Newspaper Page Text
Ilnias ilT eater C. A. HA.RNOIS, Manager. ONE NIG.IT Friday, August 19 MARGARET ANGLIN IN THE GREATEST TRIUMPH OF HER CAREER "The Awakening OF Helena Richie" MIETROPOLITAN PRESS UNANI. MOUS IN ITS ENTHUSIASTIC, VE'RDICT. .,nIf S ill 'I'hter. r .l The Grand SIMONS & SEARLES, Proprietors. Two evenings of moving piotures only, and four eveningi of vaude ville at the Grand this week. Admnl-ion upstailrs Gc; ground floor 100. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday .and Saturday REFINED VAUDEVILLE PER OORMANCE EACH EVENING. LE WITT & ASHMORE Versatile Comedy Sketch. HOWARD WOLF Musical 'Comedian. Matlners Thursday, Friday anC Saturday only. PRIZE MATINEE FRIDAY. lOc BJOU IOC ALL FEATURES. A MIDNIGHT CUPID. Another tlograplh pi.turero iIp to i the stanlhrdi . A tihoutl. f..t 'If ,exiilting trelly.Ottr. THE OVERLAND COACH ROB BERY. HIre It Is. I'xcitilng, thrilling. It tip 'riolng f'oll.try and hIas bIlot Iftul tIltitrul sconery for i t bJa kfhPr,, nI 11. Sco It RSe( It! VERONA. A .(nllc picture--when w4e say l'lthle iettle It you know what to expec't. It' I very ohlaorute. A VACATION IN HAVANA. On hoard ship iani ti lovie I ltory starts. Soe. the scenery, It's groat to look ttllon. .\ thoullsanld fot Inng Sllad eovfry foot full of Ihtiel.'ret for vi.v.e.y 'nc. . HOUSE OF COOL ,BREEZES. Coming-Uncle Tom's Cabin. 'The ISIS 'Entire e Change of Program Come and Bring >Your Coupons Holder of 'Ticket 2747 must pre bent it before 7::10 tonight. ire ISIS GRAND PACIFIC' HOTEL. CIIAR. A. OQIrftAGIi, Prop. Open Day and Night Corner Ttallroad tit. and' Higgins Ave " Cate in Connection; B. i. M. CO. DEALERS IN 'TeldhOe 10$. THe auro and tike a bottle of Chgnv. borhiln'si Collc, Choler a O Dlrrhoea trlmedy with yout wlherl' ktartln on yglr'' t trip thlw attnmmr R It AnstOqt.e 'obtaIned on bolard the. talns or;starmr .fr C4lnglR.s w4, ·t.? ana olinate y tnh batltie a n] artta.k~s of .dilr olrd iy all tlsoa.orl. TOI OVIRN STARTLING REVELATIONS FOL. LOW DEATH OF PITTSBURG WAR VETERAN. Pittsburg. P~., Aug. 16.-W-\Vth th:, ditlnth of James KI{lgnre. civil war vet era n ituil iiehnllt innll, tinle the first knowledge that Ilte had thllree wives Iv' Ing--ll v within at fe. mile"s of each other-ittrl thalt children of the first aIl thirdl wives had been acquainted 'or several yvears withoult knowledge iif the relnatlnship existing betlween I }lieii. Kiiore 'liled Itwsesnsed of property, uiltl with IasttririunIe, which w..ys ollected hiy wivle No. 3, 'lTody the women, wIho) oelll tl Isupposed vth was the only Mts.. JnIII's KIIlgIre met. au ii ln n11 atnible ,rrangl meitt, divhldd the eM tot anti Insurtlllnc.e nlotiey. Tw'o of his wi\ve live'd In Pittsburg. 