Newspaper Page Text
THE RISING SON. -J A A. B. Johnson, Assistant Manager. Eugene Vaugan, Agt. Kansas City, Kna. IISX Hpllt Log. A. W. Walker, Agent, Lexington, Mo. Remember please It'a tde little blta we collect here and there That enables us to run from year tu year." LOCALS. Mr. Fields is still on the sick list. Mrs. A. B. Johnson is on the sick list this week. Girl wanted to do collecting on this paper. Call at office mornings. You get your money's worth when you trade at Rau's. corner 19th and Flora. Rev. Father Harper who has been ill for some time was at church last Sunday. Rev. F. Jesse Peck left last Wed nesday to attend conference at Hlg ginsville, Mo. Colored people get your groceries at Arthur Raus. corner 19th and Flora. He Is O. K. You get your money's worth when you trade at Rau's, corner 19th and Flora. He is O. K. Mrs. Gus Morgan has removed to 19th and Vine where she will be pleased to see her friends. Mrs. W. H. Hubbell has opened a millinery and notion store near the corner of 19th and Vine streets. Many ministers have gone to the A. M. E. Conference at HlKRinsvllle, Mo., which began last Tuesday morning. n.nn,i meala and Eood service, and old-fashion cooking may be found at the "Little Baltimore, 1Z& west iu street. Colored people, get your groceries at Arthur Rau's, Northwest corner of 19th and Flora. Everything guaranteed. J. B. Gibbs and wifearrived Tues day morning from Lincoln, Nebraska, to spend ten days with relatives and friends. Negro Medical 8tudent Makes 100 Per Cent. In Examination. Dr. Paey made 100 per cent, at the Kansas State Board of Medical Ex amination In Bacteriology. Thirty-one sat In the examination with him. Dr. Paey is a Negro and the first to ob tain a round hundred in a test. Rev. J. M. Harris, pastor of the Burn's M. E. church of this city It said to be one of the youngest men in the United States to receive the degree "D. D." (Doctor of Divinity). The Rev. Harris Is only 30 years old and a graduate of Christian Univer sity and Grammar School of Theology, Atlanta, Ga. He Is also a student of Lincoln Institute and Baker Univer sity. Harris shows what a young man can do when he tries. PER80NAL8. Miss Clyrindla Alexander of Man hattan, Kan., Is here visiting relatives. Mr. A. W. Walker and wife were In St. Louis Monday on business. Mr. Henderson of Odessa and Miss Ixuiesa Olden of Lexington were united in matrimony in September. They are now living near Odessa. We wish them a long and happy life. Rev. Norrls, pastor of Second Bap tist church, has resigned from hald church and Is called to another field of labor. Mr. A. Williams of Kansas City was here Wednesday preparing to move his family to Kansas City, where he Is now in business. We hope he may have success in his new field. Mr. Add Ray is In the restaurant business call and see him. Foolish Men. "Isn't It strange," said the reflective citizen, "that burglars and highway men wilt take the awful chances they do, Just for a few dollars?" "It does seem odd," responded Sena tor Snlffkins," when there are safe, easy, remunerative propositions like politics and life Insurances to go Into." Astors Back to the Farm. Miss Margaret Astor Chandler, a great-great-granddaughter of the first John Jacob Astor, has started a dairy near Tarrytown, the home of Miss Helen Gould, and will conduct it In accord with the latest Ideas of the board of health. As her Income is nlready $30,000 a year. It is evident that it is occupation and not money that she seeks. Honesty cannot be bought or sold; It Is not a marketable commodity. Over the woman from afar the devil pours honey. