Newspaper Page Text
lite -rrionc con-. tr Gila monster. id tntmn wan-mug ro these reports c, iu th Territory, cue liifieii contradiction. u! be, life i Arizona than iu many fciy. au troubles through (jcn. ' lorts, have been disposed """""rdcrons Apaches of a i ! found pciice- ;on thereservalion. ind to large dc ;h the Territory little idea f kllic routes si l- lie most pro- tot;, tl.c cap- yr iuteri.sK; -ilver dis- cair.p Ter kfroni lnev ejpeciLu rt-imens, but hardly Kteut, Arizona hi-spg uone in this particular, bo t productions excites wonder L'ment. Arizona is the seat civilizations on the con- '0 under the Aztec v. whnf is now desert ys mod-. in ungating hi. ana ed for st area of lnnd 'ivation, and can ain. Nearly all I -alleys is very fh a gentle slope making it per- "Vrposes. In Ma re now eijrht waters from rwoninar liaK fj.ay dif- Kic made ve that tlie iritory tire un- "V)unty alone iare 400,000 jultivation. lability of irms upon I cc-tainly 1 for ' 350 i luch lon ' he same ' eems no lands jleposited I s a con- ages ab? land bar- instau1 irield of leen se- V 't 1 -.1 J 4 1 I 1 s t cl over, i warn, nmmi Imouary complaints la's statural advantages sing equals, if not stirs "y of the-Western States or is generally conceded; ibering interests are ex- ; her coal fields are nnms y mining interests aa a led, "These facts hex n, the Territory is ra- fup with enterprising V meet one from An- t a satisfied individual. VC'KKT. in the Field. nent prevailed ou our streets yesterday evening at the prospect of a miner's war on Cave Creek of which there seemed evidence in a posse of some nineteen armed men hastily preparing for a trip into that district.. Numerous rumors were afloat some ot which were highly colored, but as near as w have been able to get at the fuels in the case, they were about as follows: The Phoenix mine, uii.Cave Creek, is cwnfd by 3Iessrs Seymour and Tt dd. llie former oue of the owner or the Vulture mine, :ii.d the latter until very recently, legal agent and superintendent of that mine. Messrs Seymour and Todd have kept a small force of men on I he mine steadily developing it and taking out ore in the work -which for the purpose of testing and fuither to help pay ex penses, has been worked at the mill of the Gulden Fleiee Mining and Milling Company. The rock proves very line and it is a AVell known fact that there is jk immense amount of it iu the ,Vtoeaix, and it eeems the Golden Fleece Company conceived the thtfidea of getting onto it, and It I W I 1 . , . ., ..,.; .i. ,,r mm i 1 1 fu mil mnvrpa riiil ot te i j " I ,.,fl pet some claim upon it, the exact nature of which we are unacquaint ed. Mr. XV. H. Thomas was in charge of the mine for the Central Arizona Company, as we understand it, aiid in order to head off tie claim of the adverse company, got out an attachment on it and wTr appointed Deputy Sheriff in charge of the property. Of course when a demand was made upon him for the possess ion of the mine he refused as officer oTrhe law to give posession pn' the result was that on Wednesday nigh, eight armed men from the claimants took forcable posessioa of the mine and works about it, even driving Thomas aud his family, as we hear the story, out of his cabin. Thomas immediately caaie to town and put himself in communication with the principal owners, Mr. Seymour, of New York, and Mr. Todd, and the result wub a telegram to hold the mine at any cost. And in conse Mr. Thomas gath . ,i . , . i aianeu lor iue mint: yeie:uy Vevening about sun down. The op tposing parties here, it seems, had a X'lcli set on their movements and before the posse left, despatched Courier to the mine on horseback to apprise those holding it of the approaching force. The mine is really one ot the most valuable in the territory, and the gentlemen who own it contemplated