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for one of the choicest 8-room ti iresidences In the city, only three :~west of Higgins ave; on Fourth st. ' s agood furnace, two baths, a good ant and a $500 barn; plenty of .g..od lawn, a south front, and we lmake any kind of terms that you wish. S M. Rhoades * " Estate and Insurance .iHggens Ave. Hammond Block A M FEINLE Y kilOf ULA COUNCILMAN AP. IN PEARS BPEFORE THE GREAT FPALLS CITY FATHERS, Through the efforts of Alderman Sf. IH, H iPnley of Mlsmoula who in in a: CIeat Palls as a. delegate to the state conventitn of the feleratlon of labor, pil the propnited and actual Improvements be itn Missoula are being advertised and ol made known and even In Great Falls, Ti .thq Improvement city of the state, are on M lvingl due 'recognition.- The Great oa V .l'ltline naya bf Mr. Finley's Ita A.Jdarman C(. H. Pinley of Misseoia In dd. ssed the council upon being In i ylted to do so by Mayor Murphy. Al- tit derman Finley Ia here to attend the in "labor convention, but he said he was ca Pi eply interested In municipal affairs and after looking over the city he was ready to state that he wished his io homtl town was in an good condition. Mr. Flnley expressed his belief In the value of (our block system of paving of and as Missoula Is about to spend a II large amount Of money for such llur. poses he considered his ttnime well spent In examining' First avenlse, N south. and Central avenue, t The cluster electric light posts here lan o 'aught his eye, and It is his be. ua 1let that similar posts will be Installed of at Missonla. Another step which Misn snula is about to take in to replace fire fighting r.pparatus drawn by in horses with motori power. In LICENSED TO WED. Marriage licenses were Issued yes terday to B. 1. Schlutz and Albertine ' BoWeor, both of Anaconda, and to It. or 'W. Pray of Flirence and )Della rtan non, of Stevensvillle, lt ASKS DIVORCE. Laura Steeley filed suit in the dis- Ir trict court yestcrday.against John D. In teeley, chaurging desertion and non- ti support. 12 w Notic. in Applications for recommendation Il for ,appointment as sanitary inspector will be received up to August 20 by IlI P0. D. PI:ASE, Hecretary of Board of ni l It lth. t w Dairy and Stock Ranch 800 acres lying between Whitehall t and Plpestone Springs: 25 miles east of Butte on the Northern Pa tifle railway. About one-half of the land Is covered by ditch-the balance is dry farming and grazing M land. This land is especially adapt ed to the growing of alfalfa, lug ar beets, wheat, o.ts, and potatoes. Fruit also does well. This ranch Ill is now being developed. About 80 Iu acres has been broken, and 50 seed. he ed to alfalfa. Land now being If fenced (part with woven wire.) re Two thousand cedar posts on thie I ground; no other improvements, In save small frame building now used hi as a house. land is volcanic .alsh and loam goll. The property ad- (I joins Pipestone Spring, the famous health and pleasure resort. White- to hall, a nice town of 700 people with It find high school, churches, business houses, etc., 4 1-2 miles east. A Il large open range lies immediately re to the north of this ranch andl would afford range for a large herd Ir sf cattle or thousands of sheep. t' With Butte, a city of 75,000 people, io anly 25 miles away and with splep-. i did train service, this property Would be specially suitable to lt',Irying, the growing of vegetables i iJad pniall frults for the Butte mar. 