Newspaper Page Text
u - - - -.. ,.-aJ7r- I'm Ilulr (:" I. r.'.it gi n Tin' lone, narrow room, tin- only fv.tratu'o which was by a tirtii j passage behind rll I.iTop'n tobacco ! f!hP. was i.ut illmly Ilghte 1 by tho f'ar:t.); l.'.a- ef tin- filthy caudle not Into a thrvi'Piii;M candlestick In the rt.M llo of the taiilo. Hut a!thotn;h the l;g!.t only wigiiKy outlined tho fgur.s if foiirttN'ii moil nhout tho loard. It shone full upon our faces, and thowo.l aril l.i tielghbnr's rounti n Mice in the pallid :iow glow. At the of tho table Fnt I'll-la.-KI. his luirly form making tho liriuty el. air In whieh ho sat croak groan, liis Maunv seemed al most gigantic In-i.I," that of tho otliis. for we mro all of sunny France hut lie. Alb! i.iuv the fata! hour had mini', V" hail rhosi n our sai rllieo. 1 1 was hated of tin- people anil must ilii. Ho ha t done mm h against the rauso of lil'i-rty. ami wo all colmod Pulaski's th roe declaration that he must suffer for his oilmen. "Wo are all hero," cnld 1'ulaskl, raining his massive bend, nnd his deep voire tilling tho room. "Ho must .dir. Are we all agreed?" A hoarse "Aye!" roso from tho group ahout the table. From the drawer nt his end of tlio tahlo ho produced a handful of mnnll, white beans, thirteen of ho rounteil out upon tln tahlo In our sight. Then from another compart ment In the snmo drawer ho brought forth ono black one, and placed It with tho white. "There aro fourteen," ho said BRaln. A hat served In want of a better oceptnele, and Into It the fourteen beans were dripped. I'nhiskl shook them together, and passed the hnt to the man ut his rinhl baud. It was ton dark In t!ie room to see the color of tho beans in tho hat, had ono wished; hut tho first man looked vtralKht ahead as ho plunged his hand within and hroimht It slowly t rtli attain, closed tightly over tho bean he had selected. Ills hand re mained closed as he passed the hat to hU neighbor, and thus It went down !io table Then the hat. was passed to hip. He-fore my IIukits clutched tho lit t To b an I had been terrllled by a certain knowledge that I should draw tho fatal lot. When It was tlrmly in my clasp, however, and I had passed tho bat aloiiK tho board, that feeling left me. I felt relieved -nlmost happy; tho terrible ordeal was over, and I was Impressed now so strangely by a feelinK of exultant relief so great a reaction from my previous morbid fwar that I was willing to swear that had been lucky, and that tho fatal lot hnd fallen, or would fall, to some othor. 1 should not have to die! Ah, I was young and life was sweet to me then. Then the hat came bark to Pulaski, and almost feverishly he seized It and clutched the remaining bean, turning tho hat upside riowu upon tho table, Then I Opened My Hand. and rapping It sniart'y to show that It was empty. Then Pulaski opened ' his palm outward that we might see, and displayed a while bean. Suddenly, with tho amazement that a peal of thunder from a clear sky might cause one, I saw that the eyes ot them all were bent on mo! I iflaAcad swiftly about the table; each ii The Anarchist's Failure ii JllT TMet NATION BUILDERS. Tneaa il l not Fiir Trnri'inm of Mai. n.r gird upon thelf Me relt;i- atcel. rtnr nnv symh"! hour Ti' i-li ll.. wr.mniit ,1 luilieli'n lift nnl lil lc. Th.s" no! i'i .u p l .iai.' s v.iv. fur ilulr high tak In fur Ill'i'V.' Her nvi i lug tore, mvin nmlll.-.l by the pr.ive; Tl '. mi the royal con'clouum'S of li'Ve. Ask tu 1 1 t- ,'.ne great werk. mid. acelng It 1 i i 1 1 j ; n-Me all meer! ef pralne. I'ur.teut In ii il lii'xt gift-pure ninth- I I li-'ivl, i liutoii l'anRerlleM In the Centurv hand lay open, and in the palms thus displayed were the thirteen whit beans! It took a minute, perhaps, for the full significance of this fact to dawn upon inc. Then 1 opened my own hand. "The lot has been drawn." Pulaski's deep voice reached my car faintly, as though from a great distance. I still sat at the dirty ta ble; the pale, get fares of my com rndes were all about me. Hut I had lived over my whole life again, and its end was now at hand. "According to our agreement," our "One Barrel for Him!" I Shouted, "This for You!" leader Fald, more distinctly than before, "tho messenger of death Is to take this weapon" he drew a pistol from tho table drawer and laid It before him "and with it do his work. It Is loaded with two bullets; on is for his heart, the