Newspaper Page Text
' ' : ; : t-p, ""WEEKLY PHflEHX'- ; JW SERIES VOL XII. JstO 5, PHCENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, TERRITORY, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1885. WHOLE V Atkins has been appointed Commissioner vice Price. b Citizen seems to have rc to its former dignity and dig- I, etelaxd wants to make a di mat cut of Arthur1 who prefers to el unincumbered in his contem ed trip to Europe. - cretart of the Interior Lamar personally requested the oldest most able officials of hia office remain in their positions, and h saddled them with grealer rc visibility than they ever had. he Tucson Star says that Cleve ll's lipB touched six verses of an li family bible when he kissed the book on being inaugurated fii&i a "gob" the man nnuthaveon tm, or possibly the Star is inriul ling in Us usual avocation. On and after July 1, a ten cent mp affixed to a leuer win insuie immediate delivery on arriving the office of :ts destination any me between the hours of o'clock li the morning and midnight. The idea was suggested by the telegraph rvice. C'ol.C. E. Daily, ex-Receiver at ue Tucson land office is out iu the Y'ashington Post in an able article n the Indian question whicli shows p the abuses of the system that has iten followed and the remedy viz: lake the Indian a responsible citi-, en. Bhitox A.Hill one of the lending attorneys of St. Louis has purchased the Peralta grant, and is preparing to call upon the settlers of bait River valley for a share of the spoils a por tion of which Reavis has so easily swindled them out of. He wants an agent here and the name of Ivy H. Cox. who so diligently peddled Rea vis' fraudulent deeds nrouod t lie country, is suggested. ing scheme and puts im hontsi man in his place the sooner he will pre serve the government from a well laid plan to rob it. That bright little paper, the. Tail tngs, is doing up the Star iu god shape. Private advices from Tucson state thai the respectable people of the town hive become disgusted with the venal and mendacious course of "p. h." and are giving their support and patronage to the honest manly and outspoken journal con ducted by Harry Brook. It lis only a question oi a very short tin e when Hughes' creditors must throw up the sponge. The pressure being brought to bear on Manning on account of his former connection with the Boss Tweed ring in .New York, by which he made his raise, will ultimately drive him out of the cabinet. It may be well tnuugli to hold up Gleves land's hands, but very few men ca pable of attfiiulntr.tde office of presi dent would make the mistake that he lifts in the appointment of 31an ning and permitting the appoint meat of Higjjins. The general course which the new ministration seems incliuee to ursue seem9 to oe ttiat indicated ly thorough business principles and actices. If this course is niain- ined the country will pass from e tmi to the new regime with very file friction. Arizona editor of to-day j.ue ins coiejuj.'ui ,-ines wnuu uini- je; he cocks up his ear, erasps fi "fTiDe-frlU proceeds to annihilate Ihose who have kicked him where ie needed it. Weil, there is lots if fun in a newspaper fight when 1-,-ou can get a good twist in a co- r.emporary's tail. Asd now what will happen? It turns out that Cleveland's sisteis who manage the social and domestic af fairs of the White House are solid Republican and have not abated nn iota of their faith since Cleveland's election and their installation as the fij-vi- ladies of the land. Is this --treason to the king?" Under pressure of papular senti ment the two Tucson papers, the Star and Citizen, that have so bitter ly and jealously attacted the busi ness interests of Phoenix and the Salt River valley have turnvd their attention to their own business and b;gin to talk about building a road to Calabasas, for a change. San Francisco tendered the Pa cific Coast's first prima donna, Emma Nevada, such an ovation as few mortals ever receive, on her appear ance at the'Grand Opera House in that city on last Monday evening in her favorite, "La Somnambula." The daily papers of Tuesday are loaded down with pen pictures of nn almost indescribable scene. The protended title which Reavis jttllsS&x. Jand is worth less than the paper it Is written on. It