1 a· CFA AT·; t yEYl by AST 9 1t oa veral 'ir riehee in ..a..aA re Inundated. expeold to Ison th*Ar sttuation In lower liseleslppI thd4 Alletory, was ibndo e terd aenon.t ' Water la fshing" through' the 800-foot 'breach nipt alght at the rate of .1 -les ta hour antd seve rai townd we In$idated. TL. :. protchting the penal fam he at A let o lt the afttertoon, but athe, tf1o Wag'be confined to a rsmall oote. r ishn s . hroUm othe pk100 hi teAa tht t t puge roads steadily , atml hour lad been made tohe con euuratrtod pont for persons made .ornfletil 4W the Torras break. Aln otT 're protaken gther yesterdal an atst night. he work of caring for he ieole went on ed to a mall s Doubtleo preprstioni other lbreak at TI tas tpevented loss ad. iea As, nt otheor oratenedt penta tin ade h@n u'tesd at Torras reaky p,so at a na ed, 'tatke ther yes terey aknd a, th. inhabitants rushed for tohs. l.ve eosle weentea, e pon r y. d ar cone. tea mboats plofed up many marooneds perso and os took them to St oe ouse, where ponveri tent ri ha beon are at Torp d o oo at Resouing People. Sheriff Parker of West Baton Rtouge -pari . Is in charge of a Southern aol te ihuttle traint runni S throuih Utas tobaclya swamps of tberdlll and St. i lartlis arun ohes, removing marooned Johabitants to p'atce of safety. The train will contnlme to run ;ntil all are removed, tunlems the track Is washered aw vy. or risnen o raJlroad sent out a speolr. train to p-Ik up Inhabitants and dvestock all alons thel outd. It r estimated tha t 11aton,000 omee paroios l bein n charke of f a outhe Il throulh government efforts, in the threfugee campas that have been estab lished at various ohets durinemovg the last y.nth. How many will co e added to this number by the Torras break untnot l are remoted, but it will be mtrany h d a way. Tnds. aile d sen oent has made propara- to long for t heandlng severai thousand at on Rouge careo. r olu te Co. parisht I hav bheen avest laher by ivahiu d olit break, but the flood waters may Oxtond over eight aoret month. Four any will e added b ths flooded befy ore the Torras break. Baton Rouge in uanged. While eltisent of Baton Roude were doing all they could do for refhouees brought Cn from Poarte Coupee parish ,ist nlght, they also bad a hard fight of their own, he ater eak, wibut thn •oot of the top of the base placed on the levee there. The river ieris nd a.4 it see.s certain a portion of the city will be flooded. Only the whole Whle ditstrea would be aton ffeoutede were sale disrtrqt, would beaffiected. Class Ad History CCCVX I,.-THERPB'S ALWAYS SOMEBODY. No batter where your house is, there is always somebody who wants to rent it and you can find that somebody if you use a Missoulian clais ad. Here is an example: POR RIIINT-HOUSIS POIURI ROOM COTTAGID, FIVD blocks from Lowell school; range, bath, electric lights, partly fur nlshed. $10. ,Inquire 706 BeOkwith street. Ind, phone 768. The flirt day this little ad was published there were inquiries. It is located a long way from the center of he city and the first list oft applicants found the distance too great. The second day was the same and so on unt~i the eighth day. On that day a man asked to se the house; he was exactly suitedrwlth it; i' tut were he wanted, to be t and, he, renm it., s~artwin in tM* its cost is so slightbOat º ý 4 . ex p c a ; on cena ta joob, ~I: ,:~f~~ ..1~T ·~ ;40~ duetoar have been forced out of Mexio ona aoount of the activity of the +po-dbdo A ,nd pow are t heir wW: i.