Newspaper Page Text
ti the tear. tL Ntteet, Wes `t Miaaoula, ajI matter. I l, ...N .NA S...».».09 . .00 ..- 5.00 fo.1napt .'Haget rtPl .Wu, 00, ores0denlt. * Hatytt e. Offl. 1H*u Utret, pear ,~-l~lean Is a gl us to Rive the S00no~. - Ira 0 W0sMo sPL faulty ob" #Jnd ploy,21an AAZ AUGUST 11.. loperatloi of the mall service S itavaill and Polson has devol S problem . In transporttIon Is a asiter. Pormerly, under "mont In vogue, then mall for lon points lay at Rlavall about .t'r rhours; when the stygo loft "ig iirn this arrppemen. It roe 1tourto five hebus to amise the J'q.lion . Recently, a request i p lervation people was granted ' . tofao dpprtnlmenpt pan an SWil weas issued to the mill contrac at Ratavalil for the arrival roeporin train from the east. tl e fou'i;r-hour stage schedule h+ tupaintalned. Poleo, ,.lth end the ioite, would have reoveivd its . . ¢. t`la out o'clock on th afttor oif tOwday when It reached IR " I'.his would have been a twenty qi a b "trs Improvement. But It v't tuia out that way. Thoe mall .cg ior who could make the tour " ."aschedule by leaving lavai!l at 6 q_ , In the morning,, finds that It ;ten hours tolsisp 'the reserv4. ioen he di t nt Istrt' till to SPoieson l iiot 'a ulaie by the d, naturally, wa ts to know *" 0 SE CAREFUL. lAgsn. be oereful. TPhs II thu 'ur p plea«" telc the forestry epart"° S ildthe owners of standing tim. anlikIltng It Is directed to all iq into thie_ hills, whether otI sz eai or pleaSyre. The timber Wil iet dryer 'thanl It ls now, Ss of firo starting from a S.~pCown match was never wt.l'. + Men 'who have, boten. In the t .Iit for years say they hklve never "ni the undergrowth as tinder-like as It is this month. A wul,-authenll cited Instance Ito reported from the upper Rattlesnake, whore a horse, i. lnug on solne slide rock. struck me o~mipaarks froms the librd stoncs with his' sthoe; these uspaks igLltel the Iras naea by, and a fire would have been biasing rapidly in a' short time had not the incipient flalmes been upnu ,and checked by a rider mnlmc dJi fly behind. Everybody who goes ).tp t .1* hills this summer should bear Ii.tlllmttd constantly the grave danger whlit~" liea in carelessness with snatches. It Is easy enough to bI carefultil but It is extremely difficult to stop f' tire' that gets started. IN TIENNSSEE. " :.u llcans In Tennessee hope to t.aske. a1 hole in the south this year: they meet today in state convention t. itheirl enthusiasmn, as the press re Ilts reilect It, is something entirely m'w in their mi4st, ,publlcan confidence Is based not - on t:he, trength of their own u spon the disaffection In the r` l0: 1 rank. 'rhe result of the Judal ...locrtion, in which the t iJnvdldates were uecoaIs I indorsed by the state .howgd Conclusively r:to frig ltone ,$Ih. hrmony In the to riný l;out of the ques , presnt at least. Th e -t- ( frem ntominpng ,ql"tlih.- f +elpFtw their *iit 40ghliqpp inmlt -PPJ pOublicans In the recent election :i return to the party fold before No. romber. If they do not, then the eloe tion of a republican governor in Tennessee seersl to be not only peo f1 -but probable. *tLOqu~NT IoGUAe. The automobiile Is not only keepilg people from buying homes, but it Is entering the home. Tho St. Paul Plo neer Press, In, telitng of the tax as sesor's list for the city, has the fol lowing nllgnificant facts: St. Paul will colleet taxes next year upon 1470,140 representing automgtblles, If the figures of Assessor Charles L. Hans remain unchanged. 'here are 888 of the machines on the tax lists in this olty this year, as compared with 478 lsat ye .. The valuation has jump. ed In proportion. Automobiles are liltd this year at an average of $530 eath, for purposes of taxation.' There has been a decided slump in household goods. This year their ag gregate value for purposes of taxation Is put at $2,278,195. Last year they were valued at $1,290,170 by the as sessor, htopks of wholesale merchants are taxed this year $4.697.085. It Is a small Increase over last year. Retailers will pay on $2,600,709 as compared with $2, 848,674 last year, a falling off of near ly 1240,000. People sell homes - and household and kitchen furniture to get money to put In automobiles, The country, Now York