OCR Interpretation

The Rising son. [volume] (Kansas City, Mo.) 1896-19??, April 12, 1906, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025494/1906-04-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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. at K KlSLMt NY
LIVID WOODS Bnnnru Uauipv.
Published hrerj W.-ek
fire unntn.
vao noDtb . .
Itncll phU In adrancs
u iteoi.4 C'iiM Matur.
Ourreepondonts wanted lo evsry city
4 town io tlil stale. Write u.
All new matter Intended for put
Uoatlon nhou'.d reach our ofliee nut la
tor than Tuesday, of each week and
null be signed by tho w riter not for
publication, but a." guarantee of auth-ntieity.
)friCIi-Mo. 117 West 8litr.
Kansas City, Mo.
Advertising R.tea.
for tach, ona lnirtln t H
or on Inch, rn'h ulriiat Insertion JU
or two three month Ia4
Fur two Inclif , ! month 00
for t wo luel,c, nltio rounth 10 UO
Ter two Incbs twelve month it CD
ihe paid circulation
of Tun Rising Son
is more than double
the combined circu
lation of all the other
Kansas City Colored
weekly newspapers.
Tin' newly I
Ml. iv receiving
cti il mayor was limy
;t I j .1 io:i ti fur places.
A hum' Wiive nf political reform Is
sweepiuc over this country. Its
s-ci'pe includes all M-ctions.
A few month of rest ami tlio (i.
O. P. will l.e enllecl ujiiin to supply
timl.tr for the county and state of-
Cl tic
. I'll.
n.-t fall.
i 11 Fire Station is In a horriblo
itioti. The city would do well to
r rem. nl. 1 or l.uil.l a new station,
fin-men cannot remain healthy in
I place.
the i . I ic t f our rare. whom, merit
a. i t.il it. If In a manner that ran
! mhicIiciI for only hy those whoso
bodily af.'ln-Mc in reunited the nttcn
tic.ii of the profession. Tho result of
a in. thodiral . f fort en the pnit of tho
profcs.-ioti assisted hy tho press has
lueti cry satisfactory. Cures of
many cas. s. ft inai Uahle fir their com
plications, have heen effected hy our
Negro phvslrians and mo r'
to the credit of tho profession. Drs.
Holly. I nthaiik. l.ambiight nnd Shan
non were anions the first to evidence
to the public that the profession com
manded the same respect regardless
of color. Then came Irs. lllrch. Iib
hie, l'e t ry. Ramsey and several others
who are giving gone-nil satisfaction.
Then we have two Negro dentists,
l'r. Chapman and lr. Carrion, who
are eloiiig a gooel husiness and bullel
Imz up a largo clientage.
The Son Is very proud of our pro
fessional men and It Is with much
pleasure that now and then we give
them a line of praise.
For Cay Window Garden.
The peasants of Europe vie with one
another as to which will have the gay
est window gardens a little strife that
would had to good results In this
country. Put plants in every window
)oii can, train vines over them, hang
tip baskets filled with plants that are
tasy to cultivate, such as the aspara
gus fern or the tradrscanti.i. Brook
lyn Eagle.
TIT IS at 8
I I that this
-U-'l ly notict
such a time, just before Easter,
this Store's preparedness is peculiar-
noticeable and significant owing to the
vast stocks of Millinery, Costumes, Tailored
Suits, Wraps, Waists, Coats, Lingerie and Dress
Accessories, from the world's leading creators of
styles, all reflecting the authentic vogues charac
teristic of the Store's merchandise. Not only in
apparel for women, but in attire complete for
men and the younger generation, is the Store
ready with correct and distinctive clothing and
furnishings. Come either to look or to buy.
Nearly Akin.
Not hclnii aide to tin. I an appro
priate likeness of his satanlc majesty,
tin oid colored parson tore a picture
of n raring aittonioldle from a news
paper and held It before his congrega
tion. "It do same thins," he explained
"ills heah thing makes es much noise
cs old Nick, does es much damage on'
t hen lies a horn si li king out In front."
Struggle for Lucky Pins.
According to an ancient hit of Sus
sex folk lore, when a bride returns
home from church her single friends
at once roh her of all the pins In her
dress, under the Impression that ev
ery maiden who is lucky enough to
possess one will l.p married during
the course of a year.
