Newspaper Page Text
ASHMEAD IS KILLED BY ELEVATOR CORONER MARSH TO HOLD IN QUEST ON MONDAY OVER BODY OF DEAD MAN. Coroner 1. 1. Marsh will hold aon inquest Monday ye'ening oy-!r th, bldy of J. F. Ashrmeadi. day ir 'tr a; t thei DIonohue s.xr.i, xvwho ' vai iniis.iti ntl killed at 4 ,'cirnk ,l .t,,ia ;i, r "iii.da presuni ahibl Ii y beina '.aiIght l l iti , I -xator. Ashniet s I.ilx)i l I:-Ix :i the hottix mn f l hi x s, ,:i x li , t 1, neck blroken ;,iidl ;iIr:t, i i t hr1 bruised. N hl,,x vI h i a . , i , n th fall, and x noxl),ixy iknot > I.' ,w d,; till occurred. Ash nead, nis hal t 1" "n his (' t: n Sitnc x i1 \\"WP t ti 0 \IV rx]x: . !, I i i' ' last April, reli x.,l Ih, I- x,,, , i i In the Ilate a.ft1 r n ix , 1 ,1 brought the , ,- f ,:t !. lop floor wxith sexiveri:, "t,,:, It a-x sengers. These tl t til , 1, ii t,-l It the gron d fl, 'r. irt . Sratitle W'as h, tarl ;n i , ri xvt ii Sixhary r, a ,i "oen0 aSc Pl deing . ith I, .,,I i + The c'ar Woit x t l, i .. r, autonatic ,vrx r,, >tO. Seve-ral ]i rsr ns in ' , : , to the xbaseti nt .,t, -' moned it ,x , i t . before they arri , , Mysterious Accident. It is ,, t lt t :t r. ,s t' ,,V the acidanit ,,, , , ..,t , . o l-x " II' x ,t1 , x i .1 1 " I.. :t t , . e xx'x t t , ' dl it,, , ,t, . ,t chargedr his jets l s,' 's. 1Ti; , thel shi t. h ri x - i : " l. , t 12 fi t i ,, th ; , II( paisseingers ft ti g]x Vater is in lI ' , i Tlx. ticially ins t, t l s, " , .Ashtlr qad a , its " theory of the o'x x-li-, t a it i h ,1x vatrsi artedx xl xhi.. ;~,l \ ,s ~i. li, floor, that h, jui ,;,, . thinx in- ix clim , in, and fell. Ashmtead x\ s r,.,rti,,l h t l,,il ixn children. lls ii ! 'Was n tl, -I side ind hii ii:is 'i i% II ~ll' \ l i it city. Hie xias ;x,,xit 4I ix (x; i. In . Wint'ry Weather Coffee Drinkers Feel the Cold -for coffee contains caf feine, a drug that irritates the nerves and weakens the heart. Thousands of former coffee drinkers now enjoy Better Health, Warmth and Comfort By drinking POSTUM A pure food-drink, much resembling high-grade Java in color, taste and aroma, but a "builder" instead of a nerve destroyer. ' There's a Reason" Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Michigan CARNIVAL PLANNED' FOR RINK UNIVERSITY SKATERS TO ENJOY REVEL ON ICE NEXT MON DAY EVENING. Monday is t, he chrnival ay at 1 thle luniversity rink. Manager Hunt has lien working hard during the last wieek anld lhas atrranged for some en liert in inl stlilnis t.o he pt lltd oftl e n it i i't that night. He is also plan iing a i st of ,lntests Ifor the (carnivti l f1,r \\)ii h.lntI ile( lprize(s n ill hI(I ordd. M nd is h" ben seitl as t;he d;ii " f ir Ilii iirliiial in ,,rh.r that aill If lthi stnli llt i It11I takl' I art. Th'i , , ,'ILL \\ ill h ' :s tharo utghlt . .njoyath ' ;as g I l. anl aI of cln \dr :"t ns" " i JJ- DE itF. ThWEBSTERrd "., ,. , i l" 1:1 .4 .l1 ' .l,-1 :t , th nlllks i thl c.!li ,,aither, antd is ll inll lll Si haii . I ,' .r ti ; l t r.i l S ,. ; i ,t i t l, l ilt . n t, . S, i;il tI t thu,,-t 'te a f"n '!''r hi l n the JUDGE F. C. WEBSTER HEARS LAST CASES r t , ,FIh ! it , ; ir t t , t ot ,.hId iit i 'r tl t i ll t o lt,. th" d1: Ir suit r,, t1\ . ln h in. ".,a/ir fI N . i l t it,'bins tht . BUMP OF BRICKBATi AND BOUQUET MAN ABOUT TOWN RECEIVES CRITICISM AND COMPLI MENT. Snli'etimens