Newspaper Page Text
Missoulian.. . Class Als Ae De endable Business .G..i soul Clasps Ads Are Dependable Business Daily Puzzle .L ONLY A TRIAL TRIP. "Let's launch our bark ort matrimony'as sn," The youth suggested, by affection led. The mandtn reads the paper every day, She knew divorce was easy, anyway: "I'm with you for a trial trip," she said. • Find a pnrson. Answer to yesterday's puzzle: Itight aide down, tehind rnan. " GET YOUR ANSWERS, Answers to classified ads' remain In this office as follows: '.--One. P. X. Y.-One.. O(.-One. Owner-One. C. H.-One. h. W.-Two. D. A.-One V. 0. D.-Three. F. K.-One. E. C.-Six. IL. W.-One. M. C'.-Six. 1). P. C.-One. W. M.-Seven. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED-BARBER FOR SARA toga hotel, St. Regis. Phone or write Frunk Stanyar. W ANTED - RAILWAY MAIL clerks, Missoula. Examlnation No vember 12: $800 to $1,600; prepara tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 170 S., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED - SALESMEN; MANY make $100 to $150 per month: some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards: eash advanced weekly: choloe of ter rltory. Address Washington Nursery Co.: 'Toppenish. Wash. HELP WANTED-PEMALEL C(IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mrs. Beckwith, corner IIllda and Daly. WANTED-COMPETENT CIRL FOR general housework. 500 University avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. IMAN AND WIFE WANT POSITIONS on ranch. A. P. J., care Mlssoullan. SITUATIONS 'WANTED-MALE. lOOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS position in hotel, family or camp Address N. M., 604 Woody St., city. EX P E R I E N,C ED BOOKKEEPER typewriter and stenographer would like position. P. O. Box 42, Mlssoula, Mont. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED--EMALE LADY WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. 1154 Ind. phone. Mrs, Martin: LADY WISHES WORK AS HOUISE keeper; country preferrenl no objec tion to one child. Address N. R.. Missoullan, MIlSSULA WOOD YARD. MISSOULA *OOD YARD. DRY 4-foot wood from yard, $6.50 per cord; from car, $6.00; sawed wood, 12 and 16-inch, $7.50 per cord; sawed edgings, $68.0 per cord. Both phones. 1e5 W. Pine. Missoula Wood and Employment office. INSURANCE. PACIFIC MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Co., accident department. H. A. Chase, 815 South Fourth. Phone 928 Black. HOME LAUNDRY. CLOTHES CALLED FOR AND DE Ilvered. Address J. Clausen, R. F. D. No. 3, or phbne Bell 918 or In dependent .2330. GASOLINE LIGHTING SYSTEM. OUR LIGHTING SYSTEMS WILL soon pay for themselves; send for our catalogue. NatSinal lasoline Light Ing Co..- Missoula.. Mont. Waterl Water I Yes, water In front of every lot, In Daly's addition No, 9, and we' will sell you these lots for $100 for Inside and $110 for corners; 10 per cent down, balance long-time pay merits at 6 per cent. 'A school slte Just purchayed In this additiqn. Direct,. water system connected with 1I-Inch main. Joinps Daly's. and F..ow's additions. Buy early and get best locasten. x 4 ., , .. ··lrdlpi 1 6U,1Ui, HELP WANTED. 1mEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks; tools tree; secured over 10,000 positIons for graduates last year; unable to s':j.ply the demand; graduates earn 315 to $25 weekly; catalogsu free. Moler System Colleges, 403 Front avenue. Srokahe. Wash. WANTED-SALESMEN. .WANT;D-SALESMEN IN- EVB.RY locality in the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yaklma Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. WANTED-SALESMEN TO BS19,L our well-known trees in leading fruit * sections of Montana and Idaho. Big money for big men. Oregon Nursery company, Orenco, Oregon. MgNEV TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR LOANING and borrowing money secured by' mortgage on farms, ranches and cialty property. C. F. Ellis & Co., "the real estate bargain counter." Helena. Mont. Correspondence solicited. EQIPLOYMIENT AGENCIES. O. K. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 327 Higgins avenue, Phone 694. Night or day. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 122 Higgins avenue. Phone 140 Red. CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS, CURTAINS AND BLAN kets cleaned. Furniture crated. Earl Cromberg, 1502 Cooper, Bell s64. AERO WAGON SERVICE. CAR pots cleaned and made over. *Up holstering and repairing. Feather renovating. Furniture packtd. Star Cleaning & Renovating Co., 405 E. Front. Phone 7S2. FOR SALE--RANCHES. IFOR SALBE-FORTY ACRES BENCH land, near Hamilton, Bitter eloot valley; fence4: first-class water right; best orchard land; twenty acres In orchard; 2,000 trees, Mc Intosh Red and Transcendent orab, planted in 1906, coming into bearing. Best bargain in valley. Address owner, C. S. Wagner. Hamilton, Mont. BUSiNESS OPPORTUNITIES. A GOOD' BUSINESS IN GOOD LO cation with a $600.00 stock. Best of reasons for selling. B. K., Mis soulian. FOR SALE,- SMALL RESTAU rant on south side doing good busI ness; well sell part or all of con tents very cheap. Rent of hullding $15.00 per month. 507 South Hig glns avenuee. PICTURE FRAMING. FOR PICTURE FRAMIES, MATS, lass and pictures always go to the Elite Frame Shop, 130 Higgins av. enue STORAGE. STORAGE AND FORWARDING-. Merchandise, household goods, store and bar fixtures, vehicles, cold stor age. Basement and warehouse space for merchants and wholesale houses, All goods .Insured it desired. Re. celve and ship from and to all parts *of the world. On city side of R. H. Individual spur on N. P. and C,, M. & P. S. R. R. J. W. Raely, 734 West Cedar, Bell phone 496 black. In. )l.pendent 2340. MSDICAL. CANCERS AND' GOITIERS, PERMA nently cured without. an operation. X. A. VIan, 133 E, R. pt. street, WOOD SAWING, WOOD SAWING-CALL PHOPI SS, NURbE, XDPBRIENCIBD NDU R8. MRS-ANNA oneJins, 535 West Alder DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING, YZ PIECEO 1R DAY. 562i Rollins street. 35 Re4 FO RENT.-HOUSESL :-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 806 W. Pine street. FOR RCENT-MODERN PIVE-ROOM house. 218 B. Spruce street. !'IVR-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 214 S. Second street. Phone 488 Red. MODERN FOUR-ROOM APART ment, close In. Phone 844 Black. FOUR MODERN FLATS. 818 SOUTH Second street. Apply J. W. Beard. 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT: RANGE and shades. 832 E. Front, Phone 1383. NEW MODERN FOUR-ROOM .RIC'K cottage, Oak street, $16.50. Phone 485 Red. FOR RliNT-ROOMING HOUSE; 71 rooms; unfurnished. Paul Cerber, 405 ilggins avenue. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, o90 VAN Buren. Two blooka to ear. Phones: 14 two rings, or 454 Red. 18-ROOM ROOMING IIOUSE FOR rent and furniture for sale; In ct-n ter of city. Tel. 748 Red or call ao 422 W. Spruce. WANTED--HOUSES. WANTED-TO RENT A MODERN 8 large roomed house, dlose I 'on south side. Telephone Ind. 554. FOR RENT-FURNISHEb HOUSES. 4-ROOM PURNISHED FLAT, 124. 43' N. Third. SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. ' 415 East Front. 8-ROOM MODERN WILIL-FUR nlsh'd house; piano and bharn on street car line. Inquire 610 8. Third. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. WILSON BLOCK, 181 WEST PINE. LARGE FRONT ROOM. 527 E. PINE. ROOM TO RENT, 885 HIGGINS AVE. Inquire Ward's studio. 