The N. lson Crews Marc-hint; club
was unite a feature in th
paiun. The club has cpiite a mem
bership of men who nro known to be
loyal to the Republican party.
Rays of Radium Are Common.
Althoiiell It cannot le said that ra
dium is plentiful In nature it has been
discovered that the rays or Influence
which radium elves oil are common
everywhere. Very many of the most !
plentiful things and some of the most I
citv e.'llll- I " 1 euaieice.-i iiie hll.iwu ill uu I
radioactive. i
j From all tho golden hills of Dream,
I Dew-cool and rainbow kissed,
It twines nnd curls, n silver Btrennv
Through valleys hung with mist.
Down past enchanted woods to where
Komanco wnlks ever young.
Where kings ride forth to take the ulr
On steeds with velvet hung
Where secret stairways tempt the
Where pirate caves abound,
And many n chest of Spanish gold
May solemnly be found!
Through magic years It twines nnd
Past towers of peacock blue.
Where still some captured princess
And dreams come always true.
Then gleam by gleam the light goes
n-1 i t 1 I . . r 1... 1 y. P
1 i lien uai Kcueii, fci ici if t;i m,
It sighs into our Sea of Doubt
And manhood's unbelief!
Arthur Stringer.
The Son does not aL'lee with the
Plain Dealer on the She.t (inn idea in
the South. Thi-re are- more conser
vative ideas which mliiit be hrnimht
In play which would accomplish a
greater good.
Mr. Thiuiitis Marks, chairman of the
city central committee, who steered
the Republican ticked to a triumphant
microns has be-on highly commended.
The- office of chairman is an import
ant one, tho duties are manifold nnd
the position Is a trying one. When,
In face of all those difficulties, his
efforts are crowneel with success, he
is entitled to honor anil credit.
When Trees Explode.
Tho shaileiim: effects of lightning
upon trees may bo acceinnto.l for. In
some1 cleg no. by tl.e mi. I. Ion evolution
of he at and e y iuisein of case s in the
wood and tho vaporizing of the water
In the sap. A veritable explosion may
thus be caused.
When Mayor-elect lleardsley takes
the executive rhalr, tho office of
president of the Vpper House will be
rome vacant. It Is likely that the
vacancy will be filled by either Mr.
Hoffman or Mr. Havens. The selec
tion of either of these gentlemen will
create a vacancy In the Vpper House.
There has been some talk of giving
tho place thus mad' vacant, to Mr.
John F. Welde-rman. Mr. Woldorpe
would make an Ideal selection for tho
Must Be on the Move.
Not long ago It was common, nmong
all classes, to find a man living whore
his grandfather lived. Now. how many
do so. It Is ba'-ely respectable, It is
at least dreadfully olelfashloned, to
stop in one place tin years. Exchange.
If tho Republican party leadeTs of
Kansas City, Kansas, will take this
panes to make a wise selection for
the mayoralty candidate it is believed
that the people will support the tic
ked and return the Republicans to
power. So far as the joints are con-ce-rned
It would be far better to al-
low them to run wide open than to
have it said that the highest officials
are bribers of the) liquor trust.
Penalties of Riches.
Money is a mere medium of ex
change until you begin to want more
of It than you ne-ed. Thereafter In
every Increasing ratio the law of com
pensation exacts the payments and the
penalties of riches. John A. How land.
Why He Was Cheerful.
"No man." said Jerome K. Jerome
"shoulil marry unless he Is by nature
a 'good provider' unless without a
twinge ho can hand forth money right
and left.
"Some men can In n sunny, cheer
ful way. spend $10 or $13 on a dinner
in a fashionable restaurant, while
they become morose, sour nnd fear
ful for the future when they are
obliged to give their wives a dollar or
two for the days meat.
"These men should remain single.
Otherwise they will make such hus
bands nnd fathers us my old friend,
"Crust's daughter said one after
noon. In a tone of unutterable sur
prise: " 'Papa went away quiet gay and
cheerful this morning.'
"Mrs Crust made an exclamation of
" 'That reminds me,' she said. 'I
forgot to ask him for any money.' "
With Joy he views those lofty halls
Whose noble, grand, historic walls
Have sheltered famous men;
And thinks how he'll the nation teach,
Vud soon with some magnetic speech
Awake those walls again.