gives no right to water, and land without water in tns country is worthless. He reserves the water right for a future "cinch" should the grant ever be confirmed, and he succeed in the contest for possession which is sure to come with several other claim ant . Florence has the right kind of stud. The people of that valley propose to invite the land swindler Reavis to pack his grip sack and "git" the next time he visits that valley. He ought to be driven out of tveiy decent community, and the time will come, right quickly, when simtlur action will be taken in other places than Florence. He has swindled this valley in a good round sum, and after all, ;he title to the lands he has sold is worth m.rely nothing. Democratic doctrine sadly misman aged by the Democratic party. It appoints both Republicans and De mocrats to office, a doctrine where at both parties hold up their hands in holy honor. Why all this? There is a new party at the helm. Call it what we may, paint it white, or black, or red there is a new house under the paint whatever the color '1 he chief executive of this nation, at the head of thianew party seems to be just the man for such a place, for such emergency. He seems to know what he know and proposes that lie will not be the tall of the dog to be wagged at will. He pro poses to be dcgihimself and the De mocratic and Republican parties must be the tail or he will have no tail. .Now among these two old parties he has a vast number of ad mirers who are ready to drop the old party habilaments as having served their lime aud to put on the new drtss as most conductive to the longevity and health of the nation. The new party has its haste and followers. THE NEW BROOM. If au editor omits anything, he is lazy. If he speaks of things as they are, people are mad. If he smooths down the rough points, he is bribed. If he calls things by their proper names he is unfit for the position of an editor. Jf he does not furnish his readers with jokes, he is a mullet If he does, lie is a raltlehead lack ing stability. If he condemns the wrong, he is a good fellow but lacks discretion. If he lets wrong and injuries go unmentioned, he is a coward. If he indulges in personal ities he Ts a blackguard. If he docs not his paper is dull ami insipid. Ex. Is it not about lime for the old Democratic and Republican parties to tumble to the iact that e new par ty has control of the government? To be sure it took the reins of office under the name of the Democratic party and would never have got these but for the socalled portion of the Republican parly. But the men who now are at the head of govern ment affaiis are neither Democrat nor Republican as those terms have been known in a party sense for the past forty years. Old things have become new, before they knew it. The party now in power is not a re juvenated Democratic party. It holds to-day. as represented by Cleveland, Phelps and Manning to no single doctrine of ancient Democracy. It insists on the civil service method of doing things, a Republican doctrine sadly neglected by the Republican party. It sits down on free trnde. a It is entirely iu harmony with the past course of trie Star to see it now posing as the champion of pue, un adnKurated and straight laced Dem ocracy. It must be a source of infinite amusement to the unteiriflcd of Arizona when they look back over the consisteulCOcareer of Hugh es. Four years ago, when our towns man Ivy H Cox was on the Demo cratic ticket for Supt. ot Public In struction, the Star bolted the nomi nation aud placed at the head of its columns the name of M. 11. Sher man, the Republican nominee- Two years ago when Judge Porter made the race against Oury, the Star of fered, for a consideration, to support the former and throw Oury over board. These are samples of Hughes' Democracy. His paper has been re pudiated by the leadeis ef the party ill ' CTrtlTITy -rrr-ST'jrUis '-nn out a political friend to support him or a political principle to animate him. He is an Ishmaelite, with his hand against every honest man. Sordid, mercenary, vaccilating un principled and unreliable, his course is more an subject tor pity than crit icism. Coin is the only aim and gain the only god that he worships. And this is the man who assumes to speak for the