Newspaper Page Text
jf ycrjr A mltllnnnlr .it In Ms wlttrlv Ami nirtiir.l xlih pctirll n ml rind: Tl.i' mil itn'i ' i"tnxl mit nn liln fui i-lir-nd-A .ne lb it .im tnuililtiK a nil ami. Ho rli.Trc. it tip nn los a f w H'"mi, lti nlt nf n tiilli'iito siiui'i-70. Fiil'ti n 'i'il sunn' i'u 1 1 l I ! tit loin Alnl lt.-8 of Uil i-i'lnl Nlil fi'rit. Tb'n s-ntly l:o lrnk In W f.'imlly 'I I I' iiwful m il ti iill li' in w.-i Tli-y l;:nl tn utiip !m"lilim tln lr nuto, No Imnft-r h .Miclit i i'ulil tin y use. Tliry ns tln-y rnillr.i-il mln, Tlip il'iyn 'f Hu ll rii lii s wimp Rone; Ho .inly iui.l Ml nf tils fiitttitm '1 liv Bum In' hsiil nll laxrK upon. AfTO Ttie SOOLUUeNT OUT (Oniy light, lSUfi, by S'uMcnly nil ns still. A ghatTy wlrti'Mi-tiS settled over the t!iln, yearning fare on I ho pillow, iui.l peace look the place of pain. Tli. rn.l of a lifo of uuijugal mis mating lul l como at last. "fan vim i:ot forgive me ,'! the wrong you havo suffered nt my hands before vim go?" In' hail asked. She hal remained Mlenf. with averted 'cs ntnl n faint llusu over spreading the wan features. The minister hail Joined the father nn.l son t tin; bedside a short time lii-fon. nnd was watching the passage of his parishioner to the world be yond. It Is your duly. Mrs. Marshall." ho had said. -It Is a dreadful thins to po Into the other world with unfor glvenoss In your heart. It la so easy to speak that now. nnd afterward so Impossible. The ronsiiiiienccs to both of you are terrible. " He had said no more, hut waited. They nil waited. At last she spoko. "If you have ever wronged me, Henry." sin- said. "I forgive you. aa I hope to he forgiven." -if I have ever wronged yon." he eehoeil. "I certainly have, and It Is so noble of you to say those words." "Hut I have need to ho forgiven also," she hald said. "You will not refuse?" "Tin-re Is nothing to forgive, Mary," he had said. "Hut If there were any thing for tno to forgive In you, It la given freely. I am only sorry It Is said now, at the elose of our lives tope! her. instead of at the beginning." The woman had caught her breath feebly, and nil was over. The physician had entered from the adjoining room nt that tnstnnt, snd he gazed at her a moment. "It Is all over." be said. "The soul has left the body." -Hi r soul h ft her body many years ago," said the husband, bending over her nnd plarlng his face In his hands, between the fingers of which the tears slowly trickled. When the undertaker arrived he was led away gently, and the sad ar rangements were poreeeded with. "What did they have to forgive each other for?" was the rurrent form of gosnip through the nelgbhorhood. No one knew. Neither had ever mentioned It to any "no lu the circle tn which they moved. In the funeral discourse the min ister talked very profoundly and feel ingly on the subject of forgiveness, hut he floundered In his remarks bo cause he did not know. "Father," said the young man, the evening of the day nfter they had re turned from the cemetery, "why did you nnd mother always treat each other so coldly?" "Herause there was no love be tween r.s" "Hut why. Was It nlw.iys 60?" "Always." "Won't you tell me why?" "U-t's take a walk down the road and I will see if I can." They all waited. "Certainly, i.iiiur u not speak If It is anything against her." "It Is nothing against her." "I am so glad, becanso you know how dearly I loved her, and how 1 re vere her memory." "The trouble began from tho very beginning of our married life In fact, before our marriage." They had v nlked till they reached the edge of a little wood by this time, the cool breezo from which came out with insisiert r'ifshment to their heated brows and faces flush ed from the tears which had coursed over them from their streaming eyes. "I had presumed to think that i lVilly Stoiy Pub. Co.) might make your mother my wife, but had little prospect of Riiecess. Sev eral other sought her hand. The only difference was, maybe, that I was the most persistent of the lot. A young man came Into the neighborhood from Chicago. He was a summer boarder at a neighboring farm house. His rnme was Hubbard Sidney Hubbard. He met your mother, and she fell In love with him at once. None of us had any chanco then. Practically, we all gave It up. Hut one evening, toward the close of the season, I was passing tho house where he boarded "I had killed him.' nnd was astonished to see lilm In earnest talk with a girl whom I had never seen before. They were stand ing at tho open