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It Pays to Advertise In the Rising Gon VOLUME X. LEXINGTON NEWS. Rev. Gilbert preached his farewell sermon Sunday night. Rev. Clark and his congregation was up, also a num ber" of members from the Second Bap tist church. He will leave for an nual conference Tuesday night which will be held at Hlgglnsvllle, Mo., on the 18th. Mrs. Dr. Tuylor of Columblia and her sister of Leavenworth Is here vis iting their father, Mr. John Bouldridge who has been very 111. Mrs. Jonle Terrlll and Mrs. Shields of Kansas City were here Sunday vis iting their mother, Mrs. Wm. Booker. Mr. Irvln Hawkins and Mr. Wm. Coleman of Kansas City were here Sunday. Mr. A. A. Gilbert returned home Friday evening from Hiawatha, Kan. Mr. James Hawkins who has been very sick Is now better. Mrs. Luclnda Freeman who has been in Independence for the past two wot'ks returned home Sunday night. Rev. Dr. Herd and Rev. J. C. Cald well and wife who have been attend ing the North Missouri Conference at Carrollton, Mo. ,were here Monday and spent a few days on their way to Hig ginsville to attend Conference. Dr. Herd lectured Monday night at the A. M. E. church. His lecture was very Interesting. He spoke of Africa, the difforent tribes her riches and their manner of living. EveTy one was well pleased that heard him. Mr. A. W. Lloyd, Grand Chancellor of K. P. of Missouri, visited Green Valley Lodge on the 13th and lec tured. The members were well pleassed. General Robinson of the Uniform Rank was in company with him. He stated that he would like to organize a company there. He takes great, interest in the Uniform Rank and he ought to be encouraged by the K. P. They left Saturday morning for Kansas City where they will spend several days preparing for the next annual meeting. Mr. William Booker, sr.. Is quite 111. Mrs. Ijouisa Henderson of Odessa was in the city Saturday visiting her mother and father in company with her father-in-law. Rev. McDonald and wife of Kansas City were In the city Monday on busi ness. Rev. Dr. Caston of Jefferson City, Rev. Bacote of Kansas City and sev eral other ministers were here Friday holding council at the Second Bap tist church. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ritche of Kansas City was here Sunday to see her fath er, Mr. John Bouldridgo. who has been very sick, but Is now better. Mrs. A. A. Gilbert left Sunday for Hiawatha, Kansas, to see her sick sis ter. A Great Hit. "My wife made a decided hit at the church social last night." "I don't doubt It. I bet she was the flrest looking lody In the room.' "Indeed she was, (but she made another kind of a hit. They were throwing bean bags at a dummy, three throws for a dime, for the benefit of tho hospital fund." "Hit the dummy three times?" "Oh, no, with the first bag she hit a tray of dishes on the opposite side of the room. Cost me $4. Great hit." Kansas City Drovers Telegram. Bad Accident. "Had bad luck with my automobile last night. Ran into a buggy and bent both of my axles, punctured a tire and busted the gasoline tank. Terrible expensive!" "Too bad, too bad! Anybody hurt?" "Nope, no one but the man and his wife In the buggy. They were killed. Couldn't get out of the way in time, you know." Did you ever have as good a time on your vacation as you anticipated? NOTICEI The Inter-State IJIterary Associa tion of Kansas and the West, will con vene In annual session at Kansas City, Mo., December 2C, 27, 28. Each Literary Society Is entitled to representation by three delegates, (one of whom may have a place on the program), and three alternates. New Societies, and those not having been enrolled at the last session of the Association, will be required to pay a membership fee of JLfiO. So cieties enrolled at the last session will pay $1.00 membership fee. Tho Executive- Committee will con vene In November for the purposer of making up the program. Any Society may become a member of the Association by application to the President or Corresponding Secre tary on or before tho first day of De cember, sending therewith tho re quired fee. JAS. H. GUV. President. 