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) It Pays to Advrtlmo , Me ?s,g Con or ?eacies AToro Homes of Colored People than any other Paperln the State. VOLUME VIII. KANSAS CITY, MO., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1903. MTMKKH 10. KANSAS CITY,, KAN., LOCALS. Gilbert is not mayor yet. Peter Nugent U city clerk. Reltz, our genial city attorney, is doing the right thing. L. W. Johnson, under the guidance of Lawyer Was sora, runs the police court In the ab sence of our Reltz. The Metropolitan choir, pastor, and a number of our people attended the Pleasant Green Baptist church in Kan sas City, Mo., last Sunday. Mrs. Boone, the mother of William and Boy Boone, died Friday of last week. The funeral was held at the A. M. R. church. The services were conducted by the Rev. M. Col lins. Horsey Green has been complaining of a severe cold, but Is convalescent. Roht. Bowman, who has been down with La Grippe, is able to be on? again. The Enterprise Grocery Company has moved from its location on Min nesota avenue to 1016 N. 5th street. The election of officers and the review of the work for the past six months by the president, will be the program at the forum Sunday after noon. P. C. Thomas, fortnerly of our city, but now of Topeka. was In town last week, shaking hands with old friends. The "True Eleven" held a social - fc, - -meet in for -4ts -wwihr aad Wednesday evenln glast. Dr. Hudson of Atchison and Miss Shoemaker of Wathena, Kan., were the guests of the Society. Mrs. B. 8. Smith Is sick at her home, 40 Freeman. Jake Brown Is suffering with a sprained wrist. Robert Patterson has gone to the Indian Territory again. LEXINGTON NOTES. Sunday was a great day at St. John's M. E. Church. We had our Easter ex ercises at night. Raised (3.08 for mis sions. The member and friends of St. John M. E. church gave their pastor. Rev. R. H. Young a grand surprise Monday night. Forty-three persons were pres ent and they left about 75 pounds of good thing to make them happy. Mrs.- Henrietta Richardson of Inde pendence was In the city last week vis iting friends. She left Sunday morn ing. Miss Tlldla Parke bad her closing exercise on April 18. Quite a number of people were prevented from, going oil account of the rain. Those who at tended said the exercise was good. Bacteria and Flavor. The great difficulty with most butur makers la that they do not com prehend that it Is a certain kind of bacteria that largely controls the fla vor. Even cleanliness In every sense of the word does not always result In milk souring with the best flavor, as all cows are usually milked In the stable during the winter months and in a real warm barn we usually find that the putrefactive bacteria are found In abundance. These get Into the milk while milking and contam inate it before It reaches the cream ery. A maker cannot tell by the taste or smell Just how the milk Is going to sour. The Introduction of starters or pure cultures Is benefiting the dairy business of the country by Introduc ing higher skilled labor. The Igno rant, careless maker who does every thing by chance rather than by rule will soon be relegated to the rear. In his place will come the, intelligent, clean, tidy maker, with his knowl edge of chemistry and bacteriology, making a uniform product of butter that oleomargarine or process butter cannot meet in competition. Prof. O. L. McKay. Pope Leo's Wonderful Vitality. The Pope at ninety-four reads with out tpeitaclps, walks without a cane, dresses and undresses without as sistance, and works about fourteen hours daily. Little Snow In Berlin. The removal of snow baa cost Ber lin as much as 1250,000 a year. Dur ing the past winter there was so lit tle snow that It cost only 13,500 to remove iL I ' . ., . .1. -, , v -r. ;?W' 5 ;'. i-V '.V. . s-tv ;Ti.TOO? TT'"- '.v'V;r::;.'V,,,,M REV. E. M. WILSON. Pastor Pleasant Green Baptist Church. CHURCH HISTORY. By Rev. E. M. Wilson. ;Mr. Chairman, members of the con vention, ladles and gentlemen, at the behest of the program committee. I have prepared a paper on partial church history. The following topics under said sub ject shall be discussed. 1st. Paul the missionary to the Gentiles. 2nd. His calling extent of his labors. 3rd. Dif ficulties and persecutions encountered. 4th. Self-sacriflce. 5th. Evangelistic work. 6. His constructive work as shown In the epistle. 