Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY (EM .olER ALD rl VOL. VTII. - "WHOLE NO. 914. PHCENIX, MAKICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1882. NEW SERIES -NO 185. Kansas Veterans re-unioned at Topeka last week. The California State Fair is in progress at Sacramento. Albuquerque is to have a grand snooting tournament. 5 New York State is building a splendid new capitol build ing at Albany. , C. R. Clieeseman, of Sacra mento, is the new Superinten dent of machinery at the Gun- sight mine. TFoman suffrage is growing inrNebraska. -Two contentions j of woman suffragists convened j there this month. Merced County, California, had a severe thunderstorm and rain on last Saturday. Quite a diversion for that country. Secretary of TF&r Lincoln ia likelv to be the United States Senator from Illinois, to fill the vacancy made by David Davis. An adjourned meeuuy M . t l i : i the Republican County Con- vention of August 18th will be held to-morrow, to nominate a county ticket The yellow fever in the South and Southwest seems to be increasing rather thanabat- ing in violence, which is unu- sual at this time of year. ing agents, nor i anyone au- thorizedto do business for it whose connection with the pa- per, as agent, is not duly an- nounccd. I It looks as if the Republi- cans of Maricopa County had given up the ghost and con cluded not to nominate any ticket this year. Democrat- It Republicanism be dead in this county, the Democrats will find it the biggest job they ever undertook when they at tempt to bury it "We believe that no attempt has as yet been made to estab- 'nty years mtny of us old "Hassi ... ' , ampers have watched and waited XlSn BCLLUU13 upvu I -lie, iucuiou- pa and San Carlos agencies for the education of the Indians. A move in that direction would be to the nurDose and should be under way. A little haneinfe of the first stage robbers caught would -tvr.ibablv have the effect of x - rf lessening occurrences of that kind. "We don't generally ad vise lvnch law, but we must sometimes use evils to rid our selves of others. The Black Canyon stage robbers seem to have entirely escaped, which fact doubtless instigated the Cedar Springs robbery. Officers are in pur suit of the Cedar Springs rob bers, but. of course, are not likely to come within gunshot of them It Beems that Egypt is not yet under control of the Brit- ish. Damietta renders a stub born resistance, and it is said that the bast part of Arabi's army has hot yet come to the front. WHAT THEY MAY AT HOME. otr am We clip the following ex tract from the Albion Chron icle, published at Albion, N. Y., Judge Porter's old home. It is simply an,, evidensa that the character of Judge Porter has not been overdrawn by us. Those who have known him longest and best, both as a public and private man, are those who speak most confi dently of his ability. We quote: We are glad to hear Jthat ex-Judge DeForest Porter heads the Republi can Territorial ticket for Represen tative jn Congress. " We have long known the Judge, tnd can say nothing but good of him. He was born in this county, and graduated in the Can on Univer sity in the State of New ing law in this village with the emi nent lawyer, Church & Davis. He was admitted to the bar in 1865, when he removed to Lockport, Nia gara county, N. Y., and entered into the practice of his profession with great success. He was nominated for District Attorney, and ran severs! hundred ahead of his ticket in the election. In 1863 he formed a law partnership with Hon. GaylornfJ. Clark, formerly Ftate Prison Ins pector, and opened an office in Omaha, Nebraska, and here he was elected to the Nebraska Legiel ature, in wbioh bo-ly h goon became a leader, and prominent in bis opposi t ion to the schemes of jobbery and peculation before that legislature. The Judge was appointed one of the managers on the impeachment trial of Got. Butler, and