Newspaper Page Text
Mhsoulian Class Ads Are Dependable Business Daily Puzzle THE DAMPER. .We Ivte the game! We ,ove to gI Anld heoir the ctrowtloli blouIchers s1il'rick Ii jnyout victory, bit uh, You Ionllls Mtrea ll. nllll Inolllher loner. Answer to yestertdllayl's IIi: Upper left c'lorner l-wln, tugalut ludy. GET YOUR ANSWERS. Answear to classified ads remain in this offce as follows: ('.-ne. '. X. Y.---One. (I.-One. Owner-One. C. U1.-One. L,. W.-Two. D. A.-One V. (. lD.-Three. V. F. C.-Nix. I . W.--One. t. ('.-..IX. I . I'. C.-. 'ne. W. Pd . --en. HELP WANTED-MALE. WVANTEI)---A MAN W\Vll) U'NDtR. stunds care of lawn. Hotel Malrgaret, -lonner. 1WANTED-BARBER FOR SARA toga hotel, St. Regis. Phone or write F"rank Stanyar. WANTED - RAILWAY MAIL clerks, Missoula. Examination No vember 12; $R00 to $1,600: prepara tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 170 8., Rochester, 1. Y. WANTED - SALESMEN; MANY make $100 to $150 per month: some eyen more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards: cash advanced weekly; choiqe of tei rltory. Address.Waflhlnjton Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. HELP WANTED-PEMALE. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 620 South Fourth west. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mrs. Beckwlth, corner Hilda and Daly. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. 500 University avenue. WANTED-WOMAN FOUR GENERAL housework and care for children. Ad dress 3X, Mlssoulian. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. EX PERIE N.C ED BOOKKIEEPER typewriter and stenographer would like position. P. O. Box 42, Missoula, Mont. SITUATIONS WANTED-,-FEMALE LADY WAN'I' WORtK flY 'TII' DAY. 1154 Ind. phone. Mrs. Martin. LADY WI1HEH WORIIK AR IlO1NIC'I;. keeper: country I,rfyterren; no objne-. lion to ono child. Address N. It., Mlssoullan. MISSOULA WOOD YARQ. MI.sOULA WOOD YARD. D1RY 4-foot wood from yard, $6.50 per cordl: froln car, $6.00; sawed Wood, J2 and 16-hinch, $7.50 per cord; sawed edglngs, $6.50 per cord. Both pdhonls. 132 W. Tine. Missoula Wood and IEmtloylu ent office. r---"--------- - -~ - INSURANE. PACII'IC MUT'IUAJl FIRE AND LIEll Insurance Co., accident department. H. A. Chase, 815 South F'ourtll. Phone 023 Black. HOME LAUNDRY. CLOT'HII.h CAl'IED F'OI AND, i: livered. Address ,1. rl llsen, It. '., I). No. 3, or phionto Hell I18 or iht dependent 2330. NURSE. EXPERIENCISD NURSE. MRS. ANNA HoMkina. I55 Wast Alder Water ! Water! Yeso, water in front of every lot in Daly's addition No. 2, and wn will sell you these lots fir '`100 for lniado and $110 for corners: tO 3Ir cerit down, balance long-time 1pay ments at 6 per eeot, A school site Just pirochased in this addition.' Direct water systemn connected .with 12-inch main. Joins Daly's' and Low's additions. BUy early and get best liestion. STODDARD O PRICZi MIWiQUI.A ANSURANOS 4 REAl ' `ESTATE AO44FQY, 1; - 110 D Main. Indiq 4d t t99 " Sel, 147 laskh HELP WANTED. MIEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks; tools free; secured over 10,000 posltlons for graduates last year: unable to s,:pply the, demand; grad~ates earn 515 to $25 weekly: catalogue free. Moler System Colleges, 408 Front avenue. Spokane. Wash. WANTED--SALESMEN. WANTED-SALESMEN IN EVERY locality In the northwest: money ad vanced weekly: many make over $100 monthly: choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Topoenlsh. Wash. WANTED--SAI.L11SMEN TO SELL our well-known trees In leading fruit sectlont of Montana and Idaho. Big money for big men. Oregon Nursery company, Orenco. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR LOANING and borrowing money secured by mortgage on farms, ranches and city property. C. V. Ellis & Co., "the real estate bargain counter." Helena. Mont. Correspondence solicited. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. 0. IK. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 327 Higgins avenue. Phone 694. Night or day. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 122 Higgins avenue. Phone 140 Red. CARPET CLEANING.. CARPETS, CURTAINS AND BLAN kets cleaned. Furniture crated. Earl Cromberg, 1502 Cooper. Bell 954. AERO WAGON SERVICE. CAR pets cleaned and, made over. Up holstering and repairing. Feather renovating. Furniture packed. Star Cleaning & Renovating Co., 405 E. Front. Phone 762. FOR SALE-RANCHES. FORt SAZlC.--FOrt'r. ACRES BEINCH land, near Hamilton, Bitter Root valley; fenced: first-class water right: best orchard land: twenty Acros in orchard: 2,000 trees, Mo Intosh Red and Transcendent '3rab, planted in 1006, coming Into bearing. Best bargain in valley. Address owner, C. S. Wagner. Hamilton. Mont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A ()Oe1D 1IIINESH IN (OOD lO eatloln with It $600.00 stock. ,Best of reuasons for selling. d. K., Mis-. suullan. FOR SALE-- 4MALT ft fL-TAII rant on south side doing good busi ness; well sell part or all of coq tents very cheap. Rent of building $15.00 per. month. 607 Houth Hlig ginlls avenue. FOR hALc-131(l(I(Wl'MT SNAP IN CITY for party with small capital: well established tbusinessn hustler can snake 100 per cent per monthl on In vestment; owner leaving- city and will sell at a sacrifice. F'or par ticulars call at 104 Higgins block. PICTURE FRAMING. FOR PICTIURE FRAMES, MATS, glass and pictures always go to the Elite Frame Shop. 120 Higgins av enue. i STORAGE. STORAGE AND FORWARDING Merchandise, thoesehold goods, store and bar fixtures, vehicles, cold stor age. Basement and warehouse ipace for merchants and wholesale houses. All goods Insured If "desired. R'e ceive and ship front and to all parti of the world. On city side of R. H.i Individual spur on N. P. and C., M. & P. H. It. R. J., W. iteely, 734 West Cedar. Bell phone 495 black. In dependent 2240. MEDICAL. CANCERS AND GOITERB PEBMA nently cured without an operation. I. A. Vlan, 288 3. .R.. R. street WOOD '4AWING. , WOOD $AWING-CALLh PHONI8 31. GASOLINE LIGHTING SYSTEM, OUR LIGHTIN(G, SYSTEMS. WILL soon pay foFthemselves; end for.bur Satalogue. National GCaollae TIight in; 'Co., MipsdoUla,; Moopst, FOR RENT-HOUSES. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 806 W. Pine street. 4-ROOM COTTAGeu, MODERN. TEL ophone 389 Orange or 634. FIVE-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 217 8. Second street. Phone 486 Red. 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, WITHI range. Call ,807 West Spruce. MODERN F'OUR-ROOM APART meilt, close In. Phone 544 Black. FIVE-ROOM OUll.SE, RANGE AND) bath, $13.50 pert moqlh. 818 Cooper. FOUR MOI)I.RN FLATS. 523 SOUCTH Second street. Apply J. W. Beard. 4-ROfOM MODERN FLAT:. RANGIE and shades. 325 E. Front. Phone 1336. NItCW MODEIRN FOUR.-OOM Rtl('K cottage. Oak street, 116.G0. Pllgne 485 Rod. FOR RENT--IOOMINGO 1OUHE;1: 7 roonms; tlnfurnlshed. Paul Gerber, 405 Higgins avenue. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 903 VAN *Buron. Two blocks to car. Phones: 24 two rings. or 454 Red. I8-1100(M ROOMING HlOlU1k; iolt 1'.Int anlid lu'nllturre for satle: In en-t tcr of city. Tel. 748 Red or call at 422 W. lIprut',. FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES. 4-1o0,toM ,l'ITNISHID FLAT,' $24. 