ýta o to. inPMmp it predAent of, the conductors' council, ýth.: .Jubolf ait of -the Order of 1 ity O t tc. Pesoident Plan JI t dent Taft wov . uip to by the council to Ilge p.teotlp feor the men on 'the wat ot .' couLnt1Y. GREAT PROORE KSIVE SPEAKER RAPS THE AMALGAMATED IN ITS OWN HOME. Butte. May 2.-(BpeclaL)-That the evils of big business need a remedy and Theodore Roosevelt Is the physl clan to apply the magic cure, Senator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana told a fair audlence at the Auditorium to. nilht. Senator Beveridge came to Butte under the ausploes of the Pro gresslve Republican club. He ar rived shortly after 7 o'cltck oel' the Mllwaukee and will leave tomorrow moraing for Missoula. Lieutenant Governor W. R. Allen in troduced the senator tonight, briefly referring to his career in the United States senate. and declaring that "In presenting Senator Beveridge, I may p"shaseoe its presenting the next re tubllcan .ladidate for president." Without formality, the senator sion to Montana, advocacy of Colonel Roosevelt's candidacy for the repub lican nomination. For pore than two hours be talked, his speech being largely a defense of Colonel Roose velt's aspirations and an attack on the Taft administration and the evils c of big business. He whacked th Amalgamated Copper company re peatedly in his denunoiation of bosses. Taft Attacked. His attack on President Tuft was caustic and uncompxlomising. In soe verity it has never been exceeded, even by raglcal political opponents. I heard in this city. He yeferred in particularly vehement terms to the president's Winona declaration of poli cles and scored him roundly for read Ing out of the party the late Jonathan P. Dolliver, who, he declared, did more for the republican party in a single a campaign than all of the "bosses" now I supporting Mr. Taft have done in a I lifetime. Senator Beveridgo spoke on the I subject, "What is best for your fire- I side, your family and our country?" 4 :,Four YeaMrs f Results. l"our years of Roosevelt, he declared In a lengthy argument, answered the I question. He referred to the politi- I cal struggle now impending as a fight against special privilege and for hu- I msan liberty, equally as portentious as tlhe revolutionary and civil wars. t .Caltlng the political bosses of the republican party in varl' us ~-r' ons s of the country by name, he ltlu,rLLd bitter inveotive upon them. Oip refewed'to his own work Ii. the senate, referring to regulation of the I beef and tobaooo trust and railroad t legislations and claiming for Colonel o Rodsevelt and his senate allies, tbo t credit for reform legislation along t these lines.. I --==. .4 YESTRI AND TODAY kI ' 4, S1: . .. , . , . . .- . . . . . i~' .h l+. ,, ,, i i ,,+., .+, J FLOYD ALLEN OES MURDER ONE WITNESS SAYS DEFENDANT THREATENED TO KILL PROSE. CUTOR FOSTER. Wytheville, Va., May 2.-"I'il kill roster before the sun goes down it I'm convicted." Floyd Allen, first to g. on trian here for his life in connection with the Hillsvllle courthouse murders, was charged with having made this re mark before the shooting on March 14. according to the testimony today of I. B. Weddell of Momtgomery, one of the first witnesses for the prosecution. D.' W. Bolon, a lawyer who was de fending Allen in the court where the tragedy occurred, testified ,that lie saw Claude Allen fire tide first shot anl' that it struck Judge Ma.lse. Court ffleials also returned the fire, lie said. Two