liceting qf State brgnpiztion at Plains Is to Be Held on
February 15 to 17, Inclusive, and Ilterestiug
Attractions are Announced---Prizes
fpr Fruit.
Thil programI fur t11i 14th annualll
tieertig iof the Monttana Horticultural Il
Sgelety I.has been announlliced by Dr. M.
J. Elrod, secretary-treasurer of the or- 'I
ganittlittlln. This year's meeting In to r
li hteld at Platins, on February 16 to 17,
incluslve. The foreword of the offl- .I
'vial program, which IN to he iNssued I
In a few days. has the' foUuwing to
"ThI.' mleetings of lhe 1 uociety alt
lteid 1 minldwinter, with u definite, Oh- .
Ject in view. Exhibits in mindwiiter
are c.t'oiclusive proof thllt 'intier lillidt.s
caln be grown. The exhllbitb iter'in- '
fore have bteen good. The pratie-t f.
fevtl at the Philn id leting ng.iegiate,
snore tlihan $3iO. This i. duil to II.' l
gltneronity uanll inltlerlmt of friends of,'
the Industry, aInll shllouhl call ilt ithe
hest fruit ilnw' in the' cold strng-,.
huuse. Never before IIn lh hlisitory I
of the society hilt no large anl utllnot I
beenl offered IIi prilles. And they are
good onest . Fruiti cannot lie suil III is t
Shigher mnarket anid, when takeln by tithe i
prle-lgivers, will I.e ulletll to adviertlise '
tithe country and show Its woindeirfull
ftpit posi'ibllties."
The Prizes.
)r. iii'ud annoullnces thalt ii I. f ld
lowing prles will be awarded to fruit
growern exhibiting their product:
:Missoula Churnber of Comtnierce-'Flr
best three boxes oi applesl . 21h lI cillbh.
iTe apples are Ito become tlh piopelt. y:
of the donors of the prize'.
Misln0ula Mercantile comipanly-l'orl
the best three boxes oif app.li froml (
the following varieties. 126 in cuslt,
tie inure than oneli box of each vaurliety: I
Stlintosii. Northertn Sli', RuII' nlsauty, J
InS., Jonathan, ipltltsanberg. 'Ihu iti
p ilus are to become tlthe property of tile
depLor of thie irtize.
Lumber departmliein, Anaondutl Culp
pet Mining company. Hamilton- -For
beet five boxes of winter appllesi: lilrstl
puIae, 700 apple boxes: necondt prize,
30 apple boxes.
'Daily Milaoullan. Mlisou.a -ut'vr beat
plate of MAclntosh Ited apphles, one
yelr's subsaription. i
Lindsay & Co., itlitit ld MliNsoulil
-For onelt box taclh olf beat ptuck ii i
tlfree varictles of winter applesn til't
commeriltl purposet, lt beautiftilly nll
galved silver loving cup.
Kldispell Chltamber of tomllilllerci. -
'"or best box of applesi : First prize, I
1:10; second prize. $b. lauch box in to I
S)lie nqt rmore than tlI aupples, the I
aILrd to be nm(de pV tilt. follownlgtu I
S'ient)t'-five poyintd each on Ipack. utllli
fomlity and condition, color ilIand
. lt. 1s'lkleS. Plaiarn---or the beus
isplty of canned fruit, a pair of loldi
Iplmned spectacles. valuted at Sli.
Tie I anders County ielnioralt - I''ll I
the bust exhibit of c'rtbupitltl . Jelly. mln
y)ear's subscriptionl.
Tile Plaintslman--ulr thel best platt
of Hpitzenberg appls. in.. yIIrI 'is sunb
Tni.i wanders Ci.ouuty 4igtlal- iFor the;
best plate of Jonathanl or Nortliher'il
aI'y. oqe year's subscriptiull.
4.. ., Quinn-For the best bus.lt of
eatables for the banquet. Sill.
plalns Valley Commlercall club-lur
the best exhibit of canned fruit or 'v.g- I
itables put up by the exhibit-'r: Flirlt1
p.ile. $10.; second prie, ;6$.
Plaite Valley CuOllmerotul cilub -iFrtl
the best display of wilnteir applels onlh
four plates, a handsoulle sil've'r cup. to
be knownl as the Plainl valley cup, lnd
to -beaolan tie prop.erty of the personl
wndaning it three times.
McGowan Mercantile eoiipita,. Plttns
--For the belt exhibit of aipplliN on
plates: girst irlse. $10: setnilll
prime. $ .
