Newspaper Page Text
OLD` CROWD # 1ai OF FIOERS OIb AfANGED BY EtLECTION. Hamilton, Jan. 4.--(Special.) - On Monday morning a few new faces will be f6und in the offices at the court house. While these changes are' un commonly few, a few obliging offi cers will have stepped out, and their going will be reniarked by all who have business at the courthouse that day and, the days following. Reference is mnade to Clerk of the Court A. C. Baker and his obliging deputy, Harry South. These two men have been familiar figures about the courthouse for several years, and have come to be regarded as about the last word in efficient service by all who have found it necessary to transact business of any kind in their office. When the office was closed this evening both men left for good, so far as the present is concerned, and when the office opens on Monday morning Joseph T. Coughenour, Jr., will be clerk of the district court, while Thomas Kane will be on hand to as sist Mr. Coughenour with his du ties. Both Mir. Coughenodr and Mr. Kane are popular young men, but in spite of their popularity, Messrs. Baker and South will be missed from their' accustomed places. Both men give their duties to others with the knowledge that they have faithfully discharged the work of their office in an able and efficient manner. This will be the only change in the district court as Judge R. Lee McCul loch will continue to occupy the bench, having been returned to that office by a large vote. County Sur veyor Leonard Oertli was also re elected by a pleasing 'vote and will continue to occupy the surveyor's of f!ee on the second floor of the court house. In the sheriff's office there will be no change, Sheriff George See having been returned to office by the demo crats of the county. Sheriff See will retain Henry Gilmore as his under sheriff and John Burch as his jailor and deputy. James D. Taylor, re publican, succeeds H. C. Packer as county attorney, 'but will continue to maintain his law offices down town. In the office of the clerkl and record er A. J. Hork, progressive, will con, tinue in office by the voters' consent and he will retain Fred Robbins and Tony Hork as his deputies. Miss Nora Smithey will assume the dutieih of superintendent of schools, succeeding Mrs. -Minnie Bailey-Law. This is Miss Smithey's second term as superintendent of schools, she hav ing been elected to that office four years ago. County Treasurer T. J. Heofling has gone to Helena to as sume new duties and his place has been taken by Paul Klise who has Lloyd Hefling as his deputy. H. L. Hart, treasurer-elect, will not take up the work of the office until March 1. I)r. Robert Getty succeeds Dr. R. L. Owens, as coroner, while Dominick McGuire takes up the duties of public administrator. CORVALLIS NOTES Corvallis, Jan. 4.--(Special.)-John MdLeod visited his mother in Butte the past -week. A surprise party was given on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Whitsitt in their new home. Miss Nora Smithey has resigned her position as instructor of the eighth grade to assume the duties of the of fice of superintendent of the county schools next iMonday. 'Many children and a few adults are afflicted with whooping cough. The high school faculty has returned from the holidays vacation. Dan Arms was in town a half day to clear up the rest of the right-of way for the new road. Professor W. M. Cobleigh of Boze man visited his mother for a day be fore leaving for Helena. The president of the teachers' as sociation of the state, Principal A. G. Roberts of Helena, visited in Corvallis the past week. Miss Frances Meyers is ill at her home with the grip. The departure of Tom Hefling for Helena leaves a vacandy on the local school board to be filled by the trus tees. Mrs. Hefling accompanied her husband to the capital city to see him comfortably settled. The family will not move for the present. Miss Ellis of Colorado has arrived to take the place made vacant by the resignation in the school. AT VICTOR Victor. Jan. 4.