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VOLUME VII. "NGROES AND NIGGERS." On Who Think Higher Negro So ciety Should Be More Careful. To The Star: The Star la to be highly commended for Its treatment of the suhject, "Negroes and Niggers." No greater service can be done the Negro than to arouse him and make him reform. 1 have studied Negroes carefully and feel that The Star was eminently right. Mr. Bowser falls short of The Star's meaning. Few of what Is called the better class Negroes concern them reives one way or the other about the welfare of their lower element. It Is not these that they defend. They ' feel themselves to be too high above tthcm. Hut it Is the morally deficient In their own class that they shield and protect. One of the most glaring Incongruities la the make-up or that higher class. Head the police records and then read an account In the Ris- In. (Sun nt ino ft the smnrl functions in Neprodom and see who It is that ; lead Negro society In this city. The Negro loafer may not be there, but the man who devotes all his talents to the making of Negro loafers Is there, with his wife robed in silks and be decked in diamonds, and few there be who are not proud to do them honor. These men have every cncouiagemcnt to keep up their nefarious business. They make money, live well and rank j with the High school teachers. Dress and show have nearly all to Oo with entrance to Negro society. ! Any one out of the frailest family of any quarter of this city may gain ad .)rrn to he best that go" on If he hut be good looking and have the tast to dress well and the precaution to spend freely. Of course, no one will pretend to know the rest of the family, but this lucky scion will have the man tle of protection thrown around him and ho will he safe, so long as he Is A screct and society sees cause to iterate him. l"ntil Negro society is baseii upon something more lasting tlan mere fancy and outward appear- ce the Niggers w ill largely outnum- I the Negroes. Negroes should have more respect for truth and moral worth. They should hold up the truth In their I I urches and schools, und show by their honest dealings In the every day affairs or life that they are men. They should protect the virtue of their women and guard the honor of their children. They should reconstruct their "better class" and. having done so. make snrne attempt to lift up that class that so often falls Into the cluthes of the law. Oet acquainted with them and help them and yourself, too. A Looker On. Who Is a Negro. K. C. Star. In touching upon the above ques tion, Mr. "looker On" evidently surveyed the ground very thoroughly In order to give the situation as many persons see It. No one, except those whom the shoe fits, will scarcely take umbrage at what has been said and the unbiased will readily admit that there is much room for improvement In the Negro social st of Kansas City. This bit or agitation Is very timely and It rests entirely with that class or Negroes who would constitute the pood element or citizenship in this community as to whether the moral deficiency In Nigro society which Is claimed to exist by Mr. "Ijuoker On." fhall be wiped out of existence or allowed to continue to exist. It is a well established fact that the leaders of society should countenance every characteristic that goes to make true womanhood ar.d true manhood in or der that the mantle of protection be thrown around the coming Negro gen eiation. VINE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. The last meeting of the Vine Street B. Y". V. V. was very interesting one. The C. C. C. Chap. 34. was very beautifully explained. The 23d chap ter of Pro.. 13th verse: Through what ltltlllh'ilA lh. rirK Irw A.Awa thA I : " '. ' . w.w "" - iaw. jiu. wnat noes me word Heth tada mean? How many appeared at the- transfiguration? What w. the,dmUxJ , R wllson ,,, MlNoa, Ark of the covenant "hi i thai tabernacle or the congregation? KL1 HARRIS. It Uke tome neom mlrhtv lnn lime to forget the things they .houldn t remember. 