Newspaper Page Text
1 -~ t;loýºme ifl-on the " . o t "fluxa it fil4l l 148,11d YeA if'R As'M · Rhoades ; ; "l~tUlnAv Hamaonnud Sto In s.Hmmond Bllock EMJ TELL:S , OF ACCIDENT AUrTOMOBIt.E SMASH CAUSES 018. : CUSSION - ONE . DRIVER SMAKES STATEMENT. nteerning tihe automobile accident : brittrday flght, In which a machine ~hn ;the Garden City garage c6litded '~lthiU.. Thomas Thibode'u's machine, there. wa~ considerable discussion yes tsay. As The Mlnnnslllan's account at. the accident' gavet it yesterday, the Ga~edn City machine hit the Thl 'iodeau auto In the side, Mr. T'hiho detu halvlng turned to the left to avoid t' course of the other. Saturday ight an effort was made to find Mr. °.jlbodeau and get his version of the br, hut he could not he located at 17. plaee of 'businks or at his home. ný.ltight he was interviewed by a st4 utllan mate, to whom he made the owieg statement: " was a short distance behind the ]lorence hus, both of us .with iias asngers for the circpus, whlen a Moon 4iar passed me on the left, going at a ilhgh rate of speed and crowding me in closer behtnd the bus. I slowed down and turned to the left to pass the bun. t was impossibhle to ace ahead on ar. count of the crow ed condition of the -trr0t. Just as I got clear of the bus ! saw the Garden City car heading toward our side of the road and run nltig diagonally. This car must have been going 40 miles an hour. Its driver made no attempt that I could see to turn to his right, and I swung further to the left to avoid his course if I could. At that moment, he turned to his right. I kept on going to the left to get out of his way; but as I was at slOW speed and my brake vasu on, I couldn't clear him and he ran Into my machine, striking it back of the engine." OTER ATTLe Nday was HIP LET "I,,1S To cool, but windy. . LOR CUOPPE Th'le thermometer nOVI.Il. Poi didn't even nla Y OhING GU.R proximate thq 80 )tlNtU, UV mnark, I ant the N6 ti.E OThE. wind made Run PELLOW A fReUEMT y % excursions ci$NC.'10 FEtL Iretty dusty af OU MUCLL* tfairs. The obser vations: Maximum ........70 Minimun ..........411 " At 6 p. m., T* Thermoineter.....40 Slarometer.. .I :30C08 At 6 p. m. 'hermoneter,.. 72 Barometer ....... ............ ......... .. 2'0:01 Wind from the southwest. APPLIES FOR AUDIEICE. Ban Sebastian, Aug. 14.--Monsignor Vico papal nuncio at Madrid has asked for an Interview with the queen mother, through Foreign Minister Pre tro, thlus adhering strictly to diplo mautie ethquette. Wanted.-Car of Hay Howell & Ross Grocers and Bakers 314 HiggIns Ave. Missoula, Mont. A Fine Ranch Home I 11 miles unat of Missoula and about 200 yards from the station of Turah on the Northern Pacific; 138 acres. Nearly all tillable land; 100 acres F fine land as can be found in .lasoula county; splendid stream f'` Waier; fine well. - Good 7-room house, fine lawn 9 big, fine shade trees; good Daad theirout-buildlngs. About ,. behrlng trees. $ ~#1i this property, If sold before S.r lti He the hay in titin. to 40 tons, about 9potatoes, frult orop, gar S Ip410 lta of horses, 10 stI hsogs, 50 chiclkenn, q ethabPa;ss 1 rubber , light wagone, 1ti NO 'COMPANIES GO TO WALLACE FORT WRIGHT BENDS MORE MEN TO HELP CONTROL FIRES t NEAR IDAHO TOWN. Two conlpunles. of hsoldier went to Wallace frmnl Fiort Wright, Wash., yes Il terdly afternoon and arrived In Wal tlaoe aIt 6 o'rlock lust evening. A wire was received from Hlpervlsor Welgi' Syleterdlly to the( effect that the wind was very lad at Wallace itn