window, ami he had nn arm around her. I watched them a moment, nnd then turned to go nway. I had gone toward the house of your mother's family, with the In tention of telling my story, when I met your mother and brought her at once to Iho plnco where I had stood. Wo heard him use endearing terms to her, saw him kiss her. and then heard him promise to go with her at once. I took your mother home and left her nlniost completely prostrated. She did not say a word of what she had Kern to any one. She was very proud nnd high spirited. Tho young man and young woman disappeared that night; nnd, as soon ns your mother had recovered sufllcientiy, I renewed my Full, and she accepted me, on con dition that I should take her away from tho neighborhood. We did not wait to get married, but left at once, and were married at tho first place whero we stopped. "Your mother never returned to the old place, her family having removed also a short time afterward. They had lived there but a short time and had no Intimates, so none of them ever heard from the neighborhood again, 1 went out there to settle up some of my affairs, and heard that Hubbard Had been there, learned the story, and inquired my address. A few weeks afterward, I went out during tho late aftertioon, for a walk, as we are doing now, and met him right here. He licensed me of treachery to him, and said that tho lady whom we had seen him In company with was his sister, who had come after hlni to aid her In untangling sonio property matter, which p-quired their Immediate atten tion. He made Borne slighting remark to me. saying he was going to the house to see your mother, with whom lie would have nn explanation, wind ing up with the remark that I had de frauded hi in of her, and he would have her yet. Ono word led to another and finally he struck me. I returned the blow with interest, and he fell, striking that rock there," pointing to a large rock by the road -tide, "after which he never stirred. I had lulled him, but had not Intended to do so. I dug a grave over there," pointing to a mound so slight as not to be notice able, "and hurled him." "Did mother ever know?" "No, my boy." "Did any one else?" "No." '"Hut that Is why you and mother were always estrauged from each other?" "Yes." "Oh, well, cheer up, father. It was not so bad the killing, I mean. You did the only thing yon could do. Tho estrangement was terrible. It might have bees better if you bad told mother." "It would not under the circum stances." "Well, don't dwell on It now. We will co home now, and nuke the beat of It, clear old father." "nut 1 am not your father." "You are not my father? Then who Is?" "The man sleeping under that mound there." And the elderly man walked deliber ately Into the dark wood, leaving the younger one sitting on the rock where his father .rid breathed hla last. GAVE SAILOR COIN; QET8 $8,000. Girl Will Cash Bond en Bank of Por tugal for That Amount. KlRht thousand dollars' reward for nn off-hand kindness conferred four years ago on a destitute and partially sick sailor In Uncle Sam's navy Is the Christmas present that pretty Annie Josephine Saucier, a shop girl and former mill hand of the city of Lewis ton, Mass., Is to receive soon, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. The day of fairyland wonders Is not past, so the iwlston girl thinks, for to-day she Is the practical posses sor of nearly $8,000 that is to come to her on account of tho almple giving of a 20-cent piece at Newport, R. I., to a strange man wearing the uniform of the United States navy. At the moment that she granted the strange request of the sailor he passed to her a small scrfptlike piece of pa per, saying: "Keep this for your kind ness. Some day you will find that you have lost nothing by the favor you have done me." Cnrrled In her pocketbook and laid about her home among many of the most worthless trifles that might easily have been thrown away, this scriptlike keepsako has now brought a fortune to this poor shop girl of Lewlston. The piece of script that the young girl carried with dress samples, cards and small odd3 and ends that fill the pocketbooks or reticules 'of young Indies has proved to he a bond of the Hank of Portugal, calling for payment to the holder of $3,000 in the year 1900 with Interest nt 5 per cent., compound ed annually, and as the note matures this month the sura total she will re ceive from the bank shortly will be very nearly $3,000. For Editor's Benefit. "Mark Twain," at