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$1,I Cash Balance Two Years At 8 Per Cent Interest On these terms 1 can sell you a dandy new 4 room modern brick hmnw, porcelain bath fixturcs, nickel plated, with pantry and closet, electric lighles, porch 7x22; a large i50x130 foot. lot ; ementt walks. lo ented on Montl 4th W., near the, car line; price only $2,500; the lot allonei t is worth 1.201I; tiis is the sw ellest little hi rne for Ihll I)1moneIy in 31issnilln Jas. M. Rhoades Real Estate and Insurance Dealer, 115 Higgins Ave., Hammond Block TRAPSHOOTERS HOLD SESSION MAPE8 WINS WOODWORTH-WARD MEDAL BY SHATTERING MANY BLUE ROCKS. The last shoot of the gun club one the old grounds on the unuth hlde oft the river was held yesterday afternoon, aome fairly good scores, considerlnu the lack of practiee, being made. The ' next shoot will be held at the new grounds mouth of the state univlerlty. The first event was a tshoot tit 25 singlht for the Woodworth-Ward medal, whlch resulted an follows. M]fapes, 221 Montgomery. 1; Andrews,. 22; Lar ln. 21: Thibodteu, 17; Hart ley. 18: England. 19: Brown, 17; Stein. I brenner, 21. As this ended in a tIe; It was necessary to add another event for the shoot'lff, the results shlowlng Mapes, 24: Montgoncry, 17: Andrews, 20; Larson. 23: Thliboden, 17; HIart ley, 18: Englatnd. 23; htrowee, 17; 4telti brenner, 17. As a of the hslo.toff the niedal went to Mapt'. A honot at 15 mlngles was lthe last event. It ended as follows: Mapes, 15.; Montgomery. II; Andrews, 12; IA.irton, 12: England, 14; Hartley. 14. There will be a meeting of the asa.' elation this evenlng Lit the Mapne & Mapes store to perfect further air rangenlctats fIor holllhlg thlb. statl.n htalll li, and all nellmhers are Invllel to an present. "SEATTLE KID" GIVES, EXHIBITION TON!GHi ,Much interest is Iing nllrllifeste.l in the pool exhibitiion whicih will Ibe givenl at Johnliuton's billiard patrlor on I:aist Pront street this evening. iA. Krei,'hl, the ".Huttle Kid," who is to giv'e the exhbiution, ,intus twith the, highUeI recolmendttiiotn ts nud his ii lreidly demonstrgted to (ihi I;tl'riHons of that eetabiishmtn't that hrit knwss the Kan.t from one eind Ii th'e other,. Mr. Kresle willl beI ait thi hall this iftil' niotoi tut a ill amns,.r tl I questions and explain ii, J IMt.( .s ;,l ilhnte st'led peI"r son<. He gives u. ,exhibltton tonight and tormiorlrow night. No. admlssto will hie ilaurged. JUDGE DURFEE HERE. Judge and Mrs. Jinrfo'o of Piiilips burg are iIi Mi.,soutti. the' gluests of Mrs. M. '. unlldlianllll. 'rh, \vi it lr mtllln to, sl 1)uvihl l \Vatrfiiit's; "A lu.1it Master" hiefor r,'llurflJtig boiiine Won't Need a Crutch. W'hen ':ditir J.1. P. Histinani, of Cornellus, N. I'., brulsied hit hg lh:lily, it started ilan ugly' sur. Many sualvies lnld niintinents n lroved wrtlthlss., Th'r ,,l ltuckle'n's Arnica Sui ;i Ive healed it thliroiughly. Nithiluig is so )i 1p111mpl alli sure for ilters, hiolls, ilurlns, ibruises, iuts, i irns, sores, pllllllles, Per.etli ori ]iles. a, at The Missuoul 1)''ug ' Overlooklng the Beaultiul Bitter Root River 35 Acre Ranch Oi the baI ks o l, II leaultotl sItream tie hay.IV : 1 i; 4I11i l . llu.i tJve ranrh if 33 :hwrr' , for sa.ih at ,t v',ry reatsonabln , ],r,, on ti.l, o'i'.