Democracy of Ari zona! We say assumes, for we know that his barking has about as much effect as that of a dog baying the moon. Poor Hughes! His Star which for some time past has twink led dimly, is about to touch the hor izon. When it shall set forever, the Democratic party will be relieved of an incumbus they have long tried to shake off. Every honest and le gitimate enterprise in southern Ari zona will be the gainer, and" decent and honorable journalism can well exclaim, for this relief,much thanks. Mormons ImluiKratlnt:. The Tailing is decidedly oft in its article on the Maricopa railroad bill, and its article; is the evidence that the matter has been misrepre sented to that journal. There is a petition in existence to-day, which contains the names of almost every business man in the valley, asking that the railroad bill be mado a law In the shape in which it became a law, and without the clause requir ing a vote. There is no law propos ing to punish the supervisors if they fall to issue the bonds, and the article of the Tailings shows the lie on the face of it, when after making such a statement there is added that a commission is provided for to issue the bonds. It would tcarcely require common sense to perceive the incongruity and inconsistency cf such a set. of proyisions in the bill. If we understand the tenor of a letter receive from Tucson, Royal A. Jchnson who has been educating of the people of the Territory up to that standard of intelligence where they can understand his wonderful j decisions in favor of land grabbers j and home robbers, has concluded I his examination of the "land robbery and decides in favor of the thieves. He says the lands mhi be withdrawn from market within two weeks "but not till Secretaiy of the Interior, Lamar has investigated the matter " Now does anyone suppose that Secretary Lamar, a new man in the offiee, with a thousand new mattus pressing upon bis time and attention every day, suppose that he is going to investigate and decide so impor tant a matter within two weeks unless be does upon the shameless showing of Royal A.Johnson, a man who is supposed to be here to pro tect the public interests but who has shown himself by his talk aud ac tion to be one of the schemers who are atteptine to defraud the Govern ment and the people? The sooner Secretary Lamar can hoist this fel low Johnson nut of the office he now uses to further his own selfish filchs It is highly probable that Govern or Tritle will appoint F. W. Gregg Esq. as County Judge of Pima coun ty vice John IIyneB,Esq., resigned. A recent dispatch from Deming runs as follows: A large Mormon emigration is passing Separ, forty miles west of Deming, that point being in the line of the direct trail leading from Utah to the grant which the Mormons bought in Mer- ! ico TfK Men Cleveland Nemi- nates. Embarrassing jr Higglns. From our Special Correspondent. Washington, March 26, 1885. Editor Herald : The new broom does not sweep rapidly enough for the throng of office seeking patriots who raided Washington about three weeks ago. Disappointed spoilsmen shake the dust of the city from their weary feet, and sadly turn their de jected noses toward their distant hcihes. The discomfiture of the place hunters gives some relief to the Cab inet officers who have been under hot seige since the fourth of March. Even the Postmaster-General has had a perceptible respite from call ers during the past few days. The applications for postmasterships do not, however, fall off. They rather increase. In the office of the clerk to the first Assistant Postmaster Gen eral, with an extra detail of assist ants, it is difficult to keep up with the work of briefing and filing ap plications. President Cleveland evidently likes for office the quiet men who have kep comparatively in the back ground. Those who have advertised their merits with delegations have been left out every time. The last list of nominations sent to the Senate created more surprise and more dis appointment than any appointments j'et made. The names which had figured on the slates were all absent from the list. This fact has opera ted very discouiagiugly upon those who have been devoting every day and hour to their claims. Amonthemost important uomiua lions were Mi . Hay, of