Newspaper Page Text
4St lion, and t oh th # market tnW telas the ear tasýuR and floors; ~ e..Mad. i i t wtll not `t dut the furnitore, il "ibe no dust. Try drit1 8Sf. Ume at you 4 if net satisfied with ,will be cheer t wheat flakes., .::.... ».... ........... ........ 8. a wlhat tiak.s, larse Pkg ,PRE SH FRUIT, ,.hr b t' dpartnment is. the t (tI ,1' itoet complete of any a .In th dlty. Also our fresh a' department. + , 44. Bell Phone ,8. r f'REE While they last Svila, give away free -iat ples of and eo ace wder ýb oai the o6tplexbon . Free while they last at upomqnd e1k. p %pnling. 'Goods :U STMAN a Co. .iiwie*a; t ito MMonatl. isro.) . ISTTER 114 East Main Mtreet. LOOSE LEAF' and BLANK BOOKS T 'rThe Jewtler luaIamods; 'Jewelry i ' lo 'atiention given to FINI.E WLf.H REPAIRING. 114 .ast Main Street. Missoula Hotel 0european Plan. Building Entirely Renod eled and Ilefurnished, Location Convenient. ,A. K. LEIIMAN, Mahager EMLE Y L rbe Tuai/or CLOTHJNG TO ORDER. Cleaning, presing, ultirinlg. 113 West Main {3t. P hono 7o Red ut of Your Next Pay "4ke a deposit on a ulit. You will :Bnver regret it If it comnes from FLODD L SHUPELL, Tailors. 816 W. Cedar, Opposite Court douse Id. Phone 1878. Mis ola Cab and Transfer Co. J. E. Gannon Prbpritor. irsthOCIaes ivery, in Connection Saw' Main St. T.Ilehan. U. iALMIRS AND PUNERAL orDRECTORs. Phonna 4 10iONS, HAY. 1·~7. ! y ý1r OWN EE17 "3l tell you' ad hl ( rh.lle Hart. uts lI handed out a liberal portion of Coot. tonwood trout to 1i OSTrlCH friend, "uand It's thh FLOCKS. wlay. I wouldn't nsiy 11 thing about it It f li three of its hadn't seen it. If I lai. been llhe only one, I would havt thoullldt that I dreamed It and I'd halv kept still. But Bhopp and I'Plein ling both saw It at the talne time I did alidl they srw It just the way I did uandi they admit tlhat the.y tsiw It. Witl their Ibtcking, I aln willing to tell thi story, thotlgh I don't expet't anllylbodl to believe It. I ldidnl't belliwe Ily:sell until I lookled the second timn but I saw it so plainly that there is no sltol of ita inlbt. We were just gettitag readly fur breakfast one llonningl lltul week land I chanced to look out towardt the river. Thellre I saw a flock ol ostrivhsll Just as pilainly int I see you now. 'PThe ig blirds were culrrylln along lat ai lively git: I hald nccll enlough of tIlhese birdsl Isl (tllfornla Inl know them alnd I lan swear that theyl were the real thllng. 'llhe other fel lows saw the birds, too. I donl't kno.l where they tilr me fromt l, but they watre: there. None of the nativels had (evl hI'ard oft It he nd, they looked at n+ i) fllnnly that we soon ilimped IiSkintl, albout otnlrlheins., ltuit we sMw thll'in." "'1'tl.,a' will not Lbe' iii'ih of it left by lhe eld of llho weelk" reiarked .ludge Itephens yesterdIay aft GOING ernIII.l, ts he stood oei PAST. CUdar street anll watched thll delolitlionll or tile t'ourl'thouso fiI wlllhich lo 50many of the days of his active legal pr(I:tice were patnsid. "It has been' a great olil bul!dlng and tilere iave horni a good lainy mpnlortant events pulled off in It. Home of the aoNt stllrring llgal and political battles in weatern Montana have been fought in thile old courthous and Itu, history is the hIstory of Mis soula COUllty. I anI glad it Is being torn down instoead of being removed to somlle