made theclooin argument for the Slate. He was af- terwaids SPDOinted Assoc.ate Judze of Arizona, which office he held for nearly eleven years, resigning:" the same May 6, 1882. The Judge is a man of quick per ception, unswerving integrity and fine ability, and it would be an hon. or to Arizona, as well as to Judge Porter, for him to sit in the counssl of the Nation in the interest of the Territ'Ty. With his large acquaint ance of the reorcsenta.ive men in Wfial.inrtnn. unrl tririillrrhout the East aild west, it 8ecrns to us that be it particu'arlr qualified to fill the high office to which he has been nominated, and if the people e insult their own interest the Judge will be overwhelmingly elected. UU. A. K. DAVIS An Outline of Him Mpeech at the Mineral Park Mass 3Ieetluff We give today a few execipts from the eloquent and able speech of Hon. A- K. Davis, at the mass meeting in Mineral Park held not long since. We regret that our tinn and space will not permit U3 to quote in full: lTi oia line T-t .-it. -i i Kaon a t i tun in the history of Arizona when she had greater need of the b :M, services of her best citizen to represent her at the National Capital than she has today, for Arizona is in a transition state; the construction of two great transcontinental railro.ids throjgh the Territory is just commencing to do its work of revolution, and in ies3 than two years Arizona will be transformed from an obscure Terri- ",r a -rcai e aircaay see wiiui viib uuuumg of the Southern Pacific railroad has ane tor soutnem Arizona, mining districts have been opened up ; pop- . . oriraniZed. and a stream of metallic wealth poured out and suddenly from almost no produc tion we find Arizona today standing at the head of the list of the bullion producing States ana territories ana n cute 01 me worm, i au uousc. Now, sirs, what the South rail has done for Soulqern Arizona the North rail will do for Northern Arizona. Yes, sirs ; the drwn of prosperity is upon us; its hera'ding streamers of golden light are already lighting up our sister counties, and with the com pletion of the railroad to Wallapai valley, which will come to pass in a a few months, the sunrise of a new era will be full upon us. For nearly for this day, in full confidence of the great mineral resources of this county bringing prosperity upon us when once our isolation should be brokeD by the Eteel rail. Applause. And now, fellow cilizeus, it is im portant that the agent we send to Washington should be a man who can and will be active and influcn. tial in securing to Arizona at least its fair share of appropriations for improvements, public buildings, postal facilities, and sm h favors from the parent Government as is wont to bestow upon the Territories and in which Arizona has been so much neglected. The choice pre sented yon is Judge Porter, oa the Republican ticket, and Hon. G. H. Ourv. on the Democratic ticket. So Iar either gentleman's politics are concerned it makes very little differ ence to us, only so far as his being a Republican or a Democrat may af fect his usefulness to us at Washing. ton. Whatever the political situa tion may be two years hence, none of us can tell, but we do know that for me nen iwo years u win u ncpuu iican. anu x buuiuii w yuu mm . representative who is in accord with and of the same political creed as thc party in power has a better chance of being useful to Arizona than one who is bitter in his feeling of opposition to the party in power. So far as the two candidates' person al qualifications are concerned, I know both men. Judge Porter is a learned and polished gentleman, a man who would reflect credit upon our constituency; possessing mose genial and social qualities that win friends wherever he is known, and an intelligence, eloquence and abili ty that will make him the peer of his associates in Congress and com mand the attention and respect - f governmental