Newspaper Page Text
UATJIER wi tig@ li WORLD'i Ot tDiOI$8s8 ' IN NF dPROBSLEM. ditl World magazine for '°yiV 5 a +ltta n most Interl.ting artl ,h rttlul formlt41 weather tcndl alent- tl titse 'tta W he- pasn year ? S i.tlt dirlt4tiexs bot unllit so st. e IxOt i to l Witlt which hill p thiealf, ltl'rs, have been tit ;. l ny aclirftific men in relation . to' A ttIpoad effect of HktIli'' 0It "lpipti our pleaanti planet. Over fq oloer t1ain 'hmave. the wile oneri boimn aikel,' wae tlhe eom't tapnn. l.i bit" fort the unpre dentekl atntmsillhere and seismic dlstitrhalnee tlhat rlrr'ght an much woe to the lluman race dlur 'ingi the first half of the present year?I UI a inan a lpertiUtltous fool to hlame atpy of these etsnelyamlei upheavaiie, devastating ,launditianls.. t"errHile typhoons, frightful aind unseasonlal l frosts alnd show, or unprlecedenteli heat, upla the conmt? iOn this milty SRubiet of comtnktly influence ilpon m.undane affairs are the stittntlfih any wiser thil the ;unscientific.? Too Buoy. I own that I have done my fair share of thin questioning, and that I have been as free as ayyone possibly copid have 'been in putting these poa erifib:lttroboltical and meteorological exiltti In tMVrrous parts df the coun try.. The astronomers, Judlging by their replies, have been too halsy squinting through their telescopes or Oomputing the mass of the comet, or figulring out th chemical, constituenti Sof it:tall, to'hive tooled -about them for ·aiedeboe of lthe phytleol .effct of Stie esricl visitor upon this planet. i( lma'te 4eiantmUtloneof spille swqy in tnatestbtiilRs'apa. red have hardly e.sIiterpid It worth wivllie to look Slif ~.ttift d;tha good .'ry wstth sardl. < iee wHit has happened there. Home of the, star gasers who 'have essayed to reply to my questions have either denied the logic of my premises oer have evaded the points set forPth. soelan no liberalt a speculator upon astronomical subjects as Dr. EIidWlrd S. Holdtn, formerly director of the great Lick ailbservatory 4tn lallfornia I replled: "I' hate:n nothlnlg to say !for publleatidn' on the possible effect .of comets upon our earth asrta~ weather, etc." "d4wve found .the .meteorollgioal au ".<ritiesltan little -Lgven to speculation 'iilin' this highly Important subject as tttlsaialit~lnomear. 'Willis L. Moore, :Xitttlaf of lthe ,Unlted mtates weather IY~tabtu wtrte to me' from -Washin-g ''oh inStay: "I ,sgto' tato that thlis lt au his no +feriatiens that would it view that there is any such lttee." On Earth. The question that most bothers all *ilcahtifi Itnvetllgators 'il this' onnoo* .tltin 1, miay not the comet have ex 'et.d a great magnetic Influence upon thie earth and may not that influence have been expressed In the abnormal Snt. oreoliteal canditions ,which cer Itablpy exitted? Here is a field that few havet eaploreod, and none fully, 4at4d yet. neAtly all the scIentists are w (tllgftito'admit that In it Ie immopese timllllitietes. • On "searching the 'literature of the ialbject it will lbe found that feow lMiterin investigators have committed themselves to the theory pf cometary 'Influenae of any sort upon .the .phyil eatl conditions f the earth or Its ttnlosphere, and those who have done .'ei irq' lgenerally regarded 1a empllrl 'elilts, 'iut on the other hand I fall 'to 'find that any exhaustive or even Sirlty ' studious attempts have been 'tlrilde 'by seientific men of high rank 'In dppdrt or the `hypothesis or algaint it' Now I eixt not fond of shooting the arl, bult I .wil claim tile same privi' lege as that enjoyed by tile scientist, speculating upon what I can lay hold of by way of physical fcrt. My facts arq4not gathered from the misty realms of tinterstellar pace, bhut from what hali tllttlly happewnd upon this sollid and perfectly obloilus planet. \What i Broken'siies in Shoes and Oxfords R emoval Sale i_ _ Ice W $SM0 Saved he B. .