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HE IS A CHAMPION Calvin S. Troupe a Wizard in Insurance Business-Sketch of the Man Who Wrote the Larlcest Policy lEvcr Recorded in the United States. ALVIN S. TROUPE of Baltimore bears the distinction of being the first man to write an insur ance policy amount S ing to more than $100,000 in any one Scompany in the world. Mr. Troupe is also distinguish * ed as being the on ly American who ever had the privi lege of Interviewing the Prince of Wales on the subject of insurance. This successful solicitor began his career in the insurance field twenty years ago and has since then written policies which aggregate the grand sum of $21, 540,000. Twenty years ago Mr. Troupe started out as an insurance solicitor In Chicago. Prior to three years ago it was im possible to procure more than $100,000 insurance in any one company, but the company represented by Mr. Troupe took the initiative in granting larger risks, and the first man insured under the new rule was Col. Julian Carr of Durham, N. C. Mr. Troupe succeeded in writing a policy fdr this gentleman to the amount of $500,000 and another for his wife and brother amounting to $100,000 each. The famous Vanderbilt $1,000,000 policy was also solicited by CALVIN S. TROUPE. Mr. Troupe, but he failed to write th" same, as Mr. Vanderbilt personally ap plied for the policy at the office of the company, and this policy stands today as the highesl t p!;icy carried by one man in a sii! conpany. Among oth er lorge p,:i'; 2.i:,lred by Mr. Troup', ere thl foull: i' .r : Mrs. B. N. Duke, Durham, N. C., 5.U000; It. S. Craw ford, liager..,:,,,,. Md., $300,000; 1. S. Vaughn, Richnul. id, Va., $250,000; Gen. John Gill, Dlulllore, Md., $400,000; ex Postmaster J. M. Gary, $100,000; 13. N. BRIGADE OF CHINESE. CAPT. SEID 1ACK, .11.. Portland, Ore., claims a unique mill- Celestial empire. On July 4 the or tary organization. It is a fully- ganization was sufficiently weoll drilled equipped American-born Chinese brl- to give a public parade in honor of the gade, whose members range in ages victory over the Spanish at Santiago from 21 years down to 7 years. The The entire thirty-seven members brigade is equipped the same as the turned out and the reception was such Oregon National Guards. It was or- as to do honor to an organization ol more pretentious character. In mill. ganized last June by Capt. Seid Back, tary training and Instruction Capt, Jr., with Capt. 13. F. Jones of the Ore- Jones found the boys characteristlcally gon National Guards as drillmaster. It apt, and it was but a short time afte, is the first and only Chinese military the organization before they were abl( organization in the United States, or, to make a creditable public appear In fact, in any country outside of the ance. Baker, Baltimore, $250,000; F. E. Roe selle, Washington. $250,000. Mr. Troupe is a quiet and unassum ing man and speaks of his success as something that might be acquired by any one with hard work and perseve rance. He lives in Baltimore and has a summer residence at Poplar Grove, (Md., but spends much of his time in traveling about the country in the in terest of the company he represents. Taebt Made Without Metal C. S. HIusted of Sands Point, L. I., hA a sallboat that was built without the use of metal. She is very like the yachts of her class in model and gen eral appearance, having a single mast and covered cabin, but here the like ness ceases. Her material is entirely of selected and finely finished mahog any, the numerous pieces of which are held together without the use of nails or screws, all of the fastenings being of hard wood plugs, driven snugly home and then thoroughly wedged. The craft is twenty-seven and a half feet long, with a six and a half foot beam, and draws four feet of water. About two years ago she was built at Abo, where many boats of her class are con structed. HARVESTS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR (lathered from the Locks of European Peasants. Women with scanty locks ought to like to know that there are hair har vests, Just as there are wheat harvests! The idea does not sound very nice, but that it is useful we must all agree. The hair harvest is a much surer crop than the grain one. It does not depend on the weather. To leave that side of the subject, most of the hair women wear comes from Switzerland, Germany and France. There is a human hair market in the lower Pyrenees held every Fri day. Scores of hair buyers walk up and down the village streets, their shears dangling from their belts, and examine the tresses which the peasant girls let down fo: their inspection. It a bargain i, struck the hair is cut and the money paid on the spot. These girls have fine hair. Strangely enough, peasants often have much better locks than highly educated women. Civill zation does not seem to care for heavy hair. That which is cut off by the dealer himself is the best. Dealers can easily tell whether the locks offered them have been cut or combed out. They do this by rubbing the hair through their fingers. If the hair has been cut from the head and has not been misplaced It remains in the or iginal position. If it has been pulled or combed out and put together, re gardless of Ihe direction in which it grew, one portion will slip to the right and another 10 the left. It does this because the jagged edges catch upon acnh other and pull in opposite diirections. Proof Beoyoud Compare. Two convicts at the French penal colony of Cayenne, employed as ser vants by the governor, got leave tc marry. They went to the maire, and the lady was asked if she was a spin ster or a widow. "Widow," she said. "Well," said the officer, "but I have not the certificate of your first hus band's death." "Really," said the bride, "I thought it was not needed." "Why, it is an indispensable docu ment." The lady smiled and referred him to the record of her conviotion. "You will