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V4 51 '.V V': 1 'feto It Pays to Advertise In the Rising Son VOLUME VIII. ALLEN CHAPEL.' The Easter services were well at tended aril day. The congregation was a little later gathering than usual, but was a larger one than (or a number of years. There were many visitors from SL Joe, and other cities, and ev eryone expressed their satisfaction with the day's services. The altar dec oration was never more beautiful. The choir did Its best: and the pastor has never preached a more beautiful ser mon. Everything was In just the prop er tune for an Ideal Easter service. The congregation not only looked splendid, but seemed to feel the same. The captains dfd exceedingly well In gathering up their promises. All were able to make good reports. Those who turned over their money to the church treasury aTe as follows: . James Crews, IS2.15; Oscar J. W. Scott, 178.65; Sam uel I. Ia-o. $59.85; Miles Dunn, $43.01; Howard Harris, $32.20; Geo. Shannon, $10.00. The penny collection for the day was $20.90. All of their cards are not yet In, so that their amounts may be larger by the next week. Thus far they have done well Indeed. Wo hope the bazaar will be able to bring them up to the standard The exercises of the Sunday school were well attended and the small chil dren did well, but the young ladles, a few of them at least, were more Inter ested in their costumes than In mak ing the programme a success, ...The appeal for the cause of missions was made by Prof. Vernon and a collection of $26.00 was raised for that cause. Rev. Ransom, of Topeka, was to have filled the pulpil In the evening, but the train being Jrrte, did not arrive In time; but all were pleased to see him anyway. A flash Hunt picture of the altar, with the pastor and wife and his stew ardess board, was taken Sunday night The altar has never looked so pretty before. TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE NOTES. Among the visitors at the school this week were Dr. O. K. Pearsons, the millionaire philanthropist of Chi cago, and his wife; and Dr. h G. Jor dan, of the Baptist Foreign Mission Board. Dr. Jordan made quite an In teresting talk to the students in the chapel. Bishop Geo. W. Clinton preached the Easter sermon at Tuskogee last Sun day. The school has Just received $10,000, a legacy from the estate of the late Jas. H. Danforth, of Boston. R. K. W. Trees Without Leave. There are great forests of leafless tres in Australia They are Aca cias, or wattles, as some people call them, and their being leafless Is sim ply an adaptation to the dry climate They have leaves while growing, but when their growth Is complete they shed the leaves and breathe through the little stem that remains, because moisture Is too precious to them for the free evaporation that leaves always cause. Tortoiie 400 Year, Old. A tortoise, whoso estimated age Is 400 years and known weight is COO pounds, making It the largest one ever reported, has crossed the United States on a limited tialn en routo from the Galapagos Islands to the private zoological garden of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, in London. In civilization cabbages are given him In lieu of the cacti of his native heath. Kissing Out of Fashion. The habit of kissing babies Indis criminately is now very generally con demned ou sanitary grounds. But the decline of kissing seems to rest. In the main, upon the great principles of etiquette, which are superior, as ev eryone of Intelligence must admit, to those of science. In other words, kiss ing has gone out of fashion. Provi dence, R. I. Journal. Doctor, Have to Work Hard. Swansea. Eng., aa clubs the mem bers of which pay $1.50 each per year for medical t-uitmcnt. while their wives and children are attended free. To make a decent living from such club practice . a doctor has to ,ee about 100 patient, a day. Doctors Have to Work Hard. Swansea, Eng., has clubs the mem bers of which pay $t.C0 each per year for medical treatment, while their wives and children are attended free. To make a decent living from such club practice a doctor has to see about 100 patients a day. "Mr. Dooley'a" Success. Flnloy Peter Dunne, the celebrated "Mr. Dooley," Is sold to have been offered $40,000 a year to write ex clusively for certain American pub lishers. Only a few years ago he worked on a Chicago newspaper