" 1. U,. O'lontlil, lUlllngs-- l'or tlie
best display alld exhibit of upplt' rl'od
Suctgs (including cutineld apples,. illurl'nt
Slade. apple butter, applel Jllly., it,. :
First prize. $S1i; s"e..uldl lprizx ,, 11 i
'the prlgrlat begins ,. I,*lilows A.
'i'uesday. February I7:
Addresses of welcomllle. ilnltli J. 1itur
leigh. llorge I't . i l IKlen . I'l nls.
Reports l i i -i -I i.pi i*iit- I
;Oates, Kutllipell; Mi. iH. 'i.r't., hlaihL.
1. D. O')unnell, Itillings, W. Pt. Ilre
lItai. ItIOon T. T, il lt :k, ' i tssa.iii
"Croslls ie tillllrti. i ti lll'ri i .
I n. si. ' ipplI, p li." . las,.r of lliricu.t l
culture and Mt chaitil i Arts. il, u.ltz ll
"Mi rketing .1l0lh.,1 , , i V. %'al
Is uh, secreital y tlatl . i ti | h. t ,ltl. -
culture, Ihl il
Iairicldu director 'if thi allltuil I.,
"pl llrwmt a 01n, so ( lla.a, l
bit rd t ]hernl ititttuD . B tit l'ioL l
'"Oud tryii" Ictn. l.y. ~.up t'.,itlt.
pitrinItndent iduntalll'e illtll'titts' liteti
'i oanu xpilidanr iMontilliti iarlti
"AllortExrUl'it~i ·Exhibitr . it thou fta,
T'pr" LO tin MtItr etu. J. ;ht1iud.'
. A terron.
At. .f. toe, adittr DIy. B. MWiouyll.
"Faranng 1 tat ant eublcity),'" Ni. IL,
iIIt. ( des i ltL.i, I aiiritL.4 l d llitliaLI.
bPr -f (Colilltere.
"Ti'p Iraftlig," lred Whliteside, C
Sfolrlmer Inisp.ctorast-lurgIe and Inineber it
statte board of hIorticulture. Kalispell, c
"Nurrri'les and NurIery ll RMo tck," I).
,I. ri, ll-t ti talkl ac ll llre tii illln l lis - t
Evenin. i
"M11iltutlniu'dn Agricult'url !'~»»ibili tis."
'i'hotns disatw, agriculturi't, treat 1 t
N.rthelin raillrod. St. 'natl. f ,
Ad\rlilrct I' A. I)h ltli . rii., r liti. ,i i t Ii
i'nivirsitly it \liltl ll tnt
,"rh. W\t'or.t , nI.tIhII d Is!.a , I',. l ,
It .1. 'oil*iiy, ~ . ti n1 t'ltrllliiogt st, i l (e
"AIII,p IM, ll ilonJ md tiher IDl..itn n (l t
the e tl'clliird." Ih. i. $Wlllnghl, professor i!
of utally urd hautriololgy, Montanll a
talt (,Colle, oif Agricuilturlll' d MIe- t
chuinli Arts. hinn,iaill. I,
" ir'chrl I z Inlltetwieou and 'l'reiut
iiient." M1. I.. I.wni, nsttI' inilspetl' lit
large. Miss.oulu,
"l'u.t tad I'Present." It. N. lUthie'- f
iii, ,eitl. r lu ky M4uitIii lt luibitnd
harm, Gireat I°'Pllh. a
"Thu Proper Devtlopmielt o1' to ,d1ie-d
,rrn Irrigute l .rebard," W. J. 'Tledt,
pretlident state' board of horticulture, c
('oillu. i
"L.'l-uperUltIio 1ltween Ite, Minuto e
SIheur(d of Hutritlulture anld thle Montlana 1
H;urticulttural Hociety," T. T. Illack, t
inenrlber pf th.e state bolard.
"Thle hevehlonlent of the Iltter lout ,
'ulley Inuriing tihe Past Two Yuears,"
It. W. Fislher. Victior.
"'Tho Milk IIverr ti'ulIe, y," W. M.
Woulbridge. JIIIldulI,.
-BusH esllts sluilon.
Women's Department.
Tl'lt fItllowlng programl has been ar
ranged for tht1e women'* depairtlmelnt. i (
new brunch or te Msocilety, for Its iea- I
ilouIs t WIeItesdlay lndl TlIhursdaiy aft- t
"ltose ('alttrte." Mr1. 4'. Uiker.
Thoipsotll t.
