Newspaper Page Text
PUOFES8IONAL. -,.IOc;s $ 5.00 10.00 k l.--r, . 2. IK) . AM . 5.UG OTKICK FOB AlVKHTI9INO loi: liArr.s on a It- M hI! II: e Principal - .Vi-nrie In ! n Kranciscc 'out. employe or other person :d to contract bill en account ,r t-x-vi on written order ot tor. ion of Phornix. - -MM0 April S. York State lias umk'itaktii !e tliroigh its Legislature ldrca sh all not visit skating fOSK's t.aity in- Virginia is A as broken up. It was com- of mrcratic anil lirpulili- iiilsruen. lrf. seems to lie a way of get t the secret sessions of the e. and the ilignifieii senators xceeiliogly stirred by the cation of some of their business to the public eye look 118 5I1 the stately gentlemen i nt considerably when they sup- l they were behind the door. if. editress of the Holbro'K r ties a millstone about the neck lo Mttrtr nl th Si .ToTins JTernJd "Vt iuto the en. Weal- kBro. Heiil had r-lionl- ill to know better .cxjjitit it took h scrpect to beguile. lions arj however, that paste pot manipulator v 11 X. ,0 live at ' Ic'ut another 1 or friend Hiu'hes I other Ocmocrat than r will be the Gov- i u the expiration rm of oftice, he is i.eirator. r that he psc of it vc dreams. Democrats lucid to think ol fnor? To be itiitor of a couu- afmall town and it. ' he. over fifteen V per year, but 1 is a first class - kis EO I joal in itii-r which wil I tins: i.f nnyoue quires into the Vif-Sinl that is that tiiere i no oppo. ition Hnd no giowlinir on the part of the pro ducers of t Ii c vciiley concerning the railroad proposition. Those who have wheat, hay, barley, fruit, hogs, cattle and farm products to dispose of have uo objection to any means thai will brliii; them transportation, quick ami cheap, and this the raii roait people have promised and will without doubt fulfill 1)k.Y. V. HriKiE.- the indomi table pusher in the development of the Ithaca O'onselidaied .'oup of mines on Cave Creek i again with us. The doctor has at length over come every obstacle that has been thrown in In- way by designing and scheming men who soiiuhl. oYten by 1 lie most disreputable means, to wrest the valuable propi rty which he represents from him, and to rob him ol his money used 111 develop ing the mines in every shape and form. The Doctor bus stood suit after suit, ami even mftVieil impris onment in Chicago 011 charges trumped up by his enemies, but lie has swept them .ill aside, and with the eourajre and success of a man who knows no defeat, he elands to day triumphant in his undertaking and the Jtlinea Consolidated mines are a success and arc turning out the bullion, an argument in his favor sliat cannot be gatnsnyed. Or. Hick ion has been straightforward ami conscientious from the begin-uir.g-in all his dealings, intending no wrona to M'V man, and we pre dict that if he retains his health a a few years he will convince his bitterest foes of that fact and de velope on.? of the most valuable mining properties in Arizona. JiDc.K Hayse. of Tncscn, has pledged himself to "bust up" the Maricopa courts' railroad scheme, so we understand on the best of author ity, claiming thst the issuance of the bonds is not constitutional, or some such sort of thing. Now the fact of the business is that there is a ring, several of the members of which wc niieht name, who have set about a i scheme to extract blood money from Mr. Salisbury; a low down black- mailing scheme which is 10 be cars tied on under color of building a lailioad lo Phoenix Ly way of Flor ence front Tucson, in which 51ari- copajs to iieip; but It isuoposed to ruin o'.ff. chanee f""r r. :.'id'" any place and the road to jucsou will never be built. In fact ft" would be utter foolishness for the people t; attempt to parallel the Southern l'as cifie road by an opposition; then to be sure they would raise rates on our valley and use every means in rSieir power to crush us out. How evtr, it is not the intention of this clique to build such a parallel road ; it means that Salisbury shall br blackmailed, and we warn our citi zens tli it they may be aware of the nature of this nefarious business. It means no railroad; it means the an tagonism of the Southern Pacific pec pie: it meansablack mailall around. Tlie Salt IJiver Vall-.v. A glimpse at the future of Arizona as an agricultural country is afforded the traveler whose good fortune casts his lines along the classic banks of the Rio Salinas. Less than a score of years ago where lay a desert un broken save by a solitary stage sta tion here and there, to-day lies an emerald expanse more precious than ever graced the jewel case cf Kaiser or King. To those