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.4 tr. . : ! - 1 , - ; -tr,' -iv---J-- ' liRay to Advertise In the Rising Con 2 VOLUME VIII. PRINCE OF PEACE COUNCIL NO. 46, OF PAOLA INSTALLS IN MALONEY'S OPERA HOUSE. A Ba quet After tha Ceremonies Tuesday was a gala day and night for the officers and members of Prince of Peace Council No. 46, of Paola, Kan. The occasion was the instalatlon of the officers. In Mallory's Opera house, and banquet In De Berry hall. The retiring M. E. queen, Dtr. Kate Avery had matters In charge and It Is but mildly putting It when we say she was eual to the occasion. At 10 o'clock Col. T. B. Robinson, S. O. M. of Kansas City. Mo., the Installing officer, com manded Son Robert Allen to form the cons and daughters in marching order. After encircling the opera three times they formed In a semi-circle. Dtr. Kate Avery, the conductor, introduced the newly elected M. E. Q. Dtr. Minnie M. WVilt field. Son Oliver Vantress. M. N. K. Sarah Jones. M. E. V. Q., Wm. Hun ter. M. N. V. K., Elizabeth Bennings; M. E. T.. Berthle Jones, M. E. S. Sid ney Vernon, M. E. R., Iewls Merrl roan, M. N. H. P. Salllo I,ee. M. E. H. Prs.. Robert Allen M. N. M., Laura Bonner, and Pochahontas Strawder, right and left sentinels. Laura Scott and Minnie Green, right and left cup barriers., Harry Bennlngs, M. N. I. O.. Frank Logan. M. N. O. O. Board of Judges: Sarah Means, chair man; Emma Carter, Bonnie Blackman. Board of Attendance; Jane Williams, chairman. Hugh Bennlng, Ida Davis, were all Installed In their respective stations. The Panla Mandolin Club furnished music. The ceremonies was Impressively carried out. as laid down in Gordon's manual. The vast audience sat and listened with rant attention. Immedi ately after the ceremonies was con eluded, the floor was cleared and those who desired tripped the light fantastic toe until the orchestra played "Home, Sweet Home," Those who de sired a quieter time, patronized De Berry's Hall, where the council enter tained their Invited guests at a ban quet given In honor of Its fifth anniver sary. Covers were laid for ine hun tire, and quite a sum was realized. So Prince of Peace sent their banking commitee the next day to increase ltt account. INDEPENDENCE NEWS. The third quarterly meeting for this year was held at the A. M. E. church last Sunday. Rev. J. D. Barksdale, the newly appointed presiding elder, for the district, preached two very In structive sermons morning and night Rev. J. C. C. Owens preached a very happy sermon at 3 o'clock. The at tendance was good all day and every was happy. Over $800 was raised this quarter. The pastor and people are to be commended for such excel lent work. Rev. Countee gave two fine enter tainments here last week. One at the Macedonia aBptist church Wednesday night and at the A. M. E. church Thursday night. They were well at tended and every one present was de lightfully entertained. Come again. Mr. Walter Oolley, one of the tflnest tenor singers in the West, and leader of the chclr at Lexington ia in the lty. the guesi of his brother. Miss Effle Fisher, one of the teach ers in the pub'le school, has gone to spend the summer In Ottawa, Kan. Mr. Henry Colley has accepted a position in the Pullman car service. We wish him success. Mrt. J. T. Knapper of Liberty, Mo., Is spending a few days in our city, the guest of Mrs. Edward Turner. Mrs. Fannie Anderson, who spent the winter at oFrt Robinson, Nebras ka. Is home again for a short stay. She Is the very picture of health. Prof. Chas. Stewart of Chicago, the most noted Journalist of the Negro race, will lecture at the A. M. E. church, Thursday, July lfith. Don't miss thU rare treat. Admission free. Miss Mattte Clark passed through the city last week on her may home to Pleasant Hill. She has had a very pleasant year teaching school at Nor borne, Mo. Rev. J. H. Allen and family were the guests of Mrs. Fannie Brown on College street, a few days last week. It U worthy to note that at the A. M. E. church 8unday afternoon three of the founders of the church here and also of Allen chapel were present in the persons of Brothers Scott, Smith Tucker. It was Indeed very inter esting to hear them tell of the start ing of the church more than 40 years ago. The Bible Training class is Increas ing In number and In Interest. It meets every Wednesday night at the A. M. E. church. LEXINGTON NEWS. There will be a basket meeting at Hoffman's Park Sunday given by mem bers of the A. M. E. Church. Every body Is Invited to