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. 1409 Highland avenue, four room flat; $10 per month; city water. Apply Corbetts, 1025 Main St. Mrs. MeTPenn or 25000 Michigan avenue is reported sick this week, caused by overwork in removal of resi dence from 1702 Howard street. Mrs. Wade B. Smith after a long illness was down town the other day to visit the doctor. Mrs. Smith ia now living at 501 Highland avenue. Mrs. Eliza Jordan of this city died of consumption and was buried last Sunday. She loaves one son, Theo dore, a contractor, to mourn her loss. When you want the best news con cerning tho Negro, place your name on the subscription Hst of the "Son" and thus have It delivered to your door. Possibly the Case. "They say that Snooks has been earning $100,000 a year, and yet he ac cepts a government job at $8,000." "Well?" "How do you account for It?" "I don't know. Perhaps the hundred thousand was mostly In stage money." In the Beginning. Adam hung his hat on the nail. "Oh, Adam," cried his frightened spouse, "there was such a miner lnnu. Ing man came and Insisted on kissing lime cam." With bifoer tears thev realized the office-seeker was abroad In the land. On to Him. "Yes," said the red-eyed clerk. I'm a little late this morning. The mid night oil, you know" "H'm!" interrupted his employer, "oil, eh? Well, the next time von paint the town I'd advise you to use water colors exclusively." The manager of the Rising Son feels very grateful for the many kind fa vors the white people have shown in the past and we will try to merit your confidence In the future as in the past. Rev. Lena Mnson preached her fare well sermon at Allen Chapel Sunday night. She has been very successful throughout her stay in the city. The members of Allen wished her a hap py return home. Mrs. Rose Partee of 181G Woodland avenue, Is on the sick list this week. Mr. John Lowe contemplates a trip to Omaha, Neb., soon, where he will Join his wife. The entertainment entitled "Juve nile Specialties" given at Arlington Hall, Sept. 22, 1905, for the benefit of St. Augustine Mission was a suc cess. The net proceeds being $105.10. All subscribers of the Son will please be ready to meet the demands of our collector next week as we need the money now due In order to con tinue business. A little now and then will aid us considerably. Mrs. J. M. Harris, wife of Rev Dr. .J. M. Harris pastor of Burn's chapel, Is attending the annual meeting of the W. H. M. S. of the M. E. church In Indianapolis, Ind. It Is said to be one of the largest gathering of women in the world. Mrs. Harris Is a delegate. This would be a better world if the men who have lived in ti had lived up to their obituaries. Many a person prepares for a rain day by appropriating his neighbor umbrella. Vacation. We save our coin for many a day, Collect a good-sized hoard, Then go and spend It In a way We know we can't afford. What Rojestvensky Escaped. Pittsburg has sent Admiral Tniro box of stOKlcs. After all. Uoiestvenskv may have known what he was about when he consented to get licked. One Doubt Remains. Tho only doubt that occurs to us in regard to the new role of the Presi dent as peacemaker, Is how he Is going to keep from showing his teeth. NATIONAL PRINTING COMPANY Only Negro Printing Office In City. 205 Wales Bldg. Cor. Gth & Delaware Many of us, if e get coffee like mother used to make, would raise a Tough house like father used to make. ,' There Is no hope for a man