Newspaper Page Text
storWe th $.0 worth of 1 W tobehk1, Frank Shied in Jail. Ctalk.h ii arrived Ina Burke last Wednesday. Slitee then he has spent more tjlan $4100 ieording to informa. ,ion that .has been givel the officers. When lie be·n to run tIhort of funds Ihe Introduced himself to A. W. Swan, ,a saloon owner, and arranged to have a WrCheck for $20 cashed. 'this check .was drawn on the Wisrt National Bank1 of Ilssoula. the slpply of cash again :tw .td 'o .rttirned to Mr. ipresented'4 second check on 'the, tssouta batik`m2 $46. and received I the mqney. It was that evening that Mr. Swan became suspicious of the man. Shortly efotb I o'clock he entered the saloon, t.e$1t ,raetfi~fy empty, and asked per mission tolube the telephone. With the hook hoeld down he pretended to carry on a conversation with the sher ltrs office in this city. A mirror re vealed the deception. Yesterday morning, Mr. Swan tele theo Missoula bank and was rthat IPnk Callahan had no account thea. With this. information 'In his hand' he swore out the warrant for the man's arrest. Since hiw arrival in Burke Mr. Calla hai has not, followed his claimed trade qonsoleslotioqly, but still has auparently reviewed the examinations that have been made by membere of the state sanitary service, who have preceded 'hin. Jo the saloon of Swan and An. derson, he asked to see the inspect6rs license. He made record of the num ber and apparently made a few notes on the general character of the place. t.lla Walhin, Wash., April 14. "Dwell not forever in the dim hori zon, 0. Divine. Spirit of Democracy; remain 'npt forever In the dream of thq a pej ,agtrot berts t it Om p tent now and make `hy ehome among the sons and daughters pfj mel." Such were the cloding words of Hon. C(harles G. Hefner of Seattle, In an address before 800 democrats ban queting here last night In honor of Thomas Jefferson. "Honest" 1111 Dunphy of this city, haled thus by William Goodyear of Pullfan. was repeatedly urged for the nomination or governor of the state of Washington. Among others who pledged their faith in Colonel (Dunphy was Judge T. J. Walsh of Montana, referred to by Mr. Helfner as "the greatest speaker In the United States." The name of W. J. Bryan as a pos slble presidential candidate met hearty applause. SitN HAMILTON. Iefanillton. April 14.-(Speclal.)-M. 1) Itieker of Stevensvllle came up to I Hamilton to spend 8uinday. He will return tomorrow. George L. Burtis of Bitter Root is In Hamlton today. 'Mrs. J. T. Shusler or St. Paul ar rived today to join her husband, who has been here for the last six days. 1dr. and Mrs. Schusler. who own property near 1Hamilton, will not re turn to St. Paul for another week. Clean foors and doors with Add i little G01 kDs to your scrubbing water, and 7es can cleanyour floors, ý n ra iy runi S tit does the ea t of ework, ad requires Uttle 6ital M wMI ill do thew wori better than ro or any other c014 1, in youra woods work lok li new. an tr mp l of the I 4.1 II . P' opERTY. a Wates, April 14.-(SpeelAi.)-The woad has been received In Satese from severalt points, espeoialy from Mulian and Wliidre, t>t the"tilver Cabler)ie YltrIca an coem sh(bt'nirt est f <Width. of high grade hin ell'r ,and lead and that there is ibls ido' than 'was 4* petted. . Ted Prltehard;','ihager of the list Chance, came in from a trip to Wal lace and"he htlttbd that there 1i 4g t blderable talk about the. Sliver ailel and that many say It is going to be one of the bilggest producers in the whole Coeur d'Alene disrlct. Mri Pritchald brought a miner with him And says he i gbingM to put one lifft to work on the Last Chance Coliper I Mining company's property at one.. Burt Rogers has taken a contraot to, saw 1,000,000 feet of timber near De-. 'lorgda and is busy movien, his saw mill from up Packer cteek to that J polnt. emasys he will l about three months doing the dawil and thit. he jtill then move hie mill biok here sad mdy place it up Sliver creek south of Saltese. Mr. evbrett of the Amason-Dixte Mining company near Lookout, Is put tipsg 37 aien to work on that property and In going to drive the lower adit to the le4ge as oon , as pbwer drills can perforon the work. Henry Northam and William Ander son are putting several men to work on their property" up Packer creek. The property is kntown as the "High Ore Group," and is adjoined on the east by the Hemlock property. Dr. and Mrs. Fred P·ulsher returned from St. Regis yesterday and were ac companied by Mrs. fulsher'". brother, who has come to Saltese to ibend the Ssummer. ONSTABLE AND ClINK ARE KILLED IN RAID Bishop, Oal., April 14.