& A. Removal eYour choice of any of this sea . Sle son's WALK-OVER Oxfords, sold at $4, $5 and s, '$6 a pair---All sizes - fA We will open our new store with 'new stock and new fixtures A. : , " '~October I 4q, w 00 ii -i:~s ·P· study .I have made of the retoruds, though fat*r'ffom adeluagte" because the taak Is a tremendotls none and should be undertaken by experts only, pfaves ibnclaislvely the fact that those years commonly known n. "colnet years" hav.e Invarlably included seln-. aons of Ji)hpnomenal atmolpherlc lls turbance and hnseasonabhl we',ather. Abnormal heat and ahnormal cold, bh normal drought and abnormal raintfll have been visited sporadlnally on the earth's surface durlng suchtll yearse. There have also been Igrct.t ,atrth quakes, great watra and great dlsnster's during those yearn. After luaktnh; di allowance for the t('eduiity of the s,-. perstitous In attributing these things directly to comets may wei who are, not tn the least stupersitions he, etxcetsed fer at paptlng no to nttrllbate them? With tilt testlmony lof the rciri rdes It hand, It Is not to he Wondered nt thltl peopl of ul all uges have looked tli"nm the anpproanh of conmts with dire, tis givings Iland even with grealt dEl'tIl. Demeontratlons. We do not have to go away halk tnl uncertaln historical rtcords to prove. that there have been phlen'ltlantln mleteorologlcal condltlons inl conel years. Take this present year, 1110, Has It, not already Included enough scorching heat, of bhllighting frost, sen sonable and unlleasonahie, and of high winds, rains and electric s.ltorm such as rarely have been witnless.idl dlr ing the past three or four iandred, years, .beyond which tinme lthe rc'ar'ds grow dim? DefOre we proc'eed any furlher let ias look at these recent con dItlons. In the month of Pebruary, while the comet was faint In the slky blut drlvlng toward thins earth at the rate of 15,000 miles an hour, a great rainfall along the headwaters of the Heine raised that haitorl river to a mark unprecedented alneeo'the year 1668. The mighty walters burst through the dikes, flooded the Champs Elysees and transformed Parl.s Into'a greater Venice. The gayety of the Parisilans was dampened and, chilled. Many of them flehd from the olty In fear. To get totheir chamber, the deputies had to go In boats. Never, In the hlistory of fPrance was there ai flood that did Ho imucll damarge to Spsnperty. Hot 'In Maroh. The next phenomenal condition oc ;erred :1in America, where at many' stations all over the coauntry the high-t est temperature for Mlarch ever re corded otflolally was reached, the themometer standing at 79 degrees in' New York on three different days, and, fat 48 in, VWshllgton. The tunseatson. hkIle warnth caused much Illness along thelUtlaltlc acoast, +in his report ulpon these abnormal conditions, Prof. F. H. B3igdow of the United States weather bureau aays: "For continued high temperature