He knows the folks at home await
His views upon concerns of state
With Ill-concealed restraint;
nut he'll not keep them waiting long,
And when he does burst forth In song,
What pictures he will palntl
He sees himself another Clay!
To seek the thickest of the fray
He earnestly doth yearn;
And If he's good, the lending chaps
Will let him make, some day, perhaps,
A motion to adjourn.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Switzerland's exports of machinery
nnd Implements In 1904 nre valued at
about $9,500,000. Electrical machin
ery nnd machines used for weaving,
knitting nnd embroidery were the
principal items. As this little country
has no iron or coal, but must import
these heavy materials by railroads,
the exportation of machinery speaks
well for its industrial skill.
DEPARTMENTS: Theological,
State Industrial. .
College, Normal, Sub-Normal and
C0UR8ES: Classical, College, Preparatory, Normal, Sub-Normal, Mu
slcal (Instrumental and Volcal), Including piano, organ and har
mony, Drawing (Fine Artt and Mechanical), Carpentry, Printing
and Book Binding, Business Course, Stenography and Typewrit
ing, Tailoring, Dressmaking and Plain Sewing, Cooking, Laun
dering, Farming and Gardening.
ADVANTAGES: Slpendld Location, Healthful Climate, Good Influ
ences and Thorough Teachers.
For terms, prices and all Inducements offered write
Phones: Office Bell "White" 4302. Residence Bell "West 16.
David T. Beals, President.
Edwin W. Zea, Cashier.
F. P. Neal, Vice President.
VV. H. Seeger, Second Vice President
Statement of the Condition of the
As made to the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of
business, April 6, 1906.
Loan and discount g ? 428 K72 07
U. M. Honda at par...600 000 00
Municipal bonds and
other high clnss
bonds at pnr 628 Ml 80 1 1'JH OH 80
Cash nnd bight exchange 4 lt4 78(1 IW
Total g!2 751 6:3 80
Capital Stock t 600 000 00
Norplim 4IU 0U0 110
Undivided proflU :V2 UU M
t uenrned Interest 8 674 00
Nmluunl bank Doles eutHtand
lllK BOO 0 0 00
DepoHtU 11 070 156 12
Totnl H2 751 BT.) 80
Dlrectoro L W. Whitehead, Kdwaril lleorne, I,. T. James, ('. J. Mchmelner, J. P. Mer
rill. O H. IH-nti, (Ji'o. W. Jouea, I,ee t'lrk, ceo. I). Kord. (i. V. I.ovejoy, Felix U. l.aKorve,
David T. Heals, Keruaudo V. Neal, Win H. Merger, Lilwln W. Zea.
Griggs Borely has got a Job at
last; he's working now In Hicks' liv
ery stable.
Briggs What doing?
Griggs Hicks has some horses that
won't take the bit, so Borely has to !
talk to them till they yawn. Boston
Among the clerks in the land office
in Washington Is Mrs. Anna Grldley,
80 years old, mother of the captain
to whom Dewey said at Manila: "You
may fire when ready." She Is also
the widow of a gallant naval officer
who was killed In the fight between
the Monitor and Merrlmac.
Business Man What do you want?
Applicant I came to inquire If you
were In want of an assistant.
Business Man Very sorry, I do all
the work myself.
Applicant Ah! that would Just
suit me. Tld Bits.
Human Needs.
"Man wants but little here below,"
mused the philosopher, "but If he's
thorough, he wants it right. If It's
a little bird, he wants it hot; and if
It's a little bottle he wants It cold."
Baltimore American.
Also, Elsewhere.
In England it Is not what you know
that is of Importance, but whom you
know; not what you are, but who you
are; not what you do for yourself,
but what others will do for you. Lon
don Truth.
Invented Electri Motor.
Although unknown as an Inventor
and almost blind and heavily weighted
with his 80 years, Wareham F. Chase
invented fifty years ago the first
electric motor, the model of which
is now in the Vermont State house.
The model will run today when an
electric current is applied, as it did
half a century ago, in his shop In
Montpelier, Vt.
Few cities In the West offer a
creator nnd more lucrative field for
the Negro physicians than Kansas
City. This fact, however, has become
apparent only recently. Ten or fif
teen years ago the colored people of
Kansas City wore somewhat indiffer
ent toward employing physicians of
their own race. At that time there
were not many Negro physicians in
Kansas City and our people had not
been properly informed as to tho abll
It y and cpiallficatlon of our Medical
fraternity. Tho fact that the Negro
physicians of today are ns well
schooled as are those of the white
race did not occur to our people. The
Negro press took the question In hand
and brought about conflelence and
shortlv afterwards this field was
sought by a number of physicians
Musical Jewelry.
