Newspaper Page Text
7: ft ri V- 5 S ''4 if 4 I Pays to Advertise In the Rising Son VOLUME Yin. We have in our midst Dr. McQueen Carrion, dentist, who romcs to this city highly recommended In hla chos en profession. His office Is located at 910 East 12th Sst., Kansas City, Missouri, where he will take pleasure in waiting on his customers. Calyl and see him. USED IN 1858. Way back in the year 1838 the Original Ozonized Ox Marrow was used by colored people In the Norm and is now used all over the country from Maine to Texas and Oregon to Florida. The continued usr ot the preparation for such a long period of time is a positive proof that it gives perfect satisfaction to all. It makes kinky or curly hair straight, soft and beautiful. Stops falling hair, curea dandruff and makes the hair grow. Never falls. Warranted harm less. Only 50 cents a bottle. Get it from your dealer or Bend us CO cents and we will ship you a bottle express paid. Address Ozonized Ox Marrow Co., 7G Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. A Mystery of the Season. No one has ever clearly explained why, at this season of the year, a girl whose skin would be hopelessly ruined were she to roll up her sleeves and put her hands into a dlshpan half full of water for a few minutes, ran play golf or tennis, bare-armed, all day long, or go into the water bathing morning. noon and night, and be proud of the color she acquires In ho doing. Why is it. glrla? Don't all shout the answer at once. Statesmen Fond of Angling. Secretary of State John liny spends a good pari of his vacation each year in fishing trips near his New Khglund homo. Attorney (ienet-il Knox Is julle nn miller, too. Don't Co It Blind. To view love properly n man should be farslghted In one eye. to overlook defects, aril nearsighted In the other, to appreciate virtues. Town Topics Wireless Telegraph Service. Since the great volcano disturbances In the Windward Islands It has been Impossible to maintain unbroken ca ble connections between the Islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, and the French government has established a wireless telegraph service between the two. The distance exceeds 100 miles. Indirect Cost of Warfare. The Indlrert cost of war fare is Illustrated by the fact that the Spanish-American war cost $1,000.(100 a day for over a year, although bos tllliles occupied but three months. Ser.d Millions to Norway. Figures recently published In Chris tiana show thai the omrunt of money sent heme from the United States by immU'rn-ts from Norway last year wns $:i.7C0.onn. To Cool Off. Crack some Ice fine, add a few prigs of mint, inclosed In a canvas bag and apply to the wrists, the hack of the neck and the crown of the head. A little whisky and sugar with the ice and mint, applied Internally. Increase the efficacy of the prescription. Centenarian Who Was Never III. A fact more remarkable than cen tenarian longevity itself Is reported in the case of a man of Italian birth named Antonio Novorlnl, who has Just died at Serajevo, In Bosnit, at the age of 105. It is recorded of him that only last year, being then 104, he cut a new set or teeth. Novorlnl was bora in Padua and entered the service of a Moslem landowner in Bosnia about elxty years ngo. He had never known what Illness was, and died suddenly whilst drinking a glass of aerated water. How She Explained It. Little Mnrgaret stood by the edge of the Hudson watching the baats. Presently a tug came steaming along with halt a dozen barges towed be hind it. Tho bavges were loaded with wet earth and their decks were even -with he water's edge. The child " ' 'item cQuriously for awhile "f nng an l.lai'd -own to N. ! I 1 - jm. lb,. .. . (Jig Sole of Seed. The need Inns around San June, Cat., lire said to receiver J.'l.tMKt, Olio a year from the- sale of seed. The 11 rut expoi -intent nf the planters In this line were made loss than half a dozen years ago. One onion patch now covet 3,0W arm, with furrows almost, two miles low;. A single plot of sweet pea occupies 800 acres, a bed of yellow asters 210 acres, a lettuce lied 2,10ii Keren. Thero are within a radio. of eighty miles mound San Joso l l.fiOO acres devoted to raising pliintH ami (lowers for their til'i-il tiloiie. Where Drought Ij Prevalent. The thought 1u this section of the coiiiit.rv has caused so much dust, especially In the suburbs, where the waleiing c.irts are likely to bo few and far between In their visits, that