429 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. I. M. HORTON, Chairman Ex. Com., 1608 E. 13th St., Kansas City, Mo. MISS A. F. MOORE, Cor. Sec, 1214 Vino St, Kansas City, Mo. The Color Line. If, as Is now claimed by an eastern Individual, St. Peter is or was a color ed man, the "white trash" wlli have a hard time getting past him, while the mere fact that "culled pusson" pur loined a nice juicy hen while living In Denver will not be considered so serious as to bar him from the New Jerusalem. Denver News. Arranging His Toilet. The king of gamblers sat aloue With a mirror in his hand: One of his Fridays came along And took his watchful stand. "Why this mirror, O my king?" Thus did the Friday prate. "That I might see," the king replied, "If my lid Is still on straight" A, L. Mayfleld, Denver News. Warping the Scripture. A sympathizing friend stood over the little casket. He wanted to say something that might console the mourning ones. He could think of nothing more befitting thnn a pass age from holy writ, but this Is tho way ho delivered It: "Blessed are they that die at the eleventh hour." He Might as Well Go Back. If Hall Caine has come Into tho land or plenty with a view of taking his "Prodigal Son" home with him. he might Just as well go back. Since the lad has been circulating In America he rather likes the fast.; of husks and will stay with us. Denver News. Taking No Risks. "I need more money," said the flying-machine Inventor. "But I thought tho machine was fin ished," replied the capitalist. "It Is, but I've got to hire a man to fly It. Do ; on think I want to get kill ed?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. When All Others Fail. Dispatches tell us that but for u heavy rain which set In Just as the rire department hnd exhausted all its en ergy, Butte, Mont., would havo beou completely wiped from the map. An other evidence of the necessity of be ing In touch with providence. The Right Idea. Miss Alice Roosevelt, who will send a sewing machine to the empress of Japan, has the right idea of spreading civilization In the Orient. Sf5o evi dently believes there Is more to bo gained in sewing machines than sow Ing missionaries. The Morning After. Boston preacher has the audacity to say that "Colorado, like hell, needs more water.' My, what a thirst he must have had the morning after he made the rounds of Denver. Denver News. for It Reaches More Homes of Colored People than any othei Paper KANSAS CITY MO., FRIDAY, OCT. 20. 1)05. A VISION OF THE FUTURE. Four envoys In a navy yard With solemn care debated, And meanwhile on a distant field The warring forces waited. One word, and each opposing brave Would fall upon his brother; One word, and battle's lust for blood Would love and pity smother. The cannon boomed, the bells rang peace, And loud was the rejoicing. While gray-haired parents laughed and wept. Their happy feelings voicing. Thus precious lives, the flower of youth, Were saved a thankful nation, The Yalevnrd-Prlncerah foot ball game Was played by arbitration. New York Sun. The Clerk Whistled. A Scotch minister Instructed his clerk, who sat among the congrega tion during service, to give a low whistle if anything in her sermon ap peared to be exaggerated. On hear ing the minister say: "In those days there were snakes fifty feet long," the clerk gave a subdued whistle. "I should have said thirty feet." added the minister. Another whistle from the clerk. On sonsulting Thompson's Concordance," said the minister, "I see the length is twenty feet." Still anothiT whistle; whereupon the preached leaned over and said in a stage whisper: "Ye can whistle as much as ye like MasPherson, but I'll no take anlther foot off for anybody!" In Crimean Times. In Crimean times (says the "Tat tler") the Highland regiments were so full of Iliberlans that many stories were current exploiting the fact. One gallant Scottish colonel, it was said, resolved to take the sense of the reg iment on the vital question of adopt ing the plaid as an essential part of the uniform. When the orderly came to report the result, the colonel was scandalized to find that only two of his men favored the suggestion, "Ami who