putting a mill upon it within the uext mouth or two. We are sorry to see it fall into trouble. However, there is not much showing for liti gation concerning title, r.ud the mat ter of the claim of right to work the mine by the adverse company will doubtless be settled without much litigation. since tlie above was written we have tlie following additional infor mation : IT WOULDN'T WORK. The foregoing was written last night from rumors that were afloat yesterday that an armed force, con sisting of "Cop" Hi McDonald, Johnny Agard and several other: had been dispatched to take posses sion of and hold at all hazard the Phoenix mine at Cave Creek for Seymour, Thomas & Co. The lepoiter of the Herald upon further investigation to-day and the arrival of a courier from the mine to-day, finds about the following to the originc and grand finale of the hole scheme: The Phoenix mine having devol ved into something paying a short me since, several parties have had leir eye on it. One branch of these rties litigant were at a loss to get anr kind of Dossession of the line, so they hunted up a snperan d claim of Win. B. Hooper & Nlch, as we are informed, has jnee oeen oarrca oy me stati. i talions, and employed the of Millay & Hine to bring inent suit against the prop- suit was brought, the at- levied and one Thomas chaige as keeper. The his return to Phoeuix onclusion, and proper on the attachment of lidn't require a keeper Mr. Thomas as such after Mr. Thomas received a dispatch "Tlake possession of with an armed yfor him at all Jr yesterday Mr. - ot of men, boys &c, a under the leadership jei And dispatched them iTas it is-as reported. In me, the sheriff in order breach of theeace and jiiic sueuuiug v oi any sent out hisxunder Trott, to com'inand such thirtg was 5aders ! ,rnx7Sun everv quiet uuul the j oops arrived i.pon "v" the cavalcade H'-P III jumped pt and an-j-'lake po3- be V i f i gon load, ano iney win imejy reach Phoenix to-night, as the writer is informed that they are at Grand canal at this time. TJic Miners' War. In our article of Saturday con cerning the- row over the Phceuix mine the fact that Deputy Sheriff F. P. Trott was the immediate means of preventing serious consequences was inadvertently overlooked by our informant in the matter. The con flab whereat McDonald climbed into his wagon at the invitation of Frank Wells, it seems, took place some four miles this side of the mine, where Sheriff Trott had halted the posse and was endeavoring to per suade them not to go up to the mine. They went up, however, to within a th ort distance of the mine, followed by Deputy Sheriff Trott and those accompanying hini. When they halted, aDd had gotten out of their wagons, Deputy Sheriff Trott again endeavored t'o perunde them from the unlawful course they were pur suing, and as they persisted in the matter, he finally firmly informed them that he was there as an officer of. the law to preserve the peace, and would shoot the first man who should make a move-to trespass in t his respect. His firmness and de termination in the matter caused, the btihgerentn to change their ideas somewhat when they crawled into their wnumis and returned home. TELECARPHIC. WASHINGTON DKSERTED. Washington, March 28 H. M. Kewmaik of Los Angeles is being urged by Geo. Ilosecrans, Senators Vest nd Cockrell, with Missouri, Colorado and California delegations as general inspector of Indian agents. The city is comparatively empty. The policy of the new administra tion has driven the leading Demo crats away, so much so that the de partments find an insufficiency of well-endorsed candidates to fill the vacancies caused by resignations and expiration of terms. Heads of de partments have already begun to call on the remaining representative Democrats to assist in providing re liable Democrats to fill the