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V, 15 If Pays to Advertise in the Rising Son VOLUME VIII. BUFKIN-JORDAN WEDDING. The mcut beautiful wedding In the history of St Augustine Mission was solemnized Tuesday, June 30th. Kl 7:30 o'clock, when Mr. Frank Bufkln and Mlsa Katie Jordan were Joined to tMner in h ly wedlock. Tho bride, a picture of beauty, wore a magnificent gown of white Paris mualln, trimmed In point lace, and carried a bouquet of American beauty roaes. She was met a-t the vestibule by Rev. Father Harper, Haul and David Oroathwalt (alter boys), who escorted her to the alter accompanied by her brother. Cant. Leon Jordan, who gave ber away. Miss Grimshaw, msrtd of honor, wore a gown of white organjle, handsomely trimmed. The ushers were Messrs. ln Mont Romory, Edward WatU. Fletcher Mc Gee and Prultt Simpson. Following the ceremony a reception was given at the home of the bride, 1112 Campbell, where the couple re ceived the best wishes of their many friends, who were served with de lightful refreshments. Following Is the list of presents Set silver salird forks, Mrs. McNeil and daughters. Topeka, Kans. Silver gravy spoon. Mr. and Mrs. V,r. K. Grimshaw, Washington, D. C. Set silver teaspoons, Mr, and Mrs, Leon Jordan. Set silver teaspoons. Mr. an.l Mrs, Gus aBlley. Kansas City. Kans. 3et silver teaspoons, Mr.- and Mrs. T. W . Belk Leavenworth. Set silver Teaspoons. Mr. Timothy Cooper. Set silver knives and forks. Mes dames Jacobs. Iena Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Topeka. Kans. Silver tea-set. Mesdamea Francis Jackson. R. T. Coles. Root. Wiley Wm. Garrett, M. E. Nero, Cora Mor ion Mtanes Cora Yancy. Geneva Wiley, Nellie Banks, Mayme Hllllard Dollv Yancy. Jdnnle Gray; Messrs. W. n. Smith, I. H. Horton. W. H. Dcwley. Jr. Silver tea-net, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booker. Silver butcher knife and sugar s?oon. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Tipton. Silver tea-set. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harri son. Kansas City. Kans. Silver bread-tray, Mr. and Mrs. Mor gan Carter. Silver jar, Dr. G. G. Brown and Miss Lutie A. Brown. Atchison, Kanfl. Silver berry spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Uiner. Silver lacking dish, Mr. A. S. New son. Silver sugar spoon and butter knife, Judge and Mrs. I. F. Bradley. Silver cake knife. Mrs. Anna Moore, Liberty, Mo. Silver bon-bon spoon, Mrs. Bell Ed wards. Silver bread dish. Dr. J. C. Dibble. A shell stiver sugar spoon. Miss Sanders end mother. Leavenworth Kstjs. Silver cream ladle. Mr. and Mrs. J J. Bass. Silver desert ' spoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffin. Silver pie knife, Miss Anna H. Jones, ann Harbor. China rose Jar, gold finish, Mr. M 8. Lewis and Mrs. A. Griffin. China vase. Misses Inei Woods and 'Edna Jordan. Cut glass berry bowl, Mt. Alonzo Montgomery. Cut glass olive dish. Mr. S. H. P Edwards. Cut glass sugar creamer, C. H. & H. C. Watts. Cut glass cover rest. Dr. Theodore Smith. Cut glass berry bowl. Miss India C. Moore. Gold mounted urn, Mr. J. W. Wood land. Silver lemonade pitcher, Mrs. G. E Brassfleld. Wedding chimes, Mrs. M. E. Nero. Havltand china set. Mesdames W. K Bousfleld. W. F. Fairfax. S. R. Bally, D. N. Croslhwait, Hester Watts. Lucy Jackson. Eliza Rone, John Rone, Misses Daisy Day. Ophelia Watts,; A F. Moore, Mra John Hill. Japanese cup and saucer, Mr. Geo. Wilkinson. Cake plate. Mr. I. S. James and Miss Ruth Deloache. China cake plates, Misses Ida and Bes Hie Washington. vi;;. -w China Ice cream platter, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dean. Six Ice cream plates, Mrs. Stafford fend daughter. Mahogany writing desk, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allenetoaln Mrs. Thos. Herndon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Clay, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glbbs, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. Miss Julia Pierce, Prof. G. N. Grl shom. Gown. Maud Olden. Double blanket, Mr. and Mrs. Holly. Hand-painted china Jug, pitcher, chocolate cups and saucers, one-half cake plate, chop plate, one-half dozen dozen cream plates, Mrs. S. A. Ed wards. Hte-nd-palnted china plale, Prultt Simpson. Hand-painted china plate, Mrs. Jno. Lange. White spread. Mrs. B. B. Brown. Fancy pillow, Mrs. Cummings and daughter. Silk handkerchief. Mr. Louis W. James. Picture by each. Wm. Watson. Miss R. Reld. Robert Jordan. Book. Mrs. L. Williams. Book, Prof. J. D. Bowser. Book. Mr. and Mrs. Branch. Brlda-1 