are there two gallant Highland ers?" he asked. "Ooch!" replied tho orderly, "sure it's Corporal O'Brien nn' Private OCallaghan, sorr!" Bulk From the West. The bulk of the commercial honey crop conies from the Went and South west, and this year tho supply Is likely to be short. From Colorado. Utah and Nevada the yield is reported to be poor to fair. California has a moderate crop, and other producing States only a fair crop. Producers are holding their stock at an advance over last year's prices, the advance amounting to about two cents per pound. How Schifflesi. Jacob II. Sch Iff, head of the firm of Kulin, l.oel) a Co. of New York, says he was powerless to ward off the things Equitable Hyde did to him and bis company. How Schifricss of Mr. Sehiff and how Hydeous of Mr. Hyde. Denver News. Ask 'Em. "Should the Schoolmn'ams Marry?" Is the question that Is being freely discussed by some of the crusty old bachelor editorial writers of the pa pers just now. If these fellows really want to know why don't they put on a clean collar and go and ask the school ma'am about it? Denver News. Oh, Joy! Colonel Hemming, a gcohgist of Pennsylvania, has discovered In Col orado a vast deposit of mineral from wh.rh radium is made, and he says the price will now drop from $ out) an ounce to only $l,ooo,o ounce. iow mat is more like: it. Three; million dollars was a little high for most of us. Detiverl News. Information Wanted. ".lane," said tho mistress to the new girl, "you must not forget to put the mackerel to soak for breakfast." "All right, mum," replied Jane. "What pawnbroker, kin 1 soak 'em with, mum?" Detroit Tribune. Edible Seaweed. It Is not a little astonishing to find what a number of seaweeds are really edible and nourishing, says The Lan cet Perhaps the best known example In this country Is laver, which Is a kind of stew made from a weed, an alga. The laver made on the Devon shire coast and to be found In tome London Bhops is excellent. Hold Farm Since 1300. Recently the stock was sold on a farm In Dumfriesshire. Scotland, which had been held by a family nam ed Moffat since the year 13 J. when King Robert Bruce made a grant of the land to the Moffat s. They held It for 300 years as owners, and tho rest of the time as tenants of the Dukes of Bucclcuch. Commit Sport by Proxy. "Vandal," a well known writer on teports, said In a recent Issue of the London Express: "The Bjmrts of this country are absolutely rotten un sound to the core. This nation Is no longer a nation of sportsmen. It Is a nation of odds-taking people who com mit sport by proxy." Self-Windlng Alarm Clock. Joseph Blythe, a resident of Ches ter, Pa., has recently obtained a pat ent on a self-winding alarm clock, which is said to have several very novel features. The winding Is done by electricity and when once set will ring every day at the same hour If de tired. Kipling as Critic. Here Is Rudyard Kipling's advice to an author who submitted n story for his criticism: "Tear out second chap ter and scatter broadcast. Change name of hero and name of story; then get down to business and rewrite the whole thing." Atlanta Constitution. Black Rot In Cabbage, Soaking the seed for fifteen min utes In a 1:1000 corrosive sublimate solution or In a 0.4 per cent formalin solution Just before planting is sug gested as a cheap and effective means of destroying the germs upon the seed. Firemen Start a Blaze. When the volunteer fire department of Tunbrldge Wells, England, was on parade a spark from one of the en gines set firo to a haystack, and the fire burned Itself out, for the volun teers proved unable to extinguish It Many Schools in Hong Kong. For Its size Hong Kong has an enormous number of schools. The population of the island Is about 330, onn and there are over 100 schools, the great majority of which are under government supervision. Church in Farmyard. Few more curious places for a rlmrch could be found than one 'at Sotuham Delabere, Eng., which stands in the middle of a farmyard. The only means of entrance is by passing through tho yard. Ill-Tlmed Wit. "1M h leave- ou auyttilpff when ha died?" I nkMl of thn fntlici'l.'M rlrl, who