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II Pays to Advertise In the Rising Son VOLUME VIII. LEXINGTON NEWS. Rev. Gilbert went to Kansas City Monday morning on business. The trustees of the A. M. E. church have begun their Improvement on the church and parsonage. The teachers institute Is held here and Is conducted by Prof. Green. There are about fifteen teachers In attend ance. The temple and tabernacle will be preach Sunday at which time we ex pect all the members to be present. A concert will be given at St. John's M. E. church on Tuesday for the ben efit of the church, conducted by Mrs. Wary Wright. Everybody is Invited to attend. Mrs. Shelby has left the Ity for Hlg glnsvllle, and expects to go to Kan sas City to make that her future home. Mrs. James Davis of Kansas City was here visiting her mother and brother and other relatives. Al Williams was In Kansas City on business. Mr. Bob Brownfiold departed this life on Tuesday, June 10. He had been sick for quite a while. He leaves a clear wife, sister and a number of rel atlves to mourn his loss. He was about 35 years old. Mr. Tom Jenkins shot and killed Mr. Lum Hayes on Monday evening about 7 o'clock. He died In a few min utes after he was shot. The difficulty between them arose about a can of beer. He followed Mr, Hayes and shot him twice, one taking effect In the In-cast and killed him. The can bus iness is bod business, and we hope our young men will take a lesson from this and quit It. He wns hurried on Wednesday. Hp leaves a mother and brothers and sisters to mourn his loss. last Tuesday was set apart for the people to go out and clean off their cemetary. There were only two men who went and cut weeds and under growth, and other men sat around the court house yard from the time those men went out until the time they came back. They said they did not have time. If we have any resect or care for our dead, I think we ought to show It. Those men who went out there did not go because they wanted to go. but because it was their duty, and we 1hlnk it the duty of every colored man in the city to go out next Thursday and clean it off. We hope the ladies will furnish their dinner. If you have nny race pride, show it, for that place is a disgrace to the race. Mrs. Amanda Graham, Mr. Rooker Saunders, Mr. Chas. Haywood paid up their subscriptions to the Rising Son. We hope others will do the same, es pecially our yearly subscribers; we need the money. The high water kept the Son from rising, but she will rise now; please pay up. Mr. Israel Buries is quite sick. Mrs. Mary Wilson has been quite 111 but Is now out again. Mrs. Iiouise Parker Is on the sick list. guest of Mrs. Kirk Wilson. She will probably spend a week or so. We were unable to learn her name. The students of Uncoln Institute have all returned home. They speak highly of their school. Mrs. June Porter Is unable to get around on account of her crippled limb. Mr. Hunks and Mr. Moppins, who have been down here several weeks moving houses, went to Kansas City Saturday evening. Mr. Moppins un derstands the business. We wish we had more such men among us. I irne oririyn onanyts. "Well, deareBt," he wrote, "It Is the old, old story, this story of lore, the divine music of the heart. It Is the basis of ail the world's poetry and Bong; we never grow tired of it or desire any change In Its main fea tures. I can come as near describing my delight In getting your letter as in describing the fragrance of the rose or the beauty of a sunset. Each word you write takes on a new mean ing as It drops from your pen. There clusters around the little Incidents of our acquaintance the sweetest, ten derest memories. I look I see your face. I look forward and It is there it Is entwined In every hope, wrapped up In every Joy." And now she U suing him for breach of promise! MRS. W. M. LUCAS. Mrs. W. M. Lucas and Mrs. S. K. Green whose cuts appear above are two of, the best talent we have. They have given concerts find have met with such success that they will tak It up, hereafter au a profession, and or larger basis. Mme. Lucas has a very, rich and beautiful voice; her selection are of a high character and the ren-i derlng of them Is superb. Mrs. Green the accompanied has a fine contralto voice, which is In perfect accord with, Mme. Lucas' soprano. MRS. S. F. GREN WHY NOT BITY A HOME? Took our list over and come and see the Rising Son, 117 West Sixth street. For Sale: 2119 Highland, f. rooms 11.500 2116 Highland. 5 rooms 1,350 2316 Highland, C rooms 1,375 2208 Grove. 4rooms 1.100 1719 Agnes, 5 rooms 1,300 2333 Agnes. 