and, deflolent peeipltatlon ,March, 1910, en ,tabltshed new recorda over nmanydi triets of the United States. Probably not Within, the recosled hlatory of the country has there been a month of the assme'same With uih 'a long, tan broken series of succeseive days with the teiaperature above the normal and .at the armb time such lpersattent alb sence if preCp)ltation." In the latter part of April such trlcks were played with the thlermono eter that those who read it could hardly believe their eyes. With frees. nlg temperature In Loulalans, the smllt blazed fiercely In the north, the thermal gauge registering 16 degdrees above zsero at Medicine `Hat in Ban katchewan. '1qually torrid weathlelr was reported from Newtountlnltd 'and Nova Scotia. At the name time at frightfully devastating 'front damaged crops throughout the middle west and south to the extent of '$500,o0,000. In the extreme southwest aill April ree brds were broken for 'high temperan 'ture, from I.o Anagelis 110 degree be Ingropotued. Whille thid was ,going on 10 inches of tsnow fell In Michlgan and there wi're other heavy falls irl Illinola, Iowa and other nearby tatesa. Most extraordinary conditions were reported from other parts of the Sglobe during the spring sealon. There was a terrible typhoon In the ICoast Indies and a cataclysmic uphenval In the wnters of the ('arl'bbeian. The Itrgesst Island 4)fl the Mloraant l.rys disappetared hioenaoth the surf'ace of the sean, atnd stelmana r elaptniaans report. I'd shoals of deadl flsh ina thaaat neIlgh borhool. Then follotb*l the flnrlng Infortl of M.ount ]tnaa and the,trlvaata tlion of Clelly. thile fairest Island of the Mediterraneaa. I lfteen of Rtnal's great rL.ters vented blueing liqllud to a .great helalaht in one tiny). T'Il erup-, tion hurst Fprth with deafening tllat I ders, likent e. '4y:m3 ' "fsayleel fllMt .to the alimultaneout discharge of thaous s.antls tfr onnnnn. Then followed thft Clonsta fIlin, certhqunke whiyth &1., stro'ed the cities otf F4an Jose anll Carl'ta., and II nurmahbr oaf large inme. Itenlt. II ll ill v anrioti pillters . Comets. first fie Thln Is the record of the first five montlhs of the comet yeitr, 1910--tihe year that is witnessing, the return at' i Hllep'H brilliant astral visitor, which Illhappelsl, alng this a\\.y 'once In aboutt S7:, ytars. Now lIt uls Iproeed hlac'lkwaPlll.v.onx thiea Itn of historica cornet yellns. (On Irrtah 17, 11ili, Professlr holt Alls Inoveil (I I l'l llet, It wa ,hllservadi fromt tihe iek aubalorvattory in (iliay, aforntla for at monthll. nl Aprill' 7tih Il IIlI, t(tle alt i I"' ln '.isel:to eatrthaltunell . in thef lrrti1t yelll' tlherre was ajiKo 1 ' gl'al t a.'Rllltluli(t In rihll,. a(lJutlid's comet fl . li. 2 w4aaes plalltllI l)y th ilnelr'er4l -clOdllitJlnS .Iadlt Slellh IblooadeheaI. "og{tIa's comet ;in, 1874 'vtas seenll hluring thei yea'lrt thei Cearibst war andl te most devttingttig frost ,ever ret'ortaied .securrlel' the0#. In this yllr 1 4 I mlleteours fetll illn l'e slll1tll in Intlih. Preceding this we hlave thie renmet of 1t61, the 'hbNMtht~ t ,of the I9th century. Its crmltt "Wutl therraitead Iats L tken ofthe Itvi' l ,wlr, ald .ln .1862 tillre wals i "se..olsl elvil l~wr comet" oaf it very tw'eukllr ,4pdn.a.afe. .wltl :its lr tflllnla fltlrllug 'from Atlm head. All over the wlr!ld itlM'Inal .wdAlthlea conlditions pre(vailed derling thlel ye'tals. rThle