Newspaper Page Text
WATCH THE W ANT ADS THIS MISSOULIAN PAGE Ii A GREAT CLEARING HOUSI Daily Puzzle WHEN EGGS ARE HIGH. The farmer thinks revenge is sweet And not at all a vicious whim, Provided it's his vengeful hens Who hate him so they lay for him. Find a hen. Answer to yesterday's puzzle: Upside down, at right shoul der. Classified Advertising Rates Per word, each time ..................1 cent Per line, per month............75 cents All ads must be ordered for a stated length of time. Orders for ads to be taken out must be in the office before 8 p. m. Minimum Charge, 15 cents. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. 1002 Beach. W.ANTED-WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, For information address H. C. S., Missoulian office. WANTED--COMPETEINT MIDDLE age 'housekeeper and cook. 333 UpL-vesity avenue; Bell phone 773. WANTED-YOUNG SCHOOL GIRL 'to assist with light 'housework for room a'nd board. Apply 627 Edith. HELP WANTED. STENOGRAPHERS,. COOKS FOR restaurants and boarding houses, chambermaids, girls for housework, waitresses for railroad lunchrooms, men wanted for railroad section and lurnber camps. The Enmployment Byreau. MY.IN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks; special inducements now; percentage paid while learning; tools free: secured over 10,000 positions 1911: graduates earn .$15 to $25 weekly; catalogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 226 Main avenue, Spokane. Wash. SITUATION WANTED-MALE YOUNG MAN WANTS ANY KIND of work for 'board and room. An swer H. C., Missoulian. WANTED-POSITION AS CLERK; seven years' experience in large general store; can furnish best of references. O. L. W., care Mis soulian. SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE WANTED--WORK B"Y 'DAY, \\"EEIK or month; day work preferred. Ind. 2760. WANTED-SALESMEN. SALESMEN WANTED-TO AID US in supplying the brisk demand of nursery stock. Address, Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. YOUR OPPORTUNITY IF YOU ARE a hustler. Exclusive control of good territory: free outfit; weekly ad vance: complete line, guaranteed ab solutely. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenish, Wash. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE man selling our guaranteed Yakima Valley grown nursery stock; ex clusive territory: outfit free: cash weekly: "hustle," not experience, re quired. Toppenish Nursery com pany, Toppenish. Wash. HIDES AND JUNK TELEPHONE OR WRITE WESTERN 'Hide and Junk Co., for prices on hides and Junk; we pay highest prices. 511-27 West Main street; Bell 10688 red: Ind. 1710. STORAGE. GENERAL STORAGE - EVERY thing on earth; expert packing and crating. J. W. Reely, 724 West Cedar: both phones. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. TRANSFER DELIVERY. JOHN Koegler, 1644 S. Fourth W. Tel. Ind. 2627. PIANO INSTRUCTOR. MRS. TILLINGHAST. 228 E. CEDAR. CARPET WEAVING. CARPET WEAVING; ALSO INGRAIN rugs. Naats, 1018 Cooper street; phone WMf Ind. MATERNITY HOSPITAL. PLEASANT HOME DURING CON fQiement: 548 Rollins: 6889 red. PERSONAL DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS ALL of your life; see my ad under "Tim ber Claims;" then' get busy; costs nothing to investigate. John W. saraer, 3'i~iho t - FOR SALE-CITY REAL ESTATE. FOUR-ROOM MODERN BRICK with bath, pantry, closet and cellar, range and shades. 485 red. HARNOIS HOME FOR SALFE-AN ideal home; seven rooms; thoroughly modern; upper and lower hall; will sell with or.without forniture, com plete. Call 519 South Third street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ANY ONE LOOKING FOR A GOOD business location should .;ee me at once. W. R. Glasscock, 202 East Cedar street. OVANDO-DO YOU INVEST TO make money? If so, get in quickly on lots 40x130, $50 to $200, on easy terms. W. R. Glasscock. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS 338 ALDER STREET. 127 SOUTH FIFTH STREET WEST. FURNISHED ROOM. 227 SOUTH Third. SROOMS, $5.00 A MONTH AND UP. 320 Higgins. ONE LARGE, WARM ROOM. 422 West Spruce. LAIRGE ROOM; FURINACE; BATH. 333 East Front. FURNACE HEAT. CORNER WASH ington and Cedar. THE LENOX; STEAM HEAT; GEN tlemen preferred. 300 West Cedar. HOTEL BELMONT, STEAM HEAT. hot water; clean, airy rooms, $8.00 per month and up. STRICTLY UP TO DATE, STEAM heat; hot and cold water in every room; electric lights; transients a specialty. Higgins and Pine; Ind. phone 2269; Schlossberg block. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT 608 WEST PINE. TWO OR TI-IREE-736 S. 4TH W. 411 WEST PINE. DOWNSTAIRS. 2 ROOMS, $12. 529 SOUTH FIFTH W. MODERN, WITH GAS. 211 WEST Spruce. MODEERN ROOMS. WITH GAS; rent reasonable. 404 East Spruce. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. NICE COTTAGE. 404 PATTEE. FOIURI-ROOM HOUSE. 516 WEST Spruce. C)TTAGE; ALSO FLAT; CLOSE IN. Phone 1293. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; 833 Defoe street; Ind. phone 2607. FOR iIRENT-FOUR ROOMS. FUR nished, $10.00. Phone 823 orange. TWO-ROOM FURNISHII) HOUSE for rent. 402 South Fifth east; Ind. phone 2388. COMPLETELY FURNISHED COT tage, between high school and uni versity. 418 Daly avenue. NICELY FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM bungalow, gas and range; modern. Inquire 433 South Third street. TWO-ROOM HOUSE, COMPLETELY furnished, with shed on back end of lot. Address F. J. M., Missou lian. WOULD IRIENT TO RESPONSIBLE party, complete furnished house; lo cation, central. Address "C," Mis soulian. AUCTIONEER. K. L. KIRKHART, AUCTIONEER, 128 West Cedar. Res. phone 188 black: office 75 hlack. FURNITURE HOSPITAL. PIANOS AND FURNITURE RE paired and refinished. Bricknell Bros. 210 S. Third at. Bell phone 15. WANTED-FUR.NISHED HOUSES. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED 'housekeeping rooms; modern heat, gas. Address C. B., Missoulian. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. LOCK, BICYCLE, SHEARS, ETC., repaired; cash registers a specialty, F. Lebeau, 390 _Seves,. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. DRY SLABS $2.50 LOAD; Phones 458. HEATING STOVES CHEAP. McGuffey Hardware Co. BASE BURNERS FOR SOFT COAL. McGuffey Hardware Co. 1RHODE ISLAND RED COCKERElL. Call 639 East Front street. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE AT MIS soullan office: 20c a hundred. HAY, CLOVER AND ALFALFA, $9.00 per ton. Phone 948 black. CASH REGISTERS AND SAFES. T. G. Hatheway, Worden's store. FIVE BEST COMPANIES, LOWEST rates. W. P. Smith, 217 Stevens. FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAR; good condition; or will trade. P. O. box 36. SECOND-HAND SINGER SEWING. machines, $5 and up. Hoyt-Dickin son Piano Co. BUFF fROCK COCKERELS ANTD White Pekin ducks. M. R. C. Smith, Ind. 490. 1912 HARPLEY DAVIDSON MOTOR cycle, in good condition, fully equipped. D. H. Cordz, Golden Rule store. FULL EQUIPMENT OF HOUSE hold goods and utensils, in first class condition. Inquire 103 East Cedar. SLNGLE OR DOUBLE SEATED sleigh, $15.00; also mandolin ann clarinet, each $3.00. 124 University avenue. FOR SALE-ABOUT 75 PAIRS ROL ler skates, very cheap; also good rubber tired single buggy and har ness. C. A. Harnois. FOR SALE -PLAYER PIANO, never used; if taken at once, rea sonable terms and a bargain. Phone Bell 585, or 589 black. r, TEN SOLID TOOTH, 49-INCH 60 teeth circular saws; one hoe-tooth 60-inch 60-teeth saw; two cut-off saws, 32-inch. Bell 7764 black. 