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aru*" teater C. A. ,HNMQO, Manager, ONE NIGHT Friday, August. 19 MARGARET ANGLIN IN THE GREATEST 'TRIUMPH OF HER CAREER "The Awakening OF Helena Riehie" METROPOLITAN PRESS UNANI MOUS IN ITS ENTHUSIASTIC VERDICT. 4'eat tSale T'hursdlay. Pricer: 5 u to $2.00. The Grand SIMONS & SEARLES, Proprietors. Two evenings of moving pictures only, a.,n four evenings of vaude ville at the Grand this week. i A4misslon upstalrs 6c; ground I floor 10c. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday REFINED VAUDEVILLE PER. PORMANCE EACH EVENING. LE WITT & ASHMORE 1 Versatile Comedy Sketch. HOWARD WOLF Musical Comedian, Matinees Thursday, Friday an( Saturday only. PRIZE MATINEE FRIDAY. r-- . I I 'he ISIS The wat.,l wai given to Mr. Jo seph Lister ,. See the big feature program to night. "QQLaEN SECRET." "THE MOTION PICTURE MAN." -A howling comedy. "THE 6r1TLE MOTHER AT THE NABY SHOW." 'The ISIS Be$t Service, Best Apparatus, Universal Connections Make the Bell Telephone the Ideal mneapn of transactlng buelnses rapidly and well. New lines Just completed' to the Flat head cqu.try irlnng much addl tional and important territory within Instant reach of Mileoula. Order a Bell .Telephone today. You will never regret it. Every. Bell Telephone Is the Center er the Sysemi : "m L. . " . . ....q7m toC The BIJOU Ilk EXTRaM EXTRAI LOOK WHOD i8 HERE eanry N. Wagner TIM PAMOU4S WA.B.TONSI" All lovers of good mule'lshould not miss this treat. ALL PIEATURII. A' MIDNIGHT SUPIS. Another 3logr4ph ptg4ure up to thle ptqtndlrr. A thpusand tot of excitingu adventure. THE 'OVERLAND QOACH ROBBERY, " eru it' ls. IExtiting, thrilling. It'sc a rip roaring robbery and has bealtiful ptwuril urcnpry to: ~i backi ound, .oe Itt, ee it, VERONA, A scenic picture-when we may Pathe made It you know what to e" pept. It YT venPy Oab tYl rts. t~ e8 teo 9Q rit, L great: SIPok and every oot fyllJI p IeregetP., i URE K.. BY FES TRE8S EITHER KILLED OUT. RIGHT OR 80 INJURED THAT LO88 ,e GREAT. ,Th.e dpatigo dtvue bt forest firet may be discussed under te followlii heads, dpOTaires a 'Utidited 'iki(lik Dn( partment, of AgriculiKre' pulectin on fires: first, death bf standing trcia; sdcound, injury to u.tres that are not killed; third. Injury to the moil: redu; tion of the rate of growth of the I standing timber, and the on re production. This section of the country, hi esple cially interested in the first two. Tim Iher is a valuable asset for a country to have in this year of progress. Crown fires, the bulletin says, kill outright most of *the trees In their paths.. In a severe fire the foliage of coniferous trees is completely ion Hunted. -Hardwood trees in mixture are generally so badly scorched that the buds, leaves, and living tissues in other finer parts of the trees are killed, If not consumed by the heat. Some times, however, where the fire burns somewhat irregularly-as, for example, where there are a good ImnmUy hard woods in nmixture or the fire Is broken by Irregularities in topography-single trees or groups