bankers say, Is automobile mad. Every day the people become more ex travagant. SINFUL SUGAR. Now geroms, new diseases, new aimn and new fortui of depravity--thoe art pouring In upod us in appalling vol. umne and In alarming numbers thcst days. We have lifted up our voice in earnest protest against the new sin of displaying moving pictures of the downfall of Jeffries. We have pro. tested against timhe presence of filth. engendered germs. We have fixed tht blame for pollagra upon the Italian immigrants. Always and everlastingly we have recolnlsed the terrible power of the demon ruin. But the new aln lies In the use of sugar-so we are told by a docuir of Hoboken, who says: The loss of energy through the con sumption of sugar in the last century and the first decade of this century can never be made good. Alcohol has been consumed for thousands of years, but has pot caused the degeoneration of thi whole human race. Our Now "England forefathurs built the cradle of liberty between sips of '"rult and lum.'.' They fought and, between fights, sipped . their toddles. in these later years we have sought to sliminate the ruin but have held to tihe sular.' It appears we have made a serlous nmistake. We should have barred the sugar. Or has the Hoboken doctor in mind the evil whlch sugar has wroulht through the medium of the short-weight trust? The percentage of Indians w.ho fall victims to red-eye is, perhaps, not greater than the proportion of white men. The trouble is that the Indian falls harder. Also, the players at the state ton ni tournament are wasting a lot of energy that might do some good it directed agalnst the forest fires. For a man who was reported down and out. Gifford Pnclhot attracts a good deal of attention and commands a good deal of respect. One thling i certain, Mr. Roosevelt will not make the mistake or thinking Chicago and Minneaponis are "out west." Hamilton must have had stage fright In Plathead county, Judglng by the quality of ball played on the home grounds. I , Aviation bids fair to renew F.ranco Prussian bitterness. France will never forget and Germnany always remembers. We don't wish anybody III luck, but It Is a bit satisfying to know tllat we do not have all the railway wrecks. Missoula's neighbors are boosting well for the apple allow: Missoula will have to hustle to hold up her end. Beverly yet counts on the Ballinger resignatlon, despite the Seattle denial. Beverly is in a position to know. The perslsteeney of the drought .is shown in'the fact that the circus didn': bring even a sprinkle. By persistently predicting fair weather the dope man has produced some clouds, Real clouds meake a better screen for the sun than the smoke curtalin has furnished. The mixup in Nebraska politice makes the primary election a double sl utfl _ aWestrn Moptanl Is well prepared for ia tln day. Let the water run. I;you have a telegraph frank, use it toQdY or you'll never use It. .The miiaswnmer political game al as hot as the forest fires. 7tolltl, makit stranger bedfellows iv* thist year. t:ii'rl districts tqale a good ii~a:~ · t· ·-· ; The German Advance X I I.--I ndl riotl| 'Develo l amiit. (By Prederio J. Hitkin.) . The ,modern Industrial - develop .nent of the German empire date's fromn 1sdO, the year after the first protective tariff was enacted. a The same genius for organization, the name capacity for thoroughness, tile same subordination of the individual Sto the collective will which character Ixed the rehabilitation of Prusnnian mil itary power under Von Moltke and r whlch obtained Prusslan political *. dottinancy under listnarek, were ap ** plied to the problems of Industrial a development and trade expanslon. n When German union was accomplished i in, 171, and when It had been made permanentl as Bismarck thought, by a the 'forcible represlsop of the social 0 democratie party, the whole attention of the state was turned towards its n Industries. The firal movement was the erec tion of a protective tariff wall about r the country. This resulted in reliev Ing the German, manufacturers from foreign competition, and permitted the application of the Prussian system of organiation to business. As was planned andi expected, there was an Immediate tendency