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IXWIS WOODS Business Maaafsr. Published Kerjr Week RISING SON HUBLISHINCCO ajersl'HsCKUTlON KATES: tar rr i.l HWHW . f ir luontnj Ait Booth U f orlcllr pM In adnr tnUnd at Vtf I'mt Cfflc at Kan OUT, I (U itroil I'Ut Matter. t Autumn Offerings From the Big Store WESTERN UNIVERSITY, Oorrpotident wanted In e very city , tad town in till matt. Write us. All news matter Intended for pub- U oat tori ehouUi reach our office not la tor than Tutsditv, of each week and, Butt be signed by the writer nut (or publication, but a guarantee of auth enticity, , FFIOIi-No. 117 Weit Slstr. St.,! Kansaa City. Mo. Advtrtidng Rntee, (of mli'h, ooe Inaerilnn I H or on Inch. rei'h auiiaequeot Insertion M For two tarka, three niuiib IU0 futtwo laohv, all month 100 for two ini'he, nine months 10 00 rtwolncbai Ixln month MOD OLDEST NECiRO JOURNAL ... IN KANSAS CITY, TWICE ALL Uy THE REST. i Tie paid circulation of The Rising Son is more than double the combined circu lation of all the other Kansas City Colored weekly nevspapers. THE WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON CENTENARY. j On the l"th of Ik-ccnibor, IShS. nt Newbury, Muss., was born William I. lend Ciiirrisoti. the man who set In motion the forces which resulted in : tin1 emancipation of the Negro in the 1'iiiied Stales from chattel slavery. We say chattle slnviTy" advisedly, because other forms of slavery still exist in this koi n country. Mr. (lar rison at the age of twenty four conse crateil his life to the cause of the slave. Ilecause of an article against the ilottiestic slave trade which he wrote, in the Cetiins of I'nlversal Emancipation. Nov. lit. he was indicted, tiled nin' convlcleii of lihel in Haltimore. ami on failing in pay a fine of fifty dollars ainl costs wan suit to Jail for seven weeks. (Hi the first of January, isni, the first nimilier of the I.iheralor appear ed. The l.ilieraior was published in Hoston. In the salulalory nddress ap peared these words, fit to he graven in the memory of every man w ho would serve Ihe cause of freedom and righteousness: "I will he as harsh as truth, an I as uncompromising as jus- lice. On this suhjecl, I do not wish to think, or speali, or write, with inodiTa- I limi. I am in earnest; I will not j e(iivncate; I will nut excuse; I will : lint retreat a single inch; and I will; he heard." With this nintto Mr. (iar-i rismi heuan his warfare against slav ery and cntitiiiueil it until tin Instl-j lution was forbidden hy cnnstltulional ; amendtiient, a perlml of thirty-five ' years. These thirty five years cover ; ihe most momentous period of Amer ican history, and are deserving of study hy every one who would he familiar with the stugglo for freedom and emancipation. It would he fitting for the Negroes Tin- Store's fall ami winter stocks air now at their best ami we want to urge upon our patrons the advantages of liming now when evcrythinj' is complete. Out-of-town readers of the Ris ing Son should hoar in mind that these articles arc just as available through the Mail Order depart ment of The I'.ig Store as if you In night in person. Sun to send for our handsome 1'all atid Winter Catal sliows.lfow many a dollar may he saved. We want every out-of-town reader of the Kising alogtie. It wifl he sentfree to anV'a'ddfVss and ' Knit Underwear for Women and Children Mere's a Hut of values that should Interest all prospective buyer. Assortments are so complete that the most exacting patrons can be sure of being pleased. The chilly days have made heavier weights a neces sity. You're Invited to Inspect these specially selected Items. Women's Union Suit Made of I Vests and Tights Of medium weight white cotton, hand trimmed, lung or short sleeves, ankle or knee lengths; garment. ...50c Women's and Children's Hosiery Women's Hose of imported, plain Women's Hose of Imported Eng black cotton, fleece lined, eithQCp Jlsh cashmere; light weight, na CflA er hemmed or ribbed top, pair Ju tural wool soles; pair wUw Walnut Street Hoot. white cotton, well shaped, hand trimmed and in medium weights; garment SI. Children's Union 8ults Of fleec ed cotton well shaped, natural gray or white, suitable for boys or girls, open or drop seat style, ribbon or French neck, sizes 