Newspaper Page Text
OL. VIII. TVUOLE KO. 915. riKENIX, MAEICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA TEEE1TOEY, EHIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1882. NEW SERIES -NO 186, HAYDES' FERBY. We had the pleasure, a few days since, of a visit to the mills and extensive mercantile establishment of Mr. Hayden, at Hayden's Ferry. From o simple location of a ranch and mill site Mr. Hayden has, in , the past eleven years, devel oped a tremendou3 business, both in a mercantile and man ufacturing way. From a small country store has grown a business that occupies an ex- - naive buildg and furnishes everything that is likely to be needed by farmers, mecaan- ics or merchants, from a nail to the most delicate silks. Wagons, machinery, dry goods, stationery, provisions, canned goods, all find a plsce on the many tiers of shelving. Glcrks, bookkeepers and ther employees seem to be every where. 7Fith one of the finest . .-water powers in the Territory in his possession, Mr. Hayden has been able to erect a fine grist mill and to improve it in size and machinery as neces sity demanded, until now it is perhaps the largest and most complete mill in Arizona. All modern machinery for cleaning wheat and bolting flour is em ployed, and the quality of the well-known Hayden's Mills brand of flour attests the care exercised and the excellence and efficiency of the machinery used in its production. The amount of work done by this mill is astonishing. For eight years it has been running night and day, and its capacity is now 2,500 pounds of flour per day. Mr. Hayden informed us that much of his wheat, whih is of the finest quality, comes trom the Maricopa In dian Reservation, where he has another store. . Jp'i ch the mercantile business has, from necessity, grown up Ox tensive wagon and ma 3 shop, employing eleven men. Mr. Hayden proposes to attach his machinery in this shop to water power at an early day. The whole busi ness employs from forty, to , fifty men the entire year. A commercial traveler is on the road most of the time, and Mr. Hayden's business sup plies a large number of mines " and mercantile establishments in the mountains- Accessory to the business is attached a commodious dwelling, exten sive stables and a beautiful ""'garden and orchard, where we saw fine fruit and a number of orange trees that seemed to be flourishing nicely. Altogeth er, Mr. Hayden's business and home are a fine example of the resources of the country and the pluck and enterprise of the proprietor, for when he began where now located his sur roundings were but a barren waste, his neighbors Indians. Our visit was one of sur prises and pleasure, and we are under many obligations tS the generous host and genial hostess of the Hayden home for hospitalities extended. KK.DEEJItD. We clip the following from a late Maine paper, on the subject of the recent elections and the redi-inplion of that Slate from the years of an archy and misiule which have fol lowed the accession to power of a set of political hyenns and spoils men. But Maine i3 true to her rec ord and comes hack to it as does the needle to the pole. May her -lDirigo'' be the watchword to. which good men and true will look and upon the line of which they will act through all our land, even in this remote cor ner. We quote: "The thanks of good men from all parti of America wili today come to the Republicans of Maine for the high service they did for the nation yesterday. It is time for congratulations and hand shakings, for happy hearts and joy ous faces. There is little chance that Maine will ever again lapse from her high s'aadar.3 since the sad experi ence of the last few years, and the sons of Maine can again hold up their heads end look their brethren of o'her States straight in the fnce, without grief or shame for their birthplace. The sua of this morn ing on a State redeemed, end we give warm gree'.ings to- all our friends and brethren who have ielped to achieve our great dclivcr tme. Port;rhad a rousing recepiion nt Bisbee on Tuesday and addressed n large ma;s mac'.ing at Tombstone Inst evening. The marked interest and respect which greets Judge Porter everywhere " insures a large vote from all the pirtie; for him 0:1 the serertli of JTcvcitjcr, The Ciiize.i thiuKg Tucson is sure lit have another railroad outlet to the Kug.t, liy a narrow giuge road running northeast through Oracle Camp, Old Camp Grant, to the Den ver & Colorado load, near the thirty-fifth parallel. The cipitnl to build it comes from the E:ist. The more the merrier. We hope to see our neighbor thrive and be blessed with all he railroads it needs. We hope to see this southern part of the Territory gridironed by railroads. We think we will. They are need ed, the propose-! lines are feasible. The more important piopced lines are if trunk roads. They w ill 'help Arizona and scuire a consi eraLi.e trade from her, while they will con trol the morcimp-it:mt trafflo of the Pacific Coat and the En.'t. There is no do'iln that Guayma is the coming seaport on the Pacific for Arizona, New Mexico. Colorado, and, in fact, of all the southwestern States and Teriitoiies lyinjf south of the Central Pacific road and east of Nevada. TheUtih Central, which is already stretching far down toward the Arizona line, will stop only at Gu.