toward combina tions of rival concerns resulting in1 the present systeln of cartelli and syndl Sates, which sustain practically thei same reldtlon to German Inqaustrles as do the trusts to American Industries. The radical difference Is thatt the Ger man trusts were fostered ahd encour aged by the state, while thp American trbsts have hlad to encounter at'least the -pretended' enmity of Slhe govern ment. "In Germany a cartell In an organi 5Atlon for' fixltig prices antudetermin. lag oqndltlons of sale, buý leaving its component concerns freeo to exercise Itndividual judgment, amnd make much or little profit as the ca may be. The German syndlca Ia a more highly organized concer . It acts as Ie sales agent of its Iffilllated con cerns and not only flx prices, but through the pooling sy etom exercises controt over the dlstrlbu ion of profits. German business men, lauding thilr own system of syndlcaes and cartells pretend to be horrlfle4 by the mere suggestion of the possibility of form Ing It Germany a trtist of the ad. vanced Amerlean type. however, the .board of trade of thme city of Essen, a quasl-pbblle asoelat on, has recomn mended seriously the lmalgamation In Germany of the coal And steel syndl cates, suggesting the such a merger by negotiating an ag ement with the American steel trust Would be able to rule the whqle worl . As a matter of fa the differences between the German yndicate and the Amerilean trust are van greater than ia apparent on the a rface. The Oer nman combinations ere brought into existence by the d ibtrate and well. eonsidered action oth; state, while the Ainerlcan Int uitrial combines have resulted part from economic evolution, partly f om special public privileges, and part y from special prl vate privileges. ermany made its laws In advance a d required tile in dustrial combines o shape thenmselves to meet the reqult ements of the law, while, the United tates has not suc ceeded in dipsolvi g and has not tried to regulate Its trusts. The German " usts" are made the beneficiaries of t rlff laws, ship sub sidles. and otilhc special legislation enacted for their( particular encourage. ment; but they are prohibited from preying upon wesaker organizations. within the con /nen of the German. stetos, The Ge Aian syndicate Is per mitted and enc uraged to incorporate in Itself every concern interested in any particular ndustry, but each In dividual concer must be taken In on terms of absol to equality. It Is not permissible for a syndicate to crush a small' independent competitor. The guaranteed ri¢.ht of the small con cern are pro othd by enforced and enforclble latys. both onl time statute books and inl 4he code of accepted busi ness morals. The state owrns or controls absolute. ly every means of transportation, and neither by Iqoans of rebates, private car lines, mnot superior Influence as a large customnpr, can the great syndi cate secure lny advanlage whatever over the snlil Inmanufacturer. When the great COal and steel syndicates succeed in odnvinlcing the national rail way adminlNtiratlon that readjustment of freight raten is necessary to ad vance tile laterests of those two all powerful Cmonblnatlons, the govern ment will n1t fail to favor themn. But at the sanm time the reduced rates are madq v'allable for tile benefit of the sinallomt producer of coal or tihe nlost inalgslificant ironmaster iii tile empire. Both syn dicates and cartolln are voluntary organizations o( constituuent colmpanies, but. In themselnacves thley are not corporations; That Is to say, the syndicate gr cartell is not capitalied, but is con.rolled by a comlmittee rep resenting eaclt constltuent co'poratlont, each of which remnains under the con trol of It own separte set uof stock. holders. .hle German law does every thing posi ble to encourage the for matlon of at syndicate to fix prices and to eliaminate wasteful methods of unrestrict d competition, but it will not pcrmtt Auch a syndicate to capl tallao Its co-uporatlon nor to organlse a holding' company. If the German laws were in force in the Umlted ltates, the steel trust would control an even greater per. contage q' the Iron and steel indus try thal it now does, but there would be no 'teeil Comnmon" quoted on tihe intook exchange, and Mr. Carnegie would haye no etuel Corporation bonds, The steelitrust would be an amalgams. tion of al tile once independent steel concerns, but it would be owned sep. arately by the original stockholders. In other tvords the German system en eourages the co-operative industrial features of the American trust system, but prohlbtts its flnanclal features. Theep is oonlrderable polltoical oppou sltIon i" Germe~am to tl.' tho1iai"of cartelib, bu t t Is not bapatlbpi ' any e tiomo tleir eaosobraftve organli Rgt, iOi.