-(Special.) - 'Mrs. Riley and 'Mrs. Emma Shields tran sacted business in Hamilton yester day. Miss Maud Shunk, who has been visiting with Helen Fowler, left yes terday for Wallace, Idaho, where she is attending school. H. C. Groff, state senator, left yes teiday for Helena. T. H, Hanbridge went to Florenhe today on business. Dave Van Blaricom was in Victor between" trains yesterday. Shei-ff Craddock atteanded to bus ness in Hamilton this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Julian are in Missoula this week, where they went to attend the funeral of Mr. Julian's father. James Miaze, who has been ill, is re ported much better. George A. Blair has left for Helena where he will attend the legislature. Mfrs. Sherman went to 'Missoula yesterday~,to rs .eDtvtd Warfteld. H. A. Bit.'s, whol has been at teeding the meeting of the Farmers' MLr. and Mrs. J. W. Julian are in tN1r RESN1NG PAPERS AND MUSICAk. SELECTIONS AT HAINILTQN MEETING. Hamilton, Jan. 4.-(Special.) - The Hamilton Musical club held its regti lar meeting on Thursday evening at the chamber of commerce 'building when a very interesting and enter tainging musical program was ren dered. Lindahl Johnson's paper on Greig was especially interesting and instructive while Miss Laura Harper read a pleasing article on counter parts among poets and musicians. The club has selected the beautiful and tuneful cantata, "Rose Maiden,': by R. E. Francillon and composed by Frederic H. Cowan, for its spring con cert. The following program was rendered on Thursday evening. "The Chalet Girls' Sunday," Ole Bull-Miss Olson. Reading, "Counterparts Among Poets and Musicians."-Laura Harper. "The Bridal Chorus," Grieg - Mrs. Edwards. "Thou Art My Rest," Grieg --Wil liam Amundson. Paper, "Grieg."--Linhal Johnson. "Solveig gong," Grieg-Mr. G. A. Gordon. "Butterfly," Grieg-Miss Virginia Gaze. OFFICERS INSTALLED BY HAMILTON EAGLES Hamilton, Jan. 4.-(Special.) - The local aerie of Eagles installed their officers on Friday evening, the in stallation exercises being followed with a suplllper and a dance at 1-4orns' hall. Following the exercises Worthy Past President Charles S. Wagne-r was presented with a handsome Eagle emblem ring set with a fine diamiond. The presentation was responded to by Mr. Wagner with an appropriate talk. The dance at Burns' hall was largely attended and was a most enjoyable occasion. The £officers installed by the aerie are as follows: Past presi dent, C. S. Wagner; president, Henry Terou; vice president, Roillie Beavers; chaplain, John Kleinoeder; secretary, Harry South; treasurer, Frank L. Burns; physician, Dr. G. A. Gordon; trustee, Ike Wylie; inside guard, Silas Harshall, William Centers, the out side guard, was not installed not be ing present at the meeting. PARADISE NOTES Paradise, Jan. 4.-(Special.)- M. E. Quinn, proprietor of Quinn's Hot Springs, is relported to be very sick at his home. Dr. flattery of Plains is at tending him. Mrs. 0. E. Landon and son Foster Renner, were called to North Yakima the first of the week on account of the death of Mrs. Landon's father. Miss Margaret Kenyon of Plains was the guest of Miss Emily W\immer Tuesday. Rev. J. G. Ross and bride, who were married in 'Plains Tuesday, slipped away from their friends and came by auto to Paradise and caught No. 42 east. J. W. MacKay and family have moved to Spokane where Mr. MacKay will take a position as fireman on a passenger run out of Spokane. The Misses Lucile and Rowena ~Gar ber and Miss Bessie Love from ,Plains were visiting the former's sister, Mrs. John