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) r A. ; : . 2 i . Pays to Advertise In the Rising Son VOLUME VIII. THE PANTHEON. This subject was before the Forum on last Sunday at 4 p. m. It was dis cussed at length by Mr. Lewis Woods, the promoter of the enterprise; Prof. S. R. Bally, Prof. W. V. Yates and Dr. M. H. Hey, and others. Mr. Woods led off In the discussion by stating that we have a colored pop ulatlpn of about 40.000 souls, thtrt there are many secret organizations in .this vast population of our people, and outside of their churches, that we have practically no where to as semble and consult for our business or racial Interests. He contended that there were enough monled men of the colored race In Kansas City to organize a business enterprise, build a "Pantheon" which would be large enough to accommodate all the lodges of Kansas City, all of our professional men. and at the same time have a racial center. He contended that It would be a good paying investment and a beacon light on the shores of time to our boys and girls. Here we could have a bank run by colored men a large wholesale and retail grocery house where our boys and some of our girls could get employ ment and learn to do some thing In life. He contended that we could de posit funds for the present In one of our city banks that with our 40.000 colored population, we are practically without business men or even s place to do business. That he was ready and willing to Invest some money In an enterprise that had for its object the doing of something to elevate the Negro In the business world and hsr" for Its purpose, push, thrift and ra cial enterprise. Prof. Baily spoke at some lengtn on the subject and thought the objec' was a good one but that the shares or stock should be $10.00 Instead of $1.00. He also advanced the thought that the colored people should learn the earning capacity of the dollar. Prof. Yates spoke, and made a humorous talk and advanced the Idea that It was an unfortunate thing, but nevertheless a fact that In most col ored enterprises the bottom In some way or other would get shaky and some times would drop out of itself, and "then there we are." But it remained for Dr. Key to state that the reason the colored people would not support the building of ar "Pantheon" in Kansas City was be cause the Eureka Drug Company and the Colored Grocery Company went under when they should have suc ceeded. ' It seems that the colored people are afraid of each other and that those who have some money ere doubting the point whether the Negro can do anything within himself. It looks to the world as though the race cannot rise as a whole, aa other races have done but In the Instance of the Negro, It Is an Individual ef fort. MONEY RAISED BY CAPTAINS IN EASTER RALLY. O. W. Teeters $202.50 J. H. Crews Rev. O. J. W. Scott 107.00 8. J. I-ee 80.51 Miles Dunn 55.00 H. D. Harris 42.02 O. W. Shannon 18.00 Total amount raised from all sources $040.92 J. H. CREWS. Sec. Y. M C. A. NOTES. Last Sunday's meeting was a very helnful one. The concprt given at the Second Baptist church was a success in every wuy, and netted the association sixty-one dollars and seventy cents. The r-ssociatlon desires to hereby tender Its hearty thanks to Wp committee In charge for their zealous and unsel fish work. The following sn-e the names of the committee- Mrs. Maria P. Williams, Miss Victoria E. Overall, and Mrs. C. E. Cummlngs. On the night of Thursday, May 7, Dr. T. 0. T'nthank will deliver a con fidential medical talk to men only at the association rooms, .912 E. I?" street. This talk was to have been delivered some time aeo. but was post poned on account of the Inclement weather. We fool that no voting man can afford to miss this talk. Try to le there by eight o'clock. ifll K JXft-ttAC ' PROF. BOOKER T. CARNEGIE AND WASHINGTON. Six Hundred Thousand Dollars Do nated to Negro Education and Manual Training. Never in the history of the United State of America, since the days of Frederick Douglas, has a Negro been so prominently and so constantly be fore the general public as a race lead er, as our most estimable Prof. Hook er T. Washington. For a whole cen tury he has run the whole ga'mut 01 censure and praise. Throughout these years and tindpr most trying circumstances he has in variably In his sphere and otit of it been the man of the hour, who takes criticism meekly and urbanly and wetvs his honors modestly. Whether on the lecture platform or through the preBs enunciating sound and incisive policies for racial guid ance; whether the honored guest of the nation's president, discussing deep policies of state in their multifaccd aspects to the Negro race with the acumen of a Richelieu, or as the most successful financier of any university for the black race, always he is Book er T. Washington, a name synono mous with modesty, honest y and mor ality of the highest