departments. Ap plause. Fellow citizens, the Repub lican Convention has done me the honor to nominate me for the office -.if Superintendent of Publsc Instruc tion- The nomination is altogether surprise. I had not sought it nor did 1 expect it, and I say to you to- night that if I am elected I shall feel a deeper sense of responsibility to the boys and girls than I shall to you who muy vote for nie. Sirs, I feel an attachment, a venera tion for our public schools. They have been my friend, my aim mater, and although the massive colleges and imposing institutions of learn ing that adorn our land from Maine to California are grand and beauti ful to behold, yet the little school houses on the hill, in the valley aud at the cross roads are the true Jewels in America's crown. Applauf e-1 The speaker then reviewed the history and status of the public schools of Arizona, and concluded by assuring his audience that if the sacred trust of caring for the public schools of Arizona should be erm mi'.ted to Lis hands that he would do his utmost to make them a faithful servant. Major L. S. Welior, Joint nomi nee of both Democratic- and Repub-lic-n parties foj""5:nt Councilman - for Yuma and Mohave counties, was repeatedly called for by the audience and came forward and said: Ladies and Gentlemen : We are assembled here to-night to ratify and indorse the action of our Terr: tnrial Convention, recently held at Phoenix. I hope and believe that Judge Poller will receive the almost unanimous support of the people of Mohave county. When I he-.ird of the nomination I wanted to see the man, and have now had that pleas ure, ana in conversation today oh topics which interest the people of this counts', I find he lully under stands our wants, is alive to the in terests of the people, and in my opinion no man who votes for Judge Porter will ever have eaute to re gret it. Hon. A. E. Davis, who has been nominated for Snperintcndent of Public Instruction, I know to be a competent man for the place. Tou an Know mm. lie nas been an ar dent worker in the cnuse of educa tion, and the office in his hands will be well filled. A few years ago Ari zona had only a very small popula tion, say from a very few up to 20,- 000. Now thin number has in creased to 80,000 and upwards. For merly our population was so small hat oui Delegate found it more dif ficult to obtain recognition in behalf of the claims of the Territory for ts- s sin-ice at the lianjs of the Genera Government, but during the last two to f.ur years our population ha3 been large enough to entitle the Territory to a greut deal ot consul eration, and yet she has h.-id none an.i wuyr ine echo comes back to me and says, why? I answer that, in my opinion, it Is for want of proper and efficient representation at Wash ington. The Government has al ways taken good care of its Tcrrito ries, except Arizona; but no one ob tains anything in this world without asking for it, and I do beliere that if Mr. Oury had asked for a reason able amount of assistance for tle Territory the request would have been granted. TELEGRAPHIC. fSpsci.l to the IIsBAui. Maricopa, Sept. 21. A large and enthusiastic gathering, over which R. E. Farrington presided, was ad dressed by Judge Porter last evening Ttie Judc;e made a splendid impres sion and Maricopa is solid for him. He -ias followed by Judge Van- dever in an eloquent and pointed speech that bore ringing notes for the Republican ticket. Htnce llobbcry. Cam? TnoMAs, Srcpt. 