4 rooms 1,000 UNCLE SAM'S PENSION ROLLS. How the Vast Sums Are Paid Through out the Country. Borne Idea of the vastness of the funds paid out at the various pension agencies throughout the country every three months Is given In a requi sition Just forwarded by the secretary of the interior to the secretary of the, treasury. The requisition calls for an aggregate of $10,955,000, and Is to be paid to small armies of veterans from half a dozen of the agencies durlug the first week in March. Payments are made at each agency quarterly, but for convenience sake the agencies are divided into three groups, each group paying off on a different month. Following are the figures for March: Boston. Mass.. $1,840,000; Augusta, Me., $700,000; Washington, D. C, $1, 910,000; Columbus. Ohio, $3,750,000; San Francisco, Cal., $1,155,000; De troit, Mich.. $1,600,000. Not Usually So Fatal. A man from Pittsburg was Intro duced to Representative Littlefleld of Maine the other day. "I spoke In Pittsburg last fall." said Littlefleld. "Yes." replied the Pittsburg man, "I ran for office there and I was beaten by only 7.0u0." "Heavens!" said Lit tleficld. "I am not usually so fatal as that. I spoke out in Omaha in 1900 for 'Dave' Mercer and they didn't beat him until 190!." -..; ( i for It Reaches More Homes of Colored People than any other Paper KANSAS CITY MO.. FRIDAY, .JUNE It), 11103. NATIONAL NEGRO BUSINESS LEAGUE. League decided at Its last meeting, to hold the fourth annual session of the organization at Nashville, Tennessee,, during the month of August. 190.1. The Executive Committe has decided upon Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day, August 19, 20 and 21, as th dates for the meeting. i The Local Negro Business League of Nashville has already begun niak ir.g thorough and elaborate prepara-, tions for the entertainment of the National body, and there Is every in- dication that the coming meeting will be the largest and most important in the history of the organizations BOKER T. WASHINGTON. Pres. EDWARD COOPER, Secy. CALL FOR MEETING OF NATIONAL AFRO-AM ERIC AN COUNCIL AT LOUISVILLE, KY.. JULY 1, 2, AND 3, 1903. To the members of the National Afro-. American Council, Delegates from. Local Councils and Affiliated Organl-. zatlomt, such aa Churches, Colleges,, Benevolent Societies, Newspapers and other Race Organizations. i Greeeting: The Sixth Annual Session of the National Afro-American Council will be held nt lxiuisville, Ky.. July 1st, 2d, and 3rd. 1903. WILIAM A. PLEDGER. Acting President. ALEXANDER WALTERS, Chairman Executive Com. CV' TS FL3LD ADAMS. General Secretary. APES SING IN CONCERT. African Traveler Tells of a Remark' able Performance. In the Zoological garden at Berlin may be seen a curious-looking ape. It Is a member of the species known as "guereza." Herr Schilling, an Afrlcnn traveler, shot it near Kllmandscharo. in Ger man East Africa, but the animal was not badly wounded, and he soon suc ceeded in restoring it to health. This is the first adult "guereza" which has ever been seen in captiv ity In Europe. Three young apes of a somewhat similar type, whose home is in Abyssinia, were captured some time ago, but died very soon alter they were photographed. An interesting fact about the "gue rezas" Is that they hold a regular con cert in their native woods every night, which, while not very musical, since It consists merely of a succession of growls, produces a startling effect on those who hear It for the first time. Was Too Highly Honored. Senator Cullom was in an elevator the other day when someone shook hands with him rather effusively, say ing: 'How do you do. Senator Fair banks? I am very glad to see you." Mr. Cullom did not correct the effu sive person's error. The latter got out at the next floor and the Senator con tinued for another (light. As be stepped out of the elevator a second stranger grasped his hand and said "Why, Senator Proctor, 1 am glad to see you. How are things progressing in Vermont?" Stranger No. 2 entered the cage and Shelby walked away in a slightly duzed condition. In telling a friend of the mistaken greetings he said: "One would have been a good many, but to be taken for Fairbanks and Proctor inside of Ave minutes was really too much." She Wondered. They were hanging over the gate to St. Paul's churchyard during the police parade. The bands were playing popu lar melodies. "What do you think would happen," said she lu a low voice, "it that band suddenly started to play. 'Please Go 'Way and lx-t Me Sleep?' " New York Press. The Clever Photographer. A German photographer named Kunwald, when taking a picture of a lady of doubtful age, places sheets of celluloid behind the negative and the printing paper, thus producing a very softening effect, which hides the dis crepancies of age. RACE NOTES. Thomas Fortune, who was sent to the Philippines by the President has returned "chuck full" of Information.. It Is said by good authority that another exoducis planned from the south, i Mr. Robert R. Church, of Memphis. Tetin., Is the largest teal estate dealer. of our race, and Is owner of the only pork and auditorium of Its kind. Dr. Jas. O. Clayton, connected with the Pension office at Washington, D. C died at his home In Springfield, O . June 4th Colored American. The following Is a report of some of the work at Tuaken Industrial In stitute Tne total number of pieces laun dered by the young women of our laundry division during the ye-ir ag gregated a total oof 15,051 pieces a week. (10,204 pieces a month, a total f f .