Newspaper Page Text
Getti ng Ready [or the Spring Business Some odds and ends and many new lines arriving daily. THE CRESCNNT STORE has been re modeled, the old part looks like new, and the new part adds wonderfully tb the general appearance. We have bought merchandise that will please our old customers and make many new ones. Much time and thought has been devoted to our spring buying. With no little expense, the new firm has planned to make this store one of the most pleasant shopping places in the city. AFTER INVENTORY RESOLUTIONS---All merchandise in broken lots and odd sizes will be crowded out before the new spring goods compel us to send them to the basement. Special Prices for the Week in the VERY LOW PRICES ON THE M en's Suits CorsetDepartment Remaining Tailored Suits At Special Prices \'itlu,4 tN 4 $12.0u for ..$5.90 lh.luc'ing ilh, q4llti., r1111 " 4 |.11 V1l.24 111 fill' S54i" V tolI 4O3, f$r f.o $11.50 11( in "iI ll, , I o 4 1~.5(), flor - $6.75 lh du1 ing the, l I p l ..1ti l 1. mI lii N rrI $1.00 'lni. ,,s to :..1.0ll, fIrll $19.50 lens Suits, v II' I0. , for ................... $11.00 IthIluinng I h11 q low1tIity, $2.01)I vi lI fir, $1.29 ' I IOnes It $s0.lll.00ll, fur $23.00 ln ' Suitsl, Vlh sN I 425.00, forl .. $16.00 lednelu' g Ihe hq4 ntllll } li . t:.IIII I ra i esN '1r4 . $1.98 1hyluing1 th. , 1 alfity1 . 15.(I vi lu. f,'n $2.50 . , Uo Wnde r w e a r .19 4 ' " '"e" " , 'e i .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... i i k l , $.1.: .. . . . . ..' , . .n.' . . a.. , l S. R. . . . . . . . . .. Ror '11t1 on, foVe. .....00 n' ( r o ts, val xo In.0a e fof'. .......... ..............8.9¢ \'alw.. ,, :L(P), lon' ... .. . ... .... . ..$11. 0 .l,.i'n ()wv'e'mats, v hnit .. to $20.00, for. ...... . .. $15.9 . ! Department $1.25 Piesen Ufo s au skirts for 89c 'oa Cott,,nVents an~d ,'ant,:13 .vale,,,. f,,'o ... 190 W.,m,,,,, .,,,,,, ,.,,,,ant wi, , l,,,, ,,,,,i bac ol, ,,,,,1,,,,,,, ,,, mie .,,,,, i,,, Sh o es a n d R l b r G o d o'l Vests11114 and Panis. 7.0 values fo. 3...• ~ii.esin tove...rcoat 89s .% 'ol \,ts n Ia ose, $1.- val ues,, f pir I s l . e..i y.S.hoes, v es to $1 .00, fr. $4. 6 "ING MERCHANDISE ON E I O $"11ti 4SPRING MERCHANDIS4e s ON EXHIBITION '1'".1, .. ... ZEPHYR GINGHAMS D eparst, m en t1 A Large Assortment of New Clean Patterns s r co p. I'erel les, lah es and ulhn',ileries, u ulslin ll eri lvll , hair gc l.s, shirll.t ii t set". . i.'d (Il' pins, ftu y c1llr slh a.s; 1our 'nlir new linl of" kild fNr stree. l 4and dresw wR b'bI ilt poilnlar lri s, ei n's f'allny whire pIait ld shirts. a I'm, plete shl h wing' ,f all the new Sr ISSOUL.A - MON *T. 'lyes in n4aIil'' slli's. ;'h diay1' freight hipln ls a;nd express is f'ill olug 'ur e 'w light MI OUL. A = MONT.N 210 HIGGINS AVE NUE. PHONE 821 onl.v ustore. 