vacancies in various purls of the country. - SAX KRASCISCO RACKS . t?AS Fr.Axcisco, March 28 First day of the spring racing of the meet ing of Pacific coast blooded horse association: Billow won the first race, Califor nia stnlos, two-year olds, h&lf mile. Time, 50 . riecsnd race Hearst stakes, all ages, three-quarters of a mile, won by Nellie l'eyton. Time, 1 :UH. ycuisolds, mile and a half; Estell j won. Time 2-37J. Fourth race Selling purse, mile, Duke Monday won. Time, 1 :44. A SHOOT POSTPONED. New York, March 28 The coun cil of the national riflejassociatiou of Great Britiau has decided that in consequence of the very unsettled slate of affairs in England they are not justified iu accepting the chal lenge of the national rifle association of the United States of America to an internatioual contest in If 85 at Creed moor. NOT FOR BARRIOS. Washington, March 28. Infor mation has been received here to-day to the effect that a movement is on foot to overthrow the the government of Honduras and to form an alliance of the people in that country with the people of Nicaragua, Costa ltica and San Salvador against Gen. Bar rios. The movement is reported to have originated with Marco Aurelio Soto, former president of Honduras now in Xew York. Since Barrios' announcement of his iutculion to make himself supreme military ehief of the Central American stales, Soto says he has been quietly at work trying to break the alliance of Hon duras with Guatemala. His neso 'lions h ive been carried on through a general of the former country with whom he has intimate ;ico uaintance. The people of Honduras it is under stood are opposed to Barrios, and are only wailing for an opportunity to break away from him. They are, therefore, willing to join the forces of the Nicaraeuan covemment to overthrow their own present govern ment. The Xicaragunn forces it is asserted, will number 5,000 or more, and will cross the border line .of Honduras, and in a revolution, with the addition of the opponents of i Barrios in Honduras, it is said an army of 50,000 men can be raised by the states which are allied in resist ance to the pretentions of the presi dent of Guatemala. DISAProTED MORMONS. Salt Lake, March 27. The sen timent among the Mormons regard ing the decision of the United States supreme court in the election cases is one of disappointment. While the test oath prescribed by the com mission was invalid, they state the court went out of its way to practis cally declare the Edmunds act valid when the point was not necessarily before it. The ruling that the in habitants are under the sovereign control of congress is viewed with regret, and is generally considered j as a position more opposed to a re publican form of government than any ever yet given . The Mormons feel that they are being unjustly dealt with. CINCISXA'ITI AFTER DEEK. St. Lotjis, March 26 A dispatch from Waco, Texas, savs an effort will be made todivert the cattle trade of Texas from St. Louis to Cincins nati. The gentlemen who are Inter ested in the Texas narrow guage railroads have joined with other men of Cincinnati to run Texas cattle over the narrow gtiaire, gettinir low ho Luiied estates ansfrv ussar College comes from Pittsburg. It is made from tar, and the worst of tar . The Standard Oil Company is a big thing on wheels when you get to talking about oil, but it is just as big relatively speak ing when you get into the province of chewing gum. You sec they con trol nearly all the refineries, and it is from them that the gum is evolvftd, so to speak. The refiners take the residuum often from the crude oil after the refined article has been made and work it in an agitator, producing a certain grade of paraf tine, a waxy-like substance. This is sent to two firms located in Boston and New York, wlio put it trough another refining process and then scent the stuff, cut it into pieces, ana tnen retail ciegt ,- hold of it and maka thousands of giddy girls happy with "somethin' to chaw.'V-Oiobe-Democrat. '4CouKh ou:'l'oothaetae.'' Instant relief for Toothache, Neu ralgia, Faceache. Ask for "Rough on Toothache." 