who wastes his time arguing with women and babies. Is your Hfe unhappy? Think of the man whose wife makes vinegar pie for desert. OVIATT SHOE CO., 1105 MAIN STREET College Cut Shoe FOR Smart Dressers it One of a superior fall line from a superior maker: JOHN KELLY. This shoe adds the nec essary touch of dainti ness to your fall cos tume. Low or College cut button with seamless fly welted sole and custom trimmed. $3.50 THE Bostonians are filling a fall engage ment at 1105 Main St. They have brought the best styles from Bos ton to make this their "star" season here in Kansas City. The daily papers will from time to time have much to say about The Superior Styles The Superior Leathers The "Neierwet" Soles OVIATT SHOE CO., I05 MAIN STREET PIONEER TRUST COMPANY Dwlght Building 10th and Baltimore Avenue. KAN8A8 CITY, MO. Capital $287,500 ourP,u" IZW.SOU Transacts a General Trust and Banking Business. Pays 2 per cent on Checking Accounts. Allows 3 per cent on Saving Deposit. , Time Certificates Issued. Cares for Real Estate and Mortgage Investments. Now la the time to beglng Saving. Dont delay, $ 1.00 will start an account. OFFICERS': WALTON H. HOLMES, President. F. C. MILLER vice President. C. F. HOLMES vice President. CHAS. S. GLEED .. vice President. M. C. SCHWITZGEBEL 8ec.y ,nd Tre. BIRD H. McGARVEY At. Tre. E. L. 8CARRITT, Counselor. B. P. FINLEY, Attorney. C. A. BICKELL Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH AND SALT MEATS. VEGETABLES AND NOTIONS. 581 TROOST AVE. Especially Caters to the Colored People. Small expenses. Will moot Miy pi ires in my line. SHE WAS NO GENTLEMAN. She Admitted it and They all Warbled. Last Sunday a sight-seeing party from Buchanan county, Missouri, was returning from a trip over the Moffat road. To prove to their friends In Denver that they had been above timber line a number of the party brought buckets and sacks of snow back with them. The usual snowball ing fun on the train was indulged in. Dy a misdirected shot a snowball struck a fat man from Denver square In the face. The fat man got hot despite the cold surroundings. He stood up and exclaimed: "Who ever threw that snowball is no gentleman!" "I'll admit I am no gentleman," re plied a rosy-cheeked hello of the crowd, with a devilish twinkle in ber eye, "but how did you guess It?" And just to be roguish she let fly another handful of snow at the fat man and struck the conductor In the ear. Then tho Jolly party sang four teen verses of "I feel like I feel like I feel," A. U. Mayfield, Denver News. Great Silay Family. The great family of Silay, a city of 14,500 inhabitants In tho Philippine Island of Negros, is that of Ming They are Chinese mestizos, partiarchal and vastly rich, tho great house shel tering the sons and their families, more than forty adults, with droves of children. Tho eldest son has Just completed his second term as governor of the Inland. Tho head of the fam ily Is the mother of his excellency. Senora Ming Lee, who is 80 years old, C feet tall and probably weighs 250 pounds. She Is an Inveterate gam bler and will remain for two days at the round game of I'anglngl, her mi'tils being served In a chair at her side. About the only resplto she takes from her favorlto game Is on Sunday morning, when she drives to church In her Manila built victorlu. Some Hot Stories. A crowd of fellows were sitting on the sidewalk in front of tho hotel when I took tho only vncnnt chair. AH were strangers to me and to one an other. Finally a dried up young fel low who traveled fur a whlto goods establishment said: "Well, sir, I see the mercury wns up to 11C at Phoenix yesterday." "Is that so?" replied the shoe drum mer. "Huh! 