Newspaper Page Text
2 1 A I J 1 1 I I 4 Pays to Advertise In the Rising Son V0LUME1VIIT. The Far-seslng Police. An old naval Joke has been resur rected In South Africa. According to a newspaper there a beggar has been Rolng about Heaufort, Cape Col ony, soliciting alma, and declaring among other thing that he bad a horse shot under him at Trafalgar, which wan, of course, a naval battle. "The police," says the paper, "be lieve he Is an Impostor." Destroying Brown-Tall Moth. The offer of rewards by a newspaper In 8alem. Mass., for the collection of nests of the brown-tall moths was so effective that within two weeks 140, Z15 nests were brought In. One lad collected 19,214 nests and won the first prize. $23. The next largest number was 18.344. for which the second prize, 1S, was paid. Give Up Bicycle Manufacturing. Owing to the remarkable decline of bicycles In popularity and demand the Remington Arms compary. one of the largest producers tn New York, has discontinued manufacturing them. A quantity of special machinery has accordingly been consigned to the scrap heap. Letters Written by "L'Alglon." The poor young Due de Reichstadt left many letter, some of which have Just been published for the first time In an Italian monograph. The volume Includes the reports made to the cabinet at Vienna regarding the "Eaglet's" education. Rare and Costly Gold Fish. One of the rarest and most expen elve of Chinese gold fishes is the briishtail, a pair of which sells for $1,000. Probably there Is no other living thing of its size and weight t.iat is worth so much money. Foreigners Who Speak No English Every state in the union has people who can speak no English. Carolina has fewest foreigners. j5 of Its people are unable to English. Minnesota, on the hand, has 7.1,uoo. South Only speak other Suspended a Finnish Newspaper. Hecansc it did not print an Imperial manifesto in n sufficiently prominent position a leading newspaper In lie! Kingfors. Finland, has been suspend ed by the. Russian censor. Marked Decrease In Tuberculosis. "All over the world," said Dr. It. T. Bulestrode a few days ago. at the College of Surgeons In Loudon, Eng land, "there la now a marked de crease In tuberculosis." Record Span of Cantilever Bridge. The Btrait of Causo, between Cape Breton and the mainland of Nova Scotia, is about to be bridged with a cantilever having the record spau of 1,800 feet. German Railroad Travel. Almost hair of all railway travel in Germany Is third-class. More passen gers use fourth-class than second, and less than one in twenty rides first class. Refuse to Pay Taxes. There has lately been formed a French League which refuses to pay taxes an outgrowth of the govern ment's closing of the Catholic schools. Bell Tolled by Electricity. The 22-ton bell at the Sacre Coeur church In Paris la tolled by electrici ty. A single choir boy can thus do the work which formerly took five men. High License Decreases Saloon. High license went into effect In New York city May 1. and as a result 71S hotel and saloonkeepers went out ot business. I'nder the new law licenses were advanced from $t00 to $900 In Brooklyn and from $S0tl to $1.2o0 In Manhattan and the Bronx. Have Faith in Education. An official report shows that at the end of last year there were In Japan 97 agricultural schools, six fishery schools, tweuty-eiht technical schools, fifty commercial schools, seven mer cantile schools and sixtytwo Indus trial schools. APES SING IN CONCERT. African Traveler Tells of a Remark- . f,ble Per,orrnanc- I In the Zoological garden at Berlin . may be seen a curious-looking ape. It is a member of the species known as Kuereza." Herr Schilling, an African traveler, shot It near Kllmandschiuo, tn Ger man East Africa, but the animal was not badly wounded, and he soon suc ceeded in restoring It to health. This Is the first adult "guereza" which has ever been seen In captiv ity In Europe. Three young apes of .1 somewhat similar type, whose home Is in Abyssinia, were captured some time ago. but died very soon after they were photographed. An Interesting fact about the "gue- rezas is that they hold a regular con cert In their native woods every night. which, while not very musical, since It consists merely of a succession of growls, produces a startling effect on tho.