3 OR 6 FUIRNISHED ROOMS, MOD ern. Phone Ind. 1128. THOROUGHLY MODERN HOT-AIR heated room at 315 East Front St. KING'S ROOMING HOUBSE-POUR blocks west of N. P. depot. Rooms $8 per month. THE VICTORIA-ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed outside rooms: hot and cold water, 424 North Higglns. FUITF!TSHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping, with gas; reasonablo rent. Apply, after 6 p. m., 5808 . Fifth E. JOR RENT-ROOMS, WELL FUR nlshed, hot and cold water In eahon room, rates reasonable. Over Rchlossberg's Store. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT 608 WEST PINE. 287 E. RAILROAD. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 414 W. Cedar. FURNI S HED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 405 8. Third west. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 812 Madison. Call after' 5 p. m. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping. 615 South Fifth went. MODERN. OPPOSITE EPISCOPAL church, 225 Adams. 'Phone 2848. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS' FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 420 S. Fourth west. 3 FURNISHED HO.USEKEEPINO rooms, cheap. 'East Side grocery. Phone Bell 492 Black; Ind. 1820. ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSBBKEP Inr, partly furnished, at the Rosele apartments. Phones: 713 Black, 888 Red WANTED-MISCjLLANIOUS.. WANTED-SPRING CHICKENS AND ranch eggs at Vienna Cafe, 107 West Main. WANTED-AT ONCE, $8,000; FIRST. class security. Address 0. L., Mis soullian. WANTED-RAGS. MUST BE CO'T ton and clean. Good price paid per pound. Missoullan office. FOR RENT-STOREROOMS. FOR RENT-STOREROOM, 80x00, IN good location at Darby, Mont. Ad dress M. Hammond, Darby, Mont. A FINE STORE ROOM FOR RENT In Penwell block, south side, suit able for dry good, millinery, shoe store, meat market, music and pic ture store, etc. Good building and reasonable rent. Inquire R. M. Cob. ban Realty company. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND-GOLD RING. INQUIRE ,Missoulian office. FOUND-RED AND WHRITE SPOT ted cow and calf; no brand, C, E. Mullen, Clinton. Mont. LOST-P-DX TERRIER: WHITE WITH black spots, P. W. Hansom written on collar. Reward. Phone Bell 789. LOST OR STOLEN-PFROM BARN of Clifton-Applegate company, Bon ner, on night of August 10, bay sad die horse, 8 years 'old, Weight 1,150 pounds, branded C on left shoulder, left hind foot white, rope burn around ankle, saddle gall on right wither. 'Rewat4 for Information or return ,to Clifton-Applegate Co., Bonner. wooDo rR sM4i. WOOD - DRY EDGINGB, TWO cord load, $7,00; sawed wood read} for -stove, 5.50 co. : .I outh Fifth street, W. P5e 08 I8O Slk, Call after 5 p. n. HIDES AND JUNi4. THE W TERN AH.Od . a IVnK Co. In4. 00,. .FOR ArE--CTY REAL ESTATE. ONE 4 AND ONE 8-ROOM HOUSl. Address F. H., Misoullan. A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AND ONE lot on West Pine; a small payment down and good terms on balance. W. J., Miceoullan, FOR SALE-TWO LOTS, 30X130, South Mlaoula addition; southeast front; $100 cash, balance 3 years. Ad dress 2 Lots, care Mtlesoullan. THIREE LOTS, ONE CORNER; IVIVE rooms, pantry and bathroom; also two lots 150 feet long, wiltl two three-room houses. By owner. 1124 Defoe. FOR SALE--MISCSLLANEOU$. FoR SALE-TWO MARES. 930 .\V Cooper. TIIRE10 GOOD COWS. N. !. Lilly. 1202 Stoddard. I-OR SALE-PIANO: MUSTI llR BSOL.D at once. 607,W. Spruce. PIANO. AItAOST NEW. OWNER leaving town. Zona Shitll, 420 E. Front. IOT)R SALE-.POX HOUND PUPS, from best bear dogs. Room O0 Pen well hotel. POR SALE--ONE CANDY SHOW asee and one.clgar case. Inquire 310 R. Cedar. FOR SALE--WEBSTER'S INTIERNA tlonal Dictionary, cheap. 