'nit,? . tra*berr~les have been known tl itoa:'as, high as $1,000 worth of M per acre in the immediate to vQh:lI-Y of this ranch. Potatoes as 'hlih * 800 bushels per acre, alfal. fg, 5 and tons per acre. Thls has Ahe, pJng of a very valuable prop. a • qiWe, W'pffer it for sale for a , , titp at only $30 per acre on 'It.Ift faile is made.wlthin vlfll throw In all the gn4 implements. MISSOUILA SPEAKS TO BUTTE INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE COM. PANY COMPLETES NEW LONG DISTANCE LINE, lcefollo, Missolnn ?" "Iello, Butte?'" The foregoing conver.iation took place for the first time last night between two long dintace telephone operators of the Miontana Independent Telephone company, when the new copper-metalie circuit between Ruite and Minsoula was opened for service aI r another link wa' added to the challin of Independent teolphone lines in Montana. lollowlrng cloely upon the romple- mt tion of the new $250,000 automatic plant F In Missoula and the extension of the company's line to Stevensvllle, Inde. IX pendent telephone sabscribers are now MI given greatly increased faellitles for co long distance communication wltih ye several new points in the llitter Root tol valley, which had heretofore been oat to of touch with the other lines of the Independent evAtemn. dl The new 'Mlrnoula line parallels the Northern Pacifle railway from Butte tk to MinNsoula, taken In Deer lodge, J Warm Springs. Drummond, Bonnetr f and other points and covers a distance I of 120 miles.U To tile many nubscribern In Butte. Anaconda, Helene., Deer Lodge and points in eautern Montana who use Independent telephone service exclu nively this new Ilnn will be of great cnnvelence and In many instanIen of decided commer:Cal value. Tite long distance lines of thei Lane companlen now extend from Billings I on the east to Minsoula on the went and to (reut Fails on the north, con. necting with Independent exchanges at practically 'every important city in the state. llnder the directlon of President at Thaddlleun . Lane of the Montana mi Independent Telephone company, the en Independent system in Montana has arown in three yearn from the original O' 225 telephones In Butte to nearly 15,000 01s whicih in not Inclusive of the many gr long distance stations being operated gi i1 t ohbtlre points throughout the state. pi r The Independent comlwpny is now planning tilhe imnldlte building of tli f another long extension from Minsoula to to Mallan, Idaho, where a connection ill will be made with Spokane and the in nlumerous northern Idaho points ) reached by the Interstate (onsolidatedl 0 Te'lephone company, of which Mr. no .lnne also in preslident, m "Otlr new Missoula cirtuillt Is pro- st Illl'ng 1'emarkubily distinct talking et qlalitiem," declared State Sluperillntnll- h dent Risley last night. "The new linen to are composed of the highest class cop- w iper-metellc wire on the market today In and with all new modern equipment the serlvice catnnotl he other hlusl ex, etl.. vi lent." 111 MAXIM'S MAXIM, ki --- In Modest Claims Often Carry More Con viction Than Loud Boasts. "lh When Maxim, the famous inventor, i1. placed hll gin before a committee of rn Judgesn, he stated Its carrying piower to i t be connlderubly below what he felt it sullre the gun would arreomnplish. The ci result of the trial was, therefore, aI n tliumph of surprise instead of dinap.