--n a battle here between a Chihese and town of fleers, Constable Walter Reed and the Chinese were. killed and Marshar Douglas Robinqon was wounded today. Suspecting violation of a town ordi nance, the officers sought admission to a Chinese rbetaurant and, when it was refused, forced the door. At it fell Inward, the Chinaman opened fire. Reed fell with a bullet In his abdomen. Unarmed except for his billy and twice wounded hljnself, Marshal Robinson kept gotlnq or*ard.. While the Chinese Swa sbSllvf Robinson snatche RUed's revolver and began firing. 'Of'four shots three found their mark, killing the Chinese Instantly. Reed died 10 hours later. Robinson Is not danger ously injured. SUPERIOR I Superior, April 14.-Mr. and Mrs. John MeMIllan were made happy by a little daughter, born at St. Patrick's hospital in Missoula. Mrs. E3 M. Pelkey has closed her restaurant and expects soon to move to San Franclisco. Mr. Williams of Spokane has opened a dental parlor at the Superlor hotel. JConltablo Tomn Mleninger had the misfortune of having one of his ,ribs broken by a fall. Ho left for Mis soula for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. McBride have retprned from Missoula, It P. IHalilnger sand wife have been spending the past week In -Mis soula on forestry business. Mrs. S. C. Ray went to Missoula on a shopping trip. B. V. Berry has been ilI with grip on his ranch near here. H1. Schoenfeld Is transacting busl ness matters In Missoula. STEVENSVILLE NEWS Stevensville, April 14.--(Special.)- Ht. W. Dorsh, who has been mnanager of the Thatcher ranch, a few miles south of Stevensville, left with his family Saturday for the coast, where they will spend a few months visit Ing relatives. Later they expect to return to Massachusetts where' they will reslde permanently. Mrs. Susan Cole. who will be re memtbered as Mlis Oarllngton, when she formerly lived here, is spending a few days here visithig old acquaint ances. Amos Buck. who has been suffering with a cold and the grip for the past few days, uaa able to come. up town today and explain the reason for his illness. Amos said "at the opening of the ice cream season hero he felt the need of eating 21 dishes of ice cream and 15 pounds of oake, which was too much for even a young man like himself." MISN VI'ITKD. Stevenavillo, April 14.--(peolal.) Harry Anderson, president of the Bonansa gold and copper mining som pmny, located In the Wbodohuok dis triot, ie vsltthe her visiting the mine with a view of making extensive Improv-. ments the coming seaUon. Recent as says show the property to be very valuable and those interested fee Jublllant at the excellent a.owidg the mine Is makllng. "tILLY OLON.r qtevensville, April 14.--(pecial.) "'Tilly Olson," a play wulh apL,abund at.e of .u. at . rcl'-~";''L""""V"~,~;:~l~j~*~T~:"~"~i~i ~ ii "' "~"~ 9 u~· : ' a 6 i -:~I .* iEPiJT·~r C~ -' 1 'I iI i * I~*:·· Ilrt ;Y: U'Y made up h the wom.n. im.trs as 1 -solatione O 1 oosun the s Ut and ' 'I omen ans some o now cover nore a than e '41 the whole ., * face of thelitbe. There ase at lrt a 14,100,900 women in the world Who i1 now have the ballot, not coutitttt 0l (hilna where the new republic will "ee` tranhoUs e.hay tiallons more. With- 1i in the next yer .additions will be a . t . i, this autr area, not oaly IA4eI'ida but in various other parts tI af 'the world. accordng to Mrs. Catt. l In every civiliaed country the slogant a 71Qte for women" has become fa- a I.medlately after the International a Suffrage convention last summer, Mrs. c Cott started upon" a tour of the world, a her object hlng "to organise the i whole world for woman suffrage," She f lie4 journeyed through Africa, forming many organittlaes and deliverlng 7 hundreds of suftrade addresses under , unique and novel conditions., In liypt, as well as in South Africa, the awktbening of the women has be. Q tgu and a sentiment for equal political Ii tiubts for men and women has been I galled into existence. Mrs. Catt was f paiOnlng to go to Ceylon when a call I cilme to 'her from Persia that the 9 women. of that oppressed conntryv waited her aid. She changed her r plans and. went directly to Teheran, where she gas founied the first su f frage organisation for Persian wom en. Before hqr return;. Mrs. Catt will visIt India, China and japan and In each of these countries will establish organisations whilh Will affiliate with the International Wlomnan Suffrage al liance of which she is now the presi dent. Since the beginning of the 20th century three important events have greatly augumented the woman suffrage t movement in lurope. In 