perceive, sir, that I was sen tenced for life for having poisoned my husband." CURES OF A MADSTONE STRANGE POWER TAKEN PROM A RUSSIAN ELK. Applied to the lsite or a Reptile or That of a Itabid Animal Itl Extracts the Poison as Would a Leech of Monster size. (Special Letter.) I. fEN thousand dol lars could not pur chase a bit of a stone not larger ° than a hen's egg i-.1b which Dr. H. L. S Miller of Missouri owns. It is only a , bit of mottled I grayish substance, rough on the sur face, porous and light in weight. It is a mad stone. The stone is the prop erty of a syndicate, in which there are 496 shareholders. Dr. Miller's interest in it is $500. "Our madstone came to Vernon county twenty years ago," said Dr. Miller. "A Russian physician who had just come from his owe country brought it. He also had papers con taining a history of the stone as far back as the year 1748. The stone was found by its original owner in the body of an elk. It came down through the Russian physician's family from gen eration to generation, and it was the most highly prized of all the heir looms. Like many another Russian the physician lost his wealth through political intrigue, and with the excep tion of the madstone he had nothing of value in the world. Dr. J. H. Fry ex amined the stone and its history. In the records which the Russian carried there were hundreds of testimonials to the virtues of the stone. Dr. Fry of fered $500 for it. The Russian was in DR. H. L. dILLEtR. need, but he declined emphatically to accept the offer. Soon after this the stone was applied to the wound on a child's arm caused by a dog bite. In a very short time the wound healed cleanly. a I "Dr. Fry again offered $500 for the stone, and that amount was again re fused. Dr. Fry raised the offer and finally purchased the madstone for $1,300. Business reverses compelled Dr. Fry to place the stone on the mar ket shortly after he became possessed of it. By that time the stone had be come well and favorably known all over Vernon county. It had been ap plied in several cases of dog bite and always with success. The residents of the county did not want the stone to get out of their reach. Accordingly, when Dr. Fry announced that it was for sale a mass meeting was held and the citizens of Vernon county formed a company and subscribed $1,000, the price which Dr. Fry was willing to ac cept for it. The method of treatment Is to apply the stone to the wound caused by the bite. The stone will generally adhere to the flesh and cling there for some minutes. The theory is that it absorbs the poison. Our stone will cure cattle and hogs of snake bites also. In 1890 Mrs. Paul, living in Cedar county, Missouri, near Eldorado Springs, had two children, a cow and a hog bitten by a mad dog. Our stone AD PPYN T ADONE APPLYING THE MADSTONE TO ARM OF A GIRL. WHO WAS BITTEN BY A RABID DOG. was sent for and applied with the r@ suit that neither the children nor either of the animals was seriously af fected. In 1894 a man named J. F. Wil son, who lived in Nebraska, traveled from his home to have the stone ap plied to a dog bite. He was in a serious mental condition when he ar rived. The stone quieted him imme diately and the wound healed promptly. "These are only exceptional cases out of the dozens in which the stone has cured. It is so highly prized that $10,000 could not buy it from the pres ent owners. The articles of agreement state explicitly that the stone shall never leave Vernon county. The coun ty makes no charges for the use of the stone except in rare cases. BLIND TOM. Not a Repulsive Imbeelle--Has Made Fortunes for Several Persons, When Blind Tom talks to himself he will repeat a word or phrase sev eral times, either to emphasize it or through pleasure in the sound, or else because he is filling in time until some other idea shall come to his mind, says the Ladies' Home Journal. For in stance, he went on in this way for some time as he strolled up and down with his rolling gait on the veranda: "Wag ner. Yes, Wagner. Mr. Wagner. Richard Wagner. Wagner. Mr. Wag ner is dead. Yes, he is dead. Dead. His last opera. Yes, his opera. His last opera was 'Parsifal.' 'Parsifal.' His last opera." Tom's head and face are not wholly unattractive. He has been often described as a repulsive imbecile except during his moments at the piano. This is not so. His head is small but well shaped. His fea ture8 are of a strong African type, with low forehead, large eyes, nose and mouth, and a general heaviness rather than weakness. His skin is not per fectly black. In his appearance and in his manner of speaking when ad dressed he shows intelligence and dig nity, with quite a pride of his own at times. There is a respectfulness in his air and pose which recalls the fact that he was a slave for nearly twenty years. Tom is of a religious turn of mind. He will play only sacred music on Sunday. lie says the Lord's prayer in his room aloud and is fond of recit ing passages from the holy scripture, being especially fond of St, Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians. He has made fortunes, first for Col. Bethune, who bought his mother, Charity Wig gins, when the blind baby was "thrown in"; then for John S. Bethune, and lastly for the widow of John Bethune, who is now the wife of the lawyer, Albert J. Lerche, at whose residence he lives. WAR WITH CHINA. A Great As~Itli Uprialng Mibght He a Tearful Mrenace. A few years ago the favorite subject, with the makers of prophetic fictions was the dangers to be apprehended from the immense dormant power of China. The easy victory of the Japan ese and the apparent conversion of China into another "sick man of the east" have now made these apprehen sions seem absurd, but it is by no means certain that the somber cloud against which Europe was warned in the famous picture inspired by Em peror William is entirely harmless, after all. The vast population of China took no real part in