of the jurymen w.ho were then trying Allen testified that Allen had fIred 4n the direction of F'oster, the commonwealth's attorney, who weea killed. Other witnesses told of con versatlons with Allen Ill which he had threatened lPoster. Proseooutor Wyser, opellning the case. said he would show that there wala conspiracy among thi Allens to shout1 up the court If Floyd ., [i was on victed. Attorney Willis, for the de fense, retorted that ireports of the tragedy had been grossly exaggerated and that he would Introduce testinony to show that Bottle Ayres was idlled -' a bullet from Clerk Dexter Goad's revolver and not Iby the Allens. The defense would show, lie said, that Floyd Allen had been wounded before he had taken part in the shooting. DEATH ENDS SENTENCE. Whilip Walla, Wash., May 2.-Death today ended the Vrison sentence of Fred Adams in the Washington state peanitentiary here. He was a "trusty," and dropped dead In the prison yard. ie was sent up from oeattle in i104 or a statutory offense. A ME A$E NN S1l CHARGE Seattle, May 2.-Mrs. aseli Moore, who 'alted hnotoriety three years ego as the woman upon whom former Ad. Jutant 'General Orttl Hamilton of the, Washington national guard was al ield tio haye equand'red the $4,000 he was Qonviotqd of embesellnlg from the state millitia tnwi,was rs a deputy United Ut4IU rs'4 o night on a oharge of violatlng the tfd-, e--ttw-..Jeti.td .lt.avle sot. ,When i i !l QsnIa detWslon. wans . ed r s. l hturriedly leat tpea goinh to. w vqe4 04vnd taken .to the stoate lo Wolo W rolhJa. whir'ebe Ia #0W U*riIl 1)19 msteep@, TEDDY CONTROLS KA Nl i -La 2.-iAtu r turns from 100 I itta nut f 1'10 In the clty of BlS.ku.' 0h1w that IRooma velt hpa YZ.5s dIg-uatesi to th* county Collnvel'ntll to Ii. held Sat lrday. T'aft Ihl 301, La IIollett 1, and' four .ire doubfrul. Alibou one-fifth of thl, ri'gistert-d vote w;ih cast at tihe IirliniLPiH ewilhth WI'ir. to. select (dlgates to the county convenlltion to be Iheld iatutrduy. SENATOR iVERIDGE SPEAKS IONIGHT AT HARNOIS BRILLIAN~r ORATOR WILL DIOS CU88 188UES OF CAMPAIGN THIS EVININO. x-Set-lllinlotf Atlbrt J. lieverlilg., ae kllowledgeiti or, f thu IihadirKg iratoIl' of the' ltay, will dellver iln lidresI at jlihe Haaiiaelln Iht iller thtle avening. H111 ator Hltlevut'dil will disculmn th1U InwsJee of the lire:senlt Iriesldentlial t('LIIII IIIgn. None uineretatlri better than liI tie( true InwardnIIaa oef the alltllulonl and his bllk thlk a i's e'vvels should )be llhanil nItiung. It it' rlire privilege for Mln *oula to Ientertain so dilstlnlultshd a visitor atie~ r. Iirlveardle anIlld l shouldl he heu-rl'el by i;maIny, a unldoubltedlly he will bie. Mr. lieverldt.e ie c:onductling went ern , lanplilan in ~eh.gli of C(olonel Roowsevelt land Ili hai ee~n In but a rnw ithl, orf thi nIorthwest ill t thllln tllne. Lasut evening hie spoke ait illitte. The meletling lnlgllt will Ibegin at 8:30. GREAT FALL OF SNOW IS WORTH A MILLION Butte, MaIy i -The storm whlel, broke over Montana In general yon terday and today left a white shout varying from six inches to 11 inchles In depth palling the state from north to south iuld Past to west, has boon called thii "mllllon-dollar storm" in the bholler hat tihe snowfall will ben efit Montanallgriculturally to that ex tent. Today's prediction is that the worst is over and fair w.ather will sue coed. The baromneter wont up two points in two hours this morning and Indloates fair. lIttle trouble has been reported as a result of the storm, but wires in many cases are down for the time being. Trafflo was not inter rupted. .aeven Inches of amow fell in Gal latin opupty, the itate'sl,b$ wheat dls $lot, 4uring. the , pt t hours. HIOM1 VAV f.111T DIRS. , New TI*, ay 3.