-iymas. The contemplated line of which the Citizen spevis will 10 doubt connect that city with Guay- mas. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fewiil soon have male Gunvmas one of its terminations. Our rail-roud-i will point toward Guavm is as Uthose of the greater portion of Cali forma now joint toward San Fran cisco. In a direct line fromTucion, Guaymns is prohatly not over 223 miles distant, and tt;e former, being the fir.-t and most important of bor der cities within the United States, and favorably located as a distribut ins; point, cannot fail to have one or more roads of iron joining it wi h Guaymas in course of time. People are beiinninir to wonder what has become of Ourr. He might be cuavasiing among the South !n: islands, so f:tr as any s'.ir is being mads by him ia Arizona. The richest man iu Mexico is iaid to be an Iiishm-iu named Patricio Milmo, who owns a 409,003 acre farm and is reputed to be worth $10,000, 000. When he went to Mexico he hd not a dollar, but gnt a btart by a fortunate marriase. Ex. In Utah women have.aud exercise. the risjht of suffrage- Why don't those strong-minded Nebraska wom en, who are making so much fus3 in convention and out of it, go to Utah? It would be a spKndid place for them. Most of the time they could have ttie Lorts to themselves. Maine has gone solid Republican by S,009 to 9,000 mjnri:y. The "rule or iuin" business of Plai ti d nr.d the De:r,ocia's don't work to a nicety do '.'ii in that section. The ware of Republican surcejs starts from the far E ul and will strike Aii zona with a force that will make the old Demise atic limbers crack, oft th; seventh of Novem! er n-xt. How to Select Gaud Cuttle. We are nsked for 'he scale of points adopted by the American Jtrey t. tattle Club, r.nd as some of the leading fairs iu judg'ng of Jer seys announce 1 h-it they a ill use this scale, we herewith publish it: Scale of points forcows. Adopted by the American Jersey Cattle Club, April 21, 1S75: 1st Point, fiend mh .11, lean and rather lon.r. C Hints 2. 21. Fnce dii-hed, broad between the rye and narrow between the horns. Counts 1. 3d Muzzle dark, and encircled by a light color. Count 1. 4lh. Eyes full and placid. Counts 1. 5th. Horns small, crumpled and amber color. Counts 8. G. Eats small nnd thin. Counts 1. 7th. Neck straight, thin, rather lonjr, with rlrnn throat, and not heavy at the thoulderp. Counts 4. 8th. Shoulders sloping and lean, withers thin, breant neither deficient nor beefy. Count 4 3. Jth. B ick level to the setting of ti.e tail, nnd broad across the loin Counts 4. 10. Barrel hooped, broad and deep at the flank. Counts 8. ll:h. Hip wide apart and fine in bane; rump long and broad. Counts 4. 12th. Thighs lone, thin and wide apart; with legs standing squarryind not to crass iu walking. Counts 4. 13th. Legs short, small below the knees, with small hoof Count3 3. 14th. Tail fine, reaching the hocks, with good switch. Coun'.s 3. 15th. Hide thin and mellow, with fine, sof hair. Counts 4. 16!h. Color of hide, where the hair is white, on udder and inside of ears, yellow. Counts 5. 17th. Fore udder full in form, and running well forward. Counts 8. 18th. Hind udder full in form and well up behind. Counts 8. 19th. Under udder free from long hair, and not fle.-hy. Counts 5. 20th. Teats rather large,' witle apart and squarely placed. Counts 0. 21tt. Milk vein3 p onainent.Counts 5. 22d. Escutcheon high and broad, and full on tbii'hs. Counts 8. 23d. Disposition quiet and good natured. Counts 3. 24th. General appearance, rather bony than llesl y. Counts C. Perfection, 100. In judging heifers, omit Nos. 18, 19 and 21. The same scale of rinints shall be used in judiinsj lull., omitting Nos. 17, 18, 19 and 21, and making due ul.. lowanee for masculinity. Note. It is recommended that judges at fair? do not award prize to falling below the follow ing minimum standard, viz: Cor, 76 counts; heifers, Cj counts; bulls, 50 courts. TELEGRAPHIC. t"l,ilt Absconds Baslarat 53om liORDSEinio, N. M., Se;?t. 2S. A courier just in from Richmond re ports that Dr. J. II. Carroll's eletk absconded yesterday, taking with him 500 of the surplus rash. The thief is a tail man, irark complexion black mustache, black hair sprink led with jjr.iy, nnd hns ar impedi ment in his speech. Lordsburg has improved ovjr six hundred per cent, in the last ntsicty days. Buildings are gidng up on every corner. It takes a shot gun to hold an' unoccupied lot anywhere A-ithia a quart'.r of a mile of the city. A rich strike wiwnvida in 'he Vi ola mine at Lei'.endorf yesterday. The vein i-j over tin fe t wide, the average as.3.iy bL-ing a little over a thousand dollars a ton. "Vel'ow i-Vver. Galveston, Sept. 28 .-The Browns ville Altos special says? Five new ca-es of yell iw fever but no deaths; in Matamorns two deaths, the fever has reached Kennedy's cattle ranch on the upper 1 ne of Cameron coun ty. Fifteen cases of fever at the Dora Peira ran :':i. ' The sick at the Point are doincr Well. No ne cases are reportel from there. Three new cases at Fort Drown. The old cases are doing well. A n.ns mcetin? of cit!zeti3 . at Ma'.arcoras is called lor on Sunday to take steps lo reestablish Bagdad a3 a port of entry. Pe.