210 HIGGIN S ' AVENUE. 1111'111N ~2(l 'l 14Nr. ..$ .5- - -- . - - 44II.Ili * 114N 1114N14 ~ f .4 ACTIVITY ON FLATHEAD RESERVATION . INCREASES AS OPENING DRAWS NEAR Recent Announcement as to the Conditions Attending En try Upon the Lands Have Enlivened Interest and the Prospects are That There Will be, More Entrymen Than Was at First IExpected. til".11 t1i t. J:11 l.lo In,- 1· II il ill s rI l I' * h tIti li. 1 11, itt!, tutu r ( Il it,- ,:i. l l1,, 11l lll . ( I',"" !'11",II 1.1" , lllI lh 1.1 1:1 1 *l - , ar I t ,"r ' t1; I t 1" r . tlI I , " II d v.1 1. lio1( t, x(.1; I rll ii ' I el'l ," I " i* 1 I, t I. ull lt ,-II 'y [111,11i1i l l'" I '''III,. 111 %k It, a ... lit I. ' ,ii t ! 1 11 I 1':' . 1 11t, k t' [1 1'111. t'- " l, III 1 "':,1 1 11" .111 Information Plans. l ist t !1. t1~~ lll liIh r ., I ',III}'111 ·"~ . I . t11. 11, t I it .. ' ' i ,. ..1 I' 11 . 11:. t i " 1 . 11I 11 11 ..1 1ý I . 11" I 11`^ 1 * tll, ..I t II' ' Ili' .- ¼ 11 t. " 1111 11 "I I .. I 1. ' "ull 1 h ' . " Poison Wator Sybtomi Ih I. . i dI r i it i ill: 1ii i i lli 1IIr t li. 1 ,, .ii ".I , I h .1h illllti Ii ll' ;I' :lt, ,"15 1'.1t r i ao 11tiJtl , tutu tli 'tI , ..", t ii,'; ti l' t.. fhi 1 " 1. ill lll L ti t i 1 . "111 "I lit .t luort 1 j1 1'.1 .,,1.11 11 ~i' .l nIcI.s111 l lary Il t 11J1 1 1 11k Ith tl'k gtnitl .iler UI'h, l\I they CIr HhIc JIltla. . If ; . I I I I I I L : ,..,,I 11C' tr~a~ . 1111 1, 111 I I I 1 .. .'. 1 11 .1. It I X 111, I I , ,1:111.1 t1) '" , _t . .,It 'I'll. r I" . 1 l\ . "11 f ill n, ..11',11...;1 .t yllI . 1 City stall r IK 1ul~ll :r ,ll ,uj ulld 111 The a11 'hl l 1'[1 I ull. 1 ,II 1 'i. lii ' 2. 2 '\.It l 22, Indian Farmers. 1 11 I . 1,ii lilt.I ', . . h I l 1 .+ :\ , tll 2h2 .-I lll 1I1 , II 2l!i 2' 'li Ill I lllI1 , i. Ii 11.1. .11 1 ,I ' hl Ill I ' '.'I' 'II.2 Vly ItII 1 ,I ·r 1 1 i' l il ,I '. llll l l lt l t.a Iti In11 1"t i;, '..II :' I 2 11, I l. 2 l.2 ý ; 2II ill 'I.I .: i I' I', :1. 22 ,,4 . '' ll 11 .' 11 111-" ii -I till'a 1 ,!I ''I'\! f 2dr 1l' I"'222 . 22 t e I 1 h 1 i . i i i ! 1 . 2i l I .ll - . 2l - 2ll i2 ,t l2'2 ; l. 1 1 1 S111111 · 1, II 11. l (l t r f .11111 l 11" l t'I' I1n 11i I N Hill - ti l all l ti' " ' il ] lh' tll '"-i. ,III I"I;+ ','I+ , I I2l2 2 . I 1' II l '2 2llh t2,' .1 1 .1 ' 1' :1' '", ,. , 2.1 1 1 1: 11 i'til"x'1 1 111l: 22 ' 2. 1 I2'LIl . ('121' 1 21r+ . t.I 1., .. 11'1. ' :111 I t '" 1 1 ,I ,, ' .t . 'll i ll t .22lith . 1, 'II t 1 , + l., , 'I . I I. 1 1 , i i itlil.I, lI ,,1 t 'I I 1 \ ',.II 1i, I ' i" " ll I I t l"· l i 1 1 ' I .l' 111 " 1 ',) 'I. ' \" t 'I ' 111" ",Il' h ,11 . 1 1. . '111'lh I llt II ' ! r 1' 1 ll(t1 1' 11 1+, 11 11 I 11 ,i' , I l t ". ,, 1- + l . " t h ,' it l. th . 