"iom4e Points o4 IIllnhslehllhld Munliltt
tion." fiilliwedi by it c4ooklng demolln
atrtlion,ll Missl Florencel M. Brown, in
atructor in huoe scilenc., lontanla c.tol
I'log of AgricultiI'ure lnd MechanicL' Arts,
4 rganitllltlult of departmellllnt
"l,*wvtrs for. t.t)e lin.ls aI d (44t4Ullr ."
'lho'ins II. Hlmon . Missluulu Nurseury
Other Features.
It is Jllloutlncd thalt special rates
a iii be kivult oller tithe railroads, olt
tilt' certifieate, plin, and that express
chllarges will be aiud oil all fruilt Intuend
.utl for exhibltlion.
Thie statei bord of IlOrticlture willI
ueiot htduring Iallh- 'liiis of the so
in thl,' final evening fi tolf ' ittelting
the, citizenl of I'lulns will give it re
Icoptinl and linnltlet in haonr of the.I
Thn printed liilroeedings set' te' i met
Ing held last yar at IlIlnlltun will, it
iil texpe4ctl.1li, I' ready flor distribution.
at Plains.
'i'he Plaiiios baild will ltfurnisth iuste
leach 4l, 1l'.lllotiil anit 411 t¶evening andll or
cIhestlra inusic will be an atdditional
Ii iltll I i b i. .--. ta tlllllUl ed by
'4t4tmnitert' 4'. 1'. Chtiffin, the Hantill
tlili I,iiltofflt ,, i dlltlatle an ilncrease of
$3l.4i6T7.4 i. in ts re'',eipts during the lpitt
y,.ar, \whiich Iulllullnti tii it Kain uf .1.8
i ar it',il itver the receipts of 1908.il , The
cash rcei',iits in 11(01 wer'e $7.070.85,
Ithlw,, -if 19031i lhing $10,738,310. As coin.
paired with miiie of thei' larger cities
if the sl~lt. thliin. i itlc· i't iN remalirk
a111h. 'r'h, gaini;t i the nlt recelptl oft
Ililiiar· wat, $..,4R . that ol' Htetlvlit
$7, ll:1, liitlitl' tiil being iluellt Mgrlater
tht:t that -r ti nilto , while the pel
4.1.l ;i lu-d d -h Il illings is lbut 13.
Mirl'. k L(. N..ll'th rnl'li JiY fic l Jil(lllmiute'r ,
I:. ..j r' !ll. '. . ;; linli llp lll \\ ·,- Ia Ltle ll 1
iii') 1il, 11 h I l, ' f l hklklltl touit).
n'i ni -it ia i ei of mIIoiiii i ii n iri
.7.!.. i1i, reiitu'il on Tuesdayy.
Lil. y .\.lii I flft for Noxon thi Iirat
" I' thy'h week.i
C{. Tlly {of (, 'v Hando in inl Hero
il'tiiul''y Dhlhe1t1y iiuuiiu' a 1'ip Lii
'hIIll iiilpsloll 1"alls oi Moinduay.
tri'. 11. II. iHtttiery Iii as 1 li , /lit ,r
tlur oil HiLatilrday.
Etob Jttiklnfi nlmad- . l fly hiln g 1 . oI
7)txonl on NaI(utlay.
Mr, and M's. Iultiih , t'.du1 .1 rlall
. ur, the parento of a 'girl hlly
liuitiloni, eb. -il'laiiik .1iu'k, ai
tliutivt of (.irimnt'y itit now a residetit
i of HLalltilon, itlas filed ia petition it i
the dIstrIct court uski.lg four citizet-i
shipl, to the United states. I
|hlamilton. I",eb, ,.--A record-braking
attendance and great elthustla Ind
marked the general meeting ol t
HIamilton chamber of commerce at
city hall last evening. One hundred
members of thoe organlisatlon were pres
ent and all entered Into the discusilons
with a Vim that loladel the business at
hand move' with plea.ing effective.
neveral Iliyortlit ,uttatter' were di.
IC-polled of', but the mIst illnportnlt iai
tion taken was tile aloptlon of pinnrl
for a county fair nrld apple show to
be held in Jlamlltorn snne time next
fall. The mov'e was started by (leorge
Ward and Miles Itlllney, the former
stitilng that the best apple show he
over saw was one held in Ifuamlltuu.
it was pointed iout that such it fair
wouldi prove a good Itdvlertlisr anld
would ins th best slImlliuluns for quall
lty that could be . founid. (P. I'. ( 'ol.er
and John Treec. of the county board
of commisn.ltoners were prresont aind in
forllmed the th umllirlllt of ColI iliFerce that
they were heartily In favor of tie plan.
and that It would not take much of
a lobby to induce them to appropriate
the $1,0010 which IIIs. been set Iside by
liaw for conductlng such II fair.
