Newspaper Page Text
TSEW THEE DAlY SSOULAN , .. Tnhy-n loiriT A T 1~~CTT FAT GOOD CROPS Tonnlrrnw. -Cloudy, T HEer frnwte aO~ buai aen VOL. XXXVIr. NO. 109. M1 I I,.OP \ .\IOONTANA, M1ONI.AY M1o)I NIN, '..\Iq; I' 22, II.,1 PRIi(llFV DEATH AND DESTRUCTION STILL FOLLOW IN THE WAKE OFFIE.RC E FOREST FIRES BAD SITUATION ON MAINI LINE NORTHERN PACIFIC'S TRAFFIC COMPLETELY BLOCKED BY FIRES ON WEST END. BRIDGES BURNED AWAY In Sanders County Conditions. Are Critical and Are Becoming Worse Hourly-On the Coeur d'Alene Branch the F:rec Have Forced Their Way Down the Hill Taking Every Town But Saltese to Foot of' Slope. At hit ate houIr the slitlution with thie Neorthernll Pa ' ci 'ict w'e:et we' Mo l IIIIeol was haU aunl(d the, prospelts nalo that io trains calt pans be.twee'n this city aUlll Hplkune for it c'uple' of dlays. T'r.flfic of every nattiern ins tiedl cup on the mailluln line west and no trailns were run we.It further thaen Missoula last lilght, tilcHse" eonilng f'r.on Helinani le Ing detoutredl west over' the (treat ''rthePrn. PLssenger No,. 3 ; was tulrneed elt J'Vuro'l last olwning, l'brought bacl(k lere and sent Ilnek teo I eHelCln. Pl's enl.rger No. I frolnu the eal'out was al lew, d to (eoneo to Mssilheit lbut held Beyond Paradise. RIg foraet, fires are raging west of Puradlse eandl iet a lute hour last night Ihere was no pIslenger equllllnlIlent at thatI dtivision poliet. A long bridge IIs lurnedl t 'l'le('r. wet of' Trollt (rck. Tl'lt, selell rellief traln whlch left ):ere' early yesterdal'ly morning Intlend Icig to goe to MIlllfe, g ot lan nar as Hell toeCe alb)ouet noon, when all conne'tilens broken with that place. At 9 o'cloclc last..alght a Ilnemalln, fightlng his weiy throuht. the blaze by keeping Ile thle riverrjromn Saltese tai DeIoerglli, ulotlfiedl thle 'conllmainy heallndeiulrters. !(e'(' thalt tlld sp$ ltelu el h L tteellltPcd to go) on1 from'in "Stllt,'e, tllled to get throulgh cnd was rettwl'ned sLre to Heal te'se. All were safe at that hour but the dalnger of Seilteose eburninlg was In i.'enslng every minute. As a brlidge bl'llned behotweon Halteeu andt l)cellorgln the rellef train Is tied op, andl will hlave' toe taklle( chances of e'cplling thle lire at e a ltlese. Two Towns Gone. The Inst word from the Norther'n Taclifie was taut DeBorglu and IHen i('i'eQon 'hIave both burned and thalt Bu il'lrdl wi ll lso g,) shortly. St. Regis directly' In the paith of the fire, weecop ing dlownl Mullun' gulch, was ine danger all evening and at 10 o'clock lp. i. thel Northern Pacifle recelved at flash that tlhe town was burning "tnl all the re ntmlnlng reeldenlts were leavlng on ca specrlul traien whle Ich hal llust returned in tIenm from picklng upli the inst rlf tlhe reftigcues at DeIl3rghn. TIhe fire has now swept' a 'clenn peath frollln 'Taft down the gullueh to St. ]Legli. takinlg ]I.Inlee'snn,' J l)eleorglc aied lluford. It IHes. In fcet. burned one c'ontlnu 'elus fleil, trectcn'l, llnl t wese t )of' H l tae thlrollugh T'le't anid to Ithe Montallcl dllho divide. T'l'hu hlt traein ndcl the last mIlen to, 'leave' the district betweenl St. Regis asnd tlultese wVere 'tlhe men of the IIHen ilerson flre-flghtlng crew, furnished by Ilti Mlnlen Lumnber conpany who canlee ,ilut on the collmpt)ny's big logging trainl lsilng its own engine. A stop /wIas made at St. RIegls, wherd thIe fire' was first, but burning on the. west side, and every effort was made t) save thle rcenm'ilnder of the burg. Tl'he last relitef trailn fronm St. Regis, wli'hle left Just as the town WaUs e(ctch Ing I'reo will be held close ahead of tihe fire lit long as posslble toe Illlmce cicre of enoet Illsselng any of tie