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B r V iirm:. JfTl ATTN V..-."-,v.a-' " .. . -.0Uif2-t ft f xTSfiri VOLUME VIII. KANSAS CITY, KAS., LOCALS, ETC. At the Forum Sunday afternoon, "Higher Education Where and How to Get It," was the subject for discus elon. Since the question of separate .high schools has been in aggltatlon, many have become very Interested and are studying the best steps to be taken. There was a large crowd present and not a few speakers expressed their views. Prof. A. J. Neeley, chairman of the education committee, made the opening remarks. He advocated the present system of education In our city and recommended as a change, an Improvement In the conduct of the boys and girls who take advantage of this opportunity. lludge I. F. Hradley gave most ex cellent and timely advice which brought to the minds of the listeners some facts we cannot afford to over look nor neglect. Miss Ethel Stafford spoke strongly on the necessity of us staying with the whites and proving ourselves by be ing measured by the same standard with them. Mrs. Hev. Griffith, Mr. C. Patterson. Rev. E. C. Edwards, Rev. E. A. Wilson, Mr. D. W. White and others urged the necessity of looking reality squarely In the face and begin ning at the fireside the homes and eee If the needed Improvement was not among ourselves and our children. Mr. F. A. Turner, Kansas City, Mo., was introduced to the Forum and talk' d on the needs of the race in general In every avenue of life there Is a need of loyalty to honor and manhood to jirlncln! And truth. As a iwnlt of this meeting each high school pupil will receive a special Invitation to attend the next meeting of tlje Forum, Feb ruary 22nd, at. which time the moral committee will report. There was a good attendance. J. J. Thomas was chairman, Miss Emma F. Brown, sec retary. O. W. Shepherd for mayor, who knows what, happened last Tuesday. P. J. Nugent will look after the city's Interests in the clerk's office for the next two years. Corvine Patterson is just as jolly. Ho. with Smith Bradley and others. will be on the firing line. The Forum at the Metropolitan Bap list church is as it should be a place for the intellectual study of race ques tions. E. F. B. GLEANINGS FROM PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH. "Located In Rear of Independence and Tracy Avenues. Sunday school opened at its usual hour, 9; 30 o'clock. Superintendent not being present. Rev. E. M. Wilson. pastor, opened services. Secretary being absent, Miss Lottie Taylor asted pro tern. Explanation from Cluster Ix'af by Pastor was most excellent and exceed ingly Interesting. Eleven o'clock services consisted of praises, which meetings are held on the second Sunday In each month. At the beginning of the meeting, congregation sang, and read 116 Psalm led by pnstor. Praise meeting was led by Mr. Wheeler, one of the deacons. Most of our members said that words were inadequate to express the senti ments of their hearts regarding their Creator. Hut they gave us an Item ized description depending on their thoughts as an Instructor of the idea and sentiment, of what they desired to express, as it was better felt than told. The mooting was glorious, and each ono left the church very much up lifted, and awakened to the sense of their duty. We had a large audience. Rev. Lock of Lees' Summit, and Rev. Finnell of this city being present with us. Song by congregation, "Name of Jesus." Dismission. Services at 3:30 o'clock, the second Sunday In each month being commun ion day. The doora of the church was opened for the reception of members and one brother, Fitzpatrlc, came for ward and joined by Christian experi ence, being years of age. When Mr. Fltspatrlc came forward and joined the church to help us push the battle to the date, It moved the audience to tears. The service is nt this time unsur passed In the history of the church. Every Christian In the audience seem ed to ho greatly animated by the spirit. B. Y. P. U. opened at usual hour. Pros Ident F. L. lewls, presiding. Report , f social committee. Remarks by pas tr. Members read the 4th chapter of Geneses, led by President. Lesson Gen. 4: 8-12 read and discussed. Pres ident announced that the literary so ciety would meet Immediately after the revival closed. All leading sub jects of the day discussed. Regular services at 7 : 30. Song, "Am I Born to Die," by congregation. Song, Blessed Jesus," by audience. Congregation read from 5th chapter of Matt., led by pastor. Choir entered choir