sirmnllm of 1161 wea hot 1and dry ton ta legree almost iunplli'ece dnteid on1 the continent rotf Iuropel' talnd pairticulllrly ia Italy, \h1it'h .ltf feurtd greatly froml drought. In converstilon with Protessor S.. A. ,itao1iull of. Columblia unlvereity, wholl has written several valubllfh papers on Inullty's antl other comrnels, I lenrnea. thalt tiat , gentleman w.s caommittedl to tilo tlery 'that tthe iall of 'till ,comet i not Mogamnoull 5 iII Its ce)it - pousitiotlr ls lectrlic,. and1 thlis Is that ,latest view-of sever',al Othel' uatrono :|mere. From the enormlanllo nlilillus ti tihe collmlt, oayer 200t411ill0 miljes in didsmehtr, or 'slllre thaln 131 tianla thatl ,al our fip rh, iare emittel.d billllons nonn m illors ota thlloS.' nystlrlell Imrlaleles tl.ioWn ,ns .,lc'trons, alnd thse sIpreadinlg 11t over Ilntldreds of I11II lions ,of 'snluare miles of space, minght easily exert some sort of Infinence Iupon the eartlh, particularl)y Iby way of atmospheric disturbance. Should re,,metary infthlesee be proved t, bhe Ipurely magnetic, then the abnormal heat. nnd cold, violaet 'wiInds rand even earthquakes might bh accounted for. I The difficulty in the iadoption aia this theory lits Jn the feet that dynamic meteorology ,I 4msolmet.hing of whaich we know ns little '59as we do the 'lpeople,'ot 'What? What causestthe changes of tihe weather? Professors or meotorology will glibly Inform you that they are the result of petlllatr distrlbullon of baromnetric pressure. Blut what causen ithe speculia'r distribution and! to what extent is it raffected by magnette con dllitions they nre unsple to aneswer. SI .ogert dtr.ay ,Itleteorl.giistnt re like atttain v ei'sr of jlixfin4l,, 1groping tabout the atbyases of tile ooaan floor to which they are c.enfined. Little I they knaow whlat Is i)ovl' that floor. rIt ls time that thiley sought that sur Sface. Pla.mlmarman's picture, of the peonpl of this planet being ,Itilled by the I poisonoul s gamses of a conlet's applendl ago has hbeen proven to be a purely Iftnelful one, as the great comet of 1882 paseed within 4,000 miles of ther Searth which muslllt havee been cotn pletoly )enveloped by the mysterlolus gels, electric field or whatever else It I may he, anti yet no one -felt any di r ct.Ctefoot,ttihowh ,that there rwas 'at Smrosphcrle disturbance of It high de treeo Is attrged from the (pet of the bbnortnal 'weatller of that )'ear to which I have" referrad alre'dyinth this arthle.. .LOSES FOOT IN THRESHER. Palmyra, Mo., Aug. 10.-Stepping S Into the c)yliender box, acctlentlly left 1 nnco'vered on the threshing machineaa he operated, Albert Iliuhhohl, 24, sait ferted the loss oll his left foot. Thele a monmber was complletely severeed andll, n ruinning through the machine, was a orushed to ia pulp. ltrhllloldt lost so 4 mnuch bloodl blefore it tllyslallln coulldl a reolla him 11111 in (Idoubitful If le will s urvive. 'M Ye MR. AND'MRS. .T.YVESANT FISH.., Newport. 1t. I., Air. l.--T'Ih' tamnnt , fianeler, Stuyve~ant lishti, and his wife, who Is .prominent in mnctil elrlis, ti're [RB CASE BOBS UP -ONCE MORE IN "OHID Cincinnati, Augf..1s.