Upon motIon by Mid Wurd the ur
ganlsation indorsed Hipokane for the,
Inext National Apple' show. l) ette'rs
frolt tile co.lllnrt'iau c(lllas of: the two
clties were read by thle semoretary but
fll the sentiment of the meeting
seoened to hee with plokanie, tihe origi
nator of the' show.
After i lengthy discusslonl of tile l.,4
t'eaun Apple box bill the chamber ot
commlertce we·nt on record Us denoune-I
ing the efforts of the barrel packers
and jobbers of thd east, to bring about i
legislation changing the size of the box,
the northwest pack and the grading
of apples, and appryed and commend
ed the action of the fruttgrowers of
the Hitter Root valley In denouncing
the tmeasure. A report orf the iaction
of the meeting In regard to thlis blh
will be forwarded to Muntanall repro
entatitlves In congress.
The secretary was instructed to ox.
tend it Vote of thanks to the publishll
ers of "Better i"ruit" for the attention
the liL~ter Root valley was given In a
recent Issue of the publication. It was
also voted thlat*the lhamlltiber of com
nmerce assure the instructors In charge
of thei fruit .'he5i reeitVivtlV h.ld here
of their appreciation of their good
work. It is to te Ihoped thar the school
will becomlle . permallnent Instlution itr
tew development of the fruit business
in the valley.
The questlon of JUly 4 celebration
was taken up and dlscur ed but noe
definite action was taken. it Is under
stood that Hamilton has acquired the
habit of celebrating this day. so dell
nilt action was left unltj luter. At
this stage In the proceedings, the meet.
lng turned to look into the futuro,
when niuiluries were nulmtde faf to the
prospects for a baseball team. W. O.
l,'lk was culled on and asslured thlle
mneetling that whlen tile proper timen
camelt Hamiltonl would have ia team in
the field that would make them all sit
up and take notice, IeI stated that the
prospects for a clumsy telilam were' uln
usually bright,
Letters from tifreet of the officials of
the Northern Pacific were read by Sec
retary Odea, in which assurance was
gitvel tlhe' chamber of co' eroellell' of till'e
Intention of the uplotpany to erect a
new depot during the comling sutlnller.
The question of a location for the
buildinlg wais disculssed, it heilng the
genmral opinion that the present loca.
tion is the best. Louis Peterson, pro
prietor of the Hamilton hotel, was
present anld asked the chamber of
colmmlnerce to co-operate with him ll n so
t'ring permission fronlt tithe railroad
people ftlloWiO g hint to grade and park
the plot of ground lying betweon tile
hotel and tlh 1 depot. 'hil secretary
was Ilnstructted toI taltke both Of these
iit'l fs ilt Withl t tllhe cflilis of the
The rl'eport of the ' If'W IUlduti'u.tr
c',ulillllittf ' wais aILdU by P. J. Shannon:
it wits stated tlhatt salnpies of c'liy
adi.'lf tible about htlfitito ll td beeon
stlnit t( It brick tlmiallifIctlurer anid had
been pl)ronouncellt of fife qluaflity. A
ilanulfl'turell'r hut signified his inten
tlol otf br'inglcWlg I f'ictol'y itc thlls eity
11s lolf It. t sauitabile locatilon can be
se('cu rll'ed. S'I''' rIII oIrli(ie sfllle)11 le (Cf fly
t will be l'orwardled this week.
I'hilh dellit.h , I' , 1. 'I'rF'r ' |' .o t t
l tfhll| l of tiltt girl . hrt aisl mtlltker'
.trike w +ite l agreed uponti tonifght by it
t 't, Ph ,f tratti All thei striketrs
ittito its hi tlLkeni but bL' their filornoat
etlpllyerl, but the uopt shopflt'tl "oltIdl
ttion iisisted upon by tihe Itntifetut
turlur is to il',V l.] 'Thi' mrl tull tttifac
turerit have agreed to take back 70
per Cont hl. tilt .rLikulre it, , ueu tando
the remaining tll t t:i p. r W.tilt withill
1onit iih.
'1'hi, qthu.tioili ,11 itltfif ils lefl tot b
dveitdd Upult by the trldivitluul uittu
fatturers+ tand etilprtesenttlives of their
lal, iltot , le'b. i.--'Tudity i l t and
iitutllt (ti in tihe dtstriet uiutrt. .Oe'
e ll' ell itr r and motitonsl pending
were dlitpoed of. The totitLon by C. S.