inhab Italnts of tihe towns belling deserted. It will r'clcllh Mlssoul at t7 o'clock this Ierl'sonls arrlv'lng oin tIhe Icst sp(.ohlI free n t. Itlregls lasIt night raporel'ed tlhe hestrneluctlon of Vlfe"'s big stock ranch, whlich wis sltnated ahlout three miles from HTugen's spelr. It in undterstood tllhet hIs ellttle, Uonslstilg ill' saverLil hlinlh'oll hoell], wee' a iee killed Icy tile Line Open. At 4 o'clonel thllis (&Iondlcy) m~ncreln.g It wats clnnolunceeli at Northern PlaclIi' l)enetfllquarters that tile mIcln Uine west le ctgpeln ind trcllns will le dilsltehedle' na lecuel. ST. REGIS DOOMED. .At 1:30 this mornlhg Mrs. Dowllng, the Bal tceepbhoei operator at St. Tneit.'. reported thAt the wind hed geno down, and the llam~s had bee che'lcked in tjRl.r advance on the town. T'he feellng there lls' miornhle. how reVP', Is thee .both old crod eow S..;. Ieegls ,'e 'eduume¶ MULLAN IS SAVED AND THE FIRE CONTROLLED .aitt' last nighlt a reporl't was roe -eol i'(ed romn )leb.lirgla which Is Ihe lieved to he authentic', to the effect thuat Mullkin his:i nit hurned and WisR \Wll oUlt of linger. Thue wriori is splposerl to have Ibeen hbrolight direct from Ml lian by a innl niimiel McKy., who i llllle tilhe trip froll I)erllrgii to Multhin ind returni lln i railway spoilder, titi' rIl nl tri1p heing II distanc e of 70 iil's. ''The wt, .'d wv-s then telephoned here toii 1)r. Freiderliek William Topi , whtl left hl hmliii tt dMullian'erdliy' Imorning oin the spelilitil train aul whoi has ihen most anxitous tIIo se lilrae the goodl ni-ws. lFroit the reporIts iof t l tll rip male by McKay on IIpei slip r It wals a dainllg deoied, anlil it was ii liilrini,'l that he mliiinn e.ilul get thrlough the Wn;1 iof' filnme inid over h'urning trestles. No details olrf the amlountll of dll nn ii ge., if IIiyI, ustained . 1 I) M1lhin was intluleill In thle Infer motiion that thle tliown hail betj savdl. SIX' KNOWN DEAD SIN WALLACE HORRIBLE STORY COMES FROM MEN WHO ATTEMPTED TO ESCAPE FLAMES. Waillae, Aug. 21. - (Ipelloit.)--S.lx inmen arIe known to hlave died or to Iavie been killed in an attempt to l 'a'|h WlVllile' I'romn lly creek of the St. Jlo, Ibut NameIP of th(lse( sIavId lissert thalt six mort lire Iiust. The mnmtes of only thrlee of the Iostl Ilre knowln. 'IThey arel William L'larmouth, Joe. IFiernl and Hlurry -Hanolin, the itlIter iob. Racine.. Wis. 'The od tlor' IW wiere hired hi Spolik lune thlrough Iln agencll'ly. lRanger Pulllskl aiitl 41 ilmen wereli forcedtl to leave I3lg creek llnid ittempnlt to covey' the 10 it ,lles tI Wa\llciti. Thlee mill' is f(lroll tiown they were 'oreied by a wail oif flumi's. TI'he miten crawled Into mint' tulnnels neaiirlby andl remained 10 ht.ulrs. i'The men brl. Ilhro' tlrougl the fllllllts stulgg'!rdl linto Wa'llaitc'. They roeched hertl lt 4 o'ctlock this morninng anlltd gave the llalrm. A poIuse contllining a plhysliclall hastelied to the Wnitr Nagle tminet, whelre the mltl were. One of the 41 who was found was lurnedll toi a rilsp ilon the trail. Five Suffocate. f'lit ,If those in the ttunli.I were suf fottted tulld dead an(ld tL dozenII othersll' were t)so neaIr deatih It was ntlelte.ry lto work overt them for tll hour. Three men alre knllown to be dead .nll Pine crlck, halving leon trapped by the filntlles. HIlngeir lill had 25 mlien tlnhder. him thetre. All wiere clutllht. Threle were killed, thllree othlers were ltinded follr lie aind five hiad their legs broken hy fallillng tr'es. Three more men were killed thlis aftertlnoon. They andll 20 othiers were trapped in it fire on floul der (reek. nlear Mulllil. Iour lman aged to walk toi tile trailn to coellle Ihere. The