20lh. The stsge which left lure yesterday morning for Willc-ix was robbed of all mail matter by two masked men, about five miles LOrtU of Cedar Springs. "Vellew FcTfr. BitowKsriLLK, Sept. 21. Fourteen new cases of fever.but nodeat!is.The city is full of Matamoras people. X-'erry Boat Explosion. Lachkse, Ontario, Sept. 21. The boiler of the ferry steamer, Richilieu exploded this morning and killed Duenetta, thn pilot, James Richard son and Persellius Amiot, of Chat eau quay (farmers). Q. Dugnetta, a son or Ine pilot, is missing ana is supposed to have been blown over board Several passengers were sever ely scalded by steam. Cairo, Septe uber 21. The Gar rison of Damietta refuses to surren der. Fort Gliemi'cli has surrend ered and the garrison was found to consist of only eighty men, the re mainder of the force having gone to Damietta latt evening. The President la Kew York. New York, Sptcrabor 21. The President arrived at o.ic a. m. When he arrived a Jertey t i!y he had not heard of the nomination of Folsci. But when made acquainted with it he manifested no surprise, no will remain in New York for seven days. He complained of the oppressive heat at Washington. Mannar re Prevented. Cattaro, September 21. The leaders of the Albanian League at Scutari having resolved to m .ssacre and rob the richest Christians in cluding the English Consul, two hid tribes maicned to bcutarl and pre vented the massacre. Yellow Fcvr. Pkssacola, Fla., Sept. 21. The situation is more gloomy. Four new cases and six deaths. Two deaths and several new cases in vet- sels at thc quarantine. ew York Democracy. Syracuse, N. Y. Septenber 21- The city is crowded with delegates to the Democratic State Convention. At session of the Central Committee it was voted to OJly give a county representation iu the organization Of the Convention. Rufus W. Peck ham was chosen temporary chair man. Kew Yorlt Republican. Sahatooa, N. Y., Sept. 21. In the convention yesterday, order being somewhat restored, the vote was an nounced as follows: Folgcr, 257; Cornell, 232; Wadsworlh, 18. Ne cessary to choice, 249. Tho result was received with tumultous cheers, Warner Miller United States Sn nator, said the friends of Governor Cornell have labored incessantly to ecure his renomination and moved that the nomination of Judge Folger be made nnanimou, which was done . Saratoga, Hcpt. 21. The Repub lican State Convention re-a sembled this morning and proceeded to nom inate members of the State Central Committee. Among the State Com. mitlee nominated are Collector Rob inson, a. flail Carpenter, uenerai Sharps, John F. Sroythe, ex-Senator Piatt and Ames D. Warren. The convention nomin-ttcd by accumula tion Judgo Andrews foi Chief Jjs- tice of the Court of Appeals. The vote for Lieutenant Governor te- soived, Piatt Carpenter, 210; Geo. G. Hoskins, 112; James Tanner, 83; Hamilton Fish, Jr.; C I arsons. 23; Sherman Rogerp, I. Necessary to choice 247. Republicans In Nebraska. Omaha, Sept. 21. The Republi can State t'onvention this morning nominated Hon. Jas. W. Dawes, of Crete, for Governor; A. W. Age, of Hamilton county, for Lieutenant Governor, and E. P. Roggen, of Lancnster, for Treasurer, after which an adjournment was taken to 2 p. u. LOCAL LACOXICS. The only English thing that eTer rivalled tho interest in this country in Oscar AVilde, was the femal English leg. Star "I suffered horribly wiih imflam matory rheumatism," sai l Mr. Chaf, V. Baker, of If o. 313 Main street Kansas City, Mo.; "I was helpless bed for five weeks. St. Jacobs Oi wss applied liberally, and one dozr n bottles cured me thoroughly, The Jewish observance of Day o Atonement begins this evening at 6 Oclock. Their piar-es of business will be closed until Saturday even ing at the same hour. About thirty men are employed on the Salt River Canal in cleaning. It is expected that the work will b completed by the 1st of October. The Ottawa(Kan.) Republican thus quotes: Mr. Harvey B. F. Keller, recorder of deeds, sys: I have long been convinced of the merits of St Jacobs Oil, and use it In my family for rheumatism successfully Ph- enix had a quiet little wedding last evening at the Bank Exchange The contracting parties were Belle Church of New Yora City and Wm. A Church of Vi'Iture. They start in a good couatry and we hope them all the prosperity that country may afforJ. An ex-consul of Great Britnin, says thc .Brooklyn i.aglt, related that Mr. Charles Townsend, Scdalia, Mo., was cured of reumatism of the worst kind by St, Jacobs Oil. In dianapoli's (Ind.) Sentintl. Tiic cot i on wood worm has aalu become a nuisance on the sidewalks Ciuld not the guest- of the county, under the direction of Garflas, do something in the prerais es ? JRAKHIi-O. ifAKHIU Sopt 21-t, 1S8J, at tho Bank HTCixnr.ira Hotel, in Ph..enuc. A. Mi-) llolie Phu-ch, of New York city. t. Wm. A. I'liarch. of Vultnrc. Maricopa couBty. Key. cairin i;uiitd omciatin. 