many people have temporarily adopted custom I lint prevails for the four dry months in California every year. Thin Is the putting of a whisk broom or h feather duster, sometimes both, at the door so that visitors may re move the dust from their shoes and skirls or trousers before cnlei lug. Now York Sun. Remarkable Horsemanship. I.lcut. O. van Ueaufnrt of tho Dutch army, has just mails a remarkable ride from Amsterdnm to Vienna, a distance of 780 miles. The start-was made on April 30 and the lieutenant rode Into the Austrian capital on the morning of the ninth day after that date, both himself mid his mount be ing in excellent condition, although the last stage of Ihlrty-fonr miles had been done overnight In heavy rain. University Students. In the VniU'd .Stales nearly thir teen of every lo.eiin inhabitants are studying at colleges of university status. The tiumhcr In Great llrltaln is less than five. Accepts Butterfly Collection. President Loiilict ha.-- iniilioil.ed the Paris Museum of Na'urnl History to accept M. Itoullet's ollociinti of butterflies, nhlch is valued at I'JO.noi). India's Irrigation Works. The Irrigation works recommended by the Geological Survey give Interest to tho report on the Irrigation works of India. The net revenue to the government was 7.36 per cent on an outlay of $110,1100,000. The value ot the crops raised on the irrigated area during the year is estimated at $136, 000,000 a sum in excess of the cap ital outlay. Cable Lasts Long. A section of cable In the Caribbean sea was recently raised from 1,350 fathoms of water, where it had lain for thirty years. Tests showed its core to be In perfect electrical con dition and the rubber Insulator unin jured. A fear that sulphur from the rubber might injure the copper wire had no foundation. Endless Chain Religious Work. If there were only one Christian In the world and he worked a year and won a friend for Christ, and If these two continued each year to win an other, and U every man thus led into the kingdom led another every year, in thirty-one years every person in the world would be won for Christ. Church Eclectic. A New Endless Chain. The Saline County (Kan.) lndx thinks it has discovered a new end less chain. "Rvery farmer's boy," It observes, "wants to be a school teach er, every school teacher hopes to be an editor, every editor would like to be a banker, every banker would like to be a trust magnate, and every trust magnate hopes some day to own a farm and have chlchens and cows and pigs and horses to look aftur. We end where we begin," A Fearful Thought. Intelligence that a young woman has chased Sir Thomas Llptou luto a cor ner and kissed him several times will exclto the haunting dread that the cup lifter may yet be seen prowling around the country emulating the oscillatory performances of Richmond Pearnon Hobson, It was the same kind of ex perience that started that hero on U!j devastating earner. for It Reaches More Homes of Colored Peop.e than any other Paper KANSAS CITY MO.. FRIDAY. AUGUST. 7. .1903. INGERSOLL'S CHOICE IN LIFE Beautiful Word Painting of an Ideal Existence. A young man who sought a clerk ship In one of the departments at Washington once asked the late Rob ert Q. Ingersoll for his Indorsement and this was Ingersoll's reply: "Young man, I would rather have forty acres of land, with a log cabin on It and the woman I love In the cahln with a little grassy, winding path leading down to tho spring where the water gurgles from the lips of the earth, whistling day and night to the white pebbles a perpetual poem with hollyhocks growing at the cor ner of tho house, and morning glories blooming over the low-thatched door with lattice work over the window so that the sunlight would fall check ed on Cie dimpled babe In the cradle and birds like songs with wings hovering In the summer air than be the clerk cf any government on earth." THE EXTRAVAGANCE OF WOMEN London Journal Champions the Cause of the Fair Sex. In all sections of society one hoars married men, and indeed others, grumbling considerably at the ex travagance of their wotnenklnd in dress. In individual cases "(hey may have the right . tv'iirin;.le-' -but "'on principle, and In general, I io not see that they have any genuine grounds for complaint, because If women are now extravagant In dress It must be remembered that for generations men have been extravagant in other anil worse forms of aelf-indulgence. And, after