$or * 'r prded~- from any ,. V e n. t r .. . . . . . sinet Is voiced in a demand that the tariff be so changed as to pi+bhlibt the ponsiblliity of the syndicates and car' tells charging higher prices at home thian they do abroad. On the whole there is little or no objection to the German syndicate sys temln on account of its trust feature.. The manaufacturers, both large and small, approve because they profit by the elimination of throat-cutting com petition and wasteful sales nmethods; the Industrial workers approve because syndication enables their employers to pay higher wages; the general publle approves because It belleves that the present prosperity of the country Is the result of thie prevailing system. So cially there is little or no enmity to tie syndicates and cartelis. The aris tocratic and plutocratic elements ap prove because It is to their financial interest, anid the sociallsts approve be. cause they believe that every Indus trial combination brings them nearer to the day when everything is con= blted In the state. As the government itself Is some times a partner In, tihe syndicates and eartells-the Prussian government owns 27 per cent of the stock of the powerful potash syndicae-lthere is concrete justification for the socialist position. The German banking sys. oiln has felt the influence of the ten dency toward combinations, and syn dicatus of banks are partners in indus trial syndicates. The banks are much nmore closely associated with the India tries than they are in Almerla, so solely In fact that It would be Imnpos sible for German banks to profit fromn the disasters befalling Industrial con corns In times of panic. Not only are.tihe German syndicates different from American, trusts in their constitution, and In their relation to the government, but they. are organ ised upon an entirely different concep tion of the nature of business. In America, and In Britain, Intense In dlviduallnrm controls r all business thought, and collectivism is tolerated only when a comblnation can be ptade In which there is money., profit for the indivdual colnblners. Business is busl nles, according to the prevailing An glo-Saxon notion, and the state has no right to interfere in It exceplt to punish fraud and theft. In Germany all pow;qr ite m, in the state, and individuals hayv.4mhe privilege of carrying on busineos ,aujject to the will of the government. .If the; state wishes to take the railways it dde so , and nobody's notion of, the proper sphere of governmental iotlvity i6 out raged. Germany next ~llj. takg ,Qver Its coal mines, probebig, iatbottgh. the movenment will be nmet, by determined oppositloion. But, that rgojposUlon will pot be based upon thplirgument that it Is wrong Sor the gj'Ypflltent thus to invade tlhe dotin;~i . prlvatq en terprises-It \will be baged on tire be lief that the ,venture wquld*, profitable for the government. In business, as in every other phase of life, the German theory of the extinc 'tion of the indiviQual Ii the collective will, the submerslon of tho private In the public interest, the absolute dom Ination of tile state is the controlling spirit. (Tonmorrow-The OIfl'inant Advance XIII--Gerlnan Btusiness Methods.) Ha fnasoAP Fr TOUrT, AIn, NURSERY. The peculiar, healing, antiseptic properties of Marnla Sfep make it espe* oiatly valuable in the nursery and soothing and refreshing in the bath. There are no irritating and harmful chemicals, no ologg ig, Impdre greases, in this soap. It is made from pure vegetable oils and l. wonderfully cleansing, soothing an4tpaling. It opens the pores, stimulates the circulation of the blood thrligh the blood vessels of the skin, overcomes unpleasant odors, and hqeps the skt. and complexion in act eadilles. At druggists, 25c., or di rdot on receipt of price. Bend Sc. for our books "The Care of the Skin and Hair." PO1111.0 HAY SPE.C. CO., Nowark, N. J. U.S. A.; Toronto, Caada. MISSOULA DRUG CO., 0GE. FRE-l SHEIMER, G. F. PETERSON, D. C. SMITH,. WOLF COMES TO TOWN ON MONSTER RAFT Plrtland. Ore., Atug. 15.