219 Montpmery Street, Under thc Rusk House, Importer, Manufacturer and Dtaler In ALL E1XDS OF ini White and Colored Goods rf every description constantly kept on hand and made to orde-; also Lnderwcar of all grades, ready made and made to order. In tact, making to Older is a specialty with thi3 house. Large stock of latent styles and at lowest prices of Neckties, Collars, Cuffs, Trunks. Valises. Satchels. Blankets, Straps, etc.. Scarf Pins and Meeve .buttons in endless variety. Blanks for self measurement and samples sent free on application. HENRY HESS, 219 Montgomery Street, Sati Francisco, Cal Kbaxk ("ox, JoasrH tirti.L COX 4k. CASXPBELl., Attorney at Law. Orncs next door to Court noma. BEHU A. H ELM, Attorney it-Law. PBESCOTT, - ARIZONA nWlll ICS is all the Court of the T d ) i orj. LOLA B. LAWREY. TK4cn sn or Till Piano 1. 0?can. PHCENIX. ARIZONA. rrnsELL 10 000 Pianos 1,000 Organs 8m Half. Bar f Manufacturers From $24 to $1. 000, ltL Kent or 4BtllRIMlU. San Fr&nc taMfc latent. Not. 11,1879. OH Patent, Nor. 9. 1880. irtHiVl , Hedical Electrify (The Onlv Ctnuine 1 Fixs Premim tie Fair ElertroOliupit lie t- ,irT, lO; 1 Xaimrtta BrlM, Extra ArP'tr.. llcstro-Haci. Jc UclU, 9 GUARANTEED 08 YEAR, BEST IW THE WORLD. M ill positively cure without medicine Rheumatism, P ral is. Neuralgia. Kidney Disease, Impotency Rupture. Liver Disease. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Sp-jul Disease, Aruc. Pilcsand other diseases.. Also, t f air i i n c "sify.v5"K3 caalKue. Hundredsof ctir9 tV Kairbct !-7iir irascieeo, t'al. Furnish Ms 3 " -5 r-. :a m m Arcaae Brew ery AND ChoiceWines, Liaors & Cigars Wcmanufactiuethe FIN-ttfT BEER iu the Territory, whi&h we ofic-r for sale by the We have leiluced the price of Beer, and will hereafter sell a Ten Gallon Keg for - S5.00 Five Gallon Keg for - $2.60 One Dozen Bottles forS2.00 We also manufacture a Superior Quality of Malt Vinegar at 50 cents per gallon. OBDF.EH PEOMPTtY FILLED C A. LUE, proprietor. J03 WAGNE.l & Co. Ka nfacturer ol French BurrMill-S tones Portable Mills 10s and 107 Mission Street aob XT roa Dnfonr A. Oo' Crlrlratd Untfb Anchor Bolting: C?intlu. and rnornl X ill fnrniNhln . Paul 0. Ruben DEALER IS Cisrars, Tobacco, Yankee Notions, Stridors' Ar ticles, Stationery, Cutlery, Can dies, Nuts, Newspapers. Etc. Vasliint'n St., oppoMito XUf PI m Homi'ttrnil Xotic . Land Otficb at Tccsox, Srpt. 4th. 1882. "Notice is hereby piven that Henry C. fioeera h-' fllctl notice of lui intention to make final proof in pnpDortof hU Home- to::d Application No. 90. and secure final entry thereof, and that tuch proof will b taken before the Honorab e Thomas ti Greenhaw. Pn;bate Jndjre lor .Maricopa county, Arizona, at hi! omce, in rnoenix. In taid cointv. on tho loth day ox October, loci., at 10 o clock x. M. for the nootn-act anarter. of pcction 2: township No. 1. north of raupe Ko 5 eat, and mime, the fo'low- inff aa hia witnesse. viz : George is. bteel Ttoa K. Rogers, Natb-tniel Sharp and Hubert B. Carley, all of Tempe. A. T. IIxnry Cousins, t8-5tw Regl-ter Robert Sieinegger, Vulture, Abizosx. ASSAYElt. Is thoroughly acquaint ed with assaying in all ts branches. Aaaayer for the Central Arizona Mining- Company. 