11,h 1 . ,, I t11h11' - '.2,I 11-'2'1+\ I ,It .Ii: . + .l lt2l42222 'S ' ,lh et 1",h + III , ll lll i, ill l l t. I "''." 1 .1 1. 1 :1 I i r I 'I 11 t ii +I, 11 11 I II - .11 ' I t 2 ',h 11111.22,'? Il. '11 111.'!1 ,1 "r. h ' , , I tl' I2 ; li"'.2 .I I21 2 ,l 2 I ' 'I; ' ! .11 2I1 .s'I, i 2222' 11' 2 1. . 111' 2 1 22222 ,,' il I:,,'11 I 't . h 'hl ',I11.1 Il'l + '11 1 .i 1 1 ,11 ' ,1 1 1 It-, Ill ,1I.l ."I2 1 II ., I . I r i ' 1 . .1 1 t 1 II2iI l- 1 . IP - 22- ! l2 1 211;1 ,, 111. >. '. I'!21 1 11 22 . :1 11 .1 I', t l -l " 2 2222:+ I2'. i'' 22 '111." L' 2" - 222- i\ 1 .I1 1 21 :.1.. 2 1 . '-1". ' 2 I i. I2 t ''2 2.2,, 2 , 1 " II . 1 1i ,1 Ith l ,. 1 -. 1 1h . +1 1.1'1( . + l II. 1 \ ,. ., " 'IV . lilt ' +: .11 Iil tlI' 11, 1' 1 it I lh +' 11 " 1 '11 1 .Il 2 l I22 .+ -l ..t., , , h ,' 1'.2 1 1 .11, , 1t ' :,-, 1 .'I1 ''f I i 'll. . 1. I t 'IiIk s 1 '11 12 I[ 1'"1 2 II I .ll ' .? 1 " ' l'I II Ir ",' 'J'.1,I: : '1 2 2 'II I 1 ,. 1hh 2 " l'."", - - 222. 1.1 222, 1 i 111'l.2 2 912 . li I I . 2" '1. ' 11 1 l '2 - 2l2 'S - I 22- t .'It ill . ! I. 2 ' .1 ".; ,i. Ii ,-. ' t!,11 .1 h ' 122 I'1-x ,, ,.- I h , l222, 2 2 22l' ', '' hl I . 12 l tit i2 2r Ill-lI+ illl,,i III .. ul. n l:"l.1h , Ut I I. 11l1I Necessity of Training. ,.ld t, .'.III 1 th illa r -aI14 i ll l ist L' I,' ln it\,lhistanldhn|. t ,, fi larl'., !,,?4II I h ll.1411 .14 th..y <.III. ni- t hte.l , Fl!in ll l,,tL .I.', Iil Ill I.1i, I , i ;' i ; i t311 \ 1' lh ill l 'r l '4' ll'-1 I1 m s'14 q! 1'\ 1l,1,14 wh o t l+ Illnj lly 1 ll 4 h44 r ,llllll tlrlig ' er, t ill.,tLlIIll," h ' .lltilllll. t I'. I IIIll 14 ,'I, "l e l i 1. h Y rl v 111 r . hl l at i n 1l li I 4i 1 1 4 1 1 i 4till l i 44' II,' I '. i l| lljl blel l l.ll t .e seillst b ,' th*. < l illl.(1 ol' I I,, ,'.lllltal' . h ill ti.,. ,', lhi i i ll of II. - a ll ''4 14 'i i 4 4II' 111 ).: 111· i l r t 1.1)1 11t11..1 14.1 tII. 14 (1 i t lo,1 lt'y . It - ill IIII \ I', i e', t .1 \\ lpre' ith lll \.i . I L l i.\ ' A 'i''14 'l 1 'll '' , i l I 44' ll :l, . t in \tl : u11.4 t :1 ,'1l4 . 14 ' 1'' m i th1 ill 1 b!.:: 1 I'' -* l'\.,llli, ll- \\,I1s shlall Ei\'ve ICl,. II w\ !iha f~I ,+~' lh ' ,.11.1 ' I. , h' 11' l 10g~ too1 IIl~sill'i.· 1** l ok rop 1.\ ' .His)11 )11 k ll'I 4it 11.' .1 1141. 444 41 .4 * . . .1 4 'is 1 .Il 1111l ' 1 41 th,'I 4 '1' 'li' 14,41 i. IN ,411 li'l t'' . l I h . ,. , I'I4444. ilr,' ,i 4 ." W 4IIN 4444 I ,, I ,II'. .11 a1 4I 1 '1 1.414111 ,I11. '" .4I L 4I4 4';14 ,I ii 1i4 i ll4 '-I' l11l l, l 1 Ill~ (: , i.4, 14 11. I" ' I I 1. 41 5i..ll,, :,· ,I i4.i , 11.1- 41] liti. ' III, lh l, l il ,, I h it+. h, I f , I i\, th l , , it , , ,, I h,,:l+ .I. I';.i, l,':.l I t 144' , 1 4 4 ,t lll il l44 44 1Ir II. . '4"1I II 'ill ' .II ll, I 4l44l44 l ;i iii 4'h+ 11"11 .i , I'4i4. 1 . 44i44'44 4111 (.!14 ' 11144 I(11·'4' 4 '43 ' . '\ 41 ' : 444'444ll '.14 11..l ; 4i1 14'441 th 444 I ' 'I. 1444! , I- \. 