OCR Interpretation

The Daily Missoulian. [volume] (Missoula, Mont.) 1904-1961, July 28, 1910, Morning, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025316/1910-07-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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v HI WEAx HER . . . .. PR I I
vOl,. XXXVii.. sn. M $..I T ,, TI11" V 1 . . " Ii. PRICE FIVE CENTS)
Dlepite Attack of Few Convention
Favors Plank Strongly-Tariff Re
vision Denounced-Postal Savings
Bank Bill and Central Bank Ideas
Are Disapproved.
Sitltum.ai, liowia, July i7.-iu.u II town
lhips and miiirniiiipalltiels of Iow ai arei
wIlling to pay a high license for th..
mauk of trafflcking In liquor may do t,.
In the evept of ildemocratic success at
the foirthcomiliig gubernato;ial election.
At least, the plafonlm adolited at the
convention of that party here today
says sio. but the pledge was not made
without a fight, both In committee and
on the floor. Iormner Congressman
Martin Wade, chairman of the resolu
tions committee, defended the plank
against a vigorous assault on the part
of General J. B. Weaver.
'I am tired of belonging t' a party
which is known as the liquor party,"
dleclaredl Mr. Wade. "Where a major
Ity of a cr mmunlty desire liquor, they
should have It, and vice versa. That
Is personal liberty, gentlemen. and It
lI democracy."
General Weaver, 'grew veheiment In
reply. "I don't know what will do
more to miake the democratlc party the
liquor party than the plank." he de
,Wlavsr Overruled.
The platform as reported was then
adopted with a shout, and General
Weaver demanded a roll call on the
liquor plank. so that, as he said, the
people of the state Would know exactly
where the lparty stands. lie made a
mllotion to strike out the vital parts of
the plank, but µWF4 overwhelmingly de
feated on roll call. l
I P. hI. Wolfe of Clinton reclived the
long 'erm and H. 0. Van Wagenan
the short term "nomlnaion for the su
,preme ciiurt bench. Jerry H. Hulllvan
of Des Moines. the temporary chair
Imian, delivered tile keynote speech. H.
J. itoenger of Toledo presided over the
permanent organlisatlon. 0
A rlnging speech was deliivered by
'lauile R. Porter, the democratic anll
ilidate for governor. Frank Hollme, re
.corder of hi'ott counlty. was overcomel
by thile heat as lie sat among his dele
atio, n.but was revived. Many dele
gates were forced to leave the hall.
The platform denounces recent tariff
revision as a "masterpIlee of injus
tice," dleclares trusts anld rllonoplies to
le Intolerable,. opposes thile central hank
iidea, condemns the postal savings bank
law in allowing the swithdrawals of
savllilg from the coillmlnuntiles in which
thiey are depois.ted and accuses the re
publicall national administration of
imiakingl reckless expendlltures. It Ii
liorses the regulation of raillay, tele
phone., telegraphl and express l,'omlpa
nioes, ai i incoie tax. the. conservation
oif natural resources, thie nlitiative refl
erendu m amid reciil and improvement
iof roads. It urges a imnlfllcntloiio of
the state lrimary law ito redluce ex
lpisesn ail declare.s for the Oregion plan
of eleltlg I!n faited Sltales slllatlrs until
nuch time uas It shall ble possllle Ii, dio
so by dIrect viite oii the people.
The Platterm.
Theil plutforan, as ruporltd by lthe
.,oluma ittee, read. ill part:
"Wh denouncei('O the republi.can tariff
Sat as a masterpiece of inijustice. in
volvin',i remnorseless exactions fromll the
lmany t enrlklh the few, through the
trusts and maonopies which It fosters.
rarifr taxation, like other taxation.
should be for publiac purpoases, andl naot
for private profit.
"We favor tile vig'orous elnfl)rceanent
of the crilinal law against guilty trutst
mlagnates andi offlcials. We believe the
trule methodi of enforcing tile crimainal
statutes of tile United States Is by tile
pIrosecutionl ofa the Individual guilty of
the wrong.
"We favaor a la w providing for fair
and just regulation of the rates and
service of, railwa'ys, telephone. tele
Iraph anld express companies andl other
public utilities..
"We are oplposed tao ally legislatior
allader whllh tlhere ilmay bY establislhed
a contral hbalk. aand we Iondenln tile
republican party for permitting, In the
establishment of postal savings banks,
the funds tao be withdrawn from the
local commlnunity and sent to thq large
financial institultion of tlhe east, and
We recomlliaend such logislation as shall
prevent this discrilmlnation against the
peiolue of the great west."
The conservation of natural resources
is favored and 'the withdrawal from
entry of remaining timber. oil. coal
and Iron lands and water sites is de.
The Liquor Plank.