'The' third II\ed itt jotrhnttowit, Pit. l'IThe exlflal reo of the compinllnted do iestl Ic fflrs of Kil ,gro e('lIrIe tllhrough ton o01 his, reo(lved fromll tle I'nlllted States ittni.n depaI(llrtment liy iife Nlo. 1 , , r n , nulht ll e r iof v'years, had reteive1 ilone-thlrtl olf the pensio. n oltlney of her husthtn. ial th.igth IInt knowingll whoere e was living. 'lt li. tlt first wife s.lrted nn Ii 'yest tl ,n, w\hi.h ditslosed 1the 1'.ct' Kilgollre hult beenu IIviig it Juoh.towtn ey, aind wll wis rdty to administetr H is ,sltatel. .% slt wni thsontoned when wife No. . s .itppied In rntl maide her tilnt, ittd ly tll'he advior of attornriys, Whol saw" gi ent~ltes Ilitigtition, the threel wIlomen aill ed to dilvistin of h, bitnate,. ISIime yeurs nago Kllgore left wife .ol. I whil' they were Ivtiing in Pitts. hlr.i. lie married a it.bnutiful ytanl~ IPittsburg Uirl, nd\l, with remslrrhlb" hollnes, net her gip il it I1(111 only 11 short itllsan ce front his former home, anti whore the ,first wife wits still Iliv Ini Hioverul months afterwlrd he was tsnt to t)e penlitenhtlry for two ytat's on the charge of blgamy. (Uptti iis titise neither of his wives heart( friom him. Hi' remained lin Pittshbrg iit lt met thei girl he made wire No. 3l, who was then 18 years alit. Shte was employed In it a clerical (tatelty in n Pittsburg hotel. In inu!t ofi his mittrimonitnl ventuires Kilg.rI'e was extremely tcreful to n.h sin"rv' ill the requitrements of the itw --wis as eareful its if it wvere his first vtntrne-unal all the womtn havie itmn YOUNG WOMAN ROUIS PRESIDENT TOM LEWIS Indiannnpui!', Aug. 18.--Tihe charge of i'rshiheit I'ho:nisi I,1. .le'Wis that ai fori'tir onplo'e of the intern tliunallI ofleorsm ,,as responsiblel for the link nlog out of ladministrattive affairs to dauyt brought Miis Harlrelt iteed, who Iuntilt 1 olrhllt.s agoI, was Lewis' Il .I note w 'retary aulllt ni ' is connecllll'ted W ith thil. o, ficets of the lill|oln IlUrerilu l' MningII iinvoetigltion, ti the floor or the Unlitedl 1Mine Wt.rktr' conven tion with a dental thqt she was re ,1p.nslblh. She was roundly appliuded I when site' de~rll'ed Iriewis had given no riltrlon for hier ditehllrge anlld that he hdlil illpolitled nonii-lllon hlar to Ilke S|her 11111(p'' . I)llllaln Mll.e)Onlltnld, noe'retllry of the Illinius mllels. ihlt. today a(cuset11d i It.wls of senlldlg into the district "gniunshe 11men" to Inflnlnce the min 'N toI a.Ie'lt thel compromisle. Il' re I'rol. to Lewis as lthe "lifo ;ilf'er of thle illin oils operatorrM," anald crhalrged hlilt the ioteriator;4 halld it hllId In the ,'illg of tie sh pht'ell vonvetlol, i [IND IS MIUM I RACE FOR iOVERNOR Portiand, (irt,, .Aug, 1,. -Jlohn A. I.ltll, e,-g'overnor of MiLlilnnottlu, in an1 Inteirview tonight anv.e whaht Is c.n hldererd by Illods who, know him to bhi SMIstona intllmation talllt he Is wv\'er' il"g in hli dtet'Ilonll not to alc'elIpt the di.n'nta'tic nonulhatiori for wIveinor of i 'MIlnnesota. "I mast deemoho ti disclss pollhtes,'' he lbe h..ln. "'llut t I reported iln Minneanta the dinortntl' comml!ttee Ilisls thaIt ylou ilcleptll," pl'orslsted his illterviewer. "I think It deullon once mlldle should -stand." redliedl tilt Px.