11 , I'' '1'.. t''44 II, +I'' 1141'4. ['44 11 I I i'\ 114 4' III, . I I 'll',. 11, \Il u.* ,,11 1 4 \i l tl II ,, ' 1 4111 4441 1 1I . 1 41 '' 1,, 1 ii, 1 4'e.,1 , 1 & I'l', I , 11411411'II: 11111 II! 1'~ . 4141114 114 1· 14.111444'.41 . I14144 l.,M tll .I.l h i t 4'114.l,'.. I' I" lt 'lllls 341' Itl t s i*. t, i N' t ' t'l ilc th• l'ti·Ilrtl\lllr~tll.,l,. ]I,+ [,tii..l~',+ .,' \ ,i .L I . I :l.i" 4 i, ll II t II',) ill I l ' .' .'+ - 't lt ( 1' (a;.t i . l tlt l. lh l, :t |ll k'now~llei,,,+ U,'I athP'. t o I+ , I a-m.+. ul -il l I ]l|lll '.'itIo I it~d h bll t kl ow of I 11e *'t '( 1 "l +e l -. th i 11 1i s \\ h i'l , I by +1t.+. ',ll et h \ th i' \\:l t< t t , wil ,In '+ l )i ) Iti; tl\ , l ,+ l' , I l ;I \ , I 1] ,,t lit+ |..q. S * i~+lt til I sl tal, u or t lehl* ll e)+N ,,1' '.+ ,,+. l lig er,- ll++ ,+Ip tl (t[ l t 1 e u hift,. i . ,I ro pr'\ t'+l' to pHI l l,+' to' . , + the ' I tla d .ill D issolutio Notice. tllta th (+1 alley1 llh th" O.lllllt ll i. .[ 'lt *+th ,- ity, them+l , Its , 'b I t eL.I +lt e ,,.' - th 'll 'I' "I' -si tiplat ,. l',~ he 4.1- J 11 I'+ bylllll \\ill< 11.1 + tihatl th - 1 il~l +.l> +. \\) it.'ll i w inl l)* . lt.+\ ltl till ' .~ s'Jtl i Mtrit+ tl dtnhit g t ra! *~,,~+ als" the a ta hli+ , lt ,lnhl nst ~ll' i , i ,ll F SCHOOL TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED FOR CHARTER DAY AT UNIVERSITY -COLLEGE NOTES. t',o t lllel .$*\ n% I nl c l ilar e prel L'atinsIH fi' I, the universit.Cl y's annual l"Ibrl Iry , 111. ,'' 11m01 furthPr atn Ililti'ItIuni'it t(Iclrningtlll2 the program a hII h will be given it coIemolottra 1,1i: ,f 1" 1ill . I llllil rsi b y (' furl s tIt. I.'itr o the (illw -atito tiher ('ntvtt ,il' 111' iII 'II. '1110 '" L bJ et 1 of ' 1 r11 .· city ,t'l+tl ll t 1 lta ll ' ll addre of the tl tlli ill I.. dltl, uIverd by Cha, rlesr StItt . b ard of t lullctl l ulIth , at 10:30 in Ithtl n"l I ingll1. . ' ile subject of Mr. -.tStte fith a Right to ];xpect of Its l"duetnttional Inil+titutihlon.." \ spll et'alt l lnlihton will be slervedi ait IloI I I l 'tiitnan's hlll, al fter which t i,1itors wil ha;v,"f the opportity tn bolo ully work lttI the clastrooms aitnd lXI litrtorltiotr it i o tl.nti tul ton lays L t ill I lt \l. I Professor Elrod to Lecture. the afternoon there will be an ex hibillon basketball ulatl . tA receIptlion ilt th e university gtynliealeunt In thela 1eV1ilg will tlose the exercisesy of thelt Will Present "Tulu." 