other site, Intact. I wouldn't like to. see the old builldng standing anywhere else thanl where It stood for so, long. It would be unsolltimentul to see the old structure turned into a liv cry stable or somellthling of the sort. It In a good deal better to have it pulled to pleesa and to have Its last use tile one for which it was built. It will not he Ianily dalys before the last trace of it is remnoved nll(l I a11 Ilttle while it will be forgotten." )Dr. Ann Willard, who has been in Sall I'ruancisoll for sonu thne, attend Ing the conventuon of WILLARD osteopaths, writes to HOMESICK. 'the Mlssoulhan that tile Golden Gate Is not as satisfactory to hint at at Hell Gate and he wants to gut home. The gomlnmunl cation' of the doctor was delayed somewhat in transit. but the message which It brngs las as welcome as if it had come on timle. "Missoula," writes Dr. Wlllard, "hles nioro green, well kupt lawns at thll time of year thanl sMil Pruancico, Oaklalld land Bliirkley colmblined. And Missoula has no fleas." That In the kind of boosting that Is good to hear. Thiiose f us who ha"ve to stay at hIIlne have the satisfaction of knowing that we have as much beauty as any other place and We ca11 enjoy it without the discomnfort and the ex lpense of travel. And It is good to hear Missoula folks who g1o away, say thalt home Is best, after they have seen other places. Dr. Willard Itn not the only Mlssoula ,111nii who Ihlta been hlolmsiclk when lie his beuenll sne where else. 'The teel f th le irlc iaillli Itly ex tension has heen laid clsear to Fort Missolal iullu d tl e h Ill CLEAR TO lastillg of till track ri THE PORT. IIlniist to be dolllt befolre thell road Is reildy for operallolll. The wirus irr string most oIf tile w .ay 1 dll( It Is ePltimllttel hirl ve'rythlln g willI ''ltlr p.lete Iatl ret.ldy for the i'ars before iilltebllller . ''h Ulie will ble ii giood lle; It exhelldls froI ' ii ll ha.l1'i 0el' the i li i pil'l 'ny lll'rough 'ar blune addiionh o (1 the 0l Ill(rnoi' tI the fort wlild it will be, I dII lighll'ul itdltloitn to (lll r4outes whlich tii' tr olley linies htave placed alit the dlslptal of Milesoula Irioplel. It Is pre. dicted that there will be ti good deal of activity ol the flut betweoen Mlls luilu lll l h, (t l l fllrt as swllon is tlhe ore , In aIrutIlon al(nd tlhe I new li, Iprlilsl teso be hs prtfituialeh piece of 1,l Iu thlat whic'h rtllls to IH ner.iii'. I'ie grading ireeio which hiave lii ,hel elguged inll the Iinsttru'ti In l,1' the lfort lilne will I trauli 'nferrld lt oll '.' t1 l h i1nlll (r for lhe t , xtetn ll an0 of the li t ,e lilh i'tl, fr i its lireei t l ,rLl'ilnlltll li tii ll, Margaret hlt'l. Thil wIlli dd ii the Iluslil', of th, lidi, ii thll tiilalnoll. "I, the til' hiiiis l. i'i li r li l(itlr m til h l Ui t h e Itu n il knh HOODO. V.,t lrLn l'h n'll l y stll tel' iliy. "Thil flit' thils illornilt g dilii'l ts lrt ll ro'i mi I' bIlt i Lit i liilutlry i ii Ii wv' git thri ,. It lhiiJkd bind for awhillic lbut hle-li' tIlls .s nollt m glreLt uM ws tlh+rletJdl+ It un1st hlave Istalrtid frloh i dIefhtivei wi hilig. ' Inult t'ltlnllg t ('1u]1V .n1| GOOD th.'n," aili rplubli.tli PLAN. yil'trdiy. "TI'lii s i Se lwy e aii't ido I, t.lll 'litt wllv tlin whenever we walt to anld iiiuikt, a ahort t'inipaign, which is the ' bust 51)11 of caipailg." JUDGE MYERS HERE. 