of trees often escape injury. (Ground fires, also, usually kill all trees In their way, for although they burn very slowly, they generate it great volume of heat and kill the lie Ing tissues of the roots, Soinetimhn thi injury is not apparent above ground at-all, but the trees die and after a ti, are 'blown over, because the roots have been iolled and weakened. Surface fires kill seedlings and young trees with tender bark, but in a great miany cases do not kill outright the larger trees. Nevertheless, a very severe surface fire may kill everything in its path, and not uncommonly, hard wood forepts are entirply destroyed by fires which do not at any time asslume the character and proportions,of crown fires. Reslstance, Some species have much greater' power if, resisting surface fire thati have ethers. This is usually hdue to the character and thickness of tlh, hark. Trees with delicate, thin bark are killed much more readily tha'i those with thick, corky bark. Young trees are killed more readily than old ones, because the hark. Is thin nid there has not beea levelopl.l tr'e Iy. er of cork, which increases In.tin mont with age. Accordingly, some trees i wlhlh are very resistant to fire when mateure are exceedingly sensitive when young. tuod.exainmples..aro the easitoirn an .wpsterg white pines, the red pine, the western larch, and .WVugJ l, fir. The cork 'Ill'the bark acts as aI nIctn" 'cqlndu!tor, and piot&tc. the. Ilving tis Ssuers 'frr m overheating. Some species exude from the bark a great deal of rosin, which catches fire and increaser the intensity of the heat. A good example is lodgepole pine, which often exudes tosin over a considerable 'portion of the trunk and increaes tile damage by fire. Other trees have soft, flaky hark which catches fire readily. Like the resinous trees, these are killed at the I)oint burned by the heat generated in this. way. Shallow-rooted trees may be' killed ,by surface fires when the heat of the burning humus is go-eat enough to Injure the insufficiently covered roots. Tie living parts of it tree are mlore sensitive to intense heat at some peri ods of the year than at others. The most sensitive period is during the early, part of the growing season, when active cell division is taking placd aind new cells are being formed, which are tender and naturally sensitive tq ab normal conditions. This Il very well shown by the damage of late spring firea., Thud, a surface fire in May or June may entirely kill hardwood trees which in the early fall would success fully resist a fire of equal severity. Many siur fce fires do not kill trees outright, hItuterlously lnjerq tboem Iby Sklllln a portion of the roots or trunkls. It is very common to find, tafter t fire, that nearly all the trees in the forest have been killed oil, one side. This is usually the leeward, side, he i causp her tha fi.fles have .an.oppor tunity to burn In immediate contact with the tree long enough to Injure it. If a fire is burning up & slope, even when therte, is no wind, the upper side of it tree is psusally more