other for the messenger himself. It is understood?" I bowed mechanically and received the pistol. "One barrel for him, the other for yoM," repeated Pulaski, "for It Is agreed that ho shall die." Then, one by ono ,my friends came and embraced me and went out; but Pulaski passed me without a word. Only his fierce glance seemed to burn Into my very soul. "Ono barrel for him, ono barrel for me!" I muttered. Staggering to my feet, t hid the pistol In my bosom and walked through tho passage Into the tobacconist's shop. It was dark when I mado my way Into the garden. It was a beautiful garden, but gardens aro only for the rich. A great wall was built all about It, that the jMior might not even see Its beauty. All things are denied tho poor but labor; that they havo In plenty. He was In the habit of walking In his garden early In tho morning. Wo al! knew what; everybody knew it, In fart, so I concealed myself beside the path and waited. The pistol was In my bosom my hand was upon It. I could not fail to hit the mark, for ho would pass within a yard of me, "One barrel for him, the other for me!" I kept repeating, and Urns tho night wore away and tho gray dawu broke at last. At last I taw him come from tho hall and pass down the marblu steps Into the garden. Hu was a hand some, imposing old man. and hearty looking, as though be had yet many years of lire before him. I alono knew that he had but a few moments. I would let him enjoy the sweet morning air tor a llitio while, and then "One barrel for htm, tho other for you!" Suddenly there was an eager, child ish shout from the villa, and a llttlo llgvire dashed out over the portal and uown tne path with a cry of "(liamrpere!" Such a lovely, fairy like creature as sae was! She was like my little sister, and ho swung her up Into his arms and kissed her just as I had often kissed Joan ere she died. And while she prattled on, and he listened, and I watched the two, a sudden tumult arose outside the gar den. Thero wro hoarse cries, and the tramping of many feet, and Into the garden (the gute of which the porter had left open) all covered with loam ML and dust, and with the froth 4Httn. from Ms savage Jaws, dashed a huge, snaggy nruie, and rushed up Uia patti toward those two on th seat. "Mon Mrul" he crlod, and put her quickly behind him. facine tlm tn.H. dened beast empty handed as he was. tor her sake:" I muttered, and rising from the covert I Bred the first barrel of the pistol. The brute sprang nign into tne air, and then fell back to the dust, dead. While the people crowded In, I es caped. There was still a little in my purse, and I left Paris and hastened to Havre, thero to take pas sage for America. I crept about the uaK streets at night until 1 could find an opportunity to embark from my native land, and there Pulaski found uie. 1 knew he would come. I had seen It In his cruel eyes when he left me that day In the room behind th t, baceonlst's. I had not been a traitor, hut the child had sheltered him with her Innocence. Pulaski sprang upon me in a lonely place perhaps he had been dogging me for days; I know not. "I have found you," he said. In his deep rumbling voice. "Traitor! Vou were the chosen messenger of death; you drew the lot; why did you Dot keep your oath?" I could say naught. "Self accused, you dlo by my hand!" he hissed, and I saw tho flash of the steel above my head; but I had the pistol still. "One barrel for him," I shouted, "this for you!" I fired, and as I ran from tho spot I looked back and saw his hugo body sway forward, and fall, a dead thing, upon tho pavement. Then I caino to America. I am an old man now, but can I over forget? Hoston Journal. HIS CHARACTERS FROM LIFE. Where Charles Lever Got His Rollick ing Irish Stories. Whence did Charles Lever get his rollicking Irishman? Prof. Oman In bis preface to tho reissue of William (rattan's "Adventures With the Con- naught Hangers" disc loses the secret. it was clearly, he avows, from h domestic auuals of the old Klghty. eigntn foot in Peninsular days that Lever drew the creator nart of th good stories which made tho fortuiw of "Charles O'Malley." Many of lb, characters In that romance appear to the flesh In Grattan's reminiscences. notably: "The eccentric surgeon. Mauri Quill, whose fame was so great tnrougtiout the Hrltlsh army that the novelist did not even tako th trnnhia to ehango his name. His