Th'e liquor aluelstion was reported on
as folllows:
"Tile delloicratiu party Is In favor of
as large degree of liberty as it corn
patable ,with the 'riglts of organised
soelety, and, therefore, with reference
to the use and sale of intoxizating
liquor, we are in favor of strict loael
option with high ilmune., the minimum
to be fixed by the l'eglilature, under
which the muniaciplity dhall deolare by
vote of the people thereof whetr or
Dot Intoslcsat hs1I el, sold therein." i
IrlingtoIKI , K . .1l,, "; Is 'ile
ldrtlit l with h til l - a-ir , wife.
and onl! r,.c IentI re1 h on 11i" 1. "l ,M l
thew Rlondl, talo 15 yn.trA ill, at
inephet'w Ili CI thehllt I ritir I C'r ..
field. of Trantiylvaitn i.e unlere.it
ctmnmlitted iulchIe to lay iy .hl t
uI. The trIa.edy v .ct.rrd I.ir
fLawrene)hurr . Ky.
i))~tter Ulay. July .:7. 'Those who
hli'd ''Ithedore iiioseve'lt talk at Sag
iltmore' 11111 this, aifterllinoon camel away
with a sharply etched sliedoen picture
oif watt his attitude will be in stlate
andI ntional politics. P rimiarily. lhe
w.lIthed to keep hl the baekgr ound int
lilt' ulapproachilng cat)palign, for fhe feels
that by tliaking tto proit.ltenflt a part in
it he nmay b)e accues(ed of at.IsuIting a
Brioadly speaking,. hit' will, an lite uid
(I fn everuil ocastonlls, di all lei Ills
l)twer to help the Itfeii wfho stlod Iby
hhn alind lilt policies. but iN leuelonll
nittal as tIo whether he expects to
carry thls to the polint of tcominelg outl
olpenly In fauvor of the republicans all
over the country whomle he conlsider
to be standing for his Ideas. He does
say,. however, that he must fol'get fac
tlonal dlfferencea and even party lines,
Sand support the Jnen and the things.
ihe believe stanlld for the bhet Ilnter
eatin of the coulntry at a whole.
The republican situationt In this
state Ie shilftng io rapidly, the col
onel nald, he wats unable to keel pfacie
with It. Int today's Interview there
were mentioned to hinl the elanlee of
Relpresentativie Hamlltitn 'lwsh and
.Williame H. lIfttlhkis.tt, State superin
telilent of insllurallnce, ta halving been
spoken of' recen',itly in connectionll with
the gult'rnatorial nomination. Hte re
plied b)y namnllleg over the whole Ilt
of men who hIave hibeen menlltioned, ldd
Ing that he hlad l nI idea wllutever
ua i) w. lhlt, thIe blest mnaln would lbe
Colonel ite oosevelt said he hadl liot
beetn reading up on Neblraska polititc.
lately andt hail not heard how WVllliat
J. BIryani had fared in Ith(, demolcratit
conventllion in that state. T'Ih, ' i tetr
viewers broke the Ilen's of the set
back to the Neblrankan anld the. col.
inml unked whether the dllfferener. I'
Iollnion hadl arisenl Ibecaulme Mr. Ilryan)
went too for or not far enough ilf li.
tprtopoied te'eperferunie_ legisi.ttion. Aft'er
lhe was toli tlha-t the lorllner atsteneti
to fit tIlhe' lse, there' wa.n nlotllhing
whlcfh lie careld to add int coetllllllet tilt
Mr. Bryan.
A letter causedlti reiat u.n.,lltuinet to
Mr. Itotervelt tdau)'. Wh'en Mr. Rlist"
vilt wasn l. New York last Friday hIli
orld Interviewerl after l conllferenclle
with several If lltitiUllc s tle haltl Ihail all
Interestinig disc'uslon oiill literat ti,.
'iThe renllwtpapern Illted lilm little JokIi,
whi I brougllht forth Ith letter re
clived' today. TI'lh( writer aeusllei tI,t'
1'x-prestidemnt oitf trying to make pei
ill( thinlk that lt- hail hI .been tIIsiannin.
literature instiead of i* .,,. , ;aJ
wound up by saying:
''iMaybe yiou cau Itil the feeble
Ilnllldedl rllprlters, but y ull calt fool
the public like that. I knlew all th",
Kansus City, July 2'. --'There wus
no relitef thlayJ frm the heat wave,
which haee hold tie southlwoet within
Ite gra*p for ove.r a week. Tempera
turen varying little front thl(e or yes
terday were reported frlom Kannacn,
Mli.nouri, Arkanaete and (Okllahleoma. At
Kansa (lCity the government weather
bureau reported a temperature of l01
at 4 ,'chlck thls afternoonll. 'VIile
and luithrle. O(klahoma, reported 10U;
Wihilta and Topeka, Kanua., 103, and
Jnplin, Missouri, 97.