1 MILL-WOOD STOVE LENGTHS; ' large, green, heavy, $3.75 load; large, heavy, dry, $4.50. Phone 249 red; Ind. 2385 your orders; prompt de livery. D FURNITURE, NEW AND SECOND Lt hand: I pay highest prices for see ot ond-hand household goods. Hans Jensen, 125 West Main: 819 black; Ind. 1754. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. y will remove to new quarters with Orton Bros., in the Forbis building, 118 East Cedar, about January 1. All machines now on hand offered at great reductions and easy terms. THREE SIX-YEAR-OLD HORSES; one eight-year-old; one lumber P. wagon; one road wagon; one cush ion tire; one walking plow; one i binder and harness. Address, Wil liam Frank, Route 1, Missoula. P. EIGHT GAMES FOR 10 CENTS Chess, checkers, fox and geese, nine men Morris, authors, introduction 2 game, Spanish prison, dominoes-a whole year's amusement and the whole thing for only 10c. The I. Droste Co., 476x86 Trumbull, De troit, Mich. FOR RENT-HOUSES. FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 643 South Fourth west. AN APARTMENT IN BEA.COM terrace. Phone 82 Red. FOUR.ROOM FLAT, MODERN; reasonable. 327 East Front. y FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW; GAS a range. linoleum and shades. Inquire d. 433 South Third. BOWLAND APARTMENTS - BEST T in city; one lower and one upper. Wheeldon-Rossi Co. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; shades and linoleum; on Stephens avenue. Apply 828 Stephens ave nue, EIGIIT-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN; P. corner Main, Cedar and Madison; cheap to right party. Phone 251 T black. FOR RENT-HOUSE NO. 226 SOUTH Fifth street west; six rooms, mod e. ern, $30, including water. William Dyson, 317 Higgins avenue: phone 392 red. LOST AND FOUND. (GOL),D WATCH ,CHA IN, SIN'GLEi links. Return to Alfred Phelps, 1408 Defoe. FINDER OF SUIT CASE OR CRAV anetto, Itst within last two months, notify L. D., care of Missoullan. FOR SALE OR TRADE. EQUITY IN MODERN SIX-SEVEN room cottage; can use six or eight good work horses. The Non'paarell. FOR SALE-GOOD THREE-ROOM house; lot 45x150; 12 fruit trees; will sell at a bargain, or trade for 'property in Philipsburg. Address, L. Damuth, P. O. box 320, Philips burg. CLEANERS AND DYERS FASHION CLUB. 525 S HIGGINS. WOOD SAWING. FOR PROMPT WOOD SAWING phone Missoula Wood Yard: phone 458, or leave orders at Reilly's gro cery. FOR S TRATTON'S WOODSAW leave orders at Bonner's grocery. Bell 114. STRAYED. RED 1HEIPER CAME TO MY barn about Christmas, nearly starved; no brand. Owner may have her by paying for this ad and keep. J. C. Sain, R. 3, Missoula. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. Y. W. C. A. building. PREPARPATIONS FOR CIVIL SERV ice examinations; Individual in struction. 223 Blaine. WOMAN'S 'EXCHANGE. HOME MADE CANDIES AND COOIK - ;. . 4 .. . e.. ... ar, WANTED : ti By Customer On first-class south-side secur- N ity $1,500.' Will pay good com- a mission for immediate loan. if O. B. S. ORR First National Bank. v tl It MONEY TO LOAN. IONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED ranches. Write Thos. F. Stephens, 1 Waterloo, Montana. kT EIGHT PER CENT ON CITY n property. I to 7 years' time. Can be repaid in easy monthly payments. h Oscar Crutchfield. 