433 N. Third. SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 41' Mlist Front. 8-(ROOM MODIiRN . WEII,-PTI_ nlihed house; plalln, and burn; oiP street ear line. Inquire G19 S. Third. FOR . RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS WILSON BLOCK. 121 WEST PINE. LARGE FRONT ROOM. 527 E. PINE. ROOM TO RENT. 335 HIGGINS AVE. Inquire Ward's studio. 3 OR 6 FURNISHED ROOMS, MOD ern. Phone d. 1328. TIIOROUGHILY MODERN lIOT-AIR heated room at 315 East Front St. KING'S ROOMING HOUSE--FOUR bhwks west of N. P. depot. Rloomns $8 per montoh. TIHE VICTORIA--ELEGANT.Y FUR nlshed outside rooms; hot and cold water, 424 North Hlggins. FIJRNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping, With gas; reasonable rent. Apply, after 6 p. m., 306 8. Fifth E. .r+ FOR RENT-ROOMS,. WEIjL FUR thlshpd, hot and cold water In each room, rates i'easonable. Over Schlossberg's Store. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT 1608 WEST PINE. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 414 W. Cedar. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 312 Mladlson. Call after 0 p. m. PURtNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping. 615 South Fifth west. MODERN. OPPOSITE EPISCOPAL church, 225 Adams. Phone 2343. ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP. Ing, partly furnished, at the Rosale aeprtments. Phones: 718 Black. 838 Red WANTED-HOUSES. WANTED--BY SEPTEMBER 1, FIUP nished house; furnace heat: no ehtl, dren. Phone 733 Red, or MlssouUan, T. J. W. WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS.. WANTED--S1PRING CHICKENS AND ranch eggs at Vlenpa Cafe, 107 Woet Main. WANTED)--AT NUNC, $8,000; VIRllST class security. Addcrss 0. I,., Misl a'oclTan. WANTED-DARN RENT FORl ONE horse. Htato price and location. Allen J. North, Box 343, city. WANTED--RA(S. MUST BEI COT ton and clean. Good price paid per pound. Missoullan office. WANTEID-4 (it 5f-ROOM t'UR nlshed house, on south side. Inquire - r.0 5-outhl Fourth west. Phone.,(19. FOR RENT-STOREROOMS. FOR RENT-STORSIROOI. 30x00, IN good location at Darby, Mont. Ad 'dress M. Hammond, Darby, Mfont. LOST" AND FOUND. OIOUND-RIED AND WHITI SPOT. ted cow and calf; no brand. C. B. Mullen, Clinton, Mont. .LOET-I'0X TEIRIIERt; WHITI WITH black spots. P. W. Hansom written on collar. Rewardl. Phone Bell 739. LOST-ELK'S TOOTH WATCHFOB. somewhere In business oQmter. Finder please leave at Mlssoultan office for reward. -. LOST--SIX PHOTOGRAPH FILMS and twelve unmounted prints. En velope marked "Lafave." Return to Miasoulian office. Reward, .LOST OR STOLIN--FROM BARN or Clllton-Applegate company, Bon ner, on night of August 10, bay sad die horse, 8 years old, weight 1,150 pounds,, branded C on .left shoulder, left hind foot whith, rope burn around ankle, saddle gall on right withler. Reward for Information or tetjjrn to Clifton-Applegate Co., Bonner. GLEANING AND DYEING. HOQOVICWFRjNCH DRY CLiAN Work Hiinavenue, south nd, of bridge. I'RANIPIIR. RAC9KmAN ' " N, O TRN, " T Cmll Ind.epit~nent Phone, sa0,. T4i., ,09 Rled FOR BALE-CITY REAL ESTATEj ONIE 4 AND ONE 9·-OOM HOUSE. Address F. H, Milsoullan. FOUR LOTS, CORNER, HEART OF Hammond addition at cost. Box 225, city. A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AND ONE lot on West Pine: a smalnl payment down and good terms on balance. W. J.. Mlssoultan. FOR SALE-TWO LO(TS, 30X130, South Missoula addition: southeast front: $100 dash, balance 3 vearis. Ad dress 2 Lots, care ltanouIlan. THREE iOTS, ONIC CORNER: 1'IVE, rnnms, pantry and bathronm: also two lots 154 feot inlla, with' two three-roonm houses. fy owner. 