OCR Interpretation

The Daily Missoulian. [volume] (Missoula, Mont.) 1904-1961, March 14, 1912, Morning, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025316/1912-03-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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' 4)% tXT T4Mt -.
cording to Mfr. men the 'haadllusa
tnt' the 8 Mlons
Jntried lines, but base on whit lit
'tie experjence the 'wardens .i al
Seady m.e.dd. 'Phe eqthod 4f un-'
.loadiat tle' elk here has .rought eon
Saderldbe oriticim Uipon the heads of
the w de who reg'euas much ad
K'iwqe the fait) thea a ll f the anl
ta'ls 'WrIe injured or subjected to
" Te elk shipped hee -were loaded
at ~dltritter following their capture
au thot cityt. The capturltg of the
e'lk w in charge of W. C. ihaw.
atn exietlnced girlde of that section.
by the use of bay scattered on. the
.~round the animals were enticed lato
a stookade constructed for that our
pose. The animals were wary of the
S'wn at work on the job and before
any one would come anywhere near
the etnpkede It was necessary to
bury the' man who tripped the stock
,ade gate beneath the snow so that
the cautious animals could not .ascent
their trippers. By using this method
%he elk were captured. It was then
aneasy matter to get them Into
orates on wagons and tq haul them
to the stockiyards. A runway was
attached tO the raes of the Wagons
so that, as it was thought, the anl.
mals obcld walk to the ground. Sere
was where the elk oWjected, every
last one of them leaping entirely over
the runway. This Is the reason the
method employed here, that of pro
viding straw for them to jump onto,
was used. In maknlag this arrange
ment the immense crowd which as
sembled had not been counted upon.
The crowd wits a nuisance, not only
in ,Hamilton, but all along the line, as
orowds of people flocked to the car
and swarmed over its sldes at every
Atop ,made. The plk were kept In a
oontlnual state of excitement, so it Is
not to be wondered at that they heal
tated about leaving the car when it
was spotted here. After the car was
vpened and the frightened animals
began to mill about In the car, there
'was as much danger to the animals
in the car as In the rough handling
n sgetting them out as soon as pos
"There is no one. In the state with
mnove experience iin the handling of
elk tha have r-9·:Noeon and. W. C.'
th, 10 bared' Wiomds "They
apaile 'th proposition In tile faq of
thp obnditions arisins in the best
mahlal' they knew. They learned' a
-lot in. handling that car of ely, and
are iii a politon to profit by their
S-utlsnoe. It isa an easy matter for
ispOne to see the errors of their
mga t pd after it I~ put Into' actual
practice. When the car arrived he
it would 'have been impossible to find
'.20 anon who would agree as to how
the animals should be unloaded, hut
it 4ook no keen Insight to declare the
.method used was improper, after It
are "Mighty Good"
'Thesr tempting bits of toasted corn have won their way in camp and home from
ctan to ocqan.
Post Toastles reprisent --the best that money can buy.
" 'ACw' Ak, iehi
ot . Br un h
t to fret
9,'" i!ela 'the athter o a
ist need to be told where Ml
in the lpment we, a
lolfE. Stit 6f the fNt t ,
that Q, *riyed .to ju 4 ts.
Y-le*etone park nelhborh. od lbuast
Mt. ," it In expected that lthe
ii*at ta this winter will be l
6tes i'weu v lle, M arch 13.--( Speclal)
GDame Warden Plroman arrived on
this afternoon's train In response to
the request of Stevensville for getting
a Carload of elk shipped to this place.
