Newspaper Page Text
ISBAD OUPERVIIOR OP KOOTENAI FOR. RS PORT OF CONDITIONS. REPORT' 0 FCONDITIONS, At aidnight last nlilt the forest `.~ t -e received a mesuage from laDim1isor Dorr Bkeels of the Koot -r"l, forest at Libby, and filed at 11 V. in. He says that the situation is very bad th his district anld i.tlt lant ii the day four big fires hatd loomed .p over the divide on thle ('wbinet •ad that the entire Fisher river Watershed was on fire, the four btlaze ifcingt with each other in their cager I to consunie the forests and et~ejthat whole region clean. Arolt '-tire fightesr were on 'the divide thlen Ute fire came over and were colm le/! to abandon their tools and flee for their lives. SMr. 8keels reports Sylvanite. as burned And that fire is burning along the Yakt river for miles. Troy seems 4ta !maintient danger a. a large fire .1 ,beatahe down upon It from the southwest. There are two rlarge fires on Pipe creek, across the river from i lbUy, and a crew of 10 men have been caughl t between them anl their fate is unknown. The superv°'.la thinks that there is a slight chance thia~ they 'have made their escape by making over the summit to tihe east. These Pipe creek fires are tlie onrel of which Libby i. the most afraid, but the town Is not in Immediate danger. There is a large fire near Tweed and another also seriously threatens Rex ford. The wind is so hIgh that the fire fighters have realised tle uselessness to do any 'Work at the headwaters of the Various- streams and now have dropped down. to' the settlemettts to t lake4 last stand in protecting the lveral towns in danger at midnight. S IAUD DREAMU Nightpitc , Re*tlesuness and Night aweats All Caused by Indigestion: Halfgt of the nervousness In the world, i of the disturbing dreams and night aires car be ended In a few weks by ah sple, Inexpensive treatment. TUpsestomach is the cause of nerv ouaness and bad dreams. Your food is Iying la your stomauch undigestdl and tinrenting: it is forming poisonous gases whlch Irritates the pheumogas nerve that leads direct frotm the Ian. and ends In a network of tiny 'branches running through the atom It Is lso $he Irritation of this great puategastr c nerve that causes hIead eres. ..any times people have severe headaches and know they are caused by thm sftomach, but do not .now int what mannner. If you are nervoub. have dreams or nightmare, and do not sleep sound at night, let a LO cent Ibox of Mi-o-na stomach tablets and take one or two after or with meals. They relieve dis tressed stomach in 5 mnlutes. Bold by drugglsts everywhere and by George relhellnmer, special agent, who guarantees them to cure Indigestion or money back.. n n- - Anty Drudge's Monday Morning Song. Fels-Naptha does my washing, And I have time to spare, For while the clothes are soaking, I'm free from work and care. For scrubbing, house-cleaning and dish ,washing Fels-Naptha soap is just as superior as it is for washing clothes. It does all any soap will do-besides lots of things impos sible with other soaps. For instance, it whitens floors in addition to cleaning them; takes dirt off varnished surfices of hard wood without dulling the varnish; brightens dingy paint work and ;brings out the colors in oil-cloth and lin oleum;-and in doing this cleanin you use a cloth instead of a scrubbing rush. Easier, isn't'it? It will remove rease and stains from carpets and rugs as thoroughly ca an be done by a professional cleaner. ill even take out blood stains-the vrst test a soap can be put to. t ,re..ons for doing all these things SaI $Naptha way are printed in the p: - red and green wranner. INCOIRAGIN NEWS FROM SPOKANE (tnt ilthatwd from oire taile ) it'y, tilhe pre(diction of the distrilet for. tniter for tonight and tolmorrtow Iming fair weather thromlhout Oregon, Wash intonll anid Idahlo. List of the Dead. At Ilenst fivt art', dead near Nlew