Trosper, Wednesday and Tlhurs day. Mr. aend Mrs. Jake Dorris of Plains drove to Paradise New Year's day and had dinner with their daughter, Mrs. W. E. Floyd. Mrs. Fred Johnston and two chil dren, formerly of Paradise, are spend ing the holidays visiting Mrs. John ston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foun tain. Mrs. Thomas Barth went to Heron to spend New Year's with friends. From there she will go to her home at Green Springs. Her daughter .Edith will reniain in Paradise for the winter and attend school. Miss Nina Sanford of the Cliff hotel went to Spokane to spend New Year's visiting friends and relatives. The dance given by Carter brothers at Plains New Year's night was well attended by Paradise folks. Ham mon's auto made *three trips between here and Plains to carry the crowds. Mrs. Julis MVlarley is confined to her home suffering from a severe attack of the grip. ALBERTON Alberton, Jan. 4.-(Speclal.)-E. L. Markham returned from Wisconsin (.n Tuesday, and reports the weather very cold there. Mrs. Markham and the children will remain in the east dur ing January. Marjorie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin, has been very ill, but is now improving. While on his way to visit a patient on Thursday evening, Dr. Whiting had the misfortune to fall and' break his knee cap. Mrs. Warren Farmer is very ill. C. H. Wilson and family returned from a two weeks' visit with Spokane relatives on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Brown are now reiding at Malden, Wash. Freddie Martin's condition rbmaans unchanged. Mrs. D. A. Ward fell at her home and broke her wrist Thursday evening. Mrs. Ed ,Martin is seriously ill at her home. Mrs. Mullen of the Missoulk Mercan tile company is assitting at the Martin store during the illness of the proprie tor. EXTRAMONDAY:Wom-. New January EXTRA MONDAY: Wom- $a . en's Sateen , Other Waists at7 C McCall Patterns en's Nuns Veili and Wool A clean-up sale of women's splendid swasts. Thes ee are odil lots and , and Fashion Womens warms wintr waists. Thue Waistnes at sold formerly for be had in quite a liberal variety., Some are from sateen in fast black a Plates A as uch as $4.00; materials tront wool nuns' veiling and from high-grade, several good colors; others are from fine white lingerie in le:te and assortesd bre tNow eautiful black sateen: alsno a gmodly line of fancy wool waists; altogether embroidered styles; every one of them is good and a genuine inpllortant bar- the assortment is good and it is quite likely that you will find Just what gain; regular $1.50 and $2.00 values. Special at.................. . .........95 on Sale H ere. you need. As before stated, prices are up to $4.00. Special at.................1.95 SA Rousing Garment Sale , Attracts Crowds of Buyers Enough for another day's selling, so come for them Monday. The bargains are worth while, so be here when the doors open tomorrow Tailored Suits and Coats for Women Values upSale at to $25.Women A selling event of larger merit than you are usually permitted to enjoy even at the end of the season. Now it is at the very height of need time and surely you cannot afford to pass this suit selling without a personal and thorough investigation. The number is not great, but still there are too many coats for good business management; so in order to hurry them out there's a one-day price of marvelous lowness. COME! "~ *. Mannish blue serge suits, fine whipcords; otucle coats, plush and velvet coats, nov Su1ts new fancies and special.fabrics in strictly Coats cities, chinchilla and very neat and stylish new tailored styles. Here are as good suits diagtonal stripes. A rousing hargain dis as you can buy and the price is far smaller than you have tribution and every woman in Missoula who has a coat to ever had. They are snappy and new, are made from the btiy should buy it now. 