Wagner. city attorney, for a new trial
in the inj.jtihun oase of W. 1'. O'Brien
\iursitls te mayor unit countii of the
I ity ofi Hamtiltloi n wastt overruled by
Judge Mi ye."ls. The supreme icourt is
the city's only recourse now.
Ito itt know tlhat croup i'ii ble pIi
,ntedf. tle ChfttiiIIfIerlaii's Cough
Il tinedfy is soon is the child buecornmes
hI:arse ort eve uItter tthe tolopy coughi
itappof'i anid it will prevent thu Uit.,
ti. It is also ft tcerttul cure for
tcroup and hais iinever been kow'n to
full. $ulid by all druggists
Knllispall, .bout. Fe: ). u.-(rlp,'iul )-
First steps w'erie taken lust nlglt to
Ile fol(lwed by a cuml.litfte report
00ibruat 21 for, thile orgdnization of
a 'timber protective asosociation tol
cover the entire state of Monltau,. the
pIurpose beingli to prevent forest fires
and damage to the, lorests. The mitve
ment Is the culmilnatlon of effortr
made by U(. W. Millett of this eity,
Montana vice presidentof the Westernl
Porestry and Conservation us.rcAltions
of which Jlohn It. Thole of Sis.iolUla
in nlilt or thtl dirvctors. The organila
tion which went so far as to elect Its
orlI.,er aost night. is based upon tlhe
Hamlne lines as ia number of Washing
trin, dluaho, Oregon and (ulifornla til
noctions., whclh ichlevye their resaults
through a fire, patrol system during
tihe dry maillth.
The mteetiia at whkih the usaoi,a
tion wuas ftuned eomprised u dozen
Io the mIot prlominent lumbermaln of
Flluatheadl and Lincoln countles, fore, -
try offlhlahs and the fo'ester of the
Western unaanlation. I-. T. Allen oifl
Meattle and F. J. D(viea of Coeur
I'Alo'ne, Idaho, siecretary of the Courl
d'Aln'e ThIbber P'rotective asI..c.,| tlon
and 'ilso Idahu vihi* president of the
,a oclution.
F. A. 1.licox, u~nlistunt distrl,t fur
ester from Missoula. spoke of the do.
KJlro of the United statue forest sern
Ice to o,-operate with thei' utnlPlbernen
of all .seltinus to prevent firi,. itnld
offered to as.sit the committie, in uny
plan it mallngt wlal to clary out look
I ng to co-oporation with the tor'estry
servici In .Montanui it. idles Mr. 1S11-
cox there were present. Supervl'cor
Dorr Sklels of tile Kootenul national
forest. P'age 8. uanker and F. N.
Iaines. supervisors ,of thut Flathead
and 13l:.ckfuet foressn with he;tadiquatr
ter's in Kallspell. All tile forest offl
chi. rIc plied to lueltlon 1111and ade
remarks uptn) tine invitution if .Mr.
Millett, who presided.
Cost of Patrol.
4n:st of fire lpatrol was one a.l' tihe'
chief poitlls dwelt uplta and it was
found that in Wasitington It costs but
1l cent :ii acre for the territory un
der patrol to maItke effective i fire
protective organizaution. In Idaho.
owing tio greatir amount of under
brunk thle expense was ,u clnts. Sup
ervisor Hklels slatied, hiiwev'r. that tithe
Koitnl'ni forest protected its timber
at an expenlse of lonly i. cent an acre',
auld it was the opinion of those present
that owing to a cleaner groun&, tei
timbered dlstrt',ia of . tai would
sity also oif piling the brush of the
slushings was brou l u out ltnd fig
ures givent by Hewvjp pre~4cut 'showed
theo ctrt' to run bt'eelf 2:e And , 0
cents per 1,110 buard feet, ulthol*ugh
in nnllue old and l very .u.hy" distrlcts
it exceedled tihts.
Cu- pt'yratlonl of thll tIii nbel 'llnll \vii.
stilate and nationllil aofficers was eml
plhanlized by M1r. Dlavies, who nsaidl thaut
Id'alho lhad not ully j l"ied thei pro
tectitve acsoclinatiiis iof the sttate as u
memnber oil equal foiit.t" with the
othe'r thbller owners. but hlild e'xtolid
ed its auithourly t to ti.e fe cruisers of
the various (olllpanlll . t11i uhad the nla
tional forest service ill order to mtkulm
arrests of obnloxiulls l'rolls e:.-y .Inidl
certa lin.