-gov,'rnor. "IThen yo)'urll' .'cent statemenlllt holld ie ''regarded totl an t i ibsolut I declIha "I shall not1 discuss politlics," palr lied the former governor. Ini his company at the time was John L. lluclhard, a member of the Lind staff, who, hlowever, anys he Ceme to Portland oln-personal buslness. SHIPPED BY EXPRESS. Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. l!;.-Maax olodsteln, a.gIed 9, nrrived at ,lilhivtn, Ind., by express from Lawrence, ,Jl1ass., '-with '40 charges prepaid. , The boy Was conaigned to At. Hantman, a Junk dealer, who .nldn ar. rangemants with the agent .f the Uinited Statea iExpress vonpll,)y at Rutllvan. for transportation nll -paid the bill that his young relative might mtlke the long trip under the care of the. express lmesenger. NEED CANDIDATE IN MISSOURI, JefferaOn City, Mo,, Aug. 10.-slterling P. ,.ond oftfit. Louis filed a declaratlpn oeu ý:6 hetBnp r aea·dldnte' ft the dnm -teltle, ilitnnlnatti -fitrr tatted 'ltatea. senAtor. PLANS ~OR ELKS' BUILDING RECEIVE LODGE'S APPROVAL AC D A O ACCEPTED PLAN FOR THE HOME. 'llc'Pr wasVR It \\'t')Ill-:!ttf1 ,'1(1 i hittingln o'I .'ll nte lodlwe if ICIks ilst night. lit w'hich the ehiel' i,'ilt \\ith the el nstrtlitionln of thl , nlw \\ IIne11 + whhd( h the it' ige pltinit foi ei Itllra tionil IsI 1ioon ISa posible. I':x tItl tlll lr Ithlonl es, who ii s 1li, i'lriltihin ofi the lbuilding coltteit itee. hlt l hoelt ,'' till' Ilodge the proposed l l1han if h1 , htlilltllng is prL retlr by the art hittll yl ts, 'uld 1 s11 o. oltlnll ed thlt ('he ll(e LuggtIsT.eIi. fol r w rIiw ing the funds fillr the wovrk. 'i ille wais mU(ch inter"est In the lltlltt'r I it II asi OENVER DEMOCRATS ARE ON INITIATIVE Dei l'r Al ug. lL -'Thillt' dl'olllellt ' no.+thrial cieu!s \vlitch Is f'ramlng the leg.siatitll f.or the enletmlt of w\\hlhi. the evelitntteel h ge'nerall aset'millllty \lwas edlnvene\llcd In lextraordlllltllary essio, bhy Golvertnnr John 1'. Shit'rotin, i. mpleted re'ertlltm lels itre this ll. terlnon. It providet tlt t N1 jI*r ren1 t of tilte indivbnllal ollinty oIlirst be sec.ured in lt Iil'st tl\ti -tlll'lds of tihlt toUilll ls of' the stlhi. 