-Rooachi[ts San Diego after a stormy sea voyage of two weeks without food, on board a big log raft, a jrge, gray timber wolf was shot while roamitig about the yards of the Russ LXumber company at that place searching >or food., The log raft and wolf, came-to qin Diego frolt the Columtbla river logging camps, near PortlanF, The logs are bound together with great chains into a llgar-shaped raft, containing millions of feet of lumber. Powerful tugs take them in tow for the ocean voyage south. The rafts are moored near shore while waiting dispatch, and It was there, it is supposed, th pt tihe wolf took passage. These log rafts are the bigl gest floated anywhere in the world and a wolf, could easily hide himpelf on board While being pulled to sea.. WOMAN AND EASY DROWN. Osleo, Minn., Aug. 15.-In an auto mobile acoldent here yesterday Mr., Raumus IHage of Warren and her 4 montlts.old child wer.ý drow 4: piid Mr, reHan. a4; a."e . do oi. illar rowi' bcaped e; who `wa tig the mpclne, doR vdrsd to 1evae mthjIe eI SOVAN The Metrpols of the Great IlACKFOOT Vi LEY Loclatd 00 miles northeast of M.issoula; 100 Imiles from u ireat ..aIls, 100 miles front' Hel ena, 100 tmites from iJutte, suirounded by wonderful iutural retiulrces, Ini. the midst of a great timtbered region which will give cnm ployment to thouLsands of meti for years, thus creating a great pay r't;l surrounded with thousands of acres of rich Irrigated agricul tural lands producing the finest crops of hay, oats, .ariley, rye and No. 1 hard wh.!at. Natulre has apparently endowed this wonderful valley with all the best natural conditltmo to make it .a great dairying counntry. Coal, fire clay, and good waiter. add, to. the re sources. , .. . * Ovando thus sulrroulned, isN bound to Ibe 6ue of tl/c iuhportali, coi ntnteriil centers of Monltana. To meet the growing demand we luoive platte the original townsite- - Qvaun do, ulid are now ptepa~red :o'offer lots in this beautiful . located .town' on the titew rail. road now Ibing coustruct 1 from Missoula to t.reat 14ill, at extremely low prices and' on easy terms. Prices, $25.00 to4250000 per lot. T'rhere is de$hind now for' a, store building, drug store building and othr lle, ss blocks. (let b$y at 'once. Money invested here means ' excelleut returns. These pportunities do nll 'tluie every day. Wo. %. GLASSCOCK i4 lHIgfn Ave. Missoula, Mont. ON SMOKING AND LACING.,':` The general secretary of the Youn. Peoples Clyic league sends outs t< members this "call": "Dear Youhg People: It seei4p op. portune that your attention be .pallth to the nation-wide, publicity whiih is being given to the attitude .taktn b) Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth il re. gard to the clrgarette smokinlg and the use of Intoxicants. "Mrs. Longworth's open] declaratlor of her addiction to the habit of amnol ing and her defense of It is not in it self important, but the emndnnce of lhes family and position socially m'aiBs hel attitude a dangerous examrplteto thou sands of young' boys and. girls. "That statement that Mrs. Long worth has championed smoking amnong women presents a situation which, must be met at once by our league and similar bodies throughout the country. "We would be pleased to receive' per sonaI letters from every m.ember of the league and Its affiliated bodies, rtelling his or her opinion of the ex 'amn'le set by the daughter of a' prds. Iddiit antd `,hat he will do. to sprbld a sentiment to counteract her precepts, t'Thls matter will be brdught before the executive board of the league Mbn day, and we would be pleased to re ceive an expression from as many of the aecleties as possible before that time. "We would be pleased to recelve a report of the proceedings of the first meeting at which the matter Is dim cussed. Signed. "MRS. MARY T`. B:ALCOMB. "General Secretary Y. P. C. L." Does Mrs. Mary