familiar with i the history of the creation and , growth of ihe community, it is easy 1 to realize the cause of its prosperity. , Founded by the energy of a few j esolute workers who with rude im- eniftBfs5-Inostly of their own ui-in- facture "took out" the first ditch, rying a few hundred inches of ter, sufficient to irrigate less thau I ho'j usand acres of land, the boun- es of the desert have been time n beaten back until over a million acres of the finest itred productive, from cly built u prosperity s, and property ;o, would have ue by the h un row considered .en and twenty laced on it at c else can lauds be ie specu- f arming for from is from Ls of V r LIS Rio r ot a f"i Inunities, J valley of t Yuma, ido from Califor- X yJ ,u I rwinj i- Ine Jllllll K - FV1'J t, maun I I . - s - 1 Vekol Mixes, March 25, 1885. Editor Herald: This mine is situated thirty miles south of Casa Gracde, in one . of the numerous foothills that jot this vast desert; altitude about 2..500 feet and under the direct influence of the gulf current- The weather iias beeu delight fully ccol, and occasionally a little more so. There ate no streams within many miles, jet within a short distance of this place we saw forty acres of belter wheal than we ever saw in the Salt River valley. This is cultivated by nu indepen dent tribe of Pituas, and is an index for the future of Arizona's agricul ture. The Vekol (Oid Giandmother) was discovered in 18t0 by Mr. J. O W alker, and is owned by Mr. J. D. Walker & Bio. The ore is chiefly chloride. Development commenced in the following August. The silver product of two meu the fust day was $59. The ore- is assorted at the mine, and th; best is shipped 'vast for re duction, -averaging at least tfoOO pel ton. There are more than 0.O11O tons of second class ore which will aver age 50 per Ion now on the dump . There is a ten stamp mill here, but owing to a failure of the parlies to comply with their contract the Wal ker Bros, have not received it. lint we are 'told the ore wiil Lot spoil and thai it is a safe iuveslimut as it now lies upon Ihe dump. About forty men are employed, chiefly Mexicans and Indians. The quantity of ore appears unlimited. There is hut little waste labor. The south ex tension is a continuation of the Ve. kol. The fiini mils a store well stocked with staple goods and many luxnr-. les, which are sold nt about Salt Riv er prices. The boarding house is supplied with the best viands the market affords. Complaints are un heard of liy the men. The propriet tors are at all limes ready to pay cash for labor when due. Daring a sojourn of several weeks we have not seen an intoxicated per-on. The water for camp use is obtained at a well two miles distant, depth 15 feet. The supply s abundant. Ve predict that 011 some future day this property will rank amongst the first in the Teriitory . The ore is abundant, tua sih'e? is in it and it is free milliug. Y01113 respectfully, IV. t.eniiine Connteifelte- A Sun special froyi Boston Rays : Business men in this vicinity who handle large quantities of subsidiary silver coin are considerably dis turbed by the occasional detection of genuine counterfeit half dollars, which it is judged must be in very extensive ciicalatiou They, call them genuine tjounttrfeits bewir when properly coined they are iden tical in size, weight and composU tion with those from government mints. It is only by meaus of au occasional tliw in the coinage that they ure detected, and It is therefore impossible to estimate the quantity of them in circulation. Counter feiting of this sort is exceedingly profitable when done on a large scale, and detection is practical!' impossible if neeersaiy precaution are taken . It is not at all surprising that crooks, who recently stooped to counterfeiting pennies should make this a brauch of their work. Bullion, at the value of one dollar in subsid iary silver coin, is oniy 77 cents. A 23 per cent margin of profit makes quite an indiK-emeiU4.fcauniejJjiit-. ers, and "It" "is believed that most of the metal used is from remelled trade dollars. By purchase of these in large quantities counterfeiters obtain metal already mixed at just the standard! To illustrate the profit in the opeiaiion, 100 trade dollars, purchased for 8-1 cents, ihe present market price, will yield 217 standard half dollars, profit of 24.50, less the small cost of recoinnge. The secret service olVu ers have no clue as to where ihe. -voi k is being done Freak) of Great .lien. !i was said of Thomas Jeffeisoii thai he would never peinut any per son to cut his hair. lie used the scissors