attend it. The members of St. John M. E. church has begun to remodel their chapel. There will be a fair In Higginsville. given by the colored people of the county. Under the management of Mr. Green. Mr. Wm. Hegwood, G. Taylor, C. Bradford, and others. Begin Au gust 4th. They request all colored horsemen to bring horses and other stock. See advertisement next wek. Mrs. Mary Wilson and Mrs. Martha Wfnodson spent the 4th In Kansas City. Returned home Tuesday. Mr. Charles Reed died In Kansas City July 4th and was brought here for burial Monday and was buried by the U. B. F..'s. He was a member of the Second Baptist church, where his funeral was preached. He leaves wife, two brothers and a sister to mourn his loss. He was 43 years old We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family. Rev. Countee, the undertaker, came down Sunday night with Mr. Rood and returned home Monday morning. Mr. Wm. Shaffer got a leg broke in the mint's a few days ago. He is get ting along very nice. Mr. Eugene Conway Is fctlll In the barber business. Mr, Wm, Booker Is in the Ice cream business. Give them a call. Mrs. Perry of Higginsville was the guest of Mrs. Mattie Bouldridge Sun day. At a regular meeting of the Far West Commandry No. 3 Knights Tern plar. the following officers were elect ed for ensuing Templar year: A. R. Harris. Eminent Cammander, Edward Bradford, Generalissimo. Edward S. Lewis, Captain General. J. M. Harris. Prelate. J. W. Baldwin, Treasurer. S. H. P. Edwards, Recorder. J. F. S. Carpenter, Senior Warden C. H. Lewis, Junior Warden. Frank Neal, Sward Bearer. J. R. Baas, Standard Bearer. W. H. Nolen, Warden. Daniel Martin. Captain of Guard, a. H. Bacon, First Guard. Matthew Bolen, Second Guard. Nathaniel Harris, Sentinel. ORIENTAL ART CLUB TAIN ED. ENTER An extremely pleasant evening was spent by the members and visitors of the oriental art club on the evening of July 3rd, 1903, at the elegant residence, of Mrs. Thomas Harris, 2435 Flora avenue, commencing at 4 p. m. Ladies present were; Mrs. Dixie Bryant. Mrs. Frailer Justuctor. Mrs. C. F. Harmon. Mrs. E. Pat son. Mrs. Willis Page. Miss Inez Page. Miss Maud Richardson. Mrs. Oxley. An enjoyable time was had by all. The Literary Congress and Mission ary Convention of the Fifth Episcopal District. A. M. E. church, will be held at Leavenworth, Kansas, July 21, 22 23; 1903. Rt. Rev. C. T. Shaffer, M D. D., presiding bishop. The commit tee Is putting forth strenuous effort to make this the grandest event in the history of the west. Ample accommo dation has been provided for all who may attend. All persons going on the Electric car from Kansas City can se cure a round trip ticket for 60 cents good for three day. Ail others can secure a one and one-third rate by the certificate plan. Don't mis this splen did three days' literary feast Notify at once Rev. W. II. Brooks, Leaven worth, Kansas. He ran arrange for you. J. C. CALDWELL. Sec KANSAS CITY, KAN., ITEMS. Miss Annie Reynolds Is In the rlt for the summer, stopping at her for It Retches More Homes of Colored Reop.e than any other Paper KANSAS CITY MO.. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1903. cle's, 903 Ella avenue. Rev. Robert Mltchel, LU D., who succeeded the late Dr. Grant, deceased, of the First Baptist church. Wyandotte. Is having abundant success and high appreciation of his spiritual and finan cial pastorate at that church. The American Citizen, which had to go In the Ark during the late flood, has sent out the dove of peace and promise, who announces that ye editor and the printers devil will soon be doing business again at the old stand. Thus history repeats Itself as at the close of the antediluvian days of Noah. Mayor Gilbert continues the work of sanitation. The city is being thor oughly cleaned up, thanks to his In defatigable labors and the good work of his able city councillors and also of its capable heads of city departments. Kansas City, Kansas, (the literal gate way of the West) has done herself proud In the way. she arose, to meet the awful emergency and the sore needs and destitution the flood en tailed unon her. Hurrah for our twin iHter city of Kansas. Sam Dlggs, the junk man, is back at his stand doing business; ready to buy If you have anything in his line. ron, brass, copper, lead, bottles or ags; Junk of any kind. Call and see him. To the Public, Why suffer from discharges rom the venerial organs and ruin )-our digestion with nau seous, ill tasting medicines or strong injections that may