Musical Jewelry Is not unknown. A
Milanese named Fassicomo Is said
to have given his wife a bracelet
which tinkled forth three different
Young Japanese Professor.
Yosaburo F. Suglta, of Tokio, has
been given the chair of language and
literature of Japan at the University
of Notre Dame. He is the son of a
wealthy Japanese coal merchant. He
Is 20 years old, speaks and writes
English fluently, Is a brilliant French
conversationalist and In bearing Is
studious and thoughtful.
Desecrate Italian Churches.
There Is considerable excitement In
Italy over the Increasing number of
thefts of works of art In e huri lies and
King is Great Linguist.
The king of Greece is the greatect
linguist among monarths. He reads
twelve languages and speaks most of
Railroads in Spain.
There are now twenty-seven stand
ard gauge and thirty-nine narrow
gauge railways In Spain.
Boot Blacking Machine.
A boot blacking machine has beea
Ielaho is larger than New York and
Maine combined and has Inland lakes
which cover an area of 510 square
miles. Its smallest county U ubout
the size of Rhode Island.
Perjury Like a Gentleman.
A Virginia man, shot in a quarrel,
agreed to swear that the shooting was
accidentia) if the shooter would sup
port the vleilm's family. He swore
and died, and the shooter was ac
quitted. As un example of committing
perjury like a gentleman this Is
unique. Philadelphia Ledger.
Practical Theology.
ine Japanese have thought It no
desecratlein of the Buddhist temples
to use them as prisons, on the prin
ciple that, Buddha having granted
the victory, the temporary gift of the
prisoners to his godhead is only appro
priate an eminently practical theo
logical view which Is very character
isticCountry Life.
No Fly.
A lady had been recommended by
a friend to try this cure for neural
gia: Put a buttl" of stout to warm
by the fire, an 1 wait until the cork
flies out. The lady did so, and it was
not until she hcid waited an hour and
a half that t-ho discovered It bad a
screw stopper. London Answers.
It is believed that a piece of wood
unearthed In excavating for the foun
dation of a big office building near the
lower end of Manhattan island must
have come from a tree which stood
where New York is now, before the
glacial period in North America.
The Season is Here
for Bock Beer
A 8trangler's Mistake.
Distinguished Stranger (in the
West) "That is a well-drilled squad
of soldiers,"
American General "Squad? Great
Scott, man! That's an army!"
There are indications that an im
portant oil field may be developed by
the application of modern methods of
petroleum production in the regions in
Persia and Turkey lying north and
northwest of the Persian gulf.
All the theatrical and amusement
announcements of Paris are posted on
pillar blllboasds that are placed at In
tervals along the boulevards. It Is
against the law to disfigure walls with
The Japanese cigarette has made
Its appearance in London. It consists
of half an Inch of broad strips of
chocolate-colored tobacco, to which is
attached a cardboard tube an inch
The Most Delicious
Of all is Made By
H El M
Dr. Prlnzlng of Berlin denies that
the number of bachelors and old maids
Is Increasing In Europe generally. He
says that marriage Is decreasing only
in Sweden, France and Ireland.
Jesse What grounds have you for
thinklnir that she loves him? Jack-
He's COO acres of the best coal land
In the country. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Prince Ixiuls of Battenberg Is a
printer, and the only one known to
have paid a dentist $1,000 for filling
four teeth.
V.i-timntolv the child doesn t rea
lize that he is the father to the man.
Wife, Sister or Friend
No matter she and the whole family will
"Just Love It," if it's JERSEY CREAM.
The substitution so often attempted may be
avoided by insisting on the Bread with the
Silver Tag
Made by Matthaei's Bakery
Ask them; ask anybody in good health
they all say the same 44 1 am for something
' good to eat."
QUAKER BREAD-the bread with the blue
Quaker tag. Observe the rigid rules of
cleanliness enforced at Matthaei's Bakery
and you will always ask for Matthaei's
bread. All Grocers.
Matthaei's Bakery
903-6 W, 17th, KantMS City, Mo.

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