2 to 10 Kflft years, suit vUU Children's Hose of heavy ribbed cotton, suitable for boys or nr. girls, sizes 5 to 10; pair. Warm Winter Comforts Now is the time to buy niankets and Comforts. We have been waiting some time to get these blankets down and put them out where you could see them, feel for yourself the splendid quality, and buy aa many as you will need through the winter. Read over these descriptions and note the prices. Every com fort has the Emery, Bird Thayer guarantee back of It. Cood sllkoline covered Comforts In pretty medium and light colorings; filled with nice, soft white , i I f cotton; yarn tied; a splendid Comfort, each... v 'i0 Heller quality Comforts; silkollun covered with white cotton filling; yarn tied; a big vnlue at, each Sl.tO All exceptionally good Comfort; sllkoline covered In very pretty colorings and designs; good dQ On w light; each $tUU Extra si'.e Comforts; 81x90 inches; a great bit' Comfort of excellent quality for, dQ CO each .. VidU Walnut Street Floor. The McDougall Kitchen Cabinet ' The Mclhiugall Kitchen Cabinet Is a unique rlccc of furniture. It takes the place of the kitchen table, and occupies Just the same amount room. Us object Is to bring together in one convenient place, every needed thing In the kitchen, both utensils and food materials, so that In the preparation of a meal all that Is necessary can be reached without taking a single step. Here is what one woman put into her McDougall Cabinet: r.u lbs. Flour 10 lbs Salt 2,r lbs, Cornmeal 2 lbs. Coffee 1 Bottle Vinegar 1 Tail I.ard 20 lbs. of Sugar 1 Can Molasses 10 lbs. Buckwheat Flour 3 lbs Tea 12 Cans of Fruits and Vegetables 9 Pie Pans Several Hollies of Olives, Sauces, Mustards, Catsup, and Salad Dressing. Knives, Forks, Grindstone, Can Opener, Pair of Scales and Nearly a Dozen Cooking Utensils. ft Kinds of Spices, Pepper, Sage, etc. And Siill There Was More Room With the Sliding Shelves and Large Table Surface Than She Had Enjoyed With Her Old Kitchen Table. They are the handist piece of kitchen furniture ever invented. Be sure and see them when In Kansas City or send for catalogue and circulars giving detailed description. Prices run from $15.75 to f.'.l.on. Fifth Floor hvms tins BIO SIORE WIMJT llth Sts. OR WD AH. WALNUT llth Sts. GRAND AVE. KANSAS CITY'S BIG STORE THE GREAT EDUCATIONAL. INSTITUTION FOR KANSAS AND THE WEST. DEPARTMENTS: Theological, College. Normal, Sub-Normal and , State Industrial. 1 !.. ' -. ' : -i . ' . COURSES) Classical, College, Preparatory, KWrnal, SuttNortnal, slcal (Instrumental and Volcal), Including piano, organ and hat mony, Drawing (Fine Arts and Mechanical), Carpentry, Printing and Book Binding, Business Course, Stenography and Typewrit ing, Tailoring, Dressmaking and Plain Sewing, Cooking, Laun dering, Farming and Gardening. ADVANTAGES: Slpendld I-ocntlon, Healthful Climate, Good Influ ences and Thorough Teachers. INFORMATION: For terms, prlcea and all Inducements offered write to WILLIAM T. VERNON, A. M., D. D. PRESIDENT, QUINDAR0, .... KANSAS. Phonea: Office Bell "White" 4302. Residence Bell "West 15. David T. Beals, President. W. H. Seeger, Second Vice President. Fernado P. Neal, Vice President, Edwin W. Zea, Cashier. UNION NATIONAL BANK KANSAS CITY, MO. Statement as made to the Comptroller of the Currency at the Close of Business, August 25th, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and dlscounta. . . .$ CT88.84G.P2 U. S. bonds at par $ 600,000.00 Municipal bonds nt par. . . 344,591.33 Cash and sight ex change. . 3,698,201.72 4,642,793.03 Total. ,..$11,421,639.97 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ $00,000.00 Surplus fund. . . .; 400,000.00 Undivided profits 80,477.31 Unearned Interest 91,212.00- National bank notes out standing 500,000.00- Deposits 9,479,950.66 Total $11,421,639.97 DIRECTORS David T. Beals, I T. James, J. P. Merrill, Q. W. Lovejoy, E. W. Zea, C. W. Whitehead. C. J. Schmelzer, Geo. W. Jones, F. P. Neal, F. L. LaForce, Edward George, Lee Clark, O. H. Dean, Geo. D. Ford, W. H. Seeger. F. C. ESI EM AN Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fresh and salt Meats Vegetables and Notions which firm followed General Grant 10 Appomatox, and who has great ability as a lawyer. Senator Waggoner