1904, the meettig In Berlin of the International Council of Wbmen drpw to that con servative capital a gathering of the most progressive women of all na tions. In 1908 the International 1 Woman 'Suffrage alliance was held in Copenhagen, and last summer another great woman suffrage gathering was held in Stockholm. In Sweden women have had a limited municipal suffrage for more than a hundred years but this year is likely to see them fully enfranchised. At the opening of the present parliament, King Gustavus I announced that the government would Introduce a bill to grant full suffrage to women. Municipal suffrage was granted in 1901 to the women of Norway who, In the country districts pay taxes on an income of 300 crowns (about $75) and in the cities on an income of 400 Crowns. The women have fought vallantly since then to obtain full suf frage. In 1907, after a hard struggle, the parliament by a vote of 92 to 23 conferred the complete franchise upon all those who had municipal suffrage. This+included sbout.L00,9e. of the half nmillion women of the country. They were made eligible lor membership In parliament and at the first election one woman was elected a deputy. In 1910 a bill was pasped abolishing the tax paying qualification for the mu nicipal vote and last year a bill for full suffrage was carried by a large gqajolity in parliament but lacked five votes of the required two-thirds. This year It will be brought up again. Denmark was the first ' of the Scandinavian counties to extend the ballot to women. In 5908, tile Danish parliament gave municipal suffrage to women on the same terms as men, that Is to all taxpayers over 25 years of age. Property owned in common by husband or wife entitles each to a vote. At the first elec tlon, 68 per cent of the women in the country voted, and 70 per cent of the women In Copenhagen. Seven women were elected to the city council of 42 members and one was afterward appointed to fill a vacancy. one hundred and twenty-seven were elect ed to fill other offices, two of them being city treasurers. The lower house of parliament has passed a bill to give women complete suffrage which has not been acted upon by tile upper house, although the prime min later and the speakers of both houses are outspoken In advocating the foll enfranchisement of women, oIII'rLIV"llU""D " DL w\IIIIUN. Iceland is a dependency of Den ,mark and, In 1830. Its parliament gaveo municipal suffrage to all widows and spinsters who were householders or who maintained a family or who were self-supporting. In 1902 it made these voters ollgible to all municipal of flees and since then a fourth of the members of the council of Reyliavik, the capital city, have been women. In 1909 the trancblye was extended to all taxpaylng women, and, because of a petition signed by a large majorLty of the women of Iceland, parliament last year voted to give full franchise to all women over 25 years of age. This must be voted upon by a see ond parliament. In Russia political conditions are little worse for women than for men. In many villages the wives may cast the votes for the husbands if the lat ter are away. The women themqelves have some votes for the semstvos or local governing bodies. The duma has tried to enlarge women's suffrage rights but at present they are retard ed by other conditions. The grand uchy of Finland conferred full suf writt o01.n women in 1N0o by almost unanllpous consent of the new parlia ment organised the year before under special permission of the csar. Slnce ,that time, from 16 to 25 women have been elected to the different parlia menti by all of the, politllcal partles. In Poland there is an active League for Woman's Rights which Is actively co.operpting with the democratic party of men,. There i a. strong mevqment for woman suffrage In Austria.-Hungary which is, however, much retarded by the pumretous lan~uarhes spoken in the y1 p1 oyinfl of Austria, Women havs not, b.en, allowed to form pe lital satloui , or to hold pub lie . Ut 4,00Q women recent ly th a of ,Vienna 4e I . . Bohbemal.a g44 iOt in red profesions may VOe b Y. Women belong to all it -. ileats parties eeptig .t e, tive and coactlttte, 4 per1 ast the agrarian party. They '$i aifqt for the purpoep , * ti suffrage and. a at I- Cs itles of literature and hold I ( t4ed, of meetlhgs no1re of ea ibile which are usually wlnkdo at bY.jhe qfficers of the law. t ilnary, there is a rstrong Na -.tiWl Woman Suftrage aslopiation yrjlp.4nludes many societles hiving odther.aims also, especially of a phil anthropic character. The assoeiation h g tf hes In 87 towns