Mr. Prohnan states that he will go to
ardliner at once and make arrai.ge
monts for loading a car, and expects
to have it shipped hare within a
waeek's time. Stevensville will profit
by the experience that others have
had in regard to unloading these anl
mals, and precaution' will be taken
with reference to keeping She crowds
of people at a distance until the elk
are unloaded from the car, which
seems to have bean the greatest
trouble experienced at other places. If
it Is found necessary, on account of
the people frightening the elk at tlhe
unloading, the animals will be kept In
the car until night time, when the car
can be opened, and allow theI anmnils
to leave leisurely. All the people are
anxious to see these animals upon
their arrival and Mr. Proman thinks
It will Qp Impossible to keep tile
crowds back, and whil he is willinlg
that everybody should see them, lie
belleves that the safest way would. he
to unload the car at r.ight, and after
they are unloaded there will be only
11ttle danger of stampeding them,
which caused the previous trouble in
other places. The committee, which
will have this work In charge, will be
notified by wire as soon as the elk
are shipped from (lardiner.
Stevensville, March 13.--(pecili.)-
The Stevensville Chamber of Com
merce held its regular meeting in the
library building last night. The at
tendancee was fair and the principal
lfulness transacted was the election
of officers for the ensuing year. J. B.
Parnall. was elected president, J.
Frank Burough, first vice president;
Albert May. second vice president;
Edward BJmart, treasurer; Clyde ina
gle, seerery. The :executive tom
inlttqp .qopalsts of these five oflicers,
and thlltugh the president, manifested
a disposition to begti its work with
the ittniqst 'energy. A meeting Was
called for on next Frillay for the pur
uose of discuasing 'the matter of. get
ting a right-of-way through town for
the proposed east side railroad, and
at this 'imeeting a coinmlittee of three,
who were aippointed last night, will
report the result of a meeting to be
had with Mr. Itloan who has been
asked to state his wishes in having
the town furnish the right-of-way
through the corporate limits.
mY t1 M1S.I.JAN'4
apactA$ 8WM Res.
-okl8nh, A h 1 3.-(RIpeela,)
County Ahttote aot of Kalni
pghiI in # ott t Q the case
"J':he following members or the Pol.
son Chamber of t.nlelllnleree. Presldent
f ,l en . C1tner, Secretary A. ". rle Jk
ford, J. A, Johnson,. ,Wlllanm 13.
hlll, iv. ttendd the ding t-to cather
meetl.in" .t° 1, it.Igntislas I S-tur
day:' They, report aln enthullatle
~eeti tey of whlh Whvert sh mport nt
resoluon pert ea raning to the rmoerva
ton werhis ho sed, the meetint being
h followd ing banquet t which the
W. u . wer. entert lnreta y A. t. i or
meeting ue aist. ratus t tur-om
winter's vist east, alnd reports hlln
self more Ini love wltlh tile i'latlhle,
lltra over.
daThe Pohn lrep.ort on enthulnta Ild
. meetillg T wh ay everlng to ortant
rotti onand tainik oer o theb for thev
:tion r j . the m ting bing
M. ollowed. yhr, banquet ar hich th Fat
tla. P. ( use ha returned from aL
winuntr'y rom isi tr, In threortllh md
dle staore in wl ith the chtmblned
businlss with pleAsure.
Hamillton, Mnreh 13 .-(.Spedal.)
Attorneys (leorge T. B.ggs iand iR. O.
Lewin of $tevensvillo ure' In 1til eity
Atttendling to dsltrict eourt nhtters.
(eirorge I. iHow', (Iorge A. Kain
anltd Johnt nW. lut,'co of s1ivens'lVls e are
registered at the Ravanll hotel.
Dan Armn., righl-of-waly man for
the 'Missoula. & Iamnillton railway, is
in Hnamllton today.
Wl1inltm ;. .We.la of MiUnoulla in
herel vlsillng with his son who rre
ecntly Ileated hier.e with his falnmly.
Froed ihlnman of Missoula is snthk
ing one of his r'egular visits here in
the interests.t f the :Mlsso.lal Merclln
'tfile conpany.
D. A. Brown of Missoula. Is In Ham
iltan In the interests of the .1lsmonlna
Stevenmville, March L..(l.peclal.)