the dinner In honor of his seventieth birthday, ad vised a young novelist not to shun Judicious self-advertisement. "On one of my first visits to New York," he said, "I was taken on a sisht-seelng tour by a successful Joke writer. I learned during this tour something about the way to succeed. "As we rode down Hroadway on a car my friend suddenly looked up from the comic paper he was reading, gave a hearty laugh and then read aloud to me a joke. "'Isn't that great? he cried. "Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha'. Isn't that the fun niest Joke ho, ho, ho! you ever heard?' "Just then we rose to get off. When we reached the sidewalk I said to my friend: " 'You showed me that joke before, you know. It is one of your own, Isn't It?' "He smiled at my puzzled face and answered: " 'Yes. But you didn't notice the man who sat opposite us, did you? He Is the editor who buys most of my stuff and he doesn't know nie person ally. See?'" Maimed Birds Did Well. "Maimed birds show remarkable in telligence In getting food for them selves." said a naturalist. "I once found in my garden a blue bird that a stone had wounded badly. The poor little creature could neither walk nor fly. I put It In a cucumber frame and fed It regularly, but I sup pose I didn't give it enough, for It foraged industriously all the time. Lying on the earth, It would cover it self with leaves only its small eyes would bo visible. Then, when a fly alighted somewhere near swoop, the bluebird's head and neck would dart from the covering of leaves and the fly would be devoured. "A finch with a broken wing lived high all one summer In my garden at the expense of the spiders. It pillaged their webs. It made a round of some twenty webs a day and fattened on the contents of those filmy larders Not Darkest Before Dawn. The Idea that tho darkest hour Is just before dawn is poetical hut in correct. Tho darkest hour is mid way between sunset nnd dawn, and the legend Is of a piece with the statement often mado that the hour preceding dawn Is the coldest. In many countries there is a fixed belief that just before the break of day there conies nn ebb when nature crows cold and pulseless and life flut terlng In tho breast of the dying man finally expires. According to seienco such dissohi tlon should occur between three and four o'clock, Investigation extending over a period of several years having proved that the temperature Is lowest then. Montreal Herald. The Next Ice Age. Sir Robert Hall, professor of astron omy at Cambridge, Kngland. says that 80,000 years ago the track of the earth was oval. In the terrible Journey away from the sun to the far end of the ellipse the hemisphere turned away from the source of light, and kent accumulating more ice and snow The brief summers failed to melt It, and so the great Ice cap was formed and Its duration we now call the Ice Age. "We are a long way from the last Ice Age," Sir Robert added, "and It U eualiy certain that another Ice Age will come on the earth, but It rr.iy be ome satisfaction to us to know that we need not expect It foi more than 200,000 years. MERRY LITTLE QUIPS UMOROUS HAPPENINGS CON CENSED INTO BREVITIES. Where the Neck Joke Originated Boy Wanted Compensation After All Hit Trouble Timid Suitor In Very Hot Water. In Chicago. They were near a dark alley, both with revolvers drawn. Just ready to give the warning money or your life!" they recognized each other. 'Hello, Is that you?" asked one. "I Jldn't recognize you." "Beg pardon," said the other, "I was Just about to hold you up, too. No offense." "Met any live ones?" "A cop, and I worked the pocket- book game on one gjy." Indlanap- lis Star. Neck Joke Origin. :w .4. Gentleman Monk They say woman ivants to be loved. Lady Giraffe Yes, but I always get It In the neck. Lazy Philosophy. Mrs. Ascum Doesn't that lazy hus band of yours work for you at all? Mrs. Jackson 'Deed, ma'am, he say he ain't gwlno ter, kase he's a-tryln' to lib up to the bible teachln'. Mrs. Ascum What bible teaching? Mrs. Jackson He say de bible done tell us dat "Contentment am bettalt Jan great riches," so he des nacher'ly bound ter be contented. Philadelphia Press. Not the Millennium. "Here!" shouted the depot official, what do you mean by throwing ihose trunks around like that?" The baggageman gasped In aston ishment and several travelers pinched themselves to make sure that It was real. Then the official spoke again to the baggageman. "Don't you see that you're making big dents in this concrete platform!" Smart Set. Making It Worse. Suitor (timidly) I I wish to to marry your daughter, sir. Pater (angrily) What's that, sir. Where's my cane? Suitor (hastily) Oh, sir I didn't mean that I don't want to marry her Pater (furiously) Don't, eh? Where's my gun? Cleveland Leader. Full Strength of Ice. 