1124 Defoe. FOR 8ALE-MISCELLANEOUS. IVlt HAlI'--NhW 10X12 ti'l"NT. lSOl Alder. THREE GOt)D COWS. N. F. I,111~. 31202 Stoddardl. FOR SALE-PIANO; .MUST .BE HOl.Dl at once, 1107 W. Spruce. FOIl SAIIM-ONE 'I'HREIC-INCH wagon. Missoula Wood Yard. POlt SAILE--HORSE ANI) ltIllGY. 314 IIlggins ave. W\'lS'n' 9lltludlo. I'OIt BALE--I,'X IlOUNDI Plrl'U , from best bear dogsn. 1tInm GO5 Pen well hotel. FOR SALE-ONE CANDY SHOW case and one cigar case. Inquire 310 E. Cedar. FOR SAL -WIHBSTIit'H' INTI:cINA tional Dictionary. cheap. *302 Matd Ioton street. Volt MALE, CHITAP-N-CW PIITRN.l - tllr for 5-room IhloUSO. corner of Morris and Beverly. FOR SALE--FROM 1,000 TO 2.,000 shares of French Bar stock at 100. Address C, care Mlssoullan. SEE T. 0. HATHEWAY IF YOU ARE in the market for cash registers, safes or typowrllters. City hall. HOW TO PRODUCE WINTER EGOS and raise hardy chlickens, sent on receipt of $1. W. Pease, Wallace, Idaho. 1FO'It MAiAI, CIIEAP--HOIt8HItOLI furniture. Ieavlng city. H. F. 11b mon, Orchard Holumes, end of river road. CIHEAP-5--YEAIR LEASE~ O TWO school IQtison Howell' street; near Lowell sohlo6l: 3 1-2 years unexpired. J. T. J.. aUaoullan. FURNITURD, NEW AND SECOND hand: also, pay the highest pripe for second-hand household goods. Hans Jensen, 125 W. Main St. Phone 519 Black. TO REDUCEI STOCK WILL BELL my Scotch Colle pups at a reduced price for one week. Phone 7602 Red. Box 103, RL F. D., No.. 1. Mis soula CON!RACT CARRIED 5 MONTHS with the Stahdard Home Cq.. entitled to a loan of 'one thousand dollars at 5 per cent. Call 1803 Phillips street; Phone Ind. No. 1101. FOR SALE.-TWO DROP-HEAD SInger sbwlng machines at $26.00 each and tWo box-top Singer sew Ing machines,at $10.00 each. Singlper Sewing Machine Co., 126 West Main street. I . FOR REINT-MISCELL.ANEOUS. FOR RIEN'T-THIRD FLOOR OP oC." on building. Apply at Gibson's office, second floor. SHOP, SUITABLE FOR DRESS making or ladies' tailoring. Fur nlshed cominplete. Light houpokeel,. ing Included. eunt reasonable. In quire Ransom's. 205 Stevens street. HBll 2306 ied - Illd. 'lhono 1660. ROOM AND BOARD. 310 IMAMNT 'IDAIt HTlItEET. BTOARIt) AND ItOOM, iE.AHONAUILE. 404 IE. Spruce. HOUSE MOVER. º IOITUSES MOVED AND ItAISED; prices reasonable. N. Couloutnbe. 614 N. Soeond, west. Phone 710. TO TRADE. MISSOtILA PRtOPEItTY FOR TRADE for thmber lands.' It. M. Cobban RIealty compantly. WHAT IIAVIE YOU TO TllRDI) We will tradd 240 acres farmllng land, near Dellorgla, for Mlssoula prop erty. 10-acre orchard tract for timber land. 100-acre timber claim for city prop orty or farm land. SawmIll, only $500, for acreage or city property. 40 horse power ellngine for anything. Mortgage, $1,200. on city property, to applilon ranch. 160-acre farm, well Improved, Bitter Root valley: 1-2 for Missoula prop erty, 1-2 long time. Two 8-room brick houses: one 4-room brick house; one 7-room brick house, close In, always rented; all or any of them for exchange good farm property. COME IN AND LET US TALK TRADE. R. M. COBBAN RIAL[TY COMPANY. MACHINISTS. IfSSrULA IRlON WORKS--MA obhns work; brass and Iron casting made to order: light and heavy bla.skmtthlng. Corner Toole "venue a-d Bitter RCnt tracks,. HIO08 AND JUNJ. TH 'ESBT -tRN HIDE & JUNK CO.