p)ort, Wash., In a reiult of tile forest fires. Tihe klnown dlead are: (IGEORG]N0 ZUlilllti, rancher, UGk, W.'ash. MRH. ARTItI'R RfIN'IIAIIDT. •IMORt() > II. ('AMPii.dI,,. THOMAR CARAltY. A ruanchet'r tilmeIdtei (CIldy'. Meverall personslll haIvelr'hIllllnc illc llne fromll fear. Mrs. Iteinhrtirt broke lwl' frnoml h3ler resoctuers after they hlatnd lorne her' fromll her burning home and rush ed i tback into the flame., The flre in still threatening thelllll I town otf Newp,,rt. 1Beer IN being used at Wallace', Idaho, fur drinlkitlng ipurpoles i In place iof Wa ter, thei Hlyll.' otl wuwater ihaving rutle short Hatiurdaly wheil fir te tlluckedl lti tolwn and ill still and intern n wlter wase tIlurned into the city tintsl. MaliIy'or Ilaln.lul ielanId ordern thlat nol one shllhltl drink the contamllnallted vwte'r andt g.e all laloonsl llermnission to ilkeop op(n'11 HutIldty. Brave Laddies Die. A. spi('htl to The 'ri p lolenlitln-I1tvlew from it. Joeo,Idaho, says: Mix ,lmembers'r of the fire patrol gang of 26ll Itn have il.ln four.llnd diead in hik Praielrl antid Aver. The other 20 ure IlllnwtiIllg anid iprulblay will never ie found. Thel f(res are nIow ragingt Ihetweenl St. Marle atlnd Mt. Joe, and have reach ed a point six InIles Welt of rt. Joe. 'The windll in blowllng hard and the fire in gainlling rapidly and lImmensie cin ders are falling in the lStreets of Ht. Joe. The( fire ar re more than a itlet wide atpd are raging in both aideo of tile rivet. Thile whlole country north of tt, Joe over the divide and In l.a ture creek vicilnity, Is abiasle. A Itllumbler of hometlteadter unalble to Ilake tlhi(t ay out over the prairie to IaIt.'. Idaho, were compelled to re traet their steps and go to St. Jotb hy i sotutherly route over the divide. Train Reaohes Spokane. Tralll No. I of the Northern Pacific. wiotbbould' with mtail, reached Spo kane thin morlning, after an exciting run througt h the flames at the Idaho Monltana border. Every car wtp badly -eaorhed. IJamnes are threatell.l g oNewmanl lake, a t Iniolr reanort 20 miles e!ust olf yutkanlle. Ranchiers are being bt:rnedl otter inl tie '.v'itlnity and buildings consumIed. Liberty lake', llanother numlllller res'ort i8 miles froli Spokanlle. iv being ap proached by fire from two sides. Sev eral sUllunerl' cottage h.avo been burned. Thlie Mt. Joe antld St. Maries valleyrt* ill the hileart 'If tlhe richest timber belt il the United istates. are beling welpt by famlnes. Already 100 homellontaders have been butrnd out. Fivel hundred men are fighting the hlaze and Mt. Joe river teamllboata are kept witll stealll up ready tI, take tile entllre populationll to safety if tile fire. make it lnecessavry for ttheln to flee'. Exhausted Women. No e'xhautlted were soine of tile wo m1en altnd children that two rescue par 1"£ ; A; +14 DR5 .. i KA.ACT O P ties wenllt to mt. Joe to aid the weary itravet'ler1. Amlong tlhose reaching St. Joe fronl thlat! viInltty wereo MrI, andtl Mrs. iSmith anlid three childrenl, Mr. nd Mrs. Osborne alld two children A plarty of filfeen lti lls probabIlilly urtrounded. if inot 1lconslnlumed, , by fof' ont firbs in the ltiture 'reellk ditrlit. One man ofr the party at'rrived here yesltler'day. I inl the only person known to have escapted lie says. the flmlle got so closel to hlls lpatrty thalt eachl fll1an labandoned everything and ran for hisl life, Flrol the 'rout ('reek region, .ight miles east of hller,'two travelPer who had i remlllarkablle tt'escape frolll deaUtlh tlrlived thin lmornling. 'For two( days I these lmen lay in1 the creek, their heads under water excepit when llthlley were conlltlld to breate, fire rttaging I ln lotll sldes of the creelk, Injured at Wallace. Among thel injurted in the Wallace huspitll aIre liu flll~llving U3. . Iritten, Nutlerml, N. L.; T. At. J lle,. Floilse; P. W. .Illllvall, lite publie; William ('hrlstqens(ll, Itailli'e, SWin.; Hugh Molrrison, llmtelantl; John Halker. 