'I'lll, h'llIle 0ill WIy Illostrllltd WitIt Itudients to whom tlranuttl whorse III ls Sltl'' Iliololl ia7 excursrtllhs. apea Intes re tinng for light pro-m. lill s i n the near fuirr ftur t. Th lays'. tIll le given ult.i tllr the onamel of th club, wthith h tit, had a artied *xiltelltce 1 1,'t1"1 ] t' l, it to e tlte ] 1 h10 t'The iil f.Ir steraill years. A cast has been it sltcted ftr It produotlron of ".lx. u Ullad two or thills l'tllter ulhave beetll hlthl. This play hilll probably be given Professor Elrod to Lectur ). Prl, tf., I l` it " .l l l ', sity Is fotin u lltr 1c'tlure .'I' the Illt ier Notional park ill tot. lill blt Il Wednesday evet t'lht leturle tl ill Up l lustrated. with SItoiws klle by l'Pofesso Elrod' Iwhilel oill his ul unir , ittoloilog excuro ton Interesting Program. The tClarkl.h Literary soclety has ar i',illltd .li lterl eting program for t. um'rrowV Iftternootn. Professor l:. F. !litynols will slteak on t.o "A.imlri t-ill )r.llila." and pillers oil " a.llley's t'iomet." by E'dith Steele and "The lTal lhinger-Pinchht I'nntrove'tsy," by lazzie Leaf,. hill be irrsentltd. Professor Cox. r'f'tle'v Holr A\lvit .) tilx, a ,l n l fvt - .oi" of chenistry, is remaininn at th.: university this semsoter during the cntinutld absence of Professor W. U. Itic+wlans. The university is fortunate il ret.tning Dr. t',tx on account of )ils superior ability ais a chemist. Mr. Cox ilu had ntill i u career in his ;scielitific wor, rtei ging from thle faculty of Ytauf.,rd university to take a position iI the Philippines. where he haIs bIl ehi'f chemist of the govern Ient. lHe is taking a vacation this yealr f'rotll theit enervating influences of the trloplcal clinate, but will return to Manila next June. Professor IHarkis is taspending the winter months ili Bostoni, studying at the Mussachus etts Institute of' Technology. Winninghoff Completes Course. 11. . l .Winnigth ff, a four'th studentt at iih,' tuniersity. has com Ileted his undergraduate work, nmutch Iof \wvlit'h was taken in the department ( helmnistry. atnd will spend the re mainder Iof the i eademicie year in post graduate work under Professor Lox. Mlr. \Vinninghoff has specialized In ch'emilstry., atilt will be itted to take at responsible position after graduation. Dr. Duniway to Bozeman. P'residlent t'. A. 1)uniway will deliver tilhe lrst lecture of the university ex tension coursel series to be given at Hiozetmin on Tuesday evening. His lec turtns will he on the "Anlerlean Revolu tli,ll." the itnle subject on which he is lhctuirillng in M issoula and Helenlla. P'oil'et'ssor J. i-. Underwood beganl a er.l'is of lectures in Deer Lodge last llghlt. 11Dr. Underwood is lecturing on Visits Her Son. I'r,..db ,it )Yiatat .s mother. .1ter Abigail Scott lluniway, arrived last niighIt to, isi tId II sIho tjinle visiting herlsil n li his flmily. Mrs. Duniway is it poll ner of Oregon, and has resided it Por1tlanlld IIImany years. She is en i' h itie fraioi a visit inl the east. "SWEET 1NNISFALLEN" AND BERNARD DALY .'n t i-t, - ' "' Itt'.i * ll t i e .t's-- '.'' lI' to theit larnils theater last evening, with lilrud l)t Daly in the rotle of hero. 