'hlis J t\.hsion is for the purpose of prleventi'.ltt thicklt h ly ln halbited county, like t I enver', whl'ere 1.1 per enlit of ll e entire stal te 1'oth' t".tlll easily Ile nl-, Irl111, fronlt ! leg intol tl r ie it.,i ,nll t i'llly tli' i l jority. hlIst w 'ek aIIsking *t i .I \ 1 t 11 o pro hitte 1111M iut lhority fI r till. statelllmentl lllnntnineid inl his liessalmge to he, t e , ct Ithat hIe t].hrtolod underllll ' (11til. prois Ils o'If tihe blll k guaII anll tys linlit threei stit" lbatllik Which h)ut faile'd ihl tkll - hlla n l l d1,: l Ot(ll dolhll " for ahir d ilhr, t,.hllh, tihlr ti+ tlon ll ban .k whi hll hah l iled ' iring tpi, snime pierl'd hriufl not pMid out IO c lyont. The govo-rng t' catr ntikI thin e fai. led the respolutior s r Ihntou hed, or Sin aftor Hitl'gK., the lrpubiUtiiln J'ted@e scmptrollter l y ite Ir rll R 'derl'tr ingtl that the tlwnit IWtislahl hwt,'ks whl+h litlhe lldhed In Ok.llubJrna lin,ine ,J;uulr'y 1, 11108, ha\vo l;lald gut d hlir f'oi d l-. Io. 'An all lhe-4tall 'tllnl the iolhr dolhir for roelir.o igl provwSn litrs h THE ESPERANTO CONGRESS. \\'llnl in, l'gon, A g, A Il|.-r pefi l . ! n-'ll mIlrttuee1 with differe'nt hrltltPh'..s or thil work l l eflre the Inlllltlenat in l lllll'sper nh \\e11 In e hldl l l nu lll nowt s re thill which winll l ,ke sLntMI e tll(ns 'or llt. ptBroftntottts In I' spetrinto, disiussedl lliggesrrtlt l n s 11110 i ts ms.%hIts ri al gd forit c'ivil alnld lmel haluic l ll. ..llers, for lawye'tr , lphysl lul ittpl I raillrnll omn1. 'I'h.s l le mitlings w\ere' dinto as It ap.pll S to tit "Ne.vt-vral rl'Ahoes of at, iviy represented bylrlL lthl elaoses of ltan n 14d wmoInen, who TEXAS NEGROES ARE FLEEING TO MEXICO XI Pls'mo , 'lTex. Ang, u ll.-. deglutlon of 50 n,.gro.e fl'rnom tlhe vicinity of Plth<in', Texua, whroe 19 of their rle, woe killed retly by miobs", paIl(e] through here tudahy fm, the In teloer, lt' 14exien The neuMnl' (.e. elteld tll the.y intelded establ.shing ia colony In M.,-xihu m t m.l t in. r their filielle. from the Unitel States. They asert.eed that the myn vement of no q roels to) ItdIIon eLastern Texasr wais whio ILLNESS C'AUSES SUICIDE. Sulphur Springs, 'l.exatt, Aug. 16. ire, John Cooper, wife of the iherlff elect of Tituw+ county, kllled herself at Mount Pleasant Shaturdaty night by shooting througp the heart. She leaves .t harge family. hlekness and family troubles acre thought to be the S('1illO, to prove it, ]3'1s tellow, and al~l right, 14'es I444 1.41 1444111 II I 4411g44 44 54a4 1114 144411415144 41444'b.414. 'I'i.' Ian.ii &: 3144154' 4 \t4444 the444444. 441to 1 of I'ii 4 1 4444 41n tile.119 'o~r oI'll(' 404444444 it444 rlh'4 ll upon 1the 44 114 434 ( 4 41'4' . ' t' I 1e ' "1 g.' I 544444 I\1hl1 %% or'. nev'r etevl and a res 11 1 I'Mii 444l 44 )11441 41 4 341a'4' '1 . t(('III 1 fk4 Ili' h141444444 4444444444,444% 1.11 114s' 41o11114 t of w t1140 144ll45141114 4(. l 1 I 1lItlg llt NEBRASKA RESULTS ARE YET DOUBTFUL 4)14 4n. Aug, II 55e.1--- 5. I It 44.4114111' f 1h4e 14444IbI 4 tlo 44re'a4 1 th4' 14444141 f11' 144( ''4 4111 41 414. 