- t of t-Ir' si; l00 fins 7-y ir ill beari - ing tree', good varlb.,h .in abnldl ance of smaill frull!; g,N I luildingl;l: 1 horse , watgonl, hlurtei. , aIll k I i: Of farm lpll rl u'lelm ts, c, etc. '?h. property is 5 liml..s flrom M.ssoul:la. 11-4 mlells fromn Jt. Missiili, 1and I 1-4 slles from new street ,tr line. A lovely Iplace l'r' a sunlnr rllr on (' lFine fIshing right on the ipropelrty and goodl holting n. season., P'rhii. $10,000, $3,500 in .ash and ball] ance' S on long timn at 8 per cent, Investlgate at once. W. H. SMEAD CO,. bU)istts Block, Missoula, Mont, Phone 212 Red. !ii,· FAIRBANKS CANNOT SEE POPE DECISION OF FORMER VICE PRES. IDENT TO TALK TO METHO. DISTS PROVES BAR. HIt ntrI, l I h f;. 'l I'r, visit to anl, orn fit'i prt st hh i t 'hut rlh \1'. I' alrh nks, forrl ' tiit.' it, sl . 'ntr hi f ti ll i'ri'ted(I mtit lt, htih, i mrt ht lbtilt a dllt itth stllu ln h,'.Csf , h nnt' ' t tShat lPe 'w .ish. to Sty hils rt lotmls to Iht" king, I to til' I'"lt t ontiti hni , ti .nl erlt in Atbii'liist it Ilt'i . hi i 'i i l lstfit Hi ritgq , rl llinr i lit rhlinkr ' i u li n ene, w.h King 1 '4itr I:lmantel wits fli xrlI fer:' Sll turelly oiot Ihat with h. ( h, Ilron for .l i)lminvy It t wi'll 11 evirythn1g. s"Ir in ti, I n.i rwtuttc ,rilt' it int nned Iht' vIthi n llllllnonteI d nI that 1tl wou ll lll t I Iofn n rw nlth,, -fori his h lti'n ss Iti ) refti lit' the fhurll,'r viir' h r Idt nt if"In't i. itr riil tt I 'is (ltu11 tlli . t sP't. I fk in lth, ArnrI lll e . thdl i t .llt h Ihar,it h,'it. , Ih, imitei" th i, .lgihttid t. hl '* h Ien nti il',, iiin p ois ln' l l t iiii ill Ii i ih , ' iti it i, l Cannet See Pope. Nhwvo. li nllr wore !:nr ialtlll|' i yll li ltn filrAln ,t .i rtl ut over Iinfl mnl . 'i I t h, r,t mow, lht diffle llhiets th.,t hlale so, it:n i-Xpol- ttadi llr pentd tlh+mfll, " t o 1 Mr. I'' uInd +l ,.on with tl h, l,, th0t1 Ni', l'M l o ir nk.s fin ,olly dol,'rie, hilt, ll thll lgh h| w lr. m irnollMll lt'dI h.' it strong dIs. .h' 1 , teul!' hls res elts 'l it 'ht' Inot uits h tlrl iw truil his ptr' ii to, I II,. llve.'r it ' s hir,. " hrf't, Ihe U "l'ri " l tel nI,,I olr l(o clllntr y, rnvtor ~I' lh,. Alerintlt' " ,,lhige It'uthnli I i guy- it dinnor l t noion il n Iihonoir Iof ir. ','sir hank". 'lh<. Illifihall witls drrnit d ith Anmrin filgs. AnInng thuose pr,,lnt wre 144 Am¢,rli..n stm.dll ts. M1r. lI rhn.nks, In rising, guyre a t st to thlh, ('hrlstlhn church. nmkking n d),llrlltion of dlenom ination . II, d ch hred that lht n'sthollo ch. lrh haotl '' nollshd c'tomp l l.e It putlll proI, i re+ -I tgL n nst the. lll i thlll lles htild ,ntirlt' dis ppl i rid, for they were lvir It the1 frlont whn the In tegrity of the ." lntr>, noeded to ht, i defended l, r Its dignlty to hbe upldhi. At lh, .\11swrl.inn M .the. lslst hlurrch Mr. .airhinn+i ' olshi'rc. a £ i' Irod ,xr lp ttion1 l iportanl . h ,'e mls, of the in %,-,nt with the y tiva'll and it I. th- conditions impos1 d upon him rol,, fivet hi -. niilnmIle.i , with Illsthe hIol . ..