-sacoi.a, Fla-. S-pt. 23. S:x!y new cases of yellow lavir and six deaths. Qnea'loaable Dispatch. Washington, Sept. 28. A Rich mond ttlegram to a New Y.rk. pa per has been received announcing apparently by authority, that one of the most prominent colored men of the country is about to take the stump in Virginia in behalf of the straight out Republicans and also as a per sonal representative of Mr. Blaine, which prominent colored man was supposed to be Fr.-d. Dougla s. Douglass siid to a correspondent tha. the whole thing was news to him. He could not be the promi nent person referred to. The dis patch referred to spoke of the un named apostle of the simon pure Republicans as a close friend of Blni:ie, and this led Douglass, who is one of the most extreme admirers cf liOieoe Conkling, to think mat if it referred to any me it referred to Mr. Lung-tone, Minister rc;-i lent nnd Coosul-Gc.icral to Ilayti, bit Juo. M. Lang-tone snid l!:e Hspuck did cot reler to him as h-5 was nbo it to go t Virginia to ra iko twelve speeches in the chief cities and towns in support of the liberal move ment and the coalition candidates, and tho ight the dispatch must have crown out of the knowledge . f the fact that he is about to make speeches in Yirgi.d-i and that in 187G he wa3an ardent sr.ppor erof Blaine. He is a colored man r.nd as a Virginia-, he lelt profoundly thit one thing was needed in th-jt Ftatc, which was to break up the order of things soc ial".)- nnd politically. The ILihonc movement promised to do th t .mil it accomplished much in thnt lin. Mr. Matthews, a colored business man here, said that as Bruce was in Mississippi and Doug lass and Lnugs'ore sup port in a; the i:oa!itiou, he thought the ' prominent colore 1 man" a myth ai.d the dis. patch a canard. Journalist Ien-.I jEnssrCiTT, N. J., Sept. 2Slh. Robert S. -F urgesoo, a journalist, died yesterday. He was for a tinje an officer in the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, but resigned his commis sion upon the loss of liis wife and children by the burning of tho of ficers quaiter at a post in Wyoming. I! j Id Ba Chicago, Sept. 28ih. A Mercer, Pennsylvania special fiys: Five expert l-ur-lars and cracksmen in jail for robbing the Express office at Greenville, have e-capel. They sud denly seized and bound the gu ir.l, gagged him and put him in a cell ; forced the other prisoners into cells with revolvers; seized the turn key as he enteied and locked him iu a cell; took the keys from him, passed out and bound the Sheriff's wife and fled. Street Railway in Trouble. Chicago, S-jpt. 28th. The con ductors and drivers employed in the North Division Street Railway Com pany struck this morning. All the car3 of that division are stopped. The trouble is not one of wages, but hours. A short, time ago the com pany employed a Superintendent wdio, as the men claim, increased their hours of labor. The President. Pougukeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 8. President Arthur rassed here last night in a special car for Clay ten on the Utica an 1 Black river road. A iv Irish Frlaoner. Dublin, Iiielaxd, Sept. 2Sih. A Dwyer Grey is suffering acutely in prisjn from affection of the chest. Jiontrne:r. Cattaro, Sept. 28. Disturbances have broken out among the Monte ncgri w tn Kalasehin. Governor Baseaar sent a body of Nizals to oc cupy Turkish Kalaschiii. E.ifor cd JLoyalty. Catuo, Sept. 23th. There have been riots in feveril town in upper Egypt owing to the efforts of the of fieials to enforce a demonstration of loyalty to- the Khe live Flags and devices have been torn down by the mob anil Christians insulted and maltreited. A Captive Aeronaut. ; Mili.foiid, Mass., Sept. 27 Prof. Allen's balloon escaped this ntorn ln;r with tha 1 rofes'or in the basket. He had no anchor.norhad the prepa rations for the journey been com pleted. The valves were not in working order. When last soen the bal'ocn was passingeast of Douglas, going southwest. Women in Convention. Omaha, Neb. Sept. 27, The Na tional Women Sufi'rase Association met last evening. An Address of welcome was mad; ia behalf of ths citizens by Hon. A, J. Fopplet -n. Susan B. Anthony made a respon-e and social addre-sc wcr delivered. Oarfield Washington, D. C. Sept. S7. The Board of Directors of the Garfield Monument Fair, orders that appli cations for spiice must be made on or before the first of November and all t-xliibiis must be placed , in the hands of the Board on or before No vember 11 (h. Telioir Fexcr. Br.OwNsvn.i.E, Sept, Sept 27. No fever on the Texas side from a point Vi ' miles above this place. The fever is ir.rreasinz at Rcynosa, C'ar marmo and Jii.'r with great mortal ity. Newakk, N. J. Sept. 27.-It f? suspected there is yellow evet ia a ship anchored ia New York bay. The case has bcei rifeired toth? New York authorities. Phnsacola, Fla S,-pt. 27. Sixty new cases a.d two deaths. There is an inc.'ease of fever. Means of af forJing relief tire so inaciequ ite that the Board calle 1 a meeting of phy sicians with a view of systematizing methods for affording relief. t4m-.tlj;ox Iu Africa. Cape Town, Sept. 27 The small pox is raging worse than cvtr; 2,000 cases thus far, mosily natives. Six hundred were fatal. The disease has reached the military. Cape. Town is declarel infected. The gieatest excUeuient prevails in ths diamond fields. I'legal measures are t.iken to cx tlu ie persons sus pected of having the infection. The streets of Cipe Town have a deserted appearance. Tarcj Gree'i Affairs. Athens, Sept. 27 The report of the settlement of the Turco-Greek frontier quettiou by the surrender by Greece of the whole frontier fixed by the international sommisaion is officially announced. The Circus IMsnstcr. Lancasteu, Ky., Sept. 20 The coroner's inquest on the bouics of men killed ny tho wreck of Seils Bros.' tircus train developed the fact that Sells Bros.' removed a num ber of brakes lrom the train in order to facilitate the :o idini of wagons. 