302 Mad lIon street. POR SALE,' CHIEAP--NIEW FP1RtNI ture for G-room house. Corner of Morris and Beverly. FOR .4LE-PROM 1,000 T'O S2,000 shares of French Bar stock at 10c. Address C, care Mlssoullan. SEE T. 0. HATHIEWAY IP YOU ARE In the market for cash registers,. sates or typewriters. City hall. HOW TO PRODUCE WINTER EGOS8 and raise hardy chickens, sent on receipt of $1. W. Pease, Wallace, Idaho. FOR SALI, .OII.EAP--HOUSEHOLD furniture. Leaving city. H. F. Gib son. Orchard Homes., end of river road. FOR SALE-COURSE OF MECHAN. Ical drawing with mathematics in International Correspondence school. Make me an offer. P. O. Rox 8I1. FURNITIIUR, NEW AND SECOND. hand: aleo"jttly the hIghest price for second.hand -household goods. "IRns, Jensen. 135 W. Main St. Phone 191 Black. TO REDUCRJ STOCK WILL SELL my Scotch Colli pups at a reduced price for one week. Phone. 1"02 Red. Box 103, R. P. D., No. . Mls soula P1fRT0 APPII CIDER VINE )AR iOR plckling, to any part of the city every Saturday morning in gallon lots. 150 cents a gallon. Use' phone 7703. R. D. Preschtt. CONTRACT CARRIED 5 MONTHS with the Standard Home Co., entitled to a loan of one thousand dollars at 0 per cent. Call 1803 Phillips street. Phone Ind. No. 1101. FOR SALE-TWO DROP-HEAD Ringer sewing machines at $25.00 each and two box-top Singer sew ing machines at $10.00 each. Ringer 8ewing Machine Co., 126 West Main street. •FOR R ENT-MISICELI.ANEOUS. FOR RENT-BARN. 518 W. RtROCE. POR RENT-THIRD FLOOR OF C.soun bullding. Apply at Gibson's office, second floor. SHOP, SUITABLE FOR DRESS making or ladies' talloring. Fur nished complete. Light housekeep Ing included. Rent reasonable. In quire Ransom's, 205 Stevens street. Bell 220 Red: Ind. Phone 16O. ROOM AND BOARD. 310 EAST CEDAR STREET. BOARD AND ROOM, REASONABLE. 404 E. Spruce. HOUSE MOVER. HOUSES MOVED AND RAISED; prices reasonable. N. Couloumbe. 814 N. Second, west, Phone 710. TO TRADE. MISSOULA PROPERTY FOR TRADE for timber lands. R. M. Cobban Realty company. WANTED-TO TRADE TWO FINE corner lots in University addition for a 'team of mares, wagon and-harness, milch cows, etc. W. H. mead conm pany. MACHINISTS. MISSOULA IRON WORKS-MA. chine work; brass and Iron easting made to order; light and heavy blaoksmithing. Corner Toole avenue and Bitter Root tracks. CLEANING AND DYEING. HOOVER'S' FRENCH DRY CLEAN Ing works, Higginse avenue, iouth end of bridge, N·etie ef Probate of Will. In the district court of the Fourth ju dicial district of the state of Mon tana, in and for the count-* of Mis oula,--In the matter of the estate of Louis LeVasseur, deceased. P4traant to" an order of said court, made oh the '3rd day of August, 1910, notice is heeby given that Saturday, the-10th day of August, 1910, at 2 D.'olok p. m, of said day, at the court ropm ofa spld court, at the courthouse in .the county of Missoula, has been appointed as the time and place for prpvlhg the will of Louis LeVasseur, d.eiqed,, and for hearing the applicas tlgi ao Agntfo Deschamps for the IsPlance to of letters .testamentary When lalldwVlBi any person Iterested may) ppear' ,d contest the Paine. l: .T HOM P. CONi.ON, Clerk, A !:5LVQI)L 'I, Attorn.y for Pe 3,1i810. 9' 0. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. 8. land office at Missoula, Montana, May 18, 1910. Notice is hereby given that William 1. McGee, whose postoflcee address in DeBlorgla. Montana, did, on the 3rd day of June 1909, file in this office sworn statement and application No. 01334 to purchase the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, section 206 township 19 north, range 30 west, Montana me. rdllan. anid the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878. and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, andt that, pursuant to sluh ap plicatlon, ith land and timber thereon have' been appraised, tile timber esti imated 96,000 board feet at $1.25 per .W, and the land $10.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 24th day of September. 