himself. He had a super stition that his strength would do part if he allowed anyone else to cut his hair. The laie Thaddeus Stevens could not pass a pin without picking it up. Furthermore, he always walked around, if necessary, to get thepoint toward him before picking it up. The venerable philanthropist, Mr. W . W. Corcoran, will not sit down until he had raised up the chair. Mr. Lyman, the present chief of the Bureau of Navigation, is noted for some strange hallucinations, though a uiau of varied accomplish ments. It is almost too ridiculous for belief, but it is a fact that he is convinced he has been married to the departed spirit of the Empress Josephine, and that the spirit Is the mother of a child to him which is now six years old. For a year he has Jiept ilrs. Best, a noted Boston medium, in Washington under a good salary because she could "ma terialize" the spirit of Josephine so that it could come out from the cabs inet, sit in his lap, and kiss him. To his intimate friends Mr. Lyman talks seriously about the affair as If it were an everyday concern. If Senator Vance hears a cock crow before midnight he is nervous for a week for fear thai some calam ity is about to happen . Jhe Rev. Geo. T. Nichols informs Vu he is daily receiving and an- ,Swering letters of inquiry from pari ties in the east who arc desirous of procuring propertyaud settling -in this valley. He furthermore informs it tLr"kit bout cctnpleUd ar- f;h the A. T. A- S. F. cial reduced rates for ,-rniH' iwfntv families ise has bad r.othingto say about the Reavis ditch scheme for the reason that we were not here lo say it, but from this time on it will speak in terms that cannot be misunderstood. We have and still consider J. Addison a fraud of the first magnitude, an individual whose pretensions are those of a cheeky, cranky1; adventurer, living upon the credulity and gullibility of people. His ditch scheme is as wild and gauzy as is his claim to Ihe largest and best portion of Ari zona and we are surprised that in telligent men should lend the pro ject respectability by giving it their support. It is plain to every man who gives ihe matter serious thought that his object in organizing this so called enterprise was eilher to levy blackmail upon a San Francisco company or to further his own de signs upon the homes and lauds of our people. Iu pro f of this ccn clusiou wc submit the fact that he iad been tramping through this and Salt River valley for seveial years, aud the project of a ten-million doli lar canal at .Fh:ence never suggests c-d itself to him till he accidentally discovered that a Sau Francisco company was pr pui ina to lake rut a large irrigating ditch here. Then h a 1 ushed 111, located a w ater l ieht at the point from which he supposed they would start their ditch, and in Uuced a few of our respectable citi zens to join him in incorporating a coin puny, lie tlieu pioposedto the San Francisco gentlemen to go in with him or buy him out, but I hey very properly and promptly repulsed bis advances ami ignored all his propositions. llavinir failed in the primary object of his scheme he changed his tacvirs, a, by a feat of financial legerdemain, known only to frauds of his calibre, raised three hiii.dred dollars with which lie em? ployed surveyors who are now run ning levels along the proposed line of his ditch. The evident purpose of this move is to prevent the San Francisco capitalists from investing here and fighjiug the fraudulent Peralta grant . Having failed to get any money out of them this la3t was Ihe next best step. It wi'l not culy relieve I11111 of formidable op position lo his attempted larceny of the GiU fcnd Salt River valleys, but will enable hjui to go to Phoenix and frTghteu-fariiicia iu ihut vicinity into taking his deeds, by showing them that he has commenced work on a ten million dolUr ditch at Flor ence, with reputable citizens of our town backing the enterprise. . We hope the Phoenix press will expose the fraud aud prevent their patrons from being swindled by Reavis. We arc satisfied that the gmtlemeu here who are connected with the company are acting in good faith, Reavis hav ing, b' scientific and persistent lying deceived them into believing that he could raise a million dollars per minute in San Francisco. But they shCTtrM ras!j, I.iiiii-. Jutfitv-frM. .44 i,ai been only u few months since he had to be sued for a $50 board bill, con tracted at the Silver King bote!. Florence Enterprise Ilnlibel's Treatment of a 'lil. Dr. Mulhtrou recommends the following trtalu. cut of a "common cold." as first advocated by Dr. Do bell, ot Loudon, viz: 1 . Give five grains of cai bonale of ammonia and fire minims of liquor morphia- (B. P., morphioe gr. one sixth) in an ounce of almond cmiih sion every three hours. 