1 aving only lour, which were in sulliciei.t, so that in going dwna heavy grade the train became un uianageaHc and ran at n high rate of speed probably causing spread of rails. 1 liice men were instantly killed, one fatally hurt and twelve lets seriously injured. Boston if yn. Boston, ept. G. The boj-sof the American Gla. s Works were strik ing for an Increase pay, but returned to work under tin eats of the chief of Police who said he would scud them to school. A Iuel in the Dark. Dallas, Tlx., Sept. 20 Fifteen years ago Geo. iioifenbccK anu vra. Stmtton quarrdied in Palmyra, New York. Ye.-terday they met near Carii? o Pas ami determit.ed to set tle the old feud They went into a dari cne l room, fought a duel. S ra'- ton find four times. Ilollenbeck fired killing Stratton instantly. Ilollenbeck was quiet and deluded bis antagonist who thought and fought him in a wrong corner. Hie lihriire. Ca'ko, Sept. 20. The Khedive yesterd -y evening drove for an hour through illuminated streets and was well received. The Khedive bestows upon Gen- cnral Y olseley the Grand C.ndoa of the order of Osmanli. Caiko. Sept 20. A grand recep tion was held to-day at the Ghezi- erch p ilace by the Khedive. Near ly a thousand representatives of dif ferent villages were present. The Khedive refused to receive raary implicated Pasli is and Beyes who came to profess loyalty, and warned Ule:n ihs ond other I-ih ofiici ils that they would be severely punish td if they relapsed into disloyafty- The principal British officers of the staff weie present. Oott Wolselcv, however, was indispose and was un able to attend. The ce emony pre sentation to the Gem ra! of tioa by the Khedive did nut take place. Secret Coratloa. Lindon, Sept. 28'.h. A Vienna newspaper publishes a stoiy iu effect that the Emperor and Empress of Russia were secretly c rowned during the recent visit to Moscow. If the Eoiperor survives till a public coron ation the secret ceremony will be considered void. In the event of his death it will be mid; public so a3 to avoid any difficulty in proclaiming Czarowitch Alexander t'.ie lawful successjr of the crowned monarch. St. Johns has been five weeks without a single mail either public or private and yet the Pin.cer goes for Oury who might have di rected the attention of the depart ment lo those things and secured some temporary arrangement t icast. A Tombstone pipirr says that news reae.hed town Sun lay of the death of Finn Canton, in Graham county, near Saffoid. Finn was the oldest of the well kn wn Clautcu brothers and had the repulntion of being a steady, sensible nir n. His hi other Ike was with him at the time of his death. He died of pneumonia. A report comes up from Calaba-as that a contract has beer, let on the Arizona Southern railroad lor grad ing from Ciilabas-.e towaid Tucson. Vl'LTtnE i,srTEit. Er. Herald: On the morning of the 13th inst. Pror. George Monroe, of the Vulture observatory discover ed a larce fine looking comet in the cosler.i horizon. It appeared a lit tle before the sua and Mr- Monroe is entitle ! to the glory of the grand discovery. The Democratic delega tion on their way back from the Phoenix convention on the 19th, no ticed, something like a comet in the east but they tin light that it was .1 sign of war i: rn':z jn". between the two parties this -next fall and sure sign of their dear old party's defeat; they could see that llie tiling had its tail wrong end to; but we have no ticed now for years that the party of Jefferson and Jackson as they cail it in their ;pl;Uform, has had its tail wronr end to all the time. Their declaration of principles gives them dead away. The Erin Rangers were dismissed from further service for the reason Mr. Ar.ibi Bey got whipped and no point at issue just now. Mrs. Judge Giffo.d returned home last Saturday morning, from a sum mer's visit to Southern California. She looks well and was glad to get horn's to her husband and lrieuds. William Church, E.vq., and his briJi; jnade their appearance on Sat urday, and if we are any judge, of the fair se'- would siy that she is a lady of fi le abiJ't e;, of goad social attainments and oi" a very pleasant disposition. Willie, jny boy, you have a tte.isure, take goj l care of her, honor and love h'-r. Take an old man's advice, aways pull to- jjelher, don't gel m id at the saint ' time, dou'l keep any- sec:C'.s from one another, consult one another in all malteri; many a man has bean save ! from ruin by taking the advic. of his wife. As it is the fact that a good many of our youtg men hav been or ara goiug lo ge; married soon I shall give these few bits of advice to ail of 3"ou, and wish you to lake them from me as an old man that has been through the mill many a time mystjlf. Now listen. A good many of you marry Eastern girts; remember tie very lenaer with them, lliey have turned their backs OJ their old homes, father, mother, brothers, sis ters and lrieuds, lor you, yes, you ThiDk of it! Your duty and respon sibility should make you a better man and husband. Don't tease your young wife when she is a little blue; be kind to her; help her to get l td of the blurs as soon as possi ble, . or let her i;l.