Pittsburg to be First Assistant Postmaster Gener al. Mr- Montgomery, of Michigan, to bo Commissioner of Patents, and Ex-Representative Durham, of Ken tucky, for First C'omptroll er of the Currency. The defeat of Phil Thompson for Commissioner of In ternal Revenue, by Mr. Miller, cf W, Va., was a surprise to many and a real shuck to his friends, v ho had strenuously uiged him for the place. They say they will not suggest his tame for any other place now since his ability and claims are not appre ciated by the new powers. The aoing Commissioner of Pat ents, Mr. Dyrenforth, did not hesii IMe. in ipii;s iit thfa.ofuui. im?ion oi jiia ei.cct'-oi", siiiec lie that the Commissionership hud been offered to himself by both the President and Secretary La mar. Through the dilatoriness of he patent examiners the work o he office is shamefully in arrears, and Mr. Dyrenforth itcently began reform by requiring night work in the offices that are behind with the business of the Department. This will now be kept up until the work is brought up to date, which, from the present energy displayed, wil be in about three months. This fact will be gratifying to inventors whose patience has been severely tritd by the delays in the issuance of their patents. Wednesday of last week was Presi dent Cleveland's forty-eighth birth day, and he varied his daily pro gramme by taking a two hours drive with Col. Lauiout, behind a pair of ex-Presi dent Arthur's horses. The retiring President kept ten horses of his own at the Executive stables, all of which he- left for the use ot Mr. Cleveland until the latter should make other provision. Mr. Arthur has called socially on President Cleveland duricg the w eek and at tended his official reception. Since his retirement from effice he has been the guest of ex-Secretary Frey linghuysen, and a recipient of con stant attention from society people without regard to party. President Cleveland will giv6 an entertain ment in his honor next week. Sec retary Whitney has begun an inves tigation of the accounts of the Xavy Department, and Secretary Endicott proposes to turn things over in the War Department. He has requested the Adjutant General of the Army to Kantern IVeatlier, A correspondent cf a Michigan pa per, writing fromjMnnesota, (hue describes the late ild weather at Minneapolis: Twenty-eight to (Mrty degrees be low. Bah! that's ice cream and mint julip weather up iu this country. Mercury frozen i lid and the spirit hasn't had spirit enough to crawl up out of the bulb of our j.hermometers since the mid' dleofDecember.except once. A week or so ago the wind goi around into the sou'east by sou' three quarter sou' and the spi . 't did get up enough spunk to crawl ut to thirty degrees below. And, oh my what a time! All the old oinon :& oie city went fo cleaning house, all the boys were out playing marbles and the river was so full of bathers that naviga-. tiou was impeded for several hours. The linen duster, straw hat and palm leaf fan trade was simply immense. Fifteen cases of sunstroke within sight of my office window and the tin roof melted off the court house. But a more serious disaster than all caused by this sudden freak, was averted by the prompt action of our firemen. During the cold weather and on Christmas day the Academy of Music was burned. The flames leapt into the air fifty feet, a gust of wind struck one of them, broke it into fragments, the fragments frozo solid and fell onto the roofs of adja cent buildings. When this sou' east by sou' three quarter sou' wind struck them they thawed out and set the roofs all on fire. I tell you it looked dark for Minneapolis about that time. Why it was so cold on Chiistmus that a regular old fash ioned Jonathan Edwards orthodox sermon, two hours and forty minutes long, didn't make the least Impress ion on the frost on the windows ot our Presbyterian church here. If we could only have had that place here, about which we hear so much and know so little, on that day, we could all have put ou our fur overcoats and gone skating on solid brimstone, Ex. The Insolvent Act. DEALERS lfJ GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Northwest Corner, of Plaza, WASHINGTON ST., PHCENIX. ore "Best, Finest and Cheapest Stock STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER! BEST