15 25c. Some young men think it would be no more than fair for the brides to pay the minister for services ren dered at marriages during leap year. "Koug-li on Dentin!" Powder. -Toolk Smoot'i, Rcfftfcbing, Harm less. Elegant, Cleansing, Preservative, and Fragrant. 15c. Diuggists. Intelligence is a very good thing in a wife, but the taste of young men rather runs to beamy. They prefer a well formed girl in a incn-ly well informed one. rafe Prmervi-r. If .you aie losing your grip on life try "Well's Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots. Leap year is a good lime to engrave indelibly upon the hearts of the young men that much misery is caused by not saying "n-' at the right time. "Konxh on Katat." Ask tor Well's "Rough on Corns.' 15c. Quick complete cure. Harder, soft corns, warts, bunions. ike Arizona anal Company Hereby announces that it will sell water" lor the ensuing year in such quantities a? may be desired, in any part of the SALT RIVER VALLEY South of its Canal and east of the Agua Fria. Application j should be made with out delay as they will be considered by the com ; pany in the order in The application MUST be made i WJtl TING, stating the Name and Address of the appli cant, a description of the land on which it is to be used. The quantity of water desired must lie stated . Rales will hereafter be fixed by the Company, and applicants will not be bound to take water until they are notified of the price, and agree tnereto. Address alt app cations to CLARK CHURCHILL, President, Phoenix, Arizona. Robt. Steinegger Washington Street, Be low the Postofflce, PHCENIX - - ARIZONA Former Assaver for Central Arizona Mining Co., Vulture. TERMS REASONABLE! ASSAYS RELIABLE ARCADE Having leased this Fine Brewery 1 a.ii limy prepared to supply the people of Salt River Valley with the finest. tf the Keg or Bottle. Order promptly filled. MICHEL WURCH. Arizona Nursery, One-half mile S. E. Phoenix. Fruit and Ornamental Trees OP AM. KINDS. True to Xante, and Reliable. ALSO Shrubs, Roses, Shis Tress. 1 lit Furnished to order if not on hand D. TURNER, Manager NEW SALOON Fine Liquors A Spe ialty TOM SHERMAN, Prop. SoutheBtCorner WaflhlDEtonaDri Geo te BACON and LARD .AT. 15 Cts. per Pound AT GRAY'S OneMtle South of Town. MERCHANT TAILORS. FlHUS HIRTS MADE TO ORDER. 131 MONTGOMERY ST, SAN FRAN CISCO, CAL. Samples and Rules for Self Measureme sent on application. THE LATEST GOODS & FINt WORKMANSHIP H. GOLDBERG, B i U B i 8 ' ' ' ' 1 . . A IV RATTON, - ' THK.... News Dealer and Stationers Having arranged with an Eastern Agency for 1885, and following years, is prepared to furnish sub scriptions for all the leading Xens Papers and Periodicals. American, British, French, German, Italiau, Russian, Scandinavian, etc., at pub ishers prices, postpaid. News Depot 2d Door East of Postoffice. -W wr BUTCHRS!! J. J- SWEENEY b CO- Wholesale and Retail Dealerelu Beef, Port Veal, Mutton, Etc PHCENIX, A. T. Corner ot Washington & Center sts HOTEL LEMON 1J. i. L Bfflght, prop'? PHOKMIX, - ARIZONA. Having obtained entire this ronlrol of! It will be conducted as a flrtclass I lioue in every respect. . The Leading Hotel in Phoenix New Clean Beds. Finest Table Set in Arizona j Bar Supplied with the Best ! Laquors nd Cigars. j NEW SAW MILL UKO W . Cl'RTla Proa. Two and and one-half miles south of Prescott. A. T. Merchantable, Clear Surfaced and Kustic Lumber, Matched Flooring, Casing, Mouldings, anelings and Shingles OF THE FINEST QUALITY Having now completed and in full operation, my new Saw mill, I am prepared to fill or ders for, n short everything in my line for the construc tion of First-class Build ings. TEBJIs. - nasb on Delivery All orders sent by mail or through the merchants promp attention . r w- 5 s 2 a CD'S 5 srj . - - a s-..