olther nown deadtl maIn was killed an Pieter creep it sal e 1', Ii iWalltince. I-He' ltl ii It c lompanion wet pennedl Il I, by th finellna . Thlley took refullig In tit' cireek anlld kept ealch otherl wet by throwing wnater with their Ilalliit. Whille thllus llengaged a flyilng l'reiu struck one of tlhem onl the huald and killed him instantly. HilN frienld wals able to escapel[ to WaiIllacert this noon buat had all ills clothes hlburneld off Ihm. He wals stoppedltl at th 'cilty litits b)y a IpliCelllmn who oltllltned iloithie for the matil, licbefore he woulld permit him Ito enter for St'altlltm ent. Lose a Million. The ilamtg'lneO done in Willlace is stil mtiit.dl it $1,000,000. The ('Coeur d'Alone lHardware cotllilyll lost $150,000; Cielullt d'Alene Iron wolrks, $100,000 lSunsuet hrewery, $110,0014; Pailfic Hotel annex, $50,000; Worstel Furnltulre compaliny, $50,000; O). I. & N. depot, $30,000; TurlIer- Mulsiec rolliliny, $8,000; (Citilul il'Alhpn hottel, $12,0000 M.hiulhign itutul, $6,1100; Timin offllf, $10,000: Mt. Elmo hotel. $10,000; Willtlcoe Cigar company. $8,000;: Contlnlentlal Oil company of littie$2s,000. ltcsldintuce property In Enalst WIlaice on ithi hill shilles, Klng strOeet. lln Nine MilI o , Wi t Hi t' reel tilid 8Hltllh l"iuilLti aivenut,, ilotil $400,. 000. Man Burned to Death. A man, IlHarry Chamberliln, was engagetid i burying two trunks in the yardl of hl hlme In 'Ltt Wailliac when thp flames swept trounid the corner of the house add burned him from head to lfootl, Thn, dAvastated areaol In Wallce les east of the court houseo, north of Hotol street,, north of High street ad south of the Northern Pacilia depot. lThe firt ltuatlon tonIght I bald. All hlllq around the town are beintt filled with burning tlmhor. The wind Is Iluowing strtang iat tliles, Filly ti third id tlhe populaltion list left town, TOTAL LIST OF FATALITIES UNKNOWN BUT A NUMBER ARE REPORTED TO BE DEAD Several Relief Expeditions Have Been Rushed From Missoula and Other Nearby Cities to Care for the Injured and Homeless in the -Fire-Stricken Town of Wallace. Number of Dead Reported to Be at Big Creek and in Vicinity of Mullan---Several Also Burned to Death at Pine Creek---Hundreds Are Left Homeless---Fire Still Raging in Afflicted Section---Thrilling Stories of Narrow Escapes Are Told by Rescue Parties---Several Buried Faces in Mud to Escape Flames and Jumped Into Creek---One Burned to Cindcrs---Report From Other Citics. Slultane Aulg. .i.-- 'ifty hdal 111 lind alrolunld Walr'e., Idaho; ijprop ,rty ilos $1,.0o0.1k. hire gins not ,ln ltarged are ll r hull rnd 1nFIII'a I. ltight. I Maliann proilhily sa, hi'. but lir threatl in. I:Ik ('ity rl ,por h~d stlll tl l htl'wd. l uurl or mII r, deli d In fir le: Inear New.ol l rtl, ', tnIte hlllril Ied id olgilit tmrn In the fres.try serv I'e itrl, liIn shi in the l ii t. .ll'. coun try). Taft. Monti.. i s l Ilen lurled h.'`altn, . IS sI roullnthd h fhire ; .)e hbrgla and St. ltegls are sertlutslt' thr ltoined; ilUllghant. ~lont., Ils re pliortld destroyil. Solid line of fire from1 'ThII O ,1pson I"all. Mo,.. nfor .1i Imllhi to Itdaho llnc with irtlins of Itelkllu . Whitle linet, NIoxon and Iflronj hrninig. II' inflalgraltiolln rages hin (Illo thlt forest. Mlmlllalnl . 'T'homlll - so n Ialls Is hi p rlrll. ,%nl d onvl . A so - Ltil iiuint, W'.'asl hingt)lon, is threat tioned \lithl dlstllru tlllon. Ymih, II. '., is In dalnger front fiJrs which oire iulrning In the, brush. ()lher fires aire gainling holidwaly in that region 1nd thie sitution I is aitrmlng. Avery Idaho, d.estriyd and I people Clocking tlo Tkelltn. piluik nl'e, Augi. 21.