- sInhat PliOp paid for hides and 6Uk, 5 W. Cedar street. Phone W'.:I': QOD FOR SALE, W~v EDIoTNOS, TWO. d or IQ : b,00;: sowad wood ready tor. stOVrp. S50 cord, 1611 outh ,.'.(th. itro1+' .W. Phonte CIII) +lIwkh. .PD~ll~at~t~ai·q'0. Il m.' Notioe to Property Owners to Con struct Sidewalks. Notice in hereby given that thel coulllcll of thle city of Missonll. Moll ltana, at n meeting held on the 5th day of July, 1910, ordered land directed that cement walks, conforming with the pieclfkatiolns for city sidewalks, alx provided in urdinance No. 218, be built land constructed at follows: A sidewalk G feet whide on the north hide of North Third street. in front of lots 11 to 20. Inclusive, block 75. Ur inu's aIddition; beginning at it point seven feet southleaIt of the westerly aide of ose avenue, andll rilling northwesterly 314 feet to a point seven feet northwest of thil' easterly sidel of Srt"IIn aveInue. block 75, t'rlil a's addli tion. A sidlewtlik i feet wide on the Iinorth .side of North Third street, In front of lots 1 , 12. 13. block 76. ltrlin's od dltion: heginhtig at i 1 ptant opposite the lile dilvillinag lots 13 atld 14. andll runnin'ag lnorthwesterly 97 feet, to a ,.alut 7 feet aiortlwertt orf the e.-.ter' ly ltid of Gtrianld aveanue, Ibluacl 7;.I t. 'lt a aiddliti lon. A sidewaaik 5 feet wide onl tihe' norlh i stie. of North Thillrd street, in frlont of Iots 11 to 29I, iCIi.asive, block 77. I:' Illl's alddition; begiInnlig at at L puolt1 7 feet southeast of tie westerly side of (tlnldt avellnaI, and runniniag nortlwest erly 314 feet to ait point 7 feet inorth %v't of the austaerly nide of Wolf, ava1nt1e. bloak 77, I trlll's addition.a A sldewalhk , feet widle on tile nor1ll" sidltl of North Third scltr et. It, frollt of tilt. ,asth Iul f lf t 17, I ,ts l ,t I, 9 antld 2l!, block 78. Ilill's laiittion l; blegin lnilg lItt a lpoint 7 feet aaotheast of l(Ia' westerly sfl, of Wolf aveatel, alnd rimn Iing nrl'tllwesterly 135 feet to iI ilnt oIpposite the center lile of lot 17. blockl 78. UrlIll's athlition. A sidewalik 5 feet widle ln the northii side of North Thirdll street, ill frolnlt of lota II. 12 l1and 13, blockl 78, lrlinll's adilition: bleginning at i I)nIlt Ipptll lte tlli. iilc· (ividinag onts 13 allat 14. anlld rlllllll g northllwesterly 97 fee. to a line 7 feet west of thIl ecatel'ly side of Kellnett avel'nue, Iblochk 78, UIr-I Iin's addition. A sildewalk 5 feet wide onI the nortlll side of North Thirld street, in front of lots 19 and 20, blnck 79, Urlit's uad dition: beginning at a point 7 feet southeast of thile westerly side of Ken nett avenue, and running 07 feet northwesterly to a point opposite the line between lots 18 and 19, block 7911; Urllln's addition. A sidewalk 5 feet wide on the Iortl side of Nortl Third street, in front of lot 16. block 79, Urlin's addition; beginning opposite u puillt . dividing lota 16 and 17 and runnllng northwest 18.8 feet. llore or lcss, to a point 7 feet West of tIle east nilde of Wordenl avenuell, block 79,. tUrlin's addition. All sidewalks renlaIlnilng unbuilt, at tile expiration of tillrty days front date of the first publication of this notice, will be built by the city of Milauli, and all costs tlhereof assessed ag special assessment or tax against thle property in front of whichl such side walks are built, In accordance with said ordinance No. 218. FRED E. BUCK, City Engineer. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. 