2. At night give one aud a half ounces of spirit us Min.lereii in a tumbler ..f cold water alter the pa tieut has got inlo bcciicoveted up "WifTT-Pxlia" blankets. Cold water should be li'v.nk freely when there is thirst. 3. In Hie morning the extra blan kets slu uld be removed so as to allow the skin to ; ool down befor.- setting up. i. Ja- ihe patient get up as usual and take Ii is usual diet, but continue the ammonia and morphia1 mixture every four hours. 5. At bedtime the' sicoud night give a compound eolceynth pill. Usually about twelve dosea of the mixture will be sufficient, but if there seems to be a tendency to a recur rence ot the catahrral symptoms it is well 10 administer 'six more doses and a second pill at ni?ht. T he beauty ot this treatment lies iu ihe fact that it does not interfere with the patient's business, and does not expose him to fresh attacks of cold which are liable to follow exs posure to the outer air after a course of hot, stimulating, diaphoretic drinks. Killiug at ila Kenrt. A murder occuned jesteiday at Gila Bend probably in sell defense fiom an insane man. It seems that Mr. J,W. Field, who was brought up to-day from Gil& Bend by Con stable II. B. Dayenport and a dep uty named Brewster was going home from town and met the man Pres ton, who was killed, with a gun in his hand. He remarked to Field that one of them must die, said he would give Field a fair show and laiddcwn his gun and a pistol aud told him to take his choice. Field took the gun, when Preston took the pistol, stepped oft and began firing. Field la astonishment did not fire at first as he knew of no reason for such proceedings but finally dd dis charged one shot from his gun and when Preston had fired all the ehota from his pistol he lushed onto Field who struck him over the head with his gun aud killed him. Field then went to Gila Bend and gave himself up and was brought in here today. There was no quarrel and ihe pro ceedings were most accountable ex cept in Ihe theoiy ot the insanity of Preston - Southern California from li e Sue ran.eulo 'valley to the Mevicau line is suffering from drought. The San Joaquin ' valley will scarcely raise anything where not irrigated, and a rain rJw would scarcely save half a BT PERMISSION. St. Paul, Minn., March 31 - Manitoba railway officials got prders from the Dominion government at Ottawa to-day. for the transporta tion of four hundrerLoops to Win nipeg, to arrive to-morrow. These are the troops the government asked permission of the United States to transport through Hit's State to the scene of the Reil rebellion in the northwest territories. ntTRKJQNK. LoN'iiON, March 3?-Ad vices fiom Taiuative state that a disastrous hurricane visited Madagascar, Feb ruaiy 26. The American bnik Sarah Holmrt, and the French steamers Orzo and Argo, were wrecked. Sev enteen persons lost their lives. ii Lb. Chicago, .March 31 Gen. Ansou Stagei die.! at 3 o'clock tills morn ing of Blight's disease. He was f,u, nierly superintendent of the Western Union, and was chief of the United States navy telegraph, ai d was bre velted general at the close of the war. IN MANITOBA. . WiNsipi.u, March 30. Further exciting rumors ccme from Carlelon station !bf iheie was nnoiher "skir mish :u d eieveu iiion; men killed but this is to t co: fu mid. Gen Mid dle; on, Col. Hoi, ,.1,1. ti nod 0 officers anil (IsO mpn ol ihe Minlh I5a;a!liou left here hist 'night and reached Quappei i- ibis morning, wneie they joined the first detachment of fi:'!d buttery ol fifty i.ud lifteen Cavalry ami h it this nior inn I"' 'he west. lYIN u I'.N m.u,. Xew i i.iuE, Mtireh HO. lieneral Gram did not sic . p before midnight, and at thai hour Ci:. Graril a lmin-ister-, a hypodermic injection of morphia :.i:d the Genpral then slept. Aftei breakfast be ftenl driving in Cential Pirk, scr-ompnnied by Mrs Grant, -Mrs Sartftris and Mrs. Fred Grac.!. OXFORD WINS. PcTNfcY, Eftrch 30, f he itniveisi ty boat race between Cambridge and Oxford cArrie ofl'lhis morning. The river banks were lined with specta. tins. The water was smooth and conditions favored the Oxford crew. Both got off well together. Oxford soon look tue .ie&d and maintained it ! the end, winuing by three lengths- Time of lace, 21 minutes and 3(i seconds a trifling improve ment over the itino a year ago, when the recoid ws 21 minuins and 39 seconds. 'Ihe improvement was not as great as inlicipated, in view of the fine weal her and smooth water. 