204 Higgins Ave. a OVAN DO. OV.ANDO-RIOHT IN THE HEART e of the great Blackfoot valley-its distance from Missoula and other v points of Importance; its wonderful natural surtroundings-Invites close inspection; splendid openings for business houses; lots 40x130, for $50 to $200, on easy terms. See W. R. Glasscock. I FLORIST. FUNERAL DESIGNS ANt)D FITNER al flowers; write, wire or phone; Bell 769; Ind. 2726; take Daly or I Fort car right to the greenhouse I door. Remember, I have no uP town store and no big expense. I You get the benefit. Anderson, I grower of everything in flowers and everything the best. TO TRADE. FOR SALE OR TRADE--160 ACRES, west, improvements; saw and tie timber. Will trade for town prop erty. 1029 Philips, Missoula. FOR IMPROVED MISSOULA PROP erty, equity in 160 acres hay land, governmefit water right, all tillable; cuts 160 tons hay; 6 miles from rail road. 1029 Philips, Missoula. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. G P. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 128 Higgins avenue; phone 744. THE EMP. BUREAU, 220 IIGGINS avenue; room 7; 122 red; Ind. 647. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LABOR Agcy., 120 W;Front St. Bell phone 694 TIMBER CLAIM. APPLY FOR A QUAIRTER SECTION of valuable Oregon timber land while you still have the opportunity; no residence or loss of time; small cost; big returns; either man or woman may apply; most all taken. See me at once, John W. Gardner, Victoria hotel. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. VAINTED TO BUY--IABY'S CRIB. Phone 932 red. WAINTED-TO PITY A IGENTLE milch cow. Addrecss P. O. 211, Mis soula. WANTED---ItHIM E IS:1LAND Ri;,l)S state price, kind and number. It., Missoulian. YOUNG JAPANEStE IOY WANTS English teaching, and who speaks a little. Address Y. J., MissouLian. I WILL BUY OR TRADE FOR ANY thing in the line of livestock, farm implements, tools or household fur niture, wagons or harness. See WV. R. Glasscock, 103 East Cedar street. HOSPITALS. TIRINITY HII()SP''AI., 317 WOOD)Y; modern alnd up-to-date. Bell phone 316 black. Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Notice is hereby given to the stock holders of the Iron Mountain 'T'unnel company, that the annual meeting of the st)lockhullthlrs (of this (com)pllany will be held at the offices of thl( compalliny, at the lilne oi f tile e(olnpany, near Su perior, Missoula cllunty, Montana, (thie offices of the company having been moved from1 M issoula. Montana), on Tuesday, January 14, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, for the purpose of electing nline directors to serve for the enlisung y(ear or until their su11 cssors shall be elected and qualified, and for the transaction of such business as mnay properly come befolre the meeting. The books of tile company for the transfer of stock will be closed on tilhe 31st day of )December, 1912, and op ened on the 157th day of January, 1913. WILLIAM Q. ItANIFT, Attest: P'resldent. CLIL'FOltD SMITH, Secretary. Dated at Sullerior, Montana, Novem_ her 30, 1912. 11-30-12-7-14-21-28-I-4-11. Notice of Sheriff's Sale Under Alias Execution. Lee Mantle, Plaintiff, vs. John Wol man, Defendant. To be sold at sherlff's sale, on the 17th day of January A. D., 1913, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of the courthouse, in the city of Missoula, county of Mis soula, state of Montana, the following described real estate, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section number twenty-four, township number fourteen, range number nineteen west, of the Montana meridian in Montana. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditalments and appurte nances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining thereto. WV. L,. KELLEY, Sheriff. By ALBERT MARION, Under Sheriff. Dated December 26, 1912. 12-27-1-4-11-16 Notice to Stookholders. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Bank of Missoula will be held on Tuesday, Jan uary 14., 1913, at the office of the di rectors in the First National Bank building. Missoula, Montana, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., for the, purpose of elect ing directors for the ensuing year and transacting such other business as may properly come before such meet ing. EDGAR A. NEWLON, Cashier. 