for $12 a weck. Spread of Mormonlsm. The Rev. John K. Nutting, head of the Utah GoKpol .mission, told the Presbyterian Ministers" Association In New York several days ago that if Mormonlsm Increased at the rate it has the last twelve years In another decade they will control the west of the United States from Canada to Mexico. Concert to Aid Murderers. A benefit concert for two murderers, whoso guilt was proved, but whoso friends wanted funds for a last appeal, was recently given at Brisbane, Queensland. After the concert the father, brothers and sister of the mur derers (who were brothers) appeared on the gtage and were applauded. Dyspepsia In England. According to Sir James Crichton- Browne, the modern Englishman is physically a degenerate, and chiefly because of dyspeptic troubles. The growing frequency of appendicitis Is, he thinks, due to the weakened diges tive apparatus and Insufficient masti cation of food. U. S. Cadets Take Notice. Up in Oregon the students have a new method of hazing. In Lano county they compelled the Initiate to sit with feet and less in Ice cold water for an hour. Both lees had to be amputated. Galveston News. Pay Large Sums for Wood. Frauce has nn excess of firewood, which sells with difficulty, and an In sufficiency of wood for .manufacture. Her bill for Imported wood amounts to $2,0(111,000 a year. England's is fifty times that sum. New Version. The father of twins in Chnnute has arrived at the conclusion, a local pa per says, that the reason a doctor Is called a "stork" at certain times is on account of the size of his bill. Kan sas City Star. The Yankee Still Inventing. The report of the commissioner of patents for t!02 shows a total of 49, 4'JO applications for patents, includ ing designs, and that 27,770 patents, Including designs were Issued. The Box Receipts. "Money may bo tho root of all evil," said the dramatic author as ho started another "problem" play, "but evil is tho root of all money In this Hue of business." The Chief Virtue. Now somebody in asking, "Which makes the belter husband, puritan or penitent?" Oh. any old thing, as long ns It's got a bank account. New York Telegram. Luck to Him. Admiral Kcppel of the British fleet, aged ninety-three. Is about to he mar ried. No race suicldo In Great Brit bill, you will perceive. Rare Example of Honesty, The other day a woman in Geneva lost a pocketbook containing $40,ooo, It was found and returned by a lamp lighter. Oranges to Be Plentlf jl. Between 22.000 and 23,000 carloads of oranges will be shipped from South ern California this year. To Push Vegetarian Idea. St. IjouIs vegetarians are planning to establish In that city a co-oparatlve vegetarian restaurant. for It Reaches More Hobes of Colored People KANSAS CITY, MO., FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1903. INDEPENDENCE NEWS. Special Easter services were ob served in all the churches Sunday. The Baptist churches rendered their programs In the afternoon, while the M. E. and A. M. E. churches rendered theirs at night. The Sunday school of the A. M. E. church gave a unique entertainment Easter Monday night for the benefit of the rally and real ized a nice sum. The church and Sunday school sent $25.00 to Dr. Parks as an Easter offering for foreign mis sions. Mr. Leslie Harris of Lexington spent Sunday In this city, the guest of his brother. Miss Myra Rountree, who has been teaching near Odessa, has returned home; Miss Johnson of Sedalia avcom panying her. Miss Hallle Q. Brown, the renowned elocutionist and lecturer, will give a concert at the A. M. E. church Tues day April 21st. Miss Brown has trav eled extensively In this country, and In Europe reciting before the crowned heads of the old world and appearing before the most cultured and critical audiences of this country. She is a-n adepf in her profession. Don't miss this rare treat. It Is an opportunity of a life time,, . The brother of Miss Fannie Bart- lett Is now visiting her from Nacuez, Miss. Mr. Isaac Jones is very sick, also Mrs" Vina Chrisman's niece. Mr. Dixon, grand matron of the court, accompanied by Mrs. Kitty Silas of Kivnsas City, attended the services under the auspices of St. Venus court on Palm Sunday. She will make an official visit to the courts of this city next week. At the election of officers of St. Ann's court, Mrs. Fannie Brown was re-elected matron. Mrs. Mollie Jenkins is a zealous and untiring worker In the Sunday school. It was through her efforts that, such an excellent program was rendered r.