Newspaper Page Text
f . U :: . J , r.'; .... . - -ss jA m mm mm a m mm mm . k -. VOLUME Till. KANSAS CITY, KAS LOCALS AND . PERSONALS. D. E. Over ta on the sick list. Voorhee restaurant ia the place tor good meals. Genial Tom Roberts was down from Topeka this week. ' Gilbert for mayon where will our boys land. Abe Rutherford is able to attend to business again after a long Illness. The Y. M. C. A. of Kansas City. Kas., is located in nice quarters" at 440 Minnesota avenue. Chas. Stewart, president; Dorsey Green, vice presi dent; Harry White, secretary. Dorsey Green, the disciple of Black stone is jubilant. He says the young crowd is the real thing. It appears that the colored men has about got control of the central com mittee. Cowlne Patterson, Reuben Harris and three other colored men are serv ing on Jury this term of court uev. R A. Wilson was in Atchison this week assisting Rev. Matthew Jones with his revival. Read and subscribe for the Rising Son. i Attend the Y. M. C. A. at 440 Mln nesota avenue. Jake Tillman, our old-time friend, has bought and paid for his home. Jake lias put in four years steady labor for our city and made It count. Robt. Patterson has returned from Sapulpa, Ind. Ter. He says the preju dice is to great for him. Judge Donohoe'a court la a busy law marL Aunl Harars follca Is a! ways In evidence. Hon. B. S. Smith for the state and Judge F. Bradley, I Vf. Johnson and Dorsey Green for the defendant show that while they plead jnillty and not guilty, that the state is ably represented by a Negro and that the defendant will be ably defended by Colored legal talent. todo, LEXINGTON NEWS AND NOTES. Rev. Gilbert closed his revival with about 35 additions to his church. He had quite a success. His greatest meeting will be held Sunday February 22nd. at which time they are expect ing to have a grand time. Rev. Oaks left Saturday morning for his home at Hills Burr, Mo. Prof. Anthony, who was here attend ing the burial of his father. Rev. An thony, left for his home Tuesday. Born to the wife of Mr. Wm. Mc Donald, a boy. Mrs. Nancy Brown Is quite ill. also Mrs. James Bolton. Miss Pinkee Wilson left Sunday evening for Kansas City. Rev. C. Smallwood was here in Kan ess City, Kas., Sunday, returned home Monday. Miss Joseph Hawkins of Kansas City came down Sunday morning to visit her mother, Mrs. Nancy Booker, re turned Monday morning. We often heard it said "that it Is too late to shut the stable door after the horse is out." Some of you people are talking and if you continue I will expose your names. Please let me alone. We ought to try every way to build up our race, not to tear it down. The legislative bodies are pass ing and trying to pass the Jim Crow car law, and disfranchizing the Ne gro and yet some of us are trying to cover up things that ought'to Ce ex posed. Mr. Grundy Bunion of Johnson coun ty has bought property and is now building. We are glad to have him in our city. He is an old soldier. Mrs. Hinch received a telegram from St. Paul, Minn., that her son, Howard Hedgwood, was dead. Since then we learn that he Is not dead but Is not expected to live long. We hope our subscrlebrs will pay up their subscriptions. We need the money now. A paper cannot run un less you pay to keep it up. You say it Is a good paper and you want what you do good published and when you do anything bad you don't want it published and if It is published you atop taking the paper a while. This paper don't want to pub lish anything but what Is good, as a general thing. A. W. W. Novel Road-Making. A new road for transport by aut mobile ia being constructed In the Congo Free State, aud at present It xtendt 450 kilometres. The method pursued Is simple enough. All (hat la done la to drive a herd of forty elephants three or four times ovar the track marked out. by surveyors. They level down obstructions aa efficiently a a steam roller. ii ii t vv f h J I .. TZZ It X V II II II STEREOPTICON ENTERTAINMENT. There will bo a first class vaudeville and stereoptlcan entertainment at Turner Hall, February 24. 1903. for the 'benefit of the Old Folks and Or phans home. The entertainment will be given un der the direction of a charitable white lady of this city. Among the views shown will be some very interesting scenes from the Philippine islands. The actors of the vaudeville were trained by M. Lester Lonnergan. The entertainment has been given before. once at Music hall for charity. Since our white friends feel them selves enterested enough to do this much for us, we should show our in terest and appreciation by a full at tendance. Miss Rosalind Reed will sing. Music and refreshments will follow the programme. Admission 25 cents. PENCIL POINTS. Large checks are the correct thing in lawsuita this season. Don't argue with a fool. Listener will say there are two of a