all, man can take comfort to his soul In tiie knowledge that it Is chiefly with a view to pleasing him that woman Indulges in follies of this sort, added to which he should count It as a gain that this particular form of extravagance adds to the general cheerfulness and gaiety of life. Lon don World. Didn't Need a Chain. In a Scottish town, so the stor goes, a Ixindoner on his way to a hotel addressed the porter who led the way: "Not large place this?" "Na verra," was the answer. "Has it a corporation?" "A what, sir?" In quired the baggage bearer. "I mean, who rules It?" "Rules it? Jlst the provost." "Ah, the provost. Like our lord mayor? Has he got any Insig nia?" remarked the cockney. "Insig nia! What d'ye mean?" asked the puzzled Scotsman. "Yes, Insignia; that Is to say, has he a chain?" the polite visitor hinted. Whereupon the almost dumbfounded native gasped out: "A chain, sir? Tho provost chained? Na, na! He gangs loose; but dlnna be feared, he's quite harm less." What a Famous City Lacks. Athens, Greece, the only capital In Europe which cannot be reached by rail, Is separated by several hundred miles from the Kuropean main rail way system, of which Brlndlsl, Sa lonlka and Constantinople may he re garded as the three southern termini. A projected line from Athens to Sa lonlka will bridge the last gap In the chain. Whin this Is completed It will be possible to run through carriages from Calais to Athens and the Greek capltsl will be brought within three days of london. At present the quick est transit is Ave days, via Ilrlndisi and Paris, which Involves a sea voy age almost as long as that between Brlndlsl and Kgypt. To Enter Orange River Valley. The number of Americans who may enter the Transvaal or Orange River Colony is limited to BO a month, and each must have a permit, tho blank application for which can be had of any Rrltish consul. And, too, an affi davit must he made that tho applicant has sufficient means to support him self and family after arriving. Con sideration df such application is often delayed fur weeks and thoso who grow impatient and arrive In advance of their permit are generally given the option of leaving the next day or Im prisonment for six months, with a tin. of 433. Harvard's Semitic Building. Kmieavor gifts from this denumina The Semitic building at Harvard. ton during the past year amounted which has cost about ISO.imo, win be ! t0 $10,477. opened this month. I LEXINGTON NEWS. r j.Mr. Iive, the barber, dropped dead Sltunlay morning in Mr. Christ walk's saloon. As he hud no relations tiling he ww burled by the county. Tills should be a warning to every young man. when you've got money fih'l are able to work you've got I HIM Hit ff ellils. he nc tie timi If you have no money you no friends. He was working at lime for Mr. Mat Bouldrldge, and no one would let lib- body go to their h'isc. I don't think he was treated should learn to respect each other. Mr. Charles Ta-lhott and his little daimhte:'. Goldie. went to Independ ence Saturday to visit Mr. Bush, and returned home Sunday evening, 'liu lie a number went down to Itlg- ginsville Tuesday to attend the fair. jllev. I. N. pfiaciied at 5 Triplet!, of Odessa. Zion A. M. 1C. church Wednesday night. JMrs. Florence Haydeii returned back home Saturday evening from Colunv grand session of the Daughters of Tli i nncle; nlso Rev. Thlckb-s imd Tli i nncle; nl wife and Mr. SI ln;v had a good Shi ply. They report hav- good time. fl'he grand master of the W. H. K.. S..! T. Pcttlgrew, wns here and visited tilt lodge on the L'Hlli nml nays that t(y have raised $ll,r.Stl this, year. 1 Ti'-y me iloing u grent work In Ml.i- Miurl. The grand chapter Order of the Kastern Star will meet in l'xiuglou Aug. 7. I'S and ll'u:!. in its an nual session. Tliey ask nil chapters In send their delegates. They will close ith a picnic nt Hoffman's park. There will be good music and enjoy ment for all. Mr. W. M. Wright. It. II. P.. .Mrs. Kilty Syli,-s. R. G. M . of Kansas City. Mrs. Williams, of St. Louis. R. G. S. Mrs. I.uclndiu Freeman paid up her subscription for the Rising Sun. We hope others will do likewise. Rev. .1. (', Caldwell, of Independence, was here on Wednesday visiting friends. We were all glad to see him. Projectiles Used by the Navy. Four classes of projectiles are used in the Culled States navy armor piercing projectiles for use against nrmor. common shell for use ugalnst iinarmored or very thinly armored parts, shrapnel