915G : SHE IDENTIFIED THE SOUND. And Alto Gave the Teacher Some Ex cellent Advice. The morning had drifted along until the teacher found herself opposite that period of time on her program devoted to "phonics." She noted (with sat isfaction that sie had progressed along the alphabetical way until sho was In the Immediate vicinity of "S." Now. one who knows wlfitcll you That there Is much satisfaction In resolving "S" into Its elemental founds. With many other letters the reverse Is true, Take "IV for Instance. The Impres sion conveyed to a sentlve ear, whose owner Is constrained to remain near a group of infants engaged In dissecting the letter "D" (according to approved pionetic formulae). Is that the entire lot are meeting a horrible death by choking. Not so with "S." That delightful letter absolutely wags it tail at the chance it adonis the childish mind to revel in pleasant ' And what do yon think the sound of 'S' is like Jacob?" asked the teacher. Jacob (the school was in a suburb thought it was like the sound the old gander made. The teacher smiled bril liantly and assented. Jacob, she re flected, was a child "of parts." Otto Jumped to his feet and an nounced that "u you are down by the 8,tl,m Jrt wnen ,n,, tram p,,,,,, )n am1 stop8 J0U ,an hoar lt malve a lol ( .gg- The teacher readily discerned the hisslnR rature of escaping steam and commended Otto. It remained, however, for Annie, sklun and dteamy-eyed, io evuive the definition that lived. "I tell you. tc.icher," she. piped, "when you put hot poker In your beer It makes a noise like 'Ss.' " Then she sat down, only to rise ugain, and add: "Hut, teacher, never put tin poker In your bcr when It Is summer . or It w ill make it go bad." New York Times. Interposed John Kendrick 8angs. John Kendrick Hangs, riding In a Hroadway surface car the other dny. overheard two kindergarten young sters discussing the question that has been giving Mr. Kipling so mucn trou ble, vi., whether bananas grow up or down. "Well, Miss Harrison rays they grow down." said one tot. authori tatively. "And I've seen them growing up my ownself," said the other. lt was a case of authority versus assurance, and the genial humorist diplomatically Interposed. "You see." said he, "the world Is round. Hanaras do grow down on one side the world, but on the other side they of course grow tip. Don't yyu gee?" , Imagination and (lines. An interesting experiment was re cently made by a Dr. Durand, in ref ererce to the relative power ef Im agination of the two sexes. He gave to one hundred of his hospital pa tients a dose ef sweetere I wnter. and shortly afterwards entered the room, apparently greatly ngiwi'ed, saying be had. by mistake, adminis tered a powerful emetic. In a few minutes four-tiflhs or the subjects were affected by the supposed emetic. These were mainly men. while all vt those not affected were women. OBITUARY. Mrs. Christina Houlds departed this life January 12 at the late residence of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Heech amm, Gfi2 Hark avenue, at the age of loil years. Shhe leave two children, two grandchildren and one great grandchild and a host of loving friends to mourn her loss. Sleep on, dear mother, sleep In peace; thy precious life from us has gone; around CSod's throne you shall rest In peace, until the resurrection morn. She will be buried Sunday after noon from Pleasant Green Haptist .church, at 1 o'clock. Hy the order or the Sons and alugh ters or Jerusalem. Funeral to be con- Th Speech of Monkey. After fourteen years' study of th monkey race. ITor Career ha com ' ,h ','"'l"ln that their vocabu- Ury I not large emumh to hurt. KANSAS CITY, MO., FRIDAY, JANUARY Hi. 1.KW. Williams. Walker THE TWO REAL COONS." BALL AND BANQUET IN HONOR OF WILLIAMS AND WALKER. The ball and banquet tendered the relehrated stage artists, Williams and Walker, on Thursday night of last week, was one of the grandest social events of the season. The courtesy was extended