1Butte; It. Combsll, Utffltl, i. Y.; 'riunk Hlickmian, Lead. . .D.' Chaitrles iltyi, Herblert }lrown 1and Prank Moore,. Chicago; Anlton Canyar, Missoulil; ('. W. alnlning Ahnwlk, . i)., uld Jlacob Finn,, 44. D. Men in Wild 8tampedo. h'eilng their lipnsition lraticalliy lhulil. less, the menibroke lit it wlild stampede for tile lereak bottolll Ieliow,. Htedet anlld seven other Imelll rc.lled the creeik andlll I continued dlown strelam a itd souglt re ruge Iti the tunnlel ill whlich six werel suffocated. He Mays, iltht he dild not knllow 'many of tilhe en oflll the crewl', but IN sure that it. J. Ihlnll, II. t. nSmith ilnl \VWillumn 'ilineronl, ll iof Wurdner, are dealid. Hetllllil tii1s relit tiven its GenlHer, itdlh. ('illlnel'ronll is a nephew ol J.. I1. Mtoore(., iof Kellogg. Notllhipg in knolllwn lof, anly relative ofl iSmitlh. Tacoma in Danger. TUcoma, Aug. -t.-A brush fire thait Ibroke ollt Iast night I racIIng tacross the soutuheasternl IlnIll Its of Tlma, tadl vanlling at tlle ralte of 700 feet ill hour before a :-mllilei hllour wind. (Oak-. land alddltllt, it clllllommunity of wolrk Iilngmen' homesll, In thlrulteneld, anlldl., unless the flllmes caniill. e quickly chellcked, lt(igetlt's parilk, onll of tile Ibest r.lidence distr, llw tl i the city, will slf for severel'y. The ilsmoket fro(lll thel fire' wholly ihlluries thelll un anld throws the city into it fleculiill twilight, Smoke at Lewistown. Lewistown, A Itg 2. 8i.i't' i le ast nlight lsmoke has livlen ettling aver this se.' tll' until today tlie .twhoil le Judith basiln in enveltloped andilll i fllne uInh 1r ilttlling I over everylthing. M 11I th t'f It I:olllme frtiom the fires li ii I'll , Ibut thlie big i forest fire ie the Snow mountlils hasi kli('tk'e ouit li freslh alll is nllow Citllng Its way lown olIilt this ide ofi the rlange.l.I It Isauid ti he Inore fer('ely l lburning l than ever, More smoke comes front l grhain fields anlll prrilli eit, fl ies n thils eltion.l Onell I'ethl of 4) ailires of fine wheat was iiilpletely destroyelid at thefl I l'lvl'er' I nell ca town, ell ll 1ing tllartedl' by sparks from it threshing engine. Fire Companies Arrive. Kilispell. Aug, 22.-I1' comlnnises of regulars with entire equillmeitt ire ci. ltCll lur biih ( l I'1ll11 K i'lll d' ltlherll points ylterdallly liand wenlt direcltly' to the fir',, under th guidancelh of f'r etlry offlicials, 'I'hl soldiers were' d .i layed C.l S houirs. The situtiton todayw wtas nlIt.lllilyralveal' i l Inl'Pll hfvi 1 e11 1 engaged to gllo to lney Ilnll othelir Still water pointsi the lllieibUr of nlidle.r.s Ussignelld being insuifficient, Supor'lsor Haines returnlled ltodayl froli Stillhwater with worul that 30 metnt, belh\'ed to have beea lostn. h id bee.l tvedl by getting behind thei fire itoil burlled-over regionsl Sllli nlllnti 1or them strugglld In today anlld i.skedl folr pay,I Wlordl froll the Noirth fork In thatt the fire l splreading rlaplidly land nrllnLtlach Illg on ifilar lli n ttlnal parl'k, A settle- I nmeat of sHuatlte'rs in tlhe wlkfel(fet fir et was burnelllld out yoterdally and tilieS' sa\.ed only it few gpotls by Iburying(I thliem. (elsplell Is in no dangelr, buItt ashesll land dead indel'rs continuellll to fall inI tile cilty, carrleill lowln by wlids lthe the westwardl. Situation at Gould, . Helena, Aug, 2 (.--0luld. Milnit., 17 miles rroln HelenaII, In relitIrely su1- 1 rounded by a helavy forest fire that Is i hoUrly Increadngll i inh Inteln ity i\ a i1 crqeeplng closer to tile tow\nl. Willllillr, I i jullt over the ol unlin tt mi' i, (;id . Ie il also threatened \with distrelelton ad il J tie Inhblltanth are moivhig olt Iof the I pIlaL.. The tilulel'r aro iind1 Lincll, a towll near Wllliuri'ii, tI hitrnir g r dltll / If aindg the vucuvlantr if r, e Vani'" e'l'eve1 and HarI onim rInchell( are packing wagons annd pltk nm uldes hlli Luiieholid goods preparaitory to getting out of the danger sine. In National Forest, Libby, Aug. 22.