8. land, office at Missoula, Montana, May 18, 1910. Notice is hereby given tihat William 1. McGee, whose postoffice address Is DeBorgla, Montana, did, on the 3rd day of June 1909, file in this office sworn statement and applcation No. 01334 to purchase the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter. section 26. township 19 north, range 30 west, Montana me ridlan, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 8, 1878, and acts amendatory. known as the "Timber aqd Stone Law." at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, khe land and timber thereon have been appraised, the timber esti mated 96,000 board feet at $1.25 per. M. and the land $10.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof in suppott of his application and sworn statement on the 24th day of September. 1910. before register and receiver U. S. land office, at Misseula, Mont. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase be fore entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent issue, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this off le. alleging facts which would defeat the entry. I)ANIIL AIRMS, Itlgister, 7-21--9-21. Public, Sale. Nothce Is hereby given Iiln I will, on the llth day of AiuguIst, 111i0, at ll.'e hIl our of it o'clock p. in., at tile i'lly pounllll, oil Hec'qid street, iI the city ofc Missculla. Montanat, expose th, followii. nlag idescribed stock at puhblic alcltilon to pay the pound fees alld costs f keeping and sale, to-wit: One b iwnl horse, branded MI, on right shoulder, bllnd in right eye. One sorrell colt. Witness mly hand tills 15th day of August, 1910. THOH. I.. KI'1MP, lhflu of Polilee. -16-17-118.1--20. GET'IlNG RESULTS. 'The auctiollneer held up a Ibutterl''d flddle. - "Whtat aml I offered for this antique violin?" he pathetically Inquired. "l.ook It over. See the blurred finger marks of remorseless time. Note the stains) of the hurrying years, To the merry, notes of tills fine old instrument the brocaded dames of fair Prance Ilay have danced the minuet In glitteringh Versullles. iPerhaps the vestal virgins nIlarcIhed to its stirring tr'uahlas inl theu feasts of I,aulpercalla. Itsl! It hears ail! abrasion-perhhaps a touch of fire. Why, thills may be the very fiddle on, whichl Nero played whlenl Itolne burned." "Thirty centls," said a red noselid manl in tile front row. "It's yours!" cried the aucvtioneer ch.eerfully. "Whllat next?"--Clovelind Plain Dealer. Dysentery is a dangerous iisellse, lbut can be cured. Cllhallberlain's Colic, 'lolera, and )liarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in nine opidelli Ics of dysentery. It Ilas never been known to fail. It is equally valuable for children and adults, and when re dulced with water and'sweetened, it I6 pleasant to talke. Sold by all dealers. WILL SHOW FIGHT PICTURES. East St. Louis, Aug. 16,.-Judge Mll lard informed Mayor\Cook and -Chlef of Police Purdy that there is no law prohibiting the showing of the Jet. fries-Johnson fight pictures. 11e said any Interference on their part would be trespass. The judge refused to ls 5sue an Injulnctlon Rlglinst exhliting the pictures, SCOTT WINS RIPLE MATCH. Camp Perry. 0.. Aug. ll.--The Na tlounl Rifle assoclatlon today started three more matcies, the Elvans sklr mish, the long range tyro and the company team. The tyro match at 102 yards brought out 139 competitors. Sergeant 1D. Scott Clark of the Second indiana won the gold medal by put ting up a record string of 19 conseeu tive bulls eyes. Sergeant Ut. E. Stad Ic, of the ThirtIeth United States in fantry got in 16 bulls eyes: Llenuten anlit J. M. MCthhott, of the Fourth New Yor.k, nal ILieutenant Blristol. Third UnIted States cavalry, divided the. third and foulrthi inoney. Th'e clhlapllonhplll reglmeItal tealll match wvls conthlltld totday on the 600 yards range with the SIxth Jslll.