-.e. Never plague her when in that state of mind ; more depends upon you young man than you ever th night of to make your home a happy one. Jurs. Hodges, of beymour, is to take charge of I he Drew Hotel the first of next month. Wc wish her succ.iss. Mr. Brodie went to San Francisco after his family, and they are expec ted to reach he;e about th-j first of the month. .Mr S. will be at Maricopa to meet his wife from the first lo the fifth. She coaies from Djuver, CjI orado. I see Mr. lgatt and Polard out riding every clay on horseback! Health is failing, and J.his is for ex crciiC. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Brill, of the Hassay- aai pa, have been in town lor a few weeks visiting Mrs. Barnes. Mr. Drew baa gone to Phoenix on business. Mr. Frank D. Chaun returned from California, an 1 has been rather sick with fever aud ague, but he is improving. Mr. Ed. Kirkland and wife are ex pected ba;k soon f:o:n their visit to Kirkland Valley and Prescott. Mrs. Campbell passed through here lo .lay to her claims out in the Cen district. She has mado a sale of one of her claims for the snug little sun of 540,000. Gotd tor her. Our Democratic Club met ia their room the o her night and had a very lively time, Mr. PolanJer in the chair. The meeting nns called to order at 0 o'clock. First thing was a song and chorus, entitled, "To the Draw Wc Shall Bow." Mr. Caw. roryn leading and ail joining in the chorus. Then c.-.mi Hie reDori of the delegation to the Piioeaix con vention ;it was lengthy and contained full particulars of the candidal -s for thj scvernl offices, aud a general prayer that all the ticket should be elcctd, etc., and all the members aid amen. Then ;the delegation showe 1 the club their zre it discov ery on the road home of that Monroe comet and the particulars of the dis covery, where they were, the tiir.e, and how they were astonished to find that that it was the comet of 18o8. The club thanked the delega tion for the faithful woik done at Phoenix, and for the declaration of principals adopted there by the faithful and then closed by giving three cheers for Jude Porter, by mistake. Tom Corwin. Farmers Attention I Mr. J. Poole, a practical farmer, has eight acres of Honduras sugar cane growing in the valley near Tuc son. He planted the cane after har vesting a crop of hay from the land about two months ago, and tho stalks now average about twelve feet in height. Mr. Poole made several hundred gallons of pure S3'rup last year as an experiment, and was so very successful that he will this year make about 2,000 gallons. He has demonstrated that as good quality of syrup can be made in Arizona as anywhere in the world, and that the catie grows Ofdinarily mujh better and larger here than in sur-pro- ducing countries. Ex. LOG&l LlDBS. Persons having wood for sale will learn of a market at this office. Houses and rooms to let should be advirtised in the Herald. The Hon. Ilaydeo. of Hayd.-n's Ferry, is in town today, on his re turn from the southern part of the Territory. Report reaches the Citizen that a man -and boy cutting hay near Ben son were fired on by Indians and the man slightly wounded. The Indians o.i the San Carlos res ervation are reported as restless, but :t is thousiht will not break cut from fear of Gen. Crook. Mrs. Woolsey returned tj her res idence in to n, yesterday evening, from a visit to her property at Agua Calier.ta. From the Atlanta (G.) Sunday Phonograph: The editor of the Pikes County Xevcs has been cured of rht-uma'.ism by St. Jacobs Oil. Mrs. and Miss Iltnckiln, formerly of the Dos Cabasas hotel arrived in town yesterday morning from Tombstone, and are stopping at the Bank Exchange. Judsc C. A, Tweed returned from his vis: 5 to San Francisco yesterd.i., and appears to have been greatly restred and improved by the trip and relaxation from business. The New Y'ork Clipper lately cited the caso of Jacob Schmidt, of Tomplvinsville, Sltcn Island, N. Y., who had been a great sufferer with rheumatism for many years He used St Jacobs eil with splendid success. The Southern Pacific ha? fin'shed grading its line eastward. The line from Mohave to the Colorado will now be pushed with the utmost speed. More than a thousand men are being transferred to it Watches! Watches! Watches I Every make. Every kind. Silver, g Id and and nickle. Every watch so d guaranteed, or no sale. Save money and buy thein of the square dealing house of Uncle Harris, 221 Kearny, bet. Bush and Sutter Sts. . Goldman & Co. have received a whole carload f plows direc'-from the Midinc Plow Company's works at Moline, 111. They propose to sell them at San Francisco prices. Farmers know th;.t there is no finer plow built. sl3-tf. Persons wishing to dispose of or purchase mines or mining sacurities will learn of a responsible dealer by inquiring at the Heiiald Office. It strikes us that a few delivery wagons kept by our principal busi ness firms would add" to their busi ncss and be an immense convenience to cuslomtrs, especially the ladies. 