7 th. General estimate of Paul's character and In fluence. Paul was a Benjamlte, a native of Tarsus, a city In Cillcla. and was born about A. D. 5, a free Roman citizen by birth, by descent frem his father. He was a tentmaker by trade. The main events of his life were as follows, conversation, labors at An tlocb, his first missionary Journey, in which he assume the character of the Apostle to the Gentiles, the visits to Jerusalem to settle the relation be tween the Jew and Gentile converts. The Introduction of the Gospel Into Europe, the third missionary Journey, during which time he wrote the four great epistles. The arrest. Imprison ment, voyage to Rome and death. Per sonally he is almost unknown to us, unless we accept tradition and the statements of the ancients, he assisted In the stoning of Stephen, his forerun ner and the first Christian martyr."' He was on his way to Damascus to arrest he disciples of Jesus there and bring them to Jerusalem for trial, and pun ishment as apostates from the Jewish church. On his way he was arrested by a miracle, converted by receiving knowledge of the truth, was conse crated by Ananias, and, after his re covery from the temporary blindness, began his work for the new cause In the synagogue at Damascus, by preach ing Jesus Christ to the Jews and Jesus the son of God to the Gentiles. 'Ills preaching- excited rage, and he had to escape from the city by night. His friends let him down from a win dow In a basket, and he made his es- cape. After three years absence lie re turned to Jerusalem, but was soon driven away by the Jews. He went from their to Antloch. He and Barna bas were afterwards sent to Jerusalem. It was on his first missionary Journey that his name was changed from Saul to Paul. He and Barnabas visited Jerusalem again, then separated ou ac count of a sharp contention concerning John Mark. His business the next year was founding churches In Phrygia and Gal atla, which he did with great success. - v; y." . '' ' ;c,'-' f ;?v He started to Bythynia, but in a vision the spirit of Jesus turned him back from Uythinia. and he went to Tions, while there the spirit, In the form of a man of Macedonia directed him to carry the Gospel Into Europe. In thes memorable words, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." He preached from city to city for nearly a year and passed on Into Greece. He then set forth the gospel in the synagogue, the market place, and by invitation. In the venerable assembly of the Oreopagus, where were gathered the most polished men of the foremost seat of learning In the world, who were acute, witty, shrewd, and most Intensely scornful, He exposed the folly of their super stitions with exquisite tact aad abiiMy and unfolded the character and claims of the Unknown God, whom they were already worshiping unintelllgently. But he made very little Impression on that popular religion, probably because his simple faith, having no splendid show of material accession, could not be ex pected to take the place of their highly poetical mythology, which was cele brated by the most magnificent dls playsof temples, vestments, processions and sacrifices. A year and one-half in Corinth was spent In preaching and working at his trade, with much better results than at Athens. Apain at Ephesus he made so many friends t hat the Idol makers became alarmed for the business and stirred up a tumult against htm. After another visit to Macedonia, Greece, he turned towards Jerusali m for the fifth and last time. On his way there occurred at Mllltus, one of the most affecting Incidents In the whole story of his life. He was over ' years of age, naturally feeble of bodv. always a hard worker, and it seeuixl probable that this was his last int r view. He is one of the nfost wonder ful characters known to history, lie was called to preach the Gospel al many places, namely: Macedonia, Phrygia. Galatla, but was forbidden to go to Blthynia. It was at Troas that; he had the famous Macedonia call, lie went to Phllippl. one of the chief citi s of Macedonia, then passed throir.'li Amphlpolls and Appolonla to Thes.-a-lonlca, to Berea, Athens. Corinth. Jeru salem. Ephesus, Antlach. the starth t; point of all his missionary Journeys. In these and many more places he established churches. His labors were Indeed extensive. There were many difficulties and persecutions encoun tered. The first difficulty was at Damascus, when he escaped from bis enemies in a basket. He went to Jerusalem and was driven out from there and went to r - Tarsus. He went several more places, (hen proceeded to Ephesus, where a tumult was stirred up against him. t.iust before visiting Corinth and Ath ens he and Silas were In Phllippl, and were beaten by a mob. taken to their hief magistrates and were then taken in prison, but were released by the I ower of God. He was nualn perse iited at Berea and wan also In a dif liculty at the Areopagus. There were many other difficulties and persecu tions In his life, too numerous to men tion. His enemies had determined on 1:1s destruction, Riid watched for an op I'orlnnlty. were finally compelled to in- etit an Recusation on the pretext fiat Paul bad taken some Greeks In the temple and thereby had broken the law ( Moses, and had polluted the holy Vmisc. He was lessened from t'ie lews by the Roman soldiers and pro tected on account of bis Romau citi zenship, but for years was kept In liains without trial. Of his death al most nothing Is known. Tradition affirms that he was be headed at Rome, where a grave Is now Miown which is honored with a monu ment. He was a poor mechanic, and In the eyes of the Greeks and Romans was of an origin as hateful as that of the Jews, who are called