-g a "s o-u m -4 i.0l8l'5S8f..t-as-4gi5 w r-. I iSJiflgaAiSSB S-ss SJSpfc5a4-5g,Sfl-as5 Fiji if,i8Se ill Hi ji - :-. I , If j aS20 Ajrent'for Phoenix. LIKK OF SAMPLES jASplendid Sewing Machine j sinaer Pattern, equal to auy sold from (45 to S'jo- OurPriceonly$18 Kacli machine con tains a full setnf al tachmc-nts. The fur niture is nlack wal nut. W'th drop-leaf table. Five drawer anil cover-box- When crated for shipment it weighs 110 ponmls; freight within 500 miles of Chicago is from .5c to S1.50: to the East ern ana southern States from $rl te f'i to the Pacific Coast faom ?5 to 7. I. very machine guarauieea to cive usutiatimii or may be returned and money refunded. Thousands of other specialties iu S;.me proportion. Circulars free. Address CHICAGO SCALE CO., Chicago, 111. ELEGANT JEWELRY, Waishmakin? Repairing d Fine Euraving'. 1st? a el Miller's Jeweler's Emporium. Phoenix, Arizona. AU work warranted. AtW.T. Woods' Fhoenix News Depot, opposite be Postoffice, Washinfitop. Patton &Creighton IrchitectS AND fiail,IHUl)1ftlM Shop and office cor. Montezu-j ma and Jeflerson streets, Opposite Smith's MUX) Phoenix - - - Arizona R.E. FARBINGTON&CO F01WARDINGT0N AND Commission Merchants j AM) DLAtSKS IX j GENERAL MERCHANDISE Maricopa and Phoenix. Ariz. We arc prepared to handle freight and heavy mochinery on short notice. j Cash advanced made ou Wool and Hided. Marh geods care of K. K. FAKRIXtilOX A CO. Pianos) The famous Knabe Pianos! The ezcellent Hardman Pianos! The popular and best medium priced The unrivaled PI312033H2D OSGIJS! The celebrated STANDARD ORGANS! are all fully warranted and sold to reliable parties on the easy Install ment plan. Tuning gratis, for Darticulars as to terms and for IN lustraled catalogues, apply to the agent for Arizona, a. nuuic' ftLlST ANO GRADUATE.) 11 Kearny isueei. san rranc:sco t,ai. TREATS ALT CUKOXTC, SPECfAI. AND Pit TV ATE DISEASES WITH WOJf- j DERFUI. SUCCESS. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Is a nevei -tailing v,-., S'-rritSf'" caTe for ervoii -v Jt V Debility, Exhaust - t veaVitality.Semin v -s.vjHlWeafciieee,Sper-fV.V jpl -Vyimatorrhoea, kost ft I " c -if Witency, Paralsvie, a.? Prost atorrhtea ind all thetcrri- r.ffnntO nf nAT-uif J eif:.b.aBe. yuth- fnl follies, and ex tt cessee in maturer years uuen a iohb oi memory, isphhuuc, Nocturnal EmiBSion, aversion to society, DimneBPof vis'.on, noises in the head, the vital fluid passing unobserved in the Urine and many other diseases that lead to in sanity and death. Dr.Slintie win agree toiDneit rive Hun dred Dollars for a case of this kind the Vital Restorative (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, or fur any thing impurcorinjurious found in it. Dr. MinUe treats all private Diseases success fully without mercury. Consultation free. A thnrnnph examination and advice, in cluding analysi" of urine, $5. Price of Vital Kestortive$1.50a bottle, orfourtimee the quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon receipt of price, or CO. D. secur from observation and in private name.i deiiredby A. E. Mintie.M D.,So. llKear ny St. San Francisco, Cat. tianiple bottle sent free on appli cation by letter stating symptoms.scx and age. Communications strictly Confiden tial. Dr llintie's Kidney Remedy Nephrett oc, cures all kinds of Kidneyanu bladder Coniplaints.Gonorrhrea, Gleet. Lcucorrohea Porsalehyall druggists; $1 a bottle; Six bottles, $5. Dr. Miutie's Dandelion Prtts are the best and cheapest Dyspepsia and bilious cure io the market. For sale by all usgists. anl-ltf Itching; Piles Symptoms