--A speatli: fllron WalIace to the Spnkm man-levlew says that 20 forest fire fighters near there have lost their lives. 'l'lThgh the danllger to Wallac' Itself is over, the fire is still rgling furiously hin the hllls on both sides of the city. Two persons llhave )been klled lit W%'lllace, and till that section ieist Of Sevetlth street exeelpt the lFederal Illsi and ProvleIence hoslpitl hast been unlllrdll., iaong the rillertis deshitroyeid aie the \Va lieae 'i'es office, the PaHcine, Mlchigan nd Co-heur d'Alone hotels, thl, Sunset brewery, the C loelur d'Alnell hardware hoiluse, both Oregon Railway iiandl Navigation depots, seiiveral 'stores a ndi 15 residncis. Vorest fires arie ipreading rlapidily In the Pend d'tlrelle cllolnt, 0lanld elsp. chilly atrolndil Newpiorj. Wsth, Repollirts reaching here say tlhat lown Is Itself in flames, blitt it Is l ,iltlu ,sib, Is( yet to verify. Two Died in City. Daylight tils morning showed that lmitnlent dlanger of the city's de,-trne tion had passed, built t brought alsoi conflrmation of losses which were ilyv rulmored alnd iuSlpectld during Ith conflagration of the night. At Iaist two died In the city fire, John J. illyd, it pioneer of the Coeur d'Alen's anlld former Oregon RBallroad and i lNavig-l in the Michigan hotel. Only lith :+kull oif the latter ttas floundi i the rullint this mnorning. Oif the fire-fighting flces an ac. curate toll of the delld and woulnded Is not available, but the known eadd nuiiimbeiir 24, the tlotll injured, 25, ill addiltion t o 10 blinded. It waO tlhe work of the city depairtment, inembi,rs f the Twenty-fifth Infantry, coliored, volunteers, and the forestry forcos alone Which saved' Wallace from total destruction. The conflagratlon in tllh east end was stayed shortly after 11 o'clock and hack firing on adjoJning hlls to the west and south pr'venltec. new fires In those dir'tions. It ls es timated that the loss In t hilo city sl about $1,000,000. The entire eastern sectlnil from Seventh street to Canton is destroyed, including three terraces' of residences on the hillside. The prin cllul huildings burned llld the esti mated loisses follow: Coeiur d'Alene Hardware ecolmpany' warehotuse, $150,000; Stunset brewery, $80,000; Pacific holntel and ianne $60,000; Coeur d'Alene Iron works, $80,000; Oregun Ialiroad and Naviga. tion company's depot, $60,000; 'Titnim Printing compatny, $25,000; Worstell l'urnltire comlllpany, $50.000, Aboult 150 resildentes tire tl~destroyer) and manty olther' .ualler hilshe-is, plices. Buildings Saved. Providence hoslpital and the Fodelalai collmpany's big minlls are thle only buildings saved in the east end. 'lThe forest suplervisor reports th entire country between Wallace and the St. John river Is swept pratetically clean and the loss of timber is sttlupendous. Fires between Burke 'and Mulltn threaten both towns tonight, and many vomen and! children are being sent away, W1ith daylight ai relief expedition will be organized to go to Placer and Bi2g creeks, where the fire fighters' camps are lolted. These men lhave elien scattered over the Country, dli't cn hither and thither by the flamus. At War Eagle tunnil, three milts from W\lla ne, six deild welt found nnd two w ore ba Id ly h lrn el d , f"i e ,, ,f tht,! 1 ,,a d Ill th 11 t1 111 lI had .notKlht r lfit.) I'1i(. liIy xi liti liiir Ii w' i n t0411 i In iii eI aov,\ r , w ith w et rtu ts u lsd hbl mi( , tom. m inI dih , I p,1111 rt \t f iin t,, 'r.j :ll i partly fron suIffo(t'LItn I V .i k'. ''he' IIjurild wetre rlix'ved wi x ti t ,Ih e lll |d i iroth.'