the after normon and that clnders and hurning em bers were flying badly. The' situation is dangerous, built the fires along Plnacer creek are being heli. The Impresontn among many people in that the town k is in danger of being kwept away by the flames,. The danger from the fires themselves In practically none, but there in a large danger froll sp)arks setting fire to lawnings and roofs. Two companies of soldiers from Fort Wright will report to Supervisor ltunker of the Ilathend national forest. (Ine company will he stationed at flurry and the other at I'ola. A 40-acre fire hats h'lln reported from the Crary molntlin lportion of thUe Alsharoka foret. Tilhe sltlllttliln ionl tile Abisaroknll is very good anlt IIttle trotuble in expected from there. IHupervisor Bllushnell of the Cabllnet forlst reported that the sltulation o11n his forest wan very grave. tie now has 400 men employed on the forest aind could use more If ies were aIll to get nt bompetent rmen to hallndle the11m. A let no ter giving tile detaills of the HitIuation ed in expected here todaly. o, Sllpervisor Miller of the Kanlckkil -. national forest reports thllt he llhas lx. nit tinguished 10 or I5 small fires with lIe small expense anld little loss of tilmbler. ,t- There are, however, three fires hllrn Si Ing on the upper part of Priest lake 1111 which cover from 30 to '100 acres each, y These alre not in very valllahble tll ir. iher at tile Ilresent tinle. The danllger he' In theme fires Is their (naccesslhillty. at it in 24 miles by wagon to the foot of 10. tile lake, 16 miles ncross tile like, four a miles across another small Iake andl he 17 miles over land from this point. FIortunately .lpervisor Millar has he uite a stock of supplies at the foot ofI N. the lake and the wagon haul has been In eliminated up to the present time. It Twenty pack animals and a force of in men are marooned In the Clearwater rn country and their location Il unknownl, ', but they are some Iplace in the Ill terlor. It In not known if they are Il I dangir. I.ewlnton has been wired for m Inore plck horseo. g A report WIts received fromn the Koeo r- tenal river that .the Wolf creek fire is re well In hand. The Kootenal forest in to threatened, however, by fires from the Id Cabinet forest. The fronllt oIf thils fire g in 12 miles in length. Ie Sulpervisor liarton of Pnd d'OreIlle e InIYn that all fires uin hIls forenst lareI g t lnler 1con1trol. A small fire oni Portl t l111i Just ollutlde the forest )boundaries e is helng closely patrolled. The Deer a creek fire in practlhally iout ,and the k fire on flock creek, In Ilorthlepl Idaho, has been trenched and In calr'efulliy watlhed. T''lle fires from tile Cabinet side are causing the greatest alnxiety and the fire patrol hal been Increasedt 10 per Vetnt. The O. W. Kerr company of IHamil toll hits offered tile assistace of tllheir n men alnd Ipack outfits and ait haunt. of . supplles Ilay lle esltabllshed there for er tile men fighting fires through Lost1 I. Horse Iats. 0 C, H. Farmer of the locll offices It Will le Cent into tile fieldl to alinlst B- Ranger Kottky in sulerintendllng Ien a1 undi keeping time at the Avery fires. A new firIe on tile Biltter Root forest was reported from alollg W'est Fork and men are already on tile ground. SThile condition of the Connor creek fire I thought to he serlous, as 1no repllorts were received today. 