Much eallpiaos s laid Lcth by MIr.
Davies alnd Mr. Allet, uponll the Iecd
for Intelligent actioll oif tile timber
interests itl ordier ' i t' orestalil action
by state' legislatures. wtlhieh they
mighit be prejudicial t, ihe timnber in
"C('ionscl'vatlont is lit tie air'." smtid
IIM'. Alleh. ,' tid the sooner we r'ig
nine the fact llnd tlk the nllitiative,
the bietter will it b'e flr ous. Itegulu
tliin of the fOrel'ts is citll ani iandiL
iot tfra distatnt. anld we, should ae
icotmudiate ourselves to the inevitabl'
andl niot arotluse untigntiisi by btiing
distrhut of the tillmbr 1m1 oII the pllut
of the enople at laltrg. anild evi' schould
nt wialt until state ihmisiatures ent.ti
I too drast.' hlws. itate .ra'.ltlttiol I
iliac etablt. ias in Iiihi t i to emi-op
. 'a t , w it h t lh e ' . ta te . u nlld h a ,. c ury a - i
.'.'mai'dd iI bllangig ibhm.lit iiOh. ftVoh
abli itgiulathn. iV%, lihouhl take at
ti it thut we gi't hlwt that are fair."
Hea idi+m M r. M illht , ih i wais i -ho' i tuiit
p ri ', hied tl , ittlie r o ff| . it's wte li' c ihi .ia eti
A, 11. Inat-"1 o01 T.li beillg vl.. Itita'i
secretitty itad tr1re(r05 . +A tomitttti'
if fiv' iiltiudl "ig l. presithint wiaS
uiio titatd to fo'millIti' a cunstitutimol
intl by-liwa'. .c 5.iilma 05 the organl
'matimatio is oii pleteip \t. -hethtelr it Ie. iin
iorpti rat-id or not, it i, the' itr'poai . ams
expressiid at tihe metiiiniilg .-gtvr'maiy.
tio uxte'nihia |ivituimoit to ithir tit
bili a of tlt, stati' h, jouim
ind other business 40t0 nttiut iuus Itlubot
to 4t. t41x4 ot I i per re t toll lthi Itt
iuoe are reqauired by law to majke
thur ieturtLO to tilt internalii rtevleunu
utlfftoe, fole the ciiatiend youu 190J9 oil
It b ZyIi·ItLctll 1, ocatir Ipenalty of ii
f ine of fruit $1,001) ti, ttl XU.uIUI. At-I
il tihe publlr tinhd on h lltlI puint, it(
I O' olitohlivin Ig- that thtt, rittiistinylly
lI ade wO.ltAI l -atny relyu'oluble tlolie
before the tax munt Vit paId.
T'hat thlere wIay bII nu disputltIe 1111 to
Itihe tinie wihet thlt rturn~s rolet Ill,
r·olleetors havll\e helm instructed thait,
whenIi they13 Iltr ritetlt'tlL rtiter Mardi 1,
the ieneieopie heotllgni lptltlllIu'it lilotto
tug the tinge of iltngl,'ekOih l tbe for
wtulitt with tilt- returlns tu t Whurillug
The Bitter Root Valley
A Pacific Slope hand
l,'a med for Its Perfect Fruit
and lts (Grat Profits
The Vally of Opportunity
A 4ugle acre of land in this valley has been known to
produce a net profit of over $1,800 in oue year; $500
annual net profiL from an acre of land is a comai'oa event.
Crops never fail, fruit pests atre unheard of and fatal
diseases among stock, li,ugs and poultry are unknown.
Water for irrigating pur'.Pses in accessible and iuex
hanustible quantitiens.
The beautiful imouaitnin sceneiry, an ltr itidalle.o:fý
water, lileithful mountain air, .l nritvlel d rilatite,.ttr 'g ,'
leans of. transiorat'lion, conlveniclce to musrkets, good
ecbols, e.loe Iroximity to state university, and the lowest
cost of lyiing all combine to ntki!,l.hie tcality' the most
Ideal place for a homie in the great northwest.
Write for free illustrated booklet.
Bitter Root Valley
IrrigatiQ0 Company
Take Our Advice
and be in sh ape to put a little Iiimoney into tihe Bitter
Root valley this sprniug. Valtues :ite going to increase
two-fold in the next year anti a hbetter investmenlt cau;
not be found.