5 4RI44444 r 3' 54 I 1ts 'Xv 44eski hoforo into lll· '' dnvsd1n1* (,71$c Itpp111"e nl~c t4.r4I l g14 hl4.'4444.y4' t1he 54 ls4 r'44ln in41 44e1 4)44)1 unti 9 441 In 4444-1 4.'444444tI4'44 us]4 ll44 4444 e ,.4 Ie (]i. t 4114 ot1144 '1,111' until Is)I,.I 4 . Three 444' n t, ht'''44'4 4 this. (44444 1y4 I'"1444'p ltg up44 1414 1' 1). n. , µ ".. I4u.h ('14 111 4' 4'11 34.&4.14 4 44ve 444r,3 e 4 1'144..1 r4t on till. Irceiyt~ llicIlc·; 1)1,11 dtll coclwrat o 1.14'k.'. The144. 1144444 pr1444014't4 144 1)'. I 14ll41444444 1.343.4.4e U., 1 41 I 1444o frI t44tI5 4 144'4 ', h4i44 ol)pon4 . ( 'a41y r4'.4414'4'41 141) 44444 A\Idr1'II. his4 4434514444'411 _94. tire,'nctlll the 1114)5( signll'ic 11nt htdict'l II 014 dP111 to (, her nocrati(':' ticket. l 'u1)()11r 34he 1 h4i 444,.4444 flr· m11'5044 m (lit 1144414 hl 1 1115444 ol. t 14 4 4 r4 4 14 I, ''4'.'t wit 4414 to I'444 144 t h4l ftt pnn( r 4 4 ' II)Ulr,441i44 lIn4, . 1, 1th4' 1. )1 4 ln4 th (tl(44.'4 444441. '4 ) c n aIll(, 344 ( iVtet h1144k4't f'1144o 4 144141 r4o t1wo44 4144. 44444 ' ier 1I4'4. In5 444't 44 city . an 4o1144e44 444 14144 . 4 I44 Li5ncoln part. '1',1 44), tm' we44 f414 14 1' (441 1. 44 (1' 411 444144 445') Th 144 eft~ I -'.14 ntesIII ts m3 44ill34'4414 the (tenWnnratie h llnt e~lpecialry IUil( Jng rcp4114344 up tiljl- 4 a 1441 44 40.411'141rr 441 L'445 - ficrll' governor. ,(·iH il'C~l~r II ted Il 11114'l . sh(4t44 3ud 4(3A. I.$1n(1, pro-14 4 grsi ve1,1 44)4 134441 1141(1 144 444)45 by 44he repu 44bli a fur 144411441 In,454(44.144 4 41444444 welled Is )1110115 ·1 Icciltlr le l 11124 major-1, ity, w il4 4444' r .' 3 1'4. ,14 445 ' i I dn milll c n· Ally let.--,\1 :I m --t ing tit' SYn Unbttonr~ NomInated.ocat Ow t",".pl'o),rty Hlll cu# tar C rctrll i -nllort 4i r t l t - .54 444141 '45411t It4 4445,4'v '44s1 1)4444it1 III 444444 A.54.$45104, 14r4 t44'4'444 1 0'4 , 5 etit3 I 4' Ihe 44444 14414.43 e 13. 1)4( 74444).44 n 14444441441 411444441. 35544 ill' j444'. 33.4i' 4 111 . 10,1 1 44tv' s Si os, 11. I) 1': )444 ' by44414441.4 444: 4*.'4 I; Still I Vi44. 134455; 4.4 4444sd' l4444 gy(4' Sit e 444 2; 4)45441 I 1 444141 Ili.' 4444s'5it,4' 444'4414 4 4354 'ar '44444ln '4 Au;;. I'li. . 144141 114 1-44s 7 ' f 5 Sonta. '154 ' f .'4444441144444444 lil) 414en Lille44 1154. ."44. 5), "4 '4'444414, N4 4 1444 . Davi 44444443444)4 :4; I ulsdl' 't5 154, r C411r 4, .44)) a9,1". 14, 13')mon wil.l541)-2hat.' J4(4'44l4n spendin a n444: . l14 en-,454 h44V, I'-s 4544)3.514 (3141o 4 5t444r444i4' 44l '('4' syul. I.4Lew 3"1otnpug 444 .51441145111111 1:. ,An 54441411'n tins 31)ftll44 I 4' of .14.44 4)44)4 144' 044la t~4. 44411awekft ol Mpril. 