it is a b,,nquet and some tins it is a brickbat This one is a liri,.khat and it is hurled straight tit ii ..Ian About Town in punishment ', a lrl' "nsity whichi he has dt' . Th' brickbat shatters the ii:.;, No'r Year of the man it hit, a)ll h " used to that. These limes tll their ,'min story: The Brickbat. A' irot',. Mi r. Fd itr - T ,i ll I'd like' to say ' ur littler thlt ' ster 'i h i < rht ci n -rie '\ day. It .i,.'s ]h l· 1 s " pr . i n r'. --. T lut h '" sure for:rr the r::e T! i 1 t..] tF t ot for i,,ir "..n~n U7 I 1I s iari t r Fit oy r !,v i's r ' r :,Iini ,n ',. ,, v .'.r i,, it - ,t ~in.t ci a .:'".r ';rs, : d ;," ,kin P: e? 1T, _ h1 ,1 , 1 nst itt nt t Fr the thi're that taki ny .ye. 1 v,, i'vo hv .,t h dry subi,.ts T "t surii hIar - a t ull: Ad." t car,, I foar nliwhnken IP. Vi.on t 'ni n. . i .t's. full?. it h erer kina raf "r ntarer _t " I- ; 1... I, .'.', . ;',, ric h , t,, i' ,,< l.. ri u all at.. , c, i A d I. i i'f ". 'isn ti,. , ie t I 't t't the pt af"nih 'dttin .'-, t I i .. r , hi .r,- Ir "'rt at. \ , N r ' t.,is h ri l ', ran led upn trd. is ,rt ' f i'!. H 's hbeckoned F,,r ail th,. rst of u.s To inin !'imin ' t,,tnor' vyr, To qutit his Inoer cail. And try r r 'lick for one whole year Ry trine Adam's ale. -Ia! here's a ereat reformer, B3obhbl up all at once; And ;f ht isn't eareful. H,.'II lan tho part of dunce. Befcre n ,mnnth y,'m'l1 find him ;Rieht ,rtuiarnr ntri,!e the, fence; So, sonny. li108is0 take my advier, G, oise.v.],,r, to lommence. -J. J. The Bouquet. ,lit the mail which brought the hrickhat an bournllet and the, \iIan AMbont Trown. with his moir(uri'l tml~ii 'r.ninllet, h entirely r -' cov'-.l ' dl' rrin the e ffect of tlie jolt he got wllk n the' but hit hini. Ilie hasks haIopilV in the light of thse- ernmforting lines. h\hirh 1hI ritr, eit .s hr, host pnoetry h 'i"-r relct: .S'en- t ol""le re'ld yviur ipaper for the th-lezranlhihe n-iics: s,'anle lik,' the clii torihls first, to got ilissolli:en vie'ts sorne snatci h thn lc('aln rolrlmn, andr raiel it with real zest, somlle hunt tile coulrt'ls rlirk recrds, anid care not for th' rest; arind this is1 true in ('err'o teV,\-l , tile n\ii's is Ilu h tIle Slilile, ]iut "('all h ii thr" illill" it's 11I11o! And at theI t.eo) inl cl'+I'r rhylOine crnt'h lpass ile" thleioi, is w\'roitihllt, its ellranr s rungl with silveri- i t lgi li. andi all with S 'r ifria h ti. T'hr ighl winter its tul- s,.. l n ,\\" rne ov er\ dr ,y. Tl'his' is ,'i wl', head tili, olid Strer t ('lock. thie TrI,,,owhrs. ohd "Timh e S hool,. th, \VWatlr \\'tr i, ('",l Itin 'Talk, all told w ith rh lth ic' rlesi'.. An otiher pipel, rs clip l Icl'rint, frr thc'y're (.risp I nd Ieip-tn dlit', hait not A tlloth lr pa ]pe r "t h s r I 1111111 for its TII Ite. This er rh il-ies i',npl ,,l in a. ya :lrl y hookt , we'di suretly' likel I, wc,' ; a nutshe. ll htistory tof our lt iilt, tol t in ii hre' tzy I(n o. i. I). 