Reportm fromn thlei country today aidl
the prevailing hot winds were- cauu
Ing great damnage to crops. espelal
ly corn. Nn idleathlL were reported
S Orleans.l July 7.-Hyliepatilllz
era of Manuel Bonilla, InI the locrl
Central American colony still ex
priec hope that the revolutionistu In
Spanish londuras will survive the
setbacks that they originally met in
the uprilsg on the north cost. They
hinted tonight that Bonllia, who wea
last reported off the coast with, two
schooners loaded with men ead arms
would make an attack within 24 bhours.
The uprisings In Celba are declared
i to have been premature.
Warren . Harding, Editor of a Marion Paper, Heads Slate of Ohio
Republicans---Garfield Turns Tide by Withdrawing Name--
Platform Praises Taft and Tariff.
(',nllIIIhlus, Idlo,. .hlly ; \V. IIh .I
cadllitlltdlt l foI gaerllor who w.. nIIIIl
nllteld blt a e(olbillatiilIn of regulari
uIi proigresiv'eI acnd a platrrnll pro,
f 'iendt Kgod by the formill er eielmlltent
I.111 99 per lent giiod by tilhe I.lte,
asectll oi f ll h party, the (thli riplulb
iFr igovrnir-WoiIurren . lrrIllilIhd if
Mat 41n .
" Iqor liultelllutl glllern lr -1'rt ll+m . W
Tread.wa, if ('leveland.
j r n rilretary if listate rl ir tll ll W'
M Late) of Austlinburg
I"or attorlney general 1 '. .lir ilt Inlln
a n oif Troledo..
Iir tlrast rer--ludily A. Aricheir of
Iellllnenl counll lty.
lVer JJutdies of the nllpt.le (onlrt
Wiliiitm II. (rew oif M.iC.'iiliiel(viIlh
and A iguatus N. nluiters of Spring
Second Man.
liarling' . the nlimiei frur governor.
was at varinous thlles In tie rre liilnhar5
1quibblles of tihe onventi.n d .'rhied
na everybody'a seeniind (hoie'." lie hi
thie ediit ot r a nlewspiaplr at Marini.:
(Ohio. has been lieutenant goverhInor if
ilthe lstate an has been iI tentative
candidate for governor 1an1d tUnited
Stales senator.. He I knlllwn as an
effective stump speaker.
Until today. lhoiwever. It ha l applleared
beyiond reasonable expet'tatlion.that the
convention could arrive at the eonsid
erat onl of any seliond chtli.e withotit a
ltong aniild bitter struggi'. George It.
o'ox ,If l'Int innltl had ai eclareld Ile
would stay) with JI dge Or(n II. Browni
of la}ytol to the 30th iallot if neces
Mary: the "progresslives" were refusing
to consider anybixly but Jamenls R. (iar
fiteld, who was not. hlowever. an un
nolunced candidate, and the Ilen ordi
narity identifred with the national ad
ministration side in state, dliites wri
suppllsed to be hollelessly divided he-.
tween Fetretatrv of plate taril
Thomipson and Mr. Hardintg.
The finish of the ftght was peculhiar
James Rt. (Garfield announced hil name
New York. . iIJy Ir hifor) It
. Keeler, the dentist, whi %ue liarrest.cd
in l)etroit with his wfe ..i r'hurges of
having Inrlvelllled Mrs. Mary I.ynchl ilntI
marrying hin aind gikingI himIe $13.5051.
the Illei 'ay. had the habit of "on
tracting larrig(es. nill d th ill se.lllarli lnI
the 'ictims from their icnsll anl llall
prariing. Keel.er ilw.y initrioduee, lils
wife is "his sister."
lToday- allr- i the AduiI 4in 1.ret
iiurl acc'iuiited for threi imire t i alleied
l marriages by Keeler andli ati brillg y in
d(tllltenrt is to be p lrelpared.
Mrs. le len iVlt'is rg, of I r.eeklyi:.
po intedl out KeeIler asI Ih, 1lun whoi,
hail iimarrled her in Is * s ',I had lived
at her home with " ih41, :lanmi" cur
three week- with ai total Ima to Mr1.
Vosberi ofr $540 IIn caih.
Sra. . )ora Nihoielie, of Hr HOellff
thiought he was the leta Iwho mai rried
Ihr Ii 1908. Mrs. tMellhilis' nephew
aund reltie idlctilfied Keeler polsitively.
Last caiml e a milnsterr, Ilt. l'relderllck
IIoelter, of St. Mark's I.utlitranI tchiurcih,
Mathuush. wlio know Keeler Lia the lian
lie Imairriedl under tie nlillle of Wheoler
to a girl namled "iHetty" in Jersey city')
in 1903 with a l Ie to ifett. o $f 384.
