Newspaper Page Text
.'he Store That Sec' Alen Other -d "MM AýThe Good" '"akes Good" JM im 1n @ on Pgoes and Th .Stor Ta" The Greatest Sale of China, Crockery, Cut Glass and Silverware Ever Known in Missoula Begins Tomorrow Compared with this greatest of all Crockery Department Clearances, a bull in a china shop would cause only a mild stir. Every odd lot, discontinued line and surplus stock has had the price nicked, chipped and broken in two and the bargains in china, crockery, glassware, cut glass, plated and solid silverware are by far the best we have ever seen anywhere. This sale begins tomorrow morning, full blown, we have been weeks preparing for it, and the occasion is one that no person ever having use for an article sold in the Crockery Departtment can afford to stay away from. Look For the Pink Price Cards---They're Everywhere and Tell the Most Remarkable Savings You Have Ever Seen Dinnerware---Every Pattern Reduced From 10% to More Than Half Nolwl is Iho lilll' 1 I " linof 4 i es to r1P',1t lliisl ,'1illll dilneI' lll l'i' l g14,1' :i l .tIll i 1 411w I ' ll l ,. N.44 :sily i: ,l drh i t .1 (u11 I r II olI ' iinc,111 d(.or i (i l 'kpute rtiltiiN gii 111 llt4 ly r1l4 t w d f1IIIo t1 li ' hi lll .l.ovliy iomtll'htj ' l i.lls, 5. ictt.lll d d 1, making it the most gnIeraI hul sweeping het'itunce if dinint wart' vter preselitd. OPEN STOCK DINNERWARE Plain and ecrated Hotware .,l ,I n k Iinn'4 14,1.,.rr, 14 in .A,,,ri.,n Hi, English I',,,.,.'lil u n and De ra otelware lish, F'ren. h (tl l mlI n and .r IIst rin II 'hin n. ins si tsl td v nhrtal lh dteorna. . 'll\ plain whitl: and d('14 riated Dinner iware, in ni-vtitro,. lnih il a d I 10 , 25i ,i , 3 nd, .V hina,, iln "''tlhl,." "'l' itlrthl. " "I'onhlll,lsi " tnt i I h' ht'SIavy thiCek 1of6 , 25E *, 33Y.3% and 5i0 % ý S'" 1 '11111,'s. .I iilili Ill 1i1I4II j 41"'nl'III1( SIx,: I'1lI'lll'4. ill 11% 14111 lini~ St "::: :rin StIll 411 A is.o I If'W d1ic,1 oti41115t d pltll rtis ilf III'l hIh l tll, I'1 ll'llllllllll s ill'' 2lll0lPtele re. m ill' .20 Per Cent REDUCED MORE THAN HALF $9.50 IIINN.Irt .LET $11.25 IINNE . rs $17.50 I INNi ,iE $,35.00 I$INNEI: II'ET $40.00 lIINN ;1: $5-.00' IsINNR NI ETN $165.00 hIN1 NET $6.35 $8.45 $11.65 $17.85 $18.65 $49.15 $148.50 tt-h* c. ('tnitago I lnn0r art, l0it t "16- i r , Ite I I i ,'r I n e i| ll .- 117h.'' t nllllr liillllne' tIi, il !In l0.e Iilllll..p a . I n rmso i ll:llnl I .' illnn9-r Oinnerrm. l St;, i:i I $-lhr l n iln l tiI.nin 10 - pi i nr , ch ti n ur Iivi .I4n rihtI' por' ea ln, w ith 1m orn. fill.. I'-,ll Iilh eit 1i n.h illsn. tlitnP It I * M nseliRIhsh ri nir'o l n,w green hI ' t ,hlin . \ it '. n4dr i n: .i , fhi Pne d rilnjlll; ,tt r a.r . ,'l, n 4t.k pa utorn, w Ith land n ln purI wftll w ithi IIn t glnry dl thl l rihl, l n hrd.r dirtio. 