under the courtesy or the McKay's Henevolent Association. Or. T. C. r'nthauk Introduced Nelson C Crews, who acted as master of cere monies. Mr. Harris, mnnuger r the Williams and Walker company. In speaking or Negro theatricals, paid a glowing tribute to Williams and Wiilker. He spoke of the difficulties which he encountered in connection with seeming theatres and other ac commodations and courtesies lor Ne gro troops. His efforts In that par ticular have been persistent to the ex tent that at this time he i an i-eciirc any opera house In the country, Mr. Lewis Wood of the Sun, represented, Mr. Jiidah. of the (irand. Among the members of the cuinpa:i presente I THE REV. E. T. DEMBY GOES TO CAIRO. The Hcv. K. T. Henihy. who has been rector of St. Augustine I'piscopal church, colored, has rccurcd a i:w charge nt Cairo, 111., a! a salary of 1 1. Vim and parsonage. The church work of the Hcv. Mr. tvmhy in this community was quite satisfactory. He was kindly remembered by a number of members of his church pt lor to his departure for his new field. --The Star. TUSKEGFE INSTITUTE NOTES. The new year has started out very we'l in deed, with the school. Dur ing the week of prayer quite a num ber of students were converted. Dr. Frank H. Sanders, dean r the Yale Divinity school. Yale I'niverslty. Is spending a while with us. He Is lecturing to the young men or the Phelps Hall Bible Training school in the morning, and to the student body at night In the chapel. It has become known that Mr. An drew Carnegie s to visit tne Tuskege Normal and Industrial Institute some time during the later part or February or March, to inspect the new library building at the school, for whb h he gave the money sometime ago. 8cv eral photograph of this building have ! been sent Mr. Carnegie, and he has become very much interested in the building, especially In view of the fact that the plana were drawn by one or the instructor ir the school, and was practically built by students or the school. were Dert Williams, (leorge Walker, Fred l)uglnss and .1. A. Schiff. Mr. Moon, the private manager of Williams, ("d WaP'er rci"i"-c ntoil the Indie of the company, among whom were Mrs. lit ceil lapiey aiitt Mrs. Jennie Davis. The banquet tables were decorated with (lowers, (ieorge lliirils, or the show, a "Kentucky gentleman." whose name also recalls "liuio Tom's Cabin;" A. Judnh. manager of the (iiand theatre; Hen Uosenthnl. adver tising agent or the t:iii:iil. Mini others were prest lit lis guests. To Hell Williams ami ! go Walk er, the stars or the show, the occasion was vety enjoyable, but pni tlculnt ly to Walker, who (alls Kansas City his home, lie was born In lawrciice. an., ami as a little negro boy used to tell papers In Kansas City. "I used to sell the Star Hint (he Times down on Kll'lh street." said Walker last night. "It was a i;oid n any years ago. at least ii s. fins so." Now W-ilker ami Williams an- t In- leading Negroes on the slate. I DISHOP HART2ELL ON AFRICA. Mlshop .1. C. Hart.. II. D .IV. I.. D I . will ndiLess a n.uss mietiv.g of nilotid ptople on "Allien." on next Tuesday evi nit'g nt " It at the lim ns M. K. t linn It. corner 11th and Iti-hop Hurtil Is one of the i trong est nun of lite M. K. church. He spent many yeais among the colored peo ple or the South In the F. A. and So. K society. His woik Is now in Allien. F. ci vone should lit ar hint. Come. .!. M HAKK1S Pastor. Bird Find Refuge on a Lightship. The captain In charge if a light ship situated at the entrance to San Francisco harbor recently reported to the Culled States light house com missioner that a large number of laud blrdB took refuge on board the ves sel. A flense smoke from northern forest fire hung over the locality and completely obscured sea and land. Kvideittly the birds had lost their way, and, exhausted by their long flight, the wanderers lighted on the ship undeterred by the presence of t'! crew. At one time sixty of the feathered guests were counted on va rious parts of the