.hl to slio itll Ii.. oAt l ig (1ti ,' h: 1 " ,1a111 d wer..1 r.11( ,.,verdl , li 1 I .th r,.x iis, w iho w re i oro io l...s s' ,rimisl, h1vbirne ,. A t I l ,e 111.1]( II-rve nrit di4l , five bilinded a1 l flvx tlls , hinjrv.d. Names of Dead Unknown. of thei' ledi, lost rof xwihoi a14in In fro l H lpo lli ,le a nl o th er Ito in ts tit th e eiil if lie forestry ser. lh.. 'Thi Ii hliis are hein hll" lurild whxerever thIIy Iiar found. 1)tys and wev-ks Iiily ,laps. NEIHART IN DANGER FROM fFIRE FAMOUS OLD MINING CAMP IN PATH OF TERRIBLE BLAZE AND AID IS ASKED. S(arelt FuIlI, AIug. 21.-- I'orI'.st tires inr reported tlday frlnl vario:ui dihrL.e tions surtiiundinig (ieat i'Lils and it trilong wi'Ial Iiday itll I alde tlhem wslll e. The Imost Iserl1s Ii I11 ntho i Helt 111(11 tii ns neur Neihiirt. 'Ihi li' te stlrteii yestehrday aLiut t1( m ilesi lo Iut i1the town n(uliV, t]iiIi' goI beyiind co.intriol. A hIurryupi cull wLas sRnt IIt the fllr entry headquii.inirter here for 100 flre' Ifghteit with equlipment, and these w(iil be rushedl to the sceine in tILe mornling, IFears narI expIrePlsed for the silfety of the town, but at present the dange oin It dies nout LLiappeaIr il b it lmilnii'.F Itarkler, Iinothelir uInin uig 01i111,. i di reP tly In tillL, ith (if thii1' fianin. I Iit Several miles iiI LLy fr the lh'e it present. Another very seorios firie i r.po)rtl from the north fork of tihe l Sun1 river, in theo mainiii range of the IluolIo.s. 'Thirty lipuck holrses i t oult bly tilte foriestry servc.e to ,':ila.y iIil appliie fur the fire-fllhitlters in lht I'iViiit i l i'iiiin try dotiiinied when tiihy rea1i'hii1d thle nLPII of thisi i flir. aL d arI n!'1' ii carrying supplies to t1((. h E1n riv l Ill1*, fighters. 'Fire in Midcanyon. A fire is reporteld In the Midannyon countryI between here and Ilelnai , ILLidI Nomie of thell ranllhersll in thait isicitin havie left their hoilnes ill feitr of its alpprlroxih. A serious tI.r is riporlLtel, from thile tHighwioids, to ithe' ilaot if Great I'ulls, ibut the regighli Ix Ire.lilotll and without direct tiniinuihiliion. Another fire Is rpliortiel Lit loIIginig creek in the Little Ilvit ilLuntioins, to the south. At Fort Assinnibillll l sithiIwi.r fir ashe diescene l.n i lindI c1 rL'1 lled the grou:nd to the extent oif billotll hllf il in inch. APslilnni Iin li' i prnbay 31o0 milies fIonl t]hil nearest tire. l'h1(i lllke hiir'i toiday llIhl' been 41 it(inse thaI t \wilt not pos.lble to Hien to'i bhloeks Liai:Vt'y. i fore nliyl hing lili- ; ,nimplmlt,' 4,tl Inate 40I' th, f: 'alitieIh is tt\'Jlilnhh,. f, it(y. Init 11 st of the' 14431i4' 4 i'ili iI foi. g ! Ii',.i ilrv, $4 III h4rl4,IIn,4$ 4 ,r44I41 h1114' the'. hit 4area1 f Ih " lned , of' afi'1 1i44nless the 1 w' ll4 1 Isis5 It is l4 l'l't'.vlI I, ITwo r . three 4 u14r4144 pople ar1 eft Illhi'Ir 1'4' ll fllrtl414.4. ', lII'k 11f 1 1"4 514 1, 44om1eless lhrin tlllle.11' a, u i a vll . g I44 l 1f th ir b, longings A ll t l, ck pil ll , f shliltl i)i still hIngs over 1II14 4 .1'y, Unll II watchl) in hIeling kepl1 t Iat p1int.s f llHngelr.l- 'l1'h4 water supply Ittt goiiod, 1'11th 1i1hting pint. which wais lisnbllll lst night, lhas rsusinle'dl , 'nper..l tions., A Destitute City. 'TIi' .lti ff 4, rrcesp..1 le4 l t of Il eh ipoll'lt 'llesnii:il-l&Lvi'i w t 41 ' rilllY e w4 ires 11 IIt : 0it iI. ill.: "Hlil.i h o, r tll ailll, ln nt ll l olsn ; Lt h, hills arml und them thro ugidh bll biltl l, 1hlll i',-lhl44l1 li 4'I n i 4'. l, l llh 1114 f1l4 ,1141, heavy-4'11414141 4ye$, twitching forest fires' thllt ring the city aind on every sid*, lest they should break through and di'st..Ty tle city. Lines o', If li4,me nr'1 llidl alonllg thll WPest s14l I4' of thI cly'0, lwhere l f li fir'e will strike firs't If t11 tm eslll , landl ll llvilall flire fgllhters lare being il, ready to start work at i,. rom Ail (.lln. ulp tL' Plllyoll, r lefug i bring word that fires ha, nil. i'4444l44 l'4,' hrllll !t'l· llill llg 1441\'1 nl mlost irelihed tile Ibllllings and thlnt rthie water supply 4ni)y3 he 'u1t liff It alny tlmne. In every illrie'tioln tIle sk11 is fl i i ilth lmeln i d a risingllll wlid "'Th lis.It of ft lltles will run high:l Just holw high n onelt will know for Il l IllMl' 14r 43ll44.4' 14 114 11 l 4(ll 144' rl h' .4 (llay r two. 