'By reason of a severe!' spr.iined ankle one of my horses began to go very lame," writes Mr. R. Arnold, 219 Metting street, Charleston, S. C "A thorough application of St. Ja. cobs Oil entirely cured the horse. I heartily endorse it as on excellent remedy for stock." Every one thould use it. Deputy Sheriff Harley of Tomb stone was io led nt Benson a day or two siuce while on a tax collecting tour and relieved of $450 or more. A.i acting deputy Sheriff by name of Coleman is suspected of the crime. Sheriff Harley was drugged and the money taken from his pockets. The 4th Quarterly meeting of the M. E. Chur ;h South, will be held at the Presbyterian Church in Phoenix September 29th and S0;h. Quarterly conference at 3 o'c'ock p. m. on Sat urday. Preaching Saturday night and Sunday night ut 7 o'clock. No matter licv.- advanced in life, Good teeth in either man or wife, Or maid, are a rich prize; And those who would the gift pre serve. From SOZODONT won't swerve, Should they at all be wise. The flie3 are today enjoying the last opportunity of the season, we h:pe, to express their very sincere devotion to the point of a fellow's nose, or to explore his ears and crawl down the back of his neck dance a jig on his eyelids and build roosts iii his hair. If we were look inj for an example of unadulterated impertinence and indefatigable per severance wa should choose the Ari zona house fly. The Dramatic Entertainment and ball tnd supper, on last ereniDi, for the benefit ol the C.ttholic Church were a complete success. The enter tainment was excellent nnd received the frequent apprecia'ive applause of the audience. The large hall was crowded, every scat buing o-cupy and many were ob! iged t stand. A snu? little sum was ro ilized an 1 our Catholic friends arc to bo congrat ulated on the succss of their en deavor in a very laudable cntc"- prire. Th genial mineralogist and as- sayer, Mr. H. Travis, returned yes terday evening from a visit to Alva rado District, situated in the Eagle Tail mountains Rome eighty miles west of town. He presented to our vondering eyes some very rich spec. imens of copper ore, specimens that run much auove the average, lie has located claims for himself in the district and assures ns that it is quite ceitain to be an imporiarit copper bearing region in the ut'at future. He reports the valley as br ing rapidly settled up west of towr. Farmers are rapidlj' coming in and sire clearing land in large tracts Tlio Troops iu tu ftali . One of the silliest thing3 of late in connection with Utah aff iis is the announcement that t wo corana' ies of troops have been suddenly order ed to Feit Douglas, in anticipation of trouble at the coming election. It is downright silly from whatever point it may be regar cd. The trou ble that ia anticipated is necessnrily of a violent nature to call for the presence of soldiers, and this being so, what could be the value of two or ten or twenty companies of troops ia a Territory like Ibis? But the idea that there could be trouble is simply prcpiosteroua. Ten thousand Mormons have just been disfranchis ed. If anything could induce them to make trouble this would; but in stead, they submitted to the depriva tion of their rights as citizens with a quiet but manly protest that ha3 as- lonished everybody. So careful were they to avoid trouble that the dis franchised did not even attempt io get their names on tr.e registry lists, though many of lhe:n might easily done so had they been disposed to defeat the law as to themselves. We undertake to say that no people in acy country have ever tried more faithfully to a vi. id viol-ting the law than the Mormons have endeavored to avoid disobeying the Edmunds' act. The newsgathercr who sei;t the striking information conceridn j the sending cf troops to Utah has evidently drawn ujon his imagina tion for the object of the soldiers' coming. Trouble i.s further fr.m Utah tija.t 13 say, trouble that iti- volves the interference of troops thkn for ninny years past, and the oldest inhabitant cannot lecall the day s'nee the famous ' Mi rnion War," when the presence of soldiers was necessary in any part of the Ter- ritor', except it as to fight reneg ade Indians. Salt Lalce IJerMd. A. CARD. To the Chairman of the F.cpuhlLaii Central Committee cf Maricopa County: Sir: Allow mo, through you, io thank the Republican Convention for ths honor of nominalius mc as candidate for County Surveyor, but my personal affairs claim my whole time, and I therefore respectfully decline. 11 e s p e j 1 f u 1 1 y . Wm. Isaac. Roajli en Ka p. Clears oi't rats,mice, r-ac'ies, flics, ant:, bea bug, skunics, chipmunjcs. gophers. 15? To Rent. fn reasonable terms IfaneheB ?n S lr River Vallev with water for irniritinsr rur- posea. beed grrain and watrr tumiiied if dosired. Wm. A. IIANI'OC . For Sate. Ch-?ap for Ca?h. one lot with tererrients centrally located in the city of I'hoeuiv. TvViiEU & t.ANCOCK. THE CELEDIIATED B." BRAND OF BUTTER ! Made and Pr.-served hy TiiE E' .GIN BJfTER COMPANY, Proorietors of the Famnns ELGIiW CREAMERIES. I Preerve. and Packet hy a New Pv" cesg and Ite'ains th:: original Sw.Ltne.s of Newly-Mide Jlntter. tfS-Xone " 'iiu -e excet-t label Fprned by W. H. i'lXTZE Trcs'r.r- iSBJin For S ile ly a l Fiist-Cla-s He iiers. 