-R-omer Daven port, tihe Qopnalst, died here today of pneumonia:, Mr. Davenport had been Woktkdl on t* iHearst newspapers. He wai 44 ye*Ao)14. FIRST SUIT RESULTSI FROM IIII IC . DISASTER WIDOW OF COLONEL ASTOR'S VALET DEMANDS FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. New York. May 2.--l'tinpi'r tIle ti frlst suilt fi'r iI|llIage! brought by a' rellltive or i Ti 'tllic victim were flled Iln tIhe I'tIderl llurt todaylll. TIhe sullt, In Illlillrility, in br)iugIIht by Mrs. l.lul.n 1llthins, wlidw or Victlor llRoblus, ('u.l 'e ne/l oh'n .Jioioh Astor't .alet, andi Is Lthat il whhch Ithe te!tlony of J. Il'ee IIIINy and orrfllers of the sunkentl ntenliller bI delilred. It clhllrlgeii iin..lleu. on the part of thei (ltentll I Htieltn Navligatlon conll Ipnily land asksI frr f $itst 0,00 dJllnages ant costs. The conllllllnl allege that tlie own ers orf th{e shlli werel negllient first bhi. eusll( thel Titanic had(I )(enll wllarned hlalt Whl. wit in IIn vioJllity of Ice hierg Ilnd inl spite if theli warnng Has winglll I at a speeI of wore thanli 20 k n o ts( 1 in Ih, 11'r w l ihe n th e e 'l ll o n o, ,. 4 ('i'reid; ito Ill, Ithli propel)fr lIrP'le llt tlllns were i tllhut Iikl nke ftr the ltrookoiut sNighted llhe Ie' .hberlg; Iitrd, lthat theI SInir wisll Iy rlllr , iretlltd Ify iL new uland . 11n1rled (,''eI; Ifourthll Ilit there wat . n'et ii snffiellent nlmbel r of Ifablouts; r ilfth, thalt Wcter tllh. o ( slllllon, tilhe Il(. bouitts wrl .l1,nl Ipropeirly ilnantld,. TEDDY TO MARYLAND. New York, Maiy 2.--C(,olonel Rome. Vilt lieft tilt slty ver!r thll Pennyl. I vanlii tonihllllt for Halibury, Md,. where. he will lopenli tomlnolrrow hliI two-days' itlpeciI-lan(lkinlg ('nilsll)tIgl In that city. The'if colon,,l'u 'ither poche!llse tomtrrow will, be sit IIllltvr-di-grclle and nitilt Irilr,f. lie eIxpectslI to ritulln to New York curly Hunllnlly. FROSTY FOR LA POLLETTE, Miirys)vlIle, I'11l.. May 2.--1'Ith retrl, grf.I'.oIvf t'.lt'ef Of II priofgrteNsiVe iresOI Ia'Igent placed H.enato, r ls l'olloette onl n' pltuIic platftorm here tonighlit ifthli but It slpuarse dho'enl to hear hlim sIp('eak. Neither of thell mical piipers hid tbel'i inflormrled of his collng andl nfit 20 -litizenl knlow lie was Ill town before lie: -left. BOY CHOOSES DEATH RATHER THAN SCHOOL Vancoliver, II. C., May 2.~-Hecause ho objected to golpK to school and was afrald that his attendance milhtl be forced, Hrnest Clarke, the 14-yuar.old son of IHerbert M. H. Clarke, shot and killed himself today at the famitly reel. dance. The boy and his mnther had a dlisusulon In which the latter is sail to have Insisted on th,' buy aolnq It school, and It is said he dlclared he would poison himself r~Ut.y than do no. It la stated that the ftaher then interviewed the -boy sae t.he stter re. iterated his statemelt that he would die before he would go to school. 'lThe shooting followed within a few- mlh utes. PRIMARIES CALLED IN FLATHEAD Kalilpell, Mlay 2.