12-35-it . (No. 252) Notice of Contest. Department of the Interior, United States land office at Missoula, Mon tana, January 3, 1913. To Nels Cortsen of Missoula, Mon tana, Contestee. You are hereby notified that Elbert Breeding, who gives 237 First street. Missoula, Montana, as his postoffice address, did on December 5, 19,12. file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead entry No. 02968, serial No. 02968, made No vember 19, 1910, for the east half of the northeast quarter of section 8, township 12 north, range 20 west. Montana meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said en tryma.n has wjholly 'tindoned said land for more than six months last past; that no part of said land has been cultivated; that said land is now in its natural state, with the excep tion of what timber has been re moved ther,,from; that there is an old dilapidated cabin on said land, not inhahitable in its present state, and an old shed; that no other improve ments have been made on saitd land; that the same has never been fenced. You are therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be tak en by this office as having been con fossed by you, and your said entry will be calnceled thereunder without your further right to be heard there in, either before this office or on ap ,peal, if you fall to file in this office within 20 days after the fourth pub lication of this notice, as shown be low, your unswver, under oath, spie cifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or if you fall within that time to file in tillis office due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or ivb reg istered mall. If this service is malde by the delivery of a copy vof yo'ur ln swer to the contestanlt in pe'rson, proof of such ser\'vie musto lie either the said contestant's written acknowl edgement of his receipt ,ofI the c'ily, showing the date of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by w\homi the delivery was made, stating when alid where the copy was delivered; if made by registered mail, proof of su('ch srv\' ice must consist of the aflidavit of the person by w\\homn tilt, clp' was mailed, stating \\lien and the post office at which it was mailed, and this affidavit must Ihe seeim panied by the postmaster's rectelit for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the pIcstoffice to wtiiih you desire future notices to be sent to you. JOSIAHI SHITLL, Register. Date of first publication, Jan. 4. Date of second publication. Jan. 11t. Date of third pubhllication, Jan. 18. Date of fourth pIublication, Jan. 2t. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Wi\\lltia Stolte, De ceased. Notice is herehby given by the under signed, ,Imnlumt ,Landgru f, executrix of the estatse of William Stolte, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said de ceased, to exhtilt thlern, to the under signed, with the' necessary vi)ouchers, w\tlLthi 10 montihs after tiihe first pulh licaiion of this notice, at the offo'e of Elmer E. Hershey, suite 21. Iigglins bIlock, Missoula, lMont., oatlr ney for said estate, thle sate being thet, place for the transaction of the busi ness of said estate. E.MMA LAN..iRtAIP, Elxe'cutrix of the Estate of \\illiam Stoltle, I)eceasced, tiDeceonltier 28, 1912. 