box, peeled forth the beautiful hymn, "Father I Stretch My Hands to Thee. Sermon by pastor. Text, "Ye Are ihe Light of the World." Matt. 5: 14; Subject being, "Can We Depend Upon You," which was discussed with great pathos. He took up the gates that leads to the celestial city, and the gates that leads to the city of destruction. After the most excellent discussion, the choir sang, "It Pays to Serve Jesus." Doora of church was opened for the reception of members, and one Miss Alberta Davlnport came forth, and joined from Christian experience. Choir peeled forth one of its beautiful anthems, "Lift Up Ye Heads, Oh Ye Gates." Collection, $20.30. Choir sang, "God of My Salvation." A series of meetings will be continued indefinitely until church sees fit to discontinue them. eBnodiction. G. W. M Significant Court Decision. The decision of the Kansas City court of appeals that the combination of brewers that, exists in that city la a trust of the kind expressly forbid den by the statutes ol Missouri, and that nny person who Is indebted to the brewers In the combination need not pay his bill ami the brewer cannot collect the debt even by going to the courts, Is an Indication of the trouble that Is brewing everywhere for unlaw ful combinations. A Question for Scientists. Lord Kelvin concludes I rum observa tions of light waves, cujiillary attrac tion and the movement or gaseous molecules that the diameter of a mole cule varies between one millionth and one-hundred-niHlionth of a millimeter, Lothar Mayer calculates that a quar ter of a million billions of hydrogen atoms weigh about fifteen grains. How minute, then, are the corpuscles of which the atoms arc formed. Certainly a Sound Sleeper. Paul Kruger in his memoirs tells the story of a secretary whom ho pun ished for being drunk by tying him to a wagon wheel. During the night $. 000 Kaffirs and about 4. Don Zulus at tacked the Boer camp and were not driven off till daybreak. The secre tary slept so Bound ly that ho noticed nothing of the fight, and the next day, when he at last awoke, he looked around In astonishment and asked: "Have yon people been fighting during the night?" Prize for Life-Saving Device. The Johannesburg Chamber of Mines offers prizes for practical sug gestions and means for obviating min er's consumption, w.ilch Is thought to result from the fine dust made by the drilling machines. The following awards are offered for the three bent practical suggestions and devices on the subject: First prize, $2,!i(Kl and a gold niednl; second prize, ft.SfiO; third prize, Lino. Salt Good (or Sheep. Experiments on the Milne of salt In the food of sheep have liecii recently made In France. Of three lots of sheep one had no salt, a second had half an ounce daily and a third had three-fourths of an ounce The sheep taking salt gained more flesh and had better wool tnan those without It, and the sheep getting hnlf nn ounce did better than those getting more. Work ot Christian Endeavontea. The Christian Endeavorers of Amer ica have built twenty. nine churches In destitute portions of the United States. Twenty-one ot theso have been built by the Christian Endeavor Missionary league ot the Iteloinied church in America. Latakia Tobacco. Latakla tobacco obtains us peculiar flavor through being sprinkled with water and allowed to ferment after Ihotongli fumigation with the smoke of resinous aromatic wood grown Id Sjria, stales a Consular repoii. KANSAS CITY, MO., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, INDEPENDENCE NEWS. Revival services are going on at the Second Baptist church. Rev. N. H. Caldwell of Indian Territory Is con ducting the meeting. Rev. J. J. Clark or the M. E. church, returned from Topeka, Kas., Saturday, where he had been visiting his family. Mrs. Howard, the evangelist, who had been assisting In the meeting at the A. M. E. church, left for Fort Smith, Ark., Thursday. The funeral services of Cynthia, the 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson of Kansas City, were held at the A. M. E. church there last Sunday at 2 p. m. The last quarterly meeting for this conference year will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday. Rev. M. H. Harris of Burn's chapel. Kansas City, will preach at 3 o'clock. All are in vited to attend. A movement Is now on foot to or ganize a co-operative store to be man aged and controlled by the Colored citi zens of Independence, Mo. Mr. John Mason Is sollcltying agent and we trust that every person Interested in the race