- I pointnment, na it might have been if h n had overestimated hi gun's efficiency. g, Our claim regarding Newbro's ilerpi. tlide is based on actual scientific facts. tt If a Ilving germ isn causing your hair ,p to fall ult, it's the most sensible thing to kill that germ. Newbro's lIorpiclde does this quickly `I and effectually, 1)entroy the cant: you it remove the effect. adid by leadinlg drggists. Rend 1eI f In stalmp for samlphl to The Ilerpcilde I I'n., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bhotte guaranteed. dinssuilit Drug Co., spe- h vlnl agentsn. ASKS DAMAGES. Another suilt was udded yesterday to the many started against Charles C. t Welling, a young contractor who left I town suddenly a few months ago. Yes torday's was brought by Charles . i Johnson and the Nationiol Surety company is the principal defendant., Mr, Johnson ahks $5.000 as doamages i for delay occasioned by tihe defendant fI Welling in not completing a flat bulld- I ing on time, REOCLAMATION WORK. SeAitor Dixon went east yesterday I lmorninlg to rseat the army engineers tl wrho are inspeeting the reclamation Work In eastern and northern Mon Want, nAvertlainlg is a right-work y tind.1.r-tor thL right workorl ei PALLADINO RETURNS TO HIS OLD FIELD lit 3i t nt FATHER PALLADINO. FATHEI PAL FPither Pnliadihn, who Ilvel here for w nany years, hasl returned to tfsInt hi rather Trivelli, rectrr of Et. irarnt'I I Kavile'r C'utholic church. Th' p"plIh of stI llmsot;la'wlll give him a ourdlinaf wel- i w Bome., for he i very polpltllar. Five wI vears ago he left this parlish for L.ewis ton, Idaho, fromn where fhe \wa;Hl H(illn to North Yaklma, Wash. To a Mimnoullian man lather Palln- w linn nald, laust night, that lhe dil not II know how long he wlulIl stly. Ihiri'. lni We," ahid he, 'are like eildllers--gi, vI , ,, , . . . . ... . . . .. . i .... CORVALLS GROWING F SPEEDILY LITTLE VALLEY TOWN 18 RAP J SIDLY BECOMING A COMMUN ITY OF IMPORTANCE. ('orvlallls Iths shtkt'ii iff thl, hIth argy thai iint klept It stitlli oairy for r nany y(lrs. illd is goinglll .'II'wnrd willhil l emphutlh strithh'. 'lT'h vluilnl iif' hu-I uies is dliiiy liii oin I wits ii "'.1 y inri ago); husIIinown coll~lnvenllenle hatVl ho.(n I jreatly Incnrinidl' ih, nln tt tIowl 11 is b 4 glinning to fi'.l lhii nI'i'ti ofl' i'lvic lim-l provements. Il Hulhllh nK nl.til\ity i,. pa tmrll ne~ly n1,.- I (1eable to, tllhos. \\'hoI Ilave· IltL kept", Uh6 on thl' twnll. 'T']Ie ,ux~lluImrin Imn1,l I in replahizncig hif, 're ipt't'' iltg bstilsfttlaf iot'i'iiiirn i w irut'rs. 'i i f rs. '. II, 'r ll lllllllt lII PIrlostum th r fely (' lrlt'h i'rll itt r Into. i i llll t fia blotfk withf t I'IVt ' wall. Th'tt hu-llt rl i' l s h ' I i t ti gIlrt'."lli h ildn, tlnel' which hir l I ht iio t'1 I nll No'V- h till' rlcl Iten l ti1 hllitr.lth. l trl i 'I llr it bllh l'ln' wi 'fll L b 3x8 lft' ir, Thor . 1 - o ',II . (lr It i lsl l llt l.('I l i t h itlliil r.Ii illlfr .llti Hlr Ilth° ii. r t iib f l it h i 'tilt Ingl.. Wimpressed 11111Ifshm of itthtiii its it fli llI rine llrklls .htt nl · r tlnls si' li was i'Ilot i l H llh rbc~l\ ··i, I;II~ (',I i~tqlhlrll \VI-I ademed, the ntillid iof whil'h ha Ii.'Yn IInIIil fell n y lite i h nlilder t eml 11...11. Ititpt k 'll f lhe o 'nl ~hier, r'.sld. r ,tis lile, hg v ist rU, ently, hIllllt , i'. ii l', i mism eusi ''hi'.e pl'evlt Ii alfifilen ht theºir genlerlnl ,.tor', whh b yalve' thlqn nmullh IimIol, florh s ~in. .'iloweph Unwlh. - hell, tvll plny n r lm lfilllIgIYat, hi't ri'n fd. ,ilt eP. lry N o e nhl'rs. I , .t, Ii r 11 l,. Wanksto advelisin utse thcean coot i iw rNc, de o h Mmih fth cn moninty, 8l1l k li1'm..' gen,.ral stor, oillipropsnyd rt'll\s 11nfr, i1a1 itrI it.' ens onii. c esur einn tu folr the Illneel Iof