colleague, ur. u iteuy. was almost as Front on original. Many of the humors of "Micky Free seem to be drawn from the doings of Grattan'a servant, Dan arsons. "Comparing the 'real thine-'" Mr Oman goes on, "with tho work of nction, one is driven to conclude that much of what was regarded as rollick. Ing Invention on Lever's nart mm only a photographic reproduction of anecdotes that ho bad heard from nM soldiers of the Coutiaught IUngers." "Just as It Used to Be." I wish I were a boy attain. That age were but u dream. That thliips would chuiiga from what they :n To what they used to som; That I were hut a little boy, And from my mother's knoe CnuM il nl Unit ilenr old fairyland, Just as It uei to bo. If wishes only wore a horse, How fun! niifiu 1M rl.lA AiToss the .ilalns of yesterday, Hohl rnmrailoH by my slil; Onoe I d rescue captive maids; am oniiKniy depus you a sno. If I were but a hero bold, Just us I used to be. With bean-stalk Jack I'd sally forth To slants kill galore; In snven-lengiie.i boots I'd stride away To that enchanted shore Whore ogres dwell. In enstlpa huge. And mermaids swarm tho sea; Oh. how I'd love to And them all Just as they used to be. My llttlo boy says I'm nil wrons; That nothing's changed at all. Thnt he can show me ogrea tierce. And Klnnts more than tall; Then, clasping- his dear hand In mine. He lends in forth to see Years drop ns leaves; I'm young again. Just as I used to be. Frederick Mitchell Munroe In Town and I'uuntry. Child Study of the Bible. Tho sting of our loss, writes Rolle Ogden In his study of "The Literary Loss of the ruble," In the February Century, lies in tho perishing of the young associations which used to be entwined about tho felicities and ma-( Jesty of biblical phraseology. The mature and preoccupied mind will in . vain seek deliberately to assimilate! tho purely literary charm and power I of tho Bible. Later and colder stud ies cannot give what muBt be drawn in almost with mother's milk. The accumulated Impressions of child! hood, the familiarity with sounding' phrases before they are understood, tho play of young Imagination, of awo, and even superstition, about the sa cred page, together with the dally rep-, etltlon and use of the rich English of the King James version, seem nec essary to the surest and most enduri Ing grasp on the Bible merely as a' great writing. There Is a certain dis illusionment in studying the Blblo in loo cold and dry a light of reason, and though It may be a critical gain it il a literary loss. Such Is Life. I Farmer Hayrlx (looking over paper) "Skit em, the druggist. Is closing out his entire stock uv patent medi cines at half-price." Mrs. Hayrlx "That's Jlst our peski luck! They hain't a thing the niattei with any uv the hull fambly." Old Story of President Jackson. Dr. Edward Everett Hale denies the story that Mrs. Jackson, wife of "nid Hickory," explaining the origla of her asi uiness, said: "Tie glneral kicked til) kiverlot off and I kotched It ieems to be true, however, that at a dinner . party In the white house, when the lights were dim, President Jackson remarked: "The chanticleer does not burn well." A Mlxed-Up Engineer. A Missouri Pacific engineer of fle- dalia reports that the record of bis birth Is lost, and he Is in doubt about his age. Then, too, he has "made up" so much time on his trips between St. Louis and Kansas City that he Is prob ably a r or two ahead of Father Time anyway, and he's all mixed up about it. Kansas City Stir, buelllCSS lolrfOKk. The M. K. & T. Ry. has a well-estab lished Industrial Department, aiding In the selection of sites and locations for Industries of all kinds along its lines. Write If you aro Interested. We will send book. "Business Chances." and any other information wanted. Ad dress James Darker, OenT Pass Agent, M. K. ft T. Ry 204 Wainwricht Bid.. St. Louis. Plants Under the Ban. The Pennsylvania House of Repre sentatives has before It a bill provid ing that the war of extermination al ready waged against the Canada this tle shall be extended to include golden rod, ox-eyed daisies, milkweed, wild carrots and sorrel, all of which are considered pestiferous plants. Southerners Invite Roosevelt President Roosevelt has been Invit ed to attend the unveiling of the mon ument to be erected at Orchard Knob, on the Chlckamauga battlefield, in commemoration of the services of Maryland's soldiers, union