-The republican conmmittee of Flathead cotlaty de lided today to have presidential preference primaries In the choice of delegates to the state convention. The pritharles will be .eld on May * and the county sonvention on May 11. At the primaries the voters are requested to cast preferential Inlloet as to their choice for preell dent, such preferences to be ortl-t fled to the county convention andti the cognventlon to be guided thereby in the choice of delegates to the state convention. WARD HEELERS USED BY MACHINE MEN IN HELENA TAPT'S SUPPORTERS HAVE A UNIQUE LITTLE PLAN FOR GETTING DELEGATES. lleleml. Mary -- ( l.'tlal,)--The iainutrlim-Marloaw crowd carried the Lewisn unid C'lrk lprillalllls for Taft tonight. Their tlikeLt wonll i every precinct but the Nixtl. Thlle rogren slv'e aillege ai general e of llmoney lby ithe t hfiliuir 1 mengu at1 I at ei laii.i ta. .ion of Ihii. wards with trlaUsients of tihe "flolatr" ltype. The btlelleem at the polln1 were lively anld were atleniletl with much Ilttierness, "HSuokiy" Muit'nn1ll, ai 'w'.'alrd hoaler, was alrrlestedl in the 1'iJfth precilnut. WI'itin e' u ulrchlll, he had III hlb pan. eIon ill ;ti one.-dlllar hllu aind Ii liuck nge olf thi,r pIIlk Ilekets whh'h the 'raft wuorlk'rul dililt ollut to Itheir floating vouters. I is alleged thant the hills .wgsAt Jath t. l thlokiaJ el lwhgp Am1 were ldfltribulteil. The dlntin a r1' qlar of the tickets made It osnsible for the workers to kieep a cheek on their vot ers, Mc(onnell wacls hbllled out by 4h'ilrnuil Jiioe Iltais of Ihe HIelelna 'raft uI'hlh. Therea' wiere shalt0ur :"t'IIse lei I l'other w11 ' rdl, but Iltis was lill nly ay lrrlet au11ude. Thlie 'iunty a'onventioln will ue held haturdlay;: tihere will hI 210 del'egates. T'ile returgns rul''ived lonight give the 'Tift imen I 25 il nil the lRoaiveilt forces 1s. "HIGH FINANCING." Nlhl Ix. Ariz. .8' 2. -Wihell the 'iangresinall l i'utlnuluitie compoul)isedtl tof Represenlulu1tiv' lhenauley, Hlanna andl I('llnwua walu labout to djloJllurnl todlay after hlearlng ttitluniny relative to reelllamatll n an Inditan affairs In Arl 'alnau, tangrei.'ic snu" en (itlloiwaly dilelvered ain addresu Inl whl'Ih hu- denounceid the Po'vernllunllul' ra'llimatitn mgnethods in the Halt river valley is nu damniabhl oiltrage.l 'hi iiIiongtrosasniIn was seviere In hls ldenun'lltin iof tihe goivernment's nef lltau In huYlingl the innal sysltntl i and sellligi It ilae'k lno lt' fatlrtnoers at whatn he deitrial in ie noaire thian It was w ,rtllh. le w ,hl It I wi ne 'I of liap "lfinet ple uIe' hou ut h frlllllnallnne'ng" he llal ever witnesseld. 1Theii -mia.nitt departeld lfoir Wash.i ingi iii tunight WORD FROM A SURVIVOR. )lllimi. May 2.- Word w.i I r,, "IvId from "Itaadle" I ,a1nwili , cla f toIlie well-knowng dry guaial ihlerkas of Ihil elly, whtihai lane rl- i oi a vtisll I. his luntl hn l l n li laollo nd, ll it h, w ni renlslleil from the Tl iti h ll al I a In ai hliasillal In Now 1'i.rk ch1t Ili wis supplllnd tol have lipii edol Ihi, Te. tiaila and ls nohingll w t i heard of lal lit thel thil e of tihe dleiaeliar lit was lappanesd lhat he was lost. Be Wise THE wise business man knows that his printing affects to a great extent the success of his busi ness. He knows that his stationery should be just right and that his books and office blanks must be well made. Also, he knows that it is not the part of wisdom to buy "cheap" printing. "Cheap" printing is usually worse than no printing. There is a limit below which the price of good printing cannot go, In getting job printing, the first consideraton should be quality. At the Mlssoulian Print Shop you will get good printing and the price you will pay will be the lowest consistent with good work. When you get