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It Pays to Advertise In the Rising Son VOLUME VIII. THE OLD FOLKS' AND ORPHANS' HOME. Mrs. Martha Jones died at the home Sunday evening, March 8. at 8 o'clock. She was all alone In the world, but her amlabel dispoelton won true friends who stuck to her to the last. Her coming to the Home was a ben efit to her and It was a decided benefit ' to the Home, for peace attended her every action. She was grateful for all that was done for her. She set a noble example to the other Inmates, and she was kind and gentle, and patient with the children. Rev. W. H. Wheeler of the Asbmy church, andl presiding elder, J. Will Jackson, administered the sacrament to her a few days ago. Rev. S. W. Bacote spoke in a very touching manner over the remains, There was none of kin to follow her body to the grave, but eight women of the Association attended the funeral and four of these went to Union ceme tery, wheer the body was Interred. Mrs. Jones was 78 years old. MRS. I-OSEE'S ENTERTAINMENT, Through the influence of Mrs. Ger trude eMyers, Mrs. H. M. I-osee gave a vaudevile and stereoptioon enter talnment at Turner Hall, Feb. 24, 1903, for the Home. It would add greatly to the credit of our people, were it a fact that those of us who have talent, gladly came to the assistance of this charitable lady .'Vfa '.nr rvfcde w pragwaiw-all that k iron- 1 reed to be. But truth compels us to say that all those asked to take a part were either too busy or too much Indisposed to help those of another race assist the most helpless of our own. Miss eMyera was not to be daunted, She secured the services of a band of newsboys. The newsboys from the World sang several selections and did their best to please. They seemed satisfied with "thank you" for pay but some day we hope to be able to return to the World newsboys a more substantial mark of appreciation. Songs and dances were given by two wee girls, friends of Mrs. Losse Then followed scenes o fthe Hawaiian islands. The pictures shown were taken by Mrs. Losse herself while on a visit to 7 " these islands. She gave a brief ex- planatlon of each. This part of the program was particularly Interesting, Plants peculiar to the country were shown, many of the most beautiful buildings, and the natives, were brought before us. The large expanse of water with Its many vessels seemed within a few feet of us. Mrs. Loseee went to some expense to give us this treat. Her husband seemed to take as much Interest in the whole affair as she did. Even some of their friends came out to help to make the affair a success. The people who should have been there were not presort. It Is Just such treatment of those who put themselves to trouble to help us that makes larger day by day the ranks of those who see no good in us who see nothing but selfishness, envy, and indifference when there should be unity and rare i ,i . v Miss Myers worked hard and de served much better support. Mrs. Thompson, wife of Policeman Thompson, sold $12.50 worth of tick ets. The proceeds were $21.00. GLEANINGS FROM PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH, Located In the Rear of Independence and Tracy Avenues. Sunday school opened at Its usual hour, 9:30. Superintendent being ab sent. Rev. H. J. McDonald officiated. Lesson very interesting. Teachers and pupils manifested an unusual amount of Interest. Explanation from Cluster I"af by pastor. Regular service at 11 o'clock. Song by congregation. Prayer and singing. Congregation read 9th chapter of St. Mark, 1: 28, led by pastor. Sermon by Pastor. Text Acts 9: 29. "And the city was filled with con fusion." His subect was as follows: "The Right Will Conquer the World." His discourse was acute and wittty. In his profound oratorical and Bib lical discourse, he described the des truction of Mt. Etna, took up the riot at Ephesus, and be added that aa the people were called in question for that days' uproar, so will the world be called In question. In his most elo quent discourse he dwelt considerably on the path of righteousness. His eloquence was almost unexcelled. Af ter sermon choir entered choir box, and sang, "Conqurlng Now, and Still to Conquer." Doors of church were opened for the reception of members. While collection was being called choir sang, "Lift up ye heads, oh ye gates." "Wake the song of Jubilee." Dismissal. At 2 o'clock deacon's union met and we had a most Intertstlng ses sion. At 3 o'clock Pastor E. M. Wil son, his choir and reporter visited Metropolitan Baptist church, Kansas City. Kansas. The Pleasant Green Baptist choir of Kansas City, Is said to be unexcelled In the city. And when they peeled forth In sweet melodious strains, "Rock of Age." and "Oh how lovely is Zion." the audience seemed to be charmed and requested that they hear more of It. Mr. Waller Countee, our most excellent organist certainly lost no time In striving to make his music felt, and I assure you he failed to fail. After pastor had made a few rich remarks, choir sang. In voices that seemed like angel voices, the follow ing anthems. "Nearer, My God. to Thee," "Wako the song of Jubilee, Sweetly