will take stock In It. for such movements as this tend to uplift a people. We wish the enterprise great success. An entertainment will be given by Mrs. Mollie Mason and Miss Henrietta Hayden at the residence of Mrs. Ma son on N. Spring street Saturday even ine for the benefit of the rally. All are invited to attend. The choir of the A. M. E. church has been reorganized under the leadership o; Sir. O.aihs Iliyut.t. Vn. I.'l' Bryant, organist. The music rendered last Sunday was excellent anil under such good management we expect fine service from them In the future, and was burled Tuesday. He was the auspices of the A. M. E. church, are being well attended every Tuesday night. The 143rd anniversary of Richard Allen will be celebrated at St. Paul's A. M. E. church next Sunday. Rv. E. Thomas of Springfield. Mo., passed through the city last Friday enroute to Ash Grove. Other's Faults. After a man has fallen, It is a ter rible task for him to prove to any of his friends that there was sufficient temptation. Atchison Globe. If there Is no snow before January there will be the more snow In March and April. When the snow falls dry, It means to lie; but. light and soft flakes often bring rain. Snow is the poor man's fertilizer, and good crops will follow a winter of heavy snowfall. When the first snow remains on the ground some time In places not ex jmsed io the sun, expect a hard win ter. Snow is generally preceded by a general animation of ;innn and beast, which continues until offer the snow fall ends. DO YOU EVER NOTICE THAT A wife often permits her affection to blind her reason. A womnn's love can become annoy ing as well as burdensome. Marriage based on honest affection v.ill withstand the ravages of time. When a woman gives way to anger She begs her own pardon with tears. Many women find happiness only when attending to the affairs of oth ers. Confidence Is not easily gained where exaggerated love of self Is found to exist. To decide between love and duty has caused hours of worry to men as well as women. The man with a vice wonders why o many persons think It their duty to make public the fact. Man often shows the hard side ot his disposition to mark more strongly the generous shades. Philadelphia bulletin. ONE USE FOR NIAGARA. Great Waterfall Suggested as Extin guisher for Volcano. Pictro Mascagnl, at the beginning of his disastrous American tour, over flowed with good humor. In Philadel phia late In October he met James K.i vcrson, the editor of the Inquirer, ami begsn forthwith to Joke Mr. Elvcison about America. "America." said Mascagnl, "is noth ing beside Italy. The Kalian stars aie brighter than the Amencaii ones: the Italian skies are bluer: the Italian air Is softer and purer. And then there Isonr great volcano. Mount Vesuvius, thnt belches smoke and fire up into the heavens. What have you in Amei lea that is equal to Vesuvius?" "What have we?" demanded Mr. El versou. "Well, we have a Niugara Falls that would put your old Vesu vius out ll nboul six seconds." ROUSED THE JUDGE'S IRC. Veijdict That Called Forth Declaration from the Bench. When Judge Edgar L. Kinsman was holding court In Caiskill a young and inexperienced attorney had as his op posing counsel an old and trice I law yer The young man represented Ihe plaintiff. Mis case was poorly pre sented, hut Judge Kinsman thought t hat the facts wen' so plain that the Jury could do nothing else than give Judgment for tl,o plaintiff. Greatly to hi" suiiirise the jury r 'ntned n ver- d r i., . .., ,. ,. ri.e ee Hashed tire, ami turning square in Ms seal ho f-nn1 ; "The court revises that Judgment and finds for flic plainfilT. And I want it distinctly understood that it takes thirteen men in this court to deprive a man of his property and his lights." Fined for Sneezing. Samuel Motter, assistant prosecut ing attorney in Uu hannn county. Mis souii, was lined ihe other day for sneezing, Ihe Justice believing the sneeze was nn indication of contempt or court. The SI. Joseph News de scribes the occui lence as follow s: 'At torney Motter. though he carries about the culture and polish or Yule ami other alma mulcts, in addition to Ihe refinement ot SI. Joseph's best circles, persists in sneezing, as did all our Missouri ancesiuis in pioneer days jusl throws hue;, his heud and opens his mouth in an inlluena smile, which is broken by lines of lender sadness just before the I wo ends meet at thr buck of Ills neck. Then he gal hers in all the circumambient ulniosphcre and microbes and lets