'lhe stock is not extra large, and best of mannish materials and many of them are hand we advise that you hurry if you wish to choose. There's tailored. Choice of blues, blacks and a fine line of novel- a creditable show ill the window and more in the big un ties. They are all first of their especial stairs coat room; materials of best winter j13 flfl class; former prices were $15.00 up to. sort, snappy and new, and the styles atre $25.00. On sale now at only ............................... best present models; $25.00 values, at ' I Odd Lines of Men's See the Display in Our Big Men's Sanitary 50( Wool Underwear Wo UWindows Fleeced Un'rwear C Odd lines if men's g od w ol underwear. t These are T ir, the extra ,\i l q l(1 li, : +-It ; nIl' d itnry strong, substantial and a vellml de; flesh olor, etc. Shirts n,,..,+1 t ucll h l ;1\ i r sll , tth , ln" ih:l sll Il, t s.: i i,. and drawers. These ar h st warm wintellr weights and Shit atl dtiiruti\ ,,:S; l h.I I wIntl\ .elatnl l: l IFr coldest nearly every size may lit' had. The qualities are stiandl winter il' : w I:e l;ui "'i i ial M**n ard $1.50 grades. Special to At 95c At 50c DEMISE OF MOODY IS MOURNED FRIENDS ATTEND LAST RITES OVER WELL-KNOWN COR VALLIS RESIDENT. Corvallis, Jan. 4.-(Special.)-Fo neral services of the late W. G. Moody were held from the Presbyterian church today at 2:30 p. m. The deceased was one of the ýmost widely known piano tuners in the west. The region in whiah he worked cov ered the states of C'olorado, Utah, Washington and Montana. He was held in high esteem by all who knew him. Mr. Moody suffered 'a stroke of n·r.ialysis about two years ago, which gradually affected his faculties, leav ing him blind and speechless. A few weeks ago he was relmoved to Warm Springs, where his death occurred on the first day of the new year. Mr. Moody was a member of the Knights of Pythias. His demise will he greatly regretted by a wide circle of relatives and many friends. Hle is survived by a wile anld three sons. one brother, Alcxander of lielle l'ourche, S. D.; also two sisters, Mrs. Lewis Shherdino of Ridgway, Colo., and Miss Tina. Moody of Myton, Utah. The Presbyterian pastor, liev. Itobert Lee Lewis, officiated. HAMILTON BRIEFS Hamilton, Tan. :4.--(Spetal.)--Ait torney Dan O'Hern of. Missoula, is In Hamilton attending to district court matters. Attorney_ George T. Diaggs of Ste vensville is attending to dilstrict court matters here today. Jesse Miller has started suit in the district court against J. R. Faulds on a debt. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant owes him $500 wages, while he refuses to pay but $361.30. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brittain left yes terday for Chula Vista, Cal., where they will visit with their daughter. A. M. Stevens of Missoula was In Hamiltoý today attending to business matters. -Mrs. anm Hamilton returned this afternoon from Mis.saula where she has spent more than a week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Ferbrache re turned last evening from Missoula where they visited with their daugh ter, Mrs. C. T. Morrell. Townsend Edwards was a Missoula in the niorTnin trainll. ) 'll o ArIIs, right-ilf-Way man for thl' I diisou t-Ininl~tqit] T ailway is ill lalm. Iton today. The plat fo' Iii lItiv'erviow Orichirdt vas fihled today by the Ilittler ltoot t Allloy Ilrriga tion ,',i, pany with thl.' l'lrk lul l recorder. Th," orcha rds a'e n('ated at I -ight Alilo and comlrise' ] ilhout 17,00 1 l'r's, 'Pahl .