1IAXI.OS BEACHED Sydney, March 30 In the scull ing match 'to-day between Hanloa and Beach, the latter won by six length. WILL SURRENDER. Scakim, March 30. A rumor pre- Digna desires losuirender, but upon what terms is not stated. free from Opiate., Kmvllr. and I'mImiii.. A PR0MPT,SAFE,SURE CURE for Cough r, Collin, Sort Throat. II out-rveii . Influtuza, Bronchitis, IVhtMiylinc ( ottj;h. Croup Awtliitta, Quinsy, I'ftlnn in I b-t, aiid ither .tfleiiurifc of lite Tliri i iimv. Price SO cent it bottle. Sold bv DrnsuM nml leale-s. I'tirtien xtuabU Ui indhce their Abater to prow fitly (ret it t"r tttejit trill receive ttco bfuie, iirtw charges palU, hj sauting oiie dollar tu nit ii u; i.ik a. vo4if LKK mriv. Owners-a: A l!iuarturi-;-t JtalUwor, Jfar?laad, U.S. A fI0STfTTgR The finpst tonic for norrons people is Iloetetier'fl Stomach Bitters, -wuicli in sures perfect digestion and asiinilation, and the active performance of tneir fnnc tioiiB by the liver and bowels. As the system acquires tone through the influence of thin benign medicine, the nerves grow stronger and more tranquil, headaches cease, aud that namless anxiety which is a peculiarity of the dyspeptic, gives way to cheerfulness. To establish health on a Bure foundation, use the peerless invipor ant. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 1, AbsplMtely Pure. This powder DBVer vanes. A murYei o treiiL-lh. purity and More economical than the ordinary Kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tesi, short weight alum or phosphate uuTvd rs, Sold only in cans. ROYAL b ktn; POWDER CO., TRADE MARK. B h?JltACH ? K royal rsevjit li XJ U. S. Land Office, ) Tccsox, Arizona March 23, ISS j. S Pursuant to instructions of the Hon. Commissioner of the General Land Office dated March 17, the public in notified that the odd numbered sections of land heretofore with drawn from entry by the Krant to the Texas Pacific Railroad Com pany, by the Act of March H. 1871, (Lave lieen declared forfeited and the whole of f-aid lands restored to the public domain and mado subject to disposal under the Reneral laws of the United States, by the act of Congress, approved February 188: The books of tbis office are now open for the entry of said lauds under the pre-em-tion, homestead and otber laws relating to an offered lands, except that in case they are taken by pre-emption or commutation of homestead entries, payment mnst le made at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, as in the case of land in the even numbered sections. K. M. THOMAS, Register. Daniel H. Wallace. Receiver. SEED ARTICHOKES Fine Seed Aitlchokea. in quantise t salt purchaser, ftt the Ranc& of WH. BARNETT & SONS, MESA CITY, Best Hog Feed Grown, Valuable for Table Use. l.'.ftTCOHl'T UI tb" St CI'.' t.if EO, F, COATS, i i K Estray Notice. Strayed from the ranch of the undersign ed, three miles southwest of Phoenix, one black mare, bald faced; one black stalliou. star in forehead; each animal about one and a half years old. Anyone wiving infor mation of same will be liberally rewarded. MLKCKDES ESPINOSA. m27-tf Estray N tice. Cumt: to my ranch nine mili-s west of Phoenix, one small roan horee: cncsniill bay horse, lame lu left fore leg; one em nil ed cow and bail calf, no brands The owner will come forward, jruvi propettv, pay charges and remove ;nme, or it will bi disposed of according to law. iHOh-iM-30-d BE:NJ. T. FRANKLIN. ESTRAY NOTICE. Came to my ranch on the Maricopa road north tide oi Salt River, one White horse, no brand of any kind, almd all round, col lar marked and about ten years oid. The owner will come fotward, prove property, paj charges and remove the same, or it will be disposed of according to law. JEbUS BEVERY. PAT E U T S , t 'a ve - !iitl Trade Marks Ob'alned anil all nrhpi- ti:siuess in the U . S . Patent Oflice .vt. mk"! to for MODERATE FEES. 0::r I ODjwxUe the "C. Patent C:!.c, imi w' t' an obtain Patents in les timt t hull thO"- romote from 1VASHIXG TOX. MODEL OR DRAWIXG. We ad vise ii. init inability f ee if charire: and v. tm kc XO CHARGE UXLESiS WE OB XAIX A J'ATEXT. Wu rt:;r. Lt,:"e. o the FoKtmaster, tbe Supt. ol Money Orcte- Div., and lo ofhcialt of the t . s. Patent Office. For circular advice, terras at.d refereneis to actual clients iu veur ewu State ore onntv,rite to C. A. siXOH 4 1(1. Opposite Pa'ent Office, Washington, J. C. Notice For Publication. HGJiE STEAD NO. 260. Lavd Office at Trcsov Arizona, 1 .March 31, IsSj. ( -VJOTICF. IS HEREBY GIVE.n THAT lAi the lollowiiiE harried hettler has filed notice ol hie intention lo make final proof in support or his c'aim and that ea d proot will be made before Hon. D it I'in ney, Jude of Scconu Judicial District I onrt. i:mitliv i f Miuicopa. at Phoenix. .1. Hi'Viiu, of Mn enix .Arizona, for the N w Ji of Sec. IS, T 1 N, R ; E, li & S It U & M He naru'td the folit'wintr witDeese." to prove lild continuous residence noon aDd cultivation ul' said land viz: Henrv E. Sloe-ser. Martin P. "riftiih, Gird Brau and Neils Morton, all of Phoenix, Jlarico pa Cotmtv. Arizona. B.M.THOMAS", Keiuier. first publication, SJarch 2:5, 18s5. lkinltiiton of I'opai'tiierpuliiii. The undrirncd havinjr this day, March 12. 