and cities and blnes In its membership all clqasee of women fromt the highest arlstoq)at to the humblest peasant. As the men of the nation are sturggling for unilversal suffrage in this country, the women, are with them in the fight. The Interatlional Woman Suffrage at listec will be held in Budapest in 1918 and it in tilought that the in flluence of tils areat gathering will be quite As strongly felt in Hungary as It wal Ip the icandinavianl ountries. in ],lgarla., there is a woman cut trage association whlah has 87 aux ilalries and held 41t meetings last year. The women of lervia have some local voting privileeos and are now organizing their forces to claim the right to vote for members of the parliament. The rigid lawn which prohibited the women in G.ermluany from taking part in any political imeetnlg greatly hin dered the develupiernt of woman suf frage In that country. This law was changed in 1011 and since then the woman suffrage societies, which for merly existed only in the four repub lican free cities, have multiplied rap Idly throughout the empire. Most of these are concentrating their efforts upon securing muillcipal suffrage which the Prussian women claim be long to thenm by ancient law. In a number of the states, the women land owners have a proxy vote upon com tmunal matters, although this privilege has not beetF frequently used. In Bi lesia, during the past year, however, over 2,000 women exercised this priv Ilege. It is claimed that the demo cratic party stands almost unanimous ly for woumanl suffrage. In Prance the woman suffrage movement lias the support of tile proml.lhelt men polilticluans. President F'allietes loses no opportunity to ex press himself in favor of It. More than one-third of the, wage earners of I~rance are women and these mnay vote (or tribunes and luelnbers of chambers of c'ommlerce and boards of trade. They Inay be mcembers of the latter and may serve its Judges. It Is expected that an early act of parliament will extend full suffrage to Prenach women. Amrong the prominent Frenchmen who havi recently become converts to woman auffrage is Claude Casimir Periersshuo has been visiting the Pa clfic roast, under the orders of his governmbnt. to study the opportu nities which will be afforded to Irench capital by the opening of the Pan canal. He was in LosI Angeles at tile time of the municlpal election. HIe recently stated publicly that he was opposed to woman suffrcage until heo saw whut good It accomplished In California, but that he will now ad vocate a speedy provlsibn by his own government for the enfranchisement of rencllh women. The constitution o. the repulhli of Porltugal gave universal suffrage and Dr. leatrice 'Angelo applied for reg istration and was refused. She car ired her ease to the courts nllld walt sustatlled and she cast her vote. It was too late for other wonmein to reg. nlater but an organization f ,Ilic, womlen was at once formed to se cure the defillite action of I'arlla llientl with the approval of Preildelnt idrags and several imembers of his calinet so thalt i In belleved that I ortuguese wolncll will have full franchise righlt next year. The Icpuin Ssh chamber Is arranging to give I wollenll who are hleads if famllnhs a votle for the nmayor and conclll in thiil Svillages. Italy has a strolgll move l utl li action for womIan suffrage of i which tlie mayor or Iticle I IL firm supporter. In 1010 all welnoe in trade were granted tile right to volei. for bol rds of trade. The republican national assembly of 't'hhta has givlen the suffrage to wom ol on the s1n. o terl0ms of prolperty qluallflcations app)ied to male voters and a woman hIs been elected to the republllcan national parliament. New Zeraland was the first country in the world to gruant full suffrulge to women. They have Voted there upon the same termcr as nlen since 1893. The reports from that country are enthuslastli as to Its success. In Australla, when the six states united under one commonwealth In 1901, one of the first acts of the new govern. ment was to givye woman full suf frage and the right to sit In parla. mont. 'New South (Walel gave thorn stute suffrage in 1903, Tasmania In 1903 and Queenaland in 1905. Jelst year the women In Tasmania outnum beored the men at every polling sta tion. Tomorrow-Votes for Women. XI--fn Igloand. A HEAVENLY CIRCUS. Washington, April 14.--Venus and the moon will be very close tomorrow night alntost to what the astronomer sharps call an ooaultation, but It will be vlsible in only pats of Florlda and Ariaoae. Astronomers at the naval observatory have slid there will not be an absolute occultation on Wednes day, but lthere will be an eclipse of the sun Visible in the eastern part of the United States. MON VY TO MARRY. an Pranciso0, April 14.