go like a fog horn, eMing with "ash hopper." us do tin' denizens of Hlg Creek, even unto this day.'' 11 is not surprising that the court should assert lis preroga tive! One Month's Less in the Mails. A list of articles losL in the malls during October has been compiled and sent out by the I'oslotliee ilcpni I inent. These range in value Hum :, rents to Hint Include porkrlknivrs, ko dak film, electroplate. pin kagu of hairpins, scissois, playing raids, pipe, hardware, keys, bends. Mower bulbs, seeds, a;iron, dress goods, samples, (oy watch, foontdu pen, watch chain, razor, ho of salve, spectacles, pur lers, toy telephone, promissory nolo for $1,111, surgical Instruments, brass I nitons, safely pins. hat feathers, yarn, bulcher l.nife, lluee table spoons, part of dork, lype, hair bl ush es, match boxes, sampb s of pills, and combs. Johnny and His Mule. A Not Ih Missouri cdlloi given to verse writing tells of a sad accident alleged to have happened In his town thus: "Johnny hud a little mule. Its hoofs were as hsrd as rock. He used to hitch the donkey up and drive him 'round the block. One day the little mule he stopped and vould not move a shoe, so Johnny got his pocket knife ami struck him just a few. Now, when the donkey felt the knile he moved himself, you bet, ami .IV.miy -well, lie also moved; they haven't found him yet." Steel and Iron. A quarter-Inch bar of steel did not break till H.332 pounds were put upon It ; hut a bar of iron of the same ilia nn tev bore 4,50 1 pounds only. lOOIi. LEXINGTON NEWS. Rev. C. C. Calhoun preached morn ing and evening at the Second Baptist church Sunday for Kev. Hand. Kev. Daks preached Sunday morning and evening at the A. M. E. church for Rev. Gilbert and will assist him all the week in his meeting. Rev. Gilbert Is havlnc quite a success In his meet ing, lie has about 2," or 30 converts. Mr. Israel Allen of Sedalltt. who has been here assisting In the meetings, left Sunday evening for his home. The people were sorry to give him up. Rev. Anthony died Monday morning and was burned Tuesday. He was about tin years old. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family. Mr. George Porter subscribed for the Rising Son. Mr. Peter Lindsay Is quite ill and also his sister, Mrs. Alice Hayden. Is sick. Mr. Woodson Coiley is on the sick list ; also Mr. Kirk Wilson. Mr. John Mounds came down from Kansas t'ily on business Monday moan ing. WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS j of character and good reputation In i each stale (one in this county rcquir-j eil) to represent and advertise tin old! established wealthy business house of' solid financial standing. Salary $21.uu j weekly with expenses additional, all; payable in cash each Wednesday di i reel from head olfiee, Horse and ear-! lingo furnished when necessary. Kef j 1 1 Tepees. Enclose sell addressed enve lope. Colonial Co., Dearborn St.. Chicago. Was Loved by Daniel O'Connell. The death in Dublin of Miss Rose McDowell in her eigbly lirsl car re moves a link between the present gen elation uml Daniel O'l'oniull Miss McDowell in the (losing veins of Daniel O'Conucll's life was a young! lady of extraordinary liilculs and beauty. She captivated O'Connell and hud Ihe refusal ol his hand anil heart. The rejection of his tull is said to have weighed heavily on O'Connell and to have been one of the proximate causes of I tin illness lo which be suc cumbed. Working on Flying Boat, llerr 'Gnslnv Koch of ItciT.ri pro poses to coustruil a boat which will he aide to My. The experiment, he says, will be conducted on water, by means of which (lie danger of cross country trial trips would lie avoided. Hit recently showed lo Ihe German So ciety of Aerial Navigation Ins Inven tion, which consists of a low, flat and light motor boat floating on the sur face of the water It has adjustable steering apparatus and horizontal balls. Windmill in Use Again In Germany electricity, mining oilier curious results, has ichahilltiitcd the discarded windmill Al Nereslieitn a windmill supplies power for thirty six incandescent lamps, that light a large paint factory. AiioPut in Schloswlif Holsleln keeps up a steady cuircnl of thirty volts. Al Diis-eidorr a wind mill winds up a heavy weight, of which the desienl winks a pow il'il dynamo. Co-Operative Heart Breaking. It lllls olletl lii -u wouileled by neighboring towns how ii ,iinc (hut visiting Eldorado go is always gowned richly like the lily of thu valley II. nl Muidoi k explains It. "Eldorado girls," he avs. "are mighty rood to each other. When, one is go ing olT on a visit or dross parade, all Ihe oilier girls loan diamond, laces, jewelry, lingerie and Ihe like, so tli. -il she run break Hie hearts) of all tin- girls in the town jiini she Visits."