44l 4.4.44 1144444, 14 44' \\1 Jit i l\Vine lateah twl . b1, e~ll.l madl on1{ thel rl,. il. |llllWll~lllll,' l~l'Ill 1. ') t~lllllld* 11Io lni rt let httillhlhin T 'o) lilitti tll , 1 hi.. Iwh e'( " lia? hbonI ftllbr hy th,, e.~lectio oI' fGiorl'. I 'lyih'k. Thi Ie hel. ?nhi'ltt'itti .'' I1,1 1H it h loeu' will h II hh1 I iti I•I I:, wh ii Ill n V celi f,. " I'wn llWI 1 \ hlll pilt into1t tr'inhl ingl, mi11l olf thel hlrnl, I..l .'r iitiatedl+l hlerel, {11 lithe Ifollowin:thl y d sl o i thi|onllll will b' 1Inule of the donlallteld n I nbhlllleIlllP. HAMILTON STRENGTHENS ITS BASEBALL LINEUP llllnl~lvv, . I1, 16-- (.p~~rl)-ihl chlyldi (illtn) tInll, tho Ii nt Ipreentt itchin* r the e hhihe Ilttsr t'et'mi Ii exlicr(t hed ihrl he thl t "wrt. tro, b',''mgl itt trc'rt it" Ilml'lllx, elrt u I sthtnlllg pitaiff. t1rut hI ii itt':~~c tti't't'tl Nltt tn1 Kit ntjliflrlI Inllll 18t lncll.v tw'r alnd frlll l palrtl ilf thlc l y r IhiII I mo A tl | s.t't t lit il_ ti l Idre i itt yth.1t i tty. I I .t(lftlyt'l I tut fuI 14li 'eltithr lit the tett tt we /"w, b ut IN t irn.Mi t piyi L tt h- i tdel''ln n llt b1111. 'hilt (clloba u tliei1 plitc llng tll t r ' ttd1.g ill. It 1 i nellt' r Itl ,' lt't .ttlht i ti hiltv' t inoti heit rIt llii' iht, ihr tlii tt tl ii 1t . Itt ii ihre t-l nt'I -n lIdIi' K iieilill ill ititn it liter' f)11r1111 th~re.. n.amesll whenl two+l st'lrnK pilt.h (.srr will bhl n-.eded. ;lllnt Hlulmmlllaind thnllnk thl -hall ani d fl, as wl(ll l l.' WHITE CASVE POSTPONED ii t' flll the IIuhlli. AIttt r i i.u1n t Ih, neusln : Ilt i) Iti oh- r1le<tI~ ln r tlthi ),.lll~lllll; (.lht ; Idd ll. ,,I(' .1` a411. 1W , n lt rlli+c~ bieit . li+t l t.ltu u hil vle, I t rii n l gellt r iiiti' l'nf idinc, it n ti. e IIII. Mal rx i •1)I Jch~lnrl.t .+I, ml 1'(11 111, I. hl'hl( rl'hh Ln(rl ing hreehit youorda. IichmyerIc 114; I lh III'\ll hi'llrll, Jlll l~llC: .vhl~l| [III htlll ,,, Illb y)( INtm icl~rllhy )IJll~llrlL.,p PINE GRSOE BUILRANINGED. l Ie mil' ln, ilttis II .. Thiurc 11tt w' b htilt llJIII hl(II I~llll+ II . .4 ll'+hll. P~ llt llt ll Pln +, 11 bin t\11h at1 ;Ii llnl 1;ing.5( Ialtll H in in hpvi, )ddtln wvll I, kllnlwll llas tl flIst ,'VeingIII. Il 14 m ti ngIII ofl till HInil |tlal sc ol.*l, treas11 .. Ti~., 'h(, I)ourd thouigllht i t aldl]illwlllb| ill t IIIIII1 till' blh lllll lrlin ly ui thll r i hI su1r11' tI o |ble, aI tendonellly tol lliplyX the' namelll ol lhe tdlu l liti l to lh{. ,.chol, \whh'h iP+ nlot c cII,'.l{ h(I I h, |)ll' l rc~c lr I,~ l lc. Y'H H' ; I1{'\' brl hl inlg was1 tI. l ht to tim Nortrh L41pdknln*' it was, ninl. votd Ito ht thll contrat l'll r | 11" oh verhm\t'l illl gll ofl tile hllllbuti plhant Il in t h lubh Htchoo hollid IIIng1"( hlI t io Xt L ''.