and con federate, tn the civil war. The un veiling will take place on July 22. Tin Soldiers and Others. Krugcr's grandson screamed with rago and threw his box of tin soldiers nto the street when ho discovered that they were English, whereas his grandfather hud a lit when he found out that the English soldiers were not tin. Toronto (Ontario) Mall and Em pire. Quorum in House of Lords. There can bo no quorum ot the House of Ixirds without the presence of an archbishop, two peers and a pre late being needed to constitute a House ot Lords for the transaction of business. South Carolina's Tobacco Industry. The growth ot the tobacco industry In South Carolina has boen phenome nal. The Darlington market alone re ports sales of more than 7,000,000 pounds of the 1902 crop. To Force Flowering Plants. Flowering plants may be forced to blossom at any time by exposing them to ether fumes for two days twice, wtth an Interval of two days between, and then placing for two weeks In a hot house. Venezuela's Chief Product. Coffee has been cultivated in Vene zuela only since 1879, and yet It Is now the much-talked-of country's chief commercial product. British Trade Slightly Increased. British trade returns for 1902, show an increase in exports of 3,517.C04 and in Imports of 6,870,08G. Expensive Oranges. Oranges were sold at one shilling a pound in one of the London street market the other day. Locomotive to Burn Peat. The managers of the Swedish stato railway have ordered a locomotive built especially for burning peat la the generation ot steam. Johannesburg Filling Up. Johannesburg's present population la estimated at 109,452. including 4t 122 natives and 3.550 Asiatics. Large Savings Bank Deposits. The savings bank deposits ot the United States equal the national debt multiplied by three. A LAYMAN Gave Doctor a Hint About Coffee. Speaking of cofTee a doctor of Deca turvllle, Ohio, says: "We used to an alyse coffee at the medical college and In spite ot our laboratory tests which showed It to contain caffeine, an active poison, I continued to use the drink, and later on found myself affected with serious stomach trouble, indi gestion, headaches, etc. The headaches came on so regularly and oppressed me so that I found it difficult to attend to my regular duties. One day last November I met a friend whom I had known to be similarly af flicted. His marked Improvement in appearance caued me to inquire what be had been doing. He announced that he had, some time ago, quit coffee and was using Postum Food Coffee. To this change he attributed the change In his health. I took the hint, even from a layman, and mado the same change myself. The first week I noticed a little differ ence, but not much. The third week the change was almost magical. I have continue! with the Postum and now my digestion is perfect, the nerv ous headaches have entirely disap peared, and I am well. My own an alysis of the Postum Food Coffee shows It to be a pure food drink of strong character, which is a marked contrast to the old-fashioned coffee." Name given by Postum Co., BtUe Creek, Mica. Unfortunate Turkish CSfiel.1 M. Zlnovieff. the Russian minister, recently procured the dismissal nt th captain of a Turkish gtiardshlp for onmur.g 10 ore the customary salute on tile "name d" nt tho eo nr tj.... sia. The unfortunate captain gave as uis excuse the fact that his powder Was WOt. The Sllltan Hint hla fnnl.ii minister to apologise and the salute " urea in aue form next day. Will Accelerate Flre-Flahtlnn. A telescope ladder capable of being extended to a length of 85 feet and worked by means of compressed air was tested recently In Pittsburg. The ladder can be directed at a particular winaow in a burning building; a fire man lashed to the end of the ladder la snot up with It, and rescued persona need not clamber down, but the lad der can be quickly lowered with the OU lb Must Be Pet of Providence. It is told as a true story that John Chapman of Galena. Kan., fell down a twenty-foot tramway at the Blind Tiger mine and dislocated hla shoul der. He went home and stumbled down the cellar steps and in falling his shoulder was thrown back Into place. He took a drink and returned to work. Influenza Among Diplomatists. Influents, now onldnmln In Porta claims M. Delcasse, the minister of foreign affairs: Prlnca Vnn Radnlln the German ambassador; the Marquis Del Muni, the