Wallace. Jul) --- prclaI.---Il II s n
than 4 ihoiurs, Virginia, the to-months..
tild daugllter of Patrick Ilurke. Irain
kger lf tlhe Illaclk lHirse and Jack
WuIte mines, died iof cholera Ilnfan.
tuIII. Her father was out io to.wn when
de-atll iccurred, Tl'he fuineral will b.
h.lhd In Spoklle tlloday.
14'alliaington, Jul)y 27. -llea le he is
i lmulatto. lNoelet of thei negroes io
the llisltrlit of tcolueblitl are objeit
ing to thlie tlappoilllltllnt ofil Whltfileld
McKinlay as c('llector of the lport oii
IGeorgetown, 1. C., recently lmade by
Prtlident Taft. ine proninent meilt
ber of his race, speaklng for a part
of his people, aild today that they
doa't believe the appointment of a
mulat& will be of any benefit to their
race, unome white mail, he said, should'
receive the appointment. He declared
It was not right when recognislnl the
negro reee, to give all the good post.
tiolg to aulattoes.
Who Turned the Convention to
w a, lhlel in t I... lpri.xl tt.,l .,r :I an ti l tr.
14hnoll cae nil. Thotnll,.n .w it |lnl
land. Ilk' M.r a(,rfield. .iH Inti any aIn
nouneCli r.eaIIo (t*x trkI. the nI,,.
ofr H rt.| rt 'i"'hornisoar. withdrai i
on the conventll flo r ealI tlhe liro ln
men IeinelleI theyv wvou ll ,in a the
first ballet Itla ever, th, I 'yahll'.ihl
eetllnty ( le\',lnt) ldele'iehti,In. ,f .hllilh
Menator Hurtln \;as ehelriamn. threw
76 votee tIoe "algres'asmnan I.e en.eeý, orth.
Jt dge Irowcr', . hl. was ne-centid on tlit
f;reet ballet, willh 413 vcotr, dreplepeed It
363 In ithe ate'on. tallet and ltoneg
W'ielrhtlln gt-n, JIll 2. .1'l 'I'e ,. 11gr l
leg lrek I1 I,,' I.etrolg - .|.leule torg. i"co'
'rilng thei' reatI. oif hr .r g e tIeKi..'IIIIle t
lith tIhei ' eo'r dtelerele .g rteeoeil ll Alerri
It~Cl I 1U l i., IIa r |rile. e g Illr lrt e'
name' ill fluuI n ulp :.lll U on .1 0arch !l,
ielp "ltllnenll tol e I p'' lresere.r l ;I .rug it.
tll(-l. ' '.rr e I', 'loI t'e'rrteglel i l 4 i're
ltoIr 1 l t' ll) l .I l gilir l I , he.. i ' dilf -l
tee C *lr. li , hllt e hr'g iC 'errri. lll, .' r -
htutegg g .It . hr g l r o. g r Iti , ,, , t,.
th ige i), rtr Its I . lil i ai lle rlet r I.
Iee. 1'( re. er. In lg C' r grI.t dgI ite'
lOg ireeeeeg glig s r i e t t 1glr.gg poCerg ..s
NlouIaii. hib t ui ' old .K,'e ite. g let r ov.er
hillm e dete ire l I,, "r " 11 plai ..,t .r iter.
itl pl'reel'lrv lltill ignil I. ' a . l'
'Ihe llue' t 111te re. 1' ig - II 1.' r il- 'el'llg r
Ithe fight /with tIh' ,i11 tr li ,:, . ilnge
the etltrier n l .eC ielC. , .l,1 Jr C 1 2t;:,
4 If ip. I,( n 1 I. it I I - ~11 hr,
moI r intlle .
At r uterllr. tat fhler .' f, Ci l'l t 1 c IlgIg
Illirler H 'C.ve. 'll -1 ie .llr AlIe;i e 'rll 1. ll
to .ie thel rell l I. I .,.11' Ilt ' rrlr 11hge At
7;:30 g t under c ,rl I -tgl ooe tlo'rrdln
hler he ie. elld el,. nl Cti l. tero wI .terrts.
S(ign d I . \ I tIll t
h'r" 1t r11 .C 1n hl 'l, in tiC I ur
weather T'rh,, rI',lh I It,. m r"tl,. wi ail -
I e lind e the 11 l nngi g l l t .ir .n, tlie
C: C i e firp ,e the I er r II... 'it'r oii ', Ir t Ill
with the .elrr'i li'
(C igntl e r .r t h i I ` ti IiII :i: '
N ."'ltlh er". ,1 1 ; I ;,'11 -t I ll t
the ti et hoh linegr ', r ' l, ln J1 in.utr i ChC
e'eotigrnrder, Norrgtl ' i IC I I 'hT
mi rritut'e t nl el -t ': it n i. ia t h l
e isdilhtliel. Mteoee tC l.,r I thi M irligi
wn'te uliel rert'lr i'i in In ',ulrI .'- 1.hgeg t
lec'retaery Foj x -'f thi, i.r. 2 i ill
Capltaiin "W'orders lI It C.I NM -li.re1'. i
ilurte g l r eie . gere.i .'n n L .i. i 'C)
GEl. :I'te : i'tI:I l;t tCCl'KS '
'le''hore who ,e ie. .e , ie l C Ir leo teli\
drew attenetien 1e I 1t, i ll, ,leetr\i cllith
,tieeuldl have blt.l " .i II. I rr.inrie l ll
utea'l of the alt' rioel
New York. Jilh . l it ,in'srt
troubles piled ip t' i C y ni J .C ii. Jllahl.