--Kansa.i I'lly Journal. Fish That Are Muncil. Many fish run musical sounds. The red gurnard has earned Ihe name of seacock from Ihe row ing noise which it makes, w'lilti an other specif s Is called the piper Olh. ers, notably two species of ophidium, have sound producing apparatus, con sisting of small, iiunalile hones, which (lip be made to produce a sharp rattle. The curious "drumming" made by the Medilerrancaii fish known as Ihe mal gre can be beaid fiom a depth of thirty fathoms. A man seldom realizes how much he cun't do until he tries. NUMBER 1. HIS WISH WAS NATURAL. Lone Man Felt Nerd of Amalgamation with His Fellows. They hud been pressing him hard the whole week. The house was full of widows and pretty girls and all the other men bill himself had flown be cause they could not stand the pace. He refused to he toslurbed in bis summer arrangements and so ho stuyvd on. Sunday nli'lil they had him In Ihe coiner ami Hie time began to wane when some one started Ihe game of "what you'd rather he if you had your choice." There wore a lot of answers and a chorus of laughter ami the usual noise that goes with summer-resort pastimes, and Ihcv saved the lone man for the i Imiav When it finally reached him, says Ihe New York Times, it lound Inm not only ready, but willing "What would you rather be If you couiil have the power of t hanging yourself?" "A syndicate." was the reply. AT THE SECRETARY'S EXPENSE President Roosevelt Said to Have Perpetrated Atrocious Pun. When ihe president of the United Slates mal es a pun "II goes as It lays'" mid e er body laughs. hen Secretan Shaw was living all soil of , x k'i I ' . 1 1 1 to relieve Hie tlnaiicial stringem v he was severely criticised in many newspapers, soli!" of which tailed lor his reliieuieut In the midst of the hubbub In1 w cut lii lie' cabinet meetmi'. As hi- entered the mom Ihe president shouted ai him: " Hello. Shaw' I sec troni Ihe pa peis Hint I am expected lo do with you what Mm miners." "How is thai" lull did Willi hi.4 a Led Shaw, won- ilerlngly. "Why." said tin piesidenl, " shall bine o send um bai k to Ilea Monies'" Wa'-hiticloii Dispatch In Philadelphia 1 in il I ii An Aristocratic Caddy. Ptobnhlv Ihe mosi aristocratic caddy in Ihe country Is the one employed by Justice Harlan of Ihe fulled Sillies supreme murl. who Is an enthusiastic golfer. lie is n luight faced lad of IL'. polite and aMiniive lo a degree. When the jn.lice touched Ihe links tint oilier day the hoy was not lo be found, ami he look another boy As Justice Harlan npproiii In d Ihe I , hi 1 1 - n i h bnlit 1 1 1 1 - handsome Vhtoiia of a rub sciui li iial lamilv droe up The boy who bad been Ihe jusl u c s caddy Ihe pre vious dav .lumped out He ran up to Justice Harlan, cap In bund, ami said: "I am awlully soiry I couldn't get here a' J ii i link, inn, you see, mamma lifld a luncheon for Senator In pew, ami I Jusl couldn't get the cm l ingo to conic out In nny sooner ' The Energetic Bee. Glial, indeed, is the amount of win k winch a busy bee will do ill a day. Every load of clover consist of about iiU flown tubes, each of which (onlains a very small qunutlly of sugar Hers " 'M often isil a hun dred different li.-mls ol clover heforn retiring to Hie hive, and in order l obtain the sngai iiioessatv lor a load must, therefore, thrust their tongues Into alioiil c.oiio l i fl'i i i-ii I tlowirs. A bee will make "o nips a day when the clover patch i rutin niciil to llni hive, and llius will draw the sugar from iL'o.o'Mi ditVniit Ihiwers in I In: coiiisu ot a i in:;l" da 's woik. Go Back to the Farm. There is no nne lor conditions nf depression III ciiln-i organized labor or organized capital. Hoth depend on the markets and neither the one nor the oilier can command tbetn Tho real remedy for bard tunes, the en forced remedy for redundant labor, is II reveiKiil of the townuaril lido of population. As a last resort men must dig to live, ami they must go back In the land lo dii; The reviving movement lor the occupation of tint public lands in the west Is a healthy one even w here it lakes Ihe ffil 111 (it migration to the cheaper aiuhlu la nil H of Cauda - Exchange The so called witty remarks attrib uted to givat met, alter their demise are enough lo make them do flip-Hop in ineir graves.