damaged than t1b lower side, both because of the ac cumulation of leaves and other litter above the tree, and. bcause Tires are darriedl .upward by tfe currents of tihe I Sut i I T has a peculiarly deli Scious flavor found in nootherbeer. It'sbecause we grow our own yeast, malt our barley in the old - and reliable way and age our beer properly. HIGH LIFE BEER is always uniform in quality, and purity. We always make it the same way. It always has the same rich and pleasing flavor. *rewed by Sl MILLER BREWING 00. t MIlwaukeu, Wis. d i ORD5ER A OASE TODAY it ,W. H. YERRIICK, Wlriuluer in 121 W, Front St, Pe Black 284p Id .n 121 W. Front St. P e Mack 284. k hit altlt, its aiitl p. I i e III .1h utt ls is swet along~ bii IIt 'Cilid.tlttii i tInt ilttiii, case rot' h~l it west- ' laii' iii , dtrie, tilt l k illingl lIlII' o il I ·illlw iii resuth In itsl~ p diii 1iiiiJu tol lIrii11(11k liand iIl hol w aii ii ls l u,l.'l lii It i ay r hc al ef v r. . i 'iii ,t'x it rlllulii yi, I I ii i, r iii iii V&r'i'ttt I 'Ii lll ~lil'rt.', t1iIl'ltlt ilitliI tiVlll It tilt' kitoi ngl ilt sIlI t tll' thei u", in pardt' 111 ,' tue Irui Il' i tIt or iii'' tull,a ,lit it as.,i~ t which liltttnr ciIC l u'tlii 111 rte r' tcii ht'r ator~t ej~l the btutt.y It y iji s,'oln. ii1 11)(i',o t it -rIC af terl ;t t urnill' tll - uta tit'i f, lwti nat~t` illtQok w inut r I 'thrtuiting, it I' t thellc tlssnes 11) firs'. I rlrnaw, b y Ilil~t'll 't' i e'-htrnks, bteaulsiui ittt'locall It tukc. it' It ot~~UtCt of pichUIIC~fc lr' huts~c l 4Othe I re t this tl t IhtrnIdI kIIl. ifIl( iltlt It'' llo ailt tilt-lia. i t4 di ii i. notII thud trees ht the Port, inceao thruh I R fire daut t'r. a n~dTl~· 1I - hitll the tissues 1· .(·l 'rto o .d, and sI') lt-1(,. N der I11,, ~ltl wood tmt Rl~ ll the t lu . r is lr~uy I. scutur In 1· Ia- lll while pines, that hlrr tv,· ' !t it, lui'ip proportin of'clr, lbl, but t go uged~ e out by~t rt cpeubcd fires and ul'U still.(rl ( I. allvt'. Al tl)( ~! y ll' Ow large tres it, the ! l1 -' Pac Ifle coast Ifk." trod fn', yell\·ul~l w' pine, i fs su u pin, ad it e, stnd 'm, utt t yet's atty rttny of illscharcterL Thedatngt: o u ree b kiling I t n part to tilt; trunk or it part tit' the routsII(:.1.I e deperula on Its res piring power utldduc · It < n 'tll pt I thr ci. .s~ucs lit - sollle risea the tree is it, welukcn'tr by Il! r h eh uru c l udli ; t h at it~i is ul'vr r a rd okI. e e n ore a t th M u t . J o epo eit I te orst u tll country bus beeu n more ltpocluced fly r,)L· fire thus by al ly otltt~ j one latter, '.lh (it ytrk y of is great Utility st Iinds. are Out i'i. to "thu Inrluu nil L of tires oil rcla, 1' i Lion, . . is- , ~ I th'sedhts T hisis OlIllstrtej lui LLWeaPJ pins is put rtltrr)dul ond, In~tsv i I -'-,lust because there is a luck ur tri dpe l tl n n i r e u n l a v t 'iah l e , b u t t c a s L ll ,"nu a l rlkll L e y u g; a e s 1 Tnd ata ~ltis Aug 1i.-inh )hlcht l. b ,Gilt, today, wane t, 'revlde t Lew- ar he' a tlt, . CJUNSV and restored ord~er In t' I Ink i'natlonat~cogrerttit rl when the rl tl- tt 4 tit etktlled i· THOMPSON TRIAL HAS BEGUN AT HELENA I 1*' 0 .