anil Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like per spiration, intense itching, increased by scratching; verv distressing, particular ly at night ; it seems as if pin worms were rmwlinerin and about the rectnm: the private parts are sometimes affected, If allowed to continue verv serions results may follow. S WAYNE'S OINTMENT is a pleasant and snrf cure. Also, for Tetier, Itch, Snlt-Rheum, t-cald-Bead. Ervsipeias, Barbers' Itch, Blotches, all scalv, crustv Skin Diseases. Box. by mail", 50 cts"; 3 for $1.35. Address, DR. 8WAYSK & SON, Phila., l'a. Sold bv Druggists. mon tu wed fri w J. M. SHRIVER, CONTRACTOR. -AND- uilder. Plans and Specifications Fv.r nished . Estimates Made on All Kinds of Buildings. Residence northwest corner of Adams nd M iricoua street PHoeaix. Arizona. Brand of A.H.W0RV.ELL Hole in the right, ear of all Cattle, Hoes and Sheep Mrirrria . Co. Arizona . SaSoo J. R. LOOSLEY. Finest I liquors in Arizona Corner Washington and Center Sts, BETTER THAN GOLD, USP. IN HOT WATFR. FOR SALE AT THE IJaMeii lifoJDflis pte. Sole Agents for Phoenix, A. T. Phoenix Hotel, CSALAUI, Prop. North Side of Washington Street Above tlie Plaza. PHOENIX, A. T. '-WLJST T DB ZD Wholesale & Retail Agents FOB TUB Mechanical Razor, Patewei. Constructed npon an entirely new plan, with this razor you can snavo yourself at any time, even when traveling, in the light or in the dark, without any paine and impossible to "ut yourself. Send $1.00 Greenback for Sample, with which thousands o; dollars worth of orders can be taken ttnd make from $5 to $20 per day. Address, ACENCE AMERICAN, 18, Kue de la Fidelite, Paris, France. Rare Paintings, Engravings, Photos, Books Inriosites and Novelties boneht on Commission for export. Send $1 00 as deposite and we will send you samples to select from. Letter Fostacre 5 Vt. jn. 22-6 m. w CABITJET nrrirrf fflC T IS e rnm.o-s7-e d. To the Hooper building, next to Parlor saloon. Best RestauranMn Town. Meals 25o, 35c, 50c. or dishes r"'",'"i...T.,"T,,n,' NTIFIO AND EBVOUS akd SPEL.H1. . THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. DR. ALLEN, ft rffiilni' AS IS WELL KNOWN. 19 graduated Physician and Surgeon, edncated at Bowdoin College and University of Michigan. He has de voted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to ba tho most expert Bnrgeon in his specialty on the Pacific Coast. YOUNG MEN And MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who are suf fering irom the effects of Youthful Indis cretioRS or Excesses in maturer years, Nervous and Physical Debility, Impo tency, Lost Manhood, confusion of ideas dull eyes, aversion to society, desponden cy, pimples on the race, loss ol energy, aud memory, frequency of urinating etc. Remember that by a combination of Vegetable Remedies of great curative power, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only artoid iai mediate relief but permanent cure. Sly Hospital Experience. (Having been surgeon in charge of two loading hospital) enables me to treat all frivate troubLes with excellent results, wish it distinctly understood that I do not claim to perform impossibilities, or to have miraculous or supernatural powers I claim only to be a skilltul and successful Physician and Surgeon, thoroughly in formed in my specialty. IMseases of .11 au. All applying to me will receiva my hon est opinion or their complaints jno ex perimenting. I will guarantee a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit $1,000. Consultation in my office or by letter fbee and Btrictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination. In cluding chemieff! and microscopical anal. ysis ol urine ana aavice, sa.uo. Office hours 9 to 3 daily. 