for service against exposed detachments of men a con siderable distance sway, and canister, which Is employed against detach ments of men lucking protection with in clone range. Dubuque Catholics. Dubuque Is the strongest ('Btholic city In tho west, !i2 per cent of tint population belonging to that faith. There are seven parochial schools, at tended by Hi. 121 children, and I'.i.H.'iS young people are under the care of the church. World's Debt to United States. This country Invented the parlor, sleeping and dining cars, the pressed- neei irelgni car, many 01 me nest lea lures of the automatic coupler, and a host of related devices, and it runs ihe fastest longdistance trains. Douknobors Are Quiet. The I loiiMioliors. wiio have been h 'Hither to the Canadian fovori mcnt i ver since lln-y came from Itussln, l ove mil-ted down ami gone buck to work on I -(! farms. About a doen ..f them, hov-ever, are sllll religli.tisly it. Mine. Widening Chicago River. Two million di'llars will be spent In Hie wide! lie 'f the ' ') i'-H-i i river he :wei I -ill in d Vim Puren streets. I'.ie woii. will oceiiv twn years, snd i chirnei "on fuel wide ncil twenty two eet dei. ii will be Ihe result. j Have Built Many Churches. J The Ch riit Inn Kndeavorers .f i America have built twenty : ini churches in destitute portions of tae I I'nlted Slates. Twenty-one of these I have been built by the Christian Mis j sionary League of the Reformed i Church In America. The Chi 1st Ian PLANT WITH DEADLY ODOR. Java and Sumatra Have Vegetable Products That Dis.eminate Death. There are criminals among plants a--well as among animals and human be. ings. Thou.-' ihal have the most inis tor reputation are known as deal I: plants, which are tmind only in tin' volcanic districts ot .lava and Stimuli a The plant's nppea.ance quite belles its name, for il Is really very aliiiictive. being a low gtowln shrub with lout; thorny steins comici with beautiful broad leaves. The upper siirliu e ot these leaves Is a vivid omonild. while the lower surface is a brilliant siaiiel. The flowers lite great while hell shoped hloL-M ins uliu h ( hale a sweet and deadly p.-itume. The death plant grows in lh." inosl fertile spins, hut nil aluell il the ground becomes hnrieti m c:italloii and neither bird nor houH may lome within a wide ladius of it. They know better, but uish man, with i warn ing instinct to cnide him. will on a sionally lir.ger too long in its viritiiiy. enchanted by lis dclcliiii and luavy fragrance, until lie experiences lh dis tressing eflect t of h's Imprudi -i; blinding heailai he. whic h, if lie still remains, will he lollowed by tempor ary deafness, convulsioii-t of mu:.i l : of the face and in-em.iblllly. A POINT NEATLY MADE. Excellent Don Mot Credited 10 James Rudolph Garfield. A bon linn i i. -filled to .hum s Hit dolph Ginlicl.l l!r newly appniulid commissioner of i m pot allons. has of late been coin : tin' round--, of Wash ington. .Mr. Gai In Id ai a dinu r pally sal next to a I n 'ii liwuieiin. I'll i'' woman pulsed her own eouuiry "iv highly. I'arlii ill. lily she praised French politeness. "The h rem h." she Fnid, ' are ih polilol peopln in the world." Mr (.'ailield smiled. The other, a little pitpn d al Ins smile, said . "'oil Ann rleans till admit, dull I von the supcrlorilv ol Klein Ii poliiciu : '.' " Mr. Giirlleld answcied. "We do. ma dam. i lia' is our pnlllencn..." Long Hours In the Countiy fitmr. Il Is all likhl lor I In- iounli si to keep bile bonis. Il Is lite niiniiy ( lull. If Die boss likes It uohoilv cl:c hus a i;;lil in complain. In the coun try store the man dues his own winli. Kven if tiai'e is good ho Is not liidb ered with (leiKs' unions. A louutiv store is out ii business and II II 1.1 liocci-suiy to i pi n rally ami i lime late the tin Illy msu will he on hand to welcome leiiiuiei a us tliey may arrive. Along in the middle ol the. day the country men limit is it woik III the garden, while his wile sils down In the toie Willi her sewing. It is u lannly artait Kiou City lour cal. The Country of Albania. Albania lie IKii miles on tho Adri atic si a and Is an t.n luu miles wide. It was foimeil originally, says V lllimii Jackson Armstrong In his "Hemes of liefeat." from )xirl of llyrls, all of Knlrus and nnrt of Macedonia In the I ( ovt titl. . v. tlim te.rlt.ny 1 .,, ... , rllll. .. ,. .i,.f,..