order. A man truly worthy of all honors that can lie bestowed for his unflinch ing courage and manly devotion to duty. A man whom adversity bars never conquered, florid flattery or discriminating and Just praise tins npvpr spoiled or caused him to low er his dignity by braggadocla over success stupendiious and fame of achievement which well might urn the head of most men. Inattentive to pi'Mse or blame, be has ever stood calm as fate in the nctiulousity of his own intellectuality. Now the howling blasts of fierce criticism has changed to most gentle breezes and grateful puffs. Fnom the humblest citizen of the republic to the most exalted In the person of Presi dent Roosevelt, all pay tribute to him. Just tributes to tho man nnd to the backing of his meritorious idea by his Indomitable pluck. Thus a good cause, merit, erntlve ci.'itacity, anil untiring energy brings Its ultimate reward success. From the humble washerwoman who gave her fifty cents in the sup port of the school ami In recogni tion of tho merits anil honesty of its president, to the many who have giv en on upward to their thousands of dollars all deserve nnd get favorable mention. But possibly none of the supporters of the school and generous philan thropists who have contributed to the maintenance of It since Its in- - - - ; "" - "mtf-r . .'rm m"m . for It Reaches More KANSAS CITY MO., WW WASHINGTON. cipiency, have attracted the wide attention that Honorable Andrew Car negie has by his mot--t recent donation, ever since giving twenty thousand to the institute's library. The multi millions that this coliosus of finance has amassed is proof positive of the soundness of his judgment on pll things financial, end when he set the seal of his approval on Washington's Institutloii by giving six hundred thou sand. It. was a tribute to Prof. Wash ington's honesty and management. and a safe invest meat for tho bet terment of Negro citizenship in the South. An effort to lift him above the realms of mendacity tha't. he might give more of his personal time anil care to the students under him. Whether It will accomplish the 8?coud of this two-fold object depends "on the needs of the school and its reserve funds. The professor is too used to a strenuous life to cease trav eling over tho country and making personal appeals unless cash bala'iice on tho ledger will meet all future re quirements. We, as a race of people, feel that we have a strong friend in Mr. Car negie, who baa proven himself such, not by empty words, but in a most uuhstnntlal manner. Long Mid over may he be cherished in our hearts by the race who have ever been grateful for favors shown, nnd will best show appreciation for this most princely munificence of Mr. Carnegie by taking advantage of increased facilities fur Industrial and manual training. Dr. W. C. Com I is. The World's Population. During the last seven years the population of Europe has risen In round numbers from 21ti,(ii0,uoo to 400,000,000; that of Asia and Africa has probably Increased a little more slowly; t'.iat of America has becomi' more than three and a half times n- great ns it wan In is:iil. Altogether, the worlds population Is now about l.titlO.iniii.OiJU, ami wai M7,oih,iuiu. Murderer's Heavy Sentence. One of tho strangest sentences that has bii-n pronounced In uny court has just been passed on a man named Boutin, at the assies of Stolpe, Prus-sin- In October last I tout in broke into a farmhouse n Russia ami killed two women und three children, besides robbing the place. Bout in has now been condemned live times to iliutii, plus Hie years' imprison ment. The best way to get along with your ! neighbors is not to know any of iliem Homes of Colored People than any other Paper FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1903. ALLEN CHAPEL. The meetings -if last week were well attended. The class meetings are being better attended than for quid a while. The Young People's Christian En- j dcavnr Society spent u pleasant even-) Ing at the church last Wednesday in a wicinl way. All present enjoyed tin mselves. Allen Chapel's choir was remem bered by the trustees last Saturday evening. Plenty of Ice cream and' cake was served and a plor.'sant time 1 had by those who were fortunate! enough to be present. The choir has br 11 doing excellent work nnd should ; bo remembered oftener. Many a I stttet disposition has been spoiled by I over work in Allen chapel. I I Services last Sunday were well at tended and 1 splendid collection was given. There Is no reason why this should not be the banner year for in'sing money and paying off our debts. Thus far we are doing excel lent. We feel Justly proud, for our first five hundred dollars on the prin cipal debt is paid, the Interest also, and when the next one Is due five months from now we expect to do the same thing without any trouble. The members nnd friends doing their whole duty. Rev. Howard