\r. Iairhuank ."': "It Is ih lmo .th.l, to iemlh| siio Ion 'trongls' the good work the 'lhrisilln churcth 14 doing its al lallinds nid mng alI natlonalitle+. It Is gratit'.hIng that the Amnrhicn chuIrche.s ,.a.ihllshed in all (ountries ur. asscrtinrl it vldler in fluen ie itI ip. hiln ivyr In lthir hli turyv 'lh'e mlilthutl going tlin h the pollhtiml. sm inl lind ,,{momnl, w;,rli Is du| to t*hrlsthtnity hreuking dowln the 1istos and lruul lic's nlnd lifting man kind to ni higher plhtne. The dt-imnnerlti, !loan which I. t1king root in politl,'l instllmitns is d e t, lh, o\l,:ump g t .t n flm ne oti f ('hrof lstinllt" "'All (1.lsrtlin chur'ihs+ lr' worthy of asppoi Irt. Th'I', aibove all, should he ins.ihrd hby it g.i11ro . tolran1 spiril ,o w lrdl neisu h ,th ar, N uith il K i4 m o rel un11or,i thmid the narrow Jeninl i. n which I,,)y nel-'aienin ll m., u e l fes tot wIrel smel'h oltilr. 'l'hlrt , l Is Ponill for sll. LOCAL BREVITIES Smoke Win IItml r elgari, frI.L ni.ll illn tIs ity ivier .iill l.av. 1 rilnk ,John (hilnd's I'Perlesms hePer. I llliarljd andllll l) I. 117 E; 1:t I"r;'ott. II. ,nl ir:lni x ,1f i, I S'itl in t r1 ,Iand Mrs. WIt . i.SII, lith in II 'it iii 1'i i t I' il nsri ll . I'rii nli ho, ll. 11 ", W ilil, sii h iTh, lst Natl. .ank. 1'. 1t. ýI. t"1;,1o n ~i Av rI, bldah , i1+ .nkin r:an\11 . tr hu ini·' in.ti. ' \'.hl, I w ierP Li ' Ilwt, ll . (lll. r, 1lawsill tli , rr IJ. 11lr l . lrlu o ns, irl I , t I1 ur i r.'. thi. i'loniie hl tl' d yo hl l nily. '.l Anir. , the unJl i'r ta l s..r Il. h lile 1i 1)r W r " , t1, vhgg tins u 'ian. T l . 334,li31, .hr,. . l tl ips or t.r viii' " v ted y11 itsonu rir nds urdry Sua.y. ' irst lhl.l , l. onl tratl I tuie t.M. ill ing ntow li,'?n . i itlh (rh c li. I' , ,'li t ;-il t lor. Al l'l ita l.l & Ko l hey'r. J . I, 1; 1,,: l Ii ,\ brt,1 , i% iinl. ,y w'i' 11 rb ln in the 1; i nlll i1) \h ', I Itt.inlt , deh n ist, Manm.ti e lryn ir ( ',hil, pian ] liither. Ph74 e .1)r .la iik, P pllard ;lats. .17 .11 , ,natli ('li tlh, s E. di', it nl)., nl 't I Usi il-iv h a Vl i tn, in the city yes ' i01s , l f) 1 Il ilr ills ahl.' nu . runkist orangs, on, dJzon, del\'orod wi h llor e, ; illts. P'h' nn 3,212 lii. d. I)r .. nutl o min, th, o sth opath, sti t' 17 n asswit t]i pili '. loInb Ii tl. or . OptiontuSpeci lst, 31 r Higgins. 1 r,'ý ' JIY '7 r..'.. S" I' 1 ý The Climax K In Bargain " Giving In the Final Clean-Up SSale 'e I uKupimMonday Morning 'Thle (i114'1 I 1( "lhtlO1 I 'II h 4 1141 1new i (1 (l4trmi 4ati4i4l I. imlake lY II 1lt1li44144 1 414clrm1 w4 o '41l iin '11 14s l W\\'oIl41n'l win t4'e' suitsl . IIt' Ns llINON I is i('i 1ll h I. I we (1.e IIn I W 4 ll the S P Iue, (o1 il t1141tables, r'oecks 11nt1 shelves Ihal is n14w o(n11'i Saits Values Suits Values I"i'"'.'' l: "'"' wk "in bak 1"i"r ", an I'r • • p lod 44'r l ki 5,pl ri ng W4 1 4 , I 1w . $17.50 to $28.50 '"'"""": " '."4"''1 ~t o' We l I Ill 4 1s 114 4 th4'l4l II4I 4i'n. 44111 I'4 NIII(" I .1lll1 4i,,4 $ 9 .7 5,,,,:. " ""' If ý1"' "find I "",",1 hi ' "r""t4s4 "'"n" 4' "",r it 'rd, ,ol.,., . 1 . NO OI 'I.'INSI. II."' 1''" I.t.N'T. Women' s, Suits Ti'he 1'lilli1 I i1 1 t Ih ' ofi' 4 io 1m'1i 's SuII 114 , has l'il r1 al'ich14.11 . l 'i' 4 t.,s ; Ir'v I he l 4 I'r i if .t I ll It1k of hi+ 4i44ss 1aill, ' 44l snits.4 1'hen11'' " I 11' . II 1111 bii k 1!1lllllh l ' :1114 1 11 41 4 Iw t ilit lik .' s111"h 1 'l .1 1 ls as 'Serge'l.1'x, Iltua ul s, W ii . \ h 'W al it'SIhI' s, \ ' '; l ' Ih'itlhl tl h, ti'll ý'erl'tis, I'llu'r \1ixInl'vl,, a rn i I 11nwspu I ll , ili, coillt, (lo'r Mixlliltnees, uI'i llh, Celdal Ta plll e. li , Ih ii p 'll hlnglnli Icelisi, n Itllll, Nalv} Illu ,, (G rteen alit ill I in k. Values in This Sale, $38.50 i i Down to $21.00 I' G- -.' ) Your Choice $12.50 S0 E N_ 11s1 ER 0. THE GOLDEN RULE MISSOULA'S MOST POPULAR TRADING CENTER Il' 1110, Ii MIMMIIII .) Iiis 'II ll I IIII 1Iil, 1 JlItiliiIh iil, .