1%'jqtt Cyr aCt Miseqiklk spent (tie illt
here yesterday attending to business
Hheriff t(eorge Sh1e of Halllltnn rit
tlnluded to legal business here. TtIus-_
day in connectton with Iis office.
Mrs. Ir'ene oswald, who has bheen
spending the winter here with h'er
sister. Mrs. J. (1. Showell, left today
for her home In Great Falls. Mrs.
thowt;hl itc(tuomuatleuird iher as fur tlu
J. A. Murrelles or Missoulla is
spendting it few dauys here on busilness.
SI, FL~F; WtfS -
Ur D Ii, ~I #ffW A(SI
Ou ,i $4&i$UKl THE SEAUTY
P'!! HAIA IN tlN MIN* r
.1il'Oi en at. Rlntd lf heavy hair.
wtl i ith ieaity and in rn- 1
f l t: Hh a an incomparable (
asfte'd 04 in iurtly andl luatrous,
YoU dan ft onfe( enn etlde that this s
Cll, n h lI using 1),tlnderlne. I
also anenmplsahe s so
't it Epp lIeatilon of Knowiton's
Ditaigiria hi flVl 4 o1 d ltth the bhnuty of I
your i ,"be kltn I irnneeediately dii
stroas A1º diknolicvn ei'verty iiusticle of
dandift; y1 c'irinnel thnvi' Ieni.e, heuaby,
healthY'lhIE' gt yon hlr vi' dandruff. Thisn
Pititf, . Naek I 3.-(N.1tcrinl.)-The
revival meattlfs sire nlw in the third
week and lthb.aoontr&letion g(eta larger
e'ach even '., Jat night Ivanngelint
Smith a i>",on "Profit ntd LO*ls of
Using ai ( ~tiain," ltnd derllvered a
.tlrrign~all lie deitulnre'd that lie
Ilad "dQo .'eP t for titan oi wmanl
who never cinters the d(hoor of a
ehu.t.. Such b;i Iil41ulrlltie ciltl
geni; hAAe thine.' ne.' teplorabIle lnad
show ' ravitnlt IIt i lltexculable
Iheatheimlatn. (0l .lpity the Ibtiy or girl
who Wit, born in iI homIne whose par
nlltis eler enellr :1 ichulrh,." Mlr.
Smith. sai~d that ,in11 men.l thought if
their fanlllen wer, (Bltudly that the
father an. hulundl was entitled to a
free, transport tI, thr Perly late..
I adlvlised his ihatel'rc to live a bnidly
lifr, "ns that is tie... nliv life thait will
b)ring rnltlisfctIe i IIenedt Joy, and
nIlyrlads of pei.le will clhrish your
raplie. If you live without (ld you
ire' lot." '
The evangellt aeys thisn Is the
preateut week leitanets Iltms ever wit
I ca.s d in the (Chit'iitiie t tile'. M.(r'
*h:l hn of or the lug anll eti, e' l. ice'i'eptedl
thee Invtlttion nlast eveninc: ulnd I
Mtlqlpped to tih l Jiufortlll .
Jniek J.)' .,ti, rer, inetione pl(ltulre
oepera(tor at tIll Thetoritun. while
lcutting wdotl ~',;r.trdey., whie'.cked aff
his tIheitini.. 4 L ,ih,.fiyIt joint. Tihe,
greti t ing pros lf~th tt [ied.
.Jiurvey Jilagg, wetll-knownI truck
farmer ol Piln., atlitendede to hlunltic.an
tma.tters lii '.lfiestulal yestirlter ). He
SH iii eo'Ci pel.li it y lDeputi lt "tik iin
et'ectiotr tir,etlk Hlarlan.
lelrry ,.lelti.,en. iemanaige"r ,if the
CaEileres C'lulnlt ,.eli.ereittile compallny.
r'iturte.d tnd:iy from ci businessee trip t,
1lle111,niu ; ,ni Ilutto..
Darby, .11ureh 13.-(Special.)-There
are indlltlhins that bhulders will be In
l emtnd in i oI urhy this season.l R. Av
Iili is now iiguring on the erectlon of
it new store, for his Jewelry business.