1ren in nt. r r'di h I w . h rt. dlls rrt e. rn. n g bl d alt l thn StltchI lh d o ratcn. Hand Painted China '/4, '/3 and 12 LESS Plated and Sterling Silverware at Great Reductions ..ýiL l -~4diilounlts. In tih(- aggregate 1511'1 114r4 1u 11dr1ds of piety's, 1 mh44 1nµ41. 4r4irles of 11(441014s 1g61n11-1o1 ty smeilly high grad, sit r11 4r, both plater}I evenr sIr llll ' dscri 1tion, from sht1 d N hl i ia.s to4 inu.h ifi nl I hnges r ases I, ih n 11111 sterling II) 1rtJi(y1 list( 1 1 4l Oriw I (i lftt 1ot not 11V1er' st f 1r clic'P ol'. ltPI III 111 i' IICl'lilli( C NIII(' I I11 iial itf4ll'll 1,1 t4i4g tlliltlt, Itl'4l1g,'i4 11Ia. , 1f n tlq'iiix j1 Vcr' y wide i.lg1 of 11ll I 'n n tli IIIure'. 'llh( (IuiIantII| fir t ''llr' ll'e is not I IIIl('nrgel 1o4! 1 dd pi4 ees ll44 siil gl sets, Fancy China Pitchers Reduced Odd Pieces of Sterling Silverl lr (41 4 1 41,,,,1. ; t; , .iao I hl of odd p'I'0tI , /Fancy funa hPes a ers I eeiced NOdd Pieces of Sterling Silver " ýI,lll' . i" INi, lil'lllltlll of I ('| l111 ii 1'l ''N i1 « , 11i. l,. i,.t l, , I:ar;.,- a; rt'nlont ,,f r on hl Todd T l hl ' T 1 11,'14 r. ,.,, 1i .,I r.lo.i'l'llltt lSl S , I'h 'h rr. 1111.4 0 , $2.:,0 I'I. l .h $l1.6I :It Il( 1l. $i, :, Ito . I 52 .4(0 / t . x lill " $1.16 $. , -rn 41.85 jI, $;lin I'ith'hrn $1.:35 $:; 1110 'ithlr 1- 1.60 it al,,IIx $1.00 St, I, Mar pl. it $13.00 $ ; 3 g:t"r slle.ts .1.25, $1.0 Sartllr I'lorks ll 3.001 / I -"II' W hite China For Decorating I, 1 ,,.,, 1 1. . $,1. k n i,...., ,<',. 0- $3.04 . ý" 1 Ii Iluni t rlhino 1, lu sk I or dI ort , in t III I n r or $3.401 nil s' P 5rk 2 $2.00 1;,0o0 811:ltu frkrks 33. 5 I l'\-",i /..i . Yw- m tl *. -lull rndi Ii tn' -'II f tl. 1 $*td' I i 1ltuadt $2.15 $11i:0 1S1 Lu- l.-,11 $|101 06 GREAT REDUCTIONS ON ALL OUR FINE CUT GLASS STERLING SILVER KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, HALF PRICE I' 4h Ir5.i I 4 4 414 I'll 1,14l' )(iI o ili(g 14i11'4T' ktit'ss, 1'4(1'1. .114tiI sillv .ef hh'h Ildl'pl ' of4th l Vhr' hill frl'l' 4 1411' 54t lnl'(' 4' t1 i o (tl nI'- I lll r rl I' m titahnr I oiu'r'. IIIiI 4l'Od. ,ll' H l Iit ll l h sin't'o' I fl'tlil I fm'. h rl))( liilik (l'IN It, l'ohIrl fl',lnl. AVOLON PAT'iRN. SCROLL AND BEAD PATTERN. IRVING PATTERN. CU T GLASS NAPPES All Except Libby Cut Glass Half Price B EDUCEU T GLASS "'t, .... . t 4..s $4.635 ',, 1 .o ... on . .S . - , $.65 T.oii r 9.. . ., S., S 1.4o A 11.4 '111,'1111111* trememb .s-mari ne rt l'l1· 1 t '11 .,ls I'.'., S o t $17..l $8,75 Iossl rl ;t1limit r s .et, $17. '.A 8.7" 36 rll',ouns, rr. st $ . 1 WORTH TO $2,50 REDUCED it 't 'irk ri set, $10 1 $8.25 S'S1on u .. ..t, ' $1914 $1 .5 T - ..os . $ 0 $1.50 $'75 I'i0 1; .S \"IV " 1 .