12-28--1-4-11-18 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Noittie is her.iy given io the stock holders of Mackinttsh Manor, tlhat the annual :llmeeting it tthe stockhtolders of this comlpany will be held at the of flics of the icompany alt Malckintosh Maitnor, near liol, Montanaima, a1 Satlur day, Janmury 25, 1913, at 2 o'cloek p. mi., of saidu diay fior the purpose ot electing three ldirectlors to serve for the ensuinig year, or until thehir ce Scessour shall ih' ,lete'ttd and qtualifled anid ifor the tr'a:Lcactioltl of suchl other tbulsiness as iity prop.trly (ine biefore said nuetintg. W\VII.LIAM Q. IRANI"'P, Attest: P'rsliienIt. 1,1. I . 1FRIlMAN, Secretary. Dlated at lotoh, Montana, ftecel ter 14, 1912. 12 14-21-28 ---1-4-11-18-25. Notice of Annual Stockholders' Meet ing of the Butler Creek Coal Co. 1Offi'ce of the Iiutler Creek ('oal C'o., Montlana; building, A issioula, Monit., D)ece be liir 2S. 1912. Noitie is hlereby .ilveti ltha the an nual stockhoi'lers' meeting of the iut ler ('reek Coal co., will he held In the offiie. ll T hlan & (;lI 'es, Motllana blocik, Mlissounl, Mont., on Tllrilsday, .lantunry 14, 1913, at 2 1i. iii., for lthe L 'pur se of 'te llting a (li11rd of dlirl ' tors for the eniitig year. anild for the transction of such bIt tusliness as unty regulairly come biefore the meetinerg. ItllThllt ('IZI:IK ( ' A , ( , Bly ('tHA . ItlI,('KIXtl , IPresident. I. WV. KITP'IIAL, Secretary. 1-1 to 1-14 inci. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. The annuai l Illnllg iof theI' sth Ijhoiers oif thi M issoula; i i('unil ciii ipany will he heuhi at tile (Irultiril H lolnes C(un)llltry cluib n Tuesday evening, Jinuary 14, at 7:30. Gil.IltitIT J. IllYI'llliN., S letar l yi'. CUT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. IV. II. ('haliiln , W'llllnneh g, Nebl., tells how hie dhl It. "My two\i children hald a very lhad iugh, and the doctorii , mnediclne did theiri 1o Iigoodl. I got :t bottle of IF"oley's iHoney and T'I'ar Com pound, anid before t was II lul iusd the children were free and culret' of" their cough. I savied a doetor's bilt for nn.i 2f5e tottle, of Foley's Iloney said Tar Compoulllnd." No opiates. Misiu.rlta Drug Co.--Adv. A COFFIN BY MAIL. Zanesville, (Ohio, Jan. 3.- For the first time In the history of the couin try it coffin was sent through the mails today froml the Zaneuville post office. It weighed 14 poiiunds and was sent by a coffin manufacturing com pany to an undertaker In IDexter City, Ohio. The lid had to be sent in a separate package suo the body of the coffin would come within the 11 pound limit. Total lostage was 68 cents. W'. t. Fox, 19;5 V. Washington St., Nobleaville, Ind., says: "After suffer ting many months with kidney trouble, after trying other remedies and prep arations, I purchased a box of Foley Kidney Pills, which not only did me more good than any other remedies I ever used, but have positively set my kidneys right. Other members of my family have used them with similar re sults." Take at the first sign of kid pey trouble." ~lssoula Drug co,--Adv. ATIORNEY GENERAL CRITICIZED COUNSEL FOR SOUTHERN PA CIFIC TAKES EXCEPTION TO WICKERSHAM'S STAND. Washington. Jan. .--4"rit lesmI of the course of Attorneey GIeneral VWick ersha.n in the Southerln Pa'.fic oil land litigation is made iv Maxwell v:arits and Htenri'y . ('lark, IcounrIsel for the Southern Pacific railroad, in a brief filed todiay in the sohupreme coart of the United States in defense of thenir claim to millions of dotllrs ttorth of wes.tern oil tlands. It i. s8aid that title to $500,000,000 i t ortIr h of oll Inids di pellls tu11on t'he outhiII iof the litiga tion. Trh, ease tnour before the sominelllll eonlrt invo'lves qlluesltios Is to whether :dm uund iturke ind ,her pritva litt gants have hetner clhtns to the laind than the comait.y. The gov ernl ent reet.tly filed ia suit seknglii to annll patentsll to tlhe land it issue11 to the So tbuh' rn PacIifi(c. "Ilt I.s unp rallh, led