1\'. THE WEATHER Y'-tl'ttrda'H " wiather' 11as lnot what it S\\ in . . ellle i ll h t t \, wLll'l ', t - ItsiI l d i t.ig Ilii - Iu i'ti, i 1 lspe i'i:ill I:'i st v' llring, illt w ho \ ill ' \V llld -I. t. e tlh ,ir :ill f i ;iit hl le I ' li't ni ell't Ic Hist ri talt tt lst 1 r11 I l t t ii ,\iih i's i S the l ih t I 11n r l r,: 1"h di ill )\ is Soilt I' st rd1 . ,111 this lc'i ing toh-' offl Il ctill f;I Troi utl 111 IIi' I t iic-it ar oi h 1it l c 'c' '1 1 ' '14ii ll Ji'ii'e'iii\'i t15 i, it liiibiii I l it ll ii h 'c' ' i i. all of t'hi nlis'hihdf. W'h-n it subhsidhd hto in l i, Hil lir' ii sH- l I' d : i'. i 'f th cold \ had l ass-, al tilIl h ith III, In - 'I'I tle'I h'i\ Il' hl n ccii 'S l '.l i ti Wet clissoi. ;I its ite w` I ll s.I phl|c ilc i i - s cciii so ia ' I ' e is i' r Is tssac l edil , r ist ni lighl. It - Is - h-liW Zt r, ,,thoon IR - U lf; ulA s ht d h a :IHI : aI. d WVsh I t ( (Ic h I it\mi T hI j t'I\ ll- hol l i )lN t htriid Ili' n c I'e ,'i llhussh Ig, w-'h ( - A t Mi dinight it \i:1s :,. lh,"li, zero. Y-s. terdII\'s offiin - IIl I--, rds for M1issoula M ititi' elit c i ' it At 6 a. m. trlrlt oillih tr - . Ifgi I- I t-It' . , , U I At 6 p. m. ' h1 lle onutt.I" . 11 liaroul.l ,t" : . 11: he> BIG LINER AGROUND. Niw Yotrk, ,Ilin. 4.- 'T'he big Ihim I iin'g- .c'lr'i I til l' ti es cI t A t eili t, otii Ward hunld, rln a.grrnnll tedal)' off Tr'le'np ill'ki8 ler S'etii' tlln 10sl1, anld liei It-di:ttll'.\ hnisltd the signal "not, till cth' control, \t mllmpts to floh t lithe Ainolik;t at high tide t,+iglht failed. Trhiere, stm lled little prospect ,if frt'ing ithe stntl r Ilfor, tilhe net high tide imirriow. ,\ part of hi'r lrgol, t is feared, ilrn i harve to be lightered. KITTEN AS A PARCEL. l'hgin, Ill., .1tli. 4.--A\ live klitten set' e'i'l \i i iiiks tld i'ai.s cutried by parcel'' lpost frone West ('hicago to GenevXa, Ill., itohday The kitten wans malrked "'l 'r chandis,," and placed In a neat grated box. It was delivered to a little girl, and showed no Ill-elffects from the trip, IMPROVED IRRIGATED Farm Loans THREE, FIVE, TEN YEARS With Privileges GEO. F. BROOKS Real Estate and Loans First National Bank Building LOCAL BREVITIES Ross Lemire of Ronan han business in the city yesterday. Marsh, the undertaker, phone 321. Adv. R. T. Trask of Belgrado had busi :aess in the city yesterday. Dr. Willard, osteopath, 1st Natl. bank. -Adv. 11 J. Hayes came into the city yes , r., iroti Pernia on husitnss. Roundup coal. M. R. C. Smith, rooms 206-208 Montana Bldg.-Adv. 1' ty Enginer Fred Buick went to tl.ini't-n yesterday on bulsiines-. Stenographer Dawson, Montana Blk. -Adv. M!rs . F. D. Moody of Laurel, is 'is i:ing MIr. anl Mrs. E. G. Christian, Jr. Achor. piano tuner. B-823 orange..- Adv. .Mrs. Hnry Buck of Stevensvill.' ' t rilay and Saturdayi in Mis Humane society. Call up 899, red or black. P. O. box 60. R. F. D.1. Adv. \r. atnd Mrs. Clifford Ritttenrur of i.i': arle gueots Itonday with tDr. -\V. O MAlls. Try a load of Hell Gate coal, $5 a itn IFred Hensolt, manager. ( ffice, Shapard hotel.-Ady. J. MI. Buker of Victor cnme into the city yesterday on business con nected with his ranch. Dr. J. Louise Smith, osteopath, Ma sonic temple. Phone ..18; res., 533 red. -Adv. Mrs. Harry Derring, focrmerly of this city and now of narrison. \\was a visi tor in the city yestterday. Trinity hospital, 317 Woody. Bell phone 316 black.-Adv. Mrs. ('Charles ltreen is h, re from Sundpoint, idaho, visiting hetr parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('. J. loitley. Dr. Anna James, osteopath, Higgins block. Phone 834 black.-Adv. MIrs. I't. 1). Larabht of Ildaho Falls is. i eniest in the hmrn of Mrs. E. F. Idhils otn South Thinrd street. Fresh roasted coffee daily. D. & E. -Adv. Mr-. .11. I). Kenyon and daughti';, Miss M;trgu-erite Ki.