The Covn ý, ' off at .. houldrer r,. T br~h 'ý.4 :ý ý.'.ii ý..;' ý . '. tarIU '77 t ý'r aA ýD lly ( " fit~ .k et·o do ,Lk naue The average woman puts her formal evening gowns away with a sigh of relief at the beginning of luaOmenr, along with the dress suit of her $etter half, and given herself tp to the con eideratlon of summery ranlment; but sa some one has remarked, o"ne-halt the world never sleeps," and this state ment, though made in another con nection, might easily refer to the fash SAVE ONEIHALF ON SCREENS AND $SCEEN DOORS Ye cean equip your entire house, store front or building for about half the usual expenue if you take advantage of our "Mlr*sem. afs.y...e s ,r" S WILLIAMtS' OWliN M IIC s IIenICe Rere are the prices that tell how: SOM.Q 000M-14 mesh, galvanized wire, 0m doors ii in. thick, per square foot . . WIlMOM .II01 --14 mesh, gsalvanized e wre any Me per square oot .. o.n bIea wlen dor s a ,d s. un. i pu MIarn oot extra. . B. Willirram Co. SAS- and DOom.g Dept. Y3. 14,2 Srirat A... ao.. Seattle Why Cook at Home? COME AND EAT SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Palace Hotel A flue musical program will be rendered every Sun y tot 8, by the Fadette Trio. A good time is L' '~ d . .. lounable Ihalf which goes to heAd In the wee sma' hollurs, even in midsulnmei and in the. vac.atlin palrt oef the year There l Ie breathing ,speill during blMa. and Ju.Ie, which l ortne of the faunh, llluta ile" folIkM iu I d il rlnull linK g l lr.t Ns |I P'arle lfor i little shopping.jlll 'ltlen. beI . gl I, the sunlnell r seuuilal ei.alun, quitl ae llimportant Iln It waly us the Wintel ieansoni iI ihnwl, andl mlreC' delight .u 4'0 4j ?. *2* A r oiL " " " " " " biie'ta ell' of thie tllt-,.of-dool r enlte'rtainl-. Inments end the alight letting up of extremlo rrtlltlity iand t e "re'l.Onou-ue I ,MM of toltwn life. .Illy ulnd AIugilut sat NewporIIiert Lrn, . gr. ga y, indleed Tih.,' ltndtorl seua ','o it over by thln, Lant Itily titlted end honorableh sawlheollies are visiting at t1ii, great N'ewpolrt ",ot'ttges" tand takilg part In the dinerslllllr garden parties, ba lls and other festivities.: Soutlhallllton andl IHur lillaror ire ' tot far behind Newport iI at whirl of gayetiles, lmore or ,les formal, and later on, ePIInx anld 'iTuixedot have thelir brief, but impor'lrtantt, sotcial seasons. Thrie womanll wllo aIIIppears in socie'ty a great deal through the summer sea noil, must naturally be provided with a Inumbelt r of e'verlning igowns, fur how ever shel may move aboutti on a round of c'ountry-house vitits, the iame pelIo- i pie, also mlovlg about, will I1,ie tIlet again and rasint, anld of course no fatshionable w(oman c'tren to uppeatr Imore than half a idoxetn thlluts i the Hallue gown. After that her maid dis poses of it, and nobody knows better than the canny lady's maid just where good prices may he had flor tsllltmllt'H I'arcelt y w ll') finery. Pannier Effects Noticeable. 1The duncig aintl dinnei r gowhts f'or Httlunttner wear a IIre( is Illll mtllttt) etiegant as were tite winter goWIns, heavy with vet'lvet, bra'.'des antd gold li'', buti the y tire teIlXittlt ly beautiful nollt tihl It'es, with their drapillKn of sofit t:tint and chiffluin; their flounesan of ostelly laue Iind their clever coltr oitntrants. 'Wllut the photographer would c(all "contrasty" iffe tti are all tilet ragt now in Paris, anld surprlsing t'ntlhlutiont of fIt ',ie's ore used willi strikliln nlucceas, 'White Ilt(- gowns have punnitre anti Iruins of dead blacik, allnd blllk lacll giownrs ri I' druped with Whitel Hklirt diraperies turnt back to reveal faeings of l'trongly conltra.ting eoilor, and vivid hows or floIweCr Ure added to demure gowns in cltu'lng mitnner. Whettn nltaged by P'rencllh sklll, these "'tnltrasty" effects ar'e Ilteresting and ple'asURIng, bullt woe be to the woman wlhose drePamaker haI a passion fotr I'llowltg FIrenchl ideals, butill lcks the genllis to catlr.ry themi out. A cholrlming exatilple ofi the IPa'trie favor for contratust iin shown in a gown by Agnes, which has a 'bodice and ..tirt of embroldered white chiffon over cream-colored 'Bohemlilan lace. At the back and sides of the waist linle starts a train of lblack charnmeutse, which is draped up in pannier bunches below the hips land falls in graciiful folds 'atd loqpe aBi ho back, ending in a emall'traltA. '.Alliitd thq waist of this 'ltwas a ''a ntTrow b'.t of draped jade seen velvet with a fIat bow' of the green valvet against the black chllarmnslle alt the back. Another "contrasty" gown, by Beer, has a white acharmettse coat to the knees, opening over