In Music Swelling." Pis missal. B. Y. P. U. opened at Its usual hour, President F. L. Lewis In the chair. Lesson, Matt 6: 19-34, which, was read and dtSt&Ssey TJyTasKF. " A most excellent paper on Appollls was read by our president, after which we had a few remarks by our pastor. We are to discuss Appollls next Sun day In the B. Y. P. U. Regular services at 7:30. Song by congregation, "There is a fountain filled with blood." After prayer by Rev, Brown, congregation read sixth chapter of Revelation, led by pastor. Choir entered choir box, sang "All Thy Works." Sermon by pastor, by request. Text, Rev. 6: 11. "And white robes were given to every one of them." Subject, "Reward for Faithfulness." His ser mon was wonderful, and moved the audience to tears. A few words of persuasion was spoken to sinners, while congregation sang, "Amazing Grace." Doors of church were opened for the reception of members, and one Brother SimniB came forward and joined by letter. Choir sang, "Mighty to Save." Collection. $15. We had present with us Rev. Brown, Rev. White, and Miss N. B. Oxley, who Is state deputy of the Grand Foun tain U. O. T. R., who gave us a most Interesting talk Just before dismis sal, concerning her business. We re ceived valuable information, and hope to have her again. Choir sang dox ology. Dismission. G. W. M. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. One satisfactory feature of the As sociation work Is the Increased num ber of the younger men who are get ting Interested; this was especially no ticeable In Sunday's meeting. The following are the names of the ladles who have charge of the annual entertainment: Mrs. Maria P. Will lams, Miss Victoria E. Overall and Mrs. Cynthia Cummlngs. Dr. O. W. J. Scott presented the Association with a number of good books and ehore Is on file a number of standard magazines. Don't forget the date of the prac tical talk to men only by Dr. Un thank. It will be Thursday evening, April 2. Come early and bring some one with you. If those members who are behind In their dues would pay up, It would help the Executive Committee greatly. Watch our Easter number. Read the Rising Son all the time. e desire to express our sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly aslsted us during the illness and death of our son and brother, Er nest. MR. and yRS. I, N. LEE. ETTA SHAFFER. SAM I. LEE. Prefer Pipe to Cigars. Senator "Jon" Blackburn of Ken tucky smokes a big black pipe iu pref erence to cigars. for It ReaeheslKlore Hemes of Colored People then any other Paper KANSAS CITY, MO., FRIDAY, MARCH 21), 1903. ALLEN CHAPEL. I.ast Sunday was quarterly meeting and a large crowd attended all three services. Over three hundred persons communed. Rev. Caldwell of Inde pendence preached the sermon In the afternoon. Next Sunday will he baptizing. Rev. H. D. Harris will preach the evening sermon. Now for the Easter rally. We hope the steward's department will be able to settle up in full with the pastor so that we may put forth all our efforts for the trustees' rally. As usual the cantata of Ruth Is hav ing a hard struggle. There are always a few people willing to do all they can to make anything a success, and the others are always wilting to break a thing up If they can't be the leaders. Thot-o who have the entertainment In charge should not grow discouraged, for where ever there's a will there's a way. Never give up. The ladies who are working for the dishes are doing well. Help your friends when they come' to you. All the church clubs are Interested in the bazar and have been hard at work for the past month. We hope every friend and member will do their whole duty In this as they nearly al ways do. Those printed cards show the names and the amount each person gives to th siar.y, It Is a ood way .to keep the record, but those curds do not. add to the beauty of the church. Couldn't they be put some where else? We are not all so particular about seeing our names In print. If we would work for our church because it was our duty and not for the sake of showing ourselves oft we would be far more successful as Chris tians. The only reward we seem to work for is to be praised and talked of by man. A great many of our members are sick. Rev. Scott was on the sick list last week but managed to keep on duty. He never has time to get sick, and we are glad that we can Keep him so busy. He believes in attending every service in his church. The class meetings are being at tended much better, which speaks well for the leaders. The weather Is grow ing pleasant and the-e will soon be no excuse for not attending church. The various church clubs will meet this week as usual, KANSAS CITY, KAN. LOCALS. Ed O'Rcar of 839 Washington ave nue, who has been very sick, Is con valescent. The Y. M. C. A. had a pleasant meet ing at 440 Minnesota avenue last Sun day. Meetings every Sunday at 2 o'clock. Dr. Swartz of Wamrgo spoke at the Metropolitan Baptist church la.