'That Ice cream freezer you sold me," complained the Irate customer, "Is a fraud. It doesn't do the work you claim for It at all." "No?" replied the new salesman 'Perhaps you er didn't use the best quality of Ice. It's very Important to have the Ice very cold, you know." Doubled Up. "I understand, professor, that you have thirty-five boys at your school this year," said Mr. Naybor. "Ordinarily, ye.s," replied Prof, Bright, "but last Wednesday they were doubled." "Indeed? How was that?" "They broke Into my hothouse and ate a lot of green cucumbers." Hard Work. Bvstander Vou shouldn't hit htui when he's down. Uoy on Top Say, mister, if you knew all the trouble I had to get him down you wouldn't talk like dat. No Tin. "Your card asks your customers to report to the cnshlcr If dlssatlsneu. said the cranky diner, "and I want to say that I don't like the way that waiter served me." "How odd," replied the caahler. "He was Just telling me he didn't like the way you berved him." The Solitaire. Tess litooklelgh proposed to her, didn't he? Jess Yes, but she sized him up for a counterfeit. Teas How was thatt Jess -Why. he didn't hart the prop r rtnt- about hlm- Dyeravllle Doings. Lady Qrimmel hat a rery Ick borse. Jane Hunter commenced working for Mrs. A. Focll Wednesday. Mrs. Kllmartln was seen at our depot recently. Paul Duster has finished working (or Matt Pfulfer and ia now resting up or spring. Air. and Mrs. Frank Bumper went Eo Dubuque Friday. Dyeravllle (la.) .'omuierclal. Be Genteel. 'Now the vested Interests." began (Mr. Nurltch. "Oh, don't talk that way, pa," re monstrated Mrs. Nurltch. "Vested In terests sounds so vulgar. Say waist- coated Interests." No Change. 'A college professor says that twen ty years from now women will be rul ing the world." I don't doubt it I see no immedi ate prospects for man gaining the supremacy." TawUI KtnolA VllnAW .ImUI,. ft - AIM I. " - .uniHiiv uu KIKir 11 CkI quality all the time. Your dealer or wis' Factory, Pooria, 11L Bread-baklnK tins, made of aluml- Pum, and In the use of which the us al "greasing" is quite unnecessary, are now being placed on the market. It is also claimed for these tins that the loaves and biscuit escape that burned smell Which often nccomnanlen them when made of the ordinary tins. There Is a sweeter side to both the orange and the peach, and this Is the side which Is farthest from the stem. The stem halt of the orange Is us ually not so sweet and Juicy as the other half, not because it receives less sunshine, but probably because the dulce gravitates to the lawer half. AVegetable Preparationfor As similating thcFoodandBegula ling the Stoinoctts and Dowels of Promotes Digestion-Cheerfu ness and Rest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine nor rlmcral. Not Xak c otic . fcyv tfOMO-SAKlTLPTTCiait Jtx .tmn A perfect Remedy forConsCpa- nun, ouui siuukKii.uiarriHJca Worms .Convulsiuns.Feverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Euiii mm au EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. TnCH&STBR REPEATING SHOTGUNS No matter how biff tho bird, no motto how hoomr Ito nlumaoo or owtft tto flight, you cao bring It to Winchaator Repeating bhotcun. 11 five tho beat reaults In field, fowl or trap shooting, and or sold within reach of everybody's pocfetbook. FREE; Stag mamtandaddrm (Dll FS'NQ MONEY TILL rjW,J'DR3. THOftHTO MIWOB Uncle John' Great Record. Uncle John Holder Is the longest bearded, longest haired and tallest human curiosity of the old Fort Ar huckle neighborhood. He smelled lots of Yankee powder while serving In the Confederate army; he took part in the very last battle lougnt on tne Rio Grande during the Civil War; he helped eat six dogs, thinking It was goat ment; he attended the Texas whiskey college, where he learned to drink all the whiskey he could get without getting drunk. Mr. Holder is a naturalist. He has a petrified rattlesnake, and one of his Cottonwood trees Is adorned with an eagle'a nest as big as a straw stack. Oklahoma State Capital. a nntnrlnua brlzand In Andalusia. named Vlvlllo, having relieved his countrymen of almost a million plas ters, has decided to reform, and