11910, before register and receiver U1. S. land office, at Missoula, Mont. Any person in at liberty to protest thin purchase be fore entry, or initiate a content at any time before patent Issue, hy filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging fncts which would defeat the entry. DANIEIL ARMS. Regisitr, 7-21-9-21. Public Sale. Notice Is hereby given that 1 will, on the 20th lday of August. 1910, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. In., at the city pound, on Recond street, In the city of MissolIia. Montana, expose the follow ing described stock at public auction to pay the pound fees and costs of keeping and sate, to-wit: ;one brown horte, branded M I, on right shoulder, blind in right eye. One sorrell Iolt. Witness my hand this Itilh tiny ef August. 1910. TrIIOB. I;. KEMP, ('hlef of Police. 8--10-17-18-19-20. WANT TO KEEP WINE FROM THE WARSHIPS San Francisco, Aug. 17.-If the dele gates to the congress of reform which is in session here under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temper ance union, can prevent it, the offl cers of the armored cruiser California will not b4e given a chance to enjoy the 100 cases of California wine wWhli Were presented to the war ship Tjit before she .alled for Valparaiso lnst Sunday. ',Resolutlons adopted by the congress today denounced the presen tation as a violatlon of the anti canteen law as interpreted by former Secretary of the Navy Long, and calls upon President "Taft ahd Secretary Meyer to stop any further drinking of the wine and prevent future presen tatlon of such gifts to warships. The wine yes presented to Admiral Harbor of the Pacific flet by an association of California wine men, who accom panied the gift with an address advo rating the 'use of light wines by the wrmy and navy. CARLISTS TO PROTEST, Barcelona, Aug. 17.-The Catholic Carllsts of Catalonia are engaged in active preparations for a series of open-air demonstrations through Cat alonla, August 28. The preclamations issued by them summon the faithful to come to the defense of "holy religion and the mother church." They refer to the "accursed government" and adjure the people to come armed and ready to sacrifice their lives for the pope, who has sent his blessing from Rome. The proclamations terminate in these words: "Exterminate the Incendiaries of con vents and the violators or nulns. May God aid us to overthrow this impious government." Meetings Forbidden; Madrid, Aug. 17.-The government today decided to forbid the Carlist republican meetings which were being arranged throughout Qatalonla for, August 28. The tone of the announce ment of the intended demoqstrations:I was such that disorder was feared. BILLINGS MAY LO8E BAND. Kalispell, Au' 17.-Billings is to' lose the regimen l band and that or ganisation is to he placed in Kallspell. This was the settlement made or the band question at a gathering of en thusiasts that included both local mu siclans, band men and local national guard offiders, Bandmaster Tingle of Billings and directors of the chamber or commerce. It Is intended that when General Greenan learns of the recep tlon given the idea here by those in terested he will not fail to make the necessary order for the transfer. It is expected that $1,500 to pay the leader and other support In tile way of po..l tlons for bandmen who It i; expected will come with Director Tingle willli be procured. National guardnlmen are anxious to add the band to `the two inflntry companies now crga.l.:e.l. HEAVY RAIN IN KANSAS. Junction City, Kan., Aug. 17.