-t St. Paul's church Easter night. Sunday Miss Minnie Tucker, who Is teaching at Ilolden, spent Easter here with her father. She reports her school In an excellent condition. It will closo May 12. Blanch A. Turner led all the children of the Sunduv school in the amount of money brought In to the entertain ment on Easter Monday night, lb' was closely followed by Maggie Bush. All the children must be commended for their faithfulness, not leaving out the "Farmer Boy." And Hoopskirts. Everything old fashioned seems to come Unci; in nine. cceii nccpiiiK the Sabbath holy Mini wearing corlfc. ktucvv l in is. aii 'iiimiii i.iono. Will Carry Cotton Free. It Is oftlcinlly announced that through the inllucnce of Mr. Chamber lain, the colonial secretary of Great Britain, tho West African railways would give free carnage to cotton lor two years, and Hint the steamship s were willing to carry the first l.oon tons of cotton to Liverpool without ( I arge lor freight. Mechanical Milker Satisfactory. The Elgin dairy report fays. In speaking of the Lawrence-Kennedy iiniM.ig im.ihii.e, u New Zealand in vent Inn: "So far as the experience of users has gone the results nre of such a satisfactory nature as to Justify the b'.dlef that at length the mechani cal milker has arrived." Only Two Veterans Left. August Emmett Maxwell Is one ef tho only two surviving members of the Confederate Senate. The ethur Is O. G. Vest of Missouri. Judge Maxwell, now about to retire, is n Jurist of renown. Ho was horn In September b3 years ago at F.dicrton, Ga. Hi, Awful Threat. Struggling Merchant "If you don't attend to business better Ml reduce your Income by one lmlf " Chief Clerk "Eh? Only yesterday you said you thought of taking me into partner ship." Struggling Merchant "That', what I meauF Stray Stories. - rcricual Surely. The Missouri legislator who referred to fcis opponent In debate as "a noise wltfc hair on It" must take off his hat to Senator KKtingcr of the Indiana Senate for his eloquent description of Senator Tark as "a whining old whis kered sanctuary." Verily, it Is only to the idiom lamb that the legislative WlnJ is tempered. Louisville Times. Law Better Than Medicine. In Berlin the nvorage Income Is higher in the hrnl I ban In the medi cal profession. Kilit jei ( u,t of the barristers and 4.7 per cent of tho med ical men have Incomes from lC.ono to 20.000 marks (J3.7.".o to $5,000), while 8 per rent of the barristers have In conies exceeding Jj.ouo. And Naturally. A cynical philosopher once said that the average Inhabitant of England or any other coentry, for that matter would feel the loss of his own little flnqi r more acutely thrn he would the InHI'igcnce that the whole of China bad been .destroyed by sumo convul sion of nature. No Weights for Age. ' ' The crown price of Slam seems to be a philosophies) chap, lie says that all klufs of religion will be welcome to his j country because tho fittest will survive. ' A fair field and no favors. ,em. to be alxmt hi, program. Tper.on, of Advanced Age.. try There are 3.7G2 persons In tho Unit ed Stales who are over ninety years old. There are nine who are over 130 years old, and eighty-six who are over 120. All who are o' er 115 are negroes with the exception of one Indian, who is 130 years old. Quarrel Over Marconi. Marconi has lived to gee two Italian cities quarreling about their claims to his fame, lie was horn In Bologna, I years In but spent his schoolboy Florence, where he was a very Indifferent and careless student. Cure for Drunkenness. The French Gen. I'asserieii suggests that the soldiers who give way to drink should be treated as persons suffering from Illness, ami that they should be segregated and treated by the regimental doctors. Women Win Medical Honors. The Medical Institute for Women In St. Petersburg recently gave di diplomas, after a live years' courso, to 111 students, iiiucty-thrco of whom passed their examinations "wit li dis tinction." Island Makes a Voyage. An lidiind off the Itusslnn roust at Cape ItuszklJ Saworol recently left lis moorings and drifted northward. The goieinuieul had lo send a steam er to rescue the Inhabitants. How About It? Will the social skies of America bo : hung with black because the engage ments id lw adventurous British lord ' lings have been derailed? New York Mall and Express. 