inh the history ( of judici' l piro'ceduire," hdeclares the rail road's attorneys, "for the attorney gen eral of the Unitle States I. he per miitedi to intervene l s a 'i lnil of tho colurtl iIn a casei hltween priviate itil gaInts and tlhen so to lits, t ihe ol '-lh'ge grantled hint as to lattemllpt to h'ive d -I tlded issues not fyow heifire the woulrt, and which 1ay or m n1'1111 ot h'relfte hr come before it, in ai gtovernument suit just beglll a.gittSt oie of the p:rllte to the c Lse at hut. It certainly is lli just to the rll rot' l Ito he ompelled in this court of last resort, not only tol defend the present case, but ialso to defend another case arising on entiretly different facts, which has not pro ceeded beyond the filing of a bill of complalllint. "1-spe.ially Is thlls so wvhen the great ser unsmss anitd vast iiporti't fc thls nlatter not onily to the Souitltuir Pacific railrond, but to all lantd grilant railroads, is tonslh 'i-ted." i'heai rtteys plre-senteel to the court " 1ll o pt11 ll .\. l l | i l t' y (ilnerll W'icke'rshlia is purported toi have reitl dlred thIe silecretalry of t.l e Interior inII 1911, in whihti he vIxpressed the heli'f that opinioni in the cuase.I' hIs now su.p lportilg before thei sulpre le courtll is sound. The railraid lattorney is tlk thIt po \tlhlui lle t hllte 1iu0 bntiutsu riu 1l lllvli eral, whitev rtl the.y \ ly hll v, et, discovered to . b, shtoie tlc lpatlnts were issiued. A clause IIh the patents which ex ,pted "Mint r l . ;i tia ls" ftru iti the grant Is held hy lth1 allt il Id attornell ys to have -been aiisolutely void. 'Th"' cases will coli t( ip foir oral arguments " Januiil ry i ort a i fe'w dais later. The gt ove re nel1 't brief his i t been filhd. DAVIS FUNERAL SUNDAY. L tl le lo.'k, Ark., ,Jan. 3. The f'n n itral of the linto l ilteud iSt tt's Fr-liut "r Jel'fi'e.rson liNvis. h w died s itld llly iearly today, \ Il tllti-' place it 3I o'c.ici S ulllt:il y i f't i'r . n ii. WESTERN MONTANA NATIONAL BANK Missoula, Mont. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY CAPITA I ................. .............$200,000 SURltPLAJS IFUIND ........... 50,000 G1. A. W(OLF ...................... President JO)lN (l. I.I'Ill()IU... Vico Presidlent J. 11. T. ItYMAN ....... ........Cashier Directors. John (t. Morony, M. A. Fisk, C. A. W\olf, John C. ,l·ehsou, F'. H. Woody, J. II. T. Its man. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN STATE BANK Mlssoula, Montana United States Depository for Postal Savings Fund. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS. Travelers checks, drafts and letters of credit available in all parts of the world. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit. MISSOULA TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK Miesoula, Montana Capital ....................$200,000 Surplus and Profits ............... 50,000 Officers J. M. KEITH ......................President S. J. COFF"'EE ............Vice President A. It JACOBS .......................Cashier R. C. GIDDINGS..........AssLt. Cashier Directors J. M. Keith. S. J. Coffee, J. R. Daily, G. T. McCullough. P. J. Kline, A. R. Jacobs, Kenneth Rosa. We pay 3 per cent per annum on Savings Deposits. $400.00 NET LOSS 5-room modern house that cost $2,000 In offered for sale at $1,600; $100 cash; $25 per month. R. M. Cobban Realty Co. Bell Phone 32 Blackfoot Land Co. BY W. R. GLASSCOCK, Preident 103 East Cedar Street Bell Phone 1051 Ind. Phone 1721. Will Trade O8 acres, nine miles from Hamilton, 35 acres tillaable and in cultivation; good water right; fair set of im provements... Price, $3,500. Want city property. 