Spanish ambassador, and Count Von Wolkenateln-Trots- nurg or the German embassy. It bas been humorously Rinrcnstud that Vie Delcasse Inoculated the entire diplo matic corps. Through and Through. New Bedford. Mass.. March M At 658 First street, this eltv. Uvea a vn- happy man. His name is Ulrlc Levas- seur and he certainly has good reason to feel glad and proud. Mr. Levasseur has been sick for a long time with general weakness and a sore pain In his back. At the last ho got so very bad thnt he could not waiK without great misery. Now he is well, and In sneaklnur nf this tw.n. derful change In him he says: 1 believe It to be mv dutv tn tnii everybody how I was cured. I wm an weak that I could not stoop. In fact, I was unable to walk without great pain. I began taking Dodd'a Kidney Pills and after a two months' treatment I am well and sound again. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a Ood-aont remedy. I will alwava I.ralso thnm for tholr wonderful cure of my case. They cured me through and through. I am as strong and able a man now as 1 ever was." Some, neonle retrarri a clone mn. science more aa a luxury than a neces sity. A Woman mnv ha fal - Ia mm. plexlon and unfair in other ways. YELLOW CLOTIIKS ARB ITN8IOHTI.T. Keen them white with Red Cross Ball Rlna. All grocers sell large os. package, 6 ceuta. Nothing so forcibly reminds a man ot life's brevity as a thirty day note. To the housewife who has not yet become acquainted with the new things of everyday use in the market and who Is reasonably satisfied with the old. we would suggest that a trial ct Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at onco. Not alone because It is guar anteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand, but be cause each 10c package contains 16 cz8., while all the other kinds con tain but 12 oz8. It is sate to say that the lady who once UBes Defiance Starch will use no other. Quality and quantity must win. Sufficient unto the day Is the evil of yesterday. Try me Just once and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. The sculptor does his best to bust hla patrons. Prelate's Witty Remark. Many anecdotes are going the rounds about the new Archbishop of Canter bury, Dr. Davidson. Once, as a party of clergy were streaming in to dinner one of the company piously exclaimed, "Now, put a bridle upon our appe tites." Dr. Davidson replied with swift retort. "Now, to put a bit betweon my teeth." Honored by German Emperor. Theodore Gier of Oakland, Cal., has received from the German emperor word of his election as a member of the Order of the Crown. The decora tion Is in recognition of Gler's ser vices to the officers of German war ships In San Francisco bay at the time of the "boxer" troubles in China. Public-Spirited Ohio Cltlien. Benjamin Waddoll. a wealthy and public-spirited farmer of Marion coun ty, Ohio, who some time since gave a $50,000 home for children to the town of Marlon, is about to expend at least $t0,000 in building a home for olu ladles In the same time. To Raise Polled Angus Cattle. A tract of 20,000 acres In western Kansas has been bought by Indiana and Ohio capitalists for raising Polled Angus cattle. Profit In Municipal Ownership. Liverpool expects a profit of 350,. 000 on last year's working of its municipal tramway system. One Cause of Pneumonia. "Street ear colds" are principally responsible for the Increased mortal ity from pneumonia. STRIKES VOU ANY TIME. BaBMsaMBMpsHsBi evvwi aVUUW WUVB L7j cjf A or where backache S 1 paint will strike you. The kidneys will go wrong, and wbea they do the first warning la general ly through the back. . Do not fall to help the kidneya when they're sick. Neglect means many serious ills. 'Til only a short step from common backache to Rheu matic pains, Urinary disorders, Drop sy, uiaDetes, UNgbt's Disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all Ills of the kidneya and bladder. Read tbla testimony; It tells of a cure that lasts. Mr. A. W. Lutx, carriage wood work er, of 109 17th avenue, Sterling, 111., aays: "After procuring Doan's Kidney Pills In the month of November, 1897, I took a course of the treatment which cured me of backache and other an noyances due to over-excited or weak ened kidneys. During the three yeara which have claused. I have had nn occasion to retract one word of my statement. I unhesitatingly and em phatlcally