kind. ' A coward likes to believe that dis cretion ia the better part of valor. A man'a heart la blamed for a lot of things that his head ia responsible tor. When a woman keeps a secret aha can't keep secret the fact that ahe ia keeping one. ' By the time a man gets oM enovgn to talk well he has learned the value of not talking at all. Says an Irishman: "Every man la so honest in this country that they are compelled to offer reward tor thieves." NUGGETS FROM GEORGIA. Misery sho likes comp'ny, but de wise man ain't sociable w'en ahe eroun'. Hit's a mighty good idee ter make hay while de sun shine even ef you ain't got no hoss ter eat it. Tf there were a railroad to heaven, some folks would refuse to travel that way. for fear they'd get wrecked on a star. No use ter talk tor folks 'bout de shortness er life, for ever" man in de worl' thinks he gwine ter live ter bury his frien's. Ef. ez de good book say. de right eous hardly escape, some er de best er us hed better be takln' out fire Insur ance policies right away. Atlanta Constitution. THE FUNNY CYNICS. If it wasn't for sluy hens, the fox would nut nave his reputation. Life, Tell a man he mustn't, and he will; tell a woman she mustn't, aud you'll see. Life. Often when a society woman's "cheeks burn," you can detect the odor of burning paint. Life. Many of the people who live in glass houses go into politics and they don't seem to mind it a bit. Puck. A woman doesn't fully understand how essentially alike all men are un til her boy gets old enough for other women to make a monkey of. Puck. HEBRIDEAN PROVERBS. The daily talk of the Hehridcans has a shrewd picturesqueness. "Let the loan go laughing home," they say. That is, "Be careful of whatever you have borrowed." If a person were to be met coldly on going to a friend's house, be would say: "The shore Is the same, but the shell-Ash I not the same." The impossible is denoted by "blackberries in midwinter and sea gulls' egga In autumn." "Better thin kneading than to be empty." That la, "Half a loaf la bet ter than no bread." "The man who la idle will put the cata on the fire." "He that does not look before him will look behind him." "A house without a dog, without a cat, without a little child, ia a houae without pleasure and without laugh ter." When it came to being well pre served Lot's wife had all her female acquaintances beat a block. KANSAS CITY, MO., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 190:1 DON'T FAIL PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR, THE FAM Will be at Allen Chapel, Tenth and Charlotte streets, Friday evening, Feb ruary 27. He will render an interesting pro gram, consisting of his own writings. There will also be a musical pro pram In connection. If Ills galore affect you sore And pains beset you more and more, Then do not stop; run, skip or hop To SMITH'S Apothocary Shop. With drops and pills he'll cure your ills And "PrOiE" will bring around the bills. Be Sure to Patronize & & s Q He will deliver your goods free of charge if you will call TELEPHONE 1211 GRAND. INDEPENDENCE NEWS. All the churches were poorly at tended on the Sabbath, on account of the severe weather. Revival services are Mill going on at Uie Macedonia and Second Baptist churches. Rev. W. H. Spurlock of Cape arrfcau, waH'ln the city last week vis iting friends. He reports his work in good condition. A very fashionable dinner was given by Mrs. Bin in a Shumake last Thurs day from 4 to 6 at her residence on E. Farmer street. Among those who enjoyed her hospitality were Rev. anil Mrs. Rozelle, Rev. and Mrs. Caldwell. Rev. H. C. Caldwell of Indian Terrl tory. Revs. Clark and Howard, Mes- damcs Montgomery, Bush. Taylor and Turner, it was an enjoyable affair. Rev. J. Will Jackson, presiding eld er of the St. Joseph district of the M. E. church, held quarterly nicelliiR here Sunday. He and Rev. Clark were entertained at tea by Mrs. J. C. CaM well Monday evening. Mrs. Kate Collcy, who has been en the sick list, is convalescing. IMr. Marcus Berry of Casper, Wyo., visited relatives here last week, lie is very much pleased with his home In the far west. Mrs. I .aura O'Bannon of Iees Sum mit paid her sister, Mrs. Jennie Jones a flying visit last week. We are glad to note that Rainey Hawkins, who has been seriously 111 Is Improving rapidly. The Bible Training class meets every Wednesday night at the A. M. E. church. J. C. C. Whitefleld's Pulpit on Exhibition. The pulpit which George Whlteneld two hundred years ago carried with him aa be moved about the country among the thousands who flocked to bear blm preach. Is said to be at pres ent on exblbltlou in New York City. Famous Drums. The drama used by tbt Scots Guards in South Africa have Just been sold, and In some cases lhy fetched be tween 9300 and 1350 apiece, s price T.