--'he worst fires In the Klotenai liatlonitl iforest in point of Iarela oburned and tllmbler destroyed are oin the head of Li hby creek and In the West i'lsher ciountry. Settlers in that part 'of Lincoln counlty have beenl driven from their homties in ia number of casesn and have coulie to Libby. Good Progress at Libby. |,llby., Aug. 22.-( jpecialel)-tConsld I erale apprehenlllln las been felt here for tipe lpatt two days liecause of -for est fires which lhave Ibeen burning fiercely aboullt foulr miles south of town. Shliuiid the wind change to the sounIh there is danger that the fire woild sweep down uponl tile town. About 200 ilen have been working to get the fire under control and for the pIast twenty-four hours they have beelln making good progress. ires are burnlng In all parts of the Kootenat national forest. Several Settlers Burned Out: Through a forest fire which is burn Ilug in the Lake creek country fifteen mildes west of lierie teitl settlers have been burned out. Iii omll cases ac cording to the reports, tlie losses have beeh quite heavy, some of the settlers losing buildings, crops" and livestock. Rushing to Libby. Driven front 'their' i lt(imes by the flames. settlers From tile southlern part of Lincoln couhti ure conling into l]ib Ivy to seek saufety from the fierce four eat fires ti that 4 . ty, In the ullountalli between l 'Il lI. and ndtllller counties atllnmost tlts Wildtte country is in flamles and( It is almiost certain that a unumber of riun(h houses will hie burinetl. Forest Supervisor Duieskeills hles Just returned from this part of the Kootenali forest and he itp'lrts the cldlltions there us hleing the wr;llt of any, I)ltrt of the forest. There are noi tbwus In that localilty, the dllltnce beI inil abtl) 5 miles froim Libby. 8Silvanite g Cn`I eWheit sP s like authentic hirllli tlolln hias been rece.ived thlat tilhe, town olf Slivalilte in b)urningl, ia goli mining cutup aboliiut 20 miles north". Aboute 100 peolple live in the town. Heavy Smoke at Helena. Ilelrno, Aug. 22.--A heavy pIll of smokep overhangs Helena and the air is fairly piermealted witl ashes as the result of forest fires burning in every dlrectionl fromn this city. New fires are replorted today at Lincoln, Gould,i I'letcher, Cascado land Uniunville. Thle fires at Lincoln and Gould are attr Ib utied to eutreless eatlners and they will bIe irosecuted vigorously. l'he Jay Gould miino at (lould may be euldan gel'ed if tllhe fires spread to any great extent. (u)verllier Ntorris today received towo requests 'ifor stilte troops to aidll in fighting the forest fires. iorest Sup eirtvisor t'onklillg at Bozemanui advised the goverlnor that five sections of state lanil had bleen burnedl over, and that five inure were endatgereld. He re quested that the company of state nil Iltlh stationetd at iozeomuui e ordered out, Mlr. Conklingl alson sent similar in. formatito to the state board of laund cti.lmisiisll ner ts. i)ave llllger, president of thile irst National iankl at Lewitown, called up thie governor's office by telephone, 11 formillng Secretary Aikenl that the fires iI the Slnowy imountalll dlstrict l.had brokeni Oiut again. Hie said that the I,ewistoiwn Chamllber of C.onlllerce and the forest suplervisor ollted him iIn the request that the Lewistown conm lpatty be sent out to help fight the fires. He said the members of thel comlpalny,were willing tio go, but wantt ed an official order before proceeding. - - Governor in Great Falls. Governor Norris was in Great Falls last night with tie United States artny enlgineers, en route to view the StB l River Irrigationi project, alnd the bup Ipostion I that le ihas gone with them, although J. 11, Hall, coummisslonLer of igriculture had, ia report from