(' Iil (M r 'I·t II I malIN y.I Thi11.' will 11I1n ita ll that 'her, will1 h)+ prIllil li('ll .' |1 IIy no l'S i n lllll' vi ti n |1lW a hinst hlled il tht, hhih s+,hool heiblnlgl :.'lln..o l .\iis ,wi {ll up rl Tu d,, N,.tenltl h.,r I;. SUPERVISOR RESTRAINED. (' tllll tl \\i': n A gll -iTi Illfill hit r , i 00 1(qli wrsl ll' csll +.up h n l In to j tl ,le lli.ngh eafip, i dl' ce .4 t'. in. 1I. W\hitsell a!1.ain11t (l1,11r.[. IP)hlab in . us, renlll ,.lupel''viior. The* phdntlif'+ w,,re the dlerrlnd|nt 1'1'111 opei nglllk :1 ro,; berV+tw'l thl, EdwaiYlrils andl W%11.twit runclll'll , hl llnt.d .,(+\ m'l li~le.. +MI)I.' train 1);.rby. .\ l,'lmlorary.+ i~ljllln tionl \w'as i:l lt110l by t h+' +'ourt llpill thl, p+ aift' +, in a bon i (1 i. * WHITE CASE POSTPONED. Ilumllmdl ,*l Aug. H. (;-+}y. rques't o)f the' aftllir'ey.<, the ('ase+t of th~e sltate= ol .1'xfonltanlIo against. W\'alterl I-. WVhit(, ne( ('lIo<edi o+f fl'h't d|('gree. IIUI'Ier, wasH s+t ye'.tul'day~ I',* (>.tche(r 3, lillo!, at 0 it. II1, \ hit+, is ,'harge,.d with the In+11'1('I ofr hl,. ihly-ihl| N-+on tt hi,+ ranc{h 11{ar1 \W,°; I' lP ( "'Vl,, I U lnmlllt n, u.\ il (.III.-+.lltq'l W'' oVlr( r urn+ll'lld hla t ev\ ning h rl m M'' iiii ula.+)l~ willh (lv,,rg.++ l'ruse.r, at rb.+Idtnt o+f Plohr thr Itutlll+,mnakl al'lley+. abo)v\e Missou+lhl LICENSE GRANTED. Hnlmlltoln, AIug.. Its.--A lmallrriagl. II ('herk ofI tht, out+ll, tii J,.\, ttlO. lbool Vi|dki+ ald+ Myrtl,: I71"'Utolh bonth of._ Steve\nvi ' ]lle, Laces l Price Sale ;." 411 ,lto h , l, $f Rlll lt t ;l .. i ll opt d.t k ( i ,l ' I.\. ilI l ___I .I__ - _I __ __h:.\Ii. lhi Ih i on 11I" I t.rl he" li. A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE, a rlce, Ol' . CtLASEP Halt Price Sale Linen Suits Silk Dresses Wash Dresses Tailored SuUl oVthink of it---n V2 HALF PRICE /2 This Is Not "BIG STICK" But a Hyman Hair Root Showing Dandruff Germs.u, W at Kills the -Dandruff Germ and Makes the 'Hair.Grow Stops Falling Hair and Ramo,it.4asndi a FEW people are aware of the number of -Dandrtfni Ctes that infest the human hair andscalp. Tbetgermaa ,a locate themselves in. thefollicle or, sack ' root of the hair, spend a lasy existence in sukiqs,p.4,, juices which shouldgoto keep life and streqgth,il the ihati These germs cannot be seen by the naked eye, but With . magnifying dglass ol from 300 to 400 dtameter the spht of his hair destroyer may be seen in malsses,clalagi~p g the hair. DANDRUFF, ITCHING OF THE'". F: AND !FALLING HAIR are a sure iO destructive germs. - Wyeth's Sage ,and Sulphur Hair , Kills the DL)adruff Germ when 4PpplIed .e o rthie ,J ga prevents the curseeof Baldness. It o .stsls Fray hair to its natural color. esu besuty. N, pr gray or how long it has been gray, it will ireters ItE 1wh natural color and keen It soft, glossy