0. J. THIBODO, flj. D. Druggist I Apothecary . .ASD DEALER IK. BRUGS'KEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES Perfumery, Brushes, Etc. CAPITOL HOTEL TOM W SMITH, Proprietor. The rooms of this Dew Hotel are all newly fitted uy, and furnished with entirely new furniture Everything is Neat and Clean. Roo'H let bo the Day, Week or Month. Board can be obtained in tLs building. At the Bar can always be found Wines.Liquors & Cisrars For Sale or Rent A nice Dwelling and I,ot on Washing- t. Frame home, lonr rooms and Fine ell of we rat thc door. ,000 Rant. 80 vt month. In Herald Offlgi B13tf. I ton siri'ij I ve aiidn I Price T. G, PARKER CO THE AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT. 237 Keaent Steeet near Bush SAX FRANCISCO. Business Suits, $25 to $30 Dress Suits, - $40 to t NO shoddy Trimmings or Chinese labor employed a few facta to be taken into consideration. Fit Warranted or no Sale Mm Saw Mill GEO. W. CURTIS, Frcpriefor. To and one-half mil s sout'i of PrescotL Merchantable, Clear Surfaced arid. llustic Lumber, Matched Flooring Casings, Mouldings, Paneling and Shingle Having now aapleted, and in full operation, my new Saw Mill, I am prepared to fill or ders for OF THE FINEST QUALITY In short, everything in my line for the construc tion of FErst class Build ings. TKKJIH: Cash on Deliver All orders sent by mail, or through the merchants prompt attention. Geo. W. CrjRTis. U I LUMBER LUMBERI AT Adams PRESCOTT. ARIZONA. TTavInsr moved nnr mill five mllce west o Preccott, on Willow Creek, Near Thnml I5ntte. at a point witbin two miles of the Miller road, i rar Imrt barings and hvi;w comoletcd an eicellent road an ut Precci we arc now prepared to lurnieh any amoan or quality of Jul UIBE Shingles, D ooks. Sash. Lathes. Elc. at Bedrock Prices. BARLEY. CORN AND PhODUCE kkeo In Kxchance for Lumber PETER BRIX, PItOPRIKTOR OJ? ras ST. LOUIS BEER HAL1 Pucetix, Arizona. AKt'FACTUKJSR OF Soda Sarsaparill3 Orders from taa coantry tollcttsd and SatUiactlon Gaarantocd to !'. Addrns Peter Brix. W. A Rowe & Co General Mercnandise The attention of buyers and consumers is called to our two fine stors at the VULTU.IE AND TIP TO? MJNES Every thinx needed bv Miners and Prospectors. Hftiii r a mm ana mini: SUPPLIES A. Specialty. w. a. howe & co CITY Transfer ani Parcel Delivey AO. 3 POST STItEKT, San Francisco, Cal. inrr prompt 1 for and de- SUSS BOCaUT A SOLD AT THE Horses broken to saddle aud bar oess; sick and lame hsrsea taken and treated bv the most skillful horse doctor in Northern Arizona. Safe and s-tylish saddle and car riage horses furnished for all pur poses. Several very fine you nar Ham bletnnian stl!ins for sale. " flA.VT BLETONIAN." ." ALMOST," and " l'ATCHEN, " Btallions kept for stud purposes. .1. J. GOSPER, Proprietor Str Stables, Prescott. A. T. I. P. Bcknett, Manager. utcra'ers (elly & "Wholesale and Retail Dealers n ee J m WUIj FJutton Etc. Diasonall' oprosite PottOjUce. Good Alfalfa Pasturage at my ranch, one half a mile from Phoenisat the usaai rates. Milk deliv ered. in Phoenix norrx icijj jtu.i evtii:..ig. C. A. TWEED. PILES! Piles! Sure Cur Found at Last! Too One FJeed uiTerl A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, ftchingand Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Or. WilMnui, (an In dian remedy,) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment A single bi.x has c.iireil the v,-ort nrinin -ases of 25 or 30 j-ears Hiinuinjr. No one need sutfer live minuteu after npplyinjr this wonderful sonthicc medicine Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in bed) acts as a poult ieu, stives instant and pain tiss relief, ami prepared only for piles lichinir of the private parts, and for m 'thing else. Head what the Hon. J. M. Coffln bcrrv of Cleveland ;iys about Dr. William'd Indian Pile Ointment : "I have used scores of pile cures and it affords me pleasure to say that 1 have never founrl anything which gave such immediate and permanent re lief as Or. William's Indian Oint ment. For sale by