-A heavy rain this morning did serious1 damage at the Fort Riley camp of In struction. Several regiments, including the lospital corps, were encamped along a small stream that drains a large hill and the water flooded the tents. The patients in the hospital tents were quickly removed and the soldiers hurriedly removed their equipment and personal belongings to higher ground. All maneuvers for the day were suspended. MEETING OF ESPERANTOS. Washington, Aug. 17.--Distribution of prizes for excellence in the use orf ipperqnto as a literary veohlcle, a general session of the congress, a trip to Mount Vernon in the afternoon and a reception tonight by John Barrettr at the. Bureau of American Republicl buildings. constituted the progiram £o today's session of the Sixth I)taenIa-. tional congress of lesapranto now' mineting here. CROP SrlUATION ENTIRELY NORMAL1 Wnahington. Aug. 17.--reports from the went and the middle west now seem to Indicate that the prohabill. ties of ia heavy drlan on the westernJ hInlks to pay for the crop movement ore rensonahbly remote. From the viewpoint or the treasury eondlltionA that ha vie arisen tino tohe posi bhiltio len iIll It h'stringeicy w re rit+ n.. ir l Pearly in the y.uar have contribulted to the present iltuation. The Ilquidation in the stionk market, checking of farm tloans by the Ianks of the middle wenvt and it general Ilearing of the financill atmosphere hlave been largely reslnasblle. Rome tim.e ago it was piridlited that the iwestern :nltics, biennis of the heavy, Ioanns. woulhd halve' to drnw more fheatv Ily than a nillut on theill eastern con rnec (tiinS. Pears wiere expressedr that tecanlse of the large ilmountsl diverted to de velopmient projec'ts and to Investments I in unimproveid lands in the west, the movement from the Past to the west would the greater than usual. Those who have been watchlng the situation clonsely, however, now think the crop movement situatlion is entirely normat. PROMOTERS ARE OPTIMISTIC. New York, Aug. 17.-That the Van-. idertllt i-itp race, which in to be held on island Motor parkway, on Octoler 1, will ihe the bilggest and most Interesting automobile race ever held in this country Is the opinion expressed by the promoters yesterdS y. In point or entries, they say, this year's race will have more contenders for the fa mouptl trophy than ever before. It Is expbtted thalt close to fifty cars will Iarticipate. W. K. Vanderbillt, Jr., president of the Motor Cups lHolding company, un der whose auspices the contest will he held, announces the entry of two Na tional cars. Thel drivers for the cars hnve not heeh anlnounced. ARMED DETECTIVES ON THE STREET CARS Columbus, 0., Aug. 17.-Following the Columbus Railway & Light com ppny's rejectlin of the city council's offer to net'as an arbitration board In settling the strike of the street car men. Governor Harmon and Charles J. Pfetsman, president of the chamber of commerce, tonight inaugurated new peace entorts. Pretzman tomorrow will seek to get ia formal offer from the company to reinstate its old men with an advance in pay to 25 cents an hour and with no recognition of the union. ,jFanyor Marshall again tonight re fAsed to be responsible for the opera tion of cars after dark and the coni pany contlnues the policy adopted last night In putting armed detectives on the cars. Robert Mitchell, aged S3, a piano. salesman, died today from a fractured skull, sustained when he was hit b) a brick while riding on n ear last Sun day. Militia authorities are preparing to hold troops here indefinitely. FATAL STREET BATTLE. Hct Springs, Ark., Aug. 17.