0 A wire was received froln Associate N Forester Potter yesterday ulthor)ling tile request for troops and saying that if more trollps were Ileeded to get in :I touch with Blrigadler (leneral Walter Howe. t Asocluate District lForester Silcox I stited yesterday that tilhe realsol the state militia was not clled on ius per I (lovernor Norris' offer, waIs onl - . 'counlt of the fact thlt the lllellbe's of the nIatlonal guard were nIearly all in g btlulneln, alld if the nlttluatllon co0d1 he b r (lOnltrolled I)3' federal troopl the'y coILid ill SpIlled m Illllore reallliiy t1n thll hII' milltila. If the sltuatlou grows nteulte, i,; hlowever, tilhe ntlolllln l l 1 u11'tll o1y113' i)( . .I ('ailed (ion. ])istrlct FloreXtelr Creeley retllrnol ed yesterduy evel'nlg flolll the littler -toot and relol'tn tlhat thile troolps i rltached Lolo at half past 2 O'clock Il Hnuturdly afterlnoon 1and were met wwith Ctealns for thile unmountedl Illenl, ''hey stal'tedl folr .olo iHot Sprinlgs Illlncdil iatuely and rea'hedl there at 11 'cloce in utlldly, 2 Deplluy 1"orqst Sulpervisor 0 Hpullldlng 11 In charge of the men. K1' "There a(re four fires that will he h11-11 died from tile centrial ea0np) at Lohll Hlot S6rlllgs. Thle Sally ('reek file, I whllhl i llJust little 10elw' Ihe Nlurinlgs, his It follce <if 235 lllen alrleady oni it and wlil 13e flouIlht first. ''hils fire Ix il aIlready chItCketll 1 tllrer' sides. It i1 tIhouglht that t11H fire 1a2n l)e c'lealned iup in three llor foulr dalys. They will then cross the divide Illo Pac'kelr's meadows, where there alre two fires, one 1on rlusily creek un111 one onl Crooked creek. Thlese Iwo strelamsn Sare tributary to the Loeha branllh of the Clearwater river. Thile 13Brush creek I fire Is now being fought by 40 men for the ipast few days and is I)rIe4i0allY under control. The fil'e r(t i Crooked creek will lie fought by 50 men1 tlhat went up thile Bitter Root onil yewlterday afternoon's trailn. The largest fire is on Johnson's Warm Rprlings creek, another tributary to the Locha branch of the Clearwater, and Is In very had shilape. It is lo. cated 2I miles from Packer's meadows toward the west. Men will be plut there as soon as the fire can he oratl/ed.out and the location of camlps determined. A fores of 150 men and 35 pack horses are at olo Hot springs and the sltuatton should blie pretty well Iundep control soon,. +ii·: · Again for Saturday We Present a Quality Offering To know how (good yoru mlutlnt onr --that iN tiP only waIy yon nll tell, IIlrlein y ll rI ie a (lltt nrler iof Ihl Nil re aid Ithln y knr ,v TIhat only the 1l 41.. IN haln(ll eld h1r,, FRESH CUCUMBERS. I.b rK e, fr.esh Mr.*unttl, lrs, si,rcl |l, each ..... 2 1-.2 IT'S THE BEST. Ir w hat th , ilit e : . ; r 1 )o . I,, t ii lls Iutller N4ay and havil I e n panying lVPr mie we phIe'eid It on iner k,.- tI ' ir . It KgiVli ex'ellenlt Matlle faction to thow' who want bl t Ithe ; ' .i..... oi. ISNOWBALL CAULIFLOWER, 3 LBs. FOR.. FRESH NECTARINES. ;Th ll qullltt . ;iN ,'x lllhl; In.'g.i, bright fruitl; d 4, l'ifor 26 CRYSTALIZED GINGER. IN lWlays prqopitr o'n it dlomie Ia tli andrl n i cotelnf, tolll. I'lin~ ., xturn, inot nl'iarMr f d flirolgl, Illl, I , Iilmany hi'oilsl1, C. & II. bralnd, tll 25r' WgIAT MUSTARD? i'hill kind o'f tl ..tturd do vion pre fe'r? ·We r satisfy youlrl WlilllH, whlilhir Ihn.y are English, German, French or Domeitic. 1'riglaish rntstlotrd In lint, tn .2i 0 , Mlrmonit t11 nnlr l rll I tl on ll jtrll , ll , J.r .... l. rl" la' thi' I i T .tuarl lie In flln y stone jiri , Jar . . .. . .016 hunlsith .le ist1'r l. hlls. J;IrA, 'ti(' told ... . .. 