1SS5, dissolved by mntual con sent their copartnership, all Mils due by them (the late firm) and ail outstanding debts roil-e.ted by T. Heineon. J. UE1XSOX G. US6EKMASX. PHOEfJIX Livery and Feed Wabkixwton Street, Brt-ow the PoSTOFFrCK, PHtKNIX AKIZONA SOLBM kllUUll, Props. FirstClasa Teams and Rigs of all Kinds Supplied to Order. GOOD SADDLE HORSES ESS'-The very Best Attention Give tt Boarding and Transient Stock- PKICKH ItKlSHXABLI!. Phoenix Nursery. West Washington Ntreet. PHOENIX ARIZON A. Fruit and. Ornamental Tress of All Kinds Grape Cuttings, Etc. at lowest cash prices: R. E. Farrinston, proprietor. CITY .iVERYlpEED STABLE, East Washington St., adjoining the Phoenix Hotel. F- D- WELLS, Prop- V TEE YTHIXG MJJ' We wish to inform all our friend., and the public generally, that I have opened a first class Livery and Feed Sib!c in Phoenix, and solicit share of their patronage. Anything in the Livery Stable Line can be. found here. HORSES BOARDED By the day, week or mouth, and g v en Garetul Attention. . JtniiT Millo-, T. YT. IIISE, Jo:ury Pnhlic. Civil Knginei-r. jLVJL attorneys & counselors at law Aud Real Estate Agents, l'ho nix, Ariz. Fiusk Cos. josErn Campbeix, District Att'y. 1'robare Jiulire. COX & UAMPBELL, ' J ATTORNEY S-AT-LAW. Office in Court House. HN. ALEXANDER, AfT0riNEY-AT-LAW. Offlce in Irvine's Btoek, Room 1, Phoe nix. Ar.zona . , TWEED. W.A.HANCOCK. J . W. CRENSHAW. T WEED, HANCOCK ft CRENSHAW ATT0 R N E Y S-AT- LAW Land hualness mado a spec.alty. nix, Arizona. Phoe- DePorest Porter. H. B. Liohthizek. IORTEK & LIGHTirrZEit, Attorne.sand (Jounselors-at-Law, Office corner of Washington and Gortez gtrects, next tiourthouse plaza. Phoenix. J. T., A. C.Baker ALSAP BAKEK. ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW. Otiice In Irvine's Block, Phoenix, Ariz, J II. FORD, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law. Offlce with 31. Meadows. .1 u-lice of the Peace and Notary Puhlic. S:onteznma !St , Opposite Ctuss Kills & Co.'s store, Pho.nix, A. T. Will practice his proft-ssion in any Court tor his tee . Strict and prompt at teutioa inven. to all business plaeeiT in his hands. n. e. sj-oak. ii. ciiAUiens. OI.OAX & CHA1MEHS, O Attorneys and Cotmselnrs-At-Law. Minor's block, fhoenis, Arizona. JE WHARTON. M. 1)., . U. S. EXAMINING SURGEON. Oilice and Dispensary Adam-1 St.. near Mf ricopa St., Phoenix, Ariz. MRS. TJ. A. IN I? ALLS, .M. T).. PHYSICIAN and OCULiST Gives special attention toOhstetrics and Diseases "of Women, Office east Wash ington Street. 1 T.OSBORNE, M. .. V. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence on Sionroe St., second door east of M. E. Church, south. Phoenix, Ariz. Ii ERBBRT K- PATRICK, CIVIL ENGINEER. U. S. Depnty Mireral Survejor for Ariz ona. Suhdivision of Land a Specially. Offlce opposite PostolSce. Phoeuix, Ariz. CE. DAILkY, . Late U. S. Recel er of Public Money. Land paient and claim ajrent ad Attor ney, No. 114 Camp St., I". O. box 14, Tuc son. Bvsmess under TJ. S- Land Laws a specialty. DR. R. K. LIGHTBl'RNiS, Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence nearly opposite the Lemon bote!, Phoenix, Arizona. SECRET SOCIETIES, Mated convocation on the second Monday of each montt.. N, Hsrkick, H. P ;. J. B. reame. , Secretary. ARIZONA LODGE No 2. P. & A.M. Stated meeargs on ihe Tnrariays on or proceed the full moon. M. W. Kales, VV..U.; J. B. Cueamer, Secretary. rO. O. Y. PPOLN1X LOPGE No. 2, a meets in Odd rehows Hull every S iturday evening, J, St. (iUBSulti, N. O ; Philip ft. HlccKT, necretary. AO.TJ.W. PUOEN1X LODGE No.5. Hegnfar meelias every W. dues. cay evenina iu 51a -unix Hall. .i,.U.Alek asdki!. .vi.W. ; Jos. CAHPBbU., Recoider- KOP P. PHOENIX LODGE No. 2, meet, on the fi-st and third Fridays of each month. In Masonic Hail. J.E. WhahtO.n, C. C.J H, W.Rtmr, K. cf R. s. IO. T "si A KB EN T3XLBT tjodge No. 1,1 O G.T., meets Mon day eveniiigs at the Baptist Chunh. T. W. Hise. V. C. T. ; Johk, W. S. OC.P. PHOENIX