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New Items of Vital Importance Added to Donohue's Greatest Clearance Sale Almost an entirely pew group of bargains will be found at Donohue's today- principally shoes, dry goods and women's and children's ready-to-wears- ::together with the opening leaders of the big event. Have no hesitancy in ta taking advantage of these, for in'many instances the quantity is small and Syou should guard against possible disappointment. Also, the final great nclearance in men's clothing should appeal as it is of vast importance to men. Don't fail to come again today. Certainly Missoula's Best Money's Worth in Shoes Some 3,000 Pairs of Shoes to Be Cleared Away to Bring Stocks Up Final to' Required Efficiency--Let Everyone Supply at These Pittance Prices Final Clearance Men's $4. 85 and $2 Women's an.50.$4 and, $5 C Shoes at only - .98 Shoes at only - - -5 IIii tIs oo *~ * $Soe toly'19 Cleara c Iligh elass footwear in every respect, odd lots I'atent bu4tlo or laut. kid null caIf lul'l shoes Aly suit in the house it only and ends of disconItinted lines grouped for in all sizes, but I broken lines. whith means im .dliate clteral'lnce. Kid, ulf aInd ]l patnt thai t vou'll filld your size in some style or 4vt i tA ou Ileth ,lters, als)o "o ulW witlt-p roo f f lf t its, stiyl h 1 suitable for all dress o.ccatsionts, stronig, durable itu, lit'.. ,asi h Ji ir t'rraug'l (ii the ha 'qualities, selling regularly at $4.00, $5.00 and gain tables, values regular at $3.00, $3.50, $6.00. ('losing out for choice of 1'00 lpairs it $4.111 and $5.00. 'hlosing out for choice, for ,on ly .................................................. $ .2 .9 8 on l . .. . ..... .... . 4 1 . 88 Me 's Work 18hoes, Boys' Kehool Shoes, C'hildren's Shoes, Hisses' thots, worth %.0 uli tt h dworth regularly $3.50 : ;worth usually $0 1.0 u $lu 1 5el S iI ng at and $4.00; clearing and $2.25; elaring and $2.00; clearing suall $2.0 o 3.00; itegla aus he slg at .00, 2.0 and 30.0. at . ............. $1.98 at ............. $1.23 s ait . ...........95¢ clea ring at ....$1.45 $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00. Thits is tin st~l ci cetatt for fat Ih Thits i the stiyh cnter f Yor - 201 ptai's 'hildr'en's thoes, worth $1.50 and 700 pairs W in'ts fellt Slippers, worth to 300 pairs Men's Sheepskin ox, wtorth $1.00 t This is the sNh; ctttcr for fa 1n1s oxl awo$in.0 0tewa Yor $2.00 a pair; (learauce Price ... 95 $2.50; (ea'anf', Prict ................ 69' pair; ('Clearance.,ti at ........... .......................35 ous "lhtnjanin New York lMadtle ('lothels" and otlhe'r lines 300 pairs Misses' Shoes, wor'th $2.00 and $3100 a 9100 pairs Melt's llHouse Slippers, worth $2.00 and 400 pai'rs Infants' Pretty Shoes, worth to 90c Made Clothes" and othe' fine that sell at those prices ill every pai'; (Clear'aince Price ............ .................$1.48 $2.50; 'aranice I'rice . ................954. Clearance Price .............. ..............35. lines that sell at those prices in city l iimportance throuaghout 200 pairs Womena's Felt Slippers, worth to $1.25; 900 pair's Boys' Sthosn, worth $1.50 and $2.00 a 1.00 pairs Children's Leggins, worth to $1.50; every city of importance .the U itcd States.- . le'ara lce P'ri .. ........ . ... 35 p ir; Clearance 'rte .......................... $1.23 ('Clearance Price ......................... ...................79 th'oughout the United State. AlU 1 you ALL NUI'iLIED' 150 pai's Womao's elt ippers, worth to 1,000 pairs Meu's Ilheavy Work Shoes, worth to 500 pairs Men's (gold Seal Rubbers, alway, lE YOU ALL NUPPLIED. $i.50i; Clearance Price ...45~ #4.1)0; goitag at . . ............ ......91.98 $2.75; (2leaurtance Price...............91.79 p I I Banner Bargains in Tailored Suits and Coats ror Women and Children Large Girls' Coats for $1.98 $10.00 for Women's $25.00 Suits off4ered il) sizes 1ip to It. Mtediutl antd heavyweights ill vatiiae Size aind style rangetg suffictient to satisfy all, but there aire only ,O'rth regulari up to . ..... ...... .............. . ......................9 .00 abhout twenty left. lvi garnii'n .strictly ul)-to.dlIt' utt highly dYsiralt !or You get hetter suits here for $25.00 thant anyiiliwhere, to' e style, bet pitg wa. N ste i tw u tthfuly b t of tell'tr mIat'erial, behtter tailoring. These suits hiere offered so low arti lIg asso' t e ts tl. ' tty stylts, iin truthl, evebotute deu inot suits just thrown together for cheal selling, we dlon't handle lighted withI tln and tptcoltitltts oin their excellence. ieat that kind. Anyone would enjoy one of these $25.00 suits, and now Sialhtes, sur1i'lv, for the values range up to $9.00 at regular the same are clearing out at only .................................. $10.00 S ,'ices ; lie of thit coats at only ............... 