prayer book. Rev. Father Harper. Pillow cover, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wilson, Teavenworth. Set table napkins, Mrs. Sheers and son. j Two towels, Mr. William Herndon and mother. Towl and dreRser scarf, Mrs. and Miss Gertie Jackson. Towels, Mrs. R. E. Bullett Center piece and dollies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Chicago. Dresser scarf, Katie Dwrden. Table cloth and cut glass cake dish. Mrs. Fanny Nicholas. wo rockers. Mrs. Viola Bufkins and daughter. Center piece. Mrs. Francis Jackson. Towel. Mrs. N. M. Blunk. Six napkins, Mattie Teeters. Centerpiece, W. H. Bousfleld. Handkerchief, Miss Grimshaw. Hemstitched sheets &'nd pillows, Mrs. John Lange. Handkerchiefs. Mrs. N. E. Nero, Mrs. J. Silas Harris. Handkerchiefs, Mrs. Josie Right. Linen napkins, Mrs. D. N. Croslh wait. Table cloth. Misses Ida and Victoria Overall. Six dollies. Miss Rosalind Reld. Collar, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Coles. Two Mexican doilies. Cora E. Yancy. One Mexican doily. Dolly Yancy. Dresser sarf. J. Dallas Brown. Center piece, Mrs. J. J. Bass. Center piece. Mrs. I. F. Bradley. Two handkerchiefs. Mrs. B. Brown Six dollies and scarf. Mrs. Ieon Jor dan. ANNIVER3ARY CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morrison cele brated their fifth anniversary Monday avening. June 29th. 1903, act their resi dence. 1023 Virginia ave. The house was beautifully decorated with sweet peas, ferns and palms, The following ladies assisted: Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Mrs. E. Henderson, Mrs. R. Simpson, at the punch bowl; Misses Bartley Ollvr and Miss Amelia Davis. Gee and Prultt Simpson. etaoin shrdlu cmfwyp vhgkqj Those present. Mrs. R. Berry. Mrs. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Mrs. IL Hlnkston. Mrs. Ijiura Taylor, Mrs. J. Brlce. Mrs. E. C. Foster. Mrs. E. Randolph. Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. M. Martin. Mrs. A. Williams. Mrs. J. H. Whitney, Mrs. S. Davln, Mrs. E. D. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. D Queenan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Falrfat. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaw. Mrs. J. King, Mrs. Ij. Burton. Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. White. Mrs. J. Walker. Miss Bartley Oliver, Miss Amanda Oliver, Miss Amelia Davis Mrs. A. Coleman. Many nice presents wfrs received Mrs. Lucy Davis, Jardlnlar stand Misses Bartley and Amanda Oliver. rhalr. Mrs. Cooper, Mahogany chair. Mrs. Wm. Page and daughter, platt of burnt wood. Miss Lottie Clark, plsrtt of burnt wood. Mra. M. Martin, a wash tub. for It Reaches More Homes of Colored Peop.e KANSAS CITY MO.. FRIDAY, JULY 8. 11)08. DR. I. N. Dr. J. N. Birch, of 2318 Vine St.. this city. Is one of the leading and practlcle physicians and is striving to Mrs. J. King, a wooden bowl. Mrs. L. Burton, a knife and fork bolder. ;irs. McCae'.pbcll and daughter Ada. oak stool. Mrs. M. Jones, foot rest. Mrs. C. Smith, towel rack, dish mop and potatoe Mr. N. Ganen Mid sUter, wash board, scrub brush. Mrs. .1. Allen, clothes pins. Parson G. W. Smith, clothes pins and klndlln wood. Mrs. A. Williams, choppln bowl. Mr. B. Davis and Bister, India stool, Mrs. McDanlels ami daughter, rhoppln bowl and potato slicer. Mrs. J. W. Taylor, 2 wooden spoons. Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. D. Queean, Mr. a'ndMrs. Jones, Mr Vcrdine Smith. Mr. Robert AnCcson. Mrs. Sue White, Mrs. S. Hlnkston. Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Holly, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fairfax, oak rocker, Rev, S. W. Bacte. A. Young, H. Fields. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. K. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brlce, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs R. D. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. B Thomas, Mr. arnd Mrs. O. W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ran dolph. Mrs. J. Walker. Mrs. Jones Al len. Mrs. 1-aura Taylor. Mrs. Alice Coleman. Miss Maggie Lange, Miss Amy Jackson, Miss Mable Wishlng ton. Miss J. E. Foster. Miss Lena Allen. Miss Inez Woods. Mr. .1. M. Horton. Mr. J. W. Martin, tf mahogany rocker, bread plate and steak pounder. The evening was pleasantly spent with cards. The prizes was awarded to Mr. Lewis Woods and Miss Aman da Oliver. Miss Oliver receiving a gold ring. Mr. Woods gold ruff but tons. Mr. and Mrs. C. Morlson re ceived a little white bed from friend. The porch was enlightened with Japanese lanterns. MEN IT. Chicken Salad. Punch. Olives and Nuts. Icream and Cake, Bon Boi-s W Rd Light for Smallpox. 