civi¢' hmplovemlnt hle' nltul r l ur randlii g;ll.. of te ~" rtwI l prI'hlOp en tihle Ira ie t, but uniilll lt- I ly ahh'wulks 'tltall tol mlll his hlim lpr.0i silons. V wgtor. nthel thts irregllhr, iIty lind ome n~lrllt til the neeld Ilf a. ulnl f i hm My s te m o f s( d \Hle w \'llll e, ith e r b ol l'r:t or , IF lmant. T H'lee 'al h, )oltti , I1| the. IbIc)Htell of il n,,rp (Itlllill, by.' nll l , klnprovement ll uhb enmpaign;lfll anId onl(' mniay hel )!LarIted na soo H M l lis mil itI]yv Is rcognlzedl. Trhe visitor ,to I'rlil'VlIl is allwly.1 im p ressed w ith it, nl tr ctl{'tl . ll F Io s I hll conl.ltr. (1lrvt c tree In mower tile tow with o,,nrlllg shallde thlough I th I tl, tmmll r i onltlh1,,. I,blthhtlng tilh way)farlor restl. Th,,y t'll llp lqrly v\lI blai histo'y. for t'y wgr e planted] by tle llone.thr lhel thils set')InI w (a drmed the f valley i t 'a ndy I IP al. -luPrd lhe first Httlers, N , oith r fai~nlliel. dwell unlder them llnd differ( ent c ditcltnl oltaln, ,utl they servr us ilenll~lt testimnlslhl o~f the deadt punt. The omrmnltlllty tII contol, 111n (orL. vulhIt1 I) prlmeros {"roll i't 'o1t ant iusual, |in ins'l tances better. Opt11 mis~m ever' prevainl and the he. lh f tha.t the oh| toIwn in 'lhe h*Ht 11n the valley a f'irnm -llloulf its relde.lInt., .WantII advertlIing cuts the cosrt at' youlr property, teilling taslk, anld short *R-hi t. tLLADINO. wherever we aret snlt. I am here to help la'uther 'I'rivellt. "MI.soula has grown conasiderably slno'e I last stu It. I have not been out to look rolund, but I cnn tell from what little I have seen that it has made wonderful progress. 'The atmosphere here Is so bracing, so delightful. I like it very hnuch." The Missnula church was a missilon when Ialther Palladlno-first came here. lie c'ame In the period immediately iftetr that of I'utthers DeBmet and Ra vall. FIGHTI FILMS COMING TO MISSOULA JACKEY AND M'CARTHY SECURE"a PICTURES OF FAMOUS JEF- TI FRIES-JOHNSON BOUT. ot Vii i'' it .lh'ciarthy and FIred Jacky dl ret urll'ltl y.stterdaly from Salt `*Lake where' they ipurchased the Montanai y rights f'r, the pro'i.antatlon of the .1 fi- Johlnsotn fight Ipictures. The o Itwo Mi.imllhl ilts. were Fo1t the grouund o(l'ly ianll ty dllnlt of hard work anltd giid boosting securted the state rights. I 'Thli. il(tiIos., the successful ,bidders retpel t. ilre aahsinoltely first class. The P Ioitt It Is rtemarkably cletr and every ,htl il f ti't tiII 'llich-ninking battle lIe- th I lithe ulttndefetted white champion I lli thte mlysterious bhlack mnpo with y I the "tidein imile" is shown distinctly. 'i'Thiy will Iffllotlr the local fans-iand IhI I';lm.l Ill ev'ry' other town in the stt,, fur tihat imatter -at opportunity , ig' ,''ll this histtirit fight second. ii 1'T flii i huts Ibe'ten puricht.sed ou. riglt alltd ha:t netver heten uised aind II Nlloitu-ll will Ile givenl the first look it it. ttcirding to th. present pro- c I i; nt. 'J'h itwniers of thie film have ItlI ho Idetid is yet its to where they ii wiIll sihow it -bit It Is thought that i it i ill I,, i ln i li prgirim lit some hlo';l Ithatl'I dirring tlhe first part of it LOCAL BREVITIESt mllloke 1\Vin Ilooper clgars ,. lit .tigifll, tiof it' ('li tgi i I t Viitiori ill the city, . i Drink J .hit lIutInd's Peerless beer, t 1t. A. 1it l 1of itltte vit-liteld MIs 'h ytsterd ty. Dr,. \\'illurd, oiteopath, 1st Nat's Bank t S.1. A. llilh sln of tpoikitne Is visiting fri tll . iIn :iHitstiIh hi, I'lubit, stenographer, Dawson, 5 Dixon. A. i'. S1tllln tt of r leveland Is tIraIns- i ittitg il,.i.ine.s4 in the city, I James u t. IItlhtades, fire Insurance. 