Har ris preached to us for his last time for the present, as he leaves for bis charge In Salinn. Kansas, this week. No one has ever left Allen Chapei who was so generally liked by all as Mr. Hivris. For years he has been snper-ihui.di-til. of tne Sunday School and was loved and respected by all. Through his efforts more young peo ple have been brought Into the church: he was possessed with an unusual amount of patience along that line. As a trustee he was ever faithful: i.s a class leader he was second to none, as his class looked upon him as n man true to his convictions. We hope for him a bright future and his place In Allen Chapel cannot be easily, if ever filled. He was given a collection of $10.7.1 to help him on his jour ney, ns a token of love, from pastor, members and friends of Allen Chapel. His congregation will not find a bet ter man with whom to work in the Master's vineyard. The trustees' collection was very good nnd some of the capdlns are still renorting. Thus far they have raised $010.00. Mr. Teeters and Crens rend their list of names last night. The other captains could not read theirs, as the people grew tired and left be fore their lists were finished. Several new members joined Sun dry morning nnd evening. We are glad to see this. Our doors nre ul ways open. Come nnd welcome. The various clubs will meet ns us ual This week. They expect to do some good work in the next few months. INDEPENDENCE NEWS. The recital given by Miss llalie I. Ilrown at the A. M. E. church was a rare treat to the large and enthusi astic, audience which packed the church on that occasion. Iler rendi tions are perfect and every one pres ent was highly enli-iti.ineil by the luein of elocutionists. The local tal ent supported tier in an aide manner. Tho grocery store under the manage ment of Mr. .1. E. Mason was opened Saturday week ami from all reports is doing a splendid business. We hope every Negri) who Is interested in the progress of the race will pa tronize it. for hen we tri.'dv tin re we live helping ourselves. Missi s Rii.-a and Kutina Mush petit Sunday in Lexington visiting friends and relatives. The Deaconess Hoard and members of the A. M. E. church surprised Mr. .lor mm "Evans and wife with n beau tiful supply of groceries on April 2"th. W'uwiir" glad to know I hi.'! by some th..(igeil are lever forgotten. Sirs. Sarah Dixon, the Crand Matron of the ("ou t of Heroines of Perleho. visited the courts of the i 1 v April Dl. She gave the courts a very instrucl've and interrstitrg lecture. Key. H. II. Triplet!, former pastor here, spent Sunday nt tending services at the A. M. E. church, nnd visiting friends. We were glll to see him. Come a",ain. Miss Nnna M. Jones, of Kansns City, attend' d the recital of Miss Hallle I Brown. We nre always gWd to see her in 011 midst, ns her presence gives ur Inspiration. Miss C. Ynrnell and Mr. P. Pool were married in our city last week. We wish the young couple much Joy ad happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Seott. of Hot Springs. Aik., nre here visiting their mother. Mrs. Turner. A baptism il service was held nt the A. M. E. church last Sunday night at which time the pastor preached a special sermon on baptism. Ten were baptized. Rev. .1. D. Barksiiale, of West port, pessed through the cily last week en route to Lexington. Mine. Lucas, the renowned prima donna, latter known as the "Night ingale of the 20th Century." will give a concert at the A. M. 10. church on May 7th. Come and hear her. There are a large number on the sick list, iii'duding M; I. Jones and wife, Itro. .Ionian Evans, Miss John son, Mr. John Ross and Mrs. Fisher. We hope them speedy recovery. If you want a good meal or a fine loaf of home-made bread, go to Mrs. Jackson's restaurant. We notice a few new faces in the choir of tho A. M. E. church. We are pleased to see the interest being manifested by Its members. The lead er. Mr. ("has. Hryi.'nt. Is an untiring worker. He is ntdy assisted by his most amiable wife. Mrs. N. H. Oxley. of the True Re formers, met the club here last Thurs day night. It will meet again 1n May :th. V hope ev.'ry member will be present. THE TYPICAL SPRING. Oh. Spring, the sweetest of nil the year. With your beautiful flowers and birds Mid bees. And tho lovely sunshine so bright and clear. Casting her radiant beauty o'er land and sens. All Nature bear witness of thee, gra cious Spring. You replenish the earth ns it mother her child. What joy Olid gladness i.-ml beauty you bring, I low your melodious music our hearts do Inspire! Willi your tender motherly nnd mag ical touch You opened the eyes of each sleep ing bud. The trees III their verdure of green are flushed. And the dandelions have put on their goldeti heads. Oh. Spring, lovely Spring, thrice wel come art thou. Though beautiful was winter, wllh her mantle of snow. As It lay like a dei.'d saint, embalmed in her shroud, All diamond bedecked by some ar tistic glow. Every tree top and twig were cov ered Willi care Like a beautiful bible oil tier Wed ding iiiiirn. Stood waiting so virtuous, so pure, and so fait, To be given away lo the handsome Sun. As the grasses and buds lhal a few lli.'