-e who hear It for the first time. UNCLE SAM'S PENSION ROLLS. How the Vast Sums Are Paid Through out the Country. Somo Idea of the vastness of the funds paid out at the various pension agencies throughout the country every three months Is given In a requi sition Just forwarded by the secretary of the Interior to the secretary of the treasury. The requisition calls for an aggregate oT f 10,955,imh, and Is to be paid to small armies of veterans from half a dozen of the agencies during the first week In March. Payments are made at each agency quarterly. but for convenience sake the agencies are divided into three groups, each group paying off on a different month. Following are the figures for March: Boston. Mass., Sl.sin.otio; Augusta, Me.. $700,000: Washington. It. C. $1, 910,000; Columbus. Ohio, $:l.7.Mi.0n0; San Francisco, Cal.. $1,15.1.000; De troit. Mich., Il.fioo.uoo. Time Brings Changes. "Well, doaies-t," he wrote-. "It Is the old, old story, this story of love, the divine music of the heart. It la the basis of all the world's poetry anil song; we never grow tired of it or desire any change in Its main fea tures. I can come as near describing my delight in getting your letter as In describing the fragrance of the rose or the beauty of a sunset. Each word you write lakes on a new mean ing as It drops from your pen. There clusters around the little Incidents of our acquaintance the sweetest, ten derest memories. I look I see your face. I look forward and It. is there It is entwined in every hope, wrapped up In every toy." And now she la suing hiin for breach ot promise! She Wanted to Know. A Chicago dentist tells this story: "Some years ago a young woman re cently from the Emerald Isle called at my office to have some dental work done. I examined her teeth and found that among them was one so badly wasted that It was not worth filling. I told her this. 'How long,' she asked, 'do you think it would last if It were filled?' 'I have no Idea,' I replied. 'Not very long, anyway.' 'Well, how long do you think?" she persisted. 'I cannot say,' I returned. 'I would not guarantee it for any length ot time.' Still anxious an.i determined to secure a favorable and definite answer, she asked: 'Will it last longer than yon thluk It will?' " To tha Public, Why suffer from discharges from the venerial orpana and ruin your digestion with nau seous, ill tasting medicines or strong injections that may stricture you for life or neces sitate a painful and expensive surgical operation when by using Dr. Comb's celebrated remedy for three nights you are guaranteed a cure. Noth ing to take or inject. Good for male or female. Write at ouce for terms to Dr. Combs, 'H)3 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. for It Reaches More Homes of Colored Peop.e KANSAS CITY MO., FRIDAY, JUXE 20, W03. NATIONAL NEGRO BUSINESS LEAGUE. LenmiB decided at Its lust ineetinir. to hold the fourth annual session of the. ...i...i . v....i..-m. t ,ui(,auiAaiuiii cii .iioii t ii it . iuiiiiiwtt during the month of August. 1903. The Executive Commute has decided, upon Wednesday, Thursday and Frl- day, Augtuit 19. 20 and 21, ts tha ilptca for the meeting. The local Negro Business League, of Nashville has already begun niak-i Ir.g thorough and elaborate pre para-. Hons for the entertainment of the. National body, and there Is every ln- dication that the coming meeting will be the largest and most Important In the history of the organization.. BOKETt T. WASHINGTON, rree. EDWARD COOPER. Secy. CALL FOR MEETING OF NATIONAL AFRO-AMERICAN COUNCIL AT LOUISVILLE, KY.. JULY 1, 2, AND 3, 1903. To the members of the National Afro American Council, Delegates from. I.ocal Councils and Affiliated Organi zations, such as Churches. College Benevolent Societies, Newspapers and other Race Organizations. Oreeetlng: The Sixth Annual Session of the National Afro-American Council will bo held nt Louisville, Ky July lst,i 2d. and 3rd. 1908. WILIAM A. PLEDGER, Acting President ALEXANDER. WALTERS, Chnirmnn Execnth'e Coni. CYM'S FL3I.D ADAMS. General Secretary A Wonder of Science. ' The method known as spectrum