flalcomb wear cor sets? If'so, It seems to us highly '"pp portune'' that the attention of the aar young people should be directed to the banfeulness of that practice and of the example thus set by one holding so conspicuous a position as that of general secretary of the Y. P. C. .L, The mere suspicion that she cham pions corset-wearing presents a dltu ation that must be met. With this laudable purpose in mind. "we would be pleased to receive personal letters from every member of the league and its affiliated bodies, telilng his, or her opinion of the example set and what he will do to spread a sentiment to counteract her precepts." Mrs. Bal comb may consider this appeal to the olvlc leaders impertinent. Fo it is. But is It any more so than hers? Is amoking any worse for one than lac ing? Who is to be the Judge as to whether it is or not.? And if it is. whose business is it? That of the per son who indulges in the practice or that of a meddlesome outsider? 'No question of morals is Involved, any more than there would be in querying a woman's right to wear a rat in her hair. Far less, In fact, for wearing a rat is deceitful. Does Mrs. Balcom.b conceal one among her tresses? We wonder. Whether she does or not. where, let us ask, does' she find moral authority for singling Mrs. Longwottb out of thousands , women who smoke, for special' reprobation? We ,have only to add further that Mrs. Balcomb's dise ingenuous Innuendo--not plain asser tlion, mind you!-that. Mrs. Longworth approves and is addicted to the use of intoxicants is the basest inslnua tion ,of absolute untruth that we have ever heard of being uttered by one at suming to be a gentlewoman--Iar per's Weekly. March 4 next will mark the passing of many of the picturesque figures $h the United States senate. Practleallv all of the old guard will have retired save Senators Frye of Maine and Cullom of Illinos. Runt's Perfeet Baking Powder i F Ai MOST "CATCHABLE" IS MEASLES EDITORIAL IN YOUTHS' COMPAN ION TELLS OF DISEASE THAT 18 FREQUENT. Th'le fllow ni odltirltul I';,n, ' th.. Youth's' CUnaunion will II r.1f Intcre .( to many: It seecm11s alm ost Illmtipo".s i| , to,, l1t4 t. people In general take u prupeuly'I' * rious' view about imeaslIes The healthl officers complain that no 'uttenh~.i whatever is paid to the matter: that cases are not reported, and that vcr*" few parents make any attempt to iso late or shield thei well c.lliden, truit the sick ones::l'ti ae'-anfo 'fntliJ: '. The usual point .f vle)v takefl Tenems to be th'at It la ininipolrt anand un avoidable Ill, and that the sooner it is over with the better. " This point of view Is, of course, based on the In disputable fact that most children do have the measles sooner or later; and that in most cases it Is a slight matter, 'and that the percentage of fatal cases is not high. Many. children have tllom 'with no mpore symptoms than would attend a bad cold In the head, and are not even sent to beJ. This attitude toward measles on the part of the general public Is a dis tlnctly unfair one for several reasons, and it is a matter that calls for the, awakening of the pu'btic conscience as well as the education of the public mind. O'he parentst of childrens of school-going age' hohld be taught that measles may be, a very dangeropm dis ease to children under three years old,' or. to children who are badly nour ished or- suffering from some other adute or chronic, disorder. It Is contagious from the very start when it. seems like a rather vidlont cold in the head, and before any erup tion apjears; and one child at this stage may be the means not only of sending It through the entire :school but also of transmitting it' tu.the dell cate small children and the young babies in the homes. This being the case, It li only fair that such mothers as do not .osire it for the children, should be Ilren a chance to avoid It. This Is not too much to demand whIeOj it Is known that the state department of health for Neow York state publishes that in one year 'there were more than 1,200 deaths lin 58,000 reported cases, and that mIore persons died of mheasles, than of scarlet fever. Measles Is the most "eetchable" of rall the contagious disease, 'but it is pretty well -conceded