--uuits for in Junctlons, accountings andl damagles, totallin millions of dollars 'and bringing' Into iluestion deals Involving four rail rlads, were flied here today by itt! dolph and Leopold Kleyblolte, brokers. The sults are directed chiefly against Newman Erh, a New York attorney, who, since 1908, has been i disbtrsling trustee for the old fjrm of Kleybolte & Co., a concern thatl declared, Itself possessed of as imset of $;.280.000 when the liquidation .was itndertakei1. In addition to Mr. E]rh, one of the three suits Is directed it tlih Chesapeake & Ohio railroad, and I' M, Bradford. president of the ('Chicago. 'lnch.inatl & L.oulvlle railroad. Tlhe Kleyboltes E:rb with a violation of trust, nllsfe collusion and fraud and that hle spiflllted In saIin held by him as trtuntee, Three prinel pill accountlngs naro di.lnrtdedl n ndnll , prayer lr damtageS nhlt4sC St.110;000 as the amount they desire to reetiver from Erb. The damages attN' krked because it Is alleged Erb, as trcstee, pertiltte.i $1,208,000 par value of Dnytoni, Toledlo & Ironton railroad stook tn ,be sold at auction for $100,000. The plaintiffs demonA an neanctntilng for over $14,000,000 profit, alleged to have heen made by INrb in nacqlulhIir control of the Wislconslan nehttl rail road pad turning it Irtr' t he t Cta nandan Pnacific. Thq anlso ask for an accounting of the deal whereby the ('hoesalpei)k & Ohli hoalght the ('hinago, Cincinnatll & TLoeville, landtl lsk tllhat the court restrain thle ipayment of the purchase money until that itaceotinltig is made. The third niecointlllig diler:ndedl .-re lltes to a dcll al y which l'rl) is nllegetl to h la act' ir'el d itit a low flitl r ba hloklt at stonk of the Anin A.\lsir Rallrod compalny, Erb heing ,ehllrhinhn of the hIoard of d'irctors of that road. NEW DEATH.DEALER MADE. (a'lmp Perry. Aug. I; .A gernt de l of ttilntlon has lain Illr'tn l ' ut Ca-i'mp Perry to the lhienal-.1M,..irr gas whch :s ono l l, faci e Un h. R '-s.l ntew death dlial rs. The stan is fired trtin, a. roetl diitId hith agtinst tlthe holti t"r of it munl sittnlli or lying prone olt the orlitllnd. ' Thi, Aln fires the, regullhtlh)l rlfhle e1tlllrdge anid clips eaibh <bnntahiing ,,n elCl'll'lhdg .s. A 1'allid ,lllltlier i.,. diis. S haril 'g Ifrol 1i' 00 l tOfi)ll L.t) ll pl"er til I. it' a.s.sld by li-in i'e p;i the intartridge lips,. i ret tllly thas fun sad can hto e,,slly opeorattal by Iwo .en, who eait supwi tiald toii renry tident gin t atid tainttii' n.. il ti Ill ivei uIitut ll llow tl ' lin this o tiltalr ed y the lll itlll eiltt'| I.hl i si m lllllli'. a hito lit Ii..l I'teut'lte Ihtle s .\.ent cIIn the Amrth Uit edxciiii n i Dusttesuth tiger t. [lice tli' tittlll llu til l tO (t cliii.s. MONEY GONE. Superior. ll. \A., A t.- Th16. I - Aol opened registert'ed Itter envolope, cot nllllnng two hanl k cJlt'l illatfiles for $.t0101 t each wias tound in the residencei district todity, wll l an Investigation showsl tha the letter containted tlllrd tertilfitate for it la imilhu'r tmount andl this Is il.sing. IThe leitter was o sent fropn the Amer tu nd re State bank yesterday of a cn was stoln during t last night. The lloit live are working ol vague clues. FARMERS AID MINMP ROVING.S. IlNetrin, Yr., Aug. 16.--T, he f rmrs o \W'illiatonio and Johnson counties luhvrt ' carne to the .I id of striking intlerm hIt this vinyor ty. Inub-distrsi a Preo clint Jarri'lld of th,' itnoers ham returned fron, It stpahking tour through the Sfurtlning regions of thi portion of the mstapte and received t' li te of a car Ioadu-4 provisions thlat will he Wade 'up and shipped for dlstribution Almntrlg the, needy fintilles, MAYOR GAYNOR IMPROVING, New "York, Aug. 16, 0:80 p, n,,- ,Mayor Gaynor hIaspassed a very com. fortable day. There has been a general lmproveonent ln his symptoms, ,(Stllned): Arlltz, Dowdt, Stewart, Par rlsh," ami ng the Pulntner rlesorters at New- , port. I.inte the rarr.