crlnii. "oh. y. lie tl nl " " Ami 1 (iiicntlnnei her. "Wlmt was It?" ' Hi' left mo nn orphan, ii '." - I'h'VeHnil I.cadt'r. Girls' Beit Safeguard. Let us teach our daughters that life Is not only tennis and parties. It us endow them with the best of In surancesa profession at their fing ers' ends. Woman. Rills Cause Peritonitis. Death from peritonitis, duo to ex CMixive taking of pills, was slated to be tke caiisefcf a woman's death at a Bristol (England) Inquest. British Railroads Well Manned. American railroads have six em nlnves for everv mile of track and the British roads have twenty-eight. Income of Oxford College. The Income of Oxford University U lightly under $300,000 a year. HEN WILSON IN i ROUBLE. Icandal Disturbs Serenity of Inhabi tant of Bingvil e. It Is rumored on reiii.h.c authority .hat Hen Wilson has left bis wife ).ain owing to some trouble etween them. This is lot the first .lmc Hen and Sar Ann hove hnd mar tal trouble. Tho '. I hi tiimi before this 5ary Ann struck rltn wltn a rotllmt Din above the left eye and he went out ' the house nnd dii not return for leveral weeks. Son e says he went ;o the Co. seat and I petit most of hi Ime In a hospital. Finally ne rcturne:! 'ome a sadder nnd wiser man and ilm nnd Snry Ann made up main and itarted out together to try to live n lifferent life with fie dive of pence icrched above the'.;" hearthstone, a? on mluht sny. But now ruction nwlft nnd terribli las broken out In their midst again. Vc got this straight or we wouldn't ay anything about It In print. Mrs. Vilson herself told Mrs. Caroline looper that Hen had left home fo. owed by all the cooking utensils In ne kitchen. Mrs. Hooper told it to ten Wade's wife and Pen Wade's wlft old it to Mrs. Widow 1 1 1 ndcison whe old us. Sary Ann has a quick temper nm'. when she gets nind there seems to br lothitig else to do hut for lien to i!iv, nit for a while ard wait until the lends roll by. What tho trouble wa his time was that Hen went right Into 'he house like a rtnrn fo.-il and set hiv clf down on n new sofa pillow which Mrs. Wilson had Just flnMcd. Mrs. Wilson stated that Hen mlelil think lint sofa pillows were made to sit on. 'nit he was mistaken. Hen's where about s Is at present unknown "Plug lllo Bugle Items'' In the Boston post. ARTIST MET HCR IDOL. John Ruskin's Self Introduction to Hii Aduirer. The London On. look tells a pietiv dory of (lie late John Itiukln, artist, author, reformer, which snows thai rourtly and chlvilrie gent'u man am' great w riter in a '.!;iful i id: Mr. Buskin wot; taklrg a mo: nine nlk down lie read Ju.-I in front of Brant wood, w hen he saw a lady sent "d en a campsto-d making a sketch if the house, ami, with a courteous :race which was Intensely his own. In addressed her, Inquiring hi r reason for chooslrg the house In question lor her subject. "It Is the house of the famous John Uuskln." she frankly asked. "Have you met. Ituskln?" she was risked. "No, Indeed." idie replied. "If I Inn! I would have deemed i one of Hip greatest privileges of m life." "Then, madam, if ou rare to fo! low me, f will show I, nn to vou " In a twinkling the stool nml easel were pricked up and the art 1st cu'irlv KiMoued the guld". To her surprl'-n - ml ciatilicalion. he lid her up to th house, nnd citi t ing, bade his gun! follow, which "?ho readllv 'ltd On ti arcle'd the stranger into the draw llig room; then, placing Ms hack to the Oiiplnce. a familiar altitude, he ex rlaimrd. to the amactin nt or his com (nil Ion : "Now. what do you think of Hiis kin?" rrom ''The Colour." It" who linlh hcnl liirn ov-i the d'-:td t ao Hit- III I ihiv .f I i. .ill. i ,1. .1 Tlie Oml il.-iik .lav of N. a I, Inpiicss. Ha lnii I i.'iiii i: and logins Hi-folP le(il's ff.u jnn titirr-r H.iw- KWc-t Hie I tin wliit, I" autv liriff ley I. n1 niri'Wf ll-r. .!l, ihhoIi,- Mr The rapture of Repose tint's 'here, 'I tie . i. 1 1 . 