Newspaper Page Text
G. 0. P. IS ERY SICKi SAYS OSBORN FORMER GOVERNOR OF MICHI GAN WANTS A UNION WITH THE PHOGRESSIVES. Chicago. Jan. 11.---Th fctions into I which the republican party ihats split were called lupoin to "g't t getlther" bI former oiverlno (lChals S. Osl, orn of Michigani at a banquet of the )lauitltuia club here tonight. Referring in compliulltntary phrases' ti, the tlamilton club, the speaker called upon it to take the in!ti:tive in tl.viting the leaders of the lrogressive party and of the republictan pIrity to hold a conference to setk ('clun')n ground on whitch they. c:a reunlite. The worst that could haplo' n, the former governor said, would hi,.e fail nrce of tlle object sought. "The invitation to attend could be made general and also could be mltade special to certain prominent leadt-er". I would send special invitations to Theodore Roosevelt and I'r,:::dustt Taft; to Senator La F'ollettc, Slenator Dixon, Senator Ioot, Mr. larnces, Mr. Flinn, Senator (Cumllinls. Mr. Ia:ir banks, Governor ,MNil.Gvern," sa:id thil' speaker, who also) nallltetl a sh(or It more of other ilntn well lkno\ll in po litietical lilt. It's Sick, All Right. "Tile pitrty is sict'k," con tinued dir. osb,irn. "l'hthere is ni doubjllt about it. Last year it was deliriollus. Now the feve\'r is Itrttkon, let us hoplne permanently, and tilhe latient is wral k and anuemic,, but c'llnvtlescetllt, at l 1 (believe it has tenllltllgh vitality to war rant the prophecy of recovery. Duir ing its delirium the party .:ewas r.epItli ated by the coluntry. I do not belli.\eve that this turning of the, people's lack is necessarily :t peril'ltllllan t pO1st li '." .The fotrmer govlerlnor said Ith:t only that party whilil is wVortitv in evtry way can retain (lhe conllfide l of the voter. The republican party must do things Ias it did in its "sttUlt unllg manhood." The party mlight take up governnlrnt o\\nership of railroadItls Ias the go\vernmlent at Iltpresent is txer-is ing "ignorant and lncomplott itl tult r vision without riespo)nsibhl ilt y." It might take uip tihe subjoc(l of "e~nllilty nlent slavts," f whoil, he said, the.rI are more than thelre- were Iof the il:.tke slaves, for whose lliberation llth r(leplith lican party was fiormellld. i)f 1he tItoi perance questiton, thl' speaker sail: Temperance. 'The grcatest curse in olr ination is comrnercialized alctohol. I tln noeither ,a total abstainer nor a prothiblittiniil, but I cannot closet my e-yes to the' facts obtainled through \every c'hannell of social survey, t hat 90 Ier tcent of crime, degeneracy, diseaset and pIau SETS left out of the carload of china which we bought togive as premiums for paid-in advance subscriptions to The Missoulian. If you wish to take advantage of the re markable offer which we are making, you must do it at once. The premium has proved popular beyond our expectations and the supply of dishes will not last this week A Handsome Gilt-Decorated 42-Piece China Dinner Set This Dinner Set Sells at Retail for $1260i It is not the ordinary premium ware---it is the product of one of the best potteries in the country---it is high-class, standard china, just the sort you will be proud to have on your table.` We will gladly show you this dinner Set if you will call at our office. We bought a carload of these dinner sets under conditions which were specially favorable, and are, therefore, able to make this unparalleled gift to our subscribers. It is doubtful if we are able to renew the proposition. Right now is the time for you to take advantage of the offer. You are getting $12.00 FOR NOTHING. Vou Must Have The Missoulian--Pay a Year in Advance and Get the Dishes With I THE MISSOULIAN is the newspaper of Western Montana. Our leased-wire Associated Press service brings right to our editorial rooms the news of the world. Our state service covers the Montana field thoroughly. Our local news service is thorough and reliable. Our Sunday edition is recognized as the best in this region. Every day in the year the Missoulian goes to its subscribers. Every morning it gives them the news of the world, the nation, the state, the county and the city. For $8.00 This Newspaper IsYours for One Year And with it you will get this handsome 42-piece dinner set. The offer is one which was never made before. Peculiarly favorable conditions make it possible for us to make it now. We may not be able to make it again. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBEl Call at The Missoulian ofice, examine the dishes for yoursef, then subscribe for The Missoulian for a ,yr a the dishyes, r °.f "' I; " it perism is caused by the sale and In temperate use of alcohol. It is the greatest ptril, but so -uge is its in fluence and so ramified its tentacles that not one great party or great leader has dared to grapple with it. "If the republican party is sceling a worthy task. let it undertake this one and follow it courageously, tllerantly, Satlionnily, and persistently. It need not advocate proh'hition, but it would have to destr,o the saloon and replace it with sufficient munilicipal clubs or sll.',stitutvs of that character \,:here pure liquors and hut rs made in dis tillhries and breweries supervised by thel gi.a ralnent cu'd be told in tlem ,er.vte iui;ntitils at caOt. Liqutr al \s \Vwill hI used in sr:Ie hI.ans,' dlubs and hti, tIs t<\ hih fhe r may ie no objet ti.n2. . . . . ..... . . .. ... . . . CORVALLIS NOTES Corvallis, Jan. Il.--(Special.a -The WV. t'. T. U. met Frh.lay aftternoon with Mrs. Myra tRobins for a rigut;r session. An epidemic tof mumptls nd whnop ing tough has afflcettd the attenidnllles of the school for the past N. w weeks. Mrs. T. ilefling rturnted from II1. ena, where she assisted Mr. Ilefling in getting settled for the present. Little 1)annie !lobblitt Is on the sick list. Rev. ('. IL. Vaughn of the Methodist church aill hit a big rally at Victor to awaken new life in the work at that place Sulnda.y mlorning. P. T. Btaden, fruit inspector for the past season, has gone east on a visit of five weeks. !He tosk with him IL carload of atpdes for Mr. Ihurrill to (irand Island, Nel,. Otto Quast of Missoula is visiting! his large dairy ranch just north of this place. ('arl Hlobblitt is clerking at lhen R0we's store. John HaY spent a few days-in Ana conda and succeedVed in selling a car load of hay at a good price. Allen tBurch is baling hay on the Stock farm. I'. M. Lawrence of The Missoullian was in town with the attractive offerI of that paper in the form of a set of fine dishes in return for the price of a subscription. The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres byterian church has bought a fine s ving machine. STEAMER BREAKS SHAFT. New York, Jan. 1 1--A wireless message was received today from the I steamship G(rosser Kuserfuest, saying that she had broken ai crank shaft yeslt.erday whit.. 500 miles east (if Cape Racf, The, vessil will reach here three tlays Ipte. 'MIDWIFE FINED. Spokane, fG'n. T.-l1)r. irnilyv Siegel, aL midwife, was fined $75" In the United States districet curt to day after ashe had plel~ed guilty tol having -used the mails to forwhtrd letters conce.rntng illegal df~gs. lISOIPE OLf ROLf IS ARRESTED GRABBED IN EL PASO FOR AL* LEGED VIOLATION OF THE NEUTRALITY LAWS. El Paso, Tex., T'1ri. 11.--Rtiardo (;o.1amey1 Robelo, secretary-general of the ()rozseo revolution, was arrested here late today, charged with viola tin of heatrality laws. HIe is named in the same federal indictment headed it Emi'llio V'nasquez (om.ez and others; who :ir'"e held at San Antonio. Iobtlo, who is said to be General (Orozo's favorite disciple, has hren hert :r:va ral months as h Isinee ss age nt for the rtivolutionary party. 