- the school term of 541,836 pieces. THE FACE AND THE COLLAR. Easy Means by Which a Stout Man May Make Himself Look Thin. Men who do not want to look any fatter in the face than they can help have an easy means of accomplish ing their purpose. Not all of them are aware of the effect that may be created by the form of a collar or fa vat. Ths' stout man who wants to 1-j U as tliiu as ho can," said the haber dasher's clerk, "ought to wear a tie of tin' kind Known us a fourinhund. Preferably It should lie dark in color and drawn tight. That carries down the line or the lace ami lengthens It to a degree that tends to make the luce look thinner. ' "Another aid to making a man look thin Is in the height of his collar. Stout men who waul to look thin should wear high collars and closed ones. Any collar that opens In front mnkes one look stouter under neatly every circumstance. Such collars are becoming to the thin nun. "The fat man should avoid the Kind of tic that has a horizontal effect. This will add pounds to bis appearand in his fac e at least. On tho contrary, tills cross effect will make the thin mail look stout."--New York Sun. " " GOD WAS NOT DISPLEASED. How Little One Obtained Absolution for a Fib. Little Dorothy Perkins was usually ft truthrul child. When slie wus not truthful she was plausible. Coming in from her walk one morn ing she Informed her mother Unit she had seen a lion in the park. No amount of persuuslou or reason ing wavered her statement one hair's breadth. S4i at night, when she slipped down beside her knee, her mother said: "Ask God to forgive you for that fib, Dorothy." Dorothy hid her face for a minute; then she looked straight into her mother's eyes with her own shining like stars, and said: "I did ask him, mamma dearest, and he said: Don't mention it. Miss Perkins. Thai big dug has often fooled me.' " Yes. Children Do Lie. Do children lie? Yes; constantly, persistently, and universally, says Kin dergarten Magazine. A child docs not tell the truth, because he could not. He docs not know the truth, and his approximation to the truth Is much vaguer than ours. And there are cer tain qualities of bis mind which tnuko It Inevitable that he should pervrt the truth. In the llrst place, truth is synonymous with knowledge. He does not know what truth Is. In the second place (and it is the same with us), children gradually approximate the truth. They have their Ideas of truth. In thu third place, the child's imagin ation drives him oftcu to tell what is sot true. ntiui ml wiat. All of the complimentary terms, such as accomplished, brilliant, hand some, charming, gallant, etc., fade in to insignificance in old age before one word that conveys more that is com plimentary; and that word s "pa tient." Atchison Globe. MISS ISABELLA H. JORDAN , The above Is Miss Isaliella 11. Jor-i dan. the girl evangelist, who Is carry-i Ing on a revlvtl nt. Allen Chapel this week. She. was born In Savannah, Ga., In 1K.N7, but was reared in Jersey, City, N. J- She has been before the public for 5 years, and success seems to he the results of her work every-, where. She preached for Hob IngciMoll, the great Infidel 3 years age, and whciii she finished, ho is quoted as saying: "1 have been leading people to believe that there Is no God. Now I sav there i.. a God." She will be lu our city. iivi i Si.nday. ur.d pray and tn.i.' that 11 harvent of souls will be the, outcome of her visit. You will miss a great treat If yen fail to hear her. COULD HER SUFFRAGE SUFFER? Amusing Mistake Made by Australian Woman Voter. Female suffrage homeiiines leads to niuitslug mistakes. A candidate at a recent election in Australia, white the women hae voles, tells a stolV in this ci, mi, ,! i, hi. The const ilucni y was a seaport town, and one of the i burning issues before the elector 4 wa i the question id' berthage tales. A I woman voter came to linn nnd asked I whether lie was in favor of imposing i these berthage tales, bei llllso If he I was she w 1 111 lit take good care that ; neither her husband nor herself would j vote for him. A little discussion of I thi matter revealed the fact thnl the ' woman was under the Impression that I the quest Ion of berl huge rales related , (1 ., X ,, halites. That can- ilidulo now doubts whether tho aver 1 HK,. f,.niale voter Is 110I under a d.' lusioii. or. perhaps, say, under a New York Tribune spel, A vvonaer or science. The method known as spectrum an alysis originated in lite discovery of Fraiinholer that a ray of light decom posed and split up Into its seven prin cipal colors, numerous line and thick, blink and colored lines, the number of which soon grew to hundreds and now amounts to thousands. KlrchofT and Biinseti found (IX.V.n that