is an able Demo crat, while Waters and Waters are in dependent Republicans. Not withstanding the ability of these lawyers, we ought to raise $1,- 0011 for attorneys' fees. The case can be decided but one way if Justice is done. HABIT IN APPETITE. Habit Said to be at Bottom of all the Trouble. The so-called cravings of appetite are purely the result of habit. A hah- of this section to pav some attention : 'l acquired and persistently fol io the litter which follows. The Na- Imvt''l ii,,,m llEl us ln lts KrasI' 0,1,1 then any deviation tnererroui tempo rarily disturbs our physiological equi librium. The system makes com ' plaint and we experience a craving ill may be, for that to which the body the effort which Prof. Washington and has become accustomed, even though others have put forth. jthis something be, in the long run, October 20, 10o.-. j distinctly Injurious to the weliare of Mr Lewis Wivods t'"' body. 1 Here has thus come about Publishing Co.. Kansas City. Mn. Nothing Doing. A German who invented a telamobilo skop To delect when a vessel is approach ing Another vessel on the ocean, Chose a mighty bad name For a fellow to make a limerick out of. Kansas City Drovers Telegram. tional Business League has accom plished a great deal of good among the Negroes of the United States nnd more interest from the We-st is due Let Not Your Angry Temper Rise. "Look her, waiter, I've been sitting here forty minutes waiting for my din ner. You told mo everything was ready to serve." "It was, sir." "Then why didn't you bring it? You keep a fellow waiting so long that he eats a lot more. Seems to me It would be cheaper to serve quickly." "No, sir lioss; you see, when he gets so hungry he could eat everything, we keep him waiting till he gits so durn mad he can't ent nothin". Them's our orders, sir. What's left clar gain He May Repent. Mr. Bryan asumes a tremendous re- sponsibility by leaving the country for lear Sir; I regret ttiat you were not able to attend the recent session of the National Negro League, held in New York. August 10 17, IS. It was in many ways the most successful session we have held. I am very anxious that you continue a sentiment that the cravings of the .v, al " "8 ""'. no may ue com ippetiie for f 1 are to bo fully sat- I" i1,m1 r,'n,'nt in ckcloth and ashes isfled, that this in merely .obedience to nature's laws. This Idea, however. Business (s f,,n,i;in,entallv wrong. Any one '.villi a little persistence can change his or her habits of life, change the whole order of cravings, thus demon strating that the latter are purely ar- that he permitted his curiosity to bi! hold strange lands and people to lure him from his place on the watchtower, It is nou recorded that either of the Gracchi left Rome while the crisis was still on. New York Globe, your interest in the organization, and tifielal. and that they have no neces .mi f..r i hut reason writ im' in u.oM-nst : ' otniect ion with the welfare or Hint you send nt once check for $2.00 covering annual dues. We shnll lie aide lo place your name in tne rroceemngs or ine -League, :usse!l n. Chittenden's "Economy soon to lie published, if we hear from u Foou" in the Century. you within the next few days. We needs of the body. In other words, di 'lie requirements are to he founded not upon so-called instinct and crav ing, but upon reason and intelligence. shall see, of course, that a copy of the Proceedings of the league is sent to you as soon as published. Your badge will also be sent forward by the Reg istrar. Very truly yours, BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. President. In the Art Gallery. SofHelgh I feel great reverence wni'n I stand before one of those old masters. Don't you? N. Pock Yes, I am greatly awed by one I have at home. Kansas City Drovers Telegram. The colored people of .Kansas City are lo be commended for the'ninnly stand they have taken In the defense of their rights, and also in securing one of the greatest lawyers In the United States to defend them. Hon. B. P. Waggener, general attorney for the Missouri Pacific and the state Senator, has given his assistance In this case, and also the firm of Waters and Waters, the senior member of Will Be Cheaper. Life insurance In some of the Eur opean companies