~lae of their 'on they IIhavi spent inuwe of their lJmno here. LOW YOUR OIN Y ER SAYS SECRET SEIIVI Re bduce the "life" of counterfelt mnooney one-half by' educatlitf the pub lit to scrutinize more enrefillly the Iplllt'lr and tin It haindles, .s the slogan of the United Stntrs seeret service, wiase/lo report fiw the fitscal year. be c'ltlne.publit re.ontly. ('hief Wilkle an loII ttl's i declreased Itivity nmlong crimlnait who makelllII the initation of currency. and noin their -spoelalty, but 'he .etnds It notle of vWArninff that couintterfeiting recembles epidemlllhic dis {eliases--lftLer the eep l*lm'lh is chpclked it re quires contimlltd " ii!nttne and iti' tivity to .nimlllllle tihe* chances o{ fur. thor outbreaks. 'l'here is still troubhle in some dis trlcts over "raisetld" notes, where the ldenotinaltlions of one and two dollar bills have bee)O altered to give the alpplaranllce if tenti of tiwentleo. Little of the counterfoiltlln product of the ye.,'tlr was ltnitOrollngWtl reclurptive. Colo- i rIdo wilasthe center' dif olaerations for the makers of the fitlst deceptive counterfelt' dollar of fho year. "''it grPatest Inonace to the Inegrity of thIe ullrrency eve)r reelived, Impor tanrt as it c'otinterfliting enterlrise, hllb i'really imuc'h nmore concerned with pub lic inlfety,'t is the way the report de serilled the operattions of ignlrlado Ipo, (lulielpe lMorello alnd others, follo(wing whose arrei ts' wtld conlviction Black Hanld ct'rimes tionllglllg tile New York tilians deltolreased snore tlllan 75 per cent. There wtroe :3110 arrests by the secret servtice tlg'Ints iurlntg .the fiscal year. Of thlos, arrested, 192 weare horn in thel United tl Hlltue. ' in Italy, 131 In Russihi ;illAl thl, rest Mctteredth. New York furnished most of the cises,. WOMEN, .LAWYERS. N.w' Yo,rli., Au;:. lli.---.MrH. Hophl Ahi. t.htyt, \ Uh'tl' the court ateiw lr at ''the ey.t'tti l . i Hlb l he tall r i her whvIt s ihe tais thi".'r, alill .\lir. M ".lye slihd ht,. r llra s l i d .tl lilt,. i ii llrtiff. 'Ae.l't rnfy t y ll siit' t'il' xfri, thfwty "Ye , l i,, itl 1 ; I mat , irn o ," a swi'rlell . lit .h1 Ws tIi it0. r tilhe opposing I l - A. I.ll+n i ll , +i.y I til ltr, l olri (. l 'I t'illnlde p tt tt c -e, I i, • Au. " 'lI t lt l mIe il' lil ftc 'lll ," ! iu hti m.of e, sMiver, wht tIl lit redatenh Ih, conlrt's S Ar, ill i a tl, y d ifferent frontl Ill nyi ithr tll ct, wTlit the cou.rt. "Why iln't toyu r'itemoe toi rt' ?"a u' t 11'. ltever TgOt fher leat 1 in hit' Ioffy and t trlot et ln to t hta lellse, HIDING WITH NEGRO FIEND. Hintonn, W. Y, Aug. 10.-Dh'eoaly rilder tile tMnel. of a mill uf :,000 l hit It ioin liv ng the, life ofle ait g.o ji reatvendtt tol h pla Who assault'ed antd n.tirdered N., i. 'Lottle AIlss of -Qut-ilirnont Sunday nll.lht, county of ficers toniight so.eud from it c.r" with their lprisoner and are now l L 'in hiling in il, tEoois or 1ting darknessl to On 'pilt'. Altins, f tIhe mob a'e scour-l lug the woods for the part,. "'t1e it gri was ilrrested this itfttrnolni, t11 I} mediately' the mob Pegaln to gather,. overl nor -lassdoc k orderled the mill thit to towni, Mitt it single comar pany was Iof no avail, alnd three more co atlies Indoepenltloaence, Mo,, Aulg. 16.