'Repetated requests tby Mexican officials for hist arrlest have beenti refutsed by Incal tanI thorities. IDr. .TJose SneInz, a ('itan, named in the samte indtictment, is heldi lndiev bhnd. I'rom the south tonight camo dis. turiing rlprts, including privatet ver. ifiteation of the ('capture by ritals oPf (lteneral Bllanco. The manla~ger of this ITearst ra:llnh has apltealed through theI Amterinan consuil it ('hihuahua ('ity t for troops to protect the tiprert y. l'Feideral troopst tolday discovered n tlarge quantity of amulllllllitir lon andll dy. namlite at Villa Ahumtadan mI the MextI aIn ('entral railwva y ttlotw Juaruez. The r ebel guards fled, leaving the ix Ilusives in the handls f the govuernl nient trouops. Mining tlt detltare a erillt'al ctn. dtition exists at Inde, state of fIuranio, whtre a large American mining t('tnIJ is tlt'tied. Simuec the reItols imadie de matiind for the wlomenil of the settlement andt Illretonned to a:tialk with 4'00 mun, Ito definite hews has conme from lthe district. . . . .. . ... ..____ PARADISE NOTES 'Parulis,,, Jan. I1.- (Speeminl.) I'. Ii. James and Miss Grace Steel surprised their friends this week by announcing their marriage which took place in Spokane on Thanksgiving last. The young couple have managed to keep their secret until now. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Stee'e of this town and is one of the popu lar young ladies and has a large host of friends. The groom is well known in railroad circles and is employed as night yard .niaster for the orthern Paelflc railway at Paradise, where they ull' maunke their home. "O. E. Plslittffl of Missoula was a visitor In town this week. Mr. Pep pard has the crmtract for the new bridge now under construotifin across the M.lssouila river just east of iPara dise, and camrn down to look over the work. tie says everything is going along nicely dtbplte the cold snap,' antl expects to have the job complete abotit the 1ast of this month. Two carloads of elk passed through here Tuesday on their way to Coi fornia. The shiplment was consigned to the Elks' club at Redding, Cal., and was in chatrge Of two of its members. .Mrs. 'Lerry and young .son have re turned fromi i three-months' visit with relatives In the eastern part of the state. Mr. and trs4. J. T. Cox and child of Missoula $apped off here between trains Tuesday fqr..a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cole. They are on their way to the coast for a trip. F. M. KIerrr-manager of the Butte Electric & Power company of Butte, spent a few ,hours in town Wednesday Ioiolng over hi;e new Il w'r line now under constrtition by thl Northwest ern Developrineet company. From here he went to 'hlompson I1'.9is. The ,De Poss Theatrical company gave an entert inment in Erickson's hall Wednesday evening. Miss Emily WTimmer met with a painful accident Wedniesday while1 walking to the N. p. roundhouse car rying her father's lunch. She slipped on a piece of 'ice while passing the cinder pit and fell into the pit, cut ting her right leg blow the knee. She w:ll be confined to hier home for several days. Mrs. Reid from Phi'adllphia is here visiting her sister, Mrs. . . E. Broom. She will leave in a few days for Rochester, Minn.; wlire she will en tir Mayo brotiesa' lhospital to un dergo an opet.tlon. The funeral 'of Con Marinan, the Northern" P'aific ilatchlian 'who was found. dead in his cabin east of. (uinn's Hot Springs, was hold from the CatholiC , rch here Thursday morning.,, Fat.".I uaisy from Plains officiating. The .,roner pronounced death due to'. ~eart failure and de tided no inquest''Wa necessary. A sis ter of the deceased' was located in the east and w'ired -instructions to have the body buried here. Services are being conducted in the Catholic church every morning and evening of this week by the Rev. Father Adalbert from St. ILouis He is a splendid speaker and large crowds are attending. Father Alalihert just closed a two-weeks' mission at Plains and will leave for his home Sunday night. Father Casey accompanied him from Plains. xliss Annie Troslr .f Ioan is vis iting her brother and wfe, Mr. and Mrs. John Trosper. Best Cough Medicine for Children. "I am very glad to, soy a few wordi, in praise of (,:hambil:inui's (.Iiugh Reiin edy," wirs ,Mrg.