The building will be built ion lot 16,
block 1:I, next to Charles E. $tout's
clothing sittre. It will be a modern
buildlng anll work will start asn oon uas
thie wenlIther will permit.
It. Josleph tulne up from Hamilton
Tintleldy nighlt on husinestt.
The l.1 It. A. will hontl iI dlnce otn
I'rilday night fir the benefllit of the
home lodge.
The I llrby concert orheostrau organ
lzed .Mond)ay night aind will give a
dance tilon.
Mrs. (h;orget Miles has returned
fftet lintiilltion, where she has been
visitng her daughter.
Cold weather and a big supply of
snow iIr. rleported from thi upper end
or tlhe vall)y ait the foot or the mtoun
J. J. I)llkelry hlts ibeen it visitor in
EParl Ne, birother of Mrs. C. JC. Stout,.
illta arrlived hi Darby fromt the aslt,
wllhre he lu been traveling In the
theltreilttl Iullsiness. He will locate Ihere
arnl exIpects to open a music store.
I'armelrs lr prelarnllg for spring
wVork, andlll plowing will be sltirtiel slonlt.
There 'are Indicationsl of a grcut crlop
this year. r
Warnllr lnimnons ,will take charge of
the Priscilla hlotel April 1,
Gun Ullu.us and Frank Waddell have
returnedl friiom a trip to the coast iand
report hatving had the timhe tif Iheir
W. II. unionmaker of Stevensville
wail here til business yesterday.
Miss Norni PFowler has been in
Darby vislting rliends. She reoturned
to Victor today.
C. EB.,llampbell Was a business vis
itor in Durby yttgrdlay.
Mr. and Mrs. OGlett are home from
a visil lln Ilamllton,
Mr. and Mrs. 1lty Brown have been
In Hamilton for several days.
Mrs. Hermaln Iianb, who has been
seriously 1ii, 1s DOW recovering.
Monday's oroiheitr, rehearsal broke
up in a dance, the audtence finding the
music lreselstlble.
The gelnerous Amount of snow on
the belwth ina~Itrq plenty of spring
moisture and the'orohardlsts and farm
ers alre alified.
Dr. J. ICK. ulers has moved his of
fice to the Bhoudy buildlng.
Hamilton, March 13.--(peeoal.)-
The ut.et of lwreneo Wandprer
againLt it, .loep iand wilfe,,a suit for
1''e4, wa, spltl .4y In tile
stsiot court, t'AI ign in a
Srdtet tor the . l mi.e msountn
S. it Fifi :Olihls als
via a lit j tie
court, from . ' *
lostrulqtlve .lrt rof the hair of its
lustre, its strength and Its veio Ite,
and it not overeome It prodtlrse a
eiverislhness and itching of t.ti sealp;,
the hal. aooti ftunll~, lnou#t and die;
then the hair falls out fast.
If your hair has been negletetd andt
io thin, faded, dry, smrnggy or tol
oily, 'don't hestate lut get a 15 cent
bottlo of Knowlton's na.nderine at any
litrlg store or toilet coumter; apply
a little at d'lrected and Iten minutea
after ydou will sny this was the hIest
investment you ever mIade.
Wte esincerely belilr., regardless of
everything Oelse alvert(iedt that if you
diesir soft, lustrous, beautifrl hair
and lots of it--no dnndlnrrf-nn Itch
ng sctalp and no Inore fillineg hair-
you must lluse Knowitnn's ln)tldlein.,
Ift evetually-w\hy nlt Ienow? A 21
,ent brottle will truly ani ne you.
pniled. The complnllt alleged that i
horse and cow belonging to the d,'
Iendants had wandered into a young
orchard belonging to the 1 lnintlff and
had killed severtl, yllung appil trees.
The plinlntiff was reipresented hi At
torney Edwards, the diefendnnt by At
torteys Arneit, Ta.lor and Johnlson.