ASSORTMENT FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Goldberg's Cash Store. i finnicli lit hi a nnmnlata llc-t .Last winter the Mormon elders 1 , , . ,. , , . . , . i uii me oiucers on amy in vvasnin- , , . .. " , ion. lanu ueiween me Luiauiios ami Lata Grande id Chihuahua, and they are now moving their people in and taking- possession. It dots not mean a geuc-r;-.l exodus from Arizona or Utah settlements, but simply a new colony started and .1 further spread of Mormonism- All the families ! aud over one hundred have passed have betu well equippf-u with late improved farming implr-menU, good wagons aud stock. Individual tmigiauit cio not know how many arc alund of them or how man) um: to follow ; they are obey ing the order of the church and are apparently contented and happy. One or two expressed themselves by saying that if they didn't like the new country they might return. Herald Job Office. Cards, Blanks, Posters, Tickets, Receipts, Bill Heads, Pamphlets, Statements, Note Htads, Programmes, Letter Heads, Visiting Cards, . Bills of Lading, Funeral Notices, Justice's Blanks. And everything in the line of printed matterlone at San Francisco prices and in unequaled style. Sat isfaction guaranteed. He asks what duty each one is performing, if such duty is authors ized by law, and the exact time each has been on duty here. The Higgtns appointment has proved to be very embarassing to the administration. Besides die odoious scandals that hcccmpanied his appointment, one charge is that he stuffed the ballot box in the may orally contest of 1875; another is that he imported voters into Hamard 1 county in 1S7U, and another is that i he is actively engaged us a lobbyist at Annapolis. A certain "Southern Senator says that Higgles owes it to his party to resign, but a Baltimore an, who knows the Iligginses, re marked thai "though they may die they never resign. " The Baltimore Civil Service Reform Association is expected to come here to-day and petition Secretary Manning to re move Higirins. If he does not con sent, they will probably appeal di rtctly to the President. O. Cheaper Postage. The following reductions in post-, age are announced fo take effect on July 1st: Letters weighing an ounce may be fent for two cents, the rate now applied to halfrounce letters. Newspapers mailed from the publication office to be taxed but half as much as at present. The prepayment of ten cents additional postage will secure the immediate delivery of a letter in any town hay ing 4,000 or mora inhabitants. Following is a digest of the Insol vent Act, now lu effect in Arizona: Every insolvent debtor may, upon compliance with the provisions of this Act, be, discharged from his debts and liabilities to any amount exceeding 300, by surrending all his effects for the benefit of his creditors. Upoii.lHiuaJ's. application, under JiiiB, uie -aU, claring the insolvency, end directing the Sheriff to tafe possesion of all effects personal and real, except such as may be by law excempt from execution, and retain the same until the appointment of assignees It provides for a meeting of ere ditors to prove their debts and the cnoosing ef one or more assignees. It provides for involuntary insol vencyon the petition of three or more creditors, residents of the Ter ritory; but it must appear that such insolvent is about to depart from the Territorv with intent to defraud, or being absent, remains away with such intent. It provides against preferred creditors, all to share alike pro rata. In voluntary insolvency, but one assignee is provided for. A oartner in business, can throw his concern into Insolvency. When copartners become insolvent, a dis charge is prohibited ; in individual or copartnership cases, it is other wise. It is very stringent against fraudulent preferences and transfers. Tree naming. The Rural Californi&n has the fol lowing under the above heading: On receipt of trees unpack at once, and heel them in separately, covering the roots carefully. Before planting cut off all bruised roots with a sharp knife and spread out the roots in a natural shape in the hole with the hand while the fine, top soil is care fully shoveled in by auother. If trees are plauted in the early spring 1 pHQENIX (as they should always be), they should be planted about the same depth as they stood in .the nursery; for the rains will cause them to set tle an inch or more. After the trees are set cut all the current session's growth to three or four buds, and it is best to shade the trunk by placing a shade on (no west side . 