'lT'here arcl'l pati4 of fireI fighters scattered through the 4444o41s i'virywh''re and it I4 reg4lrdhidll ,ln in 'er lI1i41i.'ty that ii grat ll'lu4 1ii11 l''r 4of Inlen I44must have 44' 14l enlt off ly tlhe' flla44es. Fatalities at Wallace. "Not less thlan *0 hive perlllshllld. Itulii.s klllnown at Wahllac are: "Ji1ohn II.Ird, titlltl of Captlin W'lilliuai I1h44l., IIs ff1i4,4t'1,41 Inl hsl h m1n1,' 4 ill1e trying1. to e tl ' familyt'; l 4twl 11n wlli4lo n lln whose 4 h41 ' ll4e l 44, I d'e llt, i. the ruins of 1 1llelll 4iga hotel 'til' d'Alene hotel; \1'lllilai IHlartnle1uth of WVI l1n g, f I're flighter, 41single, and Jil'/ TI"en'.I, fnre fighter. sl4nli', lsuffil'tt In tunlnl 'l ou4 ('3tel'lr cr1o4 k: flouri' lnih n11tl fle 1 ', fi ' hll hters, iiffn n t il te Pi at' r lcreko; l '4idenltlfieIl fire fighter burnd' to dethih piir ihisllun. "i tllports h lave reI lhedl the foresil t sw . pellrvIlisor that 1 c4r4'e' of 12 hu , 3''i lare mising. 441uIt Iof a I4an4 of 1i1 w'll'wh vere'l' a' ught n11 r M i4lln4 four ar1141' 44 hadly liirneld 13t4' will d , Ie, 'l'orest fIt' i: 1a 1ng' Ii1 ghtl., i' t il n li4tl III ('hllrr eeill ,4 is severeyI11' Inj u 1 ol hIn l III I 1'1 lust'l 4l'' sight of Iolllne y. 1144' $1314l i llf 444#14 (.,44*. Flocking From Fire. "In over'l'y 4con 4ivable conve44 4'4ylance people ar1 ' fl4 k4iing$ fro the f1r1- -14wept' iistl'ict to 4 lie41s of comparative safe t'. Sf44'pI lal tru4s1 4 nlad', up of box ears, hiuggage (-l's 1.udl 11 fitw cothes, role pa'ked twitih reflgeel":. At Wul'rld i4l'r land KellI4gg t44 people44i4 hvs' I thrown their hows uolln whvid' to Ilt, Wa4ll'e4 1s4f'irers, n4441 y ofii wh4om l4st everything th'ey hall in 1114 inuay 44igh1's file. "t4(1.res of narrow I4sc.aes (i llld' s4tir ring I4'4'int $1re c'o 4ll in ' with 1v4ery1 group of waryiil flhters. hi in Calnnel of lhl- ohl WViii Ilaglh mini, on Plaiter ir4ee4 , 141seven fl4r33 l \4l' llae'4 , 41 i 1,n, Utidhr 4 4orest I4tllll ' r I' aul' ' l, wers packed ltightly i.ngthel' to 'supg' it'unllnlotll till Page 'l ill'ir'.) START THE FUND Money il neeoded to meet the Iats 'of the hnIdreds oI1f people who11 arc, In Missoula ill tempo rary d'itili'es. The, cllllhamber ol' co, merlllllio Inlst Il have fundl t4 L carry In thl \' work whih \Vii .was H well startedl yies.u tLrd.lay. Twoi other Irescu tr;ins will I Ir r lt h cl'let i icltk this Imorn. I:1g, unt "'" t) ii ,, rvl llli .'ic t aml .r1 j tl i teI . %nrthvrl'n Pa ic. 'J'ii,.s. Ieopl nlllHmst have suuoi1t help). I'1 lit -ut this ·ounon lltn sen'idI it with whatever hunt you a1e willing to giv., itd 1the money will I)1 tllrnlll ov'er to the chllaul r of o' llltl ere n .iaid proper ni ot'lr .triwt iIulled llIt mI le' Tl'he Mlssoullllli: P.1ase find.... . ... ... d llrv iui.nre id fr ~rthe rellef fundll hcr b Ildnr l i n Ihilliilng the fin h irell'- district. DONLAN'S SAWMILL BURNED Al CEDAR STl:,h nin- :n, .