-ityt) were heI'r. ye-sterday frim. their hIomi,, at Plains. Newton It. Schw liker, optical spe cialist. Rooms 203-205 Montana Blk.- Adv. AMrs. N- id Taylor returnil to ti er honne i u Il[minltonll yesterday, aft(er spendintl g ; I in I'ople of days in the cit. vtith rtl-toi-s and friends. Handy scratch pads and waiter checis for sale at The Missoulian of fice.-Adv. Attor ,'.. It:. (i. Lewis of Sty\e'ns tille st<,, ,d o ir in Misstoulta yester day whLih ,on his way home front a Lusiniis. tr I to Stpokan. \Ir, a il \II~ . J. M. D)utir-'', .Miss Mildriid t iu:It . MAiss Me:tcalf and 1:. 1 3, Stah l in, to, tr Il into the city yesterdayl ]I ,:1 Stevensville, 'S. W. HIudisoin, chiropractor. B. & A. Bldg. Any disease. Examination free. -Adv. Miss \,'l' nl Iileh rist, who has been the gluest I of. s. . ('. Mulrionet y tur ingI til," Ih slt., , ·t llrlt rned y ,sterday lto lir 5 hli l :,I St.'vensville. .' s 1 h, Mob l.l)onald r]'tcrned itti'.lrI -i-,. at. Ignuatius, where she has . -ti t isiting Mrs. (teorg,' lteckwlith dhra;,5 th, holiday Vacation. Money tii loarn on ranch and city property. II. D. Fisher, 113 E. Main stret.-Adv. Mr. art Mr:. \\ II. Smith and Mrs. (.. iL. i- :ilitl i. 1' ' tIto ifltVi il rlXt \\'e l nesday I' ,r ,L., Angeles, ( 'al., where thu, w Ill en n'l] the winter AMliss Ni-lit t:111~u , i rlt Miss Jennic S lWit'nt, \\ti - l- . liii .- n i'r i iting M r. itt-d Mrs. Ircutl. T, .1-tin's during thi' lhlidtyl ., ritclrt-n.l I--stl-rday t tiheir l ttw i l -nt ' IDr. I(i,,..lumil, ,I,, .lht specialist, will he at tl h, · u. . ,itel, Jan. 11 to '%. .:ir, nl Mr.. J .1 . Malirts intl i. hil i illt .:,tS .Ki i. - I--1 'isitiri g iin lil lilste dliritg- iih, hli--ihlys, were i ll MiN lit "t Iit i t 1- . ;t M rsi t. n-.. ]lrig 11;I \'I l l t .o k h : ons at t'heo l'en itell lit-Il. See Miss i'ith. 321 Daly avenue, for fancy tldresslakingli ; iup-to-date styles; first-class fit inld finish. Satisfaction g u r ''. n t (,e?[].--A d \'. Alis5 I iIs (1'; I. t: ii ii iof ('IIIIIin s litts n'nlli to .~l.11i.+, l] to take Cl hatrgO of tilh, siixlth r:mu ill the+ Rl oos ex'elt Mliss tli-ri -:tt:I .\ Iitt, who resigned lt ' twi t-rrit-.l. Mlr. aillnl Mrs. A. . I Delmers went to Ilth(ir hIit ati Aril,. yesterday. Mr. bI;iIin s rel' lly tI issm.titi(' his 'ne of IthI' Juticets of the Ipeace for J.1 it-o titittiship. All the hun-tiful l hlttnd-embroidered art piieces will ibe sold at actual cost in pr-ltaratlht fur Ith : ,prinrg lines. In 30 days new finishtld miodols will in troduce the art work at Martin's nov elty and style shtp, back of Scandi navian bank.-Adv. The P1hilhurm,,nii sc-lety will meet for rehearsal Anlhdttlu even at 7:30 o'i'kels, in the I' lub rlt,)nms of thIe First Nationtal tiAk buitliing. Following the lirehearsal thtere wtill ble a meeting of tile cut-.-uitive cuomirnttee. Hentry D. Crandatll of Hamilton filed applicatioll yesterday for permission to purchase an ijsolated tract of 160 A Clearance Sale A SALE WITHOUT PARALLEL Take advantage of the opportunities presented by our great clearance sale. This merchandise event is the talk of the town and for miles around. Below are some of the many bargains we offer in the great sale. $3.00 Silk Petticoats $179 $1250 Women's Suits; $675 now selling at special price of ..................... ... now selling at .................................................. 