a petticoat of shadow lace floaunc cll The front edges of the coat roll bck and show a faclng of black satin, and at the back these black salin cnoat talsl are knotted to gather anrd lifted a bit above the trail Ing pettlcoat of lace. And here I. the sharp Itolh of color; over the right knoe--just where the coat be gins to roll back and show its black reverse sid--tlre two great, glowing American beaoty roses, put there by a stroke of the French genius that never makes a mistake. This gown is belted, over the white satin coat, by a black velvet helIt clasped In front with a rhlnestone buckle, and above the belt tIhe cut is rounded oult 11n a deep decolletage, and a tucker of shadow lace shaows above. Dolly Varden Evening Gowns. E.ach of the French couturiers hasl brought out a l)olly Varden flowered gown, and though differing In partle ulars, all these gowns are alike In one respect -thie phnnler. A Dolly Varden costume, without a costume would be Ihnnhlet with Hamlet left out, or srmel lhing leually as tllsappointing; and, hideld, tile panlrer, quite as much as the flowered material, makes; the conslunto worthy of Its name. Pom. padoulr silks and flowered taffeta In new and chllarmling patterns have ap peared like muglt In the shops to make these Dolly'Varden gowns, and as a quantity oit the silk Is required "or the draped panniers, the folk who have ltabeen crying out against the small namoulnt of nmaterlal necessary now adays should cheer up. By the way, has anybody hearil of a tallor-dur ing thills 'l of narrow skirts and short eInats -who has offered to mll.i up a soit for lens Ihan hila regular price be)cuse' Iof the small amount of eInterlial te.allilred? . But, of course, this has rlnthiang to do with evening frocks, so black to Dolly Varden pan nlers! A very dlinty costume of this sort, by 'ranlcis, is Illustrated. The 'bod Ice andal lpulairs are in one, and cug gent lilt, ,i. fashloned nacque, worn over a slaalcllo.her and petticoat during the eighte.ntai century . The quaint little gown i Ilmade of Pompadour taf feta, wltlh ilacs and roses in pastel tints on a white ground, and the pan nier dranpary is subdued to blender lines. 'i'll' e l.eves and fiohu o` lace anld net make the gown very sina nlery, and tle 'color sojaeme to em phaulaed by a clttljbr Of 'pAlq mayive roses at the corsa, ~Ith. tihls ' idll Varden kown are Worn, Vety pvope W, high-heeled coloall slippler a#s the g1 a AOCrr ;, 5 t ;Y v ' 4 yr picture hat of leghorn Is faced with wisteria taffeta and trimmed, with white pIlumlnlc and black velvet stream. era artistically knotted tunder the brim. Odd Whims of Prench Couturiers. While panniers are made to con tinue into trains, sashes by the same token ,become c(oat tails. A coat tall suash reaching to the bottom of the skirt in shown In a ('herlllt evenlllng gown of luace flouncing. Thile lace folrms a pannier drapery over a pettl. coat also of lace., andt there isl a de IlIgRhtful lttle colt of cerisn chiffon cver the bodtice and shunlder. At the icack this bodice e'xtends downward in a coat taill--or, one might say that tihe eash oif ceriee chiffon fell over the skirt in coat tall effect. At. any rate, the sansh ecoat tall reache i to the floor over tile lace pannier drapery, and a big, soft bIow of taffeta holds sash end and Ince drapery against the narrow skirt. .Rhinestone. embroidery on the cerise coat cand l ash, and a large rhinestonllll' e i)owknot across tile ,buck of the, waistline' make this ceriae and white iostumnc, very magnificent. tlillnelstocne. trllnimmin ls a perfect craze' In Paris, and the sparkling, thread-like, lines of fiery rlinestones,. edging delieute chliffeon and lace drap eries are wonderfully effective. The rhincatolne hand trimnming Is atro clously expensive--mne must pay al most two dollars a yard for even au narrow band of the stones, set in iml tutiln silver, iand unless the trimming is handled with utmost care, the rhinelstones drop oeet and tile trimming is Iltterly poiled. Chlifon and lace bhodlice appear to ce held up over time with strings of rhinestones, and fir onme reason or other, even whren the flesh is well covered with fabric, the effect seems to be extreme ly deeollete. f)ome of the new even ing bodlices are olltrageous. They may pass In Paris, where modesty and con servative taste are not held in the sacme regard as over here, but one marvels that American women granddaughters of stern old Puritan settlers in some cases-can wear such effects. Yet the extreme decolletage is the fashion, and the modestly cut bodice, with only a small square or V of tlhroat