\ 1. ' ' i,' 2 i: i l of .i, "k .(. h 'I'hill l|p ").' 11, ,l2 llr ll n 2 'll . "i . '12l2Il2 - 1 ' '21t1 ,7it 1 1i ' ; 1| ili't : , s1i In 2l n11,2y ill 2 1 2' 22.'2Rl 2 ri .''c r', ill, i d i. 11 i t 2 ll2 - , t 'I'll I - m ; II1 2,i'll , 22.2. '1h, 'l i h o" I.s n 2 T l 2t 2 22t22' . 2 2 I h 2lI 'l /.Il is't',. - , I'tilulilnR IL I I 1 , ,v'1 1an h111 - ll by II I', 2,j'.. 2I I2'2 ~ 2 2'! 2. :l2l2l. 21 2 (, 2.l l ll' 1. ,u 2 li2, i2l2 2 ' Ih i I, 1 , -, - h . .22. 212 2 ,' i ,s S I,' i ' 111i n i 1 I' I, l'..2 l . 2 3 ',II WsIhington Report. 2 I ''ll'2 id by' , n ' F ' l 'l 2i.' I - 22211 , 2222 -i f ili22 221 ,.'." ,.' h , I I IIil'. minting22 2 ill '222-l I2i-2-!222222 I1' ti22,2 212I22. I22' 1122' 222li2 2 .2'lt12u . . '.l '2ill2 1i I II' hllu2 2,2 t 2-1 22i2 nn2 r i,21 I 2 'l,n2:.l l . II ilo anlllt. i - 1 11,' . .li,-ll2.2i i }nl."ll, , 2 I ll. 1 -11 2IIIB llk, lyy ur tint., it " tlll ;l h l222 22 l'2 , .t.2. Ii n 1),2 il, 22.- lt 22I2 2.221 1 I1'' 1 I1lP,, -ln, 1 l . 222 2', IIrt IIs 2 i 12t2 i i .' l i-'', 1 t 2i , 21 1 2 112' ,2 lh i' : 2l'fI lik. - i l t.2 I l 2 . i' .'1 I-2 2l l 'li2'2. ' t .it ' f 2hir,' y "F l'rllh uuh t'l I t l oii i t ' 2y ,'I.'il, it222i2 of 2 h. r22 2 t2u2 . II2 '2 1.41 rt22 I'l' l 2 i2.n t ' ,- : 22 '' 2, 2'up 1v2l. I 'i f rll II1' "I ,( tl I. illl ti Irid'i, . h11 1. '1 a i"l(sl , I'· it. ' ll:u l ll g" illil 71 ' 11tl'tl nul orii l I jy f2rw232 2.rd2.d III'- i2 te -..' o W\1v' 2ngt2 u, ' (lI ti l ' " Iln ' iv 1 u ;1.,l l'lti· 'l) I'i l nlll'lI I i2 ' u22 2l 'it- , .i'. r t. 2' 22 i- I',2 ' .2l'2l ,l' I' i f2i 'l:l , 2I il t- i i-11-u.2 lt1, t( 22 I ll 1, ,'.- t'., -' Lth i 1g ,in : ',.',II 1 1.' h, t! is i' h ,'l'. ,. ' i s 'tu' 2 .' o.f l2ti- hi..-..'' ',ill I~' i' 2 l ,'' 21 22 fl, 21222il 2t2222 ii.1 22,-I ;.!,,2.22u2' i2 , 2 ,2',-1 22 I; -22.. (2' f'22tt2 I"- - Shargcs in Detail, :tf ll I t2wllas i' , ;i r l. ] i in. t 12 il1,',y, ,ll, ,it n S fl t nui t .11,dlll ll 1 1,;l ti,, , iI , lll ii .ll;i l i 2: l 12221 vt , 2l 2 22o li.2ilt ,2 I. ll'' i 2 2 a11-l tinll than tho1 2 ', . lilly 1 :1 i 11 -' 2 In 2 .2 2t2t2 Itjy to2l 2.' i2222w o f i n1i1' ,''body 2l'g22I2 I. t the li ir~ 2 ",1 ! .1latfnl 2 .V ryl,' ril .l,." t 2 llrill"' Ih22 .''22,iio l2u 2.2l in1 r't1. ,i, i p ilril..l; flii we 1. . - trttin eirnt ouiw.[ ill El k' h2 ilt212. , T.2 il . 1ir', .-it Fli't 2 1ul.2llth2 22 thali s havlti'ir hluoint tfill' only ar sl,'s toi dHitt,, . t.iii.1ull1h the, fig i'v +,1' , th110r titi,'. - ind cu1 nin.tr2. nl ti.'1 ii,,-t , I-'rIi ;;ll. l' tl,2 ' 2 2,f it 1ifi2 liar.2i222 22l- hfl2 ',i2t2'1 22 r.'22 tilr'lild t 22 ti 22:" 2- 2.t';r' lin-i -r .'2 ' v.2'21fi I t. I ol niin l i , A ' t h o u r t irrh , il< l in ,' sr) I ý.I4 dl i rat by t2it,- 2nu212i2a 12 . t'-2 22 '' 2,32 22'' 2 .ltirnply 22l lllt c l'r z ' .: i'll ts big tit. r2', tr2n2 , 'l . 2 22ffl 2 1 2.'' h2 r 2 "ii. ti 2t it 21 1T iil ', t 2 ..11 " ,1f . ', lih' 1 ir- 1 ' 2!il i-2 '2 - , 1 li22 " n22 2,21u .uil2 i2 f hal' l ,1 '' I - . 