an alysis oi U;uiatcd iu the discovery of Fraunhofer that a ray of light decom posed and split up into its seven prin cipal colors, numerous line and thick, black and colored lilies, the number of whn h soon grew to hundred and now amount to thousands. KirchoiT and Itunsen lound (1S.19) that those lines have their oriuin in the chemical components of the burning or shlniim substance, and that each element pro duces paituular Invariable linos, al ways appealing in the amo place mid spei 1 1 uni sodium, for example, a light, bro.ol, yellow line; thallium, a blue, ruliidlitiii, I'iree green lines, etc. Zurich Cleared of Bad Characters. As a result of the Introduction ot the Itertillion system by the Zurich police the town has practically cleared out all its bad characters. Even tramps gie the place a wide berth, for as soou as a person Is arrested he is photogtaphod and his measure ments taken, oen If the charge is not serious. Of late the police have had so little to do that there Is talk of reducing the number of the force. So few crimes are committed in the town that Zurich Is considered to be tin most moral town In Switzerland. Juries Many Times Disagree. Two juries have disagreed In 111 case of William (Sardlner, twice trie I for minder There Is no precedent for this In Kngland. but In the nortli of Ireland some years ago a poln p superintendent was tried three tunes for the murder of a bank clerk, and then confessed. In the first trial of Gardiner only one juryman stood out against conviction: hut in the secon 1 trial It is believed that the majoilty of the Jury were for acquittal. Not Usually So Fatal. A man from Pittsburg was Intro duced to Representative Llttlefleld of Maine the other day. "I sjsiko in Pittsburg last rail." said Littletlell. "Yes." replied the Pittsburg man. "1 ran for office there and 1 was beaten by only 7.000." "Heavens!" said Llt tlefleld. "I am not usually so fatal in that I spoke out in Omaha In 1 '. n for 'Dave' Mercer and they didn't beat him until lfln;." Hard on Lemon Growers. The mixing of aipia fortis. whirli costs but a few cents a quart, with essence of lemon, has reduced tlio price of the essence In Italy to twenty-three cents per pound, while the pure essence U worth f.nir or fio times HJt much. When pint the doctors pay lsi they visits to pay them. cx International Rifle Shoot. Iu the competition under the man agement of the Lngllsh Natloual Rifle Association for the I'alma trophy at lilsley, each team must have eig?H members, who shall use the national military arm of the country It repre sents, each member to have fifteen shots, without artificial rest, at 100, at 90 and at l.tioo yards, the hulls eye feting thirty-six Inches across. Nearly Drowned In C'der. J.eo incva de Mille, a young farmer of Geneva, N. Y was Just starting to empty some cider from one barrel In to another when the bung dew out. r. rlklng him In the eye and render Ii him unconscious. The contents o ' the barrel followed and the yourg n an was nearly drowned before he oniihl be rescued. Veteran Actress in Splendid Health. Fanny Herring, the actress who Charmed the audience of the Old Mow- le'ry Theater thirty or forty years ago, celebrated her seventy-first bllhday recently. After nearly fifty years on the stage she retired to her farm In Connecticut, where she now lives In Uie best of health. Lignite as Smokeless Fuel. Thousands of square miles of lignite underlie the Dakotaa and Montana while another belt extends from Klorl la to Texas. Briquettes for fuel are f!t) no.niiiio ironi u. i ne manuiaciure of briquettes may solve the problem of smokeless fuel for cities. Growth of Cotton Manufacture. A few yenrs ago the fnlted States exported all Its cotton. l ast year, out of a total crop of nine million bales. It 1 opt for home manufacture over four million, of which Northern mills are using L'.Jho.uimi. Replica of St. Mark's Campanile. There is in existence an exact re plica of St. Mark's Cn'npanilo, thouuh on a years II. at Komi smaller sea ago by tin Nn lechta. nun. e. Ii was built I .'10 F.nipresK Catherine In tlie ut i i in of High Prices Seals are dear house than iu capital, iu spite for Opera Scats, or at tlie Tails opera any other KuioiH-aii of the fact that the state gives the Imildii'g nn uuiiual suhvenihui of rent Ivoi ill.'