relndorse the claims muia for Doan's Kidney Pills. A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr. I.nta will be mailed on application to any part or the United 8tates. Address Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For ale by all druggists, m-lce eo centa per box. There is no time like the present for doing things we don't have to. THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS FOB WESTERN CANADA. "There will be thousands of Amer icans coming up here in the spring, was the remark made by a farmer from the vicinity ot Langdon, North Dakota, when he arrived in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the canital of Western Can. ada. a few days since. He was tha ad. vance guard of a large body who are toiiowing him, and he bas already in vested In several farming sections fn himself and others and purposes to take up nis permanent abode In this country. He went on to say: "Hun dreds are coming from my district alone. I know this to be a fact for many of them are neighbors of minn The chief topic of conversation with tho farmers Is the coming immigra tion in the spring. "The impression general In tho nan of Dakota where I live that farmers can get rrom 10 to IS cents more a bushel for wheat on the American side ot the line than on tho Canadian has not prevented people from turning meir eyes to Canada aa a place to live In. They know thev can set land in this country which is every bit aa fertile as that In Dakota at about one quarter the price. It is safe to say that the exodua from Dakota int4 Canada' this year will exceed the exnecutlona of all Canadians." The government has estahltahaii agencies at St Paul. Minn.; Omaha, Neb.; Kansas City, Mo.; Chicago, 111.; Indianapolis. Ind.: Mlllwankoo wia Wausau, Wis.; Detroit, Sault Ste. Ma rie, and Marauette. Mich.: Tnlortn Ohio; Watertown, S. Dakota; Grand Forks, N. Dakota, and Great Fnlla Mont., and the suggestion is mads that by addressing any of these, who are the authorized aeenta of tho rnv. ernment. It will be to the advantage of the reader, who will be given the fullest and most authentic information regarding the results of mixed farm ing, dairying, ranching and grain-raising, and also supply information as to freight and passenger rates, etc, etc. It requires same nerve to have the courage of another man's convictions. toaaayyaa fMaNMf. $25,000 REWARD will ba paid to anyona who can alipruva tbla a lata meat. Because V. I.. Ioiielas isthelargflatmanufarturer he can uuv cheaer and produce his shoe at a ower cost than other con- J corns, which nnahloa him ' to sou shoes for $:i.50 ana m.(I0 ritual in every way to thoae sold ehuv whore for f land Tha Dowrlna aaerat nm. I caaa of tannina- tha bottom aolaa pradumo abao- lonr than any ottiar tnnnira In tha world. iuiwijt iHwaur I mora ntxini, una will 1 new nave mora than doubled tha paatrona yeara, which promt lu auiartorlty. Why not j " ' it uiwnunir, war noa tpva w. I.. Douwla ahoea atrial and aava money. .tntlre aerenae nam Sale: M.c ,mmi, u llu.lK.--a i lltaaMalea: .v4,tto,00 A rnlnof Ji,na;,,4;n,t m Hour Year. W. L. DOUOlaS S4.00 OILT IOCS LINK, Worth SS.OO Compared with Othar Makaa. 19 ftaaf tmonrfd and Amtrtean rofAera. Htul'm fattitt Calf, tmrnrl. 80 r Calf. Calf. lrl Corona Cnlt, and national Kanaaroo. Fatt Color I ef. Pmitlnn a The awnnlne have W. U SOUOULS USUI lull a name and price atamped on bottom. Skott Mr mntl. v. erfm. Illut. I'aafof trtr. W. I I.Alt, IIKIN'KTON, atAatV 2IO Kinds for 16ft 4 In 1 ID jr M It U (net thMt ..tor' mMii ar fuutwl moraKrii!iirwi on morarftrui iban ty other in Amrtna, Thrr w f mairan n fair III kat W a natn anst nn. trvtr over fionon'rw tnr tlit produo tlunof nurchaU-t,oN,pi, I- ztmr to rtm.nnytn lotry tim wnmk lite f til lowtiitf utihro-ifiiiaid orltjr For 10 ueitffs noBtpmld d ffcMitewelrf., sMNfttM. g II tk sorts sWtsI esMisfw, tyj llserit aiiellfaaiMrrsNJi 0 a pawn rwars ssrtviMa, ii 141 aplsttelM bel NHi. 1ftUrieielf taHMatlf m tawor ss4ta. nt an aio kimis poftittTiy nrnnarunjr tM.iiMiiit vtutriiiuiif nun rr wm aiiti.uiaor tiot Tfvi(Hef4 er with ourHniitratnlosTUA triu ahout Mararuni U iivut, Hill tern I lato tUfnataw IViallntr. Mruinilt. Hi f.,ai. fur uuly asituuptaati Uuaaotl I at bet . ayeaaa. JOHN A. SALIC SEED CO. I a rM.. wia. ' SRA16tflyci6AR always re u" v yea W SHOES If M ' UNION MADf II W. L. Daumlmm aiaaaa waf aaaffa Am I