ron, the ('hailple er C'lii' . ,e'iIhi Stilt
for $5.,000 for alliegi'l 1i ell 1 n i -
tract wax filed amltiga . i li"i t I . Itr'
ney Gerard amlet lh,.' . -I,' I Ile'nry
C. Miner, theatrh l i' ,i ie.llielnt u i;
ager., while ean a.rhltiti .' I 1t ;ii 1 ,;e.
inanded bIy the plantertt'rr ol ti l" trunl:d
that i wax paiJd ti C jeurillet-ctter
under durelv.
h\ ti , lll. 1111% l i . I }1. 111, I',ri .h l 111 1 .1.1 i
w..,. .1 \11.1 it . 111 Ill h ll''rIt t I''h "
Good Margin.
1 .1i 11 II,.., . nd e . ' t1h * -
i, t.t11111i. 111 . . t.1111 i f 1r 11 1t.llt ll 1 A ll
Il l' t ,i11of Il tl i I t1n .t. tll l lrhlrte'. rt<111.'
1'' 1111 hIn l had ,,,|1 h.l t,* lInid h tnll
(I.matt\ 1\11111 en ted. \ .11111 t l, tl. 11.
liii Ili tiplp i: tlltlnton w((- made by the
a, ol ii rgin of '.1t \1.in 1$..1r the n"ear'
ret € i, lpetitor. iI.l ghilmortih, holi did pnilt
\lt1111 Ito rul lll fur gi l vernllr lThe 1il1
I'1tt}1 l was 1m1s1 unanimous ti Ill.
figh, t 1 Ms over.
ii t'll pihll i itit . ,11 1pd it (11 only ia
ftttt. nuttl ticp. iptipr Iof 'pitet It.otlaing
tllh snll Ihdorsiol)R at of the prlsll ildeln th
mill the pulrpoe and tendenc% of the
Ini:'f iti iw dlitilnuht l, i thie "regulars "
It ulntil n.% tIlt" 'lco servatsi m plank ainll
111 eisll( .lt'1 'I the st tll Ip..lnks wantedI
bh, th "lrsd.yressd itels' The llnlllsld l
I4 thiat iof tiet dmanltd frl ii litiw for re
.all tof u tif lthful pui lit , r. e rt.'lntl.
Non-m of thie ehi.ers ultnlitted themat
selve' 4lS to the utlniok. Mr filrfield
.ptflin tt ht would eltep.r aIna- relttearksl
he might atll ve until hte I t to (.ileve
lan. alnd the other wleaers indlt tiLn
thalt four ainlis.t sleeplless nights of
work and worry prevented thltn from
tllhlnki;ng itof anythtti apprupriate to iay
Toddy Interested.
l4'sltr Itay. Jul. 97. --l x-l'roen .llnt
{luo srelt Ilstened with great Interest
this afternoon to the news of noln|
itilion aeof H 'urren 1;. Ilarding for gov
ernor by the ()hil republican state
innventlin He showed especial Inter
1st in the withdrawal of James IR. Ouar
flle1 h 1 It Ba cnd;date and nsked several
q1uastions15 a1bout the nature of the plnt
form. He0 refused, however, to make
a11,1 loullniltl ol the work of the con
Y. '.e.i eei , ,ll~ . Jutl. " T l'o, , rou'y.raJ:
fl r III iId.n;Ia aI fill f r un.isLta ce at
IIle l mlis l.ters, ,%%i portalhle rrtup
slatlilln llhtee lip 1 ,11 h ,,.pe lill)' (.e l
strtutel railr.oa I ,'4rs hIie beien order
,ed )b I(, Ow .,hro;al hlu".,n .1 iof mines for
hiue in Ih, \ieS
' ,III itlrs ,ir I t i new (cl'a. to bl,i 111111
w ilI h,, ;Ib firIIdIJ t 111H 1gs . ,A%|, t, ui
II, gllllurl I ,,1, lIf lt'er. crus l will ai ll
.vter *nirglllly allsc l,iy I he'r' i
Mui anl u 1 11 riorllrern %Vyome fing,
I adurj'tllltlll'ra rr the itJrtulin car havite
nit b(e, uI lniiJel ;la yet, it t its firell
uof iliratitti a will lb II ll the Io l fields'
or wsuterln . ',lroltl, and eaNtern I'tah.