the war with Japan and has no incentive for action in support of the Manchu imperial government; but, at some time of Eu ropean conflict or disorganization, a great Asiatic uprising, electrified by some common fanaticism, might be a fearful menace to the Aryan race. "The War of the Worlds," in which invaders from Mars, projected through space in cylindefs, show their ability to reduce the human family to the condition of domestic fowls, is the most fanciful of all those fictions and has been a good deal derided; yet it is not inconceiv able that some swift and unlooked-for terrestrial peril might be able to de stroy our social system through its utter unexpectedness and our undue confidence. A CHILD COMPOSER. WONDERFUL TALENT OF A WEE GEORGIA MISS. Although Only Six Years of Age Eala Vaughan Can Wrlfto Soth Instrumental and Vocal Mustc-Lives In the Village of Bowman.I (Special Letter.) USICAL prodigies of tender years have been reported and commented upon from many places. But in most P such cases the abil - ities have lain in the interpretation of the works of others. Composers of music under 10 years of age have been very rare in the world. Georgia now comes to the front with the statement that her bor ders holds one such. The prodigy in question is a girl of 6 years, who, it Is said, composes both instrumental and vocal music of a high order. She is little Eula Vaughan, and her parents, --- -- -- -- ----- - - - -- ---"'-"-' ------- ~O9W ~k E\I\~LLA\ UIA `y1 'All 1fn y r O. ·------------------ Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vaughan, live in the village of Bowman. When Eula was only 2% years old she was known to play on the organ, while held in the lap of a nurse. Owing to the fact that there is no piano in her home, as the sole instrument her parents possess is an organ, her play ing has been confined almost entirely to that. Still the youngster can play on the piano very well indeed, for it seems to be as natural to her to play on either organ or piano as it is to breathe. At the last commencement of John Gibson institute she played an accompaniment on the piano for the orchestra without even practicing the numbers. Her father says she can re peat any composition she has ever heard played. From her earliest years she seemed to have an idea of harmony. One day her uncle, Prof. J. B. Vaughan, hap pened to hear her play. He wrote the musle down as he heard it, and so clever was the composition that it has found a ready sale at the music stores. Eula's touch is remarkably sympa thetic. She is very pretty and small for her age. Her musical talent is not confined to either the piano or organ, for she has a pleasing childish voice, which gives much promise for the fu ture. Often when Eula is playing over some music she has heard she adds variations of her own. As Eula plays her face brightens and it seems to those who hear her strange indeed that so much feeling and ex pression should be seen in the little face of so young a child. TO PROMOTE PURITY. St. Louis Reformer Proposes a Scheme as Effeotive as Unique. Mr. David J. Smyth of St. Louis, Mo., locally famous as a reformer, proposes, on January 1 of each year, beginning with the approaching New Year's day, to hang the worst man in each ward as a means of purifying the city. In order that there may be no mistake made, he proposes that the citizens of each ward decide by vote just who the worst citizen is. The man receiving the highest number of votes shall then be hanged at. noon January 1, by a hangman appointed by the mayor. Can didates for the noose will be those of moral and personal wickedness, and not only the men but the women should be entitled to vote. Smyth is perfectly honest and serious in his proposition, and he says that it would unquestionably result in purifying the social conditions of the city quicker than any other known means. He ad vances the argument that there are many wicked men in every ward, and that the ward would be much better off if they were dead, but that it would be impracticable to hang them all. He believes that one would be an example, a martyr to the cause of social purity, and the natural result would be that other wicked men of the ward would at once realize that another New Year's day was approaching, and that unless they reformed they might get the largest vote at the polls. He states that fear of this would drive the men, perhaps, out of the city, and that the law would have the same result. He believes that such a law could be en acted, and that it would be a just one. lIe argues that every man would vir tually be his own executioner, and the only safety for the inhabitants of the ward would be in good conduct. There are twenty-nine wards in St. Louis, and Smyth says that if twenty-nine thor oughly bad men were hanged January 1 it would have the effect of bringing those left behind to a realization of the fact that another day of reckoning was coming. Negroes Who Speak Only Germak There is a German negro colony in Pennsylvania who speak nothing but German. The place is in Lebanon county, and the negroes went there twenty, thirty and Sorty years ago and settled among the quiet Pennsylvania German farmers of the Blue mountain districts. The colored children grew up on the farms, where they worked, and heard nothing but German spoken. They soon forgot nearly all the English they knew, and now they rarely speak anything but German. Their children go to English country schools in win ter, but as quickly as they are out of sight of their teachers they begin to talk the German dialect, and nothi~g else. Six Made Three. An unique series of weddings toot place recently in the Catholic church at Adelong, when the Misses Hoffman (three) were married to three brothers named Quinn. Two of the brothers who were married were twins, and also two of the sisters. One other brother of the Quinn family is already married to a sister of the Hoffmans.