' t'.ll i4ng 1 tal4..'hoidi . Th' 'h4,g'.'s 4ill 41whi4lh ho Is believed tl have 4 'eel) convicted invi'olve tho ln'nl4treitiing O4f a .'1_i :.li4 4and 4 "4nld4uct 1 bli o)r.'4 nlll.44 144 u'an oflit' 'i4 444 I 44ntle4l44 44 4." It 44has b n r4'4.o 4in444i441o4d, It is sa4id, that 4k'. h4.' r d'u,.i'4 dl hi 'li4k. 4" f'.l'l .1Jos4.4'lh .\/ill I "' 4l li'liltl , oll, \'t., the 4fa4ther 44of 'i m i 444li 't , .\uld, .,aid td liy thitt his sun pr,. Ihably would Instltute pr,vi.dliu g.. itt tlht supr"me. court of $tdereti r% fithe Nitt~y 51--y1f from t"nflr'ltiM ufl lityli pen ty. M r. Aui hi tfip tt ftitl blaliltv oI the .'unrrllti nurtlla nn Ilu" x:ruI1I1 thatl het son hat l beett loin I urIijlsiy repjrlmanded Inf ti.. n tl .' , t ytI m $.f'l tdry :Mey'r. President Helps Orphans. I:1unlrl,'.Ip ~I o rph,,nx ho v..)\~i been iff.,e 111 A t, ; ,. . ItItVd t . t It fl f'fa l 'l .tut Ntr' 1, 1wi at Ma ff l. IItt., hhlll. .tiri . tl "\ l j'l." trov 1" ti I t 131 .tt " lt thi i. nstit uti on f e t . I1. i1 f.llll llt, 1 1,11 attif sh(l l; liI 'Ia tod." trilt~.'. tit pris'g tt'd t rsote. petlittt. .'3t u n n b i u FRAN BOR £CO /.4. I)1(' l 1ll of nor InsiII .,: that w," i iý,"L slwot al .Ittt"W 0 .11 10. 111 11I\PII·' 1,01+11'.0 nt.nd .'t r sot ;o ciIry ill 10 kin1' i~ ri : r' lt tto mus p r