'taln't nothln' to speak of. I see it git so hot down in Mexico that, tho grease run offen the greas ers." Here a fellow broke In who had Just returned from Panama. "Aw, you fellows mako mo tlrfd. I been down to Panama, keepln' books for the cnnal superintendent. Ono Sunday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, when I had four nigger girls fannin' me with a fan hung on a tree, there was a rumble Inside the earth Just be neath me like somebody knocking on a door." "Did you find out what was knock ing?" asked the St. Joe representative. "Yes," replied the Panama man as ho shifted IiIh chair to spit. Into the gutter, "it. was tho devil knorkln' on Ileal." Kansas City Drovers Tele-grant. Is it true that every year, for the past ten years, more peiiplo have been killed in celebrating the Fourth of July than were killed in any one hat tie of tho revolution? Never mind. Detroit Free Tress: "Ia It true that you have senatorial aspirations?" asked the reporter over tho 'phono. "Yes," remarked the girl whose num ber had been called by mistake, "but I'm not sure that I can land him." Puck: Mr. Gotrox When I was your age, sir, I didn't have a dollar. Choliy Gotrox Well, dad, when I am your age I probably won't have a dollar! A man doesn't amount to much un less ho is able to prove It. Fame Is all well enough for thoso who can afford It. Skeltons in Trenches. A curious discovery has been made In the course of some excavations that hae been in progress in St. Martin do Hi; In France. The exravators tin enrthiil trenches in which lay skele tons whlrh were presumably those of the citizens who fell fighting there In defending tho town against tho Kng lish in 1C27. Among the skeletons was found a spherical Iron bomb con taining a most black powder, which was found to consist of about a third of nitre, a third of carbon, and a fifth of sulphur, the remainder being iron oxide derived from tho rusting of the Iron hhell. The Bear Dance. Little Hobble Pa, I want, to see another bejar dance, like tho one that come along the street last week. Pupa I don't know where to find It. son, hut you run In and tell mam ma that wo will go down to tho comic opera tonight and see the big ballet. Kansas City Drovers Telegram. Professional Jolliers have many fe male friends. THE BEST PIANO AND ORGAN BARGAINS AT HOFFMAN'S SPLENDID SQUARE PIANOS 920 to 50 SLIGHTLY USED UPRIGHT " PI A NOS 988 to 9128 FINE CHAPEL AND PARLOR ORG A NG 915 to 91 25 fsuTHoffman MUSIC COMPANY tT ST.KAMS S. M. CHANDLER'S First Class Artist In Barbar Shop. Pool Table BARBER SHOP and RESTAURANT Popular Prices, Work Guaranteed Best Meal In the City for 10 and 15 cents 112-114 E. 6th Street. KANSAS CITY, MO. J.A i A riEFORB Our Croat Special' Complete WORTH FIVE DOLLARS. ONLVCfnn BEAUTY OUTFIT 1 "Ozono" THE. SWEET-SCENTED KINO OF HAIR TONICS MOST RAPID HAIR-GROWER IN EXISTENCE HARMLESS-RELIABLE-SUPREME READ! READ! TO THE Colored People OK Tin: WUHl.ti AFTER iiln-tetliiK .lit lllll'lHll'H l I'OSITIVFI T tttrnftfltttMiH, i. nirthpn nn.l tH-mit IHon Oiff ni"Ht nli! i nnt n, t i on bit time, 1 i t h.'Ioi . on I v . lii'' liAlr. It newr latin ti Minihltii mot run ( ntioluirl y 1 1 ft 1 IIm tn 'l'Olhllf MM Inillilllllt Hill I" Ml It'lM VI..M lit of mlt, tllir, illiliit, "Ilk V, l'lir, ! INK lot II . ii'ty J.PI-..H w I H" OtHHI I- crl.tin litm HI k . tim I. Ui i ii ii it 111.41k i.i.iinhi luut, . Hi'tnt