'iTladge Henry Ia. Myers regIstered aitt thb 1liorance night and was pletas. antly ;r~eted by lts frilendl. PROM THE EAST. Garohsop, Aug. 10,.-(Spieal.)--Mra. W. . Deogahlit"han returned liome' from # visit ot ~ mronth in aglInaw, gilsh, MONEY Po loan on Improved elty and farm property. 8% Interest Iror three or five y irnm with Irlvl log, of repaiymn.t of whole or plrt In two Itnd a l ft years. Winstanley Realty Investment Co. 134 liggins AvLenue A issou la MAJOR WATT SPEAKS TO CROWD SALVATION ARMY DOES GREAT WORK FOR CROWDED CITIES WHERE HELP IN NEEDED. Mer7jo' I'raol A W'itt, who traveln II titt' ihterett of the HaIvation Army, wai In tile city last night, presenting s5on0 Interestlng Ileture slhowling the, clas anid Itodpe of tile work of his organiza. tion. The Ineetling was held on the .'u cant lot onl East Mauln street, near tile Rocky Mounteain Teloleilonle conmpany's building. Severalt hrndred peopl)lo at tended from first to last. The plictures were thrown onl a snall r1nelvvas, but they bhowed to good advantage. A fea ture of thle program ,n WaI nIi sng by Mr. Knapl, , cu)ptilln of tile local post. Mr. Watt told in an entertainlng way of the achieveoments of thile Irllly. His views gaVe the spectlltors a fine Idea of the work d(lone in thile great cltlies. Pictures of the ilndustrial Ihma, tilhe Hiladliy farl (ll111 other well -knowll Billt'atlo Army Institutions were shown. Allong tile 1most aLttrlctlve views were tIiJwI of tile ullifolrmned workers in tIleilr various fields. In Ils remarks Mr. Watt tohl o(f tile great effolts mlade t(I relieve sulffler Ing of all kinds. He spoke of thile pentiy ice sold In New York during sweltering months, crowded tenements and dsl. tress In holnes. liHe spoke of tile great good do1i1 by tile lHadley farlm. Gen eral Booth, he hsid, got $1.000.000 In popular subscriptions for this and other projects when hle cualled for It. One of the most interesting views was of a small he,y. withl a iloe-shline box on hils back. seeking hellp from all army ealptiln The noffler gav'e hlin1 a coardial welc.elll . tootk hIlll In qnd bathed his grillmy face d ((Ii hielitetI hl1 Ill It Illore substallttll way'. C(nlmsiderabi(hle tie 'alls devllt(dt tol rest't e work. Mr. Wtatt tolld olf llIou sanllds of girls tllit Ilut(1 h ' tlll HaIved. Major Watt |ll( ni strong, clellr vorce I(lc( talks Iloiqatltly (of ei \wollrt. Ills audtlience Wila tihlllihted with his! lecture last night, MASHER IS MAULED BY HUSBAND INSOLENT LOAFER GETS A DRUB BING AND THEN LANDS IN THE COUNTY JAIL. A. plleeitl i'nlirt i'aIHe yeteirl day I'em itl ed hi til llitl. I 'ii t.i of il I lln l f $lIl uponil aI frilhow whise, It- tlwiJ'th ,litfo'., Ih lllllitel t illl a'ci 'ol l I IIIga llllillI a tnullll , Ws 111 t llllll \v'ir w It huil t -' baind indlll t'It fro'iai: I 'olloi w n IIo anl jilI ilihalt lii li eedr , fr h111t i ll' e tah, l aliul lir mllly r ilt' 0i 1i . tlredI il sl'i0 1111 i f ith bti,' hg iltlt i ly imanilll ovliir g.IIOt I(Ll thiee • :o ndsl.lI 'rill h at'iinlg wasl nit ,.l if iclI t, hil( v r, I r. tll'l 111 h 1 oll yw. It',llt 'll Ilts i· tlr nciill l 1 lllll hi w111 , ll ,kiillii ill b y I n h ,r h l i r f M Iill rI T hi , I i t i I'titr tlei e nilliihh tlh ii tl'l'l' n aind thle 1 lly II' gif t i le W the' 't'i 'll 'l y