\1,l: 21 - ij ,.ial1 ) - 1\ "l tlllU l ' | IY III ' oI itll ti t tI ; ll i tl v I tI. ' tI , ' st1 (tt 'll f +|lr, '' llM iti b, \\ : ht II , rs I , r i ,I ',l here thIaltt III,'l rill e 4 ".1 It . r , * , th lhyr ,, Ill"!tr bed. I'ht tt, ' , i te 1..1 al , i n ' I' I , u l r"tIth . Il, . ; ('r, a . h, re i . ;1 Iood '1 1 h lo "" t t her' ;,n'l the ,1(wIII hI're the t lltl n .1 t illilln . ivtl tI l.' , re vl rttl' h rs Ih;tt I ll.n;tp, FIRE, N. i \O\'tl RAGING IMPOS ThIBLE TO i dET ESTIMATE I lp l'l , iv t .i:t u ti i itlll .t ;llt i .1 i l'te :It 1 fill \ vtilit t1tu1 Idaho ling TIlh irp arI athoIlt ; l 111m ill n hi' w1oods iI)lki ll I t (Ih P',., h il I111"' :Ir , ) L fm"iiiii iiu In 1ii c 'n fit n It i' s ttlR I I ;I l ds l ;l., 1( , vR l'e m ile N,', l hII I 1n 1 ( ll 'll in th1 I II . ill l l iretd '. the, ilr 'll'i.' I'ia11 \1 11 1. i 'II "Ii. i t I' n. l IIlline S l'of ) mii 1 l FIRE NOW RAGING IMPOSSIBLE TO GET ESTIMATE OF BURNED AREA IN FOR EST NEAR BOZEMAN. hI ill h\ta , .Li tll . t l .iti .ug tl firtl it l Ill gin'g UI i tr, hll h linld in tl hel ( lillitiln f, Nitven milh's soath of tIher, tini hl 11's jist erossd . Ii tllr Mot 1:lllt sl.]ul is nnw Inv dlling lmtu of tlih fortlm . Alretl's sllit ttnlllt In In diiI inger tl Is blind oI 1,r.0 shtilel bhlongingl mil',-I, hel nlitglo 1 31 .1n1 lh lilr,,'tet lt li. ingslon ims just ,'net'l' I lh* . h Ciro lit edl filrom sparkslll llt l frtll It thi. iit. lengine on tlhe h uio ('llo r ih IIly. I'ndeulit higi h wind tills firtie n ill iti i tt t 1 v mh ite i Iii ,Is it il.,i of ti t it le 'Ptwet n I it t kinf und Henr cunyon. 'The ire'i Ills laig.+se, through the ll r)11it at1' 1,i1 te or t'more than ita mille that tlh' l-'hunts halve liven visIllh, ior e\'verl l I 1hours I 1 llt . l d lisr ll'e of o.we ll 1r clght 1nllh1M hl daylight. It Is not tll.h' 1x1 11 III' th( ul. nel II .II 1" :s11, l ut it is many 1 1 11nr, inlhes.. S Calling for Men. Si.11r\vrl lsor ('Illnklinlg hils h tn nllt ilng ha+il 1 o'iclotk for 100 mrea to fight ti) and they' hav t been sent t the ftont. iTrlr, .) IIi 'ert"son, giam'e tand form)l tl wlrden, turd A. H. lIIoppellr will pgo to it, fron-t at lint ranyon aind high h1ope of sto.+h ingl the fit'h' whten the wirltd goes 1111111 Ih11ight lle el ntrll+ II' lhe fire Is not lrought 1inder eon trill tinight there is l Itt le hope of stopping it, and the whole region be tween lhlre and Yelhowstone park, in tlluding 4lhdlhe (' oltk and l f .lhltll ri m, l., will then b, in very grave 111ln4ger. .\ slight change ll1 thi wind 1',1id twki, the file dliretly to hbe lpolt 1h1r1 1i dangerous conhltlgra'tlon .V$ .- hlopped ai t'oull eh 1,f weeks agoh Another fire of serills propolrtihns : 1.11,1 1's itthd li 1if l iimfln, 1'S miles south east of t1ter. Pie miners from Hol'h must hIn e w, ill rted. 1111111"r Ii i Ing r'i l 1nker, to Ink, IIr I ' r h i l laze, Another 111,,4 reported f'Iom nhar Mutaldlw.\, Just at the suthllhern1l edge oIf the flelah n fol'.,st. 'I tIIre i,"r, a dozen Il +ims i t , htl.h l'lnorth of llHo. lt lll which iii:1y .een 1nei wra es it' the witd+ ontlinu, ,. .: tl"y I'v lual bh* 'rops a, ., CLINTON IS SAFE. MTiiIon I)gisht telephoned nit 9:40 Iast night th s 1'(lit1(1,1 lll s \ ur' '. I'l - ig iTlrehr1nds ntll r inlders, hl. report" el. FIGHTING FIRE IN MANY. PLACES FORESTRY MEN ARE WAGING A BRAVE BATTLE AGAINST OVERWHELMING 000S. REVIEW OF CONH1TIONS Reports From Every Quarter of Dies tr;ct No. 1, Show That the Flames Are Gaining in Intensity and the Army of Fighters Which Has Bat tied Unceasingly for Days Is Being Beaten Back in Several Points Along the Line. 'With the wirts down in every di r'etiuJn and tIhe rapid sweetp of the ft{an ml inis tihgconne(,tfi ,n with the tho.sand or mnre mtatn! IinttU field In we'stern ilMontana alnd e'u.attern Idalto Itnplolshlhl, the forest nervie'r was Withoutt rp lprt rr.m scores of (tOrews of fire figahteir Inst niXht, anld In mainy iaines I h·ir' lifety is gren:.l ti feirtl for. A crew ill 15(1 men Is t'p'it'td misning to tllrw uif I IIeas11t4n I' I)rthlls. 