'The il prinlpiial thing that "Sweet Innis fallenl" did was to furnish a contrast in autienlces. F'riday night James J. Jeffries ],packed tile Harnois with its retord aundit et- tht biggest one ever -and last evening ia devoted few w.ttlchld iand hitard liernard Daly sing antd talk thro)ugll :a "romance" that wi outl hilave been termed a "corpse and i'art,'lig ,'cit-tsolun" if its scene had beenl laid in Arizona. It is really sur Iprising towe Itany mustered for the filIal ct'l'tin call, considering the fatal l'haractert of molst of the parts. Mr. Daly has a pleculiar voice, but his audiJtllet' last t'evening seemed to enjoy his stIlging. ISSUES INJUNCTION. Ytesterdaty Judge V. '. We:bter is illed I tetll potrtr'y ilnjuncLtion In the case of Halls Iienlau against tile Chi. cLagI, Mlilwat.kee & Puget Sound tall. way compllllany. The writ restrains thu corporatlot troam changing the chan I fl' theilt Missoula rivel' at a point near Iih l' i tinti'fs ranch \tie't (if tile city. FARMERS' INSTITUTE IN MISSOULA COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF TILLERS, IS D'.'E TO MEET ON FEBRU. ARY 18 AND 19. "'Tht. .11.svulht I',unly IFariner-' In titute wi, ii hold a nmeeting in tih tchll lher ,~1'. mio n tn'ree V0oIImI .n 1Feb4) ruoar Is and 11. Tlis orgunjizatilon I4 ralidly gaining in numbers and ini strength and will without doubt be of great assistal:lnc tI all its membners. Icvery ulan Interested in agricultural pursuits should take an active interest in this organizaltion anld its meetings, as its educational value cannot be overestimated. F. B. Linfleld, director of the state agricultural experimetnf station, will talk on "Dry Land Farm lin." l'roft'ess r Thiomas Hlaw, land exlpert for the Great Northern, will is,uass "Mollntanall's Agricultural Prob (lem.' i'rlday eveninig at 8 0 o'clock a session will be held which is to be devoted entirely to the sugar beet. The pro posed factory at this place will be dis cussed and the meeting will ,be ad dressed by 1. D. O'Donnell and Chemist Mendlesen of Billings and other ex ports along tile sugar beet line. The Institute will also have th6 pleasure of listening to Professors O. B. Whipple, It. A. Coolt'., and D. 13. Swingle, of the Montllana State Agricultural college. The prograjm is as f. :;;ws: F'rida). PrI'ofessor Thomnas Shaw, "Montana's Agricultural Problcrm." F. If. Linfleld, "Dry Land Farming." Saturday-Morning. Professor O. B. Whlipple, "Planting and Care of the Orchard." Professor It. A. Cooley, "Insect Pests and Their Control." Afternoon. Professor D. B. Swingle, 'Frult lIs cust's-How to Prevent Themll." Professor Thlomjas .hiaw, "The LeguIimes." Professor 0. 