s, thti i Ilil dUlt y e tfl e s ui s hm ali l t III wifeII I .iliTidd Iht li irl t tiF, Bar ber wth hl& M arsht'ill, fpallil TEACCOMODCATIN GROCERSY hadii II llot h nI ci l.r thllll lf, t, the hi •ulig followx woiiihl haLivIe haidl qi Shmnll Ph thli t u. Ind hi o ll oine hhi Tll ell Koi l ha the .lRiHtl.R'),i t wLLhI'h hit ieo l ved. Whle tie hllband I'1° g.retted t he puio lhl'ly whlill'l Ille hitl :Itent neuii oned~llltl, lith, iq'owd tespe1todl hils p l tlis n a ln w s g hla h alit 1 . lo nialll ]lolg enioulghti Ildi \vhiit hi( did. 3 UITIS COMMENCED AGAINST CAR COMPANY! l tll Ph ttr son, Iatllrnl, ,s, ir rr - seltil; 11 lh hh, phlintffr flhRed lle piel, yes.terldail hin it suit tigaillit till' •Mis all. uit II~reelI ItallhAyi) ('ollllany. It .i al!Klhg il thtil, Iby t'rtain exavali~to1n. gind Ia k I oitl n O llIhelr h istreel', l in , (1 W oo'.lly. adhdliti l, i t Iumllblr (if hii,. wvtrl hd lin gst~l tl the e'xtelnt of $7,00i. Th'll .viilue io the We'eb, ip'qir l$"rt , it is ,laimlled, IellI front~ $lJ,l)mll to $:1,t)111 'hlis, it witis i.ald hy Itih atto~rneys fiol the plalintiff, I1s the. hIKhiniihg of ai lstlnihelr of sulits aguhns the, railwtay Barber & Marshall i HE ACCOMMODATING GROCERSi hill Phtone 20. Ind, Phone 420, TH!S 6OATH SIDE OROCIERS, 'SO IERS COME 10 °MNTANA TWO COMPANIES OF TROOPS FROM COSOROVE, WASH., 00 TO GLACIER PARK. The holv weather of the pasIt few dayis and the labsence of wind fIal Oil abled the men on the firing line to make great progress against thle conl flagrations and the general tone arolund the local fonrestry ofrice yester day was one of encouragemlnt. Thel soldiers are doing good work wltih the fires n a are especlialy' vlalullulin for putrol duty. District Forester (;reeley ut \Vallace, tltpilhoned yesterday rIllol'ong that the conditiollns at Wallace were very. good. The Placer creek fire. hlllch was tile larget inll tile immediaute vicinity of Wallace is being patrolled iy two clmpanlen of olldiurs nld a n ill good lishape. The only tlllng that van eln danger tile town is an exceptionally hilh wind, an tile danlter rrolm an or dinary breese has practically iassfl. The fire on Bird creelt has been giv ing Inore trouble lland broke away frehl tile men at work on it. Monlday vcrning anld necee.litated thie rushing oIf llmore Ine11 to th1e scene. A iforce of 40 mI1an left for Avery ovir till Pugetl onlllid yesterday and h0 mn11 will bhe onCllt out il so oon ils 10 inllre palck horses canll be secullred. It is tholughllt thalt with tills force or in1l1 it cLan lie gut lunlder control In a short time. A wire was received fronI (Coin Ilaundilng Offlerr Moni!y, who in eln oullte to the Glacier park with two 'olpanlliu l of Imen fronl Cosgrove. Wasll., asking for instructions ill re gaurd to tile best place to unload tile troopsr and any other nforlllation that would be of assistance. Supervisor hlaynes at Kalispell was wired to tere graph the necessary slfornlation to Officer Money. Assistant District Forester J. P. Martin returned froml the Cabinet forest yesterday and reports that the I'aradise fire is under control, but that tile Vermilion creek fire is In bad shape. Tllhis fire is being fought bIy a force of 200 men and has been heol out of tile biggest body of valuable tinbcer and the prospects for keeping it out are good. 