1.8 $14.75 for W omen's $35.00 Suits 4 t Eltntire liemaining stock, any size, any color, aty s'tyle; Splendid tailor made bought to sell at ,35.00, but arrived tooi cholice ............................ ONE-IIAL.F PIl{ICE late for best buying. Nowhere are you permitted to buy such comuitendable suits int aI , sale so far bIelow reason. Had these suits arrived in tiiec for tthe $22.50 Caracule Coats $5.00 s'sn' best se lling there wohld not ie one in this clearance sale. S(Naionly. two ill tihe house, but a'e oftfered at a great huargain now If you we're paying their actual valune, $35.00, yotu would conisi'der o tlk,' thei alwaly. C H'• ('outs, fully 30 in'hen hloS, foil tha'i is good a ban'gaian us otht' muit stores offc'r. ('hoice of an'a'ly iting, bst Skinner atin ind, bautifull tailored; worth 50 at only. ............................ .........14.75 4.:. Iti,$ .. 0 echI. hleautance t ale P,"ii e Iu........ cl. . 0 $5.00 El ntii'r lI'tiaining stotk of high qualit.v two ant thr'ee.-pic't-' sit its, fitecst wiattet' models, at ...............................O(NE-.HAL P (IC( 54-Inch Kersey Coats $5.00 All Coats Are Half Price t)inly t iio Ic ft. on, black, th i other tial n. ,i te Kersy, with \\',,men who haaaVt' inivt'stigatel ara't' very t'a ,lihimilit'c that the cut hi'a'gc. leiiI c' collaut itt lartliii fua. Nothing warmlriia l antd affords sttoa'k ii tcowui is ott Donotue's secionad flnoo., biggest ansor'tmtit'aa ts lit ttc t pa otiction, always lcoks neat. priced at and par'tticer' styls. F'or the great atonil tc'laum'ltaneo t'hliose ant.u $.2."0. Cleartaac iale Phicei . . $5.00 lhing and limy just ......................... ()NE-IIAI,' PlIt l(l' •III All Embroideries Must Go SEVWRAL THOUSAND YARDS $3.00 Sateen Petticoats at $1.69 AT 8 1-3 -Edging. and in.ertion up to 8 inches wide. Dress Goods Remnants---Half Price ,,,,bout 23 Bhack Nattc'in Petticcats, M.\l(t,,'s atliaustalet' vkes, 'ubrtoid AT 12 1-2¢-Pa'tetty beading and flouncing to 12 inches, ltos, Acwurnulations of t'e st'ansoa's lreti'r t i 'ess gtt ds, also lfine taicssa- IRd flolc anatld dci p dust 'taiffle- -worth tl104) ealht (ihI l'rImattte doubh'. lint and tiafftha silk, besides a limited luahtity of talictes, per'ales, 9'ic. . $1.09 AT 18¢.'-omaet covet4 widths and fi.uncing up to 12 inches wide. ginghmas, linings and linens still lefI for that frugal housewife. Choice All fancy "ilk t'et itoats at 11 llIlI PlLCEI" AT 29¢.\-\idths to 27 inclies. Mtost beautiful ever seun here. of any of these in various good lengths at c'xat'ly HAl4l' PHICE Table Linens at One-Third Less $2.00 Long Kimonos $1.25 Yards and yards of cloice patterus in fine table lidmeus-pattern 53c Flannel Waistings, Yard 33c 4 ,it'oi,.tahle, athd aont'iit rual la'tgth ha inattnis, I'ea-x'aiaa! paattc'iaso ; clothas ina 2, 2 1-2 ahd 3-yarld lengths, aist,, ba uttif'ul stt, cloth and Abtout 300 yards of .''ceh fhti el wainting's ia t aa btt autiful att t sil t- flunatlt'ttt', h.'tde'r trimmitlg, in matthih-cl shadas. ]egula' $2.00 vatl napkins to match, all ready to Use. Pay for taet of colors. (aenuine 58e qualititts tt, yd mi334' s at ........................ . 91.25 cholic' .. ONE THIRD OF1 IIEGULAlt PRICES $1.75 Bedspreads Only 98c 20c Dress Ginghams 11/ic tfhilren's $1.25 Gowns at.49c fl)utli t Ih u tti,,htiitdac". til 'tits uip it I t4 tair .i'.-",'eiLaii'aat: of tlt B ecautifuld sttiw ivlaiit rocheted bl dt slds, hended ai t 1eadd a l 5m0 ytu'd f.F. .anf orol du iNa a'd a iat l th i atafor si'ble amtte'us, full hIugth atd well adta . aticl , ta a $1.235, going use, uall oubl betistiesand acat atters Ikulam 175 tlue, gtodtlqualities fom y'ears, bet sIpatterns, it ,atuhi' 20t' cul~itit's, g)iaig mat, mt .. 50c Fancy Pillow Tops 25c 25c Cotton Pongee 15c Women's $3. S.ateen Waists $.50 Nicely taciltiac c "-alt ci latist alsta ithat a oo unt l cI aiat IiI'sot Itb as la'i Natl. floral designs, colored and stamttprl to shlw shades of silk to use ]He'iaiailts in lengths from 10 to 20 yatrals ; all tha' solid cal thrs amtd tiist l and tmiatdis, all sizes, but nitotly dark cthls, suitable bodices for in embroidory. May very nicely be used as they are. Always 50c lighter shades, also many striped and check effects. This nice dress average street wear, actual value, offered in abmut 4 dozin, up to $3.$5. regularly. Clearance Sae P e ................. ... ................ 25 or waist fabric is au excellent 25 quality, anow going at, yd........15 Clearance, at ............................................... 1.50