*chiu. ett leradnlllg the Annpolls eadets by two poinlts. ARE WOMEN QUALIFIED VOTERS? New 4irhta li.c, Aug. ii.-- ..loiihcrs of tite l n 'llI llh, of New irien.s, the leading expnents oif wman1n1'1 su4if fraget In I. llii.lna. wenit In largeil numbllers to Ilaton Rloge 1todl1y to Iask the genlleral Nas14IIIly to provide fort lhI right of wolmen non-taixers to vote oin ltIl' prllpsell 1111i nl1d 111e n i isuppoIrt if an expositilnl.l 4 to le hehl Lhere in IIl o I colml melratlon ol the i'ln ntoti, ii nf whe t i'in l cainai l (of tile turtl'n.1y general whl lli ile.e 1r1ed1 that lonly quil lfllIed elcor co1uld vote I on n tllillndment to thle clnsttultion as irolpoed in the eXlpol ion ic malter and dlelaring that wollnle were not qual Ified electers. OVER MILLION DOLLAR SUIT. t'incinnitlli ai . I.. A. g. 14.---Sults a, grega ting Iio re tihl n a nmilloll n d llh r were filed here tiodaiy againslhlt New ian 1 :1i. n ew rk attorney. onil he Ilalf of RudlIlllph lnod I.llopold Klein liollt, forlllr brokers of this city. One uilt alone would dispose of I.ll00.000. In another the ('hesapeake & Ohio Is made ai Joint delfendant With ICrl. The litigation grows out of the for ination of Iliiquldting trusteeship of the old firm of Klenlhohkit & Co. I The general allegations tire that Irrb nltlLoughl an active trustee, was founid Ill ain tItdverse Ilnltellll of friendly at titudle toward interests with whiclh lie wit suppcosed to conserve. NOW CHINESE SLAVERY. Tail Frallcsco, Aug. 16.-At tie re luest of tihe fehderal authorities the police today arrested Man Gow, a Chi. niman, charged with having Imported !_- So, ai Chinese girl, for immoral purposes. The police claim that the arrest of Man Goow Ias revealed a widespread consplracy for bringing Chinese slave girls Into the cotmtry under the guise of wives of native horn Chinese. They ansert that Man Gow's brother, a native of this city, Is now en route here, accompanied Iby a Chinese slave girl. MAROONED A LITTLE BOY. Mobile. Ala.. Aug. 1.--The I'nlted States marshal was authorized today to arrest J. Harry Steeves, of the fish Ing smack Albarella and the entire crew, charged with inflicting cor poral pIunlslhment on John Roguls. a 15-year-old boy. The lad allges that the master and crew marooned hlm on an uninhabited Island In the gulf of Mexico after beating him and drag ing9 h11111 in the sea behind the stern of the vessel, tied In a canvas suack. 4 --~ L--______________ When the digestion is all right. the action of the bowels regular, there Is a Ilatural craving and rellshll fr food. When this is lacklng, you nlily know ithali you inled a 1(110do of Cllulnbarialn's Itoliial:hi alld Ilver Tablets. lThey stlrligthllnl thle digestive orpgans. Iinm lil'ove. the uptllletite alnd regu!ite the lliwols. E..ehi hIy all dealers. ROOMING HOUSE FURNITURE AND LEASE. 