'rlTe fire at Tuseor In running away anid Is in pretty bad shllape. It coyv.. ered 10 nlile in onle day anlld then Jumped over the Clark's Fork river. The report from the scene of the fire says that tile blaze jumped the river as if It were an Irrigation ditch. A force of 120 4men Is employed on tills fire. The fire at Miller creek on ti' Bit ter Root forest is In better shape than it hIas been and looks a great deal more encouraging. The Sweeney creek fire. which has been giving so0me trou. ble for tile lust few days, was reported as being lit better shape yesterday ulnd it Is expected to be ndlller conltrol shor,'tly. The West F'ork fire wan got unllder control yesterday. Thil Mlssoula foret is in pretty good condition. 'I'lle fire lit Seeley lake is under control and is thought to be entirely extingulshpd. Thle fire onl Muntture creek is under conlltrol. Tile fire at Clinton is ltlucll better alnd was Ullnder ollntrul. but the crew that was fighting tills fire has been mlloIved to Nclhwlarz's gcllIch Wllt'rn thle Miller creek fire is entering tile Mlissolla forest. A force of 24 IntIll was sent there ye'sterduy evening and \ III bring the total of the limen fight log tills fire up to 60. The t[elnoll nt creelk fire hunas a force of 00 mllen at work on It and In In fairly good shllpe. Two new fires were rpclorted on the l.ilo yesterday llmoring. Oline of these Is 1In1 "ish criek iand a force of 20 111en Was got together asld left for Itivulet yestelrday afternooll. Thel'y will puck Ilnto t1he fire frllnl Rivtulet. Supervisor KIoch left yes.terlday for Maltese lland I ,clorgla it, look tile sitluation over t hl'rl,. WHITEFISH BALL TEAM WILL TACKLE BONNER 'fle* Illon er llt' l therju..ks will try i'ioniilusII s a I lit the stronI' g W'lltelisll xltp cts a 111arIl 1ight n111 tl hiats stregtil ,ntd its linlOup ittlarially for the colu test. 'liht- WVIhitefih ten41n needs no Ilivrtis'l ing1. i lllo.lliih, ils their woIrk ainaist the' l'stt Iliamiltonu teall shows ithat ti .y 4tre goodl , I, illiaitenlt ball i'yers and t will gite thlu Bomiutrit$ thil, Lt ile of theill' ll 'os i1' tt l"hey ln tceed in tulkig 111)m11, i the bacon. Theme gaunl's twill he ialledl at li:;O1 ilii ortler t ilt Iovel'yo.'ne n11} h ve ii ilti chiinct! ito sel. thl i lttlle(ttt. LICENSED TO WED. I L'a lln c l ilih li l l'es wl ere issUleL by thei hlerk of 1I1, eourt yeostrday. 'il'ly wlre for I'arl Johnon of ('hli 'aigi ttl L ''raillll L'idilt'i' ll of AlbtIr ttni utlll Jllohn Jiohnsoniii io lusgtilow anlld \alil'lth 'I'oll· of Norall y. EN ROUTE. f' ( iil, th ill tl ith l. l)to hl , tto whl i'e' they will \llt I ''it 'r llie ' lr t shorl t tii t hIflorl' Ir+tll'lilig t hll oh om' Illhlom in tIw A QUICK TRIP. I'. .1. Jtl!wa l'Ui nlllle down f'roml t)vllndo lust Iight, tarlriving on thle IHte trait llafter a qluick trip. He left O(.van tldo by the tstage road at] drov,\e to Druntotnd, where he ali ught the train, makiUng the run in about iilie hoiuris. TO THE COAST. '. 