1.,ie rot (2r2iln2a l'2 ht2 1 i''li, ,i 2 2.2r2;, S F ills c ul 1id l -t l .' r' 2 2r'' ''d in tlhin .2a,'' I tlll 'lLt trlickery It i r21 '.2, 2'd2 'd that2 the 'Unl2t2$ " rato I 'I wit 2 f2 h2l22 k'-' t2'2lh 2h2 m pil l "fin .. o f $ 1r , u x th e ih , , ib he" pl 'ni 4- r2ty fl21 dei9 b 'r22. I .' l i'2-.22ation ~'f r1' !-e turtwliy ' i 1«.lti Huf , llh-iii yel a s ' ilu ( t!(2 ' +j2 2nm r21 2T 2 22h21, ffl 2k'Xl.2l ,'..xpre,2 p 400l ° rlWrit. ' itit thi fall,-ifictlion f 2hi22li.2i1 iirn i t'2 (22.2 2 I ,l, .2 .2.2 2c ' 2.-22 12 l"d 222 -is 2 ,i212in l2 to u l ak' 222:. 22 .,i2 ll' - 12222d I' Ut'it2 v2.222 s 21 the 22u22try. ANOTIHER FOREST A. FIRE IS RAGING 'ableIIr, ,A;I.. 1+. a4lh.) An th+'l"r rlf l'(.er . l · l't*, ;lll( I|.' th displu+llt llsing 24f 14) 2ii44ii h4 111h it, VII 22l44 " 2 4 f 11l2 i d 4v 4 2l2p .2l i ll.s h 1l ' 1 2 4 4l' 4"t i lr ' 4 4t .- 1 1t124,12 t44la4.. G1ll" 44424V f2l3.' Ix :1 2 Inil4.-4 Ii 2ilt 41it' Nort'lh I , irk I i . 1h1, i 'll,2Ik2,h 2i lJIti onl4;2 l 2 4ff4't . lltl I4 . ,;22- l,4 14 i+\+a22 l 4 l 5i 22 :-t 22 2, t l' iiiry,. ' U'T'0b e a oflN ll+ien,+ 8 0 the. 80" OfdI iI I+antIy sterlivedH ait lh'ihtl htod y usufa y ill "h, 2lltll 2. 1 ill l i4l21 4ll tl. (4 it1l1y . l'1 Ir 2 ', l2411 of24 1t42 424i 2 4242 1h.I w4ll 4 -1 I A utolr.l Iin hntx,' +flit' |*Iuns+ II tr'ans-+ ferrl'td from l ul ( ht' Ir p xrk to+ the+ StiIII ,,% til rj r'+gionl t) hI{'lp |III im l iiiii th,' tin.t bigI l'ire the~r,., ,, hk ish I .tilll Gaining Headway in Idaho. l.4 h.o.ill ', A4 . i17 -l,;4l r2 2ll1l4 14, I42 l<i+,nt,, thait tilt. o es l fHi reFhds ill th+ ila'- \ wi . t2rllI' r4l'I2 .4. r242 r2. ' t\ 14 ,. 1 ll; ho4 , ; 'a r '44 11224l2tl4 JI(2ill4\2 124. 14, ( l 4lllll. l '. \Vh1l £2"1 2It \2,'44 IU It44' ,,44 \1s 'J44 . ill'4 4 2 ,14 2.I4'4 2l4l'l4l424 fi,+4 I'I re++' I xtel' ul titg :SII+, iles . longt milt , f r i th re n 24' 24244t~lli ~(.1241 4 4 1 242212 12 1 $I1 11 - (`' I~'. NEGRO PRISONER IS SAVED BY STRATEGY ',4 1i24l2 , 2222 ,V'2 . , I 1 2 .4 4 4.4-'1'2ni - \ , 4ay 21 h11 44- 1222 24 21p22t4 o the 4 1ur'412 r 1 4 21 r 4 2. l.AS2. I 24t 4 , .\4 4it 4 4 L22i2 - ti- l In.. l) .tlI+, hin t Sl n. y hllht, wVl,. I2 hr2li4 2l4h t 2 thi 112 ty t4l'12ht, hut11 t hl'li 2y 2 4'2'4i'' 222 24+ 2:i. 24124- 22242I 24.44 24"12442442! l! "r" M nsIIIIIIrI' comlyl|) illal ,two'+ d'pulthi.. lil swaill NI'w riverI +'rll \\itItlld thro'utgh at l'(l'O <+rn Ilffer rl.VJ r with thchr lrrisoln~·lr i. a t fllhnt n las+t nihhl it II +t\+,l a hhin t,,' f'lr+l the mob.|l 'I'hvy olbtallined it i'ar l i,.' w.allXon this- tI+I'+ilr inK midh tl+okJ thlvli - 2222 |Jl' 4 '22 22 1 2](-2l ' I 42l2244. 12l42i3.X' I 12421, t'llle 2-. 4lt442, w 21 h 2r 2 th23ey 2242444l h 2 ill J1l4l. 2, th4 i' p'211, on r 22v+ 142 2 iI2,2-2 .224 42424 re the, moiuntlltailn; I+ this pin+H t wilt|d ll c la,.h a,. . .lt [riI. FAST TRAIN WRECKED. 2 I'htrhdtto, N. V ., u24. ,7.-- 1,o d nit myl,. t'} mIIIHg.I' inflorlblulltionl juntI Ir, i,, 4r.i2\'2 . 2 h2 4 l'2r' 1 '1. 1 tlll4'2 ll 42'4L4h idt2'4 ay'2 _ 44- 24lih2 2te4 l -NI. .20 \',2223 42l-e24ked 244424 2,- 224244.424ton, 24 2.12444ll fh1.' 