134, Phone or postal your wants, as *e guarantee to please you, [ABOR CONVENTION OPENS TODAY DELEGATES TO MEETING OF STATE FEDERATION GATHER IN GREAT FALLS. (freat Fuilli, Aug. 14.-(8pRltl.)-- D)e'legeslte'i fromn overy city itn M.ltlntuIll are arrlvlng here In drot,'e for the| lpurpose of attendlingi the nlllnual con ventitlon of the Montlllanta Slate Ieledera. li(Jn of jllhbor. whihl conL'veno tlmor row In tlhsl city for a five lday' Hell. Mlon. Pre'sidenlt I. .M. IDonoghue andl l ll the state oifficeres arrived thlis morningl, and with 'ei. II. Nelston of MAlinoellla, Tony Schly orf Anaconda antlli 'I'. C(. Shields of Ilutte, who comprise the 'execu'tlive c'ommlttee', llett Inst evenlng anid arranllKn the ruleus ind regulations that will liee followeld ildur InE the mlleeting. The .nvenlltlion will hei olpened Iby, D), 1. Walille of (Ire'at I'talls, who will lmake a short addroen. T'he (comlllllttee oln credentillls will malke ItH rleport to llorrolw mIornilng aind the convellntion will sttand adlljrned IltIl 'TI'esdaly. lhe delegllte's will devtlthlet different ldalys of the week to busieneess, while the evelnings will lie deivoted to pleas-x iOre, bmany evenlts havIng bleenll lr rangel for the pleastlluru and comfllort of the visitors. Anlti'onda and II s inotll atre in tlhe race for the convellntillon nlext ye'ar, llandl It seemslll to lie the general Impres. lon that111 the delegsation from the Cop. per city will have no dllfficulty In cap turlng the muc'h-tlesiredl pl)t1mn. The questlon of convlet lahibor on the state lroads will he ilone of the first nmtteres th1tt wIll come upl for discussioin. The' wolrk of the convention will hbegln lit earnient TuesdItly morning, ait htich tIlmle ll iof the lc'redited delelgatei willl he present. Industrial e'ducatlion iand the prevention of the spreatld of tllbelrlcllhslM will IIhso receive st Il lrge Inomtlli( of lltt'lltenlol, while fin effolrt will )e madbe to unilte all of tIhe Ilea. s. w'rlterll of the 'Mtatie itteo et slnlin oit anlatlonll, thle Illtte unnlatetltn Iseing 'olrenl' ltdl lfl . i ,by r1er l Inlelll elr.n "'l'hi Monlltuln Ied'lel'tttlo ll of Jllt or I 'ia nlle r .lt hll hettle lslhale t)(e tl tll Ie rI'enmnt," Hum Prl'ell det D)onoKh U e, 'ilind tile Intlre't ilI the conlhlln c'int i elItitl le Kreat. A IsIt'e etlnltllst aft tiork will I' l'ei'nslil s el lurlinx tile rcelt, tnld It Ix ixllseted thatll 11 l i lIe dCel lel sIeH wvill i\'( a goI o lld ntt' eo.tlltI I' tholni olvl s l Iii" Probalily the mlsliet cotlnllmpsct iltepl. 5t1l1r' hail i 's letntltlte le iy till 1111 i01i llltlil, thle itelsx Ioilslll r Into i '}roove ill the hlsie: wh nitll II li ot.'li,e II 5 that It titkeis up It millre' r1oi1 1 hisi fseilr. hI la|klik. Swc·<t 0i0 a(llrlivail oln M. ! , chllurch I(Wn T'Uc tlday evtlelni, At1ltnt ]l. tW O l'trliln 'Itty c'ltki, uIg,, to £vea I zanill LOCAL BREVIIES' Smoke Wm. HJooper cigar . . 1. IK. ely of St. Paul in registered at the Missoula,. Drink John_aUnd's Peerless beer. J. A. Johnson of Spoknne Is .Cegis twreed at the Missoula. Dr. Willard, osteopath, 1st Nat'l Bank .J. T. Torrence of Hamlltop is reg ilstrecid at Ihe Savoy. * Publir' stenographer, Dawson, 6 Dixon. Alan Ilrlrcker of Dcetrolt in traintsnt !InK bllinr.ess In Missnicin., James M. Rhoades, fire Insurance. .1. II. ri ,iL4 of Hlenh a in viitinrl In' 1ic. city for it short time. Marsh, the undeftaker. Phone 331. Ii. A. Thayer of Iornne Was in the city ycntordcay olu hulInniesn. It, I. Mllaney, livery,- hack and !tranifcr. Phone 0G6. 