all dmsrpistB or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. McCarthy & Osborne, tvhetetala Agent Denver, ColOTsii. Henry & Co., Prop. CLEVEI.AN . O I Geo. D. CMark WatchmakerJeweler WASHINGTON STREET, Opposite tfc PIbza, A T. Repairing fine watches made a Speciality. STHANGE. BUT TRUE I HAVE MS LETTERS AIsD TES timomalfl in my poscsfon provinar Itert 'lTer to be a fpe edy and 6ure cure for Whooping CoupU. Catarrh and lihea-Matltm- It was jormnrly used only for Cancer and Blood disease. It hns never ffti!d to cure Cancer when URed according to directione. W. C. KBEDHAM. Box ban Jo.e. Rid.neS67 Third Sbeet. t0-tf. iayer PASTURAGr. Ha 1 & and Openiqg in a Few Daa SAMARiTAf SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, convul sions. St. Vitus Dance, vertico, fivsterici insanity. Apoplexy. Paralysis. Klieuma t'Sni, Nouraltria and all Nervous Diseases The Infallable remedy will positively eradicate every species or iservous l.'e- rftnpement. and drive them away fron wheno ethey came, pverto return ft train. It utterly dcstrovR the perms of disease by neutralizing the hereditery t int or poison iu the svstem and thoroughly eraaicaccH ine aiseuse. ana utterly utss- troys mo cause. SAMARITAN NERVIME Cures Female Weakness, General Drbil ity, Leucorrnea or Whites. Painful lien struation, TJlcernt'on of the Uterus, In ternal heat. Gravel, Inflammation of thc Bladder. Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness Rt Klght, th(re is no better remedy, iiurinsr tue cuanffo ot lilt, no Female should be without it. If quints the ticivous system and gives rest comiuit aaa nature s sweet siecw. Samaritan Nervine Cores Alcoholism, Drunkenness and thm habit of opium Knt ne. Thc?e degrading habits are by far tne worst evils that have ever befallen Buffering humanity. Thou sands dio annually from tacpn noxious druH. The drunkard drink liqnor, not because n? iiKes It, Dat lor tn vieasure ol drinking and trreating- hla friends, Ht tie tninksne that he is on nts av to ruin. Like the Opium Ka'er, he firt uses the drug in ema'l qaantitice as a harmless an tidote. The soothing intlnence of the drug takee strong bold upon its victim, lending him on to his own destruction. The hab its of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely v nnt eauuer is 10 aiimeLCive nese. as over-eatinir first infiumes tht stomach, which redoubles its cravings un til it pat alvxes hotu etomach ana So every drink of liquor or dose of opium instead of eatfufvin. only adds to ltd Here fires, until it consumes the vital force an then itself. Ltko the gluttonous tapeworm it cries GivI give, pivel" but never : enoagU until its own rapac.ty devours Itself. Samaritan Nervine gives isstant relief In all such capes. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the Uf-nout system and restores body aud mind to healthy condition. Samaritan ftervino Cures Nervons Dyep.ep?ia Palpitation of tne Jieart, astnma, ironcnitis, c-cronua, Svohilis. diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases of the urinary organs. Nervous debility, caused y the indiscretions of youth, permanently cured by the use ot this valuable remedy. To you, young, middle-ag d and old men who are covering your Buueringa as v un amauue oy silence, look up, you can b saved by timely efforts, and make ornamei ts to society, and jew els in the crown of your maker, if yon will Do not keep this a secret ionerer until it sats your vitals. 