- lide Dewey, Mil wa ukce, \Wis. '.i ve used it for years both for my children and mysilf and it never faill 'to relieve and cure a ,og' , or cold.. Na family with chil dcrer sanil.d be. withlat it as it gives almost i!ni.idiate relief in cases of, croui.' i (hamiberlain's ('iugh R.emedy i i ,s'i: i a:t and safe in takl (, ; ilich is of great implor whelaqi.l.ii mledi:ine inust be gi\elt iy~sug, children. For all druggu v ,r-Adv. MISS RMO MISSOULA LEADER ASKED TO BE SPEAKER ON MARCH FROM. NEW YORK TO CAPITAL. Itelena, Jan. 11.--(:cpeial.)--""eri eral" Rosalie Jones htit 'written Miss Jeanette Rankin of Misaiula, liow in the city lobbying before the'sla. ture for the passage' of the bill sub thitting the woman suffrage am nd. ment of the constitution to the people, to come east to act as offi'eial speaker anid publicity agent of the New Yo!tk suffragists in their overland manrfi tal Washington. Miss Rlankli. will prob ably accept, if the Moirtana legislA. ture has acted on the Stout measure by that time. The ger.eral, Whi led the march from New York to Ahllny, wrote she chose Miss Rankin as tiheI most cuap. able suffragist in her acquaintance to fill the duties of the position. She requested Mi.: ltankin to come to New York aboutl the middle of February to help plan the march to the capital, to meet the reporters each evening, and to lecture in such towns as the -army passed through. She also requested M1iss Rankin to lend her services to the committee that will outline the plans for the suffrage chntingen't in the inaugural parade at Washington. PERMA BRIEFS Perma, Jan. 11.-(Special.)-Joha1 Williams, Sr.,. accompanied by his daughter, Hattie WVilliams, returned home'.Thursday from MiO soula, where Mr. Williams had been the past 10.days undergoing conval, escence after a surgical operation. Henry J. Hayes of the .Perma Mhr. cantile company returned this w~ek frontm Butte, where he went on husl ness last week. Ed Iove, a Plains lumberman, was transacting business here last Wi.ednes day. W. D. Slye arrived with an emi grant car this week direct from I)ick. inson, N. D. Mr. Slye brought acomn, plete farming outfit and expects to farm on ('lamas Prairie, tributary to Permna. Mr. Slye is the father-in-law of J. B. C'ook of. Greenspring and W. L). Kendrick of Missoula. .. F., Tallman,. one of the ,pioneer homesteaders o(n Ca.!as:;Prairie, wh. has, been visiting. friends , and rela tives at and near, Chicago .;thl past 30 days,.returned home this week. The Clark's Fork river is frozen ov3q, -as a ,result 'of the recent cold wave. ' Attorney Hills of Miseoula. spent-th.oa greater portion of last: week In-the hills here with a prospecting party,, Mr. Hills secured some fine samples of copper o(re which ho,.Lg ; bagi tp, Miiasoula with him the first of the week. Jane0 Mb0llivray ofAv, b ,, ~ faroaded: ."lee dofblet-ldea cai'..a4s of theep Hlere thiq week. Mi'. c*1 r', havs bveral hun~lreds ot acri Of land under lwse hereabouts and bwns a large tract of land on the T'hemp sov river, f4ere he will take his bd of sheep it. the spring. .Dr. Dlxqn and wife' of Dayton-a - ,yvel i~t Perma Thursdity evenin'- in their rhotfor car. Thes.j spent Frida~ ooKidng over the prbspects of Perma, with a view to locating here ;in' the spring ..with a drug store and doc tor's office. Dr. Dixon stored his c.r here for the time being and took the afternoon tiain Friday for Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Jerry Sullivan- went .to Missouia Thursday, returning Friday. ' jd Hann, contractor and carpenter of Plains,,has just .completed the new schoolhouse in Perma and schopl will coit mence in the new. structure nekt Monday. So far this term of scaopi has been conducted in a tent and not a day has been missed on account of the inclemency of the weather. POLSONA ITEMS Polson, Jan. 11.