ship. Owls, cranes, hummingbirds and other non-marine species were noticed during the time. Wood-Pigeon Hurt Crept. Wood pigeon do more haim lo Urilihh crops tbau any other birds. A GREAT ENGLISH JOURNALIST. Characteristic of the Editor of the London Spectator. A conspicuous lltlilsh invader at the moment Is Mr. St. Leo Strarhey editor of the famous Spectator. No onn who stut'lcs his portrait will ques tion the strength of tie character bark of the countenance, but, to our mind. Mr Straiiuy's must pleasing characteristics are his Inelslveness ami hrtadth. It goes without saying tl at his early eiliiealloii was neglected because, forsooth, this Is his first isit to America; nevertheless, bo knows a ileal more of our country than ninny of ourselves know. and. while viewing our Idiosyncrasies with that amused tolerance which no true Hrltisher can hide anil which. In turn, is amusing to us, he is the most con spicuous, consistent and stanch friend of the I'nltcd Slates to be found in London. He is also, in our Jmlg llienl, the ablest of Fngllsh Journalists. It Is well that he should come here Mini acquaint himself with our people, and It Is lilting thai w. should e press our pleasure of seeing him ami our wish that he might remain longer. Harper's. Weekly. 6URELY WORTHY FIRST PLACE. New York Tribune Man Discover the Champion Grouch. Some men are afl'iilile ami want to talk with eery one they meet, w.ille other men are not. mid want to lie left Blono In their shells. Kxtrcines. met on a Sixth avenue elevated train the other tiny on1 oi t lie dink, rsmy .lays. A grim, grouchy Individual sal in a corner scat nailing a pap'T. At forty second street a trim little man got on tl n i I look the seat next to the sour one. Alter settling himself com fortably ho remarked: 'This is voty nnsty weather. Isn't It?" The surly one looked up from his paper, glared nt him a nit. i. 'cut. and then r-'pllcd. "Is that any or your darned business?'' New York Tribune. Pie Filled with Live Bird. The new governor ol llrltlsh Cut- ! una. Sir .lames Swctleuhaiu. Is a man i of original Ideas, snvs a Kingston ! correspondent In the Nashville Han I tier. He gae a bull the other day. and al supper an eiuciuom pie wan I placed In Iroiil of him When h ! tut the crust lour mid twenty little blurs hopped our and Hew alioiil 'tis . room. Their feathers It it I been paint ci in brilliant colors At llrst ll wan thought that the lib'a was to lllii'iliiile II well l.i own nursery t It in.-, but it ' appears that this sort of bird pie is a popular custom In the Malay slates, where Sir .lames conies from The birds are eaui'.hl n lot passed mound among the cuosH. feltune IteiiK', sup posed to sit. he iipoli nil who liinitlle ' them. TAKING DOLLS TO CHURCH. Bold Innovation Proposed by on Eng lish Minister. llev. It. II Armstrong, president of mi Kuglish liiltiirian assoi iailoii. at a recent conference said Luit he I. a I adopted the plan of prein hlng a spielul sermon lo children tune In every five or six weeks, but that even this was not sitllli lenl induct incut to keep the Utile tots quiet III church. I In was anxious to Institute a reform by a novel appeal to t ie mothers He requested em h toother to bring her Ii' le girls to cliuiih with a doll, which should be the "t linn Ii doll" ai d which the child should keep perfectly still during the w hole service. It is iiiiIot discouraging to hear that not one lish mother l HI l ied bis good adv ti c 1 Ii lo effect, perhaps because nolle was strong minded enough to begin. Hut Ii certainly would have a quieting et feet on a good many children one sees in church on a sunny Sunday morniuy, when the restless legs and busy brains want to go out and play very much n ote than they want to sit quietly by mother in church. Antlr In Cottonwood Tree. Out Iroin Hock Springs. Wyo , a frw miles on the road to drown Park, a big cotton wood tree stood till a few weeks ago with an antler of a.i elk Imbedded in the trunk. The wood had grown around the antlers and the