stricture you for life or neces sitate a painful and expensive surgical operation when by using Dr. Comb s celebrated remedy for three nights you are guaranteed a cure. Noth- ng to take or inject. Good for male or female. Write at once for terms to Dr. Combs 908 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. We have In our midst Dr. McQueen Carrion, dentist, who comes to this city highly recommended In his chos en profession. His office Is located at 910 East 12th Sst., Kansas City. Missouri, where he will take pleasure In waiting on his customers. Calyl and see him. USED IN 1858. Way back in the year 1858 tha Original Ozonised Ox Marrow was used by colored people In the Norm and la now used all over the country from Maine to Texas and Oregon to Florida. The continued use oi th preparation for such a long period of time la- a positive proof that it gives perfect satisfaction to all. It makes kinky or curly hair straight. soft and beautiful. Stops falling hair, cures dandruff and makes the hair grow. Never falls. Warranted harm less. Only 50 rents a bottle. Get it from your dealer or send us 50 cents and we will ship you a bottle express paid. Address Ozonized Ox Marrow Co., 70 Wabash ave., Chicago, III, Flock to Hear Layman. The Rev. B. S. rector of St. James' Episcopal church In Macon. Mo., seems to have settled the nmpty pew problem. For six month laymen from the local congregations have oc cupied the pulpit at Sunday evening service, and the church has ben crowded. Direct Descendant of Royalty. Mr. Maria Bartholomew, promoter and leading spirit of the Old Colored Veterans' World' Fair association, or ganised to promote the interests of the exposition among negroes I the direct descendant of King Hennilok, a South American monarch. Hasheesh the Curve of Egypt. Hasheesh take the place of alcohol In Egypt as a cause of crime and In sanity. Sixteen ton were confiscated In 1901. Most of the drug Is consumed In cigarettes and pipe, but much also 1 eaten in pill form and In aweet- un - n,eta' VANITY OF GUINEA FOWLS. Stand for Houra Admiring Therv selves In Mirror. A pair of guinea fowls were intro duced as pets into the garden of a young man up town the other week, aays the Philadelphia Record. The wings of the birds were clipped, to that they might not fly away, ard they were quartered In r.n outhouse that happened to contain a miiror. Tlieeffect of the mirror outc.e guineas seems hardly credible. They post themselves before It, and ther atndylng their reflections Inteutlv, they stand perfectly motionless and allent for hours at a time. It Is lm possible, to drive them away with hcuts or hand-clappings. They must be carried forth bodily, and then, as Bonn as they can, they return. No matter how fine the weather mny be, the guineas remain In the outhouse, gazing at themselves In the mirror. To get then to take exercise it I necessary to carry them forth, and then to shut up the outhouse tight. The owner of the fowls thii.ks Unit perhaps the mirror them. COLORED SHOES ARE POPULAR. Society Does Not Take to Them, but Army Men Like Varied Hues. If colored shoes are not generally worn they are popular in the urmy, us evidenced by locent contracts given out for the manurncturlng of shoes for the members of the United States army, says the Shoe and Leather Re porter. One contract was for Ol.oi'O pairs of shoes, all colored, there being not a single pair of blacks In the order. In another order was Included SSI pairs of colored shoes. This gives the Impression that for army wear col ored shoes are preferred. They look better for a longl-r period of time with reasonable care than black goods. In the opinion of the army officials. For hot weather colored shoes are viewed by sensible people as a most common sense proposition. What th World Owe Every Man. The world owes to every man a liv ing, says Chauncey M. Depew, provid ed he has the industry and determina tion to collect It. The world owes to every man more pleasure than pain; more good than bad; more gain than loss; more happiness than sorrow; more success than failure; more love than hate; more friend than enemies; but It rests with the man himself whether he collects that debt, for the world holds fast to the good things which it possesses and lets free the bad; and It Is only by labor and en ergy, only by determination and char acter that the debt which the world owes to every one Is collected. Certainty. It may h questionable whether "a lady can smoke a rlgaret and remain a