1 New Study Recommended. Dr Whitman of the Fnlvcrsity of ;Chl'!i-o. one of tin- Cnin;'ie Inslilil j tlou' ad i ers. tconimetels a biologi cal fiiriu for the tud of heredity and (volution. Firr.t to Test Chloroform. Al New lon le W illow s, Lancashire, England, there has .iiM died Dr. J. W. Wathins. ami '''. who was Hie llrst human bell, g subjected to chloroform. W.i a Soldier at Thirteen. Willhcn W. Kimball of Oshkosh, Wis., now liity two years old. enter ed the union army when thirteen years old. Predict Honor for Curzon. There is talk of giving l-ord Curon ,n extension of bis term of viceroy of India, an unprecedented honor. Size of British Colonies. British colonies are seventy times as large as the area of tho United Kingdom. than any other Paper LEXINGTON NEWS. Quarterly meeting was held at M. E. church Sunday. Presiding Elder Smith preached an elegant sermon Sunday afternoon. Rev. Gllliert and Ills congregation attended in the after noon. Mr. Wm. Strentery and Miss Emmn Davis were united Into matrimony Sat urday eve. Rev. A. X. Gilbert offici ated. We hope them a long and happy life. Miss Davis was rei.Ted here in Ijcxlngton. and Mr. Stivnter In Kansas. Miss SuhIc Del any died on the Mil and wns burled on the loth. She was sick for nearly ! months. She leaves n mother, sister ami ten brothers to mourn her loss. She lived n consist ent Christian and died Hie same. She was loved by tdl who knew her. Rev. II. C. Bruce, Presiding Elder of Cape Girardeau, was here on flic loth. Mr. Brooks, of Wnverly. was In tho city Saturday on business. Mr. Joe Bowler, of Kansas City, was here Sunday. Miss Carter. Mrs. Shelby and Miss M 1. ...... ......... I.. IJI..vl..... III.. C. ..!.. I i . ii'tun tint' in iii..iMni iiiv Mr. Win. Worcoff got. his leg hurt very bad. Ho is now getting better. He Is getting about i.-guin. Mrs. Tlldla Mathews was in Kansas City Sunday. Mr. Walter Bowens and Miss Tildia Parker went to Knnsns City Saturday anil returned Tuesday, 'II,.. in. Ml,. o,..,.,.l will .-liiu.i st-itnr. I ,U closing exercises. Every one Isi- fro... the Metropolitan band. A Invite,! to. con,,, down I ' '"'"'; "'.l11'"!"" witness. ,, il,e Mr. Win. Worcoff and Mr. J. Mai thews bought out Mr. Joe Rucker's restaurant. They Invite many friends In come round and see them. Mrs. Kirk Wilson paid her suhsciip H ui up last. week. Also Mr. E. Con way, one of our old subscribers, paid up his subscript ion. The vote for a third-class cily was carried Tuesday by overwhelming ma- Jorily. We hope II will be a blessing to our city. Y. M. C A. NOTES. Don't forget thai our reading room' is open every night. All are welcome. The following are sot if the per sons who will help make Hie program of tln Sailed concret a great success; Miss Anna II. Jones. Mrs. S. W. Itacote, Mr. E. Games. Miss Lulu .lonus, u quartette of Kansi.s Cily. Kas., young ladiis under Hie ilirecilon of Miss I'or-ti-r; the Gate City Mandolin club, di rection of Miss Coinie Cross; Allen Chapel Choir and Miss Fraukle Ken nedy. By special request Mins Victoria Overall, assisted by Miss R. Reed, will lender "Nearer My God to Thee," In pantomliie. All men are cordially Invited to at tend our Sunday meet lug. L3n lo Viai. A grand Si.vrct concert will be given lit the Second Baptist cliurih. I"'l h and Charlotte streets, for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A . Thursday. April 23. nt x p. 111. Admission fifteen cent,. Come out and help us. Live Doiled rich. A Paris newspaper i lutes that M. Marrelliu Pellet, Hie I i'en h niinb-ier to Central A nn-iii u. has ili-ci red close lo Hie of Auiatitlan. ill (eiateiuala. a nn.ill II' li win li slur in Hie hid w.ilcr id Hie sprinr- ilose by. II Is i.ii,,I I bat in tin- 1 ' ! i I i i ' 1 1 1 1 1 Islands thi'ii- ; a Miiruhir lish. whit h. Ill i' lu.iny oliini.ii. . I li i i , hi -i ia bulling w.ii- i . The W.