The Daly Estate
Orchard Lands
which we ure selling oil tell-year payments, are the
best autl-,tave the oldest water right ill this famous
Welch, Harrington Co.
itl West Front St. SALES AGENTS Missoula, Mont.
it ilt1d L U ll lPait I ilt
"Legree." anld various proullllllnent inl
surgeonts figured as ".nclc Tonl" alndI
his fellow tlaves, aind "Little Eva."
Thcy were roughly treated, told that
they hlad been 'deprived of all patron
age, and therll appeals to the slpeakerl
to "resign" were met by demands for
their return to thile republican caucus.
lInally pult uploll the block at auction
in a dublous malrket, 11the democrats'
atnd repullltclans alike hollling otff from
1th, bidding, the sale waS stopped by
orders from the White House, In tht,
situhptI of aln emanciptl ll Ion loclllllla.
lion. in order to secure party hiullarlony.
Fairly Roasted.
If lhI. ilausrglents were grilled. tlle
otl'llst \wt'' failrly roastled in anluthor
skit taortranllLg thl. "illLLfalt illdu
tries"- tilt lulmber, whlkll'y, beef, coal
anlld tobllc'co trusts-seeking protection
front a number td ugly looking custo
imelr idtlntltifid us "tlhe ultlniate coii
iiulIt'r."'' 'ihlis W\as' It 1(1't'' froln otile
of th' cnlil nts of' the trust Itlagtalites
to the a11r1f a ' opitlart' song:
"'tII, till' ultilatalt' tcoosu. lir l always hu as
to ctollle to 1s,
't'l uiSe lie hadI't ally otheur place
to go:
'lit will rise itt indigntltioa: hI.' will
tatiet, uta awful ftse,
' 'tatatte he ]ladnl't atny othiact place
to gI.
''''hy tart all totll attests asstaitnabltd lar't
tolllgh It iglad array?
'Why do conllgt'ersament katep cotlllllg to
olr city, dlay ty ll' day?
"Wh'y dhl I tt\trts clt rallh n aglli aitlta
beailt it cle"r i Aflriyuyv
'i'aute hse hitaldln't all)a othet'l' llite'
Humorous 8kit.
t' c li' ttll'a rtT tf thitntgs ha tia" attatt'
deplrtllt'tlttlt wtis di.sltsi'l in 11a skit il
ilustratti.e of it giathturl'ldl of wIrotarltly
Katatx tatat his fitlfatil aaslsttants antid
but'lal 1Iaf llif at'll l't'ecllt lcr.tiattha, 'itor
cliii ata Iaundia' st''retalr'y alld at "itatroi-t
I lary a"' Netartiglated f.\l'l'tir's'" allta uil oif
",'ut' ilglhtltd A.fflall's." ilttl tlhtrt'o \lias
ai \wiiltrdelfu' l tlxhllalllli ofa "tilrt Lileetv
,l)ilhtaaacy." tetaultitg li tilthe s.latita 'ty
seltlt'alleiat otf ti e itaraigllall aulila..tio.t
atItd the ('itintslt railrltatd allubrtgllit atnd
tliil' atitlt r'w thlat alite' en, gilga'ad thit
attentiiota tatf tlte diloliatiatatt brantlth of
the gov'el'nmeillt of tthe past few
.AmIott11 the 14 iit-i w.. rei i r1 i, ll' and~ t_
'taft. Vice itesidett1 hltermita.a, tile
Chlllt;esa alltliastt.r itolllt taol' r HotI'II..
iI rtigot I 'trt''t'. Molatala; Lit tIggetn
helm, Cloilirado:; Reprioatntatl5ve5
Clark. Mi, oulrl , tUi. Htier', C('oJlortadi: J.
J A t)ruckolnt, c'heyenne, \ylil; L. tL.
tllitvllrll, II t. Il liir e.: o illiaur (. Y.
lit[ tphlll, Assietutt Secretary ilhIs,
rllgadl.r i.:urllal Iiutpllllritryy. C. N.
Jnialesliio. PeLkin, C'htiua, and W. It.
Wheeler. SanI F'ranciscl.(
Pari'i . I',b. 5.---I"or,' ignl ,Minister
I'lcle|tn today unnounced that the four
protectinig powers, FranceIe, Russia,
(rleat Britain and Italy, had agrered
to mtake the representations to Ihe
executive committee of Crete. These,
with the declarations received fromn tht
(Grek alnd Turkish governments, as
stlr tlhe, uvidancee or' conlplicatipns
which would have arisen had the Cre
tluns pilullned to sentd delegates to the
fortheolnlnglll itislionis of the national ua
rtlibly iat Athens.