1 In a recent artlcl in a widely read tnagazlna on "Nfela Flnson and His Heating Rays" It Is said: "All the world might now have smallpox with out fear of disfigurement." The red light treatment was experimented with long before and much since that publication, and tho results atiow tho quoted statement to b unwarranted. BIRCH. tush the head of his profession. ll Is Investing his saving in valuable property in Kansas my. Evils of Popularity. "I'm it 1 1 a nl that you lack personal popularity." said the confidential friend "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, "I sometimes have my doubts about the desirability of too much of it. Personal popularity i-eems lo me to li" something which makes everybody teel thai yon are naturally under obligations to do him a f.ivor." Washington Star. ' To Protect Birds. In consequence of numerous com- plaints by icasants about the Increase of insects injurious to the crops, tho French minister of agriculture has or dered a stricter observance of the laws against the slaughter of birds. Stenliie Meat. The sterilization of meat Is much practiced in Belgium. It returns to tho trade under the form of a whole- some product, meat which otherwise would be unlit (or consumption. Import C.-.iom. Because of the failure of last years onion crop in the Northern Slatqs. uhlclt was due to the rotting of the vegetables in (lie gr id, the "pauper onions" of Kutopc and Africa are being shipped hue in large quan I it lew. For a Clean Slats. A man can be almighty mean to his wife ami yet wipe out the score If he will only remember, when they are dining In a swell restaurant, to say he can never eat roast beef except in his own bouse New York Press. Tells the Same Story. Pangs Chlnlcy has a wonderful memory. I don t believe bo ever for gets anything he ever read or hsard Griggs But unfortunately he never I remembers that be told you the same story twenty or thirty times before. ! Boston Transcript. King of Jeiu.altm. King Alfonsa XIII or Spain has many titles, among them being King of Jerusalem, which is dlu boi nu by tha Austrian Emperor. Shows Time's Changes. Edwin Warflald of Hall mime advo cates the erection of a inonumt-iil to the Federal dead in that It . Consumes Much Coffee. The United States use nearly third more coffee than the tent itt tha world put together. then any other Paper LEXINGTON NEWS. lrxlngton. Mo., June 30. l'.to.l. Editor, Dear Sir: Kind enclose 50c. 1 have not heard from any of those places yet. fur Ma dame Staple as soon as I hear from them I will let you know. I was there Sunday but I could nof find you. but I seen Mrs Staple. I wish you would see Mr. dunlin Reed, he lives at 80S Harrison. In rear he is a member of our lodge of the l". H. F.. and please see the members of the I'. B. F. there and have him attended to. If he dies and his Ixxly to us If It Is agreuble to his wife. We expected Madame Staple here on the 11th. and Rive a recital and there will be a big picnic that day. Yours truly, A. W. Walker. Rev. R. Yoiyig went to Kansas City, Kan., Tuesday morning on business. The rally at St. John's church Sun day was a financial success. The amount raised was near $100, they will now begin their improvement. Rev. is quite a worker for bis church. Rev. A. A. Gilbert and Ills members Purk. They invite everybody to u-i- tend, Kansas City and ail adjoining towns. Mr. Frank Ilolten and wife went to Kansas City Saturday evening and returned Monday morning, also Mr. Lewis Curtis and daughter. Mr .ljavfetf Reed waa . called to Kansas City Sunday to see his sick quite III, not expecting to live. Mr. Nelson Waters of Kansas City was here Sunday to see bis slek sister Mr.i. I .aura Parker, who Is sick. Mrs. Emma'1 Caves who bus been sick for some Is some better. Mrs. George .lones left Thursday for Omaha to spend the summer with her daughter. Mrs. Brooks of Iowa, who has been here for several weeks visiting ner moihr and brother and with relatives ft Tuesday evening for Iowa. Miss .lonlon the evangelist came Wednesday to carry on a series of meetings. She will probably slay I" r 12 days at .Ion M. E. Church. Nothing to be Thankful For. "There's A., the landscape paint er," sunt a crayon man io jomi n. Sai gent, the artist "He neither Irlnks. smokes, nor stays up nights. He ll live to a gicnt age. I hut s lis punishment, iniil ait's, too." re piicd Sargent - New oi k tunes. Japanese Schools. An olbclnl ieHiil shows that at I hi. end of