--Charles Templeton Crocker announce4 today the ,pment at bOi sletqr, igs aen" tl .i;iº.uh tmra at ..New. l 4a * t ad 1 inklno~ 'Mass. Miss a . s .W is, the ouhter of the ats 0hu s 5'. OF S14-mIN MW b-wfts 'STARTS TOTDA The lowest prices we've ever quoted on .. WORTHY MILLINERY s te now confronts you. $4.50& $6.50 $UW. FOR HATS WORTH UP TO $10.00 worth what othere t Can you resist? The hats are the fin- sr,, ts,,,,-s4.,O Itr est of the season-the best we've had. Ithk h"''''," in the And because we over estimated the bust- .,,w , ,and llCty .hlane" ness you have an opportunity to select ,ir lles .nl d width"t. from such lots as these and at an ex- to,,r price $50 tremely low price. ""lly Price Surprise Women's Spring Dresses Full of t hle lat est style touches and marked at new, much lowered .................... p ric e s ................ . These are the choicest and Carefully dressed women will prettiest of the popular priced appreciate this offering of high spring dresses. All were care- class silk and wool dresses, rich, fully selected and they are in plain and changeable colorings. absolutely perfect condition. These are beautiful styles - Now, right at the height of their such as have been sellilg for wearing time, they are offered to you at these liberal price $18.50 and $20. Don't delay concessions. Both silk and seeing them; come while your wool dresses are shown in this size is here, for at this price lot, worth up to $12. they won't last long. Women's Kimonos The B.&J. Guaranteed Women's Aprons Brassiere 95e bust supporter and cor- 50 REGULAR $1.25 AND set cover; a perfect fitting, $*.o 0 GRADES. finished front and back .'sits, in stnny t rre.,.ist setyles of The, staterthe.nt t i htld a k- brassiere; many styles; . i," t, ,,,lt' , tt- i ' lits k lld- itg'. th i th . Is elii ..a r r. . "ita,' price range- 50 , 750, the , tsiultIr-sl,rup make and ,,r ri al, l,, t is dintily "rim- $1.00, $1 .25 $1.50, 1,,,11,'. t, a p,. i. l , t ?,,,1,.. t "l . $1.75 and $2.00 Good News About Women's Clothing Suits Worth to $19.50 Suits Worth Up to $25 -AT -AT 1Ms4.75 . $9.75 We never before offered such We want to make up for the matchless opportunities in season days when winter refused to give able garments. Study the stylish way to spring and made the sell- materials, the perfect workman lng of spring suits much slower ship, the chic and daintiness of than ordinary. Thle result is ap- these garments. Then note the parent today in our stock Wer wonderfully low prices. We've y have more on hand than ordinar- put the prices lower than you've ily and we are going to reduce 'ever known them to be so early in them at once, so that whether you the season, and we are giving you want the very highest grade suits, the handsomest ready-to-wear in or the less expensive but stylish the city. Come in and make se made garments, you can buy them lections now, while the range of now at a goodly saving from early styles is at a maximum and the season prices. prices are the lowest. Sheets Bleached Muslin Percale I etU l old-hIn sa blrgalil, l'sI I ull e i nchesi wis ld st ollr best ti I-th i frchli, lt iigiht antid t heoet; our 6Rc valute; heavy 10o grade., fit(', uoft trssdle flit- hirk gttirn; a cloth sf the fhlatt .sonls , g sid q aliity lat uUIItin; Iih. 4'stie MollJlay and buy as L the bIest bargals s vesr sofftirsd mI lltuiti Iu yslll like'; it's .n ex- hI st qluality to Itw hiid at 15o a tLU . Al's d "2 9 .at i...... l ris."" i6si ssrs ".l ; , u lat ' ; hen' M s- I (ail1, . .. .. y,,,s... . ............ . , sis I i, . lsi r yssrd, ,snly...... C Bath Towels Huck Towels Ill , 1x3e, art extr. i our regular 30c ., quality Iiten huok towsl, exfltr barge anl nothlintg chlap t se, a ready abI- about thIsis but Ssorbent toacl. .thei pric:. o f [ I I . II II I I I , . _ _ Crocker, pioneer Lunker and railroad mnan. Her fortune is estimallted at more than $10,000,000. A NEW LIEUTENANT. Chicago, .April 14,-Annoqncetment -yis made bhle tonight of the appoint mrelt !( guy gI. fnlltarmn~n ofr t,. Iofnlil ai a spoolel representative of Speakpr "hamns, Cllark's candidacy for the dunio -cratIe preeidentlul notiIIuutloI. Mr. (3o)terntan probably will go to the Washlngton hoadquterters ot the ('lark campaign. A moaor plow for throwing up trenache on a battlefield to afford pro. i tagtion to uoldlura lu ai recent Inocv, , Coz. FOR SALE Four good work hoth and driving harnm Boll Phone 503°,