-Clara Unldus,'the la-yeari-old daughter of Jo seph ilalhius, naritilr livinglinie miles east of tills city, while alone at htr hoine today was attitcked by an un known nl.i i, t+hll'.oilrmed and holnd to I chlir, The man ftied, leavling her ENGINE JUMPS TRACK. a'v's'l, Mla,, .Atai. 8i.--An unknown negro was killed and 94, persons were injured, pnly one .ripouttsly, aakl, when the tender ofl Mlissourle "tilftic passeng. a , ll .,., ,3tl.t.inp(L. tbhe track 11 iulles tiork) of here ,ta,)ay, Firenman Murdock' was llally lacaled. ,r, 1 CLo q og 7>t d scontinui i 1 dXls'soohbs and cJething. Prices are an, in4.cement fpr purchasirrng ntw. SAll, About the Store j Every summer Article has been rmatked down for quick clearance. 'The Crescent for the Lowest P.usible Prices at All Times , Yellowstone Park; Excursion Via. Oregon Short .ner AUGUST 24 Round Trip Rate Fron BUtte I$44.85 eolnplete lone of the park, taki g iti all points of int rest.j 1] I'n111111 the I date: IAeve Butt(- 4 p. ui., Arriving at ,n tranep of lthe poirk ( :45 niext, llornintg. . 'h'l' is iM the lhelfp9t rate and the quickest routl Ifromln lite. Make Your 'Through Pullman Berth ,Reservation at. Once: City Tieket Offrice, No. 2 North 3lain stre1t.l, Butte; Mont. F .. . . . .D. W I LR'ON, I). ". & 'P. A. . EX CUR SI ON Kt TO DENVER VIA ' Oregon Shor t e from Butte and Aiaconda August 27 37.50 oand Trip- 43750 (joing limltifive',liayh; fi'nlI reran,, º liiiil .t;;inhah,.n;:i I xtMtil idiverse ro. ies pormP ikiilhl. . Resaqctv Berths Early re'g.o Nlior' 14i tie Shor i e'lfic'k ( ii e, 2 NeIh 'M i iM,' '.,' Bit e. F.. . WILSON, D. F. , P..A. i---- - i -- .·-i·-C-- LL L _..,.-..,. . . . - FARMER CRUSHED. t "hont< r, ill., A Wc. " ti. -.j olal ll llpttt agced 5e4. was kIllet, HO ltil hts1iLtiglittIr X lry, lured i . sttia a('Ijuisly. ttl tedoa Che tar, ttlis as'e 111ng. whiuit the wagIaonL IIs w1hth tLtey We-re ruiltg wa LIt Itt I b y liat Ilioittju *34tohlt'r pausseilger Mitleltt, whot, Is at fti'ttar , wIs haul-4 compuinlnd by his 'little g1irl rd t''o I.STLll dons. 'IhiiC onglite 1411UO( the. iwttF~lnf 00I1) the" l~lCuot wh.1els M lle~t wIas thrown, tl Ildr. thie trailn tinit wisa griouild to pleoe. Thu little girl re I tLtlInttl Il Ilte uvagoti ha~l.. Ohllitl u\ LII thr'ownt to one side of the. tri'tLt. "rhe b)ys1 juiled t'( unttt tIlhe Ieal of 41k'a w~ago~n oid eseupetl~ . tnlnjtured. One ii hotlsde W'tH blillud, hut the tIther elIcLpel wIthoit IL St iittch, A Iplhylsictitl W'ho 0~Ls o~n the trttlit rentltreu~rl ltint'tllte aId to the little girl. rCHIL'DREN DROWN PLAYMATE., S1fason C"ity Mo., Aug- t6.=-Chlldren on play pouiredt a cttuantlty 'o water ujown" the' throat of Ralph, '4=-Y ttr-lld qeoan Of r: A. Juep of Ctittnal'; and .tile child tilet` an Whon'' late,-` 'iles "water 'went into tile3 ' lungs alndl he seas FOU ITEEN-YEf.AR T.RAM, Marlon, 11.,. Aug. ,16,-' 41atty $mptftt ruad, 35,) wI'. cop ytgtd to tty for Mclflng Ilitil' i, t;o i, 'o Iii the· lielalenttlary, I' JP- you had a Victor, you q6 i4 stny, at iohotte lWg1ui iner ai;,yct ,have: t1e., bet : n nEven if , yoxfj go ýae ayr i or .. , t 9t'mter, 'gu'll f i~nd a., ,..Viet.Of .vWil' .arId fgeeafl yto' . your~inbnjbymeien, r i'rt~l :ry:an a ~evcnh2 g. ýStap aiin aniear the Vic or QPWIO'!C MU8J s W Ic ~~oRv#$ Musaa, HHousýAk;ý, 1;1'·.