-hlch Is nearly eight time as much as they originally tost I 4 TO HEAR POET. .1 , Thla will be your last opportunity to hear him. j Admission Adults, 25 cenfs; chil dren, 15 cents. REV. OSCAR J. W. SCOTT, Pi- j- - Pastor. QMITH The DRUGGIST. d)ITil 111 POINTED PARAGRAPHS. .. After losing bis heart a young man often loMts bis head Avoid whisky and water; it Id a dilution and a snare. Some men's littleness Is by far the biggest part of them. A gentleman of leisure excels In do ing nothing gratefully. Money ceases to talk after a miser gets a strangle hold on it. Time will tell but the woman with a secret never gives time a chance. A sensitive man. unlike a clock, is apt to go when he is run down. When the bookkeeper drops a nickel in the slot he makes a cash entry. A man has to be dunned to death before he will pay the debt of nature. It stands to reason that any man who would hook a Osb would lie about It. Don't be so aRnresslvely charitable as to make beneficiaries uncomfort able. Some men tnke a mean advantage of their wives by wearing their hair short. It's the girl who can't sing that seems anxious that everyone should know II. People who always say what they think usually think a lot of disagree able things. Speaking of real estate in cities, a front foot Is often worth more than a back yard. What the modern airship navigator needs is a safety anchor and some thing to anchor to. It sometimes happens that a poli tician Is never so much out of place as when he Is In one. The easiest money to spend and the hardest money to save Is that which you haven't yet earned. It Is better to spare the rod and spoil the child than spoil the child by using the rod too much. Marriage is a failure when both husband aud wife make the discovery that they have married beneath them. The spendthrift Is like a buzz-saw. He scatters a lot of dust while run ning around and has nothing but his board to show for It. -t - -i T-5.-X GLEANINGS FROM PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH. Ix)cated In rear of Independence and Tracy avenues. Sunday school opened at 10 o'clock, Superintendent being absent Rev. K, M. Wilson, pastor, officiated. On account of extreme Inclement weather, many were unable to attend services. Our pastor Instructed the whole school, both teachers, pupils and visitors. Mrs. Llllle R. Taylor acted as sec retary pro tern, regular sectary being absent. Explanation from Cluster Leaf by pastor, was superb. Regular eleven o'clock services. Congregation read 15 chapter of John. and Xth chapter of 1st Cor. Text, "As the father hath loved me; so have I loved you; continue ye In my love. ,1 no. 15: !. References I. Cor. S: 11-12. And through thy knowledge shaTTlhe weak brother perish, for whom Christ died. But when ye sin so against brethren and wound their weak the con- and science, ye sin against Christ. His subject was "Self Control, Endurance." The sermon was most excellently discussed. After sermon choir sang "Name of Jesus." Sunday being general rally day. $28.40 was collected. A number of members having been absent the col lection did not como up to the stand ard. Mr. F A. Turner was present and spoke to us relative to the Bohemian and Coor. songs, that were sang at the White House. In connection with that he gave reasons for publishing a Negro paper. He Is a race man. and believes in the Negroes being an Inde pendent people. Made remarks con senting the sermon. Th pastor and a number of the officers and teachers and members of the church met Sun day afternoon and read and discussed all of the home readings and the Sun day school lesson, and received valun hie Information. So many fine thoughts were brought out, and dis cussed readily. They decided to have the meetings each Sunday afternoon. Quite an Interest has been awakened. B. Y. P. V. opened at fi:3' o'clock President F. L. Lewis presiding. Les son from Renhmlad's defeat, I. Kings 20: 12 20. Temperance lesson. The lesson was read In consent led by the President. Lesson discussed su perb. Miss Annie Taylor was then cabled and acted as secretary pro tern. She then read a paper, her subject being "1'nlty." Regular services at 7:30. Song by audience, "Come We That live the lord." Choir entered choir box. sane "Father, I Stretch My Hand to Thee." Congregation read 72 INalm. led by pastor. Sermon by pastor. Text: He shall have dominion also from sen to sea. and from the river unto the ends of the earth." Subject. "The Reign of a King." He discussed King Solo mons life, and the reign of the queen of Sheba. He warned sinners to flee from tin' warth to come. Doors of church opened for the reception of members. Choir sang "Oh How Happy Are They Who the Savior Obey." Pleasant Green Baptist church some time ago purchased a lot on Tracy av enue betwieii Independence nm IV cifie streets and for thai reason the lot in the