'Thomlllls I'. Kilnney of Helegn was n e visitor In the citty yesterdIay, l Malll.h, the unldertaker. Phone 331. (ll'. It. I., 'iimltuntt of Butte was ii visitor in .Missn.Ila yesterday. It. II, Melalrey, livery, hack and t'tlsfer. Phone 655. Dr. \'Ward, veterinarian, Tel. 33 or 6ll. e A. i. . I)aysent of iSozemaln is a visit- C i' l I .lllssunln for it few days. Missoula lee Co. Phone 810 Blauk. 'Try Dutch Calsomine Kellogg Paint Co. Axul S.llhott of Chicago was a butl lnssi visitor in the city yesterday. Fr'ankt P. Keith, Insurance. Florence a block. Fred S. Wilson of Elgin, Illinois, Is 3 slindling a few days in MissoUla. The Mlssoula Brick & Supply Co., office 115 Higgins avenue. II, Berg -f Spokltne is visilting friends in the city for a few days, Dr, Anna James, osteopath, Phone 1 834 Bltack, Higgins l block THE GOLDEN RULE .The:Store That Dosca Not Misrepresent Augst Cleanup Sale ON WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES Soon we tust turn our attention to increasing, as fa1ll dresses alnrid mults Ure comintig in. .JIINt now every effort is bieing exerted to make room for them. Yotu (n re.p unet(lililed savings from buying at. this sale. Silk drePsses, ol ponge', iiHsalincte nld tn ffetar, in all c olors, I rilllllld with hIie allnId br'uiils; someI' are made with tIhe over skirt, some plaIted, oIhlers with jnst plain skirt. There will he very little llange in the style of dresses for fall, so it will ii pay you to bny the dress now while the sale price is oni. SALE PRICE - '/i ONE-THIRD OFF 13 ly m SUIT PRICES '.TIAT ARE NOT TO 11B EQ(UAIED IN TOWN ANY PLA('E' a $17.50 suits ...........................................50 3 .50 its ........................................ $18.50 $22.50 oilts ........................................$1. OO $42:50 suits......................$20.00 *l.5.O0 suits ........................................$ 15.00 $47.50 st its .......................................4 2 .50 $65.00 nuits ........................................ 31.50 , 9r a. A. agen of Helena Is spending a few days in the city on business. Vacation days will soon be over. Have you in Evans Bros. trunk yet? Isryce Elliston of Cincinnati regis tared at the Florence hotel yesterday. Missoula and western Montane directory for sale at Missohllan office A. ('. Patrick of Butte arrived here yesterday for a short visit In Missoula. Drink Joel B. Frazler at the CJxford ",very swallow makes a friend." Stains, enamels, varnishes, etc Kel logg Paint Co. J. it. Madsen of St. Louis Is stop ping off in Missoula for a few days. .lairdresslng, Miss Archer, Flat Na tlonal block. D. David of $t. Ignatius came in yesterday for a short stay In the city. Colonial for candles and ice cream. Phones: Bell 57 Red; Ind. 475. E. M. Graham o! Seattle is trans acting hus wlnes in the city for a -few days. Dry cord wood, slabs and edgingt. Riberdy Lumber Co., Tel. 743. Newton II. Schweiker, optical spe clalist; eyes examined. 