lady.' It Is certain that she ran be) without smoking. New York it lady World. Coal Mining Statistic. total number of persons em at the coal mines of Great The ployed llrltain Is N2.V40I. Last year the prod uct was 227.1 78.1 40 Ions. German Customs Tariff Decree. The new German rustnniH tariff pre scribes that on entering goods the Im porter shall make declaration as to the country of origin. Lightning Kills Young Trout. A flash of lightning the other day Killed a tankful of young trout In a IVsh breeding establishment at Helms bach. Germany. New Weapon for Consumption. In consumption, early diagnosis Is of great Importance. It is now greatly facilitated by the use of X-rays. Large Combine In Sweden. Swedish glass manufacturers ara combining to prevent excessive com petition and facilitate exiiort. Much Smallpox at Liverpool. More than 300 cases of smallpox were under treatment at Liverpool la the middle of March. Brandy From Artichoke. The Jerusalem artichoke Is used In France for making brandy a well aa alcohoL Williams TH E TWO George W. Walker, the "Cannibal King King of How the "Kinl of Met By George W. Walker, of Williams and Walker, the American Negro Commedi&ns. I have had the honor of playing the "King of Dahomey" before ITT Majesty, the King of Engluud. While he did not wear his royal robes, as I did, and was therefore somewhat at a disadvantage, still he looked every inch a king. He la the real thing. He treated me as one king should an other. We were Invited to appear at Buckinghom Palace by "royal com mand" as It Is called here. A command of this klnw la the greatest honor that ran be paid t a theatrical company In England. The gentries at the Palace presented arms when we arrived and wo wero received In the grand ball by a hundred magnificent servants In scarlet and gold liveries, with knee breches and white silk stockings. Some of my American frleudH mistook these servants for the royal fam ily and thought the ladles and gentlemen In plain clothes were the serv ants, but they soon came to understand Court society a little better. The servants conducted us to the beautiful gardens where we gave our show. We were treated royally. That Is the only word for It. We had champagne from the Itoyal cellar and strawberries Hlli cream from I lie royal gardens. The Queen was perfectly lovely. The King was as Jolly as he could be and laughed at everything we I i . The little Prince and Princesses were as nice as they could be, JiikI like little fairies, tendon. June 20. ljituliiii. June 27. Messrs. Williams ami Walker, the eminent Afro-American dramatic art Ists ami their troupe, have hail the honor of presenting their comic opera. "In Imhoiney." before the King anil Qui en of England si ilnekingliam Palace. The entertainment was nominally given for the amusement of little Prince Edward of Wales, the oldest grandson of the King. It wns his ninth birthday, and a grand parly was arranged In honor of the occasion in the beautiful gardens of Iliiekinham I'alace. These are sixty acres In ex lent, and contain beautiful summer houses and a lake. All (he little princes and prim-esses and the little cons and daughters of dukes and other iniroriant persons known to the rayol family were Invited. "In Dahomey" was modified and abridged to suit I he requirements of the children's garden party. The chllilrtn wero Immensely pleased with the funny darkles, the first thut most of them had ever seen, but the King and Queen were still In the State. NUMBER li. Walker REAL COONS." of Dahomey," as He appeared Before th England. Dahomey" the King of England. more amused. The King was espe cially entertained ami laughed until ho shook at Home of the songs and the i alto walk. Tin show had much in it of peculiar interest to him. for it l rials of a king and his court, al though a dillereni king and court from that of England. People who were familiar with the show wondered with some uneasiness whether Mr. Wnlker would have tint audacity to sing his great song. "Evah Dnhkcy Is a King," to ills Majesty tho King of England. He . This is what he sang: Dai's a mighty cur'ous circumstance Dili's a botherlu' all de nation, All de Yankees Is dissatisfied Wid deir untitled station; ley lit huntiu' after titles Wld a golden net. to snare 'em; Anil lie dcinocralle people Dcys inns' inighiy glud to wear cm. II... I In t iey ain't got all de titles, Ko' it is a 'cullur thing; When a darkey starts to huntln' He is sin) to prove a king. Chorus. Evah dahycy is a king! ,