T''h," e.rm wli t Ie fuilly tqii ppeid w llh
lakll .l ttern rllne r, t.l, lpparuttu., l
HIlllllltn oXy l, hluI iets clubhW per nlt
lurip ti entei r iiut illt fille(t w litl pai.tN
rIoa I tl gaii it i nUitr, I 'l l ti ieX)g ur III
uli llnk . t-,fe t r Hlu Is, i. i tn i jl l ti3on
atit ll.l. h u .it lli feet aof wire, tan1 atUo
l l ,til re' itlaing aufit and first ld i to
the' Ij urd al'apherlil la. There will,
bI I ~'le4 ig elJuarti rm 1on til, e rnrs for .ll
'hin e rts hi.r l l r.ii rew ti he i .
l itt f it firernat in t1it lt trit l . >it
iill a t i r, n to tlit. . Ittuo o tbranl f.
stu tiitt ra t teral slays ago at ii t r ing
Ihal. Ala.. I "hlarltitin, W I. t' , teand
Iltarrburg, Pe , te t lthe bureau han del
etiled t establish sta Halia t Trinidadl
t. ndt, ai it JIt'k hprings,. W. o.)
tt Paulr Julya ' With the itpen
itgto i it th e li tnera le state r orl vtl -
lJion an MIaa o ailtb tiltIrrow only aad
fei hourl away, thee selectione of a
ulhIernatrill urnidate a eInr as un-t
settled as ever Itnllltlns are that
the. state at large will fsree the. notn
issatifn lo rune'r G'vernor John Lind
In .pilte of his own I r.rteate, .n tll the
'holies of the convenlltUi are ton
gre.sluan W. .. Haninond, of Bt.
J-aes; Mayor Jlnes Haynes, of Min
neapols; Judge (, W. Blanton, fit
Beulldjl, and John Jenawold, of Du
luth. Fred Johnson, of New Ulnt, a
brother of the late Governor John A.
Johnson, is a pousibility, It Is said.
He has already been mentioned as the
nominee for secretary of state.
Sh I ' , h ,tII I I I I I2 11 II
', ,, ,iIo h.ll , iýl. ' , I I I, : ll ,.
i.I ii 'II lll ' +i' o iii Ii hlt , ,I
\o ii iltl i ' Ii l11i l I rIi tý 't ll I
11 1111 ý1 1, ll".'1 1 " II//,.' .I , It .11 11 1"+'+
Ii l III 'IIs i o ltl.11 1. - t, t oI ,11 ; I 1 i ll
III :le ' li l l, +i ,' 'i h I " t .r l
il' l i' ,' t 1 II II . than
1lddlhin disl l,, , M\ ', J.1 .1 ; %11'i.
lI'o, telegraph) ,arredI tic the presli
dielit the Iinews f tie nomilnation of
W\trrern (; Ilglrdtlllg a tihe, reptl.ailean I
candidate for governor o't )h1i. Mr
Taft spenit ll but the e.arly Inrninll
hours at nsl If he haid Iplanned the
cruise wllth nyIn li.e llpurposI e of be -
ing dlffh.uit of rea.c" ui nlIlinnatlint
day of t he (aI ie nventh I lit' e couldl
not hav'e devisedl it better acleduIllle
To add o to the diffl.ilty of reachlng
hitm the wire.less on hioard the My
flower worked badi The' preseihe.nt
filllliy came eashore heIre at :, i'.l'i',k
Mr. 'raft seemetd iplileti oveir the
outiomlle in ()Oli.i. Ie' lha a high ec
tillate I Harding anlld said that with
the posshile exception of formner ent
litor I".oraker, he regarded Mr. Hard
Ing as the hbest callpaigner in )Ohio
on either side.
The presidellt ilcade it plain todlay
that at no time h)' a Ihe opponedl the
nomnlnatlonl of Mr. flarfield. Hoth ill
c'onleraitlon with lthe (Ohio leader.
and In wrltten e+ilnltunl'atllon, the
preindenlt explressly .tateal tht if Mr
Garflield should Inf tlhe nomninee heI
should t.endler hlln Ilhs hearty ullpport
Mr ''raft related the incidellt ,of Iast
Ieblruary w.hen Mr. !larding called ain
him at the W'hite House in Wa.'N
Ingtun Mr. Hirding .ail he hadil ('ie
to the presidenlllt Iet.anse hei had hIeard
Mr Taft had idecided to suplpoert Mr.