COUNCIL No 1. Meets first and third Thursdays of each month at Masonic Hall. J.T. Alhaf, C. C T. W. Uine, Secretary. RAILROADS & STAGES. p. 1. of Arizona. Trains at Maricopa. A A P- M- DAILY Pas&eneer i mJ Train westward, via Yu ma, Los Augelfp, and San Francisco, conut-cting at Latbrop withliieAts lautic Express Traiu for Stockton, Sacramento, Ogden, und Omaha. Sleeping car attached from Dt-minii, X. M., to Oakland, Cat. . . . JT A. M. DAILY Pa-senser t-J Vrain eastward, via Ca?a Grande (stages for Florence and OlobP) Tucson, Beusm. (for Tomb stone) AVillcox, San Simon, and Deming, El P.iS'j, connecting for all points norm, east, southeast, an Mex ico. Tu-ousfh freiaiit ami emisraiit train 4 :4o a. ni, T. 11 GOODMAN, Genl Pass, i Ticket At. A. N- TovsE, Geu'l Sut1 Arizona Stage Co. JAS. STEWART, Supt- Stags leaves Pliotsuix at 10 a. m. for Prewott, via Seymour and Wick enburg, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Returning etao ai rires at 3 p. m.. on Tueclat s, Thui s-dav- and baturdays. Stage leaves Phoenix daily at 3 p. m.'for Prescott via Black Canyon and Gillett. Returning stages ar rive daily at 9 a. m ., from Pres1- " , ''..' . ........ Stage leaves Phoenix daily at 10 a. m. and at 5 p.m. for Maricopa, and returning, arrives at 1 p. m. and 2 a. ra. MILLuY & MINE'S Real Estate Agency PriCEKIX. AK120NA. Firrmintr Lands.Orchavfl Lands,Vine yard Lands and Grazing Lauds BsughU Sold ad L::::i on C::,i:::::; City Property Uouaht, Sold, Leased and Rents Collected. EST" TERMS EASY. -S3 We offer to-day the following desir able pieces of property: "V ACRES, six miles from Phos OOW nix. to. d bui dings, ci rrals, vvaUT rights; title, tfove nment patent, fa minp tools, including header and one half interest in growing crop. Price, 85,000. Teinih easy -f ACRES of land one mile from 4rV " Phoenix; title, g'-vernmenr pat ent: 3,000 f u.t trees on ii , 70J in bearing for two years, small adobe house, water, etc. Price, Sa.aoo, A gplcnatd Dargain, pr' ACRES of land jolnin? city of Phoe f 3 nix on the soultwest. Price, $l,0u0. Valuable property. T- VP C 1 Rnd 8, V.ock 18, in City of UK 1 O Phoenix; Centrally locat ed. Inclosed with picket fence, box house, water and fruit trees. Price. $1,200; part cash. B4 VT l-T FKOPERTV aad . I V ,iA KJ I L town lots at Tem po and property under Arizona Canal. 1P ACRtS ADJOISrVG THE CITY 3 on the south ; 4,000 grape vines, nearly all bore fruit last year; good house; 100 fruit trees; well stocked carp paud; must be sold at once at a sacrifice; price. $4,000. ACRES of land under the Arl- gBmJzoii& Canal, take by Desert act, 2."i cents per acre paid balance to rnu until May 18, J8Sri; 'JO acres cleared, best ot eaBdy land; small box house. Price calh. RO ACHES laiiroad land four miles from phoenix. Hog tight fence all aioung and scioss it; improvements $300. Price ll.ooUj aalfcah. cost Dark hay stalliou, bred and raised" by GenV Withers, Ijexinton,. Kentucky. Foalded May lt.l4 1881; 15 bands liigli. " . i ' Sired. Tor -A.laacLoan.t- First Dam Dame Duncan by Black Hawk, Jr. Heoond dam byMambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn. Third dam by Hunts Commodore, son of Mambrina son of Imported Messenger. " ALMONT by Alexander Abdallah. First dam Sallie Anderson, by Mambrino Chief. Second dam by Pilot, Jr. Third dam Pope mare, thoroughbred. Alexander's Abdallah bv Rvsdvks Hambletoniau Dam Katie Darling ' ,,... . itysuyKs Manibietonian by Abciaiian. . I First dam Chas. Kent mare by imiiorted Belfoundef1 hecond dam One ye by Bishop s Hambletoniau. Third dam Silver Tail by imported Messenger. Black Hawk. Jr by Blood's Black Hawk. First dam Full Grey Eagle by V oodpecker. Second dam Ophelia by Wild Medley Third dam by moods illack Hawk by That AlmOnt was that ever lived, and one. of 7. 7 .' . . -o - tion, all impartial horsemen will admit. His power'1 ot imparting speed is scendants, but his sons themselves as sires ot fast and game trotters. There are seven different sons of his that have sired colts with records of 2:30, or better. See Gen. Withers' catalogue for 1885 Adrian is now on the few days, when the public will be notified. Persons having good mares to breed are requested to wait and see this horse. He will make season at the Valley Stock Farm, half a mile north of Phoenix. J. T. SIMIV1S. Weekly HERALD and PACIFIC RURAL PRESS for S4.50, cash. to? The Only Reliable House to get FOR FAfWIILY USE. Family Liquor Store, tli s fl :lil ivkiIv: His f.istest Keccrd i s 3:41. 