0 nd destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted, take Dr. Richmond s bamaritan Nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature decay, Impart tone and eiiercr to the whole syiem. SAMARITAN KEKVINB cured my HUIe srlrl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but it cured her. she can now talk and hear as well as anybody. I'sTEH K jaa, Springwe'.tir, Wis. BAMARITA-N NERVIB has been thc means of curing uay wlfs o reeumati(ra. J. B. Fi.ETcniB, Ft. CoUns Colo. EAMAS.IT AX NERVINE mads a sure ct of a sase of fits for my on. i. B. Kau.8, Htattsvillo, Kan, BAMARITAN NERT1J? E cured me of verrtleo, neuralgia and sick heaaache. Mas. Wm. II en bo.. Aurora, 11 6AMARITAN NERVINE was the mears of curing mv wife of spawns Kir. j. a. -dib, ocaver, r SAMARITAN NERVINE cured me ol apth.a, after spending ov 1 S3,uuuwitn otnr doctors. o. 11. uonson, rew Aioauy, ma. SAMARITAN NERVINE effectually cured me of spasms. JHIP8 i E v AnrK, 740 West Van B irtn St., Chicago, 111 BAMARITAN NERVINE C-nred our child of-fits after civen up to having: over 100 in a hours. Henrt Kskf, Veryilla, Warren Co., Tenn. BAMARITATT NERVINE, Cured me of scrofula after euflerlng for eight years. Albebt Simpson. I'eoria, 111. BAMARITAN NERVINE Cned my son of fits aftei anendinfr $3,400 with other doctors, J. W. Thoukton, Clniborn, Ains. I BAMARITAN NERVINE epilepti Wm Ma a stubborn character. Kit. n m Martin Alechanicatown, &ld. BAMARITAN KERVTSK Cnred my son of Ats after havlne had 2, ICO in eighteen month. AIp.b. B. Fobes, West Potsdam, H. Y. SAMARITAN KEUVISB Cured me o epilcpny of nine yenrs stand. in. Wibs Orlena Marshall, " Granby, Newtoa Co. Mo. SAlfARrTAN ?ERTISB Has permanently cured me ofopilepsyo many sears duration. Jaoob Sittkk. St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NBRVINB Cnre4 me of bronchitis, anthma and gen eral debility. Olive h SI vint, Ironton, Ohio. SAMARITAN SEKVIXB Has cnred me of asthma: also scrofula of many years sta)dln&. Isaac Jewell. Covington Ky. SAMARITAN NERYIXE Cnred me of fits. Have been well for over four years. Charles Ifi. tlURTTB, Obakls, Xonglaas Co., Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE. is for sale by drnptrists everywhere, or may be had direct from ns. Those who wish to obtain further evidence of the nrative properties of Saranriian NerviLe, will plente enclose a 3-cent posiage stamps for a copy ol our Illustrated journal uf Health, giving hundreds of femiiuouialg of cure from persons wt.o havw ur-eil Hie medicine, and alo their pictures plioto raphed after their restoration Lu perfect hcalibr Address DR. S. A. RICHMOND & O. Wcild's Epileptic Institute- as r. Kt T or Tii f ARiZONA, SOf.. LEWIS, , Ji. r. KALEIV Kales & Lewis CORRESPONDENTS? The Bank of California, San Francist . Messrs. Lakiaw & Co. New Yoit. WILL PURCHASE OR on GoM aud Silver Bullfn ADVANi hr on. CT.-tiiii: r bonds and Warrants, Plscou niCom tne: c'.ul paper, receive Deposits repayablo on do mand, nnieinke collerlon. "and transact Gsnfral Banking ButsiNEea Oflifn hoa, from S a. n. to 4 p. M. Aleiaiier J. FoMe, llinifig Engineer ANL aieta.Stirgjst; PHCENIX, : AHIZCNW. Assavins do:io In nil its brnnrlies. Reports niadu on mi Lies at moderate pi ices. TERMS FOR ABSAVIXG: &oM, Silver anfl Copper; $5.00 Mi ana Silver, - $2.50 SCHRIVER S MINOR ARCHBTECTS And Builders, Plaus and specifications furnished and estimates carefully made on all classes of buildinsrs. Dealers in all kitrds of ' California Lumber,. Srfngies, Doors, Sash, Eiinds and Mouldings- OIHce ami T nmUe r Yard on S. E: Cii.-jer f J;ims and Maricopa Sta.- Norrh of 13unk Exctianse Hotel Sma!I -Profits for Cash. II- yanosver Bros.. foftvAni)io . . . . AND Commissi 3.1 MA.RfCOA, .V. T. r9 Delivered tvrice a dajr Morning and Evening. Three bits n J. eailnn. If) rtr.its a rf ua. U l!NTGOMKUV Dnsiner? now bnjire th public. Yoo can mhktnon ey fitter ill wara tor umnnn k at anvihms else. (Junital u; DT-eiita. nr. vui un ym. (i a oy rd upwxrde raido ftt hc:nV by the inntri n. A'en.wimt'rt, fc'iyVftTid cirlft wanted Tivyw to wort for Now is lUg oucn w.oi h tu raro time oulvor ive your wrote tirru; to tue lupme. oa nn live at Uo-no and do U; work. No otri- r a.isiun wki pny yo.i noa. ly an 3:1. .o jie ran fail to mak onormou p by n 'tiu ur oa cr. CnatlyOuiui ard tnv v. -V.oney inadefHt, easily and honrnV A.