318 Higgins. E. K. McNelll of Spokane Is visit Ing in the city on business for a few days. Dr. Pearl Poster, dentist. Chlldren's work a specialty; 4 Higgins block. Phone 38 for cabs and bagage transfer. Greene & Ellinghouse. ien 1L. Baird of Alberton Is trans acting businesn in the city (or a few days. Dr. Hanson of Butte, Mont., visits any part of the state fdr consultations and general surgery. George 1. Haney of Omaha was among the arrivals In Missoula yes terday. Dr. J. Louise Smith and Dr. C, B. Spohr, osteopaths, suits 17, Masonic temple. Telephone, Bell, 618; Ind., 7.,2. Mrs. H. C. Teviss of Bryson came in on the yellow cars yesterday for at few days in the city. Dr. Riesland, optical specialist, now at rooms 2 and 3 Hammond block, until August 20. All glasses ground. Evans Bros. Trunk Co., manufaotur ern and jobbers of trunks, bags and suitcases. Salesroom 204 Higgins Ate. F'actory. Daly addition. Pbone 851. SMajor Skinner returned to Heron yesterday after a short visit with hAl parents. in M1~soula Does your piano need tuning? Leave orders at Lucy's store for expert tun er, Work guaranteed. Montana MUsio Miss Nora Smithey of Hamilton, county superintendent of schools of Ravalll county, is In Missoula for a few days. Apple boxes--a large quantity of standard slse kept oenstantly on hand at B, B, Lumber Co. Yard 50$ Toole B avenue Alderman Douial MoCormick left yesterday afternoon for Heron, where he Is going to tight the fires which are menllacing the little town. Hitter Root Valley Nursery Co., Vic tor, Montana--Home-grown trees, guaranteed true to name; "We are ta agents tfor tha Geneva nursery. T. Ill iHanbldg., secretary. 5. P. Kerr, manager. rl URSULINE y: SCHOOL i. ST. IGNATIUS MISSION Via Ravali, Mont. I Boarding School.for Young Girls All the advantages of public *- school, commercial course and high ,I school, S Bpeelal attention paid to music, drawing, domestic science, etc. '" SPLENDID, HEALTHY -. LOCATION Speclal buildings for young boys -. from' 5 to 12 years of age. I SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS FOR WHITE CHILDREN. For further particulars apply to the MOTHER SUPERIOR. e-I LOLLO HOT SPRINGS An ideal place to spend your vacation and improve your health. Se TAGE FROM LOLO. Connects wlth trains Monday, Wed. nesday and Friday, going up. Ae commodations for all 'who want to go. Stage fare $3.00. ta Hotel rates $2.00 per day, $12.00 per Is week, Including all baths. Cabins $2.00 to $4.00 per week, including stove,and ns spring mattress. Baths $1.50 per week '- extra. Call of OlIbert's store by telephone, B. free of charge, for stage reservations Ic Ii; SHOE SALE a AT THE. , Workingmen's Friend w Clothing Store li1 WEST PRONT STREST 'r DAN R. FEIGHNER'S fi New Family Liquor Store 184 West' Cedar SL Opposite the Postoftlefe. .i All prominent brands sold at out ,o prloos. of SHOES AT aMAPE5 & MAFlS of ed Makes Life's Walk -t s. !e Wanted. 10,000 Women it To use Main's 'liquid soap. It saves rubbing and removes stais.. Will not I rft the clothes or hurt the handa, Adll your grocer, 4I aS qua . t, rr, aeeumO eN WANT Ap.. aIUni QUoCK RnsltS 1 When You Put on a Shirt Bought here there is never any dis appointment about the fit, the fabric, the fashion. Our shirts are made by experts and are comfortable, roomy where needed, snug fitting where they should he. Come and lay In p supply. They will give you an idea of what a fine men's furnishings shop this is. LINK'S 103 West Front Street N. P. WOODS 8068303 Higgins Ave. EVERYTHING TO EAT Oroceries and Provisions Fruits and Vegetables Meat Market All Kinds of Freak Meat and F ish. Both Phonee in Both Deplrtments. JUST RECEIVEd Our fall suit samples. See our sam ples before ordering suits made to order. A speelalty of cleaning, pressing ant alteration, THE PANTORIUM. 202 West Mali St., opposite City HItll Both phones: Ind. 7098 Bell 903 Black. West & Austin CARP'NTRRh D1Bl DR AND S ABINET MAKERS. Old Mill Building, Higgin. Avnque, I Phe o 17 0. WAT7MISS. 4IAMO 1 . JEWELRY ~V vwl ··p' I * iso,,e