1. \Wttbb of Hlatllltoll a\\tts ill towni for a short time lasIn t night, oI his way to BSeittle onl i bumilers trip. He expecit to he ilbsent for I flew 41(0104, OnHund ed Early al ,Trimmed Hiats Direct From New York Prices That Will Move Them Quickly Very jaunty and smart is this lot of new early fall stre t,hats, mostly of new turban type. Black predomlmnates, wi-th a' good sprinkling of the new colors prettily trimmed and artistically arranged. Quite a number have ,touches of Persian silk trim mning, other shapes of all velvet or all silk. These hats were purchased for spot cash by Mt. Spencer, who is now in New York, where he will remain several weeks at .the market center. 50 Hats worth to $9.00 priced at - - - $6.50 35 Hats worth to $10.00 priced at - - $7.50 25 Hats worth to $12.50 phced at - -. - $9.50 You are invited to inspect these new models at our new store, at 403 and 405 North Higgins avenue. SPENCER'S THE STYLE STORE GOVERNOR GREETS HIS FRIENDS MR. ALLEN SPENDS A BUSY EVE. NING AT TIHE FLORENCE WITH MISSOULA PEOPLE. Linetenant gohvernor Allen camello down frmln Anaconda last night and is staying at the -Florence. He was mlet by local friends after his arrival and sat up later than is his wont, holding a levee In the hotel lobby, where he was greeted by everybody who knows Imln-and that means about everybody in town. To a Mlssoullan atn's q(ues thin the governor said: "There in reully nothing new upl our way. lusiness Is a iIttle-qiqlet, but it Is steady, and Butte and Anaconda are In good shape thi summer. .In Deer Lodge. 811ver' Bow and Beaver head countles we have been remark a"bly fortunate this month in the mat ter of forest fires: we have not had any except the little ones which have started along the rallways and hire been quickly put out. I was counsider ably surprised to find that they are so bad down this way. I had read of the spread lin the reserves, but It had not occutrred to me that the fires were No serious. I am told that most of the fires thllus far have not been serious Ill their damageillllil to thiber, which IN grati ryingl. I Iut glad to see Missioula no Ibuy and sa ail w ilnllays glad to be here wheni, . iow\Y. n IIttle mutter of busi; l ,esN I lls i l 11e ' h ,. AT HOME AGAIN. I,.rnk V. est, lilse hSome wiias ii llisSoiulll I'Ir' so Iauit.y years Ithat this yet seems like li'oe to hiiti, is it visit or hni toWli. the guest of his lun,, "rank, .Jr. THE NEW YORK SANK CASHIER WH * e ' athet" OLE. 600,000 ye'st'erdaiy ' ' ai s MUST HAVE. U.N' deglightfl in Wv AN EXTRAVAGANT ely resPtiet. Thec FILLOW. H AL- highest p o I nt READY HAD A 'reached by the ALARY OF $100 theril'tilclrn t'' w'tas AI NT 74. Ihe cool weathlr Ins llsl( hielpinig tie i.r Sestry officals In Sstubduing thle 'fires Sand il s thl. cause of Iirmuch i'ejolc' ig, 'lhe follow Inll figures were given' out by the Ilocal weatherll bul r.uI'H yesterday: mlxi iuml l .. .. .....74 At 6 a. m. iiuermu iietu 'i lil.rol til er i. i:7I At 6 p. m. 'T'hr r II ter ....71 litrom ltter .... .... i:;;73 Windlll from tilt northlwest. Trace of ir c'lllltiittloi. Boulder Springs 'Reopens. The Iiew hotel in completed and was ipened for business on July i1. This resort can be reached by the Northern Pa.lflc either via IHelena or Butte;, thence over the Great Northern rail. road. Tysok's Chicken Dinners. James Tyack of Flore4e:p knnounces the conltanit readiness i.', excellent chicken dinners. at his hotel. Phops.' orders over Independent, line at Tyoak'p expenee,. ACROSS THE RESERVE Combine business and pleasure and take the large Packard "Sightseor" automobile leaving Rfavalll every day at 6 a. m. This car is