will now live In ease, and respect the law. His laet feat was to stop at a farm house near Seville, pretending to be an officer In quest of Vlvlllo. He was well entertained, and then he compelled the farmer to give up about fifteen thousand dollars, which the latter had drawn from the bank on the previous day. Money has a mighty persuasive tongue, but a sadly deficient band, when It comes to delivering the goods. DIED SUDDENLY OP HEART DISEASE. How frequently dee a head line simi lar to the above greet us In the newfj papers. The ruth, ptiah and strenuous' ties of tho American people hft a strong, tendency to lend up to valvular and othnr affections of the hnart, attended by ir MKular action, palpitation, dltiiness,v smothered sensation and other distress Injr symptoms. xnr ran nf thn ttromlnent Inrrredlenta of wnicn lr. fierce s uuiuen laeaieai un covnry Is made are recommended by some of the leading writers on Materia Media for the cure of just such cases. Ueiden Seal root, for Instance, Is said by the Umitkd Nt atkb DiapcRSATonr, a stand ard authority, "to Impart tone and In creased power to the heart's action." Numerous other lending authorities rep resent Golden Heal as an unsurpassed tonic for tho muscular system in general, and as the heart is almoat wholly com posed of muscular tissue, It naturally follows that it must be greatly strength ened! by this superb, general tonic. But probably the most Important Ingredient of Goldim Medical Discovery, o far as Its marvelous cures of valvular and other affections of the heart are con cerned, Is Stono root, or Ctlitcmlci Can., Prof. Wm. Paine, author of Palne'a Kpltomy of Medicine, says of It: I. nut lone since, had patient who til so much oppressed with fulf dlnraae of the heart that his friend want obllgd to crrjr blm up-stsln. lia. however, ert.ilut.llr recovered under the Influence of Colllntonla (medicinal principle extracted from Stone root), and U now attndtn to hi butlneu. Heretofore phynkitn knew of no remedr for the retnoral of o cll-.tres-.lnr and no dan erous a mldr. With thrm it wm ll rue-.-work. nd It fearfully warned the elHIeted that dwath wan near at hand. Oul llnsontn umiuostlonably affords relief In urh casca. and In most Instance effects a Stone root Is also recommended by Dra. Tlale and Elliugwood, of Chicago, for valvular and other diseases of the heart. , The latter says: . "It is a heart tonic of direct and permanent Influence." "Goldon Medical Discovery," not only cures serious heart affections, but Is a most efllclent general tonic and Invlgor ator, strengthening the stomach, Invig orating the liver, regulating the bowels and curing catarrh! affections In ail part of the system. Dr. Plerce'a Pellets cure Constipation. For Infants and Children. aw mm mm L ine Kind you Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years baa; with looa-. atrona-. atralfht bootls- Raault aro what count. The always en a postal card for osr larf ttlmtirmUi Mfalor, ii Ad 1 IW w A J jjMUUiyjuniiini TWC NHTftlM sMPMfVb MV VOIM lf V WINCHESTtl MFEATIrle AIMS CO.. HEW HAVE If. COM. CURED-rPacSI Q3i 0 31- KASSA3 CITY, Mo. (mam ii or rict at 3t toun.j Duty on 8cotch Pipe. There Is a duty of $5.35 on Scotch pipe coming into Canada. This, of course, would be adequate protection to the Canadian concerns were con ditions affecting the manufacture of pipe equal In the two countries, but they are not Scotch pipe can be manufactured much cheaper than Ca nadian. Btat or Ono, Citt o Tolido, LUOA9 C'OUTT. ( Fraitk J. CJHsxsr makes oath that he la eenlne partuer of the firm of V. J. CulNsr o) Co., dulug buelneei In the c:tir of Toledo. CJoumy end Utaie foresaid, and thai eald firm will pjr the emit of ONK HCNIiKKD Dni.LAIi for eauh and every eaaenf C4TaK that cannot bs cured br Ibsuesof UaLL'S Ci.tA.nut Cubs. FRANK J. CHEK1T. Sworn to before me end uu.orllKsU lu air preaeuc. Ibli Sin day of Uecaialwr, A. !., luxe. l i A. W. OLE ASON, lifif N0T4 PcSLia. Hall's Catarrh Car Is taken Internally and arte dtn-cily on the blood and mucous surfacoe of tn system. Bend fur testimonial, tree. . F.J. CIISNBXCO.,Toloo,0. Bold by sll 7Jc. Take UaU'tFaiully I'lln for conitlpaUoa. George's Punishment. Quoth Mr. Washington, quoth he, Quoth Mr. Washington, quoth he, "You neither dine nor sup, Since you've cut down my cherry tree. Until you've cut It up." Could there be anything more brutal than a six-day bicycle race?" "Not without breaking the Sabbath. Maw Orleans Times-Democrat,