into the realm of "cheap" printing, you got poo material and Indifferent workmanship. Either these will spoil your work and the two of them gether will give you somehhing of which yq& w ashamed. Send your order to the 'hme p.5uit and get good material, good workmanship #n& job, Al.o you will have tle satisfaltion of, your money at home. , LOD IOS LORD MIRSIY, WROCK 0Qi# SIONER, AND FIVI ASOll0liAn$l A'R INVISTIGATORS. INQUIRY TO BEK D Matter WHI Be Covered About as in United States--Small Model of the Wreaked Liner Is Placed in ud Armory, Where the Board is Sitting --pectators Are Pew. Lonudon, May 2.--Ird Mersey, In his 'elcit(lly sI1 wreck c'lnlhilonert , itni five' in..oellteae, who will Idvise hIm ln hin qutrltinu ing In the tlehnlclllties of Inautcllcul affalira, held today the (firut session lef the Ibord of trade In ilUIl'y itohe tihe ne f thle Whlte tc lnr setellellcr l'ltanle. tin point of Inter *et to the publlll, rlcnd the importaince of Its r'eulllts oil the laws governing thin Mtcercantlle Marine. the Invelltiga tlonl promllise to ivershadow all pre violun rlibunnls of tl silmilar character. I'rom the 26 ,tucestlons which the at terney lluuucnelt'cd. would be taken cup. It heilrllamle evldent the inquiry would .eover prnctically the same ground as the Inv.etigantlon by the committee of the Ameericn actuate, but would be cotnduct'led nmore In ncnr(ldnce with the pruce'cdure otf a court of law lad de'tl definitely wlltc stated cases. Inlgh.t quetstlons, Sir Itufus Daniel Suuace salid, would relate to happen Inge before the disaster; six to warn 'lno given to the Tltanlo and the re. rultlng preeautlons taken; 10 to the cnlunlty itself and consequent eventsr oneit t thee equipment and construction of thie vessel and tho'last to the rules of thie morrchant shlllipping act. A !t-nfoot model of tile Titanic, car rying IS miniature lifeboats, and a big chaert of the North Atlantic wore tprominently displRnvd before the In vestlgators. TI., onlly reference to the' American Investlgation was Sitr ltufus' announcement that owing to the detention of many witnesses In tihe United States, testimony pwould int be presented in a logical order. The'l stcmen who had arrived from New York first were called as wit netc,'e us to the construction and cormllle'menlllt of the Titanic. Lord Merme'y recognised Thomas Scanlon, membe'r of lparliament for the north dlvlsion of Iligo, who appeared for Ute Seamen's and f.iremen's union, and an attorney for the Merchants' G(uild, and took under consideration the appllcation for representation of the Henflrers' union, the Ship Con strmuctnrn' asunolatlon and the Mercan tlI, e.ssucllation. An adjournment thee wast taken. 'Th r cene of the hearingll was the armollc'ry of the Stottlsh rifles, which, willt its broad drill floor with two rows of galleries, affords accommo ,etliolns for several hundred persons. Wh'i(eni thle Inquiry opened not morn tllhan 100 spectators wore present, and tlIe mtajority of those were women. 4ir Ruflle said: "I desire on behalf of the govern. muernt to express the deepest sympathy for nall thoe who mourn the loss of relatives anid friends among puassn gers, offlicers and crow of the Ill fated vc'sel. The accident exceeded in magnltullde and In, harrowing Incl delnts any disaster in the history of the nlmelr.renll'lle marine. I cannot for iear paying a tribulte to those whose devotlon tIo duty and heroli self-alo rlften maintained the best traditions of the sea."