the enemies of mankind, and his enemies said that he was of a bodily presence that was lt,- and h oritttititl!lf Mnaoch: yet he did more than any other man to set In motion those Ideas that were to lift up mankiml out of darkness, and superstition, purify their minds from the errors of ages, open their hearts to the great truths of the one ness of God, anil the brotherhood of mi n and the value of the good and true life, enforcing these great truths by a life equally great, full of bravery, self sacrillre and self-denial ami which have gained power to crush and scat ter the paganism of the Greek and Roman world. His evangelistic work wns a remark able success, he always held fast to that which was good. He made full proof of his ministry, he wns the prop er man for that particular duty be cause he did the work of an evangelist. The constructive work as shown In all of his epistles Is exceedingly grand. Tfhe two Epistles to the Thessalonlans, Epistle to the Gallatlans, Epistle to the Corinthians, Epistle to the Romans, Epistle to Timothy. Epistle to Titus, wrote to Philemon, Collosslans, Ephe slans, and Phllipplans. In nearly all of Paul's letters to churches, there are six features that occur. 1st. The greeting. 2. The thanksgiving. 3rd. A doctrinal sec tion. 5lh. Personal messages. 6th. A final salutation. In his epistle to the Thessalonlans, he says these words: 1. Now. we exort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward alt nu n. See that none render evil for evil unto any man. but forever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceas ing. In everything give thanks; for this Is the will of God In Christ Jesus con cerning you. Quench not tfle spirit. Despise not prophesying. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit, soul and body be pre served, blameless unto the coining of our Ijord Jesus Christ. Faithful is lie that calleth you, who also will do It. Ilrcthicti, pray for us. Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss. I charge you by the Lord. that. this epistle lie read to all the holy brethren. The grace of our Ixnd Jesus Christ be w'Mi you. Amen. This epistle was written A. D. 52, during the second mission ary Journey. It was the first of the Pauline epistles; It was written at Corinth to the church at Thessalonica, "here Is something peculiarly striking about his letters. They are at this time translated into one hundred and fifty languages, read by every civil ized nation on the face of the earth, read by one hundred and fifty million people; Bnd churches ar dedicated to name In every Christian city In the world. If privation, suffering, pa tience and pcrseverence, warmed by seal, and tempered with wisdom, and love, elevated and pollsned by schol arship and brilliant talents, inspired with the knowledge of the divine spir it, and all these qualities softened with a charming urbanity that was never laid aside If all these rare endow ments can build an enduting mem orial 'u the cHtth. surely anting the Immortals In the memory oT men will be found, along with the names of Adam. Moses, David. Solomon, and Jesus, the noble name of I'anl the ap ostle. Some of the most stilklim pass ages of scripture In the Bible were written by Paul. Rom, s :is-:::i reads ns follows: For I am persuaded thai n- it In r death nnr life, nor angels, imi prin cipalities, nor powi is. nor thin s present, nor tilings to come nor In ights nor depths, nor any other creature. ca:i be r.lde to separate me fiom tlv line of God, which Is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Go with me back Into the dawn of early literature when ciliicalion was raging In the noble halls of Greece, touching the hearts of the nations; now slop for a moment and consider the authors of the I Iliad, or the great Ath enian scientists and philosophers, and In no respects are they to be compared with Paul the apostle of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Tm people were stimulated end fascinated by the trnu--rfhti trrnwn-o -wlpdntn wli Ich r Allowed In the wako of his marvelous teachings. Having had profound knowledge of human nature in every respect, be was greater then Stephen, his fore I miner and martyr. As for intellect- i unlit v, with shrewdness, skill he i stands pn enieiieiitly. He was a gen I ins. His was the highest calling and he was best suited for II. and w ill nev er lade out nl our Hignt. Ill Hie twi light of ecclesiastical tradition every thing in his life was done with orderly gravity. Bluffed Gen. Kitchener. A .certain young Canadian officer of engineers is (red I ted with having "put down" Ixird Kitchener during the troubles In South Africa. The young man was In charge or an Im portant piece of railroad work. Kit chener appeared one morning and expressed disapproval of some feat ures, talking In characteristically biting fashion. The young officer had his share of the Independence, which comes of living on this side of the Atlantic, so he said: "Am I bossing this work or are you?" Kitchener looked at him, recognized