5 75 Silk Hose: 43c $20 00 omen's Suts; $1095 slecial for this sale ............................ now selling at ................................................. 3 5 $4.50 Bath obs 79 $35.00 to $49.50 Suits; 35 n sale for only ............ .................................. now selling at ............................... .............. $ 1 9 .3 $6.00 Girls' ('oats $3.29 oo st0i $12.50tt ; $4.85 t n sa le a t o n ly ..................................... ..... \ s n g t ............. .................................. $10.00 Girls' Coats; $5.65 $15.00 t, $17.50 Coats; $7.35 on sale lno\w at, 11 ....... .........._ . ..... . s lliln g at ............................... ,i.t Satr.n Skirts 47c $2000 to $25.00 Coats; now selling at . ............................ .......... ....... n selling at ... . . . . . . U $1 50o Underskirts 83c $"5.00 to $!9.50 i'iats: $15.85 special at .............. . . . ....................... ...\. n. sal t ....... $3.50 W'omen's Sweaters $1 $10.1,) to $12.50 Dresses. now selling at .................................................. selling at .... ........ ... $ 5 $2.00 Girls' Sweaters; $15.0 to $22.50 Dresses; $965 slecial price of ... ..........'........ .. s lling at ....... .......... . . .. . : . $2.50 White ,Waists 98c $15.00 to $25.O00 Hats$ 7 Kimnionos; 4 $1t0.50 !its; II\V selling at ..... n slling at.... 75r Sateen Waists $4.50 thts; .. selling at ...... ....................... .. . ........ now selling at 6 9 c THE LEADER acres inclutding the southeast quarter f1 the sioutheast quarter, the south half of the southwest quarter and the urwthltt\st quart r of thie southwest quarter of s'ection 26, township 5 nortl, range 20 west. J. E. IEhlers of Spokane, who has been in Missoula for a few days in the interests of a lalper pulp factory, which is ieing placed in Lincoln ciullnty, goes today to Ilelena to neiet Senator Ed I])nln, who hIas just re turnedt from two llmonths in Europe. Miss Helen McC'ratkin came in from her ra;nch near St. Ignatius I'ridlay, withl her guests, Misses IIattie \\'cmys and Marian 'Collins of Hlamilton. The thr(ee you)lg lthdi s spent the day in Jlisrsoul andi expect to go today to Ham tilton. FOR FREE SPEECH (' ntlrihutions of one cent to he used in Ipaying the fines of the editors of lth. Iutist'e 'apital News, recently tined aititl itllllisol n dll for printing remiaar.ks of 'litht.odi'ie Rootsevelt concerning the supremeitlii court of Idaho, were r(ceivedl Sstehrdtay frot each of the following; John li. Ilthenley. Irs. J. is. . lley. John 1. lienley, Jr. Mary Iienley. \Villi;atm l henley. 1i. It. RIoss. Anill l thi s. rs I. I. n . oss' . Mrs. I raik I fngalls. M ildred Ingalls. 1,. It. IW il ur.. I ( r .. nrry. ('. ('. itrry. ,it . Mrs, C'. I -'lerr.y. Igit tSt Petrry. A. N. (Xtzvell and four otthers. A. . ItuInharlte. r. J,. P. 'iastetnur. I 'aurls Hlollingsworth. J. 11. Sissn. 'T'. E. Ahh tt. 1|l h,-1 r ;1nd fPolip sins. C'. 