1'Jant apples 30x30 feet apart ; pears, 24x 24; plums, peaches, apricots, etc. 22x22. Rule to And the number of trees to an acre: Multiply the dis tance iu feel between the rows by the distance the plants are apart in the rows, and the product will be he numbt-r of square feet for each plant; which, divided into the num ber of feet iu nn acre (53,500), wil give the number ot trees in an acre. p. rjaiEo Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Shingles, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, and FIRST-CASS BUILDINC MATERIAL ."it Reasonable Rates.. Lumber Yard at Corner Adams & Montezuma Streets One Block North of the Plaza. PLUS STOO Must, shall and will be sold; V T COS1 These are facts ! Come and sec Fiil'iiisMi Coo CLOTKITO. TS &, SHOES, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. J'eeuliar Accident. On Saturday evening about five o'clock, as Mr. Josslyu, the soda fac tory proprietor, was driving his line team down Washington street ac- companied by a Mr. Cunningham, the horses took fright at a dog fight somewhere opposite the Hooper building and das-hed furiously dewn to the middle of the next block and nearly opposite to Jacobs & Co., came in contact with a wagon lead ed with wood. By some means a hind foot of the near horse on the runaway team caught in the wheel of the loaded wagon and quick as a flash the hoof was jerked complete ly off and the animal was thrown a summersault while the other animal fell and the soda wagon was over turned and considerably broken and the soda bottjes fiew in all directi-jim Mr. Josslyn and his companion eg caped without much injury. The horse which lost the hoof was given to a gentleman who tbizfcs he keep hint until acDlher grotrtb. comes eut. L FINE WINES, LIQUORS , AKD CMS. m ; k c 114 CHOICE-- Kentucky Sour Mash Whiskies A SPECIALTY. JOS. THALHEIIV3ER, Proprietor. The Valley AOiyCT OF THE BANK OF ARIZONA. SOL. LEWIS, M.W. KA1.ES ARIZONA. CAPITAL - $50,000 M H. Sherman ' Wm. Christy President. . . .Cashier E. J. Bennett A. Cashier Kales & Lewis BANKERS, JHOINIX, A.KIZONA CORRESPONDENTS! The Bank ol alitornia, San F rancUcv, Messri. Laid law & Co, New Vork DIRECTORS: M. H. Shsbmah. Sam'l A.. iltmPHY Wm. Christ?, E .T. Bnnett Oct Bennett. Receive deposits, collections buy and sell exchange, discount commercial paper and do genera) banking business. J-Offlce hours from Ha. m. to 4 p. ra. C. H. BURY, Camenter&Bfller Contracts Carefully Executed. Shop East Side Gregory's Lumber Yard, Phoenix, Arizona. Appraus, Mate-iiale, and Accessorise ior Manuiacturinfi, Dispeusing and Uot tiiiiii witn full instructions. Catalogue Sen on Application. TbeiiiS 'fiMiiX 31ATTHEWS First Ave. 8Ma(ii Street. Kew V 5U1I n M , , - w ILL PURCHASE OR AD- vance on gold and silver Bul lion, County bonds aud warrants, Discount commercial paper, recieve deposits repayable on demand, un dertake collections and transact a UKMBHAL BASK'SS bUSlNES tyOiBce hours. flora 9 A. 4 !- w O. J. TH1BODO, M. D. DRUGGIST d TOT mUUl 03STZH3 :EE :ce TO-iaoJ &3r Where You Can Find a mm . r' run Line oi tveryr TERMS CASH. fjr V Las U R. B. TODD, Proprietor, TODD'S J.L.V GARDEN CITY DRUG V Wahineton Street, Phoenix, Arir A Large and varied Goods Just R Only supply of fine Stationery, Blanl city. JKlegant Toilet materials or all kin wnoiesate ana retail. Perfectly Pure Wine for Medicinal F, PRESCOTT, AND SAMUEL' Wholesale and Yk Tinware, Graniti l'UMPS, PIPE-,FITTING ft iy AND DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND TOILET AHTC Perfumery, Brushes, etc. Opposite the Postoffice. SODA WATER Mineral Water, Sparkling Wines ESTRAY NOTICE. AND ALL I Cauwao my ranch Smites sonthwent ot 1 npin-nii:!.-1 PLoenix, on JMequite road to toe una, CARbU.vl. JIKVhBAbfcSH-l February 15, one small bay borse, bald fnr.t1. nlack o00"0" b" bundle dim. on lt-U tbl$k, marked. Ow ner wilt coiut' ! ol properly, pay euftrae and tak wav, or it will be disposed ofiv to law. o, r- V ' V..- W. W. Vf X J ATT