young fellow after his own heart and walked away with a nod of ap proval. A Unique Apology. President Roosevelt was telling a friend about his mall, which averages 600 or COO letters a day. "One of the most remarkable letters I ever re ceived," he said, "arrived on the morning the first full accounts of the Martinique disaster were printed In the newspapers. The writer said he saw that the American consul at Martinique had been burned to death. He applied for the place and wound up with this sentence: "I make this early application so as to get in ahead of those loathsome creatures, the office seekers." Carnegie's Unsatisfied Ambition. Mr Carnegie likes to talk to tall men. Pittsburg friends say that they have known him to deliberately scrape up acquaintance with repre sentatives of the fi feet and over class for no other reason in the world than to ask them how they mannged to grow tall. Mr. Carnegie has never i;ot over his boyhood ambition to be a big man physically. He ouch said to a friend upropos of this disappoint ment: "I'eople tell me that I'm a big man. But I'm not as big as I'd like to be. Ixiok at me." The First American Piano. A year before Philadelphia rang Joyous bells on account of the dec. laration of Independence she tnadn the first piano ever produced In this country. Will Erect Monument to Friar. The Quivlra Historical ,sof lety of Leavenworth, Kas., will erect a monument to Friar Juan de Paiillla of the Coronado expedition of 1541. DR. L. J. HOLLY, MISSOURI'S FORE MOST PHYSICIAN. A Graduate of Three Universities, Bennett, Lincoln, Howard. Dr. L. J. Holly wa.s born In Chowan county. V C, years ago. He was sent at tiie curly age of seven to the public schools of his native city, through which he rapidly passed, en tering the high school at thirteen and gi adiiatcing therefrom at seveniei n. a tccord Indicative of the future sin s whic hhe lias attained. Nut being con tent with a liii;h school education, we i find young Holly a fn simian at lien licit college shortly utter leaving the high school. Graduating Horn this i i s-1 ii hi ion of learning, be went moth and intend l.i'icolii university. Clo - ,tir comity. . taking his I'.a helor's jdeglic tloui si hool in 'M-, We i:ct titiil him nt Howard rniversit v . I puisuing a meilii al ciuir.-e, lliii'-hing the some with high honors. I he began Hie ptiteliee of bis profession hi tll' jcity of Washington, I . t'.. meeting I with success from the start. Like most young men of ambition. I'r. Holly 'believed that the west offered more in- ilneeineiits for young men of brains and push, he made up his mind to locate In Kansas ('It v. Before leaving Washington lr. Holly was married to Miss Sadie Gaskln, the only daughter of Hon. J. T. Gaskln. :. 8 ..'i'K't.hy .and well known resident yf j Washington, who has for more than , thirty years held a responsible posi tion in the senate of the Culled Slates. I.Mrs. Hull) is a graduate of Howard I'nlvcrslty uinl a musician of rate ability. Mr. Holly Is also an ailisl. her paintings being the best on exhibition 111 nil' I ra Us .Mississippi Imposition at ( iinali.i Dr. Holly has an elegant home at 1117 Campbell street ainl cujovs a large practice. Vindicating Spintternood. To laugh al spiu.otcrhood nowaday Is to display Ignorance of women, and assuredly the very last way In thu world to persuade her Into matrimony. It Is tolerably clear that when a wom an wants to many she generally man ages to achieve her object. When kho prefers a -bachelor" life It may bo taken ns equally certain that sho is best securing her own happiness ami probably that of others. Lady's Pic torial. Canada's Pig Iron Production. The American Iron and Steel asso ciation has received dlnict from th manufacturers the statistics or th production of pig inui in Canada In 1902. They show an Increase of 74, 681 gross tons, or over 30 per cent, as compared with l!M)l. The total pro duction In 11102 amounted to 3l'J..ri57 gross tons, against 24VJ7U tons in l'.lOl and Hii.UW tons in r.nai. Fast Travel in Automobile. A new speed record of 27 seconds for the kilometer was made by the Hon. C. S. Itolls In Nootlnghninshire, Knglnnd. A 72 horsepower Mors racer was used and the rale at which it trav eled was equal io s:i miles an hour. Lived Under Many Presidents. Henry IV Adams, who died recently In Miami county. Kas.. was a lartner, mid was six years of age when .Ii hu tjuincy Adams was elected Pnsidcnt of Ho Cnited States. He was a licar tclativi of thai president. Succumbs to Starvation. Antonio Canipano, "the terrible Cnrsican," three limes a jail break er, has Ik en ton ed by starvation to i, urn nder in i'aris. Japan a Nation of Smrikers. Neatly evirvbo'ly smiokcs in Japan. Til" giU beg II When they ate ten years ol it : ami 'be )" s .1 year earlier Texas Cotton Production. Texas now pmduces more cotton than Georgia and Alabama, the next two laiuesi eolion states, combined. Will Not Write a Book. Colonial Secretary Joseph Cham berlaln will not write a book ou his expei ienics In south Africa.