1";. hickh with. Mr. \'hiall t t:ker. F. A1. IiKoh Mrs. Keim. ('arl te ....y. (;islrl siil, st niht th1111 A. I itot us rin. Mrs. A. liu tzerin. l kinr ds. of property nd for tradhers, a. ll. at once.n. IW. . Smed Comerritt.pany Miss Vina h Sadler. ]olnol ('. Wilbur. LouHigginis (i Blos. (. ho. I Red. M our. , Mon. Mrs. C'. ] l, I ohkicher. Lofte lehklcher. Marie lbehkichcr. .1ck l. ,hkicher. Mrs. AnIta. Peyton. T .o ta l ... ....... . ..... ........ $ .9,1 Previously collecte'td .... .10 (irma ll total .......... .. 1.0 NAUGHTY MARIETTA Missoula showed . last night that the long hiatus in the theatrical world has made its people theater hungry, Despite the large audience drawn by TRADE, TRADE TRADE All kinds of property for trade. If you want to trade your property call at once. W. H. Smead Company Higgins Block Phone'212 Red. Missoula, Mont. I)avid Wairfield Friday evening, the house was well filled when the cur tain went up on "Naughty Marietta," last night. The plot of the comic opera. present ed by Florence Wbbehhe last evening seomedd to bIe 1ised on "To Have and To Ilold." As a eon. seql1uence, "Nlauglhty Marietta" was en. dowed with a little more than the average comnie-lopera plot. Victor itrerrt's I music was really the whole show, bult, o(f colurse, the success of tile vocal parts was due to the Inas terful way in which they were Ian died. The plot is well adapted to a comic opera and the hero's brave hand gets in seome telling work in Ithl last act. Tile villain is discoinifitted and the heroine captures the lilan shel hlas lo\ved all through the Iplay'. Tile com edy Ilarts iwere wellt cared for, thh singing ilwas good and, ol thellc whole, "Naughty Mariet ita" was ienjoyed l thIse who were Ipresenlt t ie HIlur noliss lst evening. CEMETERY NEAR PARIS DESECRATED BY CHOIJLS Paris, Jan. 4.-A gang of gholls desrcrated the ciente tlv of Clichy levellos, just outsidt tIi' gates of Paris, last night. They slikl'l Ilole thall a lUlldrIied ot f tie.' tollbs o nil stole iL Illrge nllltl hr of s relll , h-1 jects fromn te l ittle ehah s sl lS tl', ,l 'or the 'graIes to which 1 relaltives iof the dead ooine to prai1y. The news I eame known thlis after onon :,td caused :c dop sc nsation. Nl e l' If the bodies ill the Lcllletiry Vw-s disturhed by the robbers, of \whoml It trcle halts since been foun1ld. Mn Ily of the the ohbjiees stoln Were of gold nlui sil\' r tll d it is iss11 all'ed thllt these w'ill he niltodil down and sltd PRESS AGENTS TALK OF THEIR SHOWS Bernhardt From a Dime Seat. He they raised their eyclhrow\s whenl iltey heard Itcrnhardt was going ill oll motion tpicttures, iandl they said: "\Vhat (next?" 'he, seell ing tlh fi'llm portrayal of Mladantz Bcrnhardt's "Queen Elizat hI( ll," they raised their eychro\vso n1o S11101r'e. But their expression was dif ferent. And also they asked: "What nex't,?" But their accent was highly respect ful. Tle films of "Quieon EIlizabelth" \\ill be at the Bijou theaiter tomorrow and Tuesdtlay with a sipecial matincee each day at ' p. Itn. C'onsidered g merely as an a'chievlement ill lotiy-lsiclurt ' ablilk. ing they are superb; clear, brilliant, realistic to a degree. The stage set tings tnd costtulncs-e M l adamle marah's own, frontl hler Paris thieater-are gor geotus. And the acting--by Maldamelll Saltrahs own coimllany--is notable. At any rate, the effenct is to give the acting an air of singular beauty and stateliness. And Bernhardt? Well, Bernhardt is the proud leliza. both; te humbnle a.lizabeth; the