.VS before Seemed useless aixl good for naught tint decay. Now as vigorous and lovi ly as ever before. Is Hot Ihi.-l ;i Ijpe of the Itesilf- lection day" So the soul that Is gone to Cod. who gave. Ami the I, .uly back to its Mo! 101 Earth. Shall lis- in the Spring of Cod s grci.1 day. And be clothed in i,,u mei.l.- of im lllot:i birth. The Irony of Fate. For international irony it would be hard to beat the tact that, whereas In 187o France produced 2.1.01)0 tons of madder, the quantity gradually fell to a few hundred tons, till now I he trous ers of Ilie Kri inh Imops are dyed with an 111 titic. ul n il made in Ceimaay. .1 ' V In the State. NUMBER 11. GLEANINGS FROM PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH. I Located in Rear of Independence and Tracy A venues. I Sunday school opened nt Its usual hour. 0.:!i). Services opened by pi.-s-tor. Rev. E. M. Wilson. Explanation from Clust:- Leaf by pastor, which was most excellent, and had a ten dency to render the lesson exceeding ly Interesting. Mrs. Lee, of the L'lld Baptist church was with us, and gave an explanation of an intertainnient, "Oxford Affair." which is to lie given by her at this church mi May 22nd. Weather pleasant; crowd very good. The teachers are now putting forth many efforts to have the pupils be well lucparel to slaml examinations, which a.-e givin at the end of each quarti r. Regular eleven o'clock services: singing, praver by ileacon. James Spaubllug: congregation trad tth chapter of Id velations. b .l by pastor; singing; si run in by pastor, text: Rom. Lt:ll. "Knowing the time, now it is high time to wake out of sleep " His subject was "Validity of Time." Choir entered box. Context; Act 2": "The will of the Lord be done." He stated that the perfection of time was one of the grandest gifts of ini,iklnd. and that without time there would In con fusion He lidded that Cod took time ami mini it he reckoned nil things, niid without It we could not receive a blessing. After his most eloquent and instructive sermon, congregation sang a hymn. Doors of the church were opened for the reception of members; choir sang. "How firm n foundation;" col lection was taken; choir si.-ng, "Peine on Earth." B. V. P. I', opened at its usual hour. 'I o'clock, president F. L Lewis pre siding Paper was read by MlsH Lll lie It. Taylor, and discussed by mem bers. Secretary's report. Regular devotional exercises at 7:1.1 led by Itro. Milo strong Regular services al 7 ."n. Choir en tiled choir box. iiii, i.-i ,, roiiimaiiil of the pastor, sang. " hive thy king dom. Lord." prayer by I ti- . Clark: congregation i-oud 12th, chapter of Revelations, led by pastor; choir sang. "The Mercy Seat." sermon by pastor, text. Rev 12 C; "And the woman fled Into the wilderness where she had a place prepnreil of Coil, that they should feed her there." His subject was: "Coil s Care lor His Church " lie preaihe.1 a grand sermon on the location of the devil. He said con clusively that the devil never was nor never would be III heaven; he added that it wi.s a place of purity, holiness, cleanness, and had never been cor riipud. Alter the scholarly ami tech nlcril discourse, while the choir sang "Open the door for the children." doors of chinch Were opened for the reception of members. Collection, choir sang; "Jesus . Saviour. Pilot Me." Collodion. $21 00. Recently a grand surprise was given to pastor Rev. E. M Wilson and a hi.iiilsi.ine suit was presented him. It was gien ,y su re! 1 tub. .Ml as sembled on church meeting night, and to tin if surpri.-e. flowers, palms oranges ban. ma-., cake, civam. in the midst of a table was set at the wi stern of the house, was pre- pi.reu ior rne pastor ami the remain der of the church lhal did not belong to the secret club The pulpit was decorated with palms ami niriinlioiis. Cwiythiiig was done wllh order. Alt ir the f.a.-i. the following persons gave rich (ousts- Mr H J. McDonald. Mb Pachel D.igb v anil Mrs Ci : irudc W .McDonald. Tho lia-mUome black suit which wan given to He win thy pastor was highly appreciated And lil-i remarks for his appreciation wcte grand. The secret club, under the auspices of Mrs. Molli.. William. ami Mrs. Mary Herriford spent 110 lit tle time ami money to tn.vke the af fair a grand and successful one. "y rythini: pn.sse, off harmoniously lr. L"w is I. Thompson and Mr.'. Tilli" lerefi,ril will be mi, nie, I May :th by Rev. Scott of A. M. 10. church, at Mrs. Ier -ford's place of Business nt l"s Wcsl 1.M1 stl I. They will mow to their 1 w home at 2:! I!' High land Ave. 01 the fall. 'I'll 111:1:1 who puts his trust in riches In ul.! put his 1 li lies In Trusts.