G(erl eid for tine oluiinatiion The
presidelnt rueplied that the report was
,entirely weehmi t h 'lfoundIatlion 1e. 'aid
he was not lllterfering in the Il ll,
btlliiitiiuie ally waH can . iuld net
"1The',." elild Mr. lHarding ellthuiil
ua.tilelly, "I will be the' nerl t gult.erinor
of ()hli "'
I"riendi. of tie, adililenistratilon s.y
that one featurte of tihe (hel, sit.ia
tiie wlhich Ipartiularly pi u.'ed tile
i,resident waic the fac.t that tile (oix
fultlon dild Ilt sl c'iered in ollenltrolling
the conventhltrl The presidenti.l yacht
reCiali in Tle Cno lty uLntil well Cnto
tihell fLore',cnoon today.
Mri Taft went aiishore at i'.crtlatind fir
ell uetIiniiebihile rile al.ding in thi e
MaIyflIower's h elll h ll ai I11CttlC' fllo t
r, todiilay the pire.'iden'lwt -ce eict 1,.
t c ntI lueittei ll 'iThe i .rIwi l wi eighti l Ii.
Illill dIIwn I lll slih a lli eXtnI t Ithat it
begun to g' uidler when Ihrt prl
iellgc t.l lgl.l iillei'i-ll Vlilii i e' I'i r' -,It
dent stepped acared aeel li. li-it gut
quite wet HolSe, if ti.he people.. were
huirriied c.sher.' fri,,.c tihel flout ailld thi.
the' other Ineie',.ers of the' pairty icind
ed Mr. rTuft will il at to oi ':lock
t'corrow iorlcing for tork. rl.
t',ioieiini ., I , July 7 t.i.;icr M.ian
cuill today en'lit a ii ioiIilicI'dtiIloP to
hil. -hlerif l'f Iof Fra llln ' nly Ii' lr
Iig. "I feelI that I ha ' . exltist..e
all the'ill eains w ithin ie) power to
prei's rl' tihe pe.'-e in ('C l ' iii buei feil
lowlCiie the strike .' tihe' street car
i . hf; . Ch l ,ounditins grow wrsei
it will be iiupesellct' fi'lr ii., t,. prr
.rtei the pe e I thiereu re. I ,'eiu'lt
thai t o ll fleni.cl et. i it-IIh bli, illU thiE
city as lies aotnin yiur powee '
The rler'ifl lhln hI r h.i ttken li.
Mayor M,.r iball . a-i, i..e li-r ii the
day that l' haud l.Ihii, nC ,t I, eall
f'r trioops tld..e in th i" stireet i,.r
strik-e eituatiiln allni th il hisi i li.t l
depended (lill ii lm -o 'Cei, e -C ; t '
ahethler il, wa iti l iii , -.li he a ill
After Sr Benr' ulue. Miyr h , e' r
shall t ightl l i le, it fiiormal i ll u ti l
ijioverllir Il.arruieu fer t' iCroops ti Ce.- usedil
in putting an ..1, 1 1 to r t; r' in .'letia
w ith the strect cur strike. I 'ntil thei
trioops al rrlit., the culyeur ,-.ii, ai'r- .'I
inot be pe ril ittel -) ru'il
l"o'ir ilhe I ,nt Iliii ie, I. h - l ., , -
gall thLere wias dtiligllit li'tli1.g Itiads
The riots cnlirtiinud tonight .A s.ure
of arrests wi re' linle. -'icir picr lie
were hurt anild li'one uy die
Wall.a'e'. Jull. .- ( t-pe al.) -Jack I
Orwell has beguin work on a 5.ioo-foot
tulcncel e-eelctract at the clcnowatorcll kx
tensdon property, near Mullan. The
tunneling will be entirely on the vein.
Action Taken an Regard to Settlement
of Strike Does Not Meet With Ap.
proval--State President Walker Ad
dresses Meeting-Declares That If
Agreement Is Made Fie Will Resign.
IIII .II. i . .. 111.i r I. . 1. t- Ait . il ,1, ,i
I \II lu lk rIII .:t t prl .·nr i , lt, .,a." t he.
T.ri . i %lp a i a.lp i l ik r ,. pr , luli, " l.w .