The case of (1norgei W. litohllilthlgh
ilganlhat the ltunnyside Orchards com
p1ny was started late yesterday itand
is progiaesing slowly today. 'Trlhe case
Is a salit on t conltrnct for cluariing
land. trakeir nod K1urtI Ilre uttorneys
for the plaiintiff. Taylor and ,Iihnisn
for the defendant.
Ronan. Mitarch 'la. -(1pel.anl.)--MI. .I.
|*,tnledict nalldl a it tilllneat trill, to, Mnis
so.la uatrdtiuy., returninlK M.andity.
MIrs. Andrew stinger wats taken \'ry
altlddenly IIl sat tlrdlay with I a light atl
tn.k of uil'p 'lndlitim, bt b Is reporltel
ilmulch better todllay.
M. lR. $htallandralt if (t'errI (thirds, Ill
arrived in tliutat la I, first Iart of the
weOOk ald t Il ramaint, i permllanetlly
Frank Aleilager will (ldtlliatlae hls Ienw'
dry gioods and xlh,,n store bay givinlK ta
iig free tianci to his many frlenids fln
J .i. N.ltoll of iluatalia is loking
after llhx inlartatl Itn tlihe Millaill avl
lIy this weeak. II1 will l.alse lltanld unit
pat1 it a r Iter crop tali ilt spriKg.
Mr. ItI'Vhl :its ad family .f (an'a llall tldge,
liont., vis\'ti ng his hrothier, I'rank, west
if iRonal n, till itave attint for tIheir
home anal ltiny rtrn and lotat Iolt lt
the Ait, io.n vtllaey,
W hile. llmig Irattlrm lt. Igattl tlI ti
Intalllln Iust xl llludly, D)r. IM. W Hlllr ha
ta.ntll Incl llta' frltlllrighteal iand ra;n nawny,
IlrtalakingI the hIagg.y a:ntlI hilrnatt atndl
hijitgrll Ih, urs s., ih t ti ail. I' rom :1
few sllatatlaes th Iall doitalr a uta hut |ttI't.
T'here will be i. "alird 'rimes" dateha
I give.n Mattardlay, Mairh 10, ly lt.h p1ln
pi,' liviag neatr the IIIg flnttt. llltaper
will served latd tveryhdy, 1.s in
vllted. I
Mrs. M. \\. 1Iull, twh Ila l beenl illI
fir Ilthe. t Ils. ta able tlI he il t
.Mrs. Itarv alh Ittashhne i t i the
slclt list I lv wek
'lThe. lidll's of IIt (',afllah-lh church
will giv . .i Sit PTatrhik'st Illane ata t 'll
It tltlan I lm ';1 ItIhIa e 'aNI h I 'P TIal',
a ill ih tat. tr ill°t Iltarta t lan all la ll
atanona ft the Mattnlt . IRverattlhy Ia
ilvital'd. Stiff lt ' will the servetd.
r.11 .sa. A. M. lar tag. wl hi. s bi '', t
visliti lit litaMiatla for l.lh x Ilt Weeil
It i, pealteda Iatme a.ton.
S14M. l"I hty of Itlatv ii W ll a t l, I tutin
lITudlllay I rtllnmaetlng hIala1ats.
Johln Witty alf MNzarcum, a. Wath ,
lstopped tit thel Coilra htlotel T'uedll a l
NI. .1. dillaaerget' of Heatll" patsea
thrillIgh Itonuin Tuesdiay.
t ''laoanla at . IClt " I lnn f a o Isn stoppedl'I
atl thlle SMItrling hoItetl lTueIdatl ijy.
Nil,. .lnali Mrs. Joseph MNIrlll, of near
Poalaanll , piMeal tIltr nttl l here Tuesday
on their way to Missouala.