-t Mon day night, fro mthe subject. "Door of Hope." T he lecture was encouraging and full of hope. The Democratic gerrymander of last Tuesday night Is another evidence of the Democrats friendliness for the Negro, Prof. Vernon's University has been made to find happy. Cause, an appro priation of $22.25ii. Tim Roberts, the tonsotial artist, is at his chair again after a sojourn at the state capitol for 70 days. E. Arlington Wilson of the Metro politan Baptist church, rounded out Ave years of bis pastorate last Sun day. Martin Tucker, who has been sick for the past week, Is better. Presiding Elder J. C. C. Owens Will hold quarterly meeting wiili Rv. X. C. Burcn at St. John's church Sunday. WARNING. There are so many false leaders and hypocrites In our churches that It has become t)ur duty to Investigate and from now on the Rising Son shall ex pose a few of these Impostors. To the good man you need not fear, do your duty; to the renegade and Immoral one we ask you to move and get right. Ixiok for the Son. Steel Furniture for Warship. The new cruiser Baltimore will be the first warship to be titled with steel furniture. Arable Land In Western Canada. Id western Canada 200,000.01)11 acre rf arable land to day await the plow. ST. PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Services began at 11 a. m. Pastor ng. A Charge to Keep 1 Have. Prayer by Brother C. Calway, after which Itfcsou was read in concert by th; pas tdr. Choir sang Lift up Your Head, Prayer by Deacon J. Slaughter. At 11 : 3D a. m. Brother A. Jones preached us an excellent sermon from Heb. 1 1 ; If). Our Sunday school Is doing nl-e-ly uinler our present superintendent, C. Calway. At fi:3i p. m. our 11. Y. P. U. met with Miss Emma Jones, presi dent, in the chair. This young woman Is apt in the work. Come and se her In this work at 8 : 1 7i . The members of tile choir went In the box and sang Peace Like, a' ltiver. After Brother Calway preached for us. Receipts. $f7.J.i. We will have a rally on Easter. We Invite all the members will S.Vi'ii each Surreys to the Son. 15. A. SAYINGS OF THE WISE. "Politics is the science of exigencies. Theodore Parker. All philosophy Hi's in two words, "sustain" and "abstain." Epietet us. There is a German proverb which says that Take-K-Easy and Live-Long are brothers. . Unhappy Is tho man for whom his mother has not made all mothers ven fjile. P.ichter. . I will listen to anyone's convictions, but pray keep your doubts to yourself. I have plenty of my own. Goethe. 'Tls sad work to be at that pass that the best trial of truth must be the multitude of believers in a crowd where the number of fouls so much exceeds that of the wise. As If any thing were so common as Ignorance. Montaigne. One cannot bear to pay for articles he used to gel for nothing. When Ailnm laid out his first penny upon nonpareils nt some frult-slall In Meso potamia I think it went hard with him. reflecting upon his old goodly or chard where he hud so many for noth ing. Lamb. PHILOSOPHIC MAUNDERINGS. The man who Is always taking life too seriously Is often found slaking life to teariously. As a matter of original condition, there Is no difference between men men make the difference. It takes more than three score anJ ten to teach a man the wisdom of the bird that flies high -II. E. Winner in Baltimore News. JOKER'S EPIGRAMS. Nothing will make like "chink." a man cbucklo One is in a tight place when he Is cramped for money. The Bible does not say. "A polltl clan shall not see corruption." A woman generally wrings her hands when tears are wrung troni her e es. When fear cnuses a creepy feeling instead of crawling, one feels llko sprinting. First thing you know some crank will insist on being called the "sales gentleman." The up-to-date Yule, lug will cost something next Christmas If the coal strike continues. The court Jester is a thing of the pest, but it is no joke about there still being fools. "No man enn serve both God and mammon," and most people do not try, being snlistlcil tu serve the latter. Prove a man Ignorant and you make him your enemy; flatter bis Intelli gence and you make him your friend. Disappearing Mine in Arizona. A mine near Phoenix, Ariz., disap peared a week after tie shaft had been sunk. WIGWAM WISDOM. All trails are long to the lazy. Ixist chances never leave any trail. The wildcat's teeth are dose to Its purr. A long portage makes a heavy canoe. A spring flood will not clean u dirty mouth. The Indian may cat a dog. but docs r.ot nurse him. The Great Spirit Is too big for any church to hold. The longer yon hall the sleeper tho mountain grows. The turkey does not tell the fox the way to her nest. It is easier to silence a chief than to answer a child. It takes a long time to tell of what you have not done. . The biggest brave does not always make the best chief. If you have the courage to keep still you are a truer bi av.s" " ' Remember all you see, but forget much of what you hear. When I see the oak walk I may trust a paleface tongue. You will drink dirty water if you roil your neighbor's spring. Those who live In yesterday's wig wam are always a day behind. Do not challenge Fate unless you have borrowed the Great Spirit's shield. If the rattlesnake did mil slop to talk be would be ten limes more dan gerous. - When I am taught that the