} ,. lll', I'um Islha ,. II,1t. I '.2 5dhl iiI I',,r'; . re x, ,$19, 10 0g . 0 I I . dhiIn I',orlk. , re , t, $19," 00. tMin rk r*I , - 5$ , i T i I"T7 Klililteo 4I-s (1.10 1210 igr i ' r $ $6.00 IRIS PATTERN. I.,i, ri Fhr . , , 1t.18 .1I $8.00 Thr . ' ,.i. .l i ,Ill si ionI lin , 1 1," $3.1111t l;., a rliI i'. ll $8.25 4,11 . Ih , 25 nill I. t , ' $1.05 FLOWER DELL.CE PATTERN. LILY PATTERN. 'li/f !x , $il . a 1.7 1. A Io r x 1.75 l r t $6.7 25 PER CENT 'T'I lI II1oon 51 5.0 '1. ito KIlV.'n r 0 -0 1 $10.6 tbII S0trl -oo,. r00 -0. tI.:I. $0.65 lIg,., . i l wi.i- l,-,ii:u r 545.o)0 :, ,, \alV,, r $18.7I5 OFF. kI.' ,rt 'Sp, , r f. 1., t A $8.13 T t.. u ,, I. orws. r, .--, $., 7 50 $8.75 -lltsoup a ion , u. o, o $10.00r ' t All Plain Glassware l''l,l' 14 '1.\ KI: TI\II.. .1 5I.\l l llNllll,; N IA ' i' I''li N.A '.\E , TuiblehiJ , )igciie, i'r'l'ililr.,, Ii.\Nt'Y <'lllN. ('I' I'M I- 'iII N.\ I'lloi 'iil,.\TIE \'u e,, Ih,'ls, ,t,'. lorry I . \l.\ ' II " , l .1.1, SI'EI NS .\IlT Ill.SI A.I1'I'IiI S 11i N'l'N ANI) i'l,.L i ,EM Clearance of Oil and Electric Lamps Toilet Ware Reduced 20 Per Cent W ill Mend Anything Except All Fancy Lamps Reduced One-Third All Plain Glass Lamps Reduced One- Fifth Broken Prices S """"I' ," ... .. .. '"'' ..'"i ""'"'. "Little Wonder" Waterproof Cement Is a ....-i. .,, ,,Wonder For Repairing Broken Things .. , :F I TI ...rtI IiimII,, \I lit N,,. Il It \\T I. . .1.1.3. II inl4 ll (fh In.lothI I 4of ti sIhi i r il'kilhlJt 14 ',ll' W l'' hd (i r'iltg ll, olilt I ;l . lllllt l l l liit '-- it is t oll'. hl'- h ', . ". ' o " .. "" . -- -- . " " Monday Is the Last Day of tlfe Demonstration ,ne ] - .and Introductory Price of 25c a Bottle Nichkcl-lhl ,l I... I brass . ...Iu, . lt(h h, -li l I'ted 1h11,, Irphn I. rTi lar 1114 t ih .I'nlik. 41ln'ot h II cll hinll ( i',4o'Itllt 441' r'l'o , kt'l'y Imnl4' l° ,' youl ever St ' . ....... 1. i ih l "little \\'oilhl't"' noo Ih 115 o hit lting IieolrOl, 1ii4ingl i ild4 il sietis al Electric Portables 'w ,iot p . o"-'. , ,,, ii, m y i ,t and loirat. piiece ar li toSI ii'-ilntltv lan1l wh1.o1n drIv flrJ'lls Itili't of11' thll suiIstii'o ofl th Ii'l:ti 5 Elmctrlhe ' o rtal,le A. t " Is l · n , rth i ',tw ,l,.a Ii 'o wlih f ne hnf, T liht todtwi in i lli, ilir, atl thi old $l Electri Portabl1e.....00 iru -Ihtri, ,ta . - . , l, r, ,t., $6.50 'i , t . . i Cr"h n rl 65c onl ln' t 'If los eXnii llnnli t ll. ELETIRIC LAMPS, GLOBES AND SHADES. ti-ri-It.,- t.ltu" $,1 Get a Bottle Monday---You're Liable All,,.t'.. ,l,., ol and 5,o,.,i lit.., ....5. ,it ,,''tli.,t, On.Thir'd. Gl$8-t a t e d Itn y Dy Itolular price, $1.50, 82.00. 2.,. 0o, 5300, 54t.,0, $.00,,, 57...- IS-I.I5'i, I-" io r ' i , , 4" .-i 5.4. PrIesr,$1..,l~ ~llt, lf.lli.0, !0 000, i:.-i, ...... ,,.., . $8.75 " ",1 1 to N eed It $.Da5,