.OIHI. and Floating Dock Makes Long Tow. The Durbnn floating dock, recently wrecked In Mosnel hay, was towed by the stenmer Hiirnlong. The combined length of steamer, hawser and pon toon was 2.1 no feet. The Deepest Atlantic Sounding. The deepest Atlantic sounding yet discolored Is "".Mill tect. It was taken lull miles north of I'orto Rico. The Pacitlc has a spot near tluaui O0u feet deeper. Inebriety Among English Women. The farm colony for inebriate wom en at liiixhmst. Knglaml. has applica tions from ll.nou women a year In ex cess of the number It tan accommo date. Would Bind France and Canada. Steps were taken recently toward forming Iu Paris a Canadian chamber of commerce to extend commercial relations between Prance and Canada. Model Building for Workmen. Krupp's works at Ivtson are remark able tor their model buildings for workmen. Heir Krupp owned S.ttiJ of these, each with a small garden. Origin of Natural Gas. The origin of natural gas Is the ac tion ot water upon aluminum carhld. by which methane Is t-volvwd Something Must Be Wrong. C.ermany. with l.os;i paper mills, makes only half n much paper as with but 3"0. Dr. Jameton New Sorry. Dr. Jameson, In reply to an address j at Cape Town recently, leferred to i the famous raid as a blunder which ! he had expiated, ami whlih he bat. hoped had been condoned. I than any other Paper THE FACE AND THE COLLAR. Easy Means by Which a Stout M.-.n May Mise Hirvself Look Thin. Men who do not want to look ar.v Taller in the la. o than they tan help have hu easy mean ot accomplish ing tr.Mr purpose. Not all ot them are aware of the effect that uuiy bo created by the totni of a collar or cravat. "The slont in:ui who wants to look a thin as lie i an. ul Ihe? hancr davher's cletk. "oi.glit to mar i i of the kind known a a torn in hand I'lelerahly it should he 1 . I U III coloi and drawn tighi. Tha1 carncs down the line of I he face and lonvihoii. it to a ileguo that tend to the lace look thinner. "Another aid to making a man look thin Is in l he height of his collar. Slont men who wiinl to look tiuu should loch collars and i dosed ones. Any collar that opens in front makes one look rtoutcr under neai ly every i ircuiilaii e. Such lollais aie becotiiini: to the thin men. "Tlie tat man should avoid the ' ind of tie thai has a hort.oninl cfl'e. i. Tins will add pounds to hi appeaiame - In his face nt h.-ast. On the conttary. this cross effect will make the thin man look stout." New York Sun. GOO WAS NOT DISPLEASED. How Little One Obtained Absolution for a Fib. Little Dorothy Perkins was usually a truthful child. When she was not truthful she was plausible. Comiiip in from her walk one morn ing she informed her mother that she bad seen a lion In Hie paik. No amount of persuasion or reason lug wavered her Ktaienient one hair's breadth, so at tiinht. when she slippei1 down beside her knee, her mother said: "Ask Cud to lotgive you for that lib. Dorothy." Dorothy hid In i face for a minute then she lool.e.l s!;-llt into In mother'.-, eves Willi her own sliming like stars, and said: "I did ask him inanima ih ;uv... and ho :nd 'Don't mention it. Mtn IVil.ii.-.. lug (log has oil II tooled me.' " Yes. Children Do Lie. Do childien lie" Yes; eon-. I. ml !v, persi.-ii nlly. and niiix el sally , sas Kin ilergai ten Magaine. A chi'd does not tell the truth, lie. aese he could not, Ho does col know I In- truth, and his npproxl'lial ion to I lie t tilth is much vnruor limn ours. And there are c or tain iinihiies nf his mind whuh make It inevitable that In i liould pelett the trulli. In Hie Inst plaec. Iiulli is symilivinous with knowledge He does not know what truth is. Iu the seeoml place land It is the same witli usl, children gradually npproxiiuaio tint trulli. Tbev hne their (ileus of truth. In the third plaec. the child's iiuagln at ion drives him often p, tell what is but true Bound to Win. "Yes." snld the young wife, 'Henry and I hail some words this morning, and I can't denr that lie got I he host of il. I' 1 1 n I willjiiever do," returned the expel ieaced neighbor. "You can't afford to