1884. and can trott in 3:40 any time. 1-iutA wilt stand the coming s.uasoB, 'h. at F. X. Scofleld"s piece, norlh TERMS:- tor fasoii; tjr uriurp me mnre ioavee me piuce. Skilled and careful grooms employed, eecap s. Anaress, pB r.4P!TAI, I'HIZK, S75.000 Tickets only $5 Shares in Proportion Louisiana State Lottery Co. "e do hereby certify that ire supervise the arrattffchietttsfor all the Monthly and Semi-Annually Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the Drawings them selves and that the name are conducted with honesty fairness and in good faith toward all parties and we authorize the Company to use this certificate with facm similes of onr signature attached in its advert ise men ts ' Commissioners. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charita ble purposes with a capital of $1, 000.000 to wnich a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present Btate Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and en dorsed by the people of any State, It never scales or postpones. Itatxiand MiiuIeXuiuber Draw. icg take plrtre monthly A NfMiMIIII Orl'OHTIM TV.tHV PORTI7VR. FOCBTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS l. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, vpril 1-, IMS 17"Jtii Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize 375, OOO- lOO.OOO 'l ickets at Five lllars lviioli. tii'.cr ioiin, in Kin lis in pi oporl ion. LIST OF PHIZES. i i l 2 5 10 20 100 300 500 lOOO CAPITAL PlilZE... do do ... do do PRIZES OF stiOOO... 75,000 . 25,000 10.000 12,000 10.000 do auoo... do do do do do do 1000 lO.OOO 500 10.000 :oo 20,000 100 20.000 50 25.000 25. 25,000 APPKOXIMATIOH PBIZE8. 9 Approximation Prizes of S750. . 6,750 9 do do 500.. 4,500 9 do do 250.. 2,250 1967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Orleans. For further information write clearly, eiving full address. -SXA L U 1'K.!!, Money Orders, Express or New York Ex change ioi ordinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of 5 and upwards at onr expense.) addressed M. A. 1AI 1II. Xew Orleans, l.a. or M. A. DAUPHIN. 607 Seventh St., Washington; D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and addressed Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, WS-wk-tt New Orleans, La. FOR RgNT, A desirable house of four rooms on Adams straet eat of Maricopa. Inquire of C. A. TWEH1), M sister to the celebrated race horse, Sir Archy, sou of imported Diomed. Vermont Black U8wk. greatest sire, for his ag the greatest of his o-eneraV not confined to his direct de are making great names for roau and will arrive in a f n U3U Opp. Post Off Stands 15 hands. Weighs 1,145 lb. By K.-eltnU. Iterord, 2:44 PEDIGREE : INDEX was hred by E a. Wlneeir of Scott Vlley. SUkHoa Co.. Oat.;' He in by Keokuk, dam by Morrill Keokuk tir Vermont B'aok riawk! Dam by Bishop Hambletoniau; Mor rill by the Jennlaou Horpo. son of You nil Bullraph Morgan, ho by Bnll rnsh Morgan. on of Justin Morgan; Osm by Iho Heath Marc, by th Kar rinKton Horse, son of the Var.ce Hore; second Dam by the Eat"rr iare, a last pacer . INDEX ma1e a record of at rlanta Cruz, where he dl-tanced all madat the Phoenix Pair, November 15th. commencing February 15th. and ending end of Papago Street. Phoenix, Ariz. luHttrp; Pavable at the time of te.rlOd rs ix itji. 5 t n It OJN 1H . b it no liabilities Resumed for accidents eu N. SCOFIELD, Phoenix, Ariz. California Mm, ! F. KUCHLER, Propr. ! E::t ssi krgst Srsoi 12 Leaves 21.0 Families Supplied ai llvir re-ddencn. Fre4h Candies, Pies and Cakts Kept constautly on hanti in grt variety. CALL EARLY and OFTEN J. N. MARIS, Painting OF ALL KINDS TASTEFULLY EXECUTED Old stand. East Side of the Court, House Plaxa." Parlor Saloon. Opposite Plara, t PHOENIX, - ARISOXA.. W. M. KELLOGG. Prop'r. Stearns & MM Forwariini I Commission fflaricopa.A. T. Shipping Mark, S. & K. VonnK M en, Head Th . Tns Voltaio Bkit Co., of Marshall, Miclili an. offer to send their celebrated E i sotro-Voltaic Belt and other Elko. appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with neivons debility, loss of vitality and man hood, aud kindred tronblei. Also for rheumatism, neuialgia, paralysis, aad many other diseases. Complete res to tal ion to nealih. v gor aud manhood guaranteed. No risk ii incurred, a thiry days trial Is allowed. Write them at onc for illustrated pamphlet free. A CKI To ali who are Buttering from errors and indiscretions el Tomb, nervous weakness, early decay, lop of mar hood, Ac, I will send a receipt that will cure yeu, KKESOFCHAKHK. This great remedy was discovered by a inissh n ary In South America. Send self'-addrest ed envoi one to Ktv. Joseph T. Ikmah, Si alios r. Ne Yerk. f