-(Special.)-Miss Edith Maynard entretained a few friends at her home Wednesday even ing, ,and a very enjoyable time was re ported by all. )H. C. Cline made a business trip to B3ig Arm Thursday. Frank D. Miracle of Helena is spend ing a few days in Poison on business. o Miss Lulu Bigelgw spent the holi days with her parents near Ronan, re turning to Kalispell by stage. Work on all branches of the rec lamation service is fastly progressing, which gives the people of Flathead sorne encouragement toward getting water on their farms this year. R. V. Bucknee of Terre Haute, Ind., was a Poison visitor Friday. The DeKoven quartet gave a concert here Thursday night, and all were highly pleased with the entertain ment. Court Colvin left Polson Friday for a visit with his brother in the east ern' part of the state. Karl Knudsen has returned from a business trip to Elmo. CUTTING ICE. Hamilton, Jan. 11.-(Special.)-J. J. Fitzgibbons and Louis Peterson, the two ice barons of Hamilton, began this week to cut their year's supply of ice. The recent .cold snap played right into the hands of the local ice men, thick eanng the ice on the ml. ,,pond :t, 'a depth of about a foot. Theitee sitiddar and solid, just the kind that. thorough ly satisfiea the ice merohantr Each of the mren, has a force of 25' at: work making the harvest, and the rectang tilar, chunks: qf ice are 'being hustled into the -roomy icehouses on, the mill pond shore at a rapid clip. Messrs, Fitzgibhbons and ,Peterson will harvest .or;m; l,p:01,00to .'IQQ. tons,-of, ice. each. , Paper. Cold CoAi oa4d Cut'b Colds and Qrlpp. ihn a Few MKUrs. It is 'a positive fact tliht a dose of Pape's Cold Colm~idlhdb, t` iaket 'M'ery two hours' 'until three'' t6iseeiitvie doses 'are taken, will 'e2d th'C rippa alri& Tseas ip the hmot eia6e'e" cold, eitliel in the hiead, chest, b"Ic, istom ach, limbs or an, part of the" poly. It rhmiptly ,relievesL tie most :jis erable h' '.dache, .dAlir s head .. ad nose stuffed up, feverishness, sne~ ing, sort throat, running. of, the nose, mucous eatarrhal .discbarges, a..ote ness, stiffness and rheumatic 4twinges. rake this wonderful Compound as directed, with the knowledge. that there is nothing€ else in the World, wnich will cure 'your cold or eind grippe mnisery as promptly and with out any other assistance or, bad after eftcts as a tF5-cent package of Palle's Cold Compound, which any' druggist car 'supply-accept no substitute contains no quinine. Belongs in every home. Tastes nice-acts gently.-Adv. MOVING TO COUNrTY SEAT. Hamilton, Jan. 11.-(Special,)-F. Bert Tanner was in Hamilton yester day from his home above Darby mak ing arrangements to move to this city to assume his duties as county as sessor. He will move next week into the Peterson brothers' house on South Third street. IHe has announced teat C. M. Johnson will be' his deputy, while retiring Assessor H. Babbitt will assist during the heavy part of the work. Mr. Tanner also ahriounces 'that he will move his offices at the cotrt house across the hall into the county attorney's rooms. This change will give the assessor's force more room, and is made possibly by the decision of County Attorney Jaies D. Taylor to maintain his offices at his present location in the business district. SEVENTEEN "kILLED. Mobile, Ala., Jan. 11.-A check of ,the list of passengers and crew of the Tom Bigbee river steamboat James Staples, which sunk after an explosion of her bollers at Bladen Springs, Ala., Thursday afternoon, shows .17 persons killed and .22 in jured. A mean, stuffy cold, with .hoarse wheezy breathing is just the, kind that runs into bronchitis. or. pneumonia. Don't tifle with such serious conditions hut take Fpley's Honey and Tar ,Cpm pound promptly, . Quick. and beneficial results are just what you can expect from this great medicine. It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages. It stops the hoare, racking, cough. Mlis pnnlnla.rug ,.i,3.-'... .