paleface who iloes tho worst be knows how Is better than the Indian who does the best bn can, shall I mil tell the mis slonury to swallow his hook? -Charles Slow In New York I'ress. ALL SORTS. It Is the worst cigar that Is entitled to first rank. Dig guns are the only Ihll'gs served on armor plates. A double-barreled shotgun Is the worst type of the deadly parallel. As a physicul exerciser the old fash ioned woodpile never bad an equal. When a man has a perk of trouble be is satisfied Willi short measure. Some men go to law, but the law fli.ds II necessary to go after others. It seems queer that so many crooked people should tltnl themselves In strait ened circumstances. In accord with the doctrine of the survival of the fittest, the last woman on earth will be a dressmaker. n red nose may nut be conclusive evidence of Inebriety, but It Imposes upon its possessor the burden of proof. The average man Is unable to un derstand why be Is not appreciated or why be is expecteil to appreciate oth er men. Patience formerly roosted on a mon ument, but at the present writing it is at the telephone waiting fur the girl at the exchange to answer. Count Given Ancient Jewelry. Three years ago, some gold rings, chains, nnd a crown decorated with Jewels were found in the Dresden Krcuz Kin ho in tho grave of Duko Albrecbt of Iloistcin, who died iu Hill. They were claimed by Duko ErnsI Gunthnr anil the courts have now acknowledged his tillo to them. In the State NUMBER . INDEPENDENCE NEWS. Rev. J. S. Clark of the M. K. church has been returned to this city for an other year. His members and friends are glad to welcome him again. HA Is n man of strong Christian character nnd sterling worth. He has done ex cellent work for the church and will be uhle to do mine this year thai) ever. .Mrs. N. It Oxley of the True He formers, held a meeting nt Hie A. M. K. church Tuesday night and organ I .cd a Fountain. The Tlllstees Helpers of the A. M. K. church gave a:i entertainment Thurs day lllght for the benefit of the trus tees. It was a success. Mrs. Emma Chambers, wha has re cently returned from Japan and the Philippines, brought home a trunk of curios nnd ii lie s from the Di li til, which shi' will exhibit shortly to tin public. We are glad to note Hint the sick are all convalescing. We saw Miss Kft'ic Fisher on tho street, ami she will soon be able to resume her position iu the school. The Second Baptist church Is con templating remodeling the building, and a special rally will be held Sun day fo rlhe purpose of raising money for the same. All are invited to as sist , ki this laudable undertaking. The Macedonia Bnptst church cx-uwta-ti-.YiMwttlp.-iiv -the new -wUAvii -the tlrt Sunday In May. Quarterly meeting at the A. M. E. church Sunday. March 2!. Hev. M. Collins or Kansas City will preach at 3 o'clock. All the members and friends are asked to lie priwnl all day and make this a glorious meet ing. Miss Mary Hoard, who has been in the far west the past two years, was called home suddenly on account of the serious illness of her mother, who Is repotted to be on the road to re cov cry. The Misses Sewall of Wellington. Mo., ipcnl Sunday In town, (he guest of their aunt. Miss Annie bewail. Mis. Elizabeth Houulne has I u confined to her home quite a while on Hi-count 'of rht -umallsm. Her daugh ter is also suffering with an attack of the gi: .1 ('. C LEXINGTON NEWS. Rev. Smith, the pastor of the M K ( church was signed In Osciilnsa. Iowa Hev. Young will take bis place h"fe He will preach his introdin lory si r iiioii Sunday. Rev, stricken Is hero carrying on a revival, meeting at the Second Bap list church Mr. Howard llegwood who dieil at SI. Paul. Minn., was brought here March Hth. His funeral was preached by Rev. Gilbert at Hie A. M. E. church on Sunday, March IMh He was a member of the K. P. of Minnesota. The lodge sent n member with his body here. Mr. Kripper. As there wan lio lodge o ft lie order here. Hie friends i.f the family assisted. He left Lex ington In IS VI unit went to SI. Louis, liml fin nithere to St. Paul, where h" Joined the K. I'.'s. He belonged to the rnllornii d rank. Mr. Kripper says ho was a dutiful member. He was loved by his lodge. He leaves u mother, two sisters and four brothers ami a host of other relatives to mourn his loss. This speak's well for the K. I'.'s. He was bom In this clly 50 years ago. We extend our heart felt sympathy to the family and also to the K I'.'s. lor the faithful performance of their duly. Mr. Kripper left Sunday night for his home by way of St. Louis, lie In one of the oldest colored K. i'.'s Iu this country. Mrs. Harrison Curry is quite iil and has been for several weeks. We hope she will soon In- mil ; also Mi Emimi Smith is iiiile ill. Mrs. Harriet Arnold Is on the sick list. Mr. Griffin Giuliani I- improving. Mr. Jonleii Hook nilwi il -d for the Rising Sou. aiso Mi. Mcliiil and Kay :it t o j There are some young men in our i city who are doing things injurious to our nice, and if you don't quit I will publish your names. A hint to Hie wise ought to be sufficient. We ought to respect our race as well ns we ln other races. i