tale of how the antler catuu there la lost. NUMKKR ttl. Clipping. The Springfield Repulilli nil suggests the sending of ciltitiitcd Negroes from .he South to teach In the Philippines Hie Nenro race in the South has not t reached the standard of cdiiiation vhore It can furnish teachers toothers. Florida Times I'tilon The "Times I nlon" has a bad cum1 of eoloi ph il ia. that's nil Wo know Negroes by the hundreds who run leach the Solomon who wrote the above lies Ni groi s in Flotilla, who I ri i 1 1 an i iliieat ional standpoint, i an make him look like llaluam's as. We would call attention to the fact that notwithstanding what the "Times China desires, i duration ami culture are not in the color of the skin, but In the quality of the "gray matter" which ol'e possesses, ami we are In clined to the belief that the man is la. Vug In this important particular. To lis nothing Is so absolutely pitiable as a w hlle fool. I V We thank liml lor a President who will slaml up lor ruiit. ami who will Hot slum! by and see the tlicnlty of this great government insulted, be 1 1 1 1 lcil and set at naught, simply be cause that ollieiul happens lo he a Negro woman and that Negro woman a postmistress in Mississippi. We have not forgotten the murder of rostmnslcr Hakcr, the shooting ol li is. lamlly. the burning of the post olllee bv the South Cat'oliiia Ihiigs. We thank Hod torn Itoosevtll! May Cod strengthen his hands, stit' lea his backbone enlarge Ills heart, lucreasc his determination, fire his soul -an,i swear lilni again at the altar of human rhiits. K The Atlanta Age nives this r.cnlle ii I'M i ii ; lo certain of Hie b oh. la filv. who seem to be croud nn Hie ".llin Crow" slieet tars: If the Mrect (ar authorities, in hav ni: i ompaittui nt ears opeiated. would llforee the I III.' for sepal ill Ion of aeos. all will work well. great unity Negioes, it Is due, will walk lisltllil of tide, hut tho.-e who do ride 'III. IIS a lllle. he tolitehlci! Should .hilt s t loud iii the pait ot the ;ir some Saturday utuht von will have i tale to tell the captain Ner.voes tie glow no; mean ,u -I like white lulk The Savannah. !a. iiiluiue thinks r Cros'.laiid's o.ii.-h .omluil in how mn his handit'.ess wiih ,t toin will, i nunc exit nt, iltsciedii the whole are The Tribune says The atliots ni Minister lin-slamls l the Minimi lau cupitol are tun al ;l eoinplll,,i. mat v to mil people Men I llllil pares should lie ever llllellll I llui,' every aillen and word Yes, It now n i ins Hint besides !. online Mi lit 1 1 1 1, ti . I liei nil: e 1'aillk . r olieitri In lio-s!allil II . iellltt lllg he II lit 1 1 1 I n I anlkllel s Wile, the i ii lor kil,..l ii native w,ih ln ,n -t"l Sin Ii ii man Is daunt roil- in ii i mil. 1 1 v I Mi C.ili r. k Patf. t tl.el in I he I-1 1 1 lean'' la t w et-k. mal i s us Mnk ot Will Hai il ' ol the oid liim . Oi-1 tv ei ." lit lis I-1 v ml I Mi t '.tl ke: . CAT LIVCS IN ICE HOUGC And Seem to Enjoy Low Tempera ture of the Place. In one ol lii!udclphia's big eol'l Storage warehouses, says the Keetuil ol that t ity. is a cat Hint lives ion slaiitly ill a Icmporalurc ef ten degrees above ri'i'o, winter and summer. Moreover she seems to like It, ami on the Hire occasions when r" Is re moved to Hut miter air she mews mid n mil lies at the door to get back srnln Kills and mice also live and thrive in thai tempi rat ure, which la the secret of the cat's presence there. "We put her In the compartment that p listers :;u decrees originally," said the manager of Hie warehouse the other day. "We had In en overrun with rodents, and we turned the cat loose as an experiment. She seemed to like It, mil w hen we moved her lo Hie colder temperature, It had no III effect upon her. It would he Interest ing lu know at Just how low a tem po lnrc a cat could sustain life." Varying Purity of Air. While over mi.iiimi l aeterla per liter wnrp f 1 1 1 i ii 1 1 In the sir nf t tl tl 1 tiiise In I Paris only six were to hit found In tho same quantity of air of the mountain top.