6 to 8 evening Sundays 9 to 12 only. Call or address 33r. .X-LEir. H& Kearny street, San Francisco. Cal, rEemember. the Doctor has a Veer etable, Compound, the result of many years of special practice and hard study. which, under hie special advice, has nev er tailed of success in the enre of Lost .11 an hood, Pi-ONtatorrlica. etr. o-20-ly-tf dDr.Liebig LU Private IHspeusai-y. fY 400 Geary St.. San Francis o r co, tai. Conducted hy Qualified 5s2j if) Physicians and Surgeons- it.'X'H 11 reiniur 3rramiHies . vrt? ri lalie E X . Ill t , st in the united States, whose life long expkiiienck. perfect meth od and pnre medicine in sure SPEEDY and PERMA NENT cures of all Private. Chronic and Nervous Tis ocscii. Affections of the Blood. Skin. Kidneys. Blad- Q der. Eruptions. Ulcers. Old - Seres.Sw. lir.g ot the Glands, ST Sores Mo !h. Throat, Bone Cj Pains, permanently cured T and eradicated from the system for life, NERVOUS? seminal losses, ?'xuai c Decay, Mental and Physic al W'e'akness, Failing Meni ory. Weat Eyes, Stunted Development,Inipedimenis to aiamage, eic. , lroni .Excesses or xoum ful Follies, or any cause. Speedily, Safely anil Privately Mired. Voauii'. MitUUe- Aiced ami Old men, and all who need medical skill and experience, consult the old .Euro pean Physician at ouce. His opinion costs milling, ami may save future mis ery an'' shame. When inconvenient to visit th city lor treatment, medicines can he a at everywhere hv express, free frnm nliiterratioii. It is eltevident that a phveieian who jives his whole tern ion Io a class of diseases attains (Treat skill, and physicians throughout the country, knowing this, frequently rec ommend rti moult cases to mo uiuest ieetalist. by whom every known good, remedy is used. The Doctor' Ace and Kxperienee maicen.'B opinion of tsnpreme. importance. E1 "Those who call see no one but the Doctor. Consultations free and xucved ly Confidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relict i Isewhere espe cially soucuea. remote success- tuny treated. The oetor will aeree to forfeit J.4HM) for a case ui derta ken not cored. Call or write Honrs: Daily: rrom v a. m. to 4 p. m. : b to o. evenings Sundays, IO to lit only. Send tor Tie Sanitarist Guide to Health;" sent free Address as above. e?7"Thc services of the celebrated old German Physician, Dr. O. Gl RA KD. from S'ransDurg, have been secured at the L1EB1U DISPUNSaEY. His fame as specialist for diseases of men is universal lv known, and hundreds are ilailv avail- ing i-hemselves ol the oppormaity of free consultation, personally or by letter, in an languages. IHt. lilEBICi'S Wonderful Oerman Inviorator r-ermanentiy prevents all unnatural Lioss es from th system, tones the nerves. strengthens the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates the who;e system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Hap piness. The reason so many cannot ct cured ol bemmal v eakness, Loss ol Manhood, etc is owing to a complication, called PROS- TM'UltKHEA With H YPEKAETHESI A which reouires nernliftr lretniAnt. Tlr iiiehig's Invigorator ia the only positive cute lor rauM ATOBBUHA. WUh pecnl iar Special Treatment, used at L1EBIG DISfbNSAKT. Price of Inrisorntur a. 'Caseol six bott'es, $10. Sent to auy address, cov- eieu ecsuireiy irom ooservanon. Most ijotverfnl electric belts free to pa tients. 'lo prove the Wonderlnl Tower of the IMVltrOHATOK A Bottle liiven or Mont Free, Consultation Free and Private. Call, or address. Dr. Liebic's Wonderful Man-nettr. Heal ers or Self Magnatisers, the greatest cura tive invention of the arc. Every man or wuuiau can now oe tneir own Magnetic Healer. It can be used without tue aid or a professional hand rnbbtr. ronse quently no big fets to pay; price $5.00. complete; Sold only at the Dr. Liebig Die pensary. 