\i'r h;ts Loon called o Ibhis 'ity 'fro Piortal, Oregon, by tit'h erious itlhiss it' his nmothr', A Mrs. nrod (.rill. Ml' M 'arr was m t :11 Jisstula yl .A. (I . l oitfer tlool tirgoi' )iwninti iin ht' I:tltbr's automlihtle,i (George \\'hit ',,nh rtaInrlnldl It 1is otIla y'esteriil., following w tth nI1aIinu' t the' intisttall :tiiii of officers of the ocal iri of i" igl's. Irwin IIt yvh n, secretairy of the anilttoni I 'h:other of iComii eri'i', r urn(,d last evening (front Missoui,i Ihamn r of ionitiiirce, rheturi l lýev"r erday mornng frosm Missonlbt w ,her, WANTS A DVOIRCE. St it rict eiuit fa'l : divorce froII Ellen )e I'msti'. 'fl'' -ouple wore married 1 it 1letinI, A\I . 16, 1911. fIn his in vas -lit into the mtarriage by misreti-I esentatirons br, the dofend:ant, whi . II'imed she wis not over 3tF .he ai he was reilly ove'r 60 years oif age. I. 0. O. F. INSTALL. Harmiltovn, aus. 4.-(Spgc il. l-Tht I titter flott Iiniiimpt nvi t No. 110, 1. (I. SF., heI its annuw t installation i '' Ii Ifficers list -vening. Officers were ' ntatle'd ais filows: Chief paitrlirch, i itd itonesli: li t piriest, Baker li 1,uh-n els; seoniotr T lwardlen, Josephl Itin; unlillr wardn, E. A. Sp9erber; ssribe, l'homtis IHaull. CAMAS NEWS y l amist, Jan. 4.-(Spcial.)--\illiaTn .vers returnedit Wednesda-y 'rint S"o- t Go"ne to speut a ette days on his t ,nch, r T. P. N vrllisetl, who has el n pending the holidays in Mlssoula, Is urned hotl yesterday. Peter Tl'rygstad came down on the )ayton stage Tuesday, returning tihe text day. Willitam ( irid and A. C, McDonald 5 vere called to the latter's ranch )ate rhursday night on account of, the o hidden death ut William McKay. The 1 Ill bl i'' nt: 1 d \\tI s; liId h i :ll o11 hi S':IlI ,,4 \\ tl . i te h l :, I ) ki atil lizr,'d NX, \ I"r : ,\ ,. ith hind Il\l lill. " :I 11. lll 1; ] ll[, : l Ith lif 11 (I. 1iInblur \ i I npI I l (11/ s Iloth I . ill l, , I 1it ol t 1,1 1,1 its, II:i ,jl tI t l, ihe I olilI. l t Illill I I h i'. ~1111 Iq.' l :: ,111 It"' ,\lit ' I4 l l.,!'l lh l1l , S ,' I ", ,' t it I 1 is ,\lu t A i ,'ll. h in;ihl alll pt. l'y :Illll (,'1 \%1 I'l'r tlll !h ," I':1` -li'h N,'i\\ " V ++11' i", i" \ I , r ;i) 111,' 111 in ' thi ill'h NI. I hl, Klin. drI o , t, Ihntn Mmday, 1\ . 1.. I II' l I{ . i 1 rip It .IS :in h' tirt of 1lh . ,,- k 4l1 btinllu,.., USTRIAN RESERVISTS ORDERED TO GO HOME I).n t r, .1:in. . I (hi :,lih r 1lih:t ,I trYnss t t l .,;. . I\nstlrl ul l n '11 I I 4t41 , slid today Ihat he is s.,' ldi'. I 51'i; 111 1 1 l ,sis hIloll' ft miii 'V'lI ' 1'II ' II l '1Ii Vi I'.ll oI'IIl. 1 tI 'lTII. m, 11 nt h ill' in lhdle 14 1h re ,"r\ 'isIs \t h h i ve 1 si' " , i l II I I. l l .\1 - ri~ ii ; I, ll\ :n ln thus.' w hol t h.fl . lll lri; ;411v ll e la ,.-s ar., liai hl 1, mnililary bti t ii*' 'u+InnI h' ,-mlllhd ti r," t t lin drin t,.luntn il; ;tt 1hi+ I lor4 1 f th. c ullIt . A NARROW ESCAPE. \\ nlhi'e. ,, .I i. 1. ('1 t 'i:tI . ) 1M rs. .l rylil 'lin ;11t hI,'r ilfnlt 'hbll IId ; - I\l ii' I,'se.. ':I I h.iin i u'tll rn'll, l It l'ath i : firt ' lt'' \i .,t I l ii'''l'V t't't't ;it the' I i t,,e il ' in tl ' "t' t o t s4'.ti t:lll ttt 't,,r thlel, wit h ' ifls 'nnt nts anIt lli tllh lt r h until llthey'l i - l w ' aroi sed i roli ll t ,Otlr slumbers lly thel firi"ltn n. Mr's. lin llhl in her night.e lithd es, ' art' ;ere given sh+.ltvr in the iIlks' tin itps. The otss ih, stitlitlated it. bi1t), ithou $1 i.m', Cor,-Adv. HINTS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. Kieepl ol4ey>' lioney and Tar ('41ln lnid alxvitay n hand, and you ca ll uihkly heal off' a. colll hy its prompt se. It c.ontaini no Blhat's, heast and t otllies the ilifinnied air liassagos, , tops the cough, andinl1my save at big tctor'e s hill. In lhi. yt.llowy palckage. 1 lissoula Drug Co.-Adv. 1AKU JUUKNtl IYIAUtL1 BY THREE RIPPLED MINE MANAGER O CRAWLS OVER SNOW AND ICE WITH FAMILY. \V': I ,,; e, ,l.1n. I. MiS l "ri:il.) l 1; iii I. :l I:l II ,; 1 I l.', I l' ll 1 .':"1111W .1 I 1' , ",8- 11 rilitig rI 1 ll lll'1 , y.