showing, rteally looks prim and ccountrifled now days. But thq limit scecns to have been reached in a French evening gown worn at the Comedle ?rancals recently-and in the audience, too. This gown had a trailing skirt of flesh-colored chiffon over pale ,blue oharmeuse, and above the highl waistline a Ibodice of pearl beads cewn on sliver net. This bodice was worn directly over thie k'ln, and strings oif pearls held It over the shoulders. Pearls Immensely Pashioenable. Never were pearls more in favor than they are now, and it Is hot nee essary to own a fortune in real pearls to be in the mode. Htandbme 'strings of Imitations pearls are wori by trany women who can well afford the real sort, and when the imitation' Is clever it Is almost impossible to tell the dlf ference--except by holding the pearls In the hano4 and testing the weight. Drecoll is ueing pearit a tieat deal this season, In trimming eftebtesl'Pad some superb Dreooll evening gowns have net tunics covered with looped strings of small pearls, In barbarlo, but beautiful effecot. 'Pearl fringes and banUds are uped on dUanty dancing frooks of light chiffon, and with white lace pearls are espeially lovely. Small sllk roses are also used on the sulmmer evening gowns, and these tiny roses are particularly p'etty on debutante dancing, owns. A gown 6f this sort, made by Worth, has a white satin tunto over a ýtticoat of lace flounces, and' the tutlot b4iears to button down the baock with ,miny pink sllk roses, while clusters of .osee loop up the late flounoes: on the skirt, 'PinlV satin battoned boots with 4tgh heels are provlded qr tqi .a t del frook, An a & . 4Re 0"1W dtbItOb "oil t te esaoh 4lusee 1d41. wisth t ith $ ias of lavender taffeta,. t'lusters of violets are caught hiere. and theres, among the scalloped flotlnces, and ait the crossing of a drnped fichu bodice. Many of the lace net and dancing frocks for mid summer evenings have three or more lace ruffles on the adlrt, lifted at the left side and lapping over each other. Sometimes a feAtoon ,f roses runs from tile lifted ruffles to the belt line to emphaslze the llfted seffect, though the rulffles are, of course, sloped up ward on the skirl, which Is not really lifted at all. At the foot, bsetween tihe lapped edges of thlle lower ruffle the little sllpperted or bootsed foot shown ilainly. High-heeled ihots of satin, with crystal buttons, are affecte.d by smurt wonmen fosr evening wear this season. and there aire buttoned strap slippers, which come high over the In step In very chic effect. Hilver slip pers with pale silver gray. silk stock. Ings, ar.e mIlorse fashilonable this year than the gold slippers and stockings wori hlest season. These sliver slip pers and stockings are worn with Desirable Useful Wedding Gifts Says one bride: "We received many beautiful and expensive presents, but we like the handy little Elec tric Table-Stove best." Any one of the following list will cause equal delight. ELECTRIC Table Stove Tea Pot Coffee percolator Toaster Chafing Dish Curling Iron Frying Pan Table Lamp Hot Water Heater Iron Vacuum Cleaner : Rne You cannot make a mistake In choosing any one of them,. ~~g~p~~4 I4J$R - A -Z W C. + 'J 7E 1 Ir U Coýý rýCi a X2+0.ý ýý . ýýp~io white and colored evening "frocks alike. The Aprn 'a fw TWrnthing Mtif. iRather domedtle ii aiu.astion is the apron of cnntrasPting flhbrie, haNging at the front of a rich goyOp; but apron effects have crept in, add are un doubtetdly the fad. The apron gown pictured in from Jeanne. :lAlnvin, and In mlde, of black threat lace over whit, c'harmeuse. The vyet in the bodice, and apron hanki il below, tre of the white eharmeuse,and small crystal buttons go down the center of vest and apron. A ,totch ,of vivit col or Is given by the chou of American lBeuity satin at the left of the cor sage. One of the smaller illustrations shows a new theater.cap, which looks for all the world like a bathing cap. no snugly does It fit down over the head and so little hair la vislble Uader it. Thia cap is made of thin gold tis sue, and at its idle there la a tiny pleating of N.ttler blpe taffeta to match its wearer's eyes. A bioWknot made of amall loops of silver braid sprawl. over the front and top of the catl. AsThMAl ASTHaMAI Popham's Asthmia. Rl*y gives Instant relief and an 'ieolUte cure in all cases of asthbin Ibibabbl tis, and hay fever., paid: by drug g ets; mall on ,rergept. f p p i.oe t. Trial package by mili 1@scehi Wil-. liema MYf. Co., props., lCeveland, 0. For sale by George Frehtletmer, drug. gist. O(ie American typewvylter is now mulade for use in 84 langu gee.