-it-It Is a laiuii which w ,1s 1,1,' e season will lum iiny of Lawns. ;ir l,n I Hon a law n w ali red during a ill y lo lie freiiu 10 ly w ill- ered in Ibi "la-., will Miller oll'li times more than if it had iml hi en watered al all. The hist waleiinc in duces a i ool ib vi I . i o 1 1 1 1 1 which inusl be Mippbed I ieipielit ly wiib water. Mexico's Big Millionaire. Pedro Alviiiado. He Mixban lull lion. in e, who, I wo years ago. was a penniless peiiii. Is today the most famous uiiin in our sister republic, lie keeps $1 mm. nun ulways oil baud ill tils palace ut Chihuahua and makes a praeiice i f cariylng ihe sum of $300,000 in his ve;,l pocket every day. Even diamonds made of paste cause a woman to lie stuck up. will In the State. NUMHKR 9. CLEANINGS FROM PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH. Located in Rear of Independence and Tracy Avenues. Sunday school opened at Its usual hum. '.IlIIO. Superintendent, being late, Hev. E. M. Wilson, pastor, opened ser vices. We had n most excellent lesson, which was taught by the pastor, lie In structed the entire congregation from Hie IJtiartotiies, ami the Cluster Leaf concerning the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, which was both interesting mid Instiiii i Ivc and all seemed gratly benefitted. Easter eggs Were distribut ed to the unilielice, Regular II o'clock service consisted uf praises, this being the regular monthly meeting. Congregation sang a hymn. Choir entered box. and after tin" con,:regai ion lead "lib chapter of .Luke, 1-33. led by pastor, sung Blessed .lesiis. Then praise service begun i and lasted one hour. Then collection ! was called ami beneillclion was pro- nounccd. Special services In the alier. noo'i. The annual sermon of Hie Ma- sonic lodge was preached at 3:30, by j Dr. Ewlng of the Vine Si reel Bapllsi church of Kansas City, Mo. Choir entered choir box mid the or ganist. Mr. Waller Cminlee, played the 1 limn h while Dr. Ewlng and Hie Grand I Muster walked down the aisle and met I IK members of I lie lodge, who w ere scene, a number being unable o eiiler the i hiircli. While the Masons were go. lug through their us'ia! performances, choir peeled forth In melodious strains ' Wal.e Hie oSng of Jubilee." A most proloiiiiil sermon was Hu n preached by llev. Ewing, texl 'Ji'.lh chapter of Si. Matthew. Llnd verse. Ills illseouio was excellent and ibiiveied with gn at pathos. He remarks thai of all Ihe ways In Hie world Iliere was one chief way and thai was the best way and Hie riglil way. lie de.-cribed the conqueror lu all forms of lit. . tool, up Christ when he eoiuiueled iblllll. Spnl.e of llilll win II he Went I III l Hie gulden of Gelll sellllllle. also .poke of the cup of death. and willi words and signs applied such lo Ihose who liiiollged lo Hie older, ill Mich a way. thai lo vou. who had never tasted of those Mveel waters nf Ma sonry II Is beyond your coin pi elieti sion. lie inbli d that lice Masonry was l iiM il on God's eiernal word, and thai anything thai w bii.ieil Iheriou would slaiul. All enjoyed a rare treat. After the senium the choir sang "All Ye Lands. Ilow Low ly Is Zioti, Peace on Faith." Collection for this service was $17 II Y. P. I' ope I at lis usual hour, li in bil k. Preslili'tll I'. L. Lewis p'e slding. I In account of an extra Ea-ier piograin Mr. Walter CiiiiiiI ee h i v i d as organist lur us. Andlenie sang Joy to ihe World " Alter a t-pciinl pios-.iaiu was r. leb'icd the I ' n ii m gave ."iu cents 1 1 ir I it'll t ii hi ti I piirpn-es. I'rogiam in- lelesl illg. crowd bilge. ! i-iilii r sen ices at :'.. On account, of piaise meeting Ea.-ier sermon was I -i pi, iied mini s n'ebick. Congrega tion sang. "Culne Ye Hint Love Hie I m d " I iiolr i iiti i 'd hole box and i-a tic a hvniti. Seiniou by pastor. Alier a reel wonderful miiiioh. and the x I ' :i o I , n of bird '. gi:s. flowers ami i the i -i hi i iii ii n i' hi was ailininis- lele.l I.V Ihe pll-l I. assisted b li' 'V. Wil-oii of Macon Cily. Alier Ihe break- i:ig of bi t lid w had pn r, iind a-I.eii God , l.liss the w inc. S 1 1 ii -i vvi'ie unusually good. c ! it ion for Ihe whole day was f.V.:. r.. Mu le by choir. I lisuiissloli. Easier Monday al K:;',o. n splendid piomimi was rendered. A line pap r was I', ad by Mrs. Stewart of Ihe i'H Ltotn I Li 'i 1st chinch. II .1. McDonald delivered an ad lic-s which was timely and insi i U't iv e. A mo. t cxcellenl solo was sain: by Mr. Edward Hardy. Recitation by the Miss is Ellin and Edith Win on. which was delivered with ability. The remainder of the pri'giani coiiM-ie, of song ser vices. We are looking forward lo the lime when we will have a splendid church elected, which w ill be an honor to the cause. We are putting I'ollll "111- lest aiel most si reiiuous efforts lo do the same as soon as possible. G. W. M.