1.. I). WV.y'ty of Ifllnilten+ in vlsiting with his Missoula friends. Dr. Ward, veterinarian, Tel. 33 or tdl, iI. Dwight of Clilnton IN In the city on ci cshort buisiness visit. Missotula Ice Co. Phone' 310 Black, A. I', IU.france of Ielenn Is making it husiness visit in the city. Try Dutch Calsomine Kellogg Paint Co. A. A. My'rc rf Kansflas Cfity Is in lhe city for It business visit. Frank 1'. Keith, Insurance. Florence block. Shernnan Diccklnson of Des Moines ixi regilterld ait the i'Ilorenee. The Minnoula, Brick & BSuIly Co., ,of(ice 11G Higgins avenue. A. V. Tcorner of Chinago Is In n Mis 'o iit lookinlg fis' ic lhittlion. Dr. Anna James, 'asteopath. Phone 834 Black. Higgins block J. V. W+ebhnter it ('hlengo Is vislting in i.Pn, I'+ for n few days. Missoeula .and western MoIntana directoary for sale at Missonllian office A. 1,. Walsh of Stevensvlill made a short visit to Missoltla yesterdliy. Drink Joel B. Prazier at the C,xford "livery swallow makes a friend." J. Li. Halrpham of Chicago in mlak ing a business visit In tiche city. Stains, enamels, varnishes, etc Kel. logg Palnt Co. Mr)s. John P. ('lun of Butte Is visit ing In the city for It few days. Hairdressing, MIss Arcnor, Fleet No tional block. I'. H. Oriswold of Chicago spent F yist.rdtluy in MissoIla on business SColonall for candies and Ire cream. Phones: Bell 1i7 Red; Ind. 475. J. J. Fitzgibbonu of Illmliltn- Is in 1nssoulla on ct short bullsiness visit. .. Dry cord wood, slabs and edglngs. Is Rtierdy Lumber Co.., Tel. 743. S C. It. Si.tton of Buttt arrived in the -. city yesterday for it busilness visit. I Newton II. Schwelker, optlcal spe r- lcllnt; eyes examined. 318 Higglna. S I.. It. Abbott of Spokane In spending i t fiew taiys with friends In the cit .. ref Dr. Pearl Foster, dentist. Child'ien's d l Work a specialty; 4 Higglni block. t J. .'rieledmn of Cleveiland is spend st Ig a few idays with ellnssouiit friends. cI Phone 38 for cabs and baggage r- traunsfr. Greene & Elilnghouse. WV. M. 4miith of Helena Is spending aI' ftfw tdays with his MIXsoutl friends. c Dr. Hanson of Butte. Mont., visits . any part of the state for coneultations Inland general surgery, S I. H. Iteeece Gcf Inton u's ac, i mong the bulsiness visitors iII the city 'yes le terdhy. Dr. J. Loulse Smith and Dr. C. B. -Spohlr, osteopaths, suits 17, Masanle rt temple. Telelphiouc, ell, 018: Ind., 7.2. Mrs. (, R. I.lindsay of Alberton Is Sile'tling it few days wit hfrlends in I' Minsoni inh. 'pr. Riesland, optical specialist, now at rcoms 2 and 3 Hammond block, untlI AugiuLt 20. All glasses ground. Josephll Tholl)lmas ui1' Anaconda Is Svlisiting with Missounl friends for a fewile days. S II.I . M. Lewis of RI. Ptaul is Iamong i the bualrShs arrivals in the city y.c , lt rll. .y. SEvuns Breos. Trunk Co., manufactur f ers and jobbers of trunks, bags and suitcases. Slesnroom 204 Itiggins Ave. t Factory, Daly addition. Phone 261. ll. A. Hegen cif ]elcna Isl spending 4lsentillng a rfew ilays with friends ilu the c ity. IV. '. ' lHerweg of Mhlinneapolls nr rliv'l in lic t' iyi yesterday f'or a tlHuni I nc'ss i \'llt. Does your piano need tunlnl? Leave or.rn at Lucy's store for expert tun r, Work guaranteed. Montana Music! i'rank IIarn and wife of Anaconda cre speilding I few tledays with Mis inclltel friencetc. Apple boxes-a large quantity of stltndard size kept colinstantly on hand at II. B., Lnuiber Co. Yard 