il 'ntatl' a ol n in g the I'titllihti l, |ra. i ii
in ' l ht r thuII. lIrit. '.iI. I i tlllo prt, r I I
I'ltIril ti i i n t Ilu ters llt 4 l ' . i ri,,ti .,I
p rinvilia nl 'lu u kt , ll l 'lw'l ' N .lll "l . "
Ilen r itrninlg tur work; pr it Ii uit
ire entatgrn en th hen thit r fn getn
h(lsliblsdl- dli Wrh( ti It i h 1at khiit it aii
fur the admtuntilelt of tit.he affair4 fr
the Illnois mtJ enl . usl iipprl,,n th(ri ll
coulr'e taken, by Ihthose who'' .'pp..,t h,
AIer ptanl the le ,ir, nlztiIn. eilt
prmislie. acuir rlinK thl. Prnoi uliollt
W'alker, iuntle wekre, a Illl. i a t by
"If ytui ,eau pt this cI ntrat t.'" i biiit
ihe, "yu will lihave tl woirk iii until
the opeiiratlors el rf.dy toi i i. v."i you
imlor. If the ille r i ulil g iit (ilat kitlll
of alln agreement then they can get
of letting theml k.wl he willlld re
allin Itf Prsi ildeui Ir w l si' t I''poir r lIt l
Dunan Mcll(n'll . ild. s,'creta ry trel
arcr of the elate organization, ttalil
the Sperat oer oif Witll.iinsoi andil
I'rlanlklln vounIties wer e6w ell Khll. to
payl the idemands of thelr ineli'. Wr.'
cu(led by the iperatirs of thine ("illll
tile sending IIia to Alabama at I uIh
a rleduitlili of :i peIr cent lin wagesi
w,1 annunced by the pert 110i
mull the canto thing held gd il %1I.,
xearl. where the Iperatirs w.-r,- uniable
toi sell eial frii their mini in thirr
- 'ii Wiitl.ii-'_'_ ,il-It i; (N i hit i -.
Mr. M 'lc i lihl sidul the II lii- I'ri
trill, the ll.W .hai alo tht- .ll+ in.r
Pacific 1),items a.ld the lih I" ur Iand
ithe New York '1,entrill .sy'trls ownedl.i
nlld' iciItr' lliIed I itl tii' 1 Ilia iI
ilt l the state huat If thilr mlints wer ,
w iurking I uli' g t the fpirst ats arlll.,
Inlllit i If t 'ichekL fr . , lli'e roteia ed
from the n mittlial It. ithi.rt r3 to i l ef t
ior tlrr, .ayi.' tl l h - till, ::,+ I .. ,', I! ,
ft nr a I" ' u h iiti ' illr e fiti I tllt Iw"Il, if
i ndl, tllll ll l 1 i tteil .I| t lit. It Ied
heu uiii nal uun.'ul'' .1 r Me.lsonadl
xai l thei r"" wiub, l b., Lil). ill re nlln*
working itl Illininos .ltod If Il'. - Chi
rago .nd hIni.aruilll . i ln .rl"b 1h1aren hid
nie t bee lll i ,all i.i
IItetur ,. ha t. ' ,rs io., , "-II., ,1 1froi
iilnullt :n lieitl- tihiolli h the ..stir.
ntllo i thl. r i fl eren ni a cll) It I ,
.ta lelt tol hf il- P~lli' ll )I', Ik l dr i
w-.retir. -'I'r 'il.iIrI r %1,I IO li.ti thati
lhe , l( II oilw ' ll ,1 ..lr l. ,tl illi iill i ' i
oK ltl i ll'e ul ! I ) te II
\',.lll, ,. Jul ," ( i '" I itl I 'T'hi
'hi nli lf hias nltltllt th,. I.irlk., . o I lloth
nllt\% t 1t take spe. oiiiP.en it, pr'
e.'( their .iepoiinll Ir, l bh.illk rI.bbeo
,i lier if the J 'r ... ,wli - ..r t .I ffl,'.'
style ()f the four eltl" r, I 11 . "hbb.o.1 ,t
trail at liallJn I'ln 1t",u i r. n h i,, hi
coinfe "l' I to the wh.r'll' f ,it Idl hb I'llt
that ' rJs mi. lilpuu.I i f, .i s tI , i ,h
Shu+riff M "11 1, %ti1 , . rt
the b nllklll T h'I h.I.. , I. I' li . ' l
\\' ./- 1i11. { lil, J i . t \ I' , "i . i,
1. ,1 i- li14h, I,. la t bel'''l lit i I , t i
a o, i n se .er .'.."I ,III.. l I,, III.. ' h ' o'
a rl ili t i i to .f . l -. - , II' 1, ."
upp.'r hth i ,., , - 'l1hlII
ciliip la nI t H Ii l .i " i 'ti ox , 'i -t ++
rU inttl s s' i .0 t e i K. I I , t
r ll, .i' C 1 . .i ih I i*P I' . . s , 1 ,
Ihlul th . Ihla e., .s f'"I` I1w ei1, ' 11,1 .tlla t
the ,l'lll l ,.i i I, I' tille.ht', t . fii\ ,
rate of "ur frt ' Itll 'r ,i.lth. 11 ,11.
,Wallace. Jul) i7.--( iPr.l ) -The
.'alednliah Minin cl)mpanI. hIlan decided
to bulhi a mill while the' 3,00 croistut
tunnel to being driven. IHuth will be
COMjpitd@( it.lllt tillle ll{'ll @uImt, r,

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