( ii. J ,n 11Va,ler; Philip mid Alexander of I Mucedon, tin' l ulni'ieiois. I'erseus, 'whose fume as a soldier coveied th world tin yi ars afier Clinsl, and Kknnileriicn;, who lur 40 years de feated armies sei.t ai'.ainsi htm by the Turk. Aiificnt tiiiaiiiM lay 111 Asia. Just i list ol I be Caucasus. Clerks as Vme Tiirrmers. In May 'f evcrj year I lie ttneries In the 1,1 IlIiIioi hood of l-iasl Finch- lev and list net l-'.ni'.laiid. give em ployment to hundreds of unemployed lerlis and saletiurii who go out from London. They aie engaged in trim mlng the clusteih of vines, removing nil ragged and tslntod fruit. For tliis l.ilsir. wliie.i Is dono In a high tempciatiire, the men receive (ibout $H. 7"i a week, out of which tlicv pay their own hoard mid lodg ing. The vine growers prefer unem ployed clerk for this work, which Is of u nature loo ileliinte to bo under taken by "homy handed" hrlp. Largest Elephant Known. There l-in recently arrived In Ger many the hide of an elephant that was 1H feet 'i itn hes high, this being over three feet above the largest elephant ever known hitherto. In the State. NUMBER 22. 'HE next number will be published about the 1 5th of August as we arc preparing to go to Nashville, Tcnn. to the Business Men's League which is to come off Aug. 22. A COI.ORKD I.AI NDRY. There Is a movement on foot In Kam us City, championed by some ot tiie race, which has fur Its purpose the establishing of !. first-class steam laun dry. The object Is to provide employ ment for our women who are first- class laundresses. There wns an enthusiast le meeting In Id ai th Vine street llapllsl church on Tuesday night, the L'lst, which was attended by some of the most, promi nent men and women of the race. This laundry Is to be run by colored men and women, iitnl owned by them, witli all the modern first-class ma chinery necessary for such nn Instl t pi ion. Much of tho stock has al ready hen subscribed, and ou Tuesday night. July lis. there will bo another muss meeting of the colored people nt the Vine Strict Itaptist church, to which all well-wishers of the enter prise i.Te Invited -lu ulttnd und cnlcli the spirit of do something for our selves mid open nn nvenuo for our hoys and girls, na the while people do for theirs. Tho men behind this move Intend t see to It that this enterpilMe Is a go. Come out and lake some stock lllltl Ii" convinced that the colored brother can do smite! IiIiik for himself. The stuck is divided Into shareii of one dollar, but the pim haser nf slun- 's can lake any number Hint Is desired. ('mile mil and belli to save the women and children of the race and d 'iiiMiisliate to the world that we can be a people, i.inl by the help of God we Will be. Tiie National Negro business league will meet In Nashville, Tcnn., during the month of August, P.tna. The execu tive committee has declo upon Wcd nsiliiy. Thursday and Friday. August lit. If n and 21, as the dates for the meet ing. Russia Needs Manchuria. Th- Kussinn policy In Manchuria may ue Kilo to be duo to the necessity of finding new mark) is for her indus tries. The grent dihVulty In carrying out Russia's ambition In the Miinchur ian market lls. strangely enough. In the transportation ol her own mer chandlxe. IH'spiu her un at railroad she has 1:0 rual ad .-ant aire ""over the roreiguei. I'niler the present condi tions ot die road 1:0 bulky cr.rgo ran pay fir Its inuiHpo-trition, and even under pros r comliieiiis the major pari nl the freit!:! will go by sea. Petroleum Versus Coal. In tests of petroleum fuel for pas ioniser locomotives on the Florida Hast Coast lailroiid. which is aH level is the sia it parallels, it required u and three-quarters gallons per iii'e run. TMs showed 1112 gallons of ill to be equal to ii ton i f ronl. On iic Iloslon ti Maine railway the help er engine at the lloosao tunnel, work .ng on grade of 42 per mile, showed 1 u gallons of oil equal to a ton of coal. Will Astonish Londoners. The l-omloner will he greatly an--,oyeil by Innovations when the riierlcan electrical iars are running 11 ihe Metropolitan iinder-'ioiiiid and u'penny lube railways. T:ie fare will ie five cetit.1 for any distance; there he no first, second, or third class, he high speed will he over sixty iitles an hour, and the 2u second limit ,0 (tops will give htm a Chicago edu- at ion In mnvemerl. Sam Plugs, the Junk man, Is hack at his eland doing business; ready to buy If you have anything In his line, iron, brass, copper, lead, bottles or ags; junk of any kind. Call and seo him. W-Ncw to Tuna t i