1 2t2 tti2 n, 1 t 1'44 :1)4 s- o,'flock to)night. .It lr ra!yn"YgiypthBt 2 2 .4 '.r . r 2 e2 t the' t222241 42424d,21 1 +2t+ the244 221 (2 2t2'l II2h I' 2s 242 t4 44112' ll2(4-2 It ' 1t2il hb Id i ne+qtt tim~e b.'f',r', moret' defl'jl.t,+ Infat+" I mItjion h. reC'i.,t'ld. 42 212 114 4412 2 14144 124 24 4 42 14 421, '142 2412.1 .42'4 Laces trehosi aned, MIII h widthll. Mille 0*tnn std prlic, 50 A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE. i is prkis $ CLEAN SWEEP Half Price Sale 111 uni'qulllalhl ltt ' '1 NIIIIII in.Ir gwoulav yell ill our shwek ef ILA.il1s' I;II."\I1\tTO 're)'I''.A `'lli. nTalh ison all Linen Suits Silk Dresses Wash Dresses Tailored S III 1 Il lilln s;lhvt. e illtli 'l liiil W i' ' I .iiig Vill te i4iaL 'd oif ih Hilg , Ns it i'a iI) they Ii;Ikti you silIt'. Tbikl rf It- /2 HALF PRICE ~j# ,_r ..-.-....__. ..............-_......-,. ý. . .. ...,- jI____--- a -yý lrchlrd inj the I'ploei that we will tra4it for an orchard hprits improived or unlnproved, of from 2 to, 10 acres. lu)vesqtiguate tb I1,) (aid: AutLottsublhi to trade for orchard hooniest oF city property. O, ,. pay difference in cash. For Sale ieni a(cres orchaIl'ird lland, 300( hearing trees, 4 acres of potatoes, giindl hu.ute, lurll anlll excelllt hchlikel I hols.os.. This place hUi I s first tlasin watelr right anld ii only ten minutes' Walk, bridge. An excellent country home rigIht at the edge of the olW r Ilmilts, price $4,800 TwIo ill a half i e's i I thi e iy IItylmitp that would make a fillS clilt'll rltiiuilh anld it can hIe boughlt for $1250 'I'wlenty-ffivel alre of good I'rJlgaltedi hmd, good new 4 room house, tillI In clrop a 1 i .in sitel drive frealt erofflseu: liet s-lhuoW It ti you. Price. ' $6,800 Five , a res of. ufl niplroved oircihard hollon Iland, good water right, iI south Third street wel' t and we cat n sell it for ,1P $1,300 I lIIl htundredl lllid teln acres of goodl Irrlgated bHttonls Iand, fine se(t of s.ew builldinglllS ii the pIes'. 'The water right Ins worth inbre thli we are Itsking for this place. Price $2,800 Homes We have' three lnifty hu nlalows tfr rale that we would hbe glll to iilt4w youl, i)ln't pay rnt'll whenll you can buy a new bun gatlow ui easl y torllls. . Taylor & Pearse Real Estate .and Iusurnuee Office Over Reilly's Grocery. Bell 920 Independeat s1724 SWEET * - FrAHR ? ;A HONEY A Am Your wie wont"Kiciif you amoku.S In your home BECAUSE It leaves no disagreeable odor like the cheep ordinary tobacco. Buy a package or plug today. For sale by all first class dealers S Munumetm.ed by SJohn E.Tuokett Son . Freeport, Ii i. A' _ I GRANP PACIFIC HQ7EL OHAR. A, QCnRAQI; I? :. . 004an Day and Night Cornoar Railroad St. and MAiHuna 4v Cafe in connection. DAYS to Uae CHITINA CNPPIR NhW Ftlrllm ;ii .I; 1' IhC Et t , 0,14 it"ý+u ~ ~ ' A'~tultl ý la NnN un FStýa t urv 1ý A,.kKA HT!"7iIBiP I 4 4OrlTHWLSTICU RT.B A VIRGIN FIELD F R rROWR Is at tet arellable; It111' a. ·.aipDr a Hnnezstl,,U c1el A, 1M;ý ; `about it and abeP £WlIUGý" ý ý .< " MJIWR()U1AIAN W " . BRING QUT;K t