-In a street' battle between tWe alleged horse. thieves and sheriff's officers today, George Childwood, one of the thieves, was killed and Sheriff Jade Houpt was probably fatally wounded. $700 Buys a Life Independence for Woman A paying established boarding house In best residence section of Nissoula, well filled with permn nent high-class boarders, reasonable rent, $1,200 worth of furnishings. all for $700. Iady now running It has made enough to retire. Do not phone. If interested see Mr. Buchanan in room 22, Hig gins Building. ROOMING HOUSE FURNITURE AND LEASE. Thirty-six outside rooms, 6 bath rooms, steam heat, gas 'and elec tricity. Long lease at only $125 per' month. Furniture is of the best; house is nlways well filled. Own er must sell on account of sick ness. Will consider exchange for city property. For further Infor mation inquire of HOVERBON a STEPHENS 331 N. Higgins Ave., up-sitaire. Ind. Phone 2714. Bell Phone 203 blk. REAL ESTATE ana INSURANCE CARROLL 8 NAPTON' Masonlo Temple. Phone 73l. Real Estate and Loans Orachard Homes For Sate. FAYETTE HARRINGTON Chamber of Commerce Or Phone 45 SRed. A. K. ANDERSEN Eal Estate and nasurance 44 North Higgins Ave. :1~. s o PER ACI ;`, Pour hundred aid bltys I this tract iL Irrtgable,t tll + fully and has deep black tis lt with clay sub-sol., L.ldited seven miles from railroad and town. Adjacent to Fotrst and fine out ranle. The crop. wheat. oats, timothy and: elover iP this tract is Irrllable, lays beasU t.' this land make the best showinlg o any crops we have seen this ye . Timothy yield was more than twvo. tons per acre; wheat will yeld, p= proximately, 40 bushels per acre;, oats very heavy: 5 room houS,, large )arns, good fence and c.o6 ranl. Open running water through -. out the year. A gillt-edged, htrd-' to-beat proponition, worth twO1. the price asked. One hundred and twenty. acs., only 3 miles from good town"' railroad: 70 acres under dilt..; first class decreed water right; 3$ nacreo of fine bench land, 5 house, "fair out-bulldlnls fenes and corrals. Ptice, $4. On terms of $1,000 cash it dqe and balance long time at 8 perttet Interest. A dandy little propodl_ tion. Hoverson 0 Stephens 331 N. Higgins Ave. ': Ind. Phone 2314. Bell Phone 30 btalk Homes $100 down, balance easy, for 4-atI plastered cottage, well locatedll ity' water, fine cellar, ad only _e.....ý.. .. ,,,,, 1 $300 down, balance monthly aid wray, for 6-room oaaee , ourQ well located on south aside A house. Our prices are rt Houses, lots, acreage. tori Ob; loan, I per cent. Van Valen Eickmamin REAL ESTATE LOAN INSURANCE Western Montana Natioeal IkE.: Buliding. Bell 653. lad, Phone A REAL BARGAIII $4,600 is the price we are asking for a new 7l-om modemrn house; brick veneered; seven large rooms," large bath room and ~dosets: elegant. Interior finish of select tamack. It: is well locatetdIn Bouth Missoula on a 60x180-foot corner. Good barn and chicken house; nice lawn. This property Is worth $,3IO0ebut' to make a quick sale we are olpiCe Ing it for $4,500. Owner leaving 'i and must sell. Don't overlookht.,, MONEY TO LOAN. FISHER G PRO sGE 113 E. Main St. Bell Phone 84 red. led. ti. FOR SALE Lots In Union Addition, south Missoula; Ideal place for hom.a. $100 inside and $120 corner; 10 a cent down. $1.00 a month. Let ua ~s you these lots. FOR RENT Pour-room modern huse. tour bloiks from Higgins avenue, $23 per uoanm 10-Room modern house close Id; & per month. GASSERT & 8 8.Y Real Estate, Ineuraleoi Leanst 128 West Cedar Street. Inpeendent Phone 17291 Bell Phean a BUNGALOW New, modern 5-roam bungalow on' well-Improved, 50x130-foot lot; good concrete foundation, concrete cel.i lar with concrete floor; one block from street car; on South 4th street. Price, $2,100. TAYLOR 8 PEARSON Real Estate and Insurance,. Over Reilly's Grocery, Phones: 920 Bell: 174 Ind ; A SNAP Two lots close In on Woodford street. city water, the cheapest lots 1ItF 't Mlssoula. Only, each.............',.. OSCAR CRUTCHPEIILD. Real Estate. ps.ur ee: 112 Higins Avenue National SAnk d Eultilne.i Paul Ge REAl, ETA : ..o beal Phone 188 Blck, MONTA . S ý4{