ý.o lill n y1l:1l\\ h t i I ! m ihi-s Ito Ih , Iir. II \V 1, 'rn 11 i I Ie 1 t11:1 :1 1 11 I' ."1 t Iii l 'l I li lll ' t iP II BUN Kl ERl flight. el \til Ill i' 11 ,'1 8 1 : 1 I'l ". llli, : II 'II I Il Mill I 1! III 11\ 1\'llIllg11t 11.11111 111 '181 , ()11 lust 1h.s Ii ' S11:1.` ;11· 111." la Sr 111 11' th n f ire In Iit ll :lll 1 I lN l it 11 111 11', l I ll I ill : 111 l 1il' 1 rll I f1 l i' ril l l111 ;I:ll sllll 'ld h o .;IL Ill T h " l 1ii I.n lls ll luh i lii,:i'ly I Ui' Iliil h I I ll"r tile l, llllll , ll:1 iliav , lie til l i l " lll t1' " lle .Ilth e is l i 111ih ~ l i+,\ l l l ,1\ ..I' . . : III' I-, I il l, i 1 1i 1',:1 t.I 11-I I1 It ro11i 11.i 1\l ,11\'1' . I :Ih lil IItllllll It I 1 8rill r I Tl h vI wo lii \x i!, tl w hill. i II I. h\, '1, tlllil1 I Ih r Ibe rit 1. i l' 111-. IIl" l \ :\ 1 li I llý. Th i ll. I"" !+t'. ilf t' e'- I 1l1 in rrai l VIII the I til,0 t;i11" 1. , 1" ýrI n i llt 14. \ea Ihllv i il ' ;l hl , illh; l I1! 1 11r l 1(i i 'i ,,1( < 11 1 1 hi. , e, I' . 1 I' i S t 1 ' i I l " itl \\l l' , . H it oligilt thl:tl thi+ fit i.r,( Il lZW( r hwi lrIl l tHe Wil.t T i1 4 alli7. n t ,u tllH\IlS I1lllll8 l n lli \0 IIIt lilg thie 1rll lll.\" . Af Ill.-( ) 1ie( red e e d i 11it i St' r-w oll f 1 'llilmh f r' 1184, 4~t llit Iraly di4 tr'i l 1 \.;a s iifel"tie "le . i tr e I In u till ,ord was i ll thal t the fathe'r, A :t h1spit:l ili W allace I.ll ll htl, lls Ilstituted snit againstol J1 o i nke hill &Ilt, hilt in thM iint b npllt jtyt flhr It 1 ot ainendes alleged O Shltdl no nithe liation of ranthe k Dlnl, W dyoung th prtllnr n who lullrt st his life li brng minit tkc'lght fire. Rentz was H Ssel ral ays atr the fire in a u scovcered. gi ALL FUOR FARMERS INTRODUCED 'HIO CONGRESSMAN'S MEAS URE PROPOSES LOANS ON FARM MORTGAGES. \':i hin ll l I | . ,H 1111th. 4 t rl ,rni nrnt 1:111s , 1 '1. 1 l c11' sl n t; es t11 lot' iti le ' r ites i r" Ipli IIIro sio'I 1II I 111ll1 iI ill i I I I II . 1snt ,I it,' ii l , tlt ijrl of l .' . I 11 ' 11 .,11 w i. i it i ',li t i l . Il :li su ' II Idl nll i H IIt . it I i t lll' tlilin 1, 1111l11 c," tlllel t ,s 111 11 i ("'ul'credits"H ~," 1 I 'r iiius,'d Iiy I'' e-ii i . t lITift. bih' t \li ,sr lhi .rl. vide ' ti the es- , hl.hsilitlgt of :i Ir ii, iliy dI is li' tIn.ltt iJ' .-l' ,t'll lllK H n ed 11)h I thejI'I reIII'V lll 1} 1 'I hni i flid, o1 the soil" i Italrin IiIri.g,,r i sh ,,w hfr i uca le thf i n l ll ii ll ilt Inds 11 nl t i to exul ed The ORnl i tlreast. The linor ts Drin 11I11," 1111 It :IiH of \vhilh :lt hlast labit I1 be 1 used wlisillt bsolute \ on-l tii tio It destros aIll desirty to b s1,1 i n1ke1I, htr or ot ater l Inho li ti1n - :ints. ' hous:,inl ha ie sucesoullyi ilner, ti the se-r'ltarl> y of the tre:as rvd it and hate beein restored to live or iell oand useu vln of the an onb ox. It you eIll to et resu lts rom: IR Nh alter' a trIal, your moiney 4.1 r e relunded. Ask or ree book S'elln all aout ORI taxati nth 1 ril \V1 llllge14 kil i] ho l ls issnt tl ln. Tr the lo:10 a1 IIn oses lit.:1 ll' l al 1 ro . t'Ii ' f $10iu ,0'is t flrt' l Cuh , h stCll. tio! . 111l I'ron. -dv. OIffiel:tl figures show Africa led the orld in the plroshic' r ion of gold last ear wltli the I'1nited States seconid, third ird Mexico foilr'th, DRINK I AE3IT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT The ORRINE treatment for the Drink labit can be used with absolute con Idence. It destroys all desire for 'hiskey, beer or other aul'holic stimr lants. Thousands have successfully sed it and have been restored to lives f sobriety and usefulness. Can be iven secretly. Costs only $1.00 per ox. If you fall to get results from RRINE after a trial, your money ill be refunded. Ask for free book t telling all about ORRINE. The Missoula .)rug Cu., Cur. H-ig us and. F.ront.-Adv.