508 TooleI I avenlle. A. ID. Icllely orf Sail Prnancisco waits cnlo)ng the business ilrrilvals In MJis i S'a c .Vn yteldany. A. . Smiii f. Mi.nnoeupoiis Wacs aliionsi II ltusilncss crrirl'Lls in Mis inlUit ycStccrlliy. nMr. itudl Mrs. Joselch Appolonli l' Victoer arte vlliting wicll friends In tche ity. Mr. Appolonln is a promineint clerchuant of \'Victor. Biltter Root Valley Nursery Co., Vic tor, Montana--Home.grown trees, er guaranteed true to nanle. We are also Io agents for tile Geneva nursery. T, H. ci Hanbidge, secretary. 5. P. Kerr, to manager. , th MORNING AFTER THE CIRCUS. in Thie local railway passenger sta- of tion. presented a drowny appearance ex yesterday from morning till night. It pu was the day after-lthe time of the to dark brown taste-and Brer Indian $2 could scarcely hold his eyes open, Po- lice officers had to keep nudginlg the bucks and squaws with their atlcak to keep them from falling to sleep In 3 the waiting roocs chalres. The circus wes too) much for many of them. W Somne of the weaker ones wyre still under thie iflieeace t filrewater. II 'r tCopyhtI / A AN inch more or less on the end of a coat .makes or mars the entire effect of the gar ment; a vest that is too full--trousers' that are lacking in the proper hang; correctness in these little details is essential. We watch them here. Care in fitting is a mat ter of prime .importance. We guard you against anyone's mistake-yours, ours or the makers'. And clothes that will fit--that are tailored in correct style-that have the proper human hang and drape-they insure your satisfaction. We specialize in the well-made, beautifully fitting garments from KUPPENHEIMER, STEIN-BLOCH, HACKETT-CARHART Now Is the Time to Buy Your Suit While These August Cleanup Prices Prevail. 3 N inch more or less on15.75 te end$45.00 Suits $23.75 ment; All $17.50 Suit is 8.75too full trousers that are lacking in the proper hang; correctness in these Every train carried nawy a fTw tardy visitors. Tul., as a rue', the streets were deserted. 'The ittli ut had fallen out of the crowd. CHINESE ABOLISH NICE, FAT, POSITION Peking, Mlonday, July 25.--The govs ernment heas decided to employ go dip lomatlc adviser for the futur4c a de cision that has come a. a surprise and to some extent a disappointinent to the foreign communities of the far east. The Wal Wu Pu, the foreign govern. ing board, will depend in the future on the views and opinions that are held regaltdlng foreign affairs by those of its own people yvho have had long experience in the. diplomatic and con. -ular services a road. The post now to be abolished has paid a salary of 25,000 a year, Frank Borg & Co. W.TCHBs , DIAMONtLs, JEWEL.RY We repalr ~ynlWJnr in our Ilne' GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL F- CHAS; A. CCHRAGE, Prop,. Open Day and Night Corner Railroad St. and Higgins Av, Care in Connection. DAN R. FEIGHNER'S, New Family Liquor Store 184 West Cedar St. Opposite the Postotflce. All promrnl*nt brands sold at cut pricas. SOMe i 1fS AT 'y MAPES & MAfealES Mlakes ALfe's Walk Easy N. P. WOODS 8068303 Higgins Ave. EVERYTHING TO EAT Groceries and Provision. Fruits and Vegetables Meat Market All Kinds of Fresh Meat a d Fish. Both Phones in Both Departments. SHATS AND SUITS Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired, Suits made to order. Hate cleanedi, rr.blooked and trimmed, THE PANTORIUM, 102 West Main Street, Acrols from City Hall, Both- phoene-Ind, 7181 Iell 0s Slackli r .11 llA , BL