15 acres Bitter Root valley; good water right; fine set of improve ments; will consider $2,500 in city property. Price, $3,800. s0l acres, close to Missoula; all till able.. Will consider $4,500 In city property. Price, $6,500. 160 acres, 145 tillable, 120 in hay; good water right. Will consider npart in city property. Price, $50 per acre. RELINQUISHMENT 160 acres, tw\ miles from town and railroad; 14I0 acres tillable and ready for the plow. Price, $1,200, and party will consider city prop erty. If lioking for something where yon cat iimake good, te sure and sec this one. HOVERSON & STEPHENS 104 l':;ast Malin Street Bell 203 PHONES: Ind. 2314 Professional Directory FRANK G. MOORE Chiropractor ('onsuit ation Tree S1 d : 2 llaminond Blh'rk SOCIETY DIRECTORY. WV(OODMEIG'N O1' l T'HE1 WORLD. CA(Ml NO. 73---M" ets the secotnd and fourth Pridai night s of each month. Odd Feltlows' hall lannelx. JOHN l)LT.I., C'. 0. J. L. A lII ,7Y, ('ihrk. 521 Harris street. 1KNIGHI'r'S (O) c'nLUMill'S, MIS Sil.ILA ('UNtC('t, NO. 1021- Meets In (itd flellows' hall, first and third Thursday evenings of eonh nimonth. JIllN II. 'T(l,AN, grandi Knight. 1). WV. 'ITZ .Lv'A'i'ti'NK, Fin. Sec. MISSOUlIA IO1)GE1 NO 13, A. IF. & A. M.-Regular meetings first and third Tuesdays in Masonic temptIle. i lcl.;EIt'l' N. I.A111" ,, X V. M F. F. SQ.I'IlI.S, Seciretary. \VEiSTEItN SitN ('IAPTIlt NO. 11, It. A. M.--M1.els first andti third Fri days of eatch iionih in Masonllic temple. .1. WV. 1 ,IST''I it ]. Ii. I'. S, . I Ml(' .Al1, Secretary. IIAItM11NY 1,0I)0I) No. 4', A. 1F. & A. M.-Meets in K. of I'. hall, 10. Front street. Iteguliar conlllnuniclations, 1st andl 3rd Mondays Visiting IItllmbehrs are csplecially invited ti(nO. I'. Pi RTl IElt. W . M . ('. It. AVI:RY, Secretary. . 1h: S" I,.ill("A CiAPndThir Nt). 7 Meets first and third Thursdtays of 'nell monthIt in M.alslnic temple. Visitors espe cially weltoul'e. ClAltA L,. LAWYER, WV. M. JAMI;S Il. WAI.L:A(.'I, WV. P. ANNIE i '. lt1':I,l. Secretary. It. . '. EMMIANI'EI. CIIAP '1'I'lt, No. 54 -Iegular meuetings nli a fllll d I ourth WVednesdtays of e.nrlh monthlp at :l p). itl., in Masonic tltemplle. Visiting members cordiluly invited. Al i('i: , \'illTi'OM1, (1 II, W. M. MA Y WAt\'ANINit, Sietretary. - alt, first ndl Ithird Tuesdays of a hs r I tnn 1 ti t 0 j). IT., at Eagles' hall, Wstl Mniln \V. A. L, II:AN, l'rehhldnt. JAS\. A. IAAKhi]It, Seeretary. St('llI,l.EII , il)1 1, NO. 4 SONS Oit III:IRMA\NN M'et, In I;aglhs' hall firs ;rn thiru . Suays oIf ellch Imnoth I1t 8 U'ti'li p. II, . .IN< . K ll,. i':1 . Prlidentt. I. \V. I Ii'I IA L. Secretary. I NI'TI'II ) Al'TI'SANS Meets every ticd lIIInrsdaly at Odd F'ellows' hall lllalnex atI 11 I I1. I". . \:I(1i'I'TMAN, M. A. S. I,. IINIIIAM, Secretary. MISI(I'l,A <'AMI', No. 5329, M. W. A. Rigiulair nice tings first uand third M1,, ay ,1 :1 I,. tn.; forstters' drill see ndlll tllll f rlllllh 'lT'lrSdal ys, 8 p. m., 1. (,. , '. halu i1. \V. I,1. 8I" 4I, I I NI, I11. ('onsul. IIl NIty III.AKI,:1Y, ('lurk, 127 iliggins Aven'no. It) YALI, I, I IlAI.ANI)l is Regulgtar nietings first ttd third 'Thursdays of owa 11h in tlh tit s p. In., In I. (1. 0. P. n)111x. I' i" Msla.dy Ialin I. Smith; I. I'. I'. '. Kornt, Secretary-T'reasutrer, 218 Ilast Main st reet. LOYAL O( I 1) FI It O1P MO)OSE -Meets ev ery Thurs day evening of each monllth at 8 P. rn., at K. of P. hall. W. A. I.OCAN. Dictator. IlI. 1,. S1lMMlH{SS .Secretary. MONEY At 8% To loan on improved city and farm property with extremely liberal privileges of repayment. Prompt action. Price & Matthew Old Western Montana National Bank Building, Missoula, Montana Irrigated Ranch for Lease Good buildings; unlimited free range. Stock, hay and machinery for sale. TAYLOR & PEARSON B. & A. BUILDING. Bell 920. Ind. 1724.