Mini lniii(lniil thnt It run htt n-lly iln'-rf.l hi inn 'if ii ImiT Ntyhv It vnm v tht hair lo trtuw nl My i'ii thin t-lnl'K Htllt till I iM 111 M)ioI. I IfftilHI In H "f(ltn' t'HU- I l ilmi'liutr, win if. Itrh, Ii-IUt ami nil II--hm- of tlx f"-il It turn- ifinv, fnli-l mid tl r ("ill n JM. idiMt til tn. It niiiiMt f mi to h-Mrii.n. NiiuM itl ail ml U'RiitlU tlit'lmir. uroii'itN ultl vrlv tfiiiiiimli 4 t trite .fr fe t witl-f m'tlmi o nil ho wv II It i R,iiii..fc full. Tlioii-nml of i1rlltrlttl rHloiui'i M'Httrit'.l nil lUfl tin oi l tin III III vlllK t lint irolio I- 1 1 tie tn nil ItiMt U iNlmcil tor It I iRono 1. Liiiu ..f nil Imii tnli 1 lo I'llif of t lyoim t ftth m liol. It Ink t'M I "ill tioti'H t tllilrl' tin' tf.'ntttirlit St hoi Irnfit Ati iiwM No ilitwn wllli tirrw himI mt. third nli"l"t-l "'i I .!. tin lull . mnkhir It n Nutnm it to i. long. oft. trnfiftht nntl bmiutiful. on pruvimi (Min., iiriaMmi ml lirlttl' linii . CUT OUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT "" ' 1, ai'l lniim l In It'll u t - i -. i-ipl ! i itini III ncii-I Ii. -m (ho timt't-r v lt'i "! iiihv It ti lour In i v ! t i iron.., a i tli fn' Ii . m 9-' ml. will iil-o -iiul til umi myi iini'biti'nof oi- ( u'ioilni vuk " m III HI , W ! Ill !! , IK N Ho lr.frff I t lll yi'ltlt f lOI Ml MM I f"l Hill I'l It'll w ill nlii lit.-loili n i nkH 't I'm It H- nli p, woith f-. 'I M .. H MliHoliili'l i Mlit mnl uiinl'iltiTt.'t ninl I iiimiIi i'k'InII v fo iic tut 1 m tin ninn hit I r mnl m'hI It l-1 in llii-t h-hI' .filti ii i-i.ini In ml-in i n ttt tl Im.m LTM Nt olt.T u will - I to i I HUrl Mr HhlS llr ll II. Ml Ml III I r IT, -ti-t-t nir "f In 1 1. Jin of lii-tHiitoiiw Ma-mm- iiom, fki ImhIIv wot Hi 91 'I hit tiilill Hi'.iii ill Ion Will 1 1 NS 1 II K lUllkrr HhlS nitni'lhthlv H'"ti n( hi it ii ii II H Klnipli rnMrtxl writ Into thi klM, till ..( I o n hihIii n In tin .iti.'tit- mnl Ihi-n i hMh-I oil It loii 1 1'- .ir in o1h, In Inirlnir with It nil tin ! t1. ilm k in mu i'ii I Ion toili-lniM", Mono inn the .Inrlt li'Miiiiit n nt I'oslti rlv itmkhiR f li thin nim-h Ii'hl.i f n n ft w liilinili'H I'-nt mwrillin! to .hi r'lh In, It H I I.I. HUM. II I hS I f 111 Ml. At hi-M hhh fioin tin ri' t" Hi him. If, r hi thirinri. wt will nlo m hi. It- it In i kh hrt juror our ! Ii-rli h nl Sh in I I, worth H, Mrh futi'i nil kin ill -t-n -i-, h-hmm m i likl-, Mifirn, ' I lit I fr. tun. fii'iklH nii'l nil fiii'lii I ImiH'i li'i 1 1 It tun kM II hi lin.k i oiinie mnl t hi- i "UiiMT look VKiltiETfi . mil lifll v, ! nvi our llhiinllt v. ivi' ill Iti- Iii.lo it ini-l,Mir pliil I f Anil i ior, Uni t l Wt... whh'h iiMion ih nil muHI nn ntloi" ti-.ui hi I mii Im.iI i , km. h ti-t-l, mum .t, vliv AImi cuif Foil. ihroHt KoMi month. I i.iftl li-i-l, -hlll l.iln, ti -1 l n no tni ii run- lor nil winh tioiihlfH. REMEMBER ' I' 1 IMl r UrM IHNr It I'lll l'H I MINH it Uhl'' In nil n. tun Mi woith f will Vi ft l lil'llll V llr I rill M IIM 91. Tin- mI IIst lim.llo 1 r 1 1 1 . . -1 . . IIOMsl IJnilliH, rii-ti'l iii-HK v t- n-tl'ttTi'd h id i or hv uuvvv oltli-r uhtuiliHhh t ttiiy ohlottln ur i'iii'H nllhi. W iil YOUR loiiin' nnl nl-liiKN .litil .mnl nd'hcnn, BOSTON CHEMICAL GO. II Gavenor M.' RICHMOND, VA. Our Great Special Offers J. C. WAGNER Dealer in STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES, f RtSH AND SAIT MEATS AND VtOtTABLES. EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE. Spring; Chickens at 12 cents per pound. Come and sec me or phone your order. BELL 'PHONE 132 CABT. 1819 HOWARD STREET. mi