't'hirty'.Nx outsvidi roe .,sI. a buIlI, ruI'sIH , NteunI Ihe('at, gas nItl1 e(,eC. tricity,. long leose at only $125 pIer month. l"urniture I ofr the hest; I)house0' I1N ulwlay well filled. Own er Iust sol oil Hon ccolnt of Nick 'nern. Will c nnlidIer excllhange for lt)' lproperty. For further lnfor mllatlon inquire of0 HOVERSON d STEPHENS 331 N. Ilgginsi Ave., up-sluirs. Ilid. I'hone 23'14. liH'll Phone 0:; blk.. $700 Buys a Life Independence for Woman A iY I 'i establrshte d I-,ardllll IhlU. il best r.eilenle 'sctiIIon of NINssoull, well fill hI with pe0rmlu nI'lnt hIlagh-lu ss hollrlIr., Iresonaulll renit, $1.2110 worth ,o furnilllnugs, all I'or 700. Il.udy now running it hIl0 ltadtle enou'h to retire. Do not phone. If inlterestet uee Mr. Buchanan in room 22, Hig. gins Building. REAL ESTATE ana INSURANCE CARROLL 0 NAPTON Masonlo Temple. Phone 75. Real Estate and Loans Oreohard Homes For Sale. FAYETTE HARRINGTON Chamber of Commerce Or Phone 486 Red. A. K. ANDERSEN Real Estate and Insurance 424 North Higgins Ave. IRRIGATID SB )80 Pern Pour hundred and sxt '7U this tract Il irritablie, *i & fully and has deep blacki with clay sub-soll. Locate! -i, neven miles from railroad an4 io town. Adjacent to Forest and fine out range. Thee e wheat, oats, timothy and fove' W this tract In irrigable, lays this land make the best dw any crops we have seen this T l o i Timothy ykild was more thian tW tons per acre; wheat will yield, apjs proximately. 40 bushels per acrer unts very heavy; rectaoom house, large barn., good fence and cor. ,l rais. O(pen running water throug.' out the year. A gilt-edged, h.ui to-beat proposltion, worth tWlt,. the price asked. One hundred and twenty acre,. only 3 miles from, good town. aatl rallranil; 70 acres under dltehtb first class decreed water rights;, acres ofr fine bench land, 5 r*i house, fair out-buildings, fences and eorrals. Price,. On terms of $1,.000 cash If d Ilnd lalallce longff timen at8 per interest. A dandy little iro tlon .. , Hoverson 0 Stephu 331 N. Higgins Aver Intl. Phone 21,14. iell Phone 202 Homes $100 down, balance easy, for 4-ie plastered cotta84e, well lotel;'. water, fine cellar, and only - $200 down, balance monthly easy, for $-room moderna well located on South ide, A house. Our pribes are rigbht' Houses, lots, qWer t& loan, 8 per cent. Van Valen Eickmanun REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE Western Montana National Bank Building. , Bell Phone 523. Ind. Phone 486 A REAL. BAR GA I' $4,500 Is the price we are asklng for a new 7-room modern house; brick veneered; seven large rooms, large bath room and elosets; elegant interior finish of select tamrack. It is well located In South MIsMoula on a 80xt10-foot corner. Good barn and chicken house; nice lawn. This property is worth $5.300, but to make a quick sale we are offer. Ing It for 14,500. Owner leaving eity and must sell. Don't overlook tlht,, MONEY TO LOAN. FISHER & PROODGE 113 E. Main St. Bell Phone 84 red. Ind. 1612. FOR SALE I.ots In Union Addition, adjola~n IlSth Missoula: Ideal place for homeds; $100 Inlsde and $120 corner; 10 per c,,nt down, $5.00 a month. Let us show, you these lots. FOR RENT Four-rolll, moudrn house, four blocks fron Hliggins avenue; $9J per mlOtb,. 10-Room modern house close l.ns; $ per month. GASSERT 6 HEYN Real Estate, insurane, Leoans 128 West Cedar Street "nopendent Phone 1729; Bell Phonew BUNGALOW New, modern 5-room bungalow on welli-improved, 50xt30-toot lot; good concrete foundation, concrete cel., Iar with concrete floor; one block from street car: on South 4th street. Price, $2,100. TAYLOR & PEARSON Real Estate and Insurance. Over Reilly's Grocery. Phones: 920 Bell: 1724 Ind. A SNAP Two lots close in on Woodlford street, city water, the cheapest Jots In South Misuoula. Only, each ..................,:j$1¢i - OSCAR CRUTCHFIELD,. Real Estate. Inmre.n . 112 Higins Avenue Pi*st National Dank iuid;ng'; Paul Gerbe REASL ESTATE 406 jigtnis Aveiug 8ell Phone 188 81leek. *lIq Phqsp On lam yi, MIONTANA -4 806 i