II. Whitlll tfl If , lolsn wa I l i I llt a n;ala
tll',ana ti'llnt I stal n's n ll first part Ift
this wee',°k.
lttmnilton, MN r hii I:. --(I i lt.t'i ill
with Mtlaa I ,t'aerne ltaIbarton ail her
Ih il on at ith Iill fth slrl ,t. Tr i'lt
,vt'itling wati a pImt'ed vtery at I eana l\
with (h' 'eelh'. It'efrsat lalnla, V'
teradtol It Ihle gluaatH dtulrilg the Vell
inlg. 'rhats prea.ent ware: MlIsasa
htr'ttulott (lick, R.ldna, i'hlal , tluc
t'.1tltbtp ll, Ilhatn. Mit'rutra'lali. l.atr:t
Jnisl, t artruade Hulntll , La 'arte'
Ro.tbartl.int aild Mrs. W. A. Ml':Iray.
Iftmilattltt, Mrill :. --t. a)
'Mrs. J. 4'. iMoare hIla . .LI'ued inlVita
istls I'' a ixtparty to hot given ,'ltdIlay
etV ting In hIltnora t l' oiter a n, ta , 1t . rl
.l.ao're,. The "eavl will iia ,vwhlat t i
known Si a t'Laupad" party, tItitdl
frari the scheme o'l f di'nratl l T
I itmillon, March 1:1.--( lpreci,-
Iorn BI3nnetlal, ita 10.-yarohl gilrl, wais
t.riiusly hurtled list" yetasterdaly ft thlat
H4. 1.. Parr ranch tan C.inasaa Prairi.e,
souathwest from till cityl , by fuliling
Into a aoanfiret. Mr. Parr aaania lhere
recnt ly frtom at Iltle and wails ingaged
In clllanialng uip at hjs ratlnh when the
abilld In some mnanane fell into' at fire
Got nthe
ý, ý ta C ý"
h%,hl n them garmentis rIdi
'nt Wha ti wel-rM t wiflieli
,,Moing hil knw riht ell her
mei if il n rgy-hn. Ther
Gil hit
N~l i hsit r $lei-12.50
Spring Suits Qf S hI ''
No Larger Stocks. 3Ik als
No Better Styles. sa mas prod'.
t'11( I l) ht Illy uf h e forlf t hell W
$15.00 to $25.OO Lr m IN." IIY 1I Wlrlrt 1
'I'll I'. mea nr tv" have 11001411- ," n ." It ly lno maw thor
'hiN N In %1I1 it W.N I. 'P~r 1 y I 11I NI it ill
I kl I $ I $ '. ll I'( Ii~n ~l~n'i'Rt l ni III R
and I.e I~f1W i k t i tI I I 1111 Mil l In 11 Iii se1sf?
111114411.ii I ., find .,aii I . 1411% m ' t al , lav trI m mI ed;
S Hlli 'I1 ki 11.11-1, I Ntl l tsight, 1,
th 11t gl.' ' oy k . 1',1 4M I14 N1)1111 II Il hit 1Iii
I 1111 ' iis I l.1e11 II i r ii I I ev i N It
tIN g 'i'y ,i1r."i I rgai fi $2.50
rretuofN1tt 'nkye Ih m .111
.11jtlr 1.1 l111,41 Lt tI l.*n . I,.'g t': hlJh b,
h '.1 heI'. I, iia'h',r 41 'I44 riii r*.. i , 114' 14
-' 41,1 \ i"r1 l 1 .1 ,11 11 11 1| llr1 h o l411 1.
I'nn 1'l,1H %V.l'l 4':111141 ' I l 1 X111111' III 1
$.1In g 1111 11 11 11l 'Il. II' 4 11111 ' bI'
prIlli.e to, 11,. h ll h1 I.v vlat 411- 1.III
rlFin . 'I'hut In hil. ,-lily erls, t4-st.
l'hulhi rilln'h ('! ugih It. n.1 ,y. , Jutidgi-d by
Rthis ainnh ' ;ll IIs no :ll.llur. l'8, ple ,
ev y'V'I hV\ 'I'I,' i'Ill0 k of II il th*. hitlh'eut
t. l'l i t 1, Ir:l i.n . I'',.' s lu, I.} ' 11 tl al -
I bmlll h , 1, Cl.(r t S1p*',in .
mi't' l ,r e 141-l1 of I'lll Il llh ling Ihii'
I 4 51,I IIN 11 1114 s4 nI,,l I'I:nv \vorn.