rear of Indepemlenee and Tracy avenues- Is on snle now for ILV nun. (ieiieral collection for the day, $31 nnd some cents. We feel under obli gations to the Son for having publish ed our news weekly, with so much pre cision. $ Read, subscribe aud pay for the Ris ing Son. ). W. M. Make up of the Senate. All the states in the union have their full quota of Senators except Delaware, which has none, and of the eighty eight Senators all told, sixty one of them are lawyers. Of the rest, one Is a civil engineer, two are doc tors, three are Journalists, and the oth ers are bankers, mlrers, farmers, busi ness men and politicians. New Disrovery of Science. Hitherto Tynrtall's theory that the azure tint of the sky Is due to minute corpuscles In the air has been accept ed. Prof. 8prlnger or Liege ba proved that tbe blue of the sky I purely electrical In origin, aud an essential quality of the air. l. m . NUMBER 2. IF "JIM CROW" BILL SHOULD PASS Mr. Corrigan Thinks White Passen. Bers Would Take Seats Re served for Negroes. President Corrigan of the Metropoli tan Street Railway company was ask ed this morning to give his opinion ot the "Jim Crow" bill now being urged lor passage In the legislature by Col onel John Crisp. "I don't believe It will pass." said M. Corrigon. "Conditions In Missouri do not demand It. Are the common carriers to be forced to pull a coach across the state for the three or four Negroes to be found on a train? The bill isn't practicable in that regard any more than It Is In its effects on street car companies. We have only one line in Kansas City upon which you find many Negroes. Thnt Is tho Vine street line. We might partition a car there, but if It were half filled with Negroes, or empty, the whites would crowd In. The agitation Is very largely to satisfy women. There nro few men In the North, few Southern men In Kansns City, who object to tho Negroes. It is too late now, forty-two years too late, to begin talklngot changing a condition which we have brought upon ourselves." K. C. Star. This from Mr. Corrigan. fittingly ex presses the situation. The oplnlonso tersely put by a man of Mr. Corri gan' experience only proves our con tention that tho average citizen Is dis posed to be fair and this agitation only emanates from the demagogue and small bore politician. Mr. Corrigan. we thank you. There are many men whose minds aro largo as well as their hearts. rO THE MEN AND WOMEN OF KANSAS CITY. The Negro Is passing through a cri tical period In his history. What our raco needs most to carry us through this ordeal is Christian character. Christian character must nlso be tho foundation stone of our progress. Tho Young Men's Christian Association stands for I be development of Chris tian character in Us broadest sense. The most important clement in our race is the young man. (in him the future depends as on no one else. Tim Y. M. C. A slnnds for the spiritual. In tellectual, moral, physical and social uplift of young men. No thinking man or woman will iliestlon the need of such n work among the colored men of Kansns City. The Coloivd Young Men's Christian Association ot Kansas City, Mo., lias opened rooms at SMS 10. 1-'h street. Our work at present consists of a Sunday meeting for men. n night school, monthly practical talks to men. and a rending room which Is open every evening from 7:oo to lii;im o'clock. It Is our desire to add other lealures of association work, such as bntlis. n gymnasium, an employment bureau, etc., nnd also to have the rooms open all day Instead of only in the evening, but we cannot carry on such a work without the hearty sup port of our people and W'e hereby np peal to the race loving men and worn I'll of this city to give us their moral and flnniii lal support. Wo feel that, the work we are trying to establish means a great deal to tho Colored peo. pie of this community. The undersigned members of tho executive committee will gladly re ceive any contribution, no matter how small. A. J. STAHXBS. E. IV ROSS. W. W. WATERS. HOWARD HARRIS. Honor Ralph Waldo Emerson. Arrangements are In progress In Concord. Mass , for the observance of the centennial of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson, May 25. The Social circle, ot which Mr. Emerson wa a member for forty three years prior to his death In ISM, has appointed a com mittee to prepare the program. In the morning there will be exercises in the town hall for the children, and in the afternoon the exercises will be In the L'liltut ian Inirih. Powf of Birds. What tremendous power an eagle exerts when earning away n lamb that weighs, say, sixty pounds or over!. If you take tbe weight of the bird al together. 7f pound, then it appears tbsl an I'Hgle ran develop mora tbaa two home power, sin) must put a strain or over l.ino pound ou the muscles or the wiue. 1