13. Whipple, "'rpst Protectionl anld Irrigation." UPHOLDS SCHOOLS. Nice. it h. 5,-13lshop ('halutolt. whio lthe et'veral tiLlei attracted uttenltion by refusi.g to follow tihet militant tcoutn sels lof sinet of his colleagues, pujt liihed a letter to the priests of his dtll'e., Ilnstructllng thl to ct-uper ite with ptrblle sichool tttchet'Vs in iteati o i ollp ijlg tliil . SMITH-WENZEL. The ;Irl'rl'allge uof John hilllth iullid illaws Ida \Vtenzel was solemnlize,: at the Preib'toerian I.aiIne b"' ltev. J. N. Maeleain last evetjlng. The groom li employed in Sumnnmerville's tallorligl , hop. Tne bride is wall known in tlsoiula. The couple will r'i'di at i1i riadieon street, CLUB WILL ATTEND INSTITUTE MI88OULA WOMEN'S ORGANIZA TION'ACCEPTS INVITATION A .GOOD PROGRAM. Trhe .eWiun's club net in regular session yesterday afternoon In' Odd Iellows' annex. Mrs. V. B. Skinner nrnslhllng, A communication was road from Professor Cooley extending an in vitation to the Woman's club to meet with the Farmer's Institute on Feb ruary 18 and 19, at which time Miss Brown of the Hozeman college will give ia talk on domestic science and Miss Hrewer of the Woman's hall of the Unlversity of Montana will demon strate. The Invltation was accepted. The progrii'LTn was in charge of tihe mushl department, Mrs. E. A. Win stanley in the chair: Piano solo, (MacDowell). Mrs. Marquette, Miss Grace Corbln. Recitation, "'oul of thu Violin," Miss l (icklin. ('hurus. "Hark to the Mandolin," (Pa'rker) MtsduLues Winstalley, (laill oanll. liagtudl, Syrock, Little and Porter. Plano solo, 'iLargu" (Handel), Dr. S. D. Wlllithig. V'ocal solo. Allaus loIi Shull. Vual solo, Miss Ruth Kellogg. (Ihorus, "'oodnllghl," Music depart llmrnt. l i rdir tlhat t1e Mdissoula 'Woman's flub lmay be accorded its right stand nlg in the state federation to be held in Kallspell. all dues must be paid by March 1. before the *per capita tax Is forwarded. The department meet ings are as follows for Monday afttr The art department with ,Mrs. J. M. Price; the soclal and dot estlc science with Mrs. TI. B. Farnsworth, 120 South Fifth west; the Shakespeare de partment with Mrs. D. E. Bandmann on Gerald avenue. DEAD MAN DISCOVERED IN CARLOAD OF HAY tIutte, Feb. 5.-(tp'cil.)-- A ghastly sight met the eyes or a nIumber of labior.ra when they opened a carload of hay conslgned frolt Chariot st, tloll in the Bitter Itoot valley to the Canipania company In this city; for lying on the floor was the body of a mildle-aged man. He had been dead for many hourls .and an examination showed that his neck had been broken, Sevidently by the. shifting of the hay in the ctr while he was asleep. The coroner lhas charge of the body and there Is itut a scrap of paper about his clothing to show his Identify.