+ih+tx 1.1 l ,un \ "tu n t ; II " I ,t iiSi
I I'I'lwu, etcllr. l ar I\%.w I4 IIan eled byIII l .llh
th autvr. urIna rol. an d wsitnluledinI.g 1"
I.'11",1' 1"I11|II4'", 'l'h +" Ill' t L.'1: 11/ 1 I . 11 -11'11
TIIIf'1r I*'. i I uooio r ir h 'lI 'hu ..1 \Ie
I, l, 44h, *h 1 . le irula:l i 1 lll . i llh -
IlrIT he(r.t r. aIle 3.1141, lru,li ll 0 III h,.
*. WT bieur ' a Fael yt ave.. isat pt
mot htl l, s tlda 1'.41 J4 .ill-en , l. In ll .
cllhg w'l ..11d at. jm 1:.1 ; 41 of 1111 i 1·Igld ,
I acl |'.IIs Y or 4l hllE11 11 l la1ti-' 1 ll I , \\I
nd 11 4111 t t i (111r nnl :I r IIi n-1i 11
0 ed.11 .| 1 We1eie 1111rn 11'i 111gad j 1'111
gl' p .' p 1 am I tld t. UnII .11 h r ;unt1 ( Inh
1t : ,111 .l -HIS r , 1"1 , -4. '1 1'
mleal l 1 i. 4l',1 . II h lh . fll r a hl.- 11t 1 h ii
tvu11· l \ 111r ll fIml' I11, . 11 e S11 11 m*'l Il |( 1# (11
+ (II h. f1il It)l ' 1" l l th
nnam, boSlu,
S A lflas, bad,
bar's IlKi., Ir
larl. acs gu I ttouble . t
C ore llipples . oIIoar
breast, pmilk ceuit.
rhe n, etc.,l ane r lhd and tils ad by It
mdlicirsl oill and ntis pt. I ulr.dit l a.
The l'.wtlyptlul d o alhts slim eulelt l l lmr
dilenll nldlr a cur eioir Iulain pll ie llo t
2 Wcbnt r's Fmlily Haylve i ag purgs
sm |ooth s tilhl tbelng Igenll. Com s i1t1
screw-top whit LI· In t lu*rewGes, Vic and
Io. Your maltey rt.uoldldri r,,u aure aM
OlatPs is tdy &h t lsult ., aft er i oain trial.
eaMOen the boCeI IlMn 1an doIna
cuellla oa rent reullrea do.lor
wentM laUnd ,ur e ions I)t rod.
25I clrt A y r r hWv Is
" our dl.illil hal
1111111 or can 1Il thtnl
I.ll, Poo iss.
Slunot, Poshady I& C.ompanly Ma, ToIo N.Y.
Constipation causes hea-j.
aches, nausea, dizziness,
langour, heart palpitation.'
Drastic physics gripe, sicken,
weaken the bowels and don't
cure. Dean's Regulets act
gently and cure constipation,
25l cents, Ask"..eur dLul g s.
Is Play
For making good coffee.
There is just as much in
the method of making as in
the quality of coffee used.
The El Perco Electric Way
is the best.
El Perco (pot style) fur
nished in nickel or cop
per. Percolation begins
in less than a minute after
the plug is put in.
Five-cup size .......$550
Seven-cup size .....$6.50
Light & Water
HoytDickinson Piano Co.
Kurtmmann, Knah,., Taby (Orand
pl ntn, musrhc l ln ltrurnu nt and lhtt
Next to Golden Rule SLter.

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