Inst year theio were In Japan ninety seen agricultural schools, sin fishery schools, twenty -eight leetinl- tal schools, fifty commercial school seven mercnntlle schools and siity two indiist i lal schools. Quite a "Time" -.f It. Man missing from .us home In Spring Grove. Pa., since the autumn of 19U1 turned up last Saturday and ex plained that he hud gone off on a toot and remained away through shame. Ouess one of that duration would couie under the classification of peach. intimidate Voters. Shortly before a recent election in Dercolo, Tyrol, ailheienls of the Cleri cal party cut Mime vines In the vine yards and (Misled up warnings that it the peasants gave the Liberals a ma jority all their vines would bu cut and ruined Edison In a New Field. Thomas A. Kdison has just gone Into politics, and the people of the Oranges are excited. They fear he will Invent a new political machlnn which will baffle the oldest exMrts. Oh. let It be soon! Longest Strike. The louges: strike on record Is not yet ended. The 2.MIMI men and boys emploved in Lord I'cnrhyn's slate quarries, in Wales, weut out two and a half yean ago, and the settlement of the strike is now- a quostiou III British party polities. Libretto by Eugene Field. Two sons of Eugene Field havo ar rived in New York with a comic op era from the pen of their father. It will be produced In the fall under the title of "The Buccaneers." The music Is being written by a well-known com poser of light opera. In the State. NUMBER 1. NATIONAL NEGRO BUSINE6S LEAGUE. League derided at Its last meeting, to hold the fourth animal session of thrt organization at Nashville, Tennessee, during the mouth of August. l'.HIIl. Tho Executive Commit tn has decided, upon Wednesday, Thursday and FrU ilrxy, Annum ID. 20 and 21, as the, detes for the meeting. i The locnl Negro Business Leaguo of Nashville has nlrivtily begun makn ii.g and elaborate prepnra-i tiom for the entertainment of tho National body, and there Is every ln- deration that the coining meeting will be the largest and most Important In the history of the organization BOKER T. ' WASHINGTON. Pres. EDWARD COOPER. Secy. CALL FOR MEETING OF NATIONAL AFRO-AMERICAN COUNCIL AT LOUISVILLE. KY JULY 1, 2. AND 3. 1903. To the members of the National Afro-. American Council, Delegates front Local Council and Affiliated Organl-i zntloti.i, such as Churches. Colleges Benevolent Societies, Newspaper anil oilier Race Organizations. Grceeting: The Sixth Annual Secslon of (lift National Afro-American Council will be held nt. lvulsvllle, Ky., July 1st 2d. and 3nf. 1903. WIL1AM A. PLEDGER. Acting President. A LEX A N DKR WA I.TEltS, Chairman Executive Com. CY I S FLCLD ADAMS. General Secretary. Made Matters Worse. A Indy. In passing up u church alslo caught her llrcss on u corner of u pew and lore it. As the proecss of tear ing was very aiullhlf to the congrega tion, the leelings id the lady may Im imagined when, al the moment, the clei g man began the service by read lug the sentence: "Hcnd our heart and not your garments " Coal Mines Increase. It Is staled that on Jan. I. .1103. there wen' 1.121 bituminous coal mines In operation In Pennsylvania, as compared with '.US on Dec. 31, lSMin. Pity the Poor Councillors. Me-iihers of the t'ounellsville. Pa, (itv council have sued a local news paper for damages In that it staled that they had demanded free passes from Hie Baltimore and Ohio railroad They ilaiiu to have endured "great mental sufti ring" which seems to In dicate that nicy ilidn t get Hie passes. First Negro Graduate. Lawyer Taylor, the first colored graduate of the Northwestern univer fiity, has spent seven years in study at the college, and Is regarded as one of the most capable men In the senior class. Mr. Taylor lives at Austin. Tex., and after Ills graduation expect to become an Instructor of mathemat ics in Atlanta university. make Living by tne Sea. Throughout the world about 3 per cent uf people gain their living di rectly from the sea. Railroad Building In India. India has about 25,010 miles of rail ways, to wnicn a.uuu mure are auuen every year. To tho Public, Why suffer from discharges from the vencrial orjrarm and ruin your digestion with nau seous, ill tastinjr medicines or strong injections that may Ktricture you for life or neces sitate a painful and expensive surgical operation when by usiny Comb's celebrated remedy for three niyhts you are guaranteed a cure. Noth ing to take or inject. Good for male or female. Write at once for terms to Dr. Combs, 'HIS E. 12th St., Kaisas City, Mo.