Great Falls that the givenl'lor had gone to libby tio securt e lersonall knowledge s tol the lttuatiot in the Flathead and Lincoln county fire districts. Trestle Is Destroyed, Htuttf, Aug. 22,-District Freight anid Passenger Agent of the Northern Pe' cifle WV. H, Merriarln i in rfebipt of adui'ces front the west tonight that the trouble near Tuscor, occasioned by the forest fires, would be overcome by midnight aull delayed transcontinental irailts started imoving. Delayed east. hound o\verland traltnl can be expected ii Lutte.t early' tumorlrow lmornlng. The Puiget HS1onil officials were advised to day of the dlestruotion if a trestle near Portal, in western Montana, by forestt fires, 210 feet high and more than O0 feet InI length. Thls is one' of tile longest trestles Viy thly lviretela System. und will tie itp tile operation of the reedl for sonme timne, foiling stock has oeen placed in tunnels for safety. New Fire at Bozeman. luzelnaen, Aug. 22.-At a o'clock tils afternoon thie fire' sltuation' was not greatly Imlproved. A new fire has started at the head of Bour Creek. A llnumber of lunmberjacks are fighting the fires here and have edlled for help. More assistance sl called for at Hoffman and Boxenmrn Canyon, alnd men are sent out hourly. A l'umnor over tihe telephonlle frot Bear canyon reports that 800 sheep have been destroyed, supposed to be a band of George H. Webster. Northern Pacific at nooji sent 65 section men to Hoffman to fight the fires. Supervisor Conkling received a call at 4 o'clock front Cinnabar, in the Yellowstone, to come over, and fight fire there. Tile Nortilern Pacific has asked for more section men and Gov ernor Norris` has been appealed to to order out tile Bozeman militia. Captain Wil1ams says they will respond In stantly to orders. Wallace on Increase. Washington, 1). C'., Aug. 2..-The population of Wallace, Idaho, which has been devastated by furoret fires, was 3,000, as compared with 2,205 In 1900, wihen the coens enumeratore itnade the poll of the city' for the thirteenth decennial census. Fatalities Inoreasing., Spokune. Aug. :2.-Specials to t the Sokesmnan-lteview tnligllt from tl)u forest fire sone ucnecentuate thle I.o rorr of the situatipn and' Indicate that the number of fautilitles is hourly iln ereltasitng. News conlte fronl Wardner, Idaho, that F. Ml. Bedell, of Kellogg. foremalln of a crew of .70 men under Ollangers Pulaski and Lewis on the Big creek fire, was brought itome last night in an tltolllt blind condition. His arms,' hands anti face are 'badly blistered anll show the marks of lhe desperate fight for life. T'hll crew was working on tihe east side of the fire iet the Iig creek basin. Their posl tilon becatne untenable and under ties leadershipl of tile rangers they 4ecrant I blel irn the dim light of the fire to thle crest of tile ridlge expecting to pass over to Placer creek and out by way of Wallace. On gaining the lI vide they Were confronted by ua .thior fire on tlhe Placer. NEW DEPARTURE - IN RAILROADING l n ,\LAntonllh. 'I''xis. Aug. 2.~ Though tlrhe Texas. Arklntla's & Louis iann railroad is onlly seven miles in lengtil and doe's not figure on Wir* street, it Is the' Iollrneer itt tilte use of natuiral gas as ar fuel for locomotives, The onle enlgirrne of tire systernt, after burning coatl anlld oil, is enowt using inatural gas to get up steam, and it is claimed that tlhel lust is tihe best of thielt all. There are neither cinders, snlloke or smel- lncident to Its com 'bustion land stentir ktops ur with a rengularity that would be tile delight io' ally enlgineer. Moreover a saving orf 2,5 pe' cellt is effected Iby the use of glas. 