and besithful. Do.ty experiment with old-fashioned halrdyes, but ve.andrdetore your hair by using Wyeth's Saue and SauShur Hlasira R -Rw' Price "Oc and $1.00 If tra draggest does weat he it seud JOr an sIeaeps and we will ed sw wa a rage atll. asjritses D WyethChemical Company, 74'Cortlandt St., oeWWrYl FREE bll dvril,,on cnt, vth t ciue at ikt of Wy rh a SageaSa and Sulphur Ren.edy io (be W/erbl ` e. n~c'inJ 1t Ireii7F-d . e New YorL, we tll *nd you without coi. tall slte SOe t.b,' 'tlvo"l'.t"waaa;k.e r~ For Sale and leceommen 'ed iby Misseula hBraulg i pd Best Service, Best Apparatus, Universal ,Connections Make' the Bell Telephone the Ideal means of transactlng busilnetn, rapidly and well. New Ilniia jiist comlpll.teF to the Flat head country brilng mucI h addi tional Iland Inpiortanllt territory within inttant rcucl ilr Misnolia. l' der , .II ''llJlit ll.n today. You will nii ver regret it. Every Bell Telephone Is a the Center of the System Iluuler and nay . di l (or Girhl, tiare1 al Iahl , t.llfllllll, a.lji lloll blalll.ld Ullil: l l . I'pper .'Cl,-.1 'illon Dlp tnllrllln . I' r new b.11thlne' linl.h rlulilnIq-, l A Kl',i"I("Ii." NIiie w t lh v illep pres" (70 tI ed to,) ; a um.;o. IlAlr 4 pui llll J I a Rcit4 on l .illol 12 twlle ; A (:yl lli. nilu i tAL< nied Als AI fur Acdil pl)00 au,) elntrtlin. lirll. a mo el tIIi i hItinalw for IIunlh, It F'1 ino.nll . I.r-, tr.ule grounds. Iirutflulll' laid uItll; play ýrlound', trllults wints. drill courtr fr .illy p i Walri er .-r, i runder perr Iil l l dIrrlll t. pehal ftw rr, If .%-h : Mumi¢, Art, |) lra nl li ', l, l'ia , // l-. . l~do r J."f thl 11:uzh,,nl IhI: ) - ', hlo l ow's-ii mlrll b rptn -r 1:, 19iii. lVrlte b,,r illustrated Principal, MARY I. LOCKEY, A. B., Pasi At, Ceifotnl.n OATARIRH BLADDER eallei d n a. '.it . m b Ca....r Want rivetrtirhing rentsl the rooms in thi, city. The "THOR" Wonder Working Blectric Laundry for the .Home Learn How to Seve Money, Tine. Toll Th operator s now washing and inh clothes at the same tlme. Thun i losiible with our 3-roell eletrLe wrlaer. Come and see the "Tbor" in operatio- the washer that does the entire Iaundry, work for a family of 6 in 90lminutl l ate eats of 3 ents fur electricity. It will oapn your eyes t, poeaibilities of houabeald seeeaqs you never dreamed of. The To' l" solved the servant problem. Saves t-save time--saves the elethes. Guaranteed towashdainty lraeenda1 . Curtaina beautifuly dlean without tloJUy. Some day it will be in every home-ýpt iti nyournow. 4 i Operated irom any electric light. AtaU4 Mone in dtlferent .aze.-udapted for say housu or apartment. Missoula Light &Witer Company West &~ CARPENTERS, 8UlIf .RANO , CABINET MAKIt.. " Old Mill Butldlig, : IndepndWti ds / T'ltY A hV3ISSOUIJAN 'e