htait in innriied life that way." "I know It," answered tln young wile. "I've thought it all over, and when he comes home tonight I'm going to bring him to terms so ipilck that he'll hardly know what's hap pened." "That's right, my dear. Show some spirit. What are yon going to do?'' "I'm going to bring up the sub ject again and then ciy." Stray Stories. Claims Part of Scotch Estate. Claiming descent from the duke ot Slit he! land of three general tons ago. Mrs. Kdmuiid D. Hennessey . wife of lawyer living In Itroul, lyn. Is planning n light for a part of the estates of I ho dukedom o; Sutherland in Scotland. "My great grandmother was Mary Sutherland, granddaughter of Lord ltotsny Dnfftis, and .1 niece of Ihe I hen d'.iko of Sutherland." savs Mrs Hen nessey. "She in n rii d Michael (iiieghan. an lri.-h i hv -'clan, w ith whom she ciune In New Yot k lo live. I. liter tlie family went West." To Celebrate Library Jubilee. Manchester, England, I soou t celebrate the Jubilee of Im free lih rnry. During the fifty yours over .M', Oiiii.oi"! luniks have been dm vn cut. lnthe State. NUMBER 17. The Workings of Trusts. An (iciiei't l-'uglish student lf i colon . Prof. Smaii. regards tb ir-i.ts in l.ntuin ,i.i, in the main, the elimination of th- unnecessary tb ill-no. cs-.i'v person, the unnecessary pun c-sos. the nnnecrtsai y machinery puulei tion and l!-f nhutlnn. They mean suuilicr osi of inw materials. ho i:Kp t.sing with costly advertlso- ir.ont. hirter sl'iinnetils, tower mid-it'eni.-u ;: a smaller staff" He does tut tec in ihe elioiti anon of unnec- aiv profits The Congre f mcnal Pun. What has the tainii I got that )'Oil will in ver have'' asked Congressman l-'leli her of Minnesota of Congressman Tawney "tJlve n up kihI Tawney. Two white wings." said Fletcher. Pretty lair, pretty fair." admitted Tawney. "But what has the capltol got that you give to applicants for of fice?" "It's too many lor me." replied the other Minnesota man. "A mar ble stair" At this point quits wer called.- Baltimore Herald. The Cost of Human Life. A tjeriiiiin mathematician estimate that l he average men who lives to be seventy vcars old consumes $10,000 worth of food In his life. Equators of Mars and the Earth. The equator of Mars Is Inclined tO the plane of Its orbit about degrees. That of the earth is inclined 23 de grees, " I minutes. Immense Atlas in British Museum. The British museum has an atlas 7 feel hirh. of the llfloentll century. It is supposed to be the largest book in tlie voi !d noes Paid to the Sea. I In n -:t ml twenty live British ( in. i i aun u lo hut oulv In ship. tie ir lives during I'.iill, Ive passengers b British New n.iy Must Attract Many. A iiev, i''ai in he lliiancially sue ! il ..I ni'ld III t i act at least iiO.lllill ; I" , MMis u s iii it . tit .t I lii iv inontliH i nn. Wliy Cats Hate Water. Cats '.ale water because their fur ha nothing ollv ahonl It. and con scipieiitlv lakes a long lime to dry. Pcet to the Front. poet nt.d jixirnnlisl. I,. P. Hill, was the tlt-t lesidetii tf Atlanta, tia., lo pa his cit.v taxes this venr. Spanish Navy Is Small. Thoie are only ten warships now In the Spanl .h iiav.v Tac latgest is tlio I'e'.av o." i f '.i.'.''.1" Ions. Mexicans Have Small Feet. Mexicans have l ho smallest feet of any cut Ion. The average Mexican Vents II No. 0 hoot. Light Haired People Live Long, l.ii M haired pc'iple. It Is said, as a rule liv" longer than those having dark hair. Second German Cable Laid. The louniiHi Cable company has fin ished lay it.- second line to New York as far as thu Aore Islands, ,2') llliles. Lighthouse! Costly to Keep Up. 'I he upl-eep of the relief slat ions and on Sahel island costs thu Ciiiiioimii government $i'.n,ooo a year. Hops Grown in England. There weie :i.:ir.t Hi res of Imps cul tivate ngaitc ir. iv: Kiiglaud 111 the year last year, before. How Sound Travels. In lr air miuiuI navels I. HZ IV simoI.iI. In wa'er I.:""' feet thu.ugh iron IT .'.on loot. fet an I Great Saving of Coal. I i,in!.'.i..g t in- :: of a steamer knives tie' cor sumption of coal per ion ol displacement. Wmsky Dlsiitleries of Scotland. S, oiiai.d l us I'.'i whisky distilleries. All the rest of the kingdom has ouif thirty-sU.