that It can only be caught from a person who has It: it is not carried by the welth This beo ing the case, its control should pot be difficult. Every child who dgVelops a somewhat violent attack of. coyzsa' with running eyes and all the s·tual symptoms of cold in the lhead, should' be o'olated for a day or twoq and watched for the development of the characteristic, eruption.. When" thle comes out it is certain the child has not a' "old" but has msyesles, apd its Idolatlon shoald be continued until the eruption has entirely faded. WILdE ASCERTAIS METHOD OF ROiBERY o'itoo, Aug. 13,-It wafLt by hurlisg a ' dynamlte' bomb, at the government treatao'e cart, which blew, It to pleces and killed a couple of ohsaeckam, that 51,000 ,rubles were secured .by a bsin of anarchilst in TitNll, kRit.ila:gi ns* eatlCasla,. three years'. fi, ,"ccojtdng to Chief John , Whieot.,tei re,. aervjoe, iho is liorp ,lnveuiflgtti t(l'l ,rrst. on Satusi'day of ItAp4rw., teW lml )o Qh.rger With ,beig one l.~ he ,.v men '*nd, two ,wopnip, '. :Itbe: 'ulgn gov et mentplsAm' 'wro agitir rioi'ta .erpi, 1 4p ' t e1 F qit: 4 r fA I` MAJOR IMARTIN IA GREAT REPUTE EAITERN MAN WILL DEPEND sHOOTING TITLE AT. CAMP' PeRRY MATCHES. Cjitamp I'rry, O., Aug. 15.--Am;cng the many lmalketnen ready to compete in the .liatcllhe at' CanIlp Perry Is Major WillIamlB. .Mqrtin, of Sea.OGrt. N. .1., who Is. here, to defend his title of nl!itary champion of the Upited States. Major Martin won tills title Iast year by making.the highest at gregatd .sCore in the "prelsdent's match and" the naM1onal individual match, ~lithough 1he did not win either of thl1pe' apatchpel. WH tot#l scoi'e ,Jr the president'p inatch was 314 al'tkl In. theenational in)lvldual match 322. The' winner of the presidont's mtelh, was Midshipman Andrew D. Denny and pf tle national individdal match . ws MHidshipplan Herbert 0. 1.ooach. -All three of these marksmeq received lot tors front Prealdent Taft. qopgrattlat Ing them on their viletgrles. Mjor M&rtin, familiarly known as "Bi ly" a tl.tln, Is one of the most poppjlr Ieon In the shooting game. ' A total abtaineor from alcohot and 'tolbedo ie Is nevertheless a most companto ta6eA fel)ow, always ready With a gootdi-.iry and a hearty laugh... ,,s has doge aome great, shooting. .,Among bther trophled tie carriel .of(fthe Wlmbjedt I cup In 1901 and 'was 'a'member oa'the Amerioan team which .*alsiturd4 .the World's prizes at the:'QIymple salu es at.' Blscly, +ngland, in .1908. . OL his return. he was given a. rousing recep tibt by the mayor .and citisens of Ellsabetli, N. J., his home town. THE WORM. T'lhere were only two pieces of cake. ant three lhungry boys upstairs throW Ing their clotheo on in the race to get down first. Tummy won out And rushed into the dini1g room breath' losaly. . * - "Thut's a good boy, Tomtimy. The early bird gets the Worm. Take a piece of cake," said his mother. Tpnuny looked. at the qake 'qissll oally, Inspecting it from all sideis. "Whht'i.the matter. Tonmy?" . s ed hi mother. "What: are you ,trying to do?" "Say. me, which pleceo hai thil worm In It?' he Inquired soborly.--Natlonal Monthly. . NERVOUS D.YSPEPSIA. If You' Hawv It, Read This Litter. Mi'o n" a t Guarantee~. "I was taken last AJsistr with a se vore stomach troubli. !ile doctor said It was norvous .dyspepala. 1 took his tregtmunt four weeks, but.dl not fuel any better. I topk everythingh I. oea' of. The first day of. Depomber. .1U8I, I got a. bgx of Mi'-o.-na, , to.ei them that afternoon and the anqat day, asd hveen't 'had .one bit ,of pain' Il. fi4 stomach since, the 'Ad' Of, December. I took five box ., Irg well low,:and sleop good,--Mrs. Mf. ' .. Masxfield, I, '. D. No. 2, A' ca, J3; aMI-o-n,. I,, surety tt.f* tlon for indigestion: ever: written It' ' 4relpvse ' afte4hiihnpr .t ross. belch Olg of ,g tpul bre ath,$'eartburn, ate.. i f;y,4llnfep.', , ., , It i ,luaiafteed 'tt: perimanently cure in4igattton, :,euite or chronic, or. any disease of the stomach, or money back. Mi-o-n, stomach tablets are 'old by Geo. Froelholmer f' n M~lqoula andt leading drisrggits everywOere, at 110 eents a . e box, . . An Id4al place to mspond yQouir and Improve vYour lthl. , Aqtsi+w h onto ' Ad . eIp Ot s , ý'2"ý (1 kb