1. II. Kit. UISEXHIKY, 400 Geary street San Francisco, Cal. Private entrance 405 Mason Stroet, four blocks ul Gearv street from Kenrnv. Main entrance through Dispensary Drug lure. rpWXTY:i'lV yeart t9 FFti, A. oi iiracncal cxper eiice in the optical liasi uea euablcs me, upon a .mere examination otthe eyec. to adapt sneeticlet wnieii win immeiliatciy remed.T anv exiatins defect of vision. Tiiouanuas of people have their eyes per. manontly injured by neglect and'by pur cliasinjr glasses trom incompetent and in experienced persons, which inuirv srad ually lncre&eet and eventually ruins ihe eight. The eye, bein the most delicate oi organization, needs skin, care and prompt attention to preserve it, and I re commend all persons not to delay, but to call and have their eyes examined free ol charge and epeetacles property adjusted necessary, t inc etocK or optical uoods Chas. Field Opera and Spy Glasses, X . M AXX AMK, Optician. 211 Kearny St., San Francisco. DO YOU KNOW THAT LORILARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO Wilh KeJ Tin Ta?; Kooe Leaf Fine Cut Chewing; Saw ?l nat anil Black, Brown and Yeilow H.WKfr'S aro the best and cbeanest, quality consitlered ? au7 lyw Fashion Stables C FEED, I LIVERY SALE STABLE. Cor, Jefferson acfl Center Sts. One block south of the Herald office PHOENIX, ARIZONA. First-class Turnouts of all Kinds, With or with out Drivers. Kriijilv- . -"ie Si-ie: SeKtmN .;onic, Ni (Si ty iiauriM'i t 1? jast what its name implit Purely Vegetable pound?. acts directly upon tie r ; f the many diseases inci o thai l portant organ, and pi ting the-' raerous ailmWits t arise ro: i deranged or 1 ICtlOB, . Dyspeps: w v I aria, Sick-teadacn I Ehe etc. It is tuereiore f ToTiave CioodHealti trtu5rxt thaXweTmust be 'ketit in order."v K BR. BAlirOED'S LIVES IKTIC 0EAT0E Invigorates the Liver, Keeuiatestneuow- la RtrpTifrthens tne system, ruuura Blood , Assists Diirestion, Prevents Fevers. Ta TTonsphold Need. Jn Invaluabli family Medicine for conimoa complaints IB. BAHrOED'9 LIVTB. KTYIGOKATOa sands of Testimonials prove its Mcrit STbIokd T24 dwss st., n tok cn Buffalo Portable Forgi AND HAND BLOWEES. Wawranted Sun or to any otV make and prices lower than the lowest. . Especially Adapted for BLACKS3HT1IS, ' RIAI.F MAKEKS, AKJIfcliJi, MAt itl . J Send for Catalogue BUFFALO FORGE COM PAN BUFFALO, N. T. J Mention this paper. I PAYNE'S IO Horse SparK-Arretf Pine Board in 10 hours, bttmiag slabs trt BHIT 1X1 VlUk ICUfJ 1U9, Our 10 Borse We Guarantee to famish powt to saw 8.000 feet of Hemlock boards in 10 ou Our 15 Moric will cut 10,000 feet in sams tiii uur iupines are guabahtf' to furuieh a horse -poweri 5 less fuel snd water any other Enrrina not AMia--an Automatici If you - want a Station tortsble iiupine, Bniler. cular Saw 11:11, ' BhaftinRl x-uiiies, eitner cast or Medditl Patent Wrought Iron Pull Bend for our illustrated CI logne, B. W. t,.. . ror information and pril i-, u- k i.imira. ft. X. Eox iREUABLE SELF-CURE " A favorite rtrpRi.-fltttfrm nna vF Kuusb uulbu Buccessim ppeciausts in too I'-cmI uww reiircu) tor ixik CurR OI J fVOI?i? MPeMlitJH JCro( JVanAotMl, IVeatzness aud Itee&y. Seta iu uiuu suttieu ui vtuopereei JJrugiata ran " 1 1 U Address DR. WARD & CO., Louir.ana. Mo. The Four Points tu Ik rmshlerot1 by pnrrhasers examiainir Into tl THE CURABILITY, CAPACITY ANO FIXtSH. AH tliosfc valuable features are embodied to a marked degeinTtiB Advance. Manufantured by the CLEVELAND EUBBEH COMPANI CLEVELAND, OHIO. j --4- " j ' f " BEST SATKIJiOXIAL PAPEB PIBUSUED. Handsoinrly Illustrated. ESTABLISHED IS8I. liach nnmber contains over 100 adrertisementa J of Ladies and Gentlemen wanting correspondents. Sample copy lOcte. (silver.) Address, Hbabt ano hand, obo r auerwn Ave., Chicago, iix. iSj?" Name this Paper, RESTAuRANT Washington Street, oppo site Court Uuuse, has run for FIVE YEARS, OLDEST end BEST Eating House ia Town. Sets best table m the city. Gill Ff S Single meals , . . . SOets 'I