0 iushington|, 14,0b. ,,. "You will pass
fit trntry at the rat4d of t, per cent
d vt'tlurem aill bout fide
o-k:< pr'lnted d anppropriately
bouitnid and excludte frtit that rate l
iily sllull that ilar contalined in ai
bitdlilig that Is obvluusly disproplr-.
tlunatit ii value tot the value of the
colltenlts, as asvertainedl In uacurdnllcee
Iwith thllt prlirlples ahbove set forth."
The tlabove instr.tuctiiC s senlit by
Janiel Fl. (Curtiss, assilstunt nsecretaryS
of tIe tlrU.'sury, to the collector of
ttitotmlllt at Nwv York, constitute iU
ttonstructitnlt tit t paragUraph 4116 of the I
inew tariff itt with respect to the duty
hnl.>uie4 hot l ,pks boundli tL'ilretlals
otlier ttliu paper, about. Which there
ha s rbeen a good deal of disiusslont bi'
tweet Ilnporters nl nd manufacturets.
'the dti.slon is ahid to be it vilttory
I'r thli buokeitler,
tNew Yulck, Feb. .--'Pl effects f
the Ierctased cost of living on the
workling claies I'are shown In the
largely expanded number of applica
tions to the city fitr aid as disclosed
in figures made public today.
The rising tide of Inability to make
incutiu keep pace with living expenses
is indicated by the fact that duzrlng
the last 12 months more than 60,000
petrsons sought relief froin the charl
ties department, an increase of more'
tJan 80 per cent in tive years.
Sulcides increased nearly 50 p1,r ,en l
froili 1914 to 1909.
We Sympathize
wil it tlthe int of iitder.ati' int', e who
lhas to. sullport It growilit fitiily. Our
syuintuthy takes the pra.'hicttl IIri r t f
iellilng tlhe very ch hitrn t ml.lrtot , prol\ 1
Mion lnd tpoultry alit prit.e utmnlly
chlarged for coiInii1on1 giralldt. 'Il'at
this means a saying yeull ('.II easily
prilove by t,. rial order. ; tici iet.tLs
are all lI urilllnent..
Central Market
You knoiw tlhat (;;rdtlen City
bur i IIIIhonestly 'brew'\'d.
YiU klitow that it Is th produi.ct
l' holmte lahel.
You know that there Is nso btwter
beIr on the nlmarket tloday.
lere are three reasons why,
when you dlrink beer, we ask )youl
to call for
Ita e ut tlend yu ii cIt ase. It ii
it good thing to, 1l1:14 hIII the Ihlomei
Your frietitit wiii altreclate i t.
Your fatily \ti ill enjoy its iusle
aind be btenefited by it.
Missoula, Mont.
Telephone No. 125
Savoy Hotel
Modern and Central-t25 Rooms
Newfl Equipped-European Plan
Cafe' In Connection, Unsurpassed
Telephone and. Long Distance
Connection it Each Room
Every Room Light-Elevator Service
Good St mple Rooms
Missoula, Mont.
CA P IT A 1 ..... ............................ $200,t ti0t
UItPLUM FUND ...................... ,00.J
G. A. VO . ................. . .....Pre ident
JNO. C. LIiR:........... 'Vice P'retslint
J. H. T. IHYMAN ...........Cashler
Ferdlnanld Kennett, M. A. Fish. I. A.
Wolf. John C. LehoUu., J. II. T. Iylllat.
A Genral Banlng Business Transacted
Montana Abstract and Guaranty Co.
WILL CAVE, Manager
128 West Cedar Street
FIftoeLn years' experlitce with Mli,
'soula couty rectird. Abisttat i
guarunteud. Phones: Office, f3; retl
dence, 415 Black.
! Northwestern Abstract and
i Title Insurance Company
a Furnishen correct and compjeto ab
. stracts of title to all city aind county
r'property. Estimautes on ab:utracta fur
, nished on application.
1 i04 Main St. Phone 147 Red
119 W, Cedar St. Phone 175 Red
Residence Phone 510 Black,.
Ravall, St. Ignatius,
Roinan, Polson
A\ dtully 35-nille slrhict r , acrs thit
lltheall. Luttvets .lavalli 8 a. m
EWilliams' Stages
We Do Not Disappoint
P- Pirl.slun (tl nrillng. I)yihlg and Fcather
d Worki. f,28 W'oody. C. F. lchiasw
Sburger, Propriotor.
Sousedeaning Made Easy
By the "Aero" wagon
405 E. Front St, Phone 762