0. J. THIEDDD, l. D. Druggist I Apothecary .AND DEALER IX. . DRUGS'.KEDICINES, TOiLET ARTICLED Pcrfwinftrv. BrtiheR. Fto. GE0.W. CURTIS, Frcpricor. To and one-half 'rail S SOtlt'i of Frescott. Merchantable, Clear Surfaced and Rustic Lumber, Matched Flooving Casings, Mouldings, Paneling. and Sit ingle Having now jiplcted. and in full operation, rny new Saw 3VI ill, I am prepared to 11 or ders lor Or THE F I NEST QUALITY In short, everything in my line for the construc tion of First class Build ings. TEKIIS: - Ck1ioii Deliver All orders sent by mail, or through the merchants prompt attention. Geo. AY, Curtis. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY J 3 nrvei-railln? v7" cur for Nervous li-ll litv. fcXh.T!! Cft Vitality, Seinin and all th tcrri effect of ii vc.nlii. C'w.i:r? - - 1; .?r c fts f cp in in .1 r m-c vear tmch n 1ibs of memory, La&iiucIu, N sturrml Kmlfioii, aversion lo soc.ely. Di.jr.(!5s of visum, noises in tbc hra-l. tt'.ii viml fluid pa-in? unobserved in the Urhio and many nthr diseases that lead lo in sanely nnd di'ath. Pr.".Mititie will 3-ee to forfeit Five Hun dred for n case tif this kind th Vital lieslorative (ttnd'T his eu-eciai advice and treatment) wiil not ure, orforany Miintj lmpnro or injurious found ia i. Dr. Mintie treats all private Disease pucccs fully without mercury. Consultation l'roe. A thorough examination and advicf, in cluding analysis of nrinn, $!5. Plica of Vital IWtnrativp. $3a bottln, or four linen the qunnti y, $10; sent to any address upon free pr, ut price, or C. O. D. secure from observation and in private namp if defircd by A. E. Mfntie, M.I)., io. UKuar nv Kt San Francisco. "Sample bottle se-:l free on application hy letter stating symptom, s' aud iSa -Communication "strictly Confidential. Dr Mintie'fi Kidney I'.exkdy Nei'uar.Trr cum. cures ail kinds of Kidney and bladder C'ompiainta, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhiea Fors'nle vy all druggists; SI a bottle, eiz bolilea. $5. Dr. MintieV Dakckmov PttTJ arc the best and cheapest Dyspepsia and Bilious ir. ths n.arket. r or paie bv all druggists ianl-ltf twos-.iy P'ucte caj and rci:Kfr avitii t' 1NO CK II tainty Nervon ill tHlfS&HhiS Mid rhyme . Debility. Sem na" w.'nknes'a. "oea. Emirl(n', Vitntitv. Kren:a nr Sr-erm-itorrhrrn. Frniyf Tmnntt'ncv Exhan Mrd JVcMnp. nnd LC!W OF ;i.4H(M)D fmn whnt-vc cane rrod:.c-d. Jt en riches fMid r.uriSe lite El-od. Strengthe n the Ntv. J5r:tin. Ainclef. J1c linn, Kenrodwcli vn Orgraus ai'd Phv and Menial acnlri'o. Jt stops nny n rotnral df liilitatin drnin ni:on the ra e ! ' rmm'inv involnntarr l.-w-e dehilitatin fa di-irnctive to mind pnd body. It 1 Mt-e eliminator of 1 Kidney and I';addc Comnla nt. It ontjiin no "injiviotiti i-i-rr diMU. To t hose Huirt-rins from the vi 1 effec'R of youi hful indici ions or ex cee. n pe-dy. tlioroiit-h and permnncnt . nre is Hi ice S--"0 per bottle or five bottle In case, witk full direction nnd adv'ce. $?0. Sent eecure from nbpe vation o niiv nddresp npon rec- ipl of brica or C. O. P. To be hod only o Dr. C. D. S A1FT EI.H. O'fi Kfarney 8t.. San Franci cn, Cal. Con &n tat ions strictly cot-flden tial. lr letter orar oOice, 1'iiEE. For be f on venience of patients, nnd in orrler to in i:rc perfect secrecy 1 h:ive adopted a pri vate address, nuder which all packages are lor warned. TltlAI "OTTMi FKEE. NOTFCK I will fond a tilnl bottle cf the liEJl'YENATOR sufficient to iiow in mcit A-f-e ol'cliarg. to nny ore Rfilicted anplyii. by K-tter, stating bis pymptoms and OKo, omuianicat jona etricily cou. udcntljl. take pdvantati f the got.d chuncop to miikc inonev thftt" Rre oli'er;d. pt-noratly btcumu wealth, while tnose who do not improve eucu cnnnucit re main in iwivrriy. We wcni. many men. women, boyp, ;ind girlfl to work J(.r n- ia their own foe ' Ui ic:s. Any lie- can do the work properly from the' first s'art. Th? bn-iinee w'll par more than U'n lime?1 or-d'narj- wiipes. Expensive ontitt fumiehed tree. No one who ecgufres l'aiis to mHke money rapiiily. Von can dcvoie your whole time to the wovl;, or yo'ir Hpare mo menif. Full luibrmniicu aiid ait that i neetleH sent free. Addrep? t.'I"irSO"N' & CO.. Portland. Ma'ne. SUiViQNS. Ia tho Justices Court, VuTtnrfi Precinct, Co.u.ty of Marit:ipa. Territory of Ari zona. J. H (..iG'tirtl, J.I. Joiin-sox. riaitifiT, ) vs. VSnmmons. Rob-kt James, Df ndant. j Tli Territory of Ar;zor.a ecsds Greeting to Kobcit Jamos, tf.:aIant. You are hereby Bnmmone-1 to a: )ar be fort ut m;i miico in Vulture Frcci'to". in ibft Cou ty of .onrico-a. on tlio Aiirlilh tla. of Kjvnilter. A. D. lfct$-3. at 1 o'clock i. m.. in an ticiion brourht a 'uin-t you by : aid pininti;!, to nsver ibo c-'iinplamt of the above named plaintiff. Said" action i brought tt ret-ovor of you Iht; eum of torty six doliii'6 as principal and costs of pro tect. 118 per coinpiaiut on lile in my oiiiee. or j ud':ciit will be tnkrn aguinbt you for the s .id amount. tns-ilier with osts oi" this action ii jou fail lo appear and a-jsw-r. To the Sheriff or nny Constable of said ccunty. el ecting: Alake leal ssiviceand due return Ucreo:. Given under my hfind, thi Sixth day ct Eeptnibcr, A. U. 1SV0. J. H. tirronn, A Jiirf:icii of tha Teace of eaid Freciuct. I he cby appoint Ja nes I insey as Con stable in tliC a ne etit:t!od action. J. ll. Giffopd. IIoniest4act So. -IO. Land Otitic e at Tucson Autzona, September 3ih, li.SC No-ice hereliy qivt u That Thoraa- .Mor row has filed n t;c- of his intt:nti"n to n:ake t.nal locf in guppoit of his liont. ctead Ent y -IU, ai.d that eaid proof wi.l he made In-lore the Hon. 