~i.rl Ya IhiJ'. II t'. S i I hit :11l 11 ] . |t. I';nrlrH on h ,,, r t tv,,l ,' :u iti , ,, lllg':..ins bl lok. 'l',lIlt h llon 447. It. ,S al1ilw." rh l Il'olt'll ,i' .plo 6ll., i, ;ittontlilng to ,hbu in, ssi' . at t+'rs in tlht city Io'' it coupl' i of days. aimlilp 1 It,. , . .N. of A\., will "give i y:rall party l.1,mld:.y, Iobrl\u ' ;, iil 1 ( ) i . illllI .)l l. ubll·i 'i ll vit d. \, ill mi. li l,'ll llis ' 1, the IluI ,to 'l,';ral m.,rut Iltay, , vhh'hl hai,+- it, irl'l-l'l l iun '", ;tt lRl'g'i. ,I, S"pe'Il ystortl't' ill 1III.' IVii.. t ilt, nnl. ', i ii." 1li"lttll , ]~rll i IP tIin oy giiup on; l~, Sitlp trt:,Itinent and FI atinl .11assageo. MIrs \ý . I\', 1', 'olonian. Itoutnt ,uI, Ma~sonliv 'I''ample. Phiony 241 Itlck. C.. . . ,.,rr'ili,:, tral' vl'a , l' l 't' ,iliht mtni pIasr+nger arc, nt of tilt- Northern l' llfilc rai , ntl . yi'. t yh t irh ty l l 1 s, II u1.1 \\':I.l.l and \,I Ir-. Fr'a k (', nl tam., down fromi thir hint' in Iloot" lodge \o oterday midt rtpont tilt day \\Ith the, l htte.I"r' atotelt r, .l1rs. (. P. Hlitginq. i ,1. . o.,lor' of i l(! f o l'r.,st s,.'l'\ l' n · rl',',Il in l he city yesterdl ay fr)onllt DilI h l I, to I li.,' t y` I. ,ýitiol oI; ehhef of the oflIh, ,IC ill ill ena l, in the di - Miss' I) is "nl Lultl'r, 1.m Vi'est Main str.II , ilal tii'lu ig, fItll I tI;lts 8llg , sih:ilil liu n g, hIliti' Ir ssiig, sealpI tl'l;ltllll tll , h;il' gir )[is, t hll n el)\ ,tles. 1',e It ill t I I;l his -nly. 'I' llrph llne Things of value that have falen into disuse should be turned in)o money-which never falls into disuse. Use a for sale ad. Frank Borg & Co. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY We repair anythinlg In our lIne. Eye glaesae fitted. WANTED 1,00l0 II'II nitl aI nti\(I n to buy gon ld tilpi ndlii sit vs at THE HARKER SHOE STORE. We Fit Your Feet, Missoula Investment Co.'s Grocery Shop 1l EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 7 A. J. BREITENSTEIN, Mgr. PHONE 73. DAINTY WAFERS IN CARTONS, EACH 10o CASINO PEARS OLD.TIME SUGAR LARGE CANS, 35c; THREE FOR $1.00 COOKIES FIG NEWTONS Casino pe.ars are boautiful in appearance UNEEDA Ginger WAFER "'0'1 they are alsoI in fluivor. (irown COCOANUT DAINTIES in Ith mindat if the |.(ar sP(t lin1 of (till FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS fornia a socth.n that 1s fiumus the world ZWIBACK oeer I.r prodcteing fruit with doiliius flivjr PRETZELETTES fiei tixtL're. PEANUT WAFERS RIPE OLIVES FROTANA NABISCO PINTS, 350; QUARTS, 65c. FANCY ASSORTMENT Appetite stirmulator--rich In onil -ah GINGER SNAPS oll vu perfiet, anti thetl pronouncel d olive CHOCOLATE WAFERS rI.lhness pileses th imst pIolr.tiolr" paIllte. KIPPERED SALMON BROOKFIELD SAUSAGES of rxi.tdtnt suitlity. 'h A I)le'y sausalgf madli fro11 tIendorP t oeat e L jtllc., tender l,,rtio ll f tht little p.l. Filne for break and usweet. Per i 2O0 fast. or lb.................. 5.... 254a4 antiR\Y'Ct.I'cr 11....0.