'l'r '.the' regular tender, now tWerless except as a carrier of water, i stalndard geeu tank Is uttached. No pressulre' is used to fill it and afpfr the' roulnd trip' or fourteen miles there is still souml chiibon left. Thre credit of the innovation tbelongs to J. H. C'on' ueljly, of Carthage, Mo, Whether iuttural gas cane he used to advantage by tIrcrcoltives making long runs has not beenl determined as yet. THE RATIONAL TREATMENT FOR ECZEMA The rdey of tile use of salves and greasy lotions iln the treatmeent of cc zemna and otlhe'r Skil and scalp dis oases 3s done. Time has proved them not only practically tuseldas In effect ing permanent cures, but also' uncleari and in reality breeding places for dis ease germs. The ,SmithitDrug'e store is plesaed to announce Itself agent for ZlMO--the modern, clean, simple and inatllible ireatmtent ..for tosetin,' pim plea, blackheads, dandruff and all itch Ing dtiseases of tile skin and scalp, do confident are we .of Its.fflcacy that we say to you--te. ZiEWMO 9 cording to dlrections-tlheen if noi ost isfaotory, cotrn and get your money Ask or ,uJplggQ tEillng hpw to , . Syour~self 94 AveYtF 'lty) :'ibid You Can Find Bar gains at the Crescet 'The reimalllting dals orf August wil be devoted to clear lug the wiiy for thlle new full mlrchatldiseC. Already the incoltuing supply 1N crowding the reserve stockroomn. Now for your ieuld(idte wants. Summer Gauze. Underwear Reduced 20 Prt Cent 1'Ve will reserve nothling; unllliy styles and nulfibers; W'ill serve fo' full wear; garmen.lIuts for women aund children. C('hihlhiren's black hiostl, in all sizes, The value, for the week, II pai .................................................... ............................. 100* iaSchool plaids for children, 30 Inches wide, a splendid ais sortmtit, ediumlllll dark patterns, a yard, 50e and 75* 35tczeplhyr glnghlaus, 32 Inches wide, in stripes, checks; complete iassortlllment of patterns; thle week, a yard, 198 Laces at Half Price liisrlltiians 11and Il(' edgings of embroidery, Vuls., Nor, nalldi.s iilad 'Venice, on sale at . ONE-.iALF the `regular iliintkiug; edloru owlrl and white. Ribbon Sale IRilhbous, fancy and plain tiaffeta and satfll, itn all colors and black nd llwhit'e; valus to 35; for the week, yd., 150 Men's Suits Must All Go Every nian's suit bears ia 'special price that itmakes it thli best value ever purclhased by any individual. The Crescenut will iolit carry nlen's suits.. On sale, not at 'a profit, but to find qluik purchasers. 'Men's Straw Hats at Half Price Men's Shoes at Half Price Men's Summer Underwear Greatly Reduced t Main Floor;Higginsllloek5 r : A Telephone : AccomPliihment Folr the, fil'st lilie ikl the history of the telephone industlry ill he Unit.ied.~ tes, telephone exchange hllas been openl'. forl. service at full capacity. The Autouiatic plant right here In Mbissoula holds tids I'P*ec(l.or . tSuccess never cones without a cause. t tuccess in this instance is attributable to two causes-pride in a holnie en terprise and a widespread appreciltion of a service which, aside froml its nIoderi advantages, has shown Missoula telephonle Iselrs the difference between piublic service and private service. 'Mllsoula is now connlecte.d by long distance litha with Itutte, Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Stevensville, Helelna. (Great a Iils. ]lozwtian, 'LivingstoU, Billings and intermuediate po lllt-all lndependent and all better. MONTANA INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE CO. i nf l .. iOi Oi I ild Age and Youth BECAISE S It is agood, cool, sweet smoke.. B u' y a pakage or plag today r No adulterations -al id tobacco-Union made. Sold by ll first glas. deailss John ,!Ftt A non S "Fresh,-Air P Ar. Waonderful Hteqt Producen , ": They 'Heat Where Otheir.s iFa They giye June Weather during Winter Months, Are oconomJicll in Fuel .!releaily Managed. Thput sands are in use all o.ver the UT. S. giving beat atifa-tii. Install theie popular ~..eersif Comfort ·if:s. 4xCIW..VA#R PR· Iwr.via ;5aq ~..: s;C F , "*9`. p'dC:Y`H !4P9r)yb A M~?r9ANi~i 5 OQ -· / · I