costs' Just one-halt as much as it does In this country. Wo shall get It much cheaper, however, when the leaks have been stopped and the graft knocked out of some of the big companies. Philadelphia Press It. Is very easy to make excuses for those we love. It does not take much courage to be a hero In the homelight. SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $t East Side Suit Club and Ladies' Wardrobe Ladies' Garments Carefully Cleaned, Pressed, UiqiHired or Remodeled. Telephone Main KI7. ,1. T. PA It KIN. S. t. Cor. 1th and Heimss, Kansas City. Mo norm west roiiNKK isrii sr. and Woodland a v. KSTFt IAM.Y CATER TO TI1K t'OI.OKKI) 1'Kori.K I SOLICIT YOUR FATF30NAOE THE GREATEST HAIR DRESSING NELSON'S WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OUR AD. IN THE RISING SON FOR FIRST CLASS GROCERIES PROMPTLY DELIVERED GOOD SERVICE. J. M. TIDR0W, 50 ) May Street, Kinsas City, Mo. Home Phone 4097 Main. Straightine Makes m THE E.-Z. SHAVE. C. A. EVANS, BARBER SHOP For First Class Work. 107 East 14th St. Kansas City, Mo. Kinky, Curly Hair Straight It Is not only the BEST DRESSING! ruuie for the Hair, but Noble Man. Mrs. Nuwed Come right In, you poor man, and I will give you someth ing to eat. I suppose you were not always in this unhappy condition. Selydm Wirk Indeed I was not, mnm. Fifteen years ago I was rich and prosperous. Mrs. Nnwed And what brought you to tills unfortunate condition? Seldym Wlrk In 189(5, mum, I saw dat do honor of (lis great country was threatened by repudlators, an' I sacrificed me Immense fortune t save It from the unprinclpaled wreck ers what was seeking to ruin It, It was mo patriotism, mum, dat brought me to (lis imfortynit condition. Thanky, mum, f'r dls fine spread. Cramp in the Legs. People who ure subject to cramp In the legs should always be provid ed wilh a good strong piece of cord, especially in their bed rooms. When the cramp conies on take the coru. Wind It around the leg over the place where he is cramped, take an end in each hand and give it a sharp pull, one that will hurt a little, and the cramp will cease Instantly. People much subject to cramp In bed have found great relief from wearing on each leg a garter of wlJe tape which has several thin slices of thin cork stitched on It. i Henpecked, , The Indiana man who had died anj was called back to life by the screams of his wife was evidently afraid to die without her consent. business if he could put up as good a front as the average woman can when a fashionable neighbor happens to call on wash day. THE MOST WONDERFUL DAIR GROWER WCTCfNTC CTDMfiHTINP lsnllknyof the other rjnlr preparation on the HlilJUlU SllrtlUIim market. It containa no powerful or dantfi-roua chemli-ala, and la therefore ahtelutcly HARMLESS. It worka directly upon ibe acalp and riHiiaof the Hair, removi'a dandruff and other diaeawa of the acalp and nkin, nourishing and alimutathi(f the rootaof the Hair, thereby cauHing It to irrow rich, lonirand luxurious, at thn aame time atoppiiur it from aplittinir. breaking off or falling out. STRAIUHTINE kei-pa the Hair aoft and pliable, making It easy lo do up la any at) le. Delightfully perfumed. NELSON'S STRAIQHTINE Is aold by dm(r;t and agenta everywhere. PRICE. 25 CENTS A CN. If you cannnt get it from vour druggist or one of our agenta, SEND US M CENTS, In Btamps, ailver or Money Order, and we will aend you one large can (one ninmh'a treatment! by mail, aecurely wrapped, together with our great FREE BKISH OFFER. Addreaas AGENTS WANTED Writ fur Tenia aad Harticalara NELSON M'F'Q CO., Richmond, Va. Hell Phone Main 1190 X PIANO FURNISHED. J5he MINOR HALL to Rent For Dances, Socials, Entertainments, Etc. To Respectable Colored People only. MHm. A. V. MINOR. Mgr., 404 W. Bih Bt., Kaneee City. Mo. TOME niEPAIRS Thn emnlover always knows the FOR ALL STOVES AND RANGES. man who Is so anxious to wash up and quit that he anticipates the whistle p., fiJEJZNER '"XSlttSSmZ''- VJ H Ullliuic Willie's Suspicion. Say pa!" "Co on, Willie." remarked th3 pastor of the Staenth Avenue church. 'When a watchmaker fills a watcn case It means there alnt much In It, don't It?" 'Yes son." "Then what do you mean, when you say you ' nre going, to fill the pulpit next Sunday?" Kansas City Drovers Telegram.