1 , i null- mat nil . ik Till" tallUllel nf the pllli Id ell'idr. Anil lajt fur tliMt Mad miiimiiiIi'-! fv Thlll fll'H lint Wins lint. wecw ttul tlfiW n hut for that i hilt elia i.u !i'.i liinv Where enlil 4 il t lei Inn's npatliv 4inN the ttnglrik-' inniirTiei 's h'-ai. A If In him It ritiilil irni'iiM The ilfiom he drwiiN. wt dwel'i unen. . hill for the", nnrt th,. nleiie. nmc IlirirnelilH, nv, nne ti-a hetnoe hour. ilq Htlll might donl.t tn'K imwer; fall-. ej i aim, !n piifilv ft The flrsl. last hv dinih reveil. d' ''lllll Is Hie llHe i.f ihi hnie, TN r";i,.,. ,. hut livtru: ' i 1 1-. - - no rnorr ' rnlillv NWel, so deadly f;ilr. 'Ac mint, for Hon! miniH u.-mllnir lln-r It'll U Hie loi idlnctw In dinih, rhnt nnilH not riulie with iniiliar htratk: I'ut ItcioitY with thai fearful liloom. I hat hue n dli li haunt It to tl,e tomb. Rxt'i eslon'f ai rirc'linir rav. A Kilned Halo hnverlnu round dernv, I'he farew'll Imnm of l-'ei-li-iir nat iivir! Sark of that IImuu'. oi ha,;,. uf n-avn-ly I. lith. Which Klciim hul wainiH no reoie Its chciila-J (.nth. Lonl Ilyron. In the State. NUMBER 2. LINCOLN INSTITUTE NOTES. The first term of the scholastic year, l!i"u-i'i, has thus far (three weeks) proved u record breaker. The enrollment to date, October Vth. Is three hundred and thirty-one, nnd every day adds to the rapidly Increas ing; number. Already it is necessary to divide classes because of their sl.o and soon it will be necessary to mako sub-divisions. Students are here from the I'liclflc Coast on the West llulf of Mexico on the South, and the Creat Lakes on the North. The College Department has enrolled a larger number than usual and all of the industries lire over crowded. Summer school students are sending in letters from various points, telling; how much was gained in methods of leaching and subject, matters; that, they have been able to secure better positions with higher salaries bocuusn of the work accomplished during; I lie seven weeks' course in Lincoln In stitute. Craduiites of the Institution are constantly in demand to fill excellent positions both within and without tho slate; and President. Allen, who takes great pleasure tu looking after their welfare, and who Is always hunting them up, has been able to secure good positions for nearly or quite all of the graduates of the hist three years, who have desired to teach. The football team is getting in shapo for lis annual triumphs on the grid iron; meanwhile the young ladies are ellJoNlllg exercises through croque) and oilier games of the campus. Tim psychology of the new education roc ogni.iti the fact that "All work ami no play" Is, In say the least, Injurious. Mr. V. II. iJiinsltaw, author of "A History of I'lenuisoni y among the col ored people lii North America, and to whom an appeal was made in a recent controversy belweeli thetiraiul Lodges of Iowa and Missouri is tin- distin guished father of Miss Mary K. (irini shaw, the talented head of ihe sewing derailment of Lincoln Institute. The many friends of the institu tions will read with great pleasure, the aillele ill Ihe October number of the .Missouri School Journal, "The MIs i.ouii School System," in which oc curs the following well-merited testi monial: ' Lincoln Institute is a college, nor mal school and Industrial institute all III one. is liol to lie surpassed by Tuskogco or Hamilton in Industrial features, although it is not advertised nearly i-o much. It Is supported by Hie slat" and does not have the ap peal lo the cliai'italilv inclined for sup pott. There Is no good reason for exploit ing its merits. Tho many students from oilier slates seek admission now." It Did. "This watch will work like a charm," said the dealer. "Ami It will cost you but a dollar." Ue paid the dollar. By the way; did you ever see a cliiinn that kept time'.' The dealer was correct, nnd we have no complaint to make. The watch worked like a charm -exactly like a charm. "Papa." he said one day, "sailors must bi awful small men." "Why do you think so?" asked his father. "Because," answered Harry, "I read In Hie patters about one who went to sleep on his watch." When a man declares he Is out of politics he doesn't always stop to cx plafu why. , Men often miss opportunity's knock because (hey are themselves so busy "kiiix king." The heaviest collection place doesn't always Indicate the most religion. Very often a dog runs as fast as he can, und the rabbit gets away.