these lines have their origin lu the c hemical components of the binning or shining substance, ami that curb clement pro duces particular invariable lines, al ways appearing in the same place and spectiiiut sodium, for example, a light, looiid, ellow line; thallium, a blue, iiibldium. three green lines, elc. A Novelist' Old Age. "I inn H." savs George M'i edit li, the novclUt, "but I do not feel to be grow ing old either 111 heart or mind. I still look on 1 1 1 1 with a vouug man's eye. I have always hoped I should not grow old as some do with a pal sled intellect, living backward, regard ing other people as anachronisms be cause they themselves have lived oil into other times nnd left their sym pathies behind them with their years." France Cares Nothing for Royrlty. A Brussels correspondent w rites that the only Interesting point about thu recent visit of the Duke and Ouchuss ot Orleans at Brussels is the proof it affords of the low ebb to which tho fortunes of thu nivalis! parly have fallen. The episodes were of a kind lo make nun philosophize, when ono remembers that less than ten years ago the royalist party was still a practical forrs In French politics. In the State. NUMBER US. FIRST PAGE At the meeting of the Hoard of begents for Lincoln Institute thei Negro State Normal School, located, al Jefferson City, the following faculty ainl teachers were elected: i President. It. F. Allen. A. It.. A. M.j l.LD.: Dr. .1. II. Gnrnett. A. LV anl A. M.. Prof, of Ancient and Modern languages: Prof. J. Sllone Yates. A.. B. nnd A. M , Prof, of English: Prof., G. S. Murray. A. It. md A. M.. Pror.. of Natural Science; Prof. J. T. Moten., A. B and A M.. Prof or Mathematics;. Prof. A. P. Craig. A. B. nnd A. M., Supt. of Manual Training Dept.; Prof.. English. Supt. of Agricultural Dept.: Miss M. E. Grintshnw, Teacher of Sewing nnd lHimestlc Art; Miss Carry M. Carney, Teacher of Music: Mis Burrel. Teacher of Domestic Science;, Prof. O. M. Shackeirord, A. It., Ass t, Prof, of Mathematics; Prof. J. Wesley Daniel, A. It and Ph. D.. Ass t Prof., of Natural Science; Prof. Romeo West, Prof, of Bookkeeping and Business Course, also Sec'y to Faculty; Mis Florence Pigeon, nss;'t in Music; Mir.., L. W. Anthony. Matron for Girls: Mrs. Imnih Dupcc Matron for Boys: Mr. J., Mason. Supt. of Grounds; Mr. .loiinson. Chief Engineer. , Bound to Win. "Yes." said tho young wife, "Henry and I hud some words litis morning, and 1 can't deny that he got the best of It. I'liat will never do." returned the i Xiei ii-icei' neighbor. "You can't afford to start In married life that way." "I know It," answered tho young wile. "I've thought it all over, ami w hen he comes home to night I'm going to bring him to terms so quick that he'll hardly know what's hap pencil flint's right, my dear Show some spirit What ate oii going to do?" "I'm going to bring up the sub ject again ami then cry." - Stray Stories Claims Part of Scotcti Estate. Claiming il,'.-., ,'hl Itom the duke of Sutherland ol three generations ago, Mt. Ildmund i Hennessey, wile of a lawyer liiing in Itrookhn. is planning 11 ticht for a part of the states of the iiikei,im of Sill bet laud in Scotland. "Mv glial grandmother n-, Mary Sutherland, gi a ml, laughter of Lord Rotsay Duffus. mid a niece of the then duke ot Sutherland." says Mrs Hen nessey. "She married Michael Goeghan, an Irish physician, with whom she came to New York to live. Later the family went West " Historic Battle Chests on View. In the liisb "House of Lords." now the hoard room of the directors of the Bank of Ireland, lire nt present 011 view two great wooden (bests strong ly bound in Iron, which are believed to bine contained the money with which King William III paid bin troops alter the battle of the lloyne. The chests were discovered III olio of the bank vaults some Inn,- ago. and alter having been 1 leai-d of the dust and dirt of two centuries ate now decided objects of IntcicM to visitors. The Workings of Trusts. An eminent English student of ccotiomli s. Prof. Smart, regards tho trusts in Hi Main as. in the main, thu elimination of the unnecessary tho unnecessary persons, tin- unnecessary processes, the ii ii m i "sa i y machinery of production and dl-t ribut ion. They mean smaller cost of raw materials, the dispensing with costly advertise ments, larger shipments, fewer mid dlemen and a smaller staff" He ilni'i in t icier lo the elimiliaiion of unine essaiy profits. The Congressional Pun. "What has the capitol got that you will never have?" asked Congressman Fletcher of Minnesota of Congressman Tawney. "Give it up." said Tawney. "Two white wings." said Fletcher. "Pretty fair, pretty fair," admitted Tawney. "But what has the capitol got that you give lo a piilicanl s tor of fice?" "It's loo many for me," replied the other Minnesota man. "A mar hlo stair." At this point quits wpm called. Baltimore Herald. Work of Volcanoes. Ths flvs volcano. attlvo last year otTl''l 10,000 lives. til V