'i homas a. (iret-nfcaw, ProbaiO Jndire tor Maiic-pa Countv. Territory of Ari.ona, at his oce at t hoenix. in iaid county, or. the l4-.h Uy of" ctob- r. at-TO o'clock, A. f-ir the following d"fcnbed land!, to-wt: The JJ i of t!!ci W of Sfc. v6, To'Mi8hi: o. l. T rarpo 4 S, and atuii ional Hone vtifidfr i he S H ot S W U oi Scc.CS. Towns-hip No. 1. ,N of rang-j 4 E J:e names tiie fell; w inir witnt si-8 to prove hi- cnn'inuoii!? r FieT.cio upon, and culiivamu if. &aid l:u:d. iz: r uh;tn:tst Muirp. Win rhiicr v.ill r, William ii lewis and dm ra.l -ileve.s.ull of Tempo. !tri opa couut3 A. T. " ilBNUV t -oiixs, flo 51 w. K!ttTcr. iXomvst: a;l otsc -. ! wd UrntE at TuctOS, Si pt. 4th, 1SE9. Notice h (riven thr.t IT'.:nr- C. Kogcr h 8 file.l lif-.tiee of Ins lnK'iition to maku liiuil proof in t npi-o-rorifis Uome hte:;U Apiilicutinn Nff. U). rd secure fm.-il cniry f'tir -ot. ttnd ttiftt. tii-hir'of will taken lit fore the titfiKirab e it.. (jreciihaw. Prfbate Jutljre lor ton iropa county, Aii:.a, at hi- o.-ficc, in l'hojnix, in saiil co'intv, on the lOth tlay of Uctub- r, 18S2. at 10 o'clock a. ax. ror tile FOttth-'-aKt qnafier. of riccti)n 2; township o. of iai:ee Jo S eat, nnd iimiics tbc fo'Jow iiiir at bid u'stneres. viz : fiejijre E. MeW Vw J. Kigo:s, Nathiniel Sharp anil Kobert ii. Ca.icy, aii of 1 cm;c. A T. liEKltY Coustss. yfS-5t w Bcgi-tgr Strayed or Sto!esi $10 REWARD. A dark bay mare, ar.out sixteen bands hiKh. brauried I on the left fhon'.der. Ten dollar reward w iJl be paid for ibe de'ivery of enid mare, or a lib' ral rvfird lor in f rmai:n cor.crriiinir ihe uniu hy F Morjr n tr- nt lJh enix, r sttoii -.Mc'A'hnrtere ut Aic.xai. drin, Yavapai county. p-H)-lin THANGE, BUT IBM TH AVE MATiY JUETTKKS AND TETS Timnnils in my pen session proviin Kp1 4lvr to be a p edy and sure cure far Wlioopln' t'onlf. OattM-rh and J'beu mntitfin. It wi,-; lornvrly lia.d only for Csnccr ard Bloo-i diteat'i. I hns cvor faiied to cure Cu.uc.-r when '.i.i accordiag to titiectk'iiS.. Yv . C NEEDH.OI, J'-x .;2J, t ait Joze. V.cpitcv. ceSn7 TIprd ist oci. riu-tf RED CLOVER. Kecdhr.ure Itod Clove- T!o.som and K.t ract arc n:e rentefrt blood i:ni;i' rs -u th: wOt'Hi. abio a sure cme tor i niic r, Sail Kin u:, at -n!i, Brouchiiiei, fcc. 1 CHii icier to nnujy le'ters nnd tc ti j onitiitf of wi.o have ht-tnc:;ied. home of Theui - iruig v"ry j-u:ar-ab!e. VV.C. JS KKUai AM, TiO-lf Xb7 Vox 44 tvV7 S ox jt-?' Riw eRkness,fcii'r- Cfd. i-n" -:i' '?''""( i't Manhood. Impo lOi ,' v1 tzfc$?':'r toncy. I'nrslv is. i laSfyYstils&aia Serve T-nnc. PROFErUON.VL. KYKf ! t j THK KYK! j tit: 1 T 71 K DR. E. H. PARDEE, OCULIST AND AURIST, Hns resumed tlis practice of h!s l'rofr. pionentl will triv ppreual attention lo all v. do Diav fftvor him with a call N. o fissiiuHs iu tie oil'ic-. A larue a;fortn.fin cf Krenuii Art'fit-ifll Etch cnoetnmlv n hoii.l. Oilic. .WO ymnt'-'i in -rr. cor. C'l-y pui-tp, Snn Francisco, Cal. Oflice h-nr.f. 9:-0a m to S r. m. 28div 17H.IRTOX COOK, Ph)lfl ans cn a Surjt - Variccpa Street, Entt Side of Plara, Hiccrix, A. T' e. a. tweid. ye. a. hakcook, TffEnn !ivi;ic;t. Attorntn ntliaw, Phanir.A. T. Kr-Tr.v.d buinesK In all department specs' tr. k. Knssox. m. r. OFFICE Vnt Washington St. Five doore cast of Post otlce. Phoenix - - - J . - - . Arizona. R. IV- SIOOIEE Attorney -at - Law- 14 t'orcoran BuUding, Washinotox, - - - - - D. C WILL attend to bu:n nf every d criniloi; in the t?s?:era1 L4nrt fifs. r.tfnte for invt-ntitma procured, defndfrt artd iroernTcd. Corr-snoridi-nre -o'fritrtl PnAitK '-ox, Josru CAXP&XLL COX & ( ASIPKKIX, Attorneys at J, a w. Opptcr rexi door to Conrr 1Vis. Attorney h - a t - t aw. pai:scoTX, - acizoxa nWill ice la all the UonrU of the T fry. xt it r LOLA B. LAWREY. TEACHER CF Till PlAFiO PHCENIX. ARIZONA. ASTURAGE- Good Alfalfa Pasturage at my ranch, one lialf a mile from Phoenixat tlie f usual rates, ililk deliv V. ered in Phoenix norrx' C. A. TWEET. tm is 3 TOM SHuSKAf.', Prop.. Sou'heiiSt Corner rni-hlDon nnd Center tirsti. 1 hceni t, . T. Robert Steinagg nr VCLTUEE,. AltlZOXA.. ASSAYBlt. Is thoroughly acquaint ed with assaying in all ts branches. Assayer for the Central Arizona. Mininsr Cmnpnnv. BOUGHT.AS9 SOLD AT THB Horses ItoM en to stddle end liar nc?s; sick nd Inrae hsrses taken aud irctiti.-il bv tlic most skilltul hore doctor in 2for;hern Arizona. ."'life and ttylish Ruddle nml ctir ri:!gc'hoist;s furnislie.i fir all pur. posts. Severn 1 very fine yonns ITatn. Ii!etn'an stnl-'li-ns forsale. " HAW. BI.KTON'IAN." ' ALMOST," and WATCH EN," stallions keot for stud pnrrC!. .1. J. GOSIM5K. Proin ielor Star Str.bicp, Prt-fcotr, A-T I. V. T3t"t.-KTT, M n':'pr-f-. IThoicsulc and Ketuil Dealers vt Glutton DiasonaUy opposite Postoli'co. S. E. PATTON, Cffiieuter; Builder Fins Ciirpsr.ter Work a Specialty ! Shop at Cor. Center Jefferson Streets, and FES o EX IX, AKIKOXA. NOTICE. yio biilx cpritn.'t tVe nr.n .in Omri con- Irac'Oit Ma t A iffit.t 'Jih-. and wi bout ttu o-d r lrnnt I h mallaL'r fit ihtfi I'twi.iy U K C G K 1 .Jt 4, Butchers I Kelly & Mayer Beef, Veal, Pork Etc.