'lromt lop to Ito tin ore in Ihi int-uint.tlni nII Indepentllce hilnlll Ieip. crieek. ard have nt Iien hearitii from. elvealrl Spallrtl Iies are ln the other s of the di vidU in the Clearwater, wh're feqrftl fi r's are raging, Ilnd to rteliirtds have beeln hearil frott th mtn. tanger fl. (. I \V. F"rdlly Is ,out u ' Ironi .lountaln on his way to CIhuilberlm.alh 1aliidows, and fetIiars are etertauhlPt I' for his safety. Supervisor Koch 'of the Lol·I forest wits lIst rtplrtetd n i 11l w:y west out .,f St, leitis, trying t gt n un to.,.tillse , trains In safety, and scores of other little detachttenlltn of tuIn uhave not yet been hitirdi trnilll. Men Not in Danger. The dunger of these lien Is not very Itneite', howevlr. Ias they are aill ex periencedl wdiiieltln iantd lrn easIly ilvoid anlytlllllhng but the worst In the SIforests. )espite the lack of knowledge ion tlrhese dettllls. Arlolate District "lirlnester Silwx kept In close touch with tl situatlion all day yesterday, and utllder his guidance a remaPrkable fight walls kept ip ull day to save men illll fore.sts. ''Telllng of the general state of at fairt's ri'. llicox tlid: "1 will begin with thl e coullntry aroundt Kalltpell and Iblly and follow the country down uloIng the divide toll Mssoula, then tak ting upt the state of affairs In Idaho." T''his in his outllne; the only word that hald tbeen received all day from Kalitpell was a Iessage from Deputy upervisior Hunker early in the morn Ing asking for more troops, two com anlitl'e to go tol (eorltn iIl the Great Northe'rn, anti two ito Somera, iMr. Hilhux tilegraphllhd ilt onlce to the Great N'tlrtLhern trlni dlllspatcher and asked hilnt to stop tith soldiers then on thelr wiy to i'lainer park. If losible, anti deilitrtain theii iat 'l'Pry, the nearest eta tion. This word tiine too late, how ever', andl the trips went oit. In view of thet fact that the serviee hasI atbsorbed utmsll' t all of the avail iablte tl'roull li ti,' nlorthwest, Mr. 511 icox wiredl to the cuast for soldiers, but, Is the fires In that section are pretty iit''riui., he statetd lu.t night that he dll inoit expect to get them. At Libby. ActnlIt S iilliervlisoorV'lnul at lbby re pIrLtill yet'erdiiay that the fire was I'ging north andlll west of l.lbby and that the i.itti' \'vallhey frI''i Abrldge to Mea.'tidows creet'k was atirp. lllver Night, a iitilnig clal p in the vicn.Ity, was thrtateltned, but, owing to Its iso lationt , Il detail s tiitl bhie letarinedl. lin thoe Lake ci'ee.kl valley. ouitlh of Troy, aloing lithe roaIid front the South Iotrk of the 'lathela to the Kootenal, is a sllti wstall of I'L',. Kelley creek iditl iluultel r cr'.yli k are both UIfre, Yestertldy llrlitllhit litunger IutLinlng, who g i dlrctlill tlietll ht Ut Trlyn eti.t .t i brief [tu, hgr ll i . L tinl thall hei was mlit'ki illh t1 ga, h affort to itllulug llth TrIloy. The tel.hgrm ulnnllul. n illtlig lll the weV l' \\lwatttlnt at oncei', alld uasked alno In Idaho. Nlihii"g \Vwts liwall'ld yatterii"y fromn ;i ntlldiltit. Sult'rvisor Mlli r wrlled fthi Pi' tivur (hat t(it' fire he is fllhting) at Prliest lake Is haud. Tbe tlimber, lie s.tllltd, la veryry ty and the winhi w' , it hiiit liii iillting, (low ing a A tehligraitri o 'I.Ot Iewport. \'ashll. . tilted ;;1i, stited that tiln town wile it iinnlllienl dange Th''le fIlr, th. e ieissage stated, had crolssed Filte )l dt'Orellie oetween . 'ewport L and keinri and I that, wllltg to-t I of tlhe smoke, anya otly starttedl Bluslinell, at T'ho i port'd tvyesterday of (Continuol