coin mantding Elizabeth; the pleading Elizalbeth, the yielding Elizabeth; the iron - souled Elizabeth; the high hearted, the broken-hearted Elizabetlh, signing the death of Essex in a fury of jealousy, and dying herself of a tender remlnorse. You can see it all. What use for the lines \\it Bernhardt's face to read? Bernhardt is the consummate artist, And Bernhardt is clever. Perhaps as clever as any move of all her kaleido. scopic career was the decision to project her matchless art, unfettered by the limitations of language, through the medium of the filmn. Vhat need has Bernhardt of words when he soul is mirrored in her face? (RAVE FEARS FELT FOR AMERICANS TROUBLESOME REBELS IN MEX ICO STILL CONTINUE TO RAISE CAIN. Watshington, Tan. 4.-F1'(r is felt for the safety of four Americans in charge of the camp of tile Indte Gold Jining chlll)ipany at InTld, D])urngo, Mexico, when olpcrations \ivere sus pended after tlhe camp was looted Iy 156 rebels. This inflormltion was received today at the statr' dcplartlelnlt froml the Alnericlan collisular age1nt at Parrall, who said the rebels s'iic-l several tholIusndll dottirs and threat ened ll'( th110 lives of theill A ellriCIans there. as I ('sIilt of w\hich tlhe works were closed. \lianager tlayes, inl harge of the uabi(ora, t 1)eveolopm lent c('nimn]); , t!he Hearst property near ltTlera, in (.li huaihulln, hals tIlegraphetd tlhe Amlerl cani cinsul Iat ('hihunhuta that rebels illn florlea IareI' applilroaching his con(' ltiny's property \w'ith the intentio n li," an at k. The lililiary aiutlhoriies it :ladora hae\' hLen infornr d anlid ihave plromiised inlmendiate relief. ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters rnemining un.laimed in the Mlissoutla postflfic'e fr week oni- ing Janiairy 3, 11.13: Mlrs. l;ly bIng, Mhrs "l. ift. Bretz, Miss L.ouise llrowne, T. J. Iltlhanan, J. T. Ilurke, Airs. C(. lyrone. Miss ('lilra. Illrseth, Mlrs. ll,,sHer Annii lia vis. lMrs. I' ral t'rinlklin, 11. J. P'leoiing. 'rs. (;rieI, tIhl, A. 11. Hopkins, rId ick opkinis. 1). Jackson. l h.s. Levisnsn, II. I,. ,Lessair, A. I,arsol, Al. . A. La l ,relh, Michele Liberl. , lirs. A.llglst 1.. Luther. \\'. MA. urTlllmy, (lelrge lartinsln (), Icin iett Ml I )illthd ei mp. T. Nearten, P. C. N, Itt..s, Nick Ny strandl. Airs. Adllisa ilsn. I iul in, Iin ;, 'li nurIl. A. J. tisson, Aliss AM;uy, lHyati, I+. Itisson. Thald Smith, Chans. cotti, Ars. .Tre -chrnler, Mrs. Elna NStckerson, Al bert Spor, Mrs. J.1. Al. Stine, Matt SItove. Miss Ilerwina Terry, A1rs. Fe. Todd. llis lI sea. i Wmi \.l.d, Walter S. Mlirs. lirtila \VWilliams, I. F'. \Vilkin s.i, Aliss r ,lothy Wilson, Shirl ey \Widner, MAlis 'iansy \Vhyte, HMiss Ella cWerner, Albert \Vaih 1, Mrs. Samuel Wraith. Miss 1'. D. YTiser. ANl.ltLPW LO(IAN, P. M. For use in night battles a German naval officer has patented a search bly motors fromn a ialloin at tached to a warship so that the vessel carrying it will not itself lie a target for an enemY's guns. MILL WOOD Cut stove length and delivered, green, per load ...................... 3..T Three or more loads to one ad dress, each ................................ 3.50 Dry, per load .............................$4.50 Planer Trimnmings, per load..-3.75 POLLEYS LUMBER CO City Saw Mill Bell 414 In. 414 Branch Office, 115 Higgins Ave.