thoroughly dependable and comfortable. It makes the 35~mlle run to Poison in tour hours, affording patrons a splendid opportunity to see all the beauties of the Mission range, Buffalo park. the new settlers building homes, amongst the primitive Indian tepees, etc. Fare is now reduced to $3.00, Ravalll to Poison. This car handles baggage and express and connects with steamers for Kallspell. Special attention to cemping and fishing parties. THE ARROW LINE Leaves Ravalli 10:30 a. in., after arrival of No. 41;,. arrives Poison 12:45, connecting with lake steamers. This is a 7-passenger 6:66 Pierce auto. Fare $5.00. Be sure you get the Stanley Scearce Auto Service. STANLEY SCEARCE, Proprietor WILLIAMS' STAGES Between RAL Dally service across Flathead, connecting with boat. Leaves 6 a. m. POLSON 3ENS. Steamer POLSON OD KLONDIKE DAYTON .res. & Mitt. ROLLINS SOMERS Safety, Comfort, Speed. Dally service plying Flathead lake, connecting with train for Kallspell. U '-- - -- - DIXON YARDS ALL RAVALLI LumberOur Pres. MATERIALDN RONAN O'et Our Prices MATERIAL DYNAMITING.,l TROUT IN ROCK CREEK SIGNS OF THE PRACTICE, ARE EVIDENT BUT MISCREANT8 ELUDE DETECTION. J. (,. Phillllip, tuudltor lor tlhe W. A. M(lurk Iprolperti's lit .1lontant , In In the city, after h\'ing Hpollnt a few days lIn succiesftl fishing oln Itiwk creek. lIe reports .that there Is soumn' body along the stramn, lIho i. dyna nilting the .reek and thinks that there should be careful juptrol of the streamtu for a while. "While we were fishing yestarduy," said MrI Phlllllp, lit the lo'hrence last nllght, "\'we hoard two reports and We withdrew to ee If \ve W ould inut catch the fellows at it. Later, we heard another aild iul telaned to where, it soyntned; we found tracesuu of the shot In the lnuddled water and other signs. Presently, there was another and we hurried along, but found only dead fish floating in the stream. We watched, but the miscreants must have qen us, for they didn't come for thr1r Trout. "It is too bad that an example can not be made of these fellows: they should be given the Ilmit of the law. .ock croeek Is one of the best trout streams in the state, and it is too bad to have it spoiled." SWEET PEA CARNIVAL IS GIVEN Y CHURCH The Wooman's Home Misslonary so clety7 of the Methodist Iplscopal church gave a sweet pea carnival on the church l.akn larl. evening, The grounis were Illumtna;ad with Jap nose lanterns and the'tables were dedo. trated Witvweoet peas, IceOcreamn aid oake were erved rind Mr. 'napl's BI ble claos siot5 candles. The carnival wag well atte red, : A POINTER to thtose who don't know, Is that we carry nothing but the bent fed, fat and juicy meats, which we prepare for the tahbl in good stylo. Our ham, saunage anld Iucon inllle a tempting morxl these springll morn. Ings. We especially call attention to our pure horlle-ImadeO lard. Once you try it you will ncver Uso any other. UNION MIARKET 1)0-132 Higgins Ave, Phone 117. Take Your